! AAAREADME.TPRINT - Helpful information on TPRINT program. ! ! Eugene J. Suchyta ! The Detroit Edison Company ! 2000 Second Ave ! Detroit, MI 48226 ! ! July 1, 1986 ! The TPRINT command was created by Eugene J Suchyta on or around June of 1986. It was developed at The Detroit Edison Company, Detroit, Michigan. All rights are reserved. Mr. Suchyta may be contacted at 237-7878, or through the company operator at 237-8000. No claims are made as to the accuraccy of the source, or any such thing. Although great effort has been made to eliminate all programming bugs, you run this program at your own risk. It has been running on a VAX 11/750 since June, 1986 with no problems discovered (yet). The TPRINT command is used to print files on a printer attached to a VT200 or similar terminal with a printer port. It allows for printing in pica and elite character widths, as well as draft and an alternate print quality. The TPRINT command is flexible enough to allow for different printer definitions on the command line, as well as different terminal definitions on the command line. TPRINT requires no special privileges to execute. TPRINT should be defined as a foreign command. It has two logical names associated with it, along with a help file. To get TPRINT up and running on an account, define it as a foriegn command: TP*RINT = $dev_spec:[dir-spec]TPRINT Also, define the following two logical names: DEFINE TPRINTPARMS dev_spec:[dir-spec]TPCONFIG.DAT DEFINE TPRINTTERM dev_spec:[dir-spec]TPTERM.DAT The first logical name defined is for the default printer parameters. The one supplied is for a Mannesman Tally MT86. The second is for the default terminal parameters. The one supplied for this is for a VT200 series terminal. All three of these statements may be found in the file TPRINTINI.COM. Remember, though, that this file should be modified to be made site-specific. A help file is also included in TPRINT.HLP. Be sure to define it to the proper help library. THINGS TO REMEMBER: The printer strings, found in file TPCONFIG.DAT, should be defined in decimal, not hexidecimal. In addition, the are limited to five bytes in length. If more bytes are needed, it can be easily increased, although it will require a source code change. Printer strings are read in such a way that equal signs (=), spaces, tabs and commas are used as delimiters between items on a line. Everything beyond an exclamation mark is ignored. The line should contain the variable name, followed by the decimal bytes comprising the string. For example, if a reset is an escape character followed by an '@' sign, the following should appear in the file: reset 27 64 It may also be defined as follows: reset = 27 64 reset = 27,64 reset 27,64 reset,27,64 Remember, equal signs (=), spaces, tabs and commas are used as delimiters between items on a line. If an item is not defined in the configuration file, it will be given a value of null with a length of 1. The following items should be defined for the printer in TPCONFIG.DAT: form_feed - Character string used to generate form feeds. reset - Character string used to reset. draft - Character string used to put printer in draft quality mode. alternate - Character string used to put printer in some alternate character quality mode. May be for italics, letter quality, near letter quality, etc. pica - Character string used to put printer in pica (10 cpi) mode. elite - Character string used to put printer in elite (12 cpi) mode. The same restrictions apply to the terminal strings, defined in TPTERM.DAT, except they may be up to ten bytes in length. The following items should be defined for the terminal in TPTERM.DAT: printer_on - Character string used to turn the printer controller on and the terminal screen off. This is generally refered to as printer controller mode. printer_off - Character string used to turn the printer controller off and the terminal screen on. A ^C will stop the program in an orderly fasion (i.e., do a form feed and reset the printer). A ^Y will not. It is heartily suggested that users do not ^Y out of TPRINT. The following are files you should have: AAAREADME.TPRINT - This file, containing helpful information. MT86.DAT - Printer configuration file for Mannesman Tally MT86 printer. TPCONFIG.DAT - Defualt printer configuration file. TPRINT.COM - DCL file to compile, link and define the foreign command and logical names. TPRINT.EXE - Executable image. TPRINT.FOR - FORTRAN source code. TPRINT.HLP - Help file. TPRINT.LIS - FORTRAN listing file. TPRINT.MAP - Map file. TPRINT.OBJ - Relocatable object file. TPRINTINI.COM - Login initialization file. TPRINT_CLD.CLD - Command line description text file. TPRINT_CLD.OBJ - Command line description object file. TPTERM.DAT - Default terminal configuration file. Total of 14 files.