% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00`є\@\"t ='[[  }5!\KED KEYPAD_IBM! KEYPAD_VT100B KEYPAD_VT200SummaryZVAXTPU  xx xx xx xLx xx xx x x xx xx xx xmqq FINDjmqqq INSjmqqq REMj mqqq PF1jmqqq PF2jmqqq PF3jmqqq PF4jFINDPASTECUTGOLDKEYSHELP NEXTFIND DEL LUND L Llqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkMx xx xx x x xx xx xx x Mx xx  xx x x xx xx xx xqmqqq SELjmqq PREVjmqq NEXTj mqqqqq 7jmqqqqq 8jmqqqqq 9jmqqqqq rjSELECT-16L+16LPAGECOMMANDPARAFILL APPENDREPLACEDEL WUND W  M lqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkqM x x x xx xx xx xmM x x  x xx xx xx x  mqqqq UPj mqqqqq 4jmqqqqq 5jmqqqqq 6jmqqqqq ,j-16L ADVANCEBOTTOM BACKUPTOP CUTPASTE DEL CUND C Mlqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkqMx xx xx x x xx xx xx xOMx xx xx x x xx  xx xx x[Mmqq LEFTjmqq DOWNjmq RIGHTj mqqqqq 1jmqqqqq 2jmqqqqq 3jx xqM lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkx x V = key help; CTRL/Z = resume  x xx xx x x xx xx xSCROLL +16L SCROLL WORDCASE EOLDEL EOLCHAR[7mSpecIns  mqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 0jmqqqqq .jmq ENTERjENTERSUBST LINEOPEN LINE SELECTRESET EDT keysGOLD Map ww x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 0jmqqqqq .jmq ENTERjLINEOPEN LINE SELECTRESET EDT keysGOLD Mapw`rvj 1 KEYPAD_IBMO)0lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqkqLx xx x x xx xLx xx x x xx xmqqqq F1jmqqqq F2j mqqqqqqq NUM LOCKjmqqqq SCROLL LOCKjGOLDKEYSHELP GOLDNEXTFIND Llqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkLx xx x x xx xx xx xx xx x x xx xx xx xNEXTFIND DEL LUND L PAGECOMMANDPARAFILL 6mqqqq F3jmqqqq F4j mqqqqq 7jmqqqqq 8jmqqqqq 9jmqqqqq rjAPPENDREPLACEDEL WUND W  Llqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkMx xx x x xx xx xx x Mx xx x x xx xx xx xLmqqqq F5jmqqqq F6j mqqqqq 4jmqqqqq 5jmqqqqq 6jx xADVANCEBOTTOM BACKUPTOP CUTPASTE qMlqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkx x Mx xx x x xx xx xx  xx x Mx xx x x xx xx xx xx xqmqqqq F7jmqqqq F8j mqqq PRTjmqqqqq 1jmqqqqq 2jmqqqqq 3jx xWORDCASE EOLDEL EOLCHARSpecInsENTERSUBST qMlqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqkx x Mx xx x x xx xx x Mx xx x  x xx xx xOmqqqq F9jmqqq F10j mqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 0jmqqqqqqqqqqqqqq .jmqqqqq +jLINEOPEN LINE SELECTRESET EDT keysGOLD Map0 = key help; CTRL/Z = resume ww xx xx xSCROLL +16L SCROLL WORDCASE EOLDEL EOLCHAR  j1 KED B The KED editor uses a keypad-driven user interface to common textD editing operations. You can use arrow keys or keypad function keysD to position your terminal's cursor within the text you are editing.E Common text editing operations, such as text insertion, replacement,M> location and deletion are also available as keypad functions.@ You can edit individual characters, words, lines or larger text@ structures. You can easily include text from other files, and1 can create new files with only a few keystrokes. 2 HELP9 To use KED's help facility, first display the KED keypadH@ diagram by typing the () key. You can get further? help on the function of each keypad or function key by typingq@ that key. To resume editing, type the "control-Z" (CTRL/Z) key combination. 2 No help available ? No help is available on that key. The key that you pressed is @ either not assigned to a command or there has been no help text include d for that key.[2 DOWN (DOWN_ARROW)4 DOWN ()5 Moves the cursor down to the current column positionq on the following line.[2 +16L+ +16L ( or )D Moves down 16 lines.q2 -C -C (), Moves the cursor one character to the left. 2 SHIFT_LEFT SHIFT_LEFT ()E Shifts the screen image of the current window 8 columns to the left. 2 +C +C ()j- Moves the cursor one character to the right.q 2 SHIFT_RIGHT;" SHIFT_RIGHT ()E Shifts the screen image of the current window 8 columns to the rightq8 until the left margin is again displayed on the screen.2 -L -L ()@ Moves the cursor up to the current column on the previous line.2 -16L) -16L ( or )  Moves up 16 lines.[2  ()qA key or SHIFT_KEY, accesses alternate keypad functions. ToS? use it, you first type th Ce key (), followed by anyS= other key to form a two keystroke sequence. The keyqB becomes a prefix to the second key you type. For example, typing= the key deletes the current word from your text, butxB typing (re-)insertes the most recently deleted word into your text.2 Keypad_Diagram! Keypad_Diagram ( or )q@ provides information on the keypad layout. > provides information on keypad editing and VAXTPU featureU programming language andG layered on the utility. You have access to the VAXTPU interpreter andH compiler from both EVE and the EDT Keypad Emulator. While using one ofH the editing interfaces, you can write procedures in VAXTPU to customize' or extend the interface you are using.mwwcursor within the text you are editing.E Common text editing operations, such as text insertion, replacement,> location and deletion are also available as keypad functions.@ You can edit individual chara@k 1 Summary  Screen LayoutC ADJUST_WINDOW CREATE_WINDOW MAP REFRESH SHIFT UNMAP UPDATEe Cursor Movement- CURSOR_HORIZONTAL CURSOR_VERTICAL SCROLLp Editing Position Modification1 MARK MOVE_HORIZONTAL MOVE_VERTICAL POSITION  Text ManipulationG APPEND_LINE BEGINNING_OF CHANGE_CASE COPY_TEXT CREATE_BUFFEReI CREATE_RANGE EDIT END_OF ERASE ERASE_CHARACTERC ERASE_LINE FILE_PARSE FILE_SEARCH FILL MOVE_TEXThJ READ_FILE SEARCH SELECT SELECT_RANGE SPLIT_LINE  TRANSLATE WRITE_FILEk Pattern MatchingA4 ANCHOR ANY ARB LINE_BEGIN LINE_END MATCH4 NOTANY REMAIN SCAN SCANL SPAN SPANL Editing Context InformationG CURRENT_BUFFER CURRENT_CHARACTER CURRENT_COLUMN CURRENT_DIRECTION D CURRENT_LINE CURRENT_OFFSET CURRENT_ROW CURRENT_WINDOW* GET_INFO SET SHOW Defining Keys; DEFINE_KEY KEY_NAME  LAST_KEY LOOKUP_KEY UNDEFINE_KEY  Multiple Processing0 ATTACH CREATE_PROCESS SEND SEND_EOF SPAWN Program and Procedure Execution% COMPILE EXECUTE EXIT QUIT SAVEc Miscellaneous= ASCII CALL_USER EXPAND_NAME DELETE FAOiA HELP_TEXT INDEX INT LENGTH MESSAGEv@ READ_CHAR READ_KEY READ_LINE STR SUBSTR8 LEARN_BEGIN LEARN_END JOURNAL_CLOSE JOURNAL_OPENE The VAXTPU language provides 93 built-in procedures that you can useEF alone or in combination with language statements and other built-ins.G Following is a list of the built-ins grouped according to the functionk they perform.I The following conventions are used in the descriptions of the built-ins:iJ {|} Choose one of the enclosed items; for example, {a | b} means + to choose either "a" OR "b". eK [ ] Indicates an optional item. The CASE statement is an exception or )= Prompts for and then searches for a new search-target string in the current direction. 2 DELETE_L DELETE_L ()? Deletes text from the current cursor position to the beginning> of the next line, incP *k R_EVANS KEYPAD_VT100 KEYPAD_VT200 KEYPAD_IBMKEDVAXTPUSummary%,t = LATSHAW KEYPAD_VT100"@\"t =1 KEYPAD_VT100W)0lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk>Tx xx xx xx x x xx xx xx xTx xx xx xx x x xx xx xx xmqqqq UPjmqq DOWNjmqq LEFTjmq RIGHTj mqqq PF1jmqqq PF2jmqqq PF3jmqqq PF4jGOLDKEYSHELP NEXTFIND DEL LUND L  # lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqk  SCROLL SCROLL eT x xx xx xx xT x xx xx xx x mqqqqq 7jmqqqqq 8jmqqqqq 9jmqqqqq rjPAGECOMMANDPARAFILL APPENDREPLAC$EDEL WUND W oT lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkU x xx xx xx xU x xx xx xx x mqqqqq 4jmqqqqq 5jmqqqqq 6jmqqqqq ,jADVANCEBOTTOM BACKUPTOP CUTPASTE DEL C%UND C U lqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkdU x xx xx xx x U x xx xx xx xn mqqqqq 1jmqqqqq 2jmqqqqq 3jx xWORDCASE EOLDEL EOLCHARSpecInsENTERSUBST& iU lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqklqqqqqqqkx xr^ = key help; CTRL/Z = resume  x xx xx xU x xx xx xr mqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 0jmqqqqq .jmq ENTERjLINEOPEN LINE SELECTRESET EDT keysGOLD MapLww ()> Restores the most recently deleted character, inserting it to the left of the cursor.2 WORD WORD ()6 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word in the current direction. 2 CHANGE_CASE CHANGE_CASE ()9 Changes the case of all the letters in the Select-Range,9 or the changes case of the current letter. If currently8 positioned on a found-string, that entire string's case will be changed.2 EOL EOL ( or CTRL/E)(0 Moves the cursor to the end of the next line in the current direction. 2 DELETE_EOL DELETE_EOL ()< Deletes text from the current cursor position to the end of= the current line. Does not delete the line terminator. The@ deleted text is remembered as the "most recently deleted line."2 CHAR CHAR ()9 Moves the cursor one character in the current direction. 2 SPECINS SpecIns ()> Allows you to insert any character from the DEC Multi)national? Character Set into your text. First type the key, thenA the decimal equivalent value for the desired character, followed by .2 ENTER ENTER ()? Sends a command or search string to the editor for processing. 2 SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE ()? Replaces the next occurrence of the current search string with; the contents of PASTE. The cursor does not move after the replacement occurs.2 LINE LINE ()6 Moves the cur*sor to the beginning of the next line in the current direction. 2 OPEN_LINE OPEN_LINE ()A Causes a new line to be inserted at the current cursor position. The cursor does not move.2 SELECT SELECT (PERIOD or )8 Marks the start of a Select-Range. The characters that9 the cursor passes over are included in the Select-Range.2 RESET RESET ()7 Cancels the Select-Range and sets the current buffer's7 direction to FORWARD. Also clears the Message Window.2 TOGGLE_INSERT_OVERSTRIKE" TOGGLE_INSERT_OVERSTRIKE (CTRL/A)1 TogOgles the text entry mode between "insert" and "replace" (or "overstrike").2 CTRL_C CTRL/C< Aborts the current editing operation. CTRL/C is useful for= stopping searches and the reading and writing of files. You; should exit from the editor after using CTRL/C and start a; new session for any further edits. It may not be possible- to recover text changes made after a CTRL/C.2  (CTRL/H or ); Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. P If= the cursor is already at the beginning of the line, entering? CTRL/H moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous line.2  (CTRL/I or )= Moves the text that is to the right of the cursor (including9 the cursor character) to the right to the nearest preset editing tab stop.2 DELETE_PREVIOUS_WORD& DELETE_PREVIOUS_WORD (CTRL/J or ); Deletes characters from the current cursor position to theB beginning of the current word. If the cursor is atQ the beginning@ of a word, then the previous word is deleted. The deleted text3 is remembered as the "most recently deleted word."2  (CTRL/L)2 Inserts a form-feed character before the cursor.2 DELETE_TO_BOL DELETE_TO_BOL (CTRL/U)5 Deletes text from the current cursor position to the7 beginning of the line. The deleted text is remembered% as the "most recently deleted line."2 REFRESH_SCREEN REFRESH_SCREEN (CTRL/W) Refreshes/repaints the screen.R2 CTRL_Y CTRL/Y (DCL Interrupt)A Aborts the current editing session. The current edits are savedA in a journal file. If you pressed this key by accident, you canC resume the editing session by typing "CONTINUE" at the DCL prompt.2 RESUME_EDITING RESUME_EDITING (CTRL/Z)? Resumes editing operations after help text has been displayed.2 DELETE_PREVIOUS_CHAR key on VT100, B); Allows you to recall another buffer by name to the screen.; You are prompted for the name of the buffer, which usually< corresponds to the name of the file which you're editing in> that buffer. Predefined buffer names include MAIN and PASTE.2 CYCLE_BUFFERS CYCLE_BUFFERS (C)8 Allows you to cycle through KED's known l Tist of editing> buffers (including MAIN and PASTE), recalling each one to the= screen in turn. This is useful if you've forgotten the name. of a buffer that you were previously editing.2 CREATE_DCL_SUBPROCESS CREATE_DCL_SUBPROCESS (D)? Executes DCL commands, putting the results in the buffer named> $$DCL. The results of these commands are placed in the $$DCL> buffer, and that buffer is mapped to your screen for viewing.A You can treat the contents of this command as text, pUossibly for9 inclusion (CUT/PASTE) into another buffer, or simply for information.; To return to your previous buffer to continue editing, use: either M (return to MAIN buffer) or L (return to last buffer).2 EXECUTE_DCL_COMMANDS EXECUTE_DCL_COMMANDS (D)? Executes DCL commands, putting the results in the buffer named> $$DCL. The results of these commands are placed in the $$DCL> buffer, and that buffer is mapped to your screen for viewing.A You can treatV the contents of this command as text, possibly for9 inclusion (CUT/PASTE) into another buffer, or simply for information.; To return to your previous buffer to continue editing, use: either M (return to MAIN buffer) or L (return to last buffer).2 CLEAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW CLEAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW (E)9 Clears the Message Window, erasing any TPU or KED editor6 messages which remain there from previous operations. 2 INPUT_FILE INPUT_FILE (I)? Allows Wyou to input (read) another file into a new or existing buffer. 2 START_LEARN START_LEARN (K): Allows you to "teach" KED a sequence of keystrokes. Once9 learned, you will be prompted for a key sequence to bind: (attach) this learned sequence to, and you can then "play' back" the sequence by typing that key.2 FIND_LAST_BUFFER FIND_LAST_BUFFER (L)C Returns you to the last buffer (prior to your current buffer) that you were editing.2 FIND_MAIN_BUFFERX FIND_MAIN_BUFFER (M): Returns you to the MAIN buffer, regardless of what buffer5 you're currently editing. The buffer you've left is! remembered as the "last buffer."2 OUTPUT_BUFFER OUTPUT_BUFFER (O)7 Allows you to output (write) a buffer into a new file. 2 SET_SHOW_DO SET_SHOW_DO (S)> Initiates a menu of editor actions and options, which appears= in the Message Window. To use the menu, position the cursor> (using the arrow keys or other cursor pYositioning keys) on orA within the word which describes your choice, then type .A If additional menu choices appear, continue to make your choicesB as above. If at any time you wish to abandon the menu and resume> editing, position the cursor between words and type .2 DROP_SEARCH_TARGET DROP_SEARCH_TARGET (.)? Inserts a "search-target" text marker at the current location.2 FIND_SEARCH_TARGET FIND_SEARCH_TARGET (/)= Finds the next occurence ofZ a "search-target" in the current direction.2 RETRIEVE_COMMENT RETRIEVE_COMMENT (?)? Displays the comment-text associated with an editing key. YouA will be prompted for a "Key?"; in response, type the key (either@ a keypad-key, a or a CTRL/ sequence). If that@ key-sequence is an actual editing command key, its comment-text will be displayed.2 TOGGLE_MESSAGE_CURRENT! TOGGLE_MESSAGE_CURRENT (\)? Toggles the cursor between your current buf fer and the Message? Buffer. This is useful if the editor returns an informational7 or error message which must be inspected more closely.wwk1 VAXTPUE VAXTPU is a new Text Processing Utility for VAX/VMS Version V4.0 andF later. The utility consists of a procedural language, a compiler, an@ interpreter, and two editing interfaces written in VAXTPU. TheC Extensible VAX Editor (EVE) and the VAXTPU EDT Keypad Emulator areF examples of interfaces written in the VAXTP