.ps 60,80.lm 5.rm 75.ap.no flag .blank 2 .c;Academic Computing and Research Services .c;Western Kentucky University .C;Bowling Green, Kentucky .blank 2 .c;Submitted by: .blank 2 .c;Hunter Goatley .c;WKU/ACRS Student Programmer .c;Science & Technology Hall 110 .c;Western Kentucky University .c;Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 .c;(502) 745-4982 .blank 3 .c;[.MAILSTUFF] Directory .blank 1 .p This subdirectory holds 2 MACRO32 programs that supplement the VAX/VMS MAIL facility. .list 2,">" .le MAILCHK.MAR -- Program that will show whether or not a specified user has read MAIL sent to him/her by the person running the program. Updated for VMS v4.4!! Now handles logical names for users and the new MAIL subdirectories!!! .le MAILCHK2.MAR -- Same as MAILCHK, but will prompt for the username the message is from, as well as the username to check. (Does not assume person running the program is the sender.) .end list .blank 2 In order to run these programs, a user must have the SYSPRV privilege, or else the program must be installed with that privilege. We decided not to install the program (MAILCHK) and it was modified to let the system manager check on mail status for others (hence, MAILCHK2). .blank 1 These programs contain ANSI terminal escape sequences for VT100-compatible terminals. They can be easily modified for other terminals. .blank 1 For more information, check the comments of each program.