% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 R(R5 SD  CR1 SD!- Set/Show Default Directory &SD ^ Go up one subdirectory levelCSD ^^ Go to top level of current directory (enter TOP for help)0SD . Go to login default directory and disk>SD X Set default to [z.X] when currently in [z.y]FSD > Traverse horizontally (enter TRAVERSE for help)  NEW $SD .X Set default to [current.X]3SD X.Y.Z Set default to [X.Y.Z] (enter X for help)2SD n Set default to n'th predefined directoryRSD \ Fully traverse the directory tree (enter TRAVERSE for help)  NEW 2SD << Show the SD stack (enter STACK for help)ISD * Show subdirectories under current default (enter STAR for help)'SD ? Show this SD help information/SD $ Show the current version number of SD"SD Show the current defaultHEnter MULT for help showing how to do multiple SD functions in one call.!2 ^!J Sets default to the next highest directory level. If default is [X.Y.Z],F execution of  SD ^  will set default to [X.Y]. If the current3 default is a top-level directory, nothing happens.!2 TOP!O Entering  SD ^^  sets default to the top level directory. If currently& in [X.Y.Z], you will then be in [X] .!2 .!6 Sets default to the login default directory and disk.!2 X!> Sets default to the directory "X" at this subdirectory level.I If the current directory is [A.B.C] then  SD >X  will set default> to [A.B.X]. If the current default is a top-level directory, nothing happens.? Wildcards (* and %) may be used in the directory name; SD will6 go to the first directory matching the specification.! 2 TRAVERSE!N Using  SD >  traverses horizontally, and  SD \  traverses en-A tire directory trees. See the subtopics for more information.> When doing either type of traversal, you will get the errorA message "End of traversal reached" when there are no more dir- ectories to traverse.!3 >!@ Sets default to the next directory (in alphabetical order) on@ this level. If the current directory is [A.B], then success-G ive uses of  SD >  will set the default to [A.C], [A.D], etc.!3 \ !C Fully traverses the directory tree under the current master dir-A ectory, starting at the current default. For instance, if theI current directory is [A.B], then successive uses of  SD \  will set the default to:A [A.B.B1] [A.B.B2] [A.C] [A.C.C1] [A.C.C1.C1X] [A.D] etc.B If the traverse starts from a master directory, then ALL of theC tree under it will be traversed; the above example starts in the@ middle of the tree, and shows that parts of the tre e 'before'@ the starting point (in alphabetical order) are not traversed.!2 .X!B Sets default to the subdirectory named X at the next lower level.L If the current default is [A.B], then  SD .X  will result in default of [A.B.X]B Wildcards (* and %) may be used in the directory name; SD will go3 to the first directory matching the specification.!2 X!G Sets default to directory [X] on the current device. Note that squareG brackets are not required around the dire ctory name; they are allowed, however. Examples:4 $  SD MYDIR  $  SD NEWDIR.A.B 7 You can also move to a different device, by executing: $  SD device:directory F The colon is required; you may follow the colon with a blank. If youD just enter a device, you will go to your current default on the new- device (e.g. from DRA0:[X.Y] to DRA1:[X.Y]).E Wildcards (* and %) may be used in the directory name; SD will go to0 the first directory matching the  specification.!2 n!B Sets default to the n'th predefined directory. These are usuallyA defined at login, using global symbols SD__n. You can define or6 redefine these yourself, as in the following example:) $ SD__2 == "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MYDIR.MYSUB]"A Such definitions last until you logout or redefine them. If you< want them to be permanent, put them in your LOGIN.COM file.B Note that you must include the square brackets in the definition.A The definition can also be of a d evice only, such as "_DRC0:" orD "SYS$SYSROOT:". If so, then you can combine it with another entry, such as: $  SD 1 X.Y.Z !2 $!= Entering  SD $  displays SD's current version number.!2 STACK!F SD maintains a stack of the last eight directories visited. EnteringM  SD <<  displays the SD stack, with the current directory at the top.E Entering  SD X DIR /DATE  (you must use the abbreviation DIR)= C. On GO operations, you can have it do another movement:H $  SD . .Y  (go to subdirectory Y of login default directory)F $  SD ^ ^  (go up two levels; note difference from SD ^^ )F $  SD <3 >X  (the explanation of this is left as an exercise to the user)!2 Logical-names!I SD translates logical names if given. For example,  SD SYS$HELP 6 will set the default to the translation for SYS$HELP.C If a logical name translates to a full file name, SD only uses the device and directory portions.! 2 Document!B For a hard-copy listing of this HELP text for SD, print the file: SYS$DISK:[VAX85C.NSWC]SD.DOC !1! Alan L. Zirkle Naval Surface Weapons Center! Code K53 ! Dahlgren, Virginia 22448!!! sgs_version = "3.1"!!ww