$! Installation command procedure for ATNODE $! $ write sys$output "Compiling and linking" $ fort/nodeb atnode !Compile the source $ message atnodemsg !Build the message file $ link/nodeb/notrace atnode, atnodemsg !Link the objects $ write sys$output "Installing in system" $ set proc/priv=(cmkrnl,bypass) !Make sure we have priv $ set uic [1,4] $ copy atnode.exe sys$system:/log/PROT=(w:e) !Copy to sys$system $ set command/tables=sys$library:dcltables.exe- !Command table entry /output=sys$library:dcltables.exe - atnode.cld $ mcr install !Install it sys$system:atnode/open/noshare/priv=(sysprv) sys$library:dcltables.exe/replace $ write sys$output "done" $ type sys$input put the following lines in your systartup routine $ run sys$system:install sys$system:atnode.exe/open/noshare/priv=(sysprv) If you will use ATNODE a lot and have global pages to burn, make ATNODE /share instead of /noshare. note: users will have to logout and back in to use the updated DCLTABLES.