%ģ VAX-11 Librarian V04-00ąS˜</Ž@£</Ž x 5FRAGMENT­@£</Ž 1 FRAGMENT@ The FRAGMENT utility will generate a fragmentation report for a? specified disk device for either the available space, the used9 space, or both. The output can be displayed at the users* terminal, or be directed to a data file. 8 FRAGMENT [/OUTPUT=file] [/AVAILABLE] [/USED] device2 deviceC The device for which the fragmentation report is to be generated.D The specified device must be an ODS-1 or an ODS-2 disk structure. 2 Qualifiers /AVAILABLE /AVAILABLE (D) /NOAVAILABLEA Directs the FRAGMENT utility to generate fragmentation data for9 the AVAILABLE space on the specified disk. Use of this: qualifier requires read access to [0,0]BITMAP.SYS on the= specified device. Specifying /NOAVAILABLE will suppress the@ generation of the AVAILABLE fragmentation data. The default is /AVAILABLE. /OUTPUT? The /OUTPUT qualifier causes the output to be directed to the> specified file. If /OUTPUT is not specified then SYS$OUTPUT is assumed./USED /USED /NOUSED (D)A Directs the FRAGMENT utility to generate fragmentation data for> the USED space on the specified disk. Use of this qualifier< requires read access to all files on the specified device.= Specifying /NOUSED will suppress the generation of the USED. fragmentation data. The default is /NOUSED. ww