! This is a list of facility codes for facilities written at MCV ! that need to use Messages. ! ! To use this, add a literal definition to the list. Then in your ! message file, use this literal as the facility number, and prefix ! this file to yours when you build the object module. ! ! Example: ! ! Put the following line in THIS file: ! ! .literal AtomBomb ! ! ! And the next line in YOUR message file ! ! .facility AtomBomb,AtomBomb$_facility/prefix=AtomBomb__ ! ! Then build your message object file with the following line, assuming ! that the logical name MCV has been defined to point to the directory ! containing this file. ! ! $ message mcv:facility,sys$disk:[]yourfile.msg/obj=yourfile .literal MCV$_FACILITY = 1105 ! Start of MCV DECUS submissions. (MCV = 1105 in roman numerals.) .literal EXTRACT$_FACILITY = MCV$_FACILITY+1 ! Writes tables to object files .literal MSGPAS$_FACILITY = MCV$_FACILITY+2 ! Turns a message object file into Pascal declarations .literal TBL$_FACILITY = MCV$_FACILITY+3 ! Writes tables to object files