.flags overstrike .keep .nast .nap .no headers .page size 62,73 .nopaging .left margin 4 .right margin 73 .spacing 1 .nofill .nojustify .c;^&EDT-Plus\& .c;^&Key Definitions Cheat Sheet\& .fill See EDTP$TPU:ACCOUNT_EDTPINI.TPU for examples of key definitions. You can also use the CTRL/K command and the GOLD [ command to define keys. The keys that are already defined by the operating system or EDT-Plus are shown in the table below. Before redefining any of them, find out what they do, to see if the function is one you can do without, or if some other sequence has the same effect. .nofill ^& Action CTRL/key + key + CTRL/key key\& A Insert/overstrike Append Select to Buffer Tab Adjust B Edit a buffer C ABORT COMMAND Copy select to buffer ABORT COMMAND D Decrement EDT Tabs DCL Command Swap WORD delim. E Extend EDT Tabs Set Search Exact/General EDT Help F Exit TPU HELP Fill Paragraph FORTRAN Help G H *Begining of line Terse HELP DCL Helps I * Include file Set Non-EDT Tabs J *Delete Prev. word Jump 8 characters K Define key Cut to Buffer Show Tabs L * Locate MARK M * Edit MAIN buffer Insert MARK N Exchange WP/PROG Depaginate Switch wraps O DISCARD OUTPUT Output to file DISCARD OUTPUT P Paginate Paste from Buffer PL1 Help Q STOP OUTPUT QUIT STOP OUTPUT R Column Cut/Paste Global String Replace Insert Ruler S START OUTPUT Show Buffer Info. START OUTPUT T STATUS MESSAGE STATUS MESSAGE U Del. left line TPU Commands V W Repaint screen Change Multi-window Change screen width X Normal EXIT Y ABORT Change between windows ABORT Z EDT Line mode Paginate EXIT specify file Erase Buffer .nfl .flags control ` ! Advance one sentance . Backup one sentance / Advance one paragraph @ Backup one paragraph ? Terse Help * Insert FORTRAN Comment $ Insert DCL Comment \ Transpose next two characters # Move to specified line number [ Start LEARN sequence to define key ] End LEARN sequence * = CTRL/H = CTRL/L = CTRL/M = CTRL/I = CTRL/J NOTE: Commands in all UPPER CASE are system features, not editor features. STATUS MESSAGE only if SET CONTROL=T has been executed for the process. `fl `b-1 Ted Nieland Rev. 7/13/86