.ps 60,80 .lm 5 .rm 75 .ap .blank 2 .c;Submissions From HATFIELD PACKING COMPANY .blank 2 .c;submitted by: .blank 2 .c;Jim Shelly .c;HATFIELD PACKING COMPANY .c;2700 Funks Rd. P.O. Box 70 Hatfield Pa., 19440 .c;(215)368-2500 ext. 315 (05:30 - 14:30 EST) .blank 2 This represents Hatfield's first DECUS Tape submission. It consists of a few programs that we haven't seen on other DECUS tapes. All the sources, command procedures, objects, exe's, and miscellaneous files are included. These programs are all currently running under VMS V4.4 and they will probably work on any system running VMS V4.0 or later, I have no idea if they will run under VMS V3.x. All the programs are written in COBOL V3.3. Feel free to send me any questions, comments, bugs, enhancements, etc. .s 1 .list .le;[.INDEXF] - This directory contains 2 programs that use INDEXF.SYS to report different kinds of information. .s 1 .lm +5 .ls 0,"o" .le;LBN - When given a logical block number on a disk, LBN will return the file located there. If ANAL/ERR only gives a sector, track, and cylinder where the error occurred (RP07 errors for example), LBN can calculate the logical block number if supplied with the number of heads on the drive (RP07=32) and the number of sectors (RP07=50). See LBN.DOC for details. .s 1 .le;DISKFRAG - A program that reads through INDEXF.SYS and counts the number of extents each file on that disk has and reports the number of contiguous files, files with 2 thru 10 extents, 11 thru 20 extents, etc. etc. An example of the output is included. See DISKFRAG.DOC for details. .els .lm -5 .le;[.PRFILE] - This directory contains a DUMPlike utility. PRFILE accepts a filename, a key of reference for indexed files with alternate keys, a record number, key, range of record numbers, or range of key values and displays the contents of the records selected in hex and alpha-numeric characters. This program comes in very handy when trying to examine the actual contents of a record or file. An example of the output is included. See PRFILE.DOC for details. .end list