.TITLE AZ_IO ;; ; Routines AZ_OPEN, AZ_READ, and AZ_CLOSE ; ; ; These are simple, no-frill routines to read a card-image file us- ; ing RMS. ; ; status = AZ_OPEN('file_name') ; ; status = AZ_READ() ; ; CALL AZ_CLOSE ; ; Only one file may be open at at time using these routines. ; ; Each call to AZ_READ reads one record (80 characters max) into the ; string RECORD, defined as: ; ; CHARACTER*80 RECORD ; COMMON /READ_/ RECORD ; ; If the record is longer than 80 characters, it is truncated with- ; out notification; if it is shorter than 80 characters, the remain- ; der of RECORD has unpredictable contents. When end-of-file is ; encountered, the file is closed and a status value of zero is re- ; turned. ; ; .INDEX DISK I/O>> ; ; Alan L. Zirkle Naval Surface Weapons Center ; Code K53 ; 15 Jan 1983 Dahlgren, Virginia 22448 ; .PSECT $LOCAL, LONG,PIC,NOSHR,NOEXE,RD,WRT INFAB: $FAB FAC=GET,FOP=SQO INRAB: $RAB FAB=INFAB,ROP=RAH,UBF=RECORD,USZ=80 .PSECT $CODE, LONG,PIC,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT .ENTRY AZ_OPEN, ^M<> MOVL @4(AP), R0 MOVB R0, INFAB+FAB$B_FNS MOVL 4(AP), R0 MOVL 4(R0), INFAB+FAB$L_FNA $OPEN FAB=INFAB BLBC R0, EXIT $CONNECT RAB=INRAB EXIT: RET .ENTRY AZ_READ, ^M<> $GET RAB=INRAB BLBS R0, RETURN CMPL R0, #RMS$_RTB BNEQ QUIT ; QUIT UNLESS 'RECORD TOO LARGE' INCL R0 RETURN: RET .ENTRY AZ_CLOSE, ^M<> QUIT: $CLOSE FAB=INFAB CLRL R0 RET .PSECT READ_,PIC,OVR,GBL,SHR,NOEXE,LONG RECORD: .BLKB 80 .END