%ì VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 mz…¹0`i´…¹0 Þ 5QEXITNGRANTÚHELP:QUIT„REVOKE&SHOW äSPAWN­ ñ6„¹01 EXIT# Terminates your AUTH_ID session.ww­Àw8„¹01 GRANT; Allows you to grant an identifier to a user or grant the= capability of granting control of an identifier to a user. Format: GRANT id user-id 2 ParametersidC Specifies the identifier to grant to a user. This identifier mustF NOT be a UIC. You can only grant identifiers that you are authorized. to, or if you have the user privilege SYSPRV.user-idB Specifies the user or holder identifier that you are granting to. This identifier may be a UIC. 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRMB Prompts to SYS$INPUT before actually granting the identifier. ToC actually grant the identifier, you must reply Y or T and press the RETURN key./CONTROL= Grants the capability of granting and revoking the specified; identifier to a user. This switch cannot be used with the$ RESOURCE or the DYNAMIC qualifiers./LOG> Prints a message at the terminal if the identifer was granted successfully./DYNAMICB Specifies that the user being granted the identifier may turn theA identifier on and off at will. This switch cannot be used with@ the CONTROL qualifier. The DYNAMIC qualifier is available only# under VMS V4.4 and later releases. /RESOURCE@ Specifies that the user being granted the identifier may chargeB resources (such as files) to it. This switch cannot be used with the CONTROL qualifier.ww­@ÇJ„¹01 HELPD The AUTH_ID program is a program to allow a user to grant certainC IDs to other users. Users must be authorized to grant these IDsC in the SYSIAF.DAT file. Users with the SYSPRV user privilege orB who are authorized to grant identifiers can grant control of an identifier to another user.ww­ÀáP„¹01 QUIT# Terminates your AUTH_ID session.ww­`hR„¹01 REVOKE? Allows you to revoke an identifier from a user or revoke the= capability of granting control of an identifier to a user. Format: REVOKE id user-id 2 ParametersidF Specifies the identifier to revoke from a user. This identifier mustG NOT be a UIC. You can only revoke identifiers that you are authorized. to, or if you have the user privilege SYSPRV.user-idC Specifies the user or holder identifier that you are revoking from This identifier may be a UIC. 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRMB Prompts to SYS$INPUT before actually revoking the identifier.  ToD actually revoke the identifier, you must reply Y or T and press the RETURN key./CONTROL> Removes the capability of granting and revoking the specified identifier from a user./LOG> Prints a message at the terminal if the identifer was revoked successfully.ww­$`„¹01 SHOWF Displays the status of an identifier, a user, the privileges of theH current process, or the capabilities of other AUTH_ID users to change9 identifiers that the current operator c an also change. Format: SHOW identifier 2 Parameters identiferA Specifies what identifier the information is to be looked up on.@ By default, SHOW will show all UICs that have been granted this identifier. 2 Qualifiers/USERF Requests a lookup on all identifiers that a user possesses. Note thatE the AUTH_ID operator must be allowed to control the ID for SHOW/USER to view it. /AUTHORIZED< Requests a list of all AUTH_ID users capable of controlling t his identifier. /IDENTIFIERSI Requests a list of all identifiers the current AUTH_ID user can control.I Users with the SYSPRV user privilege can list what identifiers any other user can control as well.ww­@fo„¹01 SPAWN> Spawns a subprocess so you can temporarily suspend your IAF= session to run another program or to execute DCL commands. Format: SPAWN [dcl-command] 2 Parameters dcl-commandF Specifies a DCL command. If yo u specify the dcl-command parameter, a@ subprocess is created which executes the specified DCL command.D Control is returned to IAF session when the DCL command terminates.C If you omit the dcl-command parameter, the SPAWN command creates aD subprocess and attaches the terminal to that process. You can then= enter DCL commands at the terminal. When you log out of theB subprocess or attach back to the parent process, you can continue your session.ww