.c;APLTPU, EDTEM .s Here are 2 TPU editing interfaces. EDTEM is a heavily modified version of DECs EDTEM. Since previous DECUS submissions included a modified version of the EVE interface and a number of submissions include code cribbed from both the EVESECINI.TPU and EDTSECINI.TPU files, it assumed that these submissions will be OK. .s The EDTSECINI.TPU file corrects many errors in the original DEC version, and adds many of the features that were left out. In addition some extenstions to the EDT line mode commands allow the user to customize the video attributes of various features. Line mode prompting may be enabled to help the user with the various features. .s APLTPU is designed to layer on top of EDTEM (either my version or DECs). It supports: .list 0 .le;multiple windows .le;Source code error location (for those who can not afford language sensative editor) .le;Box cut/paste in either overlay or insert mode. This is an extension of the original feature and fixes many bugs in the original. .els 1 The help/document files are located in [Clement.HLP].