.flags overstrike .keep .nast .nap .no headers .page size 58,73 .nopaging .left margin 5 .right margin 78 .spacing 1 .nofill .nojustify Educational Computing Martin Marietta Corp. .c;^&Key Definitions Cheat Sheet\& See SYS$SHARE:TPUINI.TPU for examples of key definitions. You can also use the CTRL/K command to define keys. The keys that are already defined by the operating system or EDT are shown in the table below, including definitions from Kalamazoo customizations, Martin Mariettas Computer Services and the standard TPUINI.TPU. Before re-defining any of them, find out what they do, to see if the function is one you can do without, or if some other sequence has the same effect. ^& Action CTRL/key + key + CTRL/key key\& A Insert/overstrike Autoindent/Noautoindent B Edit MSG buffer Edit a buffer C ABORT COMMAND Find column number ABORT COMMAND D Swap WORD defin. Insert date-time E End Learn_Begin Quick normal exit F Exit TPU HELP Write a buffer G Enlarge current window H HELP (This page) Insert (bs) I (spaces) Include a file (TEMP) Include a file (CUR) J K Start Learn_Begin Spawn DCL subprocess Spawn MAIL subprocess L Find line by number M Edit MAIN buffer Single-window (main) N Back 1 Paragr. Narrow Screen Dual-window O Output to file P Advance 1 Para. Find Page bottom(FF) Q STOP OUTPUT QUIT STOP OUTPUT R Restore Position Swap adjacent chars. Ruler/Noruler S START OUTPUT Show Buffer Info. START OUTPUT T Indent Section Edit (TEMP) buffer U Delete to beg line V Mark position Insert W Repaint screen Wide Screen Write a buffer X Abort error msg. Y ABORT ABORT Z EDT Line mode Normal EXIT DEL Erase a buffer F10 EDT Line mode F17 Spawn DCL subprocess F11 Forward/Reverse F18 Single-window (main) F13 Ruler/Noruler F19 Dual-window F14 Insert/Overstrike F20 Spawn MAIL subprocess Help Keypad HELP Do TPU Command Mode .b-2 Richard D. Piccard Rev. 12/01/85 Donald L. Stapleton Rev. 10/16/86