GHCM This program is a fairly flexible system for producing hardcopy from a VT240 or VT125 ReGIS graphics terminal. It "reads back" the sixelized form of the graphic in a form suitable for printing on an LN03 or LA50 printer (note that LA100s, and LA200s don't have the correct aspect ratio). Usage: Define it as a foreign command, and specify parameter #1 as the input (Regis) file, parameter #2 as the (optional) sixel output file. If parameter #2 is not defined, AND the /SELECT option is specified, then a series of output files of the form .nn is produced. Command Qualifiers: /form adds a formfeed between graphs /trim (untested) takes away any left margin Parameter qualifiers: /select=(list) list of ordinal plot numbers to actually make a hardcopy of NOTE: Designed for Datatrieve graphs, where the whole graphic is defined between the "begin graph" and "end graph" escape sequences. EXAMPLE: $ ghcm /form regis.out/select=(2,4,6,16) regis.lis BUGS: You will find that it "doesn't work" if nonpaged pool is fragmented, giving the error message DATAOVERUN. Complain to the system manager, or reboot the VAX, or both. Your attempts to exit after this will fail, so type in ctrl-[ and \ several times in succession to exit the program.