! ! TPUINI.TPU by DL Stapleton ! ! from: ! Martin Marietta Aerospace (Canaveral Operations) ! Supplement to Kalamazoo College SYS$LIBRARY:TPUINI.TPU ! PROCEDURE MMC$comp_main ! routine to compile main_buffer ! !+ ON_ERROR message ('***Error processing Compile/Save function!!!'); RETURN 0; ENDON_ERROR; MMC$msg_buf; edt$reset; set (informational,on); compile (main_buffer); !+ ! This is the code to be executed when the section is being built !- MMC$define_keys; ! bind keys !+ ! Relinguish memory taken up (unnecessarily) by the MMC$define_keys procedure. !- compile ('procedure MMC$define_keys endprocedure'); set (informational,off); ENDPROCEDURE !+ PROCEDURE MMC$get_port ! routine to display terminal user is on ! !- LOCAL port_id; ON_ERROR message ('***Error processing CALL_USER function!!!'); RETURN 0; ENDON_ERROR; port_id := call_user(0,""); port_id := "TPU" + port_id; message (port_id); ENDPROCEDURE ! ! THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO INSERT THE FILE 'INITPU.TPU' TO INACT THE ! CONVERT/UNCONVERT PROCEDURES. ! ! To change the size of the first indentation with the key, modify ! the 4 in the first line below to your preferred value. We suggest 8 ! for FORTRAN programmers and 2 or 3 for PASCAL programmers. ! edt$x_tab_size := 4; edt$x_tab_goal := edt$x_tab_size; edt$x_tab_set := 1; ! ! To change the width of the text, modify the 132 in the first line ! below to your preferred value. We suggest 60 for theses, 72 for ! FORTRAN programmers, and 78 for PASCAL programmers. ! edt$x_wrap_position := 132; define_key('edt$wrap_word',key_name(' '),"return"); ! ! The following command should be activated by deleting the initial ! exclamation point if you want to customize for FORTRAN, PASCAL, or ! DCL programming. It changes the definition of word boundaries to ! include algebraic punctuation and it activates autoindentation on ! carriage return to match the previous line. ! ! This is now the default, if you wish to change the word boundaries ! for text applications and remove autoindentation on carriage return ! delete the initial exclamation point. ! !MMC$swap_delim; ! ! The following command should be activated by deleting the initial ! exclamation point if you want to customize for TEXT PROCESSING. ! It changes the definition of word boundaries to not include algebraic ! punctuation w/o changing the autoindent feature. ! !MMC$swap_word; ! ! The following command changes the PF2 key from help to delete to EOL. ! define_key('edt$delete_to_eol',pf2, "(PF2) Delete to end-of-line."); ! ! The following command will compile and save the main buffer. ! define_key ('MMC$comp_main',key_name(F20,shift_key), "(PF1 + F20) Compile and Save the MAIN buffer."); ! define_key ('set (text,current_window,graphic_tabs)',ctrl_g_key, "(CTRL/G) Set TEXT to graphic tabs."); ! define_key ('SPAWN ("@sys$com:TPUSPAWN")',key_name(F17,shift_key), "(PF1 + F17) Spawn DCL subprocess"); ! define_key ('ATTACH',F17,"(F17) Attach to PARENT process"); !