% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00@meB@eB  5SIDPARSE @eB 1 SIDPARSEL The SID (System IDentification) register is comprised of several fields.L The format of the SID varies from one class of VAX processors toL another. Not all processor classes have serial number fields. In ALLE cases, the left most byte of information is the CPU class number.L The SIDPARSE command procedure takes apart a SID value and displays theL relevent fields. A SID can be supplied or, if is entered, the. curren t system's SID is obtained and used. 2 CPU_Classes2 The CPU class numbers and the SID formats are:) Processor Number) --------- ------' uVAX-I 7' uVAX-II 8' VAX-730 3' VAX-750 2' VAX-780, 1( VAX-782, 1 ' VAX-785 1' VAX-8600 42 Small_CPU_Format" 31 23 23 16 15 8 7 0# +-----+-----+-----+-----+I | | | | The uVAX I and uVAX II SID format.# +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ^ ^ ^, | | +------ Not Used7 | +--------------- Micro Code RevisionJ +--------------------- Cpu Type (7 for uVAX-I, 8 for uVAX-II)2 Medium_CPU_Format" 31 23 23 16 15 8 7 0# +-----+-----+-----+-----+J | | | | | The VAX-730 and VAX-750 SID format.# +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ^ ^ ^ ^; | | | +--- Hardware Revision Level= | | +--------- Micro Code Revision Level, | +--------------- Not UsedK +--------------------- Cpu Type (3 for VAX-730, 2 for VAX-750)G NOTE: The VAX-725 is a VAX-730 processor .B The VAX-751 (OEM) is a VAX-750. processor.2 Large_CPU_Format" 31 23 23 15 14 12 11 0# +-----+-----+-----+-----+K | | | | | The VAX-780 and VAX-8600 SID formats.# +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ^ ^ ^ ^1 | | | +--- Serial NumberF | | +--------- Plant (where CPU was manufactured)6 |  +--------------- Hardware ECO LevelL +--------------------- Cpu Type (1 for VAX-780, 4 for VAX-8600)G NOTE: The VAX-782 is a VAX-780 processor.G The VAX-785 is a VAX-780 processor,G although the high bit of the ECO is8 always ON for 785's.ww