.LEFT MARGIN 5 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .SKIP 1 .center;MAKACT .center;An Account Creation Program .center;for Large VAX Environments .center;by .center;Patrick Feldner .center;Illinois Institute of Technology .center;Chicago Ill, 60616 .center;Phone: (312) 567-5962 .SKIP 2 .P 5 0 0 Systems managers in large VMS environments are faced with the problem of creating many accounts for many classes of users on a single machine. We have developed an account creation program MAKACT, which allows for the easy creation and destruction of various classes of accounts through a single, comprehensive program. .SKIP 1 .P Accounts are created by running an account creation shell which prompts for a specific command such as MAKE, DISUSER, REMOVE, ADD, DELETE, MODIFY, SHOW, HELP, and EXIT. By issuing any of these commands the program will enter the specified account management mode. Within each mode of account creation the program will prompt the user for relevant account information. .SKIP 1 .P This is a unified and flexible way of setting up accounts for any, but especially large VMS systems. It has been successfully implemented on a large VAX/VMS installation at a University Computing Center for the creation of various types of accounts for research, class use, and general departmental computing. .SKIP 2 .center;MAKE and MAKE/LIST .SKIP 1 .P The account creation begins by inquiring the account type, sub-type, and the funds to be allocated to each of the account names created. Once this information has been input the program will verify this information with the semester budget file. This is an indexed file with predefined templates which are used in account creation which specify parameters such as UIC group number, diskquota, user disk, PACS charge rate, and semester budget remaining for a particular "class" of account. If there is an error in locating the "class" entry the program will return a warning message and instruct you to use the ADD command to add the "class" to the semester budget file. The ADD command will be discussed at a later point in the paper. After establishing the proper defaults the work files are opened and intialized for the "class". and appended to when the names are input for the particular "class". Other templates specify the defaults and customized settings for UAF parameters and ACL's for the associated directories, etc. .SKIP 2 .center;REMOVE, REMOVE/CONFIRM, and REMOVE/LIST .SKIP 1 .P This mode of the program will ask either for the file name of the list of usernames, the format of the list must be that of the SYSUAF.LIS file, or if the qualifier is not specified then just the appropriate username is required. This in turn will create the associated work files to remove the UAF entry, disk quota entry and the files on the system for the specified user. .SKIP 2 .center;DISUSER and DISUSER/LIST .SKIP 1 .P This mode of the program will ask either for the file name of the list of usernames, the format of the list must be that of the SYSUAF.LIS file, or if the qualifier is not specified then just the appropriate username is required. This in turn will create the associated work files to disuser the UAF entry. .SKIP 2 .center;ADD, DELETE, MODIFY SHOW, and SHOW/LIST .SKIP 1 .P The sole purpose of these modes are to manage the semester budget file. This will allow online additions, deletions, etc. of account "classes". The SHOW command will display entries in the semester budget file and the /LIST qualifier will send the output to a specified file. .SKIP 2 .center;HELP and EXIT .SKIP 1 .P The HELP command is a VMS style help library for online assistance in the creation and deletion of the accounts. The EXIT command is specified by the CONTROL-Z character. The command will close the particular mode that the user was in and put the user in the next higher mode in the program. If the character CONTROL-Z is given on the top mode, the program will exit to the DCL command line.