FRAGMENT Utility [MIVAXLUG.FRAGMENT] D I S K F R A G M E N T A T I O N U T I L I T Y Written by: James B. Fischer MIVAXLUG Chair This utility reads the BITMAP.SYS file in the [0,0] directory on a disk specified by the user. A one page report is generated containing information on fragmentation of the disk. This version only examines the AVAILABLE space on the disk. Future versions will include USED space in the report. The percent of fragmentation is a number that you will have to compare to the amount of free space. For example, if a disk has only 100 free blocks, being 90% fragmented doesn't mean much. On the other hand, if a disk has 800,000 free blocks being 50% fragmented is significant. The importance of fragmentation must also be weighted by your applications and disk activity. The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of fragments (regardless of the fragment size) by the worst case number of fragments. The worst case number of fragments is equal to the number of free blocks divided by cluster size. EXAMPLE: The disk has 600,000 blocks available and a cluster size of 3. There are 20,000 fragments of varying sizes on the disk. maximum fragment = 200,000 = 600,000 / 3 This is the worst case since 200,000 fragments would indicated that no two available disk clusters were contiguous. percent fragmented = 10% = 20,000 / 200,000