.set paragraph 0 .qa APLTPU The Extended EDT Emulator provides additional functions to the DEC EDT Emulator for VAXTPU. This simulates the keypad and a selection of line mode commands of EDT. Unlike EDTEM WRAP is initially set at the current page width-1 and GOLD KP7 will put you into EDT command mode. .qb commands__line__mode Only a subset of normal EDT line mode commands are available. Optional syntax is enclosed in brackets [] and permissible abbreviations are underlined. Mutually exclusive options are separated by a vertical bar "|". .qc prompting If you use a question mark "?" in a command, you are prompted for the information required. If you use the question mark in reply to a prompt, you are given more information. .qc = .i5;=Buffer__name .s This sets the current window to the selected buffer. If the buffer does not exist it is created. .qc CHANGE .i5;^&C\&HANGE .s Shifts from line mode to keypad mode. Simply hitting the "Return" key without any commands will do the same thing. .qc CLEAR .i5;^&CL\&EAR buffer .s Clears and deletes the selected buffer. This command should be used with caution, because once cleared, it is gone forever. The permanent SYSTEM buffers HELP, MAIN, MESSAGE, PASTE, PROMPT, and SHOW are not deleted. .qc COPY .i5;^&CO\&PY from__range TO to__range .br;Copies text from one location to another. The result is a copy of the selected text in the new location. The original text is undisturbed. .s.list 0 '^*_*\*' .i-5;from__range .le;WHOLE - Selects the whole current buffer .le;BEFORE - Selects all text before the cursor position .le;REST - Selects all text after the cursor position .le;SELECT - Selects the text inside a select range .le;LINE - Selects the entire current line .le;=buffer - Selects the contents of another buffer .i-5;to__range .le;LINE - The begining of the current line .le;BEGIN - The beginning of the current buffer .le;END - The end of the current buffer .le;=buffer - Another buffer .le;If to__range is omitted LINE is assumed. .els 0 .qc DELETE .i5;^&D\&ELETE [range] .br;Deletes the selected range. If no range is specified, only the current line is deleted. .s.list 0 '^*_*\*' .i-5;range .le;WHOLE - Selects the whole current buffer .le;BEFORE - Selects all text before the cursor position .le;REST - Selects all text after the cursor position .le;SELECT - Selects the text inside a select range .le;LINE - Selects the entire current line .le;=buffer - Selects the entire contents of a buffer. .els 0 .qc EXIT .i5;^&E\&XIT [/SAVE] [file-spec] .s Ends the editing session saving the text in the MAIN__BUFFER. /SAVE tells EDTEM to save the journal file. .qc EDIT .i5;^&ED\&IT filename This writes all current files to disk, clears all current buffers, and deletes all temporary buffers. Then the filename is read into the MAIN buffer. This allows you to restart an editing session without exiting from APLTPU. .qc HELP .i5;^&H\&ELP [topic [subtopic...]] .s Provides help in keypad emulation and TPU build-ins. .qc INCLUDE .i5;^&I\&NCLUDE file-spec [=buffer [/WRITE]] .s Copies the specified file to the specified buffer at the current cursor position. If the buffer does not exist it is created. If no buffer is specified the current buffer is used. .s If /WRITE is specified after the buffer name then the buffer is automatically written back to disk when the editor is terminated with the EXIT command. .s /WRITE is not available in EDT. .qc MOVE .i5;^&M\&OVE from__range TO to__range .br;Moves text from one location to another. The result is a copy of the selected text in the new location. The original text is deleted. .s.list 0 '^*_*\*' .i-5;from__range .le;WHOLE - Selects the whole current buffer .le;BEFORE - Selects all text before the cursor position .le;REST - Selects all text after the cursor position .le;SELECT - Selects the text inside a select range .le;LINE - Selects the entire current line .le;=buffer - Selects the contents of another buffer .i-5;to__range .le;LINE - The begining of the current line .le;BEGIN - The beginning of the current buffer .le;END - The end of the current buffer .le;=buffer - Another buffer .le;If to__range is omitted LINE is assumed. .els 0 .qc QUIT .i5;^&Q\&UIT [/SAVE] .s Ends the editing session without saving a copy of your editing work. /SAVE tells EDTEM to save the journal file. .qc RESET .i5;^&R\&ESET .s This command resets the screen. It is the same as CTRL/R. This is very useful if you have accidentally redefined CTRL/R. .qc SET,SHOW .qd BUFFER .i5;^&SH\&OW ^&B\&UFFER .s Lists all buffers currently in use. (=) indicates the current buffer. .qd CURSOR .i5;^&SE\&T ^&C\&URSOR top:bottom .i10;^&SH\&OW ^&C\&URSOR .s Controls the scrolling region. .list 0 '^*_*\*' .le;top - distance from top of screen to top of region. (0-21) .le;bottom - distance from bottom of screen to bottom of region. (0-21) .els 0 .qd PROMPT .i5;^&SE\&T ^&P\&ROMPT ^&ON\&|^&OF\&F .s This enables or disables automatic prompts. When enabled, line mode commands that require options, will prompt you for missing parameters. If you reply with ? you will be given a list of options. If you reply by hitting the "Return" key, the command is ignored. .qd SCREEN .i5;^&SE\&T ^&S\&CREEN width .i10;^&SH\&OW ^&S\&CREEN .s This sets the maximum number of characters displayed per line. (80,132) .qd SEARCH .lm+10; .i-5;^&SE\&T ^&SE\&ARCH [^&G\&ENERAL|^&E\&XACT] [^&B\&EGIN|^&E\&ND] [^&S\&TRING search__string] [^*N\*ONE|^*BO\*LD|^*BL\*INK|^*R\*EVERSE|^*U\*NDER] .br;GENERAL ignores case when searching .br;EXACT requires that the case match exactly .br;BEGIN or END determines the cursor position after a search .br;STRING search__string string defines a string to search for by hitting the find key. [NONE....UNDERLINE] outlines the string after it is found. .i-5;^&SH\&OW ^&SE\&ARCH .lm More than 1 option may be specified with SET SEARCH, but SEARCH STRING must be the last option on the line. For example: .i5;SET SEARCH END GENERAL UNDERLINE .qe search_string If brief a search string consists of strings enclosed in qoutes " or apostrophes ' separated by parentheses (), ampersands &, or bars |. .lm +10 .i-5;| means logical or .i-5;& means logical and .i-5;() are used to group sets of comparisons .lm The search_string is a TPU search string. See section 2.8 of the TPU manual for more details on how to construct a search string. .s;c;example .i5;SET SEARCH STRING "ABC" .br;looks for the string "ABC" .i5;SET SEARCH STRING ('A'|'B'|'C')&'D' .br;looks for "AD" or "BD" or "CD" .qd SELECT .i5;^&SE\&T ^&SEL\&ECT [^*N\*ONE|^*BO\*LD|^*BL\*INK|^*R\*EVERSE|^*U\*NDER] .br; [NONE....UNDERLINE] selects the mode to indicate a selected string. .i5;^&SH\&OW ^&SEL\&ECT .qd TAB .i5;^&SE\&T ^&T\&AB number .qd VERSION .i5;^&SH\&OW ^&V\&ERSION .s Shows the current VAXTPU version number. .qd VIDEO .i5;^&SE\&T ^&V\&IDEO [^*N\*ONE|^*BO\*LD|^*BL\*INK|^*R\*EVERSE|^*U\*NDER] .br; [NONE....UNDERLINE] selects the format of the current window. .i5;^&SH\&OW ^&V\&IDEO .qd WRAP .i5;^&SE\&T ^&W\&RAP number .i10;^&SH\&OW ^&W\&RAP .s Sets the right margin for wrapping and filling. This must be done if you desire line wrapping. .qc SUBSTITUTE .i5;^&S\&UBSTITUTE /old__string/new__string/ [^&W\&HOLE|^&B\&EFORE|^&R\&EST|^&S\&ELECT|^&L\&INE] [^&/L\&OG] [^&/Q\&UERY] .s Replaces every ocurrence of the old__string by the new for the range specified. If you supply no range the first occurrence is changed. .list 0 "^*_*\*" .le;WHOLE - Selects whole buffer .le;BEFORE - Selects the text before the cursor position .le;REST - Selects the text after the cursor position .le;SELECT - Selects the text inside a select range .le;LINE - Selects the entire current line .le;/LOG - Puts a list of the changes into the SHOW buffer .le;/QUERY - Outlines the old string in REVERSE video, and asks for permission before performing the replacement. You reply: .list 0 '^*-\*' .le;Y - Yes, change it. .le;N - No, skip it. .le;Q - Quit, no more replacements .le;A - All, do the rest with no more questions .els 0 .els 1 You may not perform this command if: .list 0 "^*_*\*" .le;The current buffer is PROMPT. .le;If /LOG is specified and the current buffer is SHOW. .els 0 .c;^*NOTE\* .lm+5.rm-5 Normally if you abort the substitution with CTRL/C no changes are made in the current buffer. There is a slight chance that the current buffer may be missing the text corresponding to the specified range. The missing text will be located in the PROMPT buffer. You can restore it with the following sequence. .list 0 .le;Line mode command: =PROMPT .le;Gold KP5 (top of buffer) .le;Hit select key. .le;Gold KP4 (bottom of buffer) .le;KP6 (cut) .le;Line mode command: =MAIN (or the current buffer name) .le;Gold KP6 (paste) .els 0 .lm .rm .qc TPU .i5;^&TP\&U .i10;or.... .i5;^&TP\&U tpu__command__string .s This gets you into TPU command mode. If you type TPU with a tpu command line, the command is executed and you are back in EDT line mode. If you just type TPU, you are put into tpu command mode, and you are prompted for TPU commands until you just press "Return" to exit from TPU command mode. .s For more help with TPU see the TPU manual, or HELP VAXTPU while you are in the editor. .qc TYPE .i5;^&T\&YPE nnn .s This sets you the line number nnn. If nnn is omitted, the current line number is typed. .qc WRITE .i5;^&W\&RITE file-spec [^&W\&HOLE|^&B\&EFORE|^&R\&EST|^&S\&ELECT|^&L\&INE|=buffer] .s Puts a copy of the entire buffer or selected range into the specified file. .list 0 "^*_*\*" .le;WHOLE - Selects whole buffer .le;BEFORE - Selects the text before the cursor position .le;REST - Selects the text after the cursor position .le;SELECT - Selects the text inside a select range .le;LINE - Selects the entire current line .le;=buffer - Selects the buffer to write .els 0 .qb keys .qc list__of__keys .c;Defining keys .br;CTRL/K - Start learn sequence .br;CTRL/R - End learn sequence .c;Windows .br;GOLD CTRL/B - Select 2 windows+read reference file .br;CTRL/B - Toggle 1/2 windows .br;GOLD W - Adjust size of bottom window .br;CTRL/W - Select next buffer for current window .br;GOLD CTRL/W - Select buffer for current window .br;GOLD DOWN__ARROW - Move to bottom window .br;GOLD UP__ARROW - Move to upper window .br;CTRL/V - Toggle current window between reverse/normal video .c;Line numbers .br;GOLD L - Line - Go to specified line .br;GOLD Q - Question - Display current line and column number .c;Miscellaneous .br;GOLD B - Toggle Normal/Box__overstrike/Box__insert cut mode .br;GOLD C - Center current line of text .br;GOLD D - Insert current date time into text. .br;GOLD E - Trim spaces + tabs from End of every line .br;GOLD F - Insert a form feed into the text. .br;GOLD M - Toggle status line off/on .br;GOLD N - Toggle screen width 132/80 .br;GOLD O - Toggle current buffer between overstrike/insert mode. .br;GOLD R - Ruler - Display ruler .br;GOLD S - Spaces - Convert tabs=>spaces or spaces=>tabs .br;GOLD T - Display control characters .br;GOLD U - Change case (upper/lower) .br;GOLD V - Display current Version number .br;GOLD X - Toggle word definition (space/nonalpha) .br;GOLD Z - Toggle tab character display .br;GOLD _$ - Spawn a DCL command .br;GOLD TAB - Shift text to put cursor at center of screen .qc CTRL__B__key .lm+10.nf +----------+----------+ | | | | CTRL | B | | | | +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The Control/B key toggles between one and two windows. If two windows are being used, then Control/B will return the display to using one window. If one window is being used, Control/B will cause two windows to be used, with both windows mapped to the main buffer. .qc CTRL__K__key .lm+10.nf +----------+----------+ | | | | CTRL | K | | | | +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The Control/K key will start a learn sequence for a key. You will be prompted for the key to define. .qc CTRL__R__key .lm+10.nf +----------+----------+ | | | | CTRL | R | | | | +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The Control/R key will complete a learn sequence for a key. .qc CTRL__V__key .lm+10.nf +----------+----------+ | | | | CTRL | V | | | | +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The Control/V key will toggle between normal and reverse video. When reverse video is selected, a select range is indicated by underlining the range. .qc CTRL__W__key .lm+10.nf +----------+----------+ | | | | CTRL | W | | | | +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The Control/W key changes the buffer in the current window to the next buffer. If you wish to select a window use GOLD CTRL/W .qc Gold-B .lm+10.nf .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | B | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD B key toggles between BOX mode and Normal mode for the CUT (Remove), PASTE (Insert here), and SELECT keys. .qc Gold-C__key .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | C | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD C key will center the text on the current line. .qc Gold-CTRL__B__key .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+----------+ | | | | | | GOLD | + | CTRL | B | | | | | | +----------+ +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD Control/B key causes two windows to be used, and will read a file into the top (reference) window. GOLD Control/B will prompt for the file to read into the reference window. .qc Gold-CTRL__E__key .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+----------+ | | | | | | GOLD | + | CTRL | E | | | | | | +----------+ +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD Control/B key causes two windows to be used, and will read the listing file into the top (reference) window. If your main file is MY__PROGRAM.FOR the reference window contains MY__PROGRAM.LIS. The "LINE FEED" key is modified to search for errors in the .LIS file, and the corresponding code in the source file. .s This may be automatically invoked by the command: .i5;_$FTPU filename.for .qc Gold-CTRL__W__key .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+----------+ | | | | | | GOLD | + | CTRL | W | | | | | | +----------+ +----------+----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD Control/W key will prompt you for the buffer to select. The buffer is then mapped to the current window. If you do not know what buffers are available type in ?. .qc Gold-D .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | D | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD D key will insert the current date and time into the text. .qc Gold-DOWN__ARROW .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | v | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD v key will move the cursor from the top window to the bottom window when two windows are used. .qc Gold-E .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | E | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD E key will trim spaces and tabs from the end of every line in the current buffer. .qc Gold-F .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | F | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD F key will insert a form feed into the text. The form feed is used to mark the end of a page. This may also be done by CTRL/L. .qc Gold-L .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | L | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD L key is used to select the line you wish to edit. You are prompted for the line. .qc Gold-M .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | M | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD M key is used to toggle between visible status or no status line in the current window. .qc Gold-N .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | N | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD N key is used to toggle between screen width 132 and 80. .qc Gold-O .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | O | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD O key is used to toggle between insert and overstrike mode editing, for the current buffer. This does not affect other buffers. .qc Gold-Q .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | Q | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD Q key is used to display the current line number along with the total number of lines in the buffer. .qc Gold-R .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | R | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD R key will display a ruler in the message area. .qc Gold-S .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | S | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD S key is used for conversion between spaces and tabs. GOLD S will prompt for Space to tab conversion or Tab to space conversion. .s;If you reply with S multiple spaces are converted to tabs. .s;If you reply with T tabs are converted to multiple spaces. .s;Pressing "RETURN" returns to editing with no action taken. .qc Gold-T .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | T | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD T key is used to display non-printable characters. GOLD T prompts for one of three options: .list 0 .le;DISPLAY__ONE will display the hex, decimal, and octal equivalents of the character, along with a printable representation of the character in the message area. .le;ON will convert all of the non-printable characters to a printable equivalent. This will change the contents of the buffer. .le;OFF will convert all of the printable equivalents of the non-printable characters back into ASCII characters. The contents of the buffer will be changed. .els 1 The default option is DISPLAY__ONE. .qc Gold-TAB .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | TAB | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s GOLD TAB shifts the text over so that the current cursor position is in the middle of the screen. This is useful when editing long lines. To return to the normal situation press Keypad KEY#0, then another GOLD TAB. You should also be aware that GOLD LEFT__ARROW and GOLD RIGHT_ARROW shift the text over by 8 columns. .qc Gold-U .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | U | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD U key is used to set the case of selected text to be all upper or all lower case. GOLD U will prompt for Upper or Lower case. You should enter either U or L. .s;Pressing "RETURN" returns to editing with no action taken. .qc Gold-UP__ARROW .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | ^ | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD ^ key will move the cursor from the bottom window to the top window when two windows are used. .qc Gold-V .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | V | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The current version of VAXTPU and of the Applicon Extended EDT Emulator is displayed using the GOLD V keys. .qc Gold-W .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | W | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD W key is used to adjust the size of the windows when two windows are used. GOLD W prompts for the number of lines to adjust the windows by. A positive number will increase the size of the main window by 4 lines and decrease the size of the reference window by 4 lines. .qc Gold-X .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | X | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The definition of a word can be toggled between whitespace and non-alphanumeric characters. The default setting is for words to be defined as characters between spaces. .qc Gold-Z .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | Z | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s GOLD Z toggles between tab characters displayed as graphic characters or spaces. When graphic display is selected, the tabs appear as a small tb followed by dots for the duration of the Tab. The tab characters in your text are displayed as spaces by default. .qc Gold-_$ .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | _$ | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s After GOLD _$ you are prompted for a DCL command. If you supply one, it will be executed, and when through your control is returned to the original process. .s If no command is supplied, the process is permanently spawned. You return to your original process with the command: .i5;_$ LOGOUT .qc Gold-KP7 .lm+10.nf .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | 7 | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD KP7 key puts prompts you for an EDT line mode command. If you preface the command by the key word TPU then it is a TPU command. .qb box__cut__paste .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | B | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD B key will toggle the definition of the CUT (Remove), PASTE (Insert here), APPEND, and SELECT keys between the normal EDT mode and box overstrike or insert mode. .s In box mode, the select key will create a marker for one corner of an imaginary box on the screen. The opposite corner is defined by the position of the cursor. The box defined by the marker and the cursor is used by the CUT key or append key. .s In box mode, all of the text which is inside the box will be CUT out. In box__overstrike mode the box is replaced by spaces when cut. In overstrike mode PASTE overlays any text when it is pasted. The cursor is used to mark the upper left corner of a PASTE box. .qc overstrike__example .nf ................ ....Mxxxxxxx.... BOX SELECTED ....xxxxxxxx.... M - Marker BEFORE CUT: ....xxxxxxxC.... C - Cursor ................ .s ................ ....C .... AFTER CUT: .... .... C - Cursor .... .... ................ .s ................ .... .... AFTER CUT .... .... C - Cursor BEFORE PASTE .... .... ......C......... .s ................ .... .... AFTER PASTE .... .... C - Cursor .... .... ......Cxxxxxxx.. xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx .f .qc insert__example .nf ................ ....Mxxxxxxx.... BOX SELECTED ....xxxxxxxx.... M - Marker BEFORE CUT: ....xxxxxxxC.... C - Cursor ................ .s ................ ....C... AFTER CUT: ........ C - Cursor ........ ................ .s ................ ........ AFTER CUT ....C... C - Cursor BEFORE PASTE ........ ................ .s ................ ........ AFTER PASTE ....Cxxxxxxx.... C - Cursor ....xxxxxxxx.... ....xxxxxxxx............ .f .qb buffer__selection The buffer you wish to edit may be selected by 2 line mode commands or several keypad commands. .s.c;Line mode commands .list 0 '^*_*\*' .le;=buffer - Sets current window to buffer selected. .le;INCLUDE file__name =buffer [/write] - Reads the file into the selected buffer and sets current window. .els 1 .c;Keypad commands .list 0 '^*_*\*' .le;CTRL/W - Switches to next buffer .le;GOLD CTRL/W - Selects buffer .le;CTRL/B - Switches from a pair of windows to single window .le;GOLD CTRL/B - Selects REFERENCE buffer and reads file. .els 0 .qb center__line .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | C | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD C key will center the text on the current line. .qb date__time .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | D | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD D key will insert the current date and time into the text. .qb editing__mode GOLD O allows the selection of editing mode by toggling between overstrike and insert mode. In overstrike mode, if you are positioned at the beginning of a section of text, the keys overstrike the previous text. Insert mode is the normal editing mode. .qb form__feed .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | F | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD F key will insert a form feed into the text. The form feed is used to mark the end of a page. This may also be done by CTRL/L. .qb Fortran__editing You can invoke limited help with fortran debugging by using the GOLD CTRL/E key. It will setup 2 windows and put your listing file in the upper window. Then the "LINE FEED" key may be used to find the errors in you FORTRAN source file. It will find and display the error in both the listing and source. .s If you source has a lot of identical code, APLTPU may become confused. The error line may be located by repeatedly hitting the FIND__NEXT key. until the correct line is in the bottom window. .s A version of APLTPU which automatically brings up both the listing and source files may be started by: .i5;_$ FTPU filename.for .qb help .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | PF2 | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD HELP key will give you help on APLTPU. If you desire general help you can hit the "RETURN" key until the prompt Topic? appears. You can then ask for help on any topic available on the system. .qb initialization You may specify an initialization file when you start APLTPU to select certain features. This is done by: .i5;_$ APLTPU file__to__edit /COMMAND=initialization__file .br;The initialization file may contain any TPU commands you wish to execute before starting APLTPU. The initialization file has a default extension of .TPU. .s.c;example .i5;_$ APLTPU myfile.for /command=aplbegin .br;The file APLBEGIN.TPU will be executed after myfile.for has been read in. .qc examples Here is a selection of commands you may use to initialize APLTPU. The bar "|" denotes alternative syntax elements. .lm+10 .s .i-10;SET(BELL,ALL|BROADCAST,ON|OFF); .i-5;SET(BELL,ALL,OFF); - Sets the bell off when a message is typed .i-5;SET(BELL,BROADCAST,ON); - Set the bell on to warn of broadcast messages .i-10;SET(AUTOREPEAT,ON|OFF); - Sets whether the keyboard keys autorepeat .i-10;SET(INFORMATIONAL,ON|OFF); - Enables or suppresses information messages .i-10;SET(MAX_LINE,MESSAGE_BUFFER,n) - Sets the maximum number of lines in the message buffer. This is normally set to 21. If 0 there is no limit on the number of lines. .i-10;SET(PROMPT_AREA,line__number,length,keyword) - Sets the prompt .i-5;line__number = line number of prompt line (1-24) .i-5;length = number of lines in prompt .i-5;keyword = NONE|BOLD|BLINK|REVERSE|UNDERLINE - Selects the prompt format. .i-10;EDT_$LINE__MODE("LINE MODE COMMAND"); - This sends a line mode command to the EDT emulator. For example: .i-5;EDT_$LINE__MODE("SET SEARCH UNDER GENERAL END"); - sets the search mode .i-5;EDT_$LINE__MODE("SET SCREEN 132"); - sets the screen width .lm .qb learn The Applicon EDT Emulator can "learn" a function. This is similar to the define key feature of EDT. A learn sequence is started by using the CTRL/K key. You will be prompted for a key to define. After you hit the key to be defined, all of the keystrokes you enter will be executed and remembered until a CTRL/R is entered. The next time that you use the newly defined key, the keystrokes for the key will be performed again. Note that if the definition includes any keys which prompt for input, the answer you provided in learn mode is used. .s .br;CTRL/K - Begin learn sequence .br;CTRL/R - End learn sequence .s This differs from EDT in that the keystrokes are executed while defined. .qb line__number .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | Q | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD Q key is used to display the current line number along with the total number of lines in the buffer. .s.lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | L | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD L key is used to select the line you wish to edit. You are prompted for the line. .qb ruler .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | R | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD R key will display a ruler in the message area. .qb saving__keys Unlike EDT there is no easy way to create a startup command file for APLTPU. However if you wish you may create a new version of this editor with all of the keys you have defined. To do this go into command mode by pressing GOLD then KP7. You will be prompted: .i5;Command: .br;you reply: .i5;TPU SAVE("[directory]filename") .br;Where filename is the name of the new TPU initialization file. To run the new editor: .i5;EDIT /TPU/SECTION=[directory]filename.gbl filename.in .qb search .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | PF3 | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s GOLD PF3 is the EDT search mode. This has been modified to make it more convenient. While in this mode you may used the arrow keys, return key, undelete line, undelete word, undelete character, and paste keys to construct the string to look for. The special insert key allows you insert arbitrary control characters to look for. .qb screen__width .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | N | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD N key is used to toggle between screen width 132 and 80. This must be used rather than the EDT command SET#SCREEN. The SET#SCREEN command only changes the width for a single window screen. .qb shift__text .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | TAB | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s GOLD TAB shifts the text over so that the current cursor position is in the middle of the screen. This is useful when editing long lines. To return to the normal situation press Keypad KEY#0, then another GOLD TAB. You should also be aware that GOLD LEFT__ARROW and GOLD RIGHT_ARROW shift the text over by 8 columns. .qb space__tab__conversion .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | S | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD S key is used for conversion between spaces and tabs. GOLD S will prompt for Space to tab conversion or Tab to space conversion. .s;If you reply with S multiple spaces are converted to tabs. .s;If you reply with T tabs are converted to multiple spaces. .s;Pressing "RETURN" returns to editing with no action taken. .qb spawn .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | _$ | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s After GOLD _$ you are prompted for a DCL command. If you supply one, it will be executed, and when through your control is returned to the original process. .s If no command is supplied, the process is permanently spawned. You return to your original process with the command: .i5;_$ LOGOUT .qb status__line .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | M | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD M key is used to toggle between visible status or no status line in the current window. .qb tab__display .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | Z | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s GOLD Z toggles between tab characters displayed as graphic characters or spaces. When graphic display is selected, the tabs appear as a small tb followed by dots for the duration of the Tab. The tab characters in your text are displayed as spaces by default. .qb translate__ctrl__chars .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | T | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD T key is used to display non-printable characters. GOLD T prompts for one of three options: .s .list 0 .le;DISPLAY__ONE will display the hex, decimal, and octal equivalents of the character, along with a printable representation of the character in the message area. .le;ON will convert all of the non-printable characters to a printable equivalent. This will change the contents of the buffer. .le;OFF will convert all of the printable equivalents of the non-printable characters back into ASCII characters. The contents of the buffer will be changed. .els 0 .s The default option is DISPLAY__ONE. .qb trim__buffer .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | E | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD E key will trim spaces and tabs from the end of every line in the current buffer. .qb upper__lower__case .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | U | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The GOLD U key is used to set the case of selected text to be all upper or all lower case. GOLD U will prompt for Upper or Lower case. You should enter either U or L. .s;Pressing "RETURN" returns to editing with no action taken. .qb version .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | V | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The current version of VAXTPU and of the Applicon Extended EDT Emulator is displayed using the GOLD V keys. .qb windows You may edit in either one or two windows. When two windows are used, the bottom window is generally mapped to the main buffer with the file that is being edited, and the top window mapped either to a reference file or to the main buffer. All editing operations are allowed in both windows. The following keys are used to manipulate windows: .s .ts+15,+5,+5,+5.lm+15 .i-14;CTRL/B - Toggle between one and two windows .i-14;GOLD CTRL/B - Open a reference file in top window .i-14;GOLD UP__ARROW - Move to top window .i-14;GOLD DOWN__ARROW - Move to bottom window .i-14;GOLD W - Adjust the relative size of the windows .i-14;CTRL/W - Select next buffer for current window .i-14;GOLD CTRL/W - Select buffer for current window .s In addition 2 line mode commands switch buffers. .i5;=buffer .i5;INCLUDE file__name [=buffer] [/WRITE] .qb word__definition .lm+10.nf +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | GOLD | + | X | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ .lm.f.s The definition of a word can be toggled between whitespace and non-alphanumeric characters. The default setting is for words to be defined as characters between spaces.