% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00@lucmCD5+EDTP=HELP?KEYPAD_DIAGRAM ({U1 EDTP@ The EDT-PLUS Keypad Emulator is an interactive text editor that= demonstrates the versatility and extensibility of the VAXTPUA programming language. This editor emulates the keypad functions= and some of the line mode commands of the EDT Version 3 textG editor. The purpose of the EDT-PLUS Keypad Emulator is to provide youB with a familiar editing interface. It is hoped that you will use" this editor as you have used EDT.2 HELPA To use help from the CTRL/Z, '*' prompt, type HELP followed by aC line_mode_command. If the cursor is positioned after the 'Topic?' prompt then type:= EDTP - to get a list of EDT_EMULATOR topics< EDTP LINE - to get a list of line mode commands9 EDTP KEY - to get a list of keypad commandsA EDTP VAXTPU_EQU - to get help on VAXTPU syntax for missing+ line mode commands2 KEYPAD_FUNCTIONS 3 ADVANCE Keypad 4B Sets the editing direction to forward; that is, toward the bottom of the buffer.3 APPEND Keypad 9@ Deletes the select range from the current buffer; appends it to9 the PASTE_BUFFER, just after the present contents of the PASTE_BUFFER. 3 BACKSPACE CTRL/H= Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line or the3 previous line, depending on the editing direction.3 BACKUP Keypad 5B Sets the editing direction to reverse; that is, toward the top of the buffer.3 BOTTOM GOLD Keypad 43 Moves the cursor to the end of the current buffer. 3 CHNGCASE GOLD Keypad 1@ Changes the case of all the letters in the select range, or the case of the current letter. 3 TPU_COMMAND GOLD U: Enables you to enter one or a sequence of VAXTPU built-in? procedures or user-written procedures for execution. Type the9 procedure name in response to the 'TPU Command:' prompt. 3 TAB_ADJUST GOLD CTRL/A (Compute Tab Level)A Resets the tab indentation level to the current cursor position,= if that position is a multiple of the current SET TAB value.3 CTRL_C CTRL/C; Aborts the current VAXTPU operation. CTRL/C is useful for= stopping searches and the reading and writing of files. You? should exit from the editor after using CTRL/C and start a newB session for any further edits. It may not be possible to recover" text changes made after a CTRL/C.3 DECREASE_TAB CTRL/D (Decrease Tab Level), Reduces the current tab level cou nt by one.3 INCREASE_TAB! GOLD CTRL/E (Increase Tab Level). Increases the current tab level count by one.3 CTRL_F CTRL/FC Erases the window that displays HELP or SHOW text, and returns the cursor to MAIN_WINDOW. 3 BACKSPACE CTRL/H BACKSPACE? Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the@ cursor is already at the beginning of the line, entering CTRL/H8 moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous line.3 TAB CTRL/I TABA Moves t he text that is to the right of the cursor (including the@ cursor character) to the right to the nearest preset VAXTPU tab stop. 3 LINEFEED CTRL/J LINEFEED; Deletes characters from the current cursor position to theB beginning of the word that the cursor is in. If the cursor is at7 the beginning of a word, the previous word is deleted. 3 DEFINE_KEY CTRL/K+ Prompts for the VAXTPU define key command. 3 FORMFEED CTRL/L- Inserts a form feed character into the text .3 RETURN CTRL/M RETURNA Causes a new line to be inserted at the current cursor position.3 The cursor moves to the beginning of the new line. 3 REFRESH CTRL/R (Refresh Screen) CTRL/W Refreshes the screen. 3 TAB_ADJUST CTRL/T (Tab Adjust)@ Indents each line in the select range. Note that this key will> only work if you have used the DCL command 'SET NOCONTROL=T'.3 DEL_BEG_LINE% CTRL/U (Delete to Beginning of Line)B Deletes text from the current cursor  position to the beginning of@ the line. The deleted text replaces the contents of the DELETE LINE buffer.3 ABORT CTRL/YA Aborts the current editing session. The current edits are savedA in a journal file. If you pressed this key sequence by accident@ you can resume your editing session by typing "CONTINUE" at the DCL prompt. 3 LINE_MODE CTRL/Z (Exit to Line Mode)? Shifts from keypad mode to the EDT Emulator command line mode.? Places the cursor at the EDT Emulator c ommand line mode prompt (*).! Gold Keypad 7 (Single Line Mode)< Requests a single line to execute by EDT line mode command  interpretter.3 CUT Keypad 6A Deletes the select range and places it in the PASTE_BUFFER. The< previous contents of the PASTE_BUFFER, if any, are deleted.3 DEL_C DEL C (delete character) Keypad COMMA- Deletes the character that the cursor is on. 3 DEL_EOL DEL EOL (delete to end of line) Gold Keypad 2@ Deletes text from the current cursor position to the end of the, line. Does not delete the line terminator.3 DELETE& DELETE key on VT100, provides information on keypad editing and VAXTPU features in; general. Request information after the "Topic: " prompt. 3 LEFT_ARROW, Moves the cursor one character to the left. 3 BY_LINE Keypad 0B Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line in the current editing direction. 3 LINEFEED CTRL/J; Deletes characters from the current cursor position to theB beginning of the word that the cursor is in. If the cursor is at7 the beginning of a word, the previous word is deleted. 3 OPEN_LINE Gold Keypad 0A Causes a new line to be inserted at the current cursor position. The cursor does not move.3 PAGE Keypad 7B Moves the cursor to the next EDT Keypad Emulator page boundary in the current direction.3 PASTE Gold Keypad 6A Inserts the contents of the PASTE_BUFFER just before the cursor. 3 REPLACE Gold Keypad 9@ Deletes the selected range and replaces it with the contents of the PASTE_BUFFER.3 RESET Gold Keypad PERIODA Cancels the select range and sets the current buffer's direction* to forward. Also clears the PROMPT_AREA.3 RETURN@ Inserts a line terminator in the text. The cursor moves to theB beginning of the new line. Under program word delimmiters return> will also automatically indent to the level indicated by the  previous line. 3 RIGHT_ARROW- Moves the cursor one character to the right.3 SECT Keypad 84 Moves the cursor 16 lines in the current direction.3 SELECT Keypad PERIODB Marks one end of a select range. When you move the cursor again,= the characters that the cursor passes over become the select range. 3 SHIFT_LEFT Gold left arrowB Shifts the screen image of the MAIN_WINDOW 8 columns to the left. Has no effect on the text. 3 SHIFT_RIGHT Gold right arrowB Shifts the screen image of the MAIN_WINDOW 8 columns to the rightA if the text has already been shifted to the left. Has no effect on the text. 3 SPECINS Gold Keypad 3> Allows you to insert any character from the DEC Multinational> Character Set into your text by first entering GOLD, then the> decimal equivalent value for that character, followed by GOLD SPECINS.3 SUBS (substitute) Gold Keypad ENTERB Replaces the next occurrence of the current search string in your, text with the contents of the PASTE_BUFFER.3 TAB CTRL/IA Moves the text that is to the right of the cursor (including the? cursor character) to the right to the nearest preset tab stop.3 TOP Gold Keypad 59 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current buffer.3 UND_C UND C (undelete character) Gold Keypad COMMAC Inserts the contents of the delete character buffer to the left of the cursor.3 UND_L UND L (undelete line) Gold Keypad PF4B Inserts the contents of the delete line buffer to the left of the cursor.3 UND_W UND W (undelete word) Gold Keypad MINUSB Inserts the contents of the delete word buffer to the left of the cursor. 3 UP_ARROW> Moves the cursor up to the position on the previous line that, corresponds to the current cursor position. 3 VAXTPU_HELP Gold Keypad PF2> Provides information on keypad editing and VAXTPU features in; general. Request information after the "Topic: " prompt.3 WORD_Forward Keypad 14 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word.3 WORD_Reverse Keypad 38 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.3 INSERT_OVERSTRIKE_MODES CTRL/AA Switches from insert mode to overstrike mode, or from overstrike mode to insert mode.3 COPY_END_BUFFER GOLD A= Copies the select region to the end of the specified buffer.3 CHANGE_BUFFER GOLD B0 Set the current window to the specified buffer.3 WORD_DELIMMITERSG Switches the word delimmiters from Word Processing (WP) to PROGrammingD or from PROG to WP. Also sets RETURN to be under auto-indent mode.3 SPAWN_COMMAND GOLD DE Spawns the specified DCL Command. A null command causes the terminal+ to be connected to the spawned subprocess. 3 SET_%SEARCH GOLD EA Switches the search delimmiters from EXACT to GENERAL or GENERAL to EXACT.3 FILL_PARAGRAPH GOLD F< FILLS the current paragraph based on current wrap settings.3 FORTRAN_HELP GOLD CTRL/F Accesses FORTRAN HELP 3 TERSE_HELP GOLD H? Shows the comment associated with a specified key. Short form of help for keys. 3 DCL_HELP GOLD CTRL/H Accesses DCL HELP3 INCLUDE_FILE GOLD I4 Includes specified file at current cursor location. 3 SET_TABS GOLD CTRL/I or GOLD TABA Sets up special (non-EDT) tabs at specified locations. Tabs canB be specified to be expanded (tab by using spaces). Using non-EDTG tabs without expanding them can cause problems on outputing to devicesH that do not support the special tabs. Also, the special tabs will need# to be specified for every session. 3 JUMP_TAB GOLD CTRL/J or GOLD LINEFEED! Moves cursor 8 character spaces. 3 CUT_BUFFER GOLD K( Cuts select region to specified buffer. 3 SHOW_TABS GOLD CTRL/K7 Shows current tab settings, both EDT and non-EDT tabs. 3 FIND_MARKER GOLD CTRL/L or GOLD FORMFEED= Positions cursor at location of special marker left by GOLD  CTRL/M (INSERT_MARKER).3 INSERT_MARKER GOLD CTRL/M or GOLD RETURNH Enters "^^&&^^" as a marker into the buffer at current cursor location.B This marker can be found by using GOLD CTRL/L (FIND_MARKER). TheE marker can be left in when you write the buffer t"o a file to be read back in later. 3 MAIN_BUFFER GOLD M+ Sets current window to be the main buffer. 3 NORMAILIZE GOLD NC Removes all page marks (formfeeds on lines of length one) from the current buffer. 3 TOGGLE_WRAP GOLD CTRL/ND Switches wrap settings between previously defined values. See EDTP Startup for more information.3 WRITE_BUFFER GOLD O7 Writes out specified buffer out to the specified file.3 PASTE_BUFFER GOLD P< Pastes the specified buffer to the current cursor location. 3 PAGINATE CTRL/P or GOLD ZE Goes through the current buffer selecting positions for page markersE (formfeeds on lines on length one). The routine will honors currentB page marks. Page size is set to value of variable EDTP$Page_Size> (Default = 59). The user can change this specification in the@ startup file (see EDTP Startup) or by executing the TPU command/ "EDTP$Page_Size := {value}" (See TPU_Command). 3 PL1_HELP GOLD CT"RL/P Access HELP on PL13 QUIT GOLD Q% QUIT the editor. Do not save files.3 INSERT_RULER GOLD CTRL/R= Insert a column ruler into the text buffer at previous line.3 REPLACE_STRING GOLD R@ Replace a specified string with another specified string in the# entire buffer with a QUERY option. 3 SHOW_BUFFER GOLD S3 Shows a list of buffers and associated parameters.3 CHANGE_WIDTH GOLD CTRL/WD Changes the width of the current window from 80 to  132 or 132 to 80 columns. 3 WINDOWS GOLD WI The user can specify 1 or 2 windows for editing on the screen. A bufferG will be requested for the second window. Use GOLD Y to change between windows (See change windows).3 EXIT GOLD X9 Exits saving file under name specified at session start. 3 WP_PROG CTRL/NJ Switches between Word Processing delimmiters and PROGramming delimmiters.. WP = WP word delimmiters and wrap setting one@ PROG = PROG word delimmiters,! wrap setting two, and auto-indent3 CHANGE_WINDOWS GOLD Y/ Changes between windows if in two window mode. 3 FILE_EXIT GOLD CTRL/Z5 Exits requesting the name for the file to be stored. 3 DCL_COMMENT GOLD $> Inserts a DCL comment line of "$!!!!!!!..." at current line.3 FORTRAN_COMMENT GOLD *B Inserts a FORTRAN comment line of "C********..." at current line.3 SWAP_CHARACTERS GOLD \; Switches positions of current character and next character'" (Transpose two characters).3 ERASE_BUFFER GOLD DELETE% Erases contents of specified buffer.3 BACK_SENTANCE GOLD ., Moves position to end of previous sentance.3 FORWARD_SENTANCE GOLD .+ Moves position to end of current sentance. 3 FIND_LINE GOLD # Moves to specified line number.3 BACK_PARAGRAPH GOLD @2 Moves position to beginning of current paragraph.3 BACK_PARAGRAPH GOLD // Moves position to beginning of next paragraph. #3 LEARN_START GOLD [C Starts the "learning" of keystrokes for up to 5 user-defined keys.@ "Learning" ends when user presses GOLD ] (See LEARN_END). OnlyG one LEARN can be defined at a time. During a LEARN the user continuesF to work in the buffer as always, but all keystrokes are memorized and7 will be associated with the key specified by the user. 3 LEARN_END GOLD ]4 Ends the LEARN started by GOLD [ (see LEARN_START).3 Column_Cut_or_Paste CTRL_R< Cut or Pas$te sections specified by columns. Also Known as rectangular cut and paste.B Cut - Select "C" when prompted. Area CUT is portions of linesD between upper left corner and lower right corner of select3 region. Area is cut to specified buffer.D Paste - Select "P" when prompted. Lines are pasted from specifiedF buffer to succeding lines starting at column where cursor is located.3 No help available? No help is available on that key. The ke %y that you pressed is@ either not assigned to a command or there has been no help text included for that key.2 LINE_MODE_COMMANDS A The EDTP Emulator provided for VAXTPU emulates only a few of theA line mode commands offered by EDT. To enter several of the lineA mode commands, press CTRL/Z. The asterisk prompt (*) appears at< the lower left margin of your screen. Enter the EDT KeypadA Emulator line mode command followed by RETURN. To reenter keypad> mode, type the letter C, fo&r Change, followed by RETURN. The4 cursor returns to its former location in the text. > To enter only one of line mode commands, press GOLD Keypad 7.> You can extend or enhance the EDT Keypad Emulator's line mode@ commands by using the VAXTPU programming language. See the VAXA Text Processing Utility Reference Manual for more information on> customizing the VAXTPU EDT Keypad Emulator editing interface.3 CHANGE C? Shifts the EDT Keypad Emulator to keypad mode, and returns the+' cursor to its former location in the text.3 EXIT EXIT [/SAVE] [file-spec]; Ends the EDT Keypad Emulator session, saving a copy of the; MAIN_BUFFER text in an external file. A new version of an7 existing file is created only if the file is modified.4 /SAVEB The /SAVE command line qualifier tells the EDT Keypad Emulator to@ save the journal file. Whenever you use /SAVE, you must type aB slash before it to signal the emulator that the following lettersC refer to a qualifier,( and not a command word or string. The /SAVE? qualifier must be placed before the file name in this command. 3 INCLUDE INCLUDE file-spec [=buffer]? Copies the specified file into the current EDT Keypad EmulatorA session, at the current cursor position. If you supply a buffer2 specification, it becomes the new current buffer.3 QUIT QUIT [/SAVE]@ Ends your editing session without saving a copy of your editing= work. The EDT Keypad Emulator prompts you with the message:A ) 'Buffer modifications will not be saved, continue quitting (Y or@ N)?' only if you modified the text. You respond with a Y or N.4 /SAVEB The /SAVE command line qualifier tells the EDT Keypad Emulator to@ save the journal file. Whenever you use /SAVE, you must type aB slash before it to signal the emulator that the following lettersC refer to a qualifier, and not a command word or string. The /SAVE3 qualifier is the last element in the command line. 3 SUBSTITUTE- SUB /old_string/n*ew_string/ [WHOLE] [/QUERY]@ Replaces old_string with new_string. If you supply no locationA specifiers, the substitution takes place at the first occurrenceA of "old_string" on the current line. If you specify WHOLE, thenA the substitution is made throughout the current buffer. If you @ specify /QUERY then you will be prompted as to whther a string should be replaced in any line.3 WRITE WRITE file-spec [select|whole]B Puts a copy of the entire current buffer or select ra+nge into the< specified file. Unlike EXIT, this command does not end theA current editing session. The SELECT option allows you to copy a@ selected region of text into the specified file. When finished- copying the text, the select range is reset.3 SET: SET commands allow you to customize your editing session.4 CURSOR SET CURSOR top:bottomA Controls scrolling of the screen relative to the distance of theB cursor from the screen top and the screen bottom. Values for theC, top and bottom can range from 0 to 21. Default: SET CURSOR 7:14.4 SCREEN SET SCREEN width@ Sets the maximum number of characters that VAXTPU displays on a< line of text. The possible widths for VT100 terminals withA advanced video option (AVO) are 80 and 132. The width for VT100< terminals without AVO is 80. The possible widths for VT200> terminals are 80 and 132. Default: set by operating system.4 SEARCH SET SEARCH {GENERAL|EXACT}< If EXACT, then the case of the charac-ters must be the same. SET SEARCH {BEGIN|END}< If END, then the current position will become the character= following the located string; otherwise it will be the first+ character of the located string (default).4 TAB SET TAB number2 Sets the tab value for various tabbing functions.4 WRAP SET WRAP numberB Determines after which character VAXTPU wraps text being inserted> in keypad mode. It is also the right margin used in the FILL? command. If a SET WRAP number is. not indicated, then the FILL: command uses the current window size as the right margin.3 SHOW5 SHOW commands tell which SET commands are in effect.4 BUFFER< Lists all buffers currently in use during your EDT Emulator@ session. Also lists the number of lines in each buffer and the< file name. An equal sign (=) indicates the current buffer.4 CURSOR@ Shows where scrolling of the screen relative to the distance of= the cursor from the screen top and the screen bottom occurs./@ Values for the top and bottom can range from 0 to 21. Default: SET CURSOR 7:14.4 SCREENA Shows the maximum number of characters that VAXTPU displays on a< line of text. The possible widths for VT100 terminals withA advanced video option (AVO) are 80 and 132. The width for VT100< terminals without AVO is 80. The possible widths for VT200> terminals are 80 and 132. Default: set by operating system.4 SEARCHC Shows how VAXTPU performs searches. Default: SET SEARCH GENERAL0, SET SEARCH BEGIN. 4 VERSIONC Displays the current VAXTPU version number and the current versionF number of EDTPSECINI.TPU (the EDT-Plus Keypad Emulator section file).4 WRAP@ Shows after which character VAXTPU wraps text being inserted in; keypad mode. It is also the right margin used in the FILL? command. If a SET WRAP number is not indicated, then the fill: command uses the current window size as the right margin.3 Command_line_specifiers4 bufferA The name of a 1 VAXTPU buffer. Use the equal sign (=) immediatelyA before the buffer name (for example, =MAIN). If the buffer doesA not exist, VAXTPU creates one. The EDT Keypad Emulator moves to; the named buffer, except in the case of the WRITE command.4 file-specification: The specification for an external file. It can include a@ directory specification. With INCLUDE, it tells the EDT KeypadB Emulator which file to copy into your editing session. With EXITA and WRITE, it tells the EDT Keypa2d Emulator which file to createB to hold text from your editing session. If you include directoryB information, the directory must exist and you must have access to it.4 select? A selected region of text. The selected text is copied into a- file that is specified in the WRITE command.4 wholeA The entire buffer is used. With WRITE, it tells VAXTPU to writeB out the entire buffer (default). With the SUBSTITUTE command, it* tells VAXTPU to search the entire buffer.3 Miss 3ing_commandsA Although the EDT Keypad Emulator provides only a few of the most< frequently used line mode commands, missing commands can beA executed by using VAXTPU built-ins from the Gold U command line.A To get a list of the VAXTPU syntax for the missing EDT line mode; commands, ask for help on EDT_EMULATOR VAXTPU_EQUIVALENTS.2 VAXTPU_EQUIVALENTSA The following table gives a quick view of how to enter VAXTPUB procedure names after the "TPU Command:" prompt to emulate EDT@ 4 line mode commands if you are using the EDT Keypad Emulator.& EDT VAXTPU& --- ------3 CLEAR temp DELETE(temp_buffer)6 COPY =main TO =paste POSITION(paste_buffer)6 COPY_TEXT(main_buffer) 8 DEFINE KEY DEFINE_KEY("READ_FILE( < control N as READ_LINE('File name:'))"/ "EXT INCLUDE ?'File name: '." ,CTRL_N_KEY)2 DELETE =main 5 ERASE(main_buffer)$ EXIT EXITG FILL =main FILL(main_buffer,' ',r_margin,l_margin)I FIND =my_buffer or buffer_name := CREATE_BUFFER('my_buffer')< =my_buffer MAP(main_window,buffer_name)4 INCLUDE foo.bar READ_FILE('foo.bar')= INSERT;character_string COPY_TEXT('character_string')$ QUIT QUIT: SET SCREEN 132 SET(WIDTH,main_w6indow,132)G SET CURSOR 7:14 SET (SCROLLING,current_window,ON,6,7,0)7 SHL SHIFT(current_window,8)8 SHR SHIFT(current_window,-8), SHOW SCREEN SHOW(screen)- SHOW(windows)- SHOW version SHOW(summary)- SHOW buffer SHOW(buffers)A WRITE foo.bar WRITE_FILE(main_buffer,'foo.bar')2 Initialization@ EDT-Plus 7 allows the use to specify commands to be executed at ? the beginning of an editting session by having them stored in A specified files. These files are SYS$LOGIN:ACCOUNT_EDTPINI.TPU  and EDTPINI.TPU.3 ACCOUNT_EDTPINI9 The ACCOUNT_EDTPINI.TPU file is placed in the directory = specified by the logical name SYS$LOGIN and is read and the < commands executed every time the user invokes the EDT-Plus @ editor. The commands stored in this file are the commands the B user wants executed8 at the beginning of every editting session. A Parameters such as the Message-clearing feature, WRAP settings, 0 and page size should be specified in this file. 3 EDTPINI8 The EDTPINI.TPU file is located in the current default @ directory and should contain commands specific to the editting @ done in the directory, i.e. set up PROGramming delimmitters in B source code directory and Word Processing Delimmitters in a text directory.3 Initial Tabs? The user can specify the tab us9ing either of the EDT standard  tabs or the EDTP special tabs. 4 EDT_TabsG To change the size of the first indentation with the key, modifyC the 4 in the first line below to your preferred value. Suggest 8 ; for FORTRAN programmers and 2 or 3 for PASCAL programmers.> Note: EDTP$Tabs must not be specified for the EDT tabs to be 7 working, that is why the null assignment is made here. EDTP$x_tab_size := 4;$ EDTP$x_tab_goal := EDTP$x_tab_size; EDTP$x_tab_set := 1; EDTP$:Tabs := "";4 Special_TabsF Use the following line to set tabs instead of using EDT standard tabs. Tab columns should be seperated by one space.5 EDTP$Tabs := "6 8 12 20 25 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70";G The following line should be used if the user wants the tabs specified) in EDTP$Tabs to be expanded into spaces. EDTP$Expand_Tabs := "YES";3 WRAP_SettingsF To change the wrap of the text, modify the 79 in the first line belowF to your preferred value. Suggest 60 for SIP';s, 72 for FORTRAN, and F 78 for PASCAL programmers. The user can toggle between seeting 1 and? setting 2 by using GOLD (PF1) CTRL/N. Wrap_setting_1 is used @ for PROGramming parameters and Wrap_setting_2 is used for Word < Processing Parameters under GOLD CTRL/X. EDTP starts with 9 Wrap_setting_1 equal to 79 and Wrap_setting_2 set to 65. EDTP$Wrap_setting_1 := 79; EDTPL$Wrap_setting_2 := 65;3 WP_PROG_Settings9 The following commands should be executed if you want to; custo<mize PROGramming. It changes the definition of word> boundaries to include algebraic punctuation, changes the wrapA setting the EDTP$Wrap_setting_1 (see Wrap_settings), and sets up? auto-indentation. Change 'WP' to "PROG' to set up the proper ! punctuation for Word Processing. EDTP$Parameters := "WP"; EDTP$Set_Parameters; 3 CHAR_Key< If you like to have keypad key 3 set to move character and @ keypad key 1 set to move word with each folowing the direction ; specified by keyp=ad keys 4 (Advance) and 5 (Reverse) then < include the following commands in your initialization file.. DEFINE_KEY('EDTP$move_word',KP1,'move_word'); DEFINE_KEY(> 'IF current_direction=forward THEN MOVE_HORIZONTAL(1) ELSE '+3 'MOVE_HORIZONTAL(-1) ENDIF',KP3,'Move_Character');3 Clear_Messages> This line sets up the editor to erase messages after the user@ has read them. This will keep the two line message buffer from obscuring the screen.  EDTP$Clear_Message := "YES"; 3 Pa>ge_size@ This line will set what the size of a page used for paginating< (See KEYPAD Paginate). EDTP starts with this value at 59. EDTP$Page_size := 59;ww`X"َ1 HELP> When you request help information on VAXTPU from the EDT-PlusC Keypad Emulator, the information is inserted into a buffer, and isA displayed in a window on the screen. If there are more lines ofF information than a single screen can display, you will see the promptG "Press RETURN to continue ...". ?If you press the RETURN key, the nextF page of text will appear. When there is no more text under this helpF level a "Topic?" or "...Subtopic?" prompt will appear. If the cursorG is positioned at the "Press RETURN to continue ..." prompt, and you doH not wish to see the remainder of the text, enter a subtopic to get help/ on the next level or use CTRL/Z to leave help.G If the cursor is at the "Topic?" or "...Subtopic?" prompt, you can endA help prompting mode by pressing CTRL/Z or by re @peatedly pressingC RETURN. To get help on VAXTPU when the "Topic?" prompt is active,F respond with VAXTPU. Note that abbreviations are allowed down to the& smallest unique subset of characters.wwEَ1 KEYPAD_DIAGRAMV lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk_ x ^ x DOWN x x x x x x FNDNXT x DEL L x] x x x x x x x  GOLD x HELP x A x xo x x x x x LEFT x RIGHT x x x x FIND x UND L xV x UP x v x x x tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquZ mqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj x PAGE x SECT x APPEND x DEL W xT DELETE Delete character x x x x xx LINEFEED Delete to beginning of word x COMMANDx FILL x REPLACExB UND W xT BACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu\ GOLD CTRL/A Compute tab level x ADVANCEx BACKUP x CUT x DEL C xT CTRL/D Decrease tab level x x x x xx CTRL/E Increase tab level  x BOTTOM x TOP x PASTE x UND C xT CTRL/K Define key tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqquZ CTRL/R RCefresh Screen xWORD FWDx  EOL xWORD BWDx xV CTRL/T Adjust tabs  x x x x ENTER xo CTRL/U Delete to beginning of line xCHNGCASEx DEL EOLx SPECINSx xT CTRL/W Refresh screen tqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu xX CTRL/Z Exit to line mode x LINE  x SELECT x x[ x  x x SUBS xf   x OPEN LINE x RESET x xV    mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqjww