Script Command Summary AGAIN Ask to repeat selection, do it if yes. ALLOW Permit action items to execute on a return in initial. AND n 'AND' privelge mask and n. APPEND filespec Open 'filespec' for appending (create if nonexistent). ASK (insert) text Ask 'text' and if "yes", then use 'insert'. ASKL text Ask 'text' and on "yes", set; "no", clear logic flag. ASKS (insert) text Ask 'text' and use 'insert' as a default. ASKS text Ask 'text' and use reply for substitution; must answer. ASK? text Help for "ask" commands, must immediately follow the "ask" command. Use 'text' as input to system-wide help. ASK? (filespec) Like above, except, types 'filespec'. ASK? "text" Like above, except, outputs 'text'. BATCH Sets the no-wait flag for action item execution. BOTTOM Sets flag to force cursor to bottom of screen if no clear flag is set for output (use with split screen). BLOCK Outputs 'Type ' to continue message and waits. CALL/SUB filespec Calls menu script 'filespec'. CHAIN command Forces script to exit and chain to 'command'. CHOICE Causes execute string to be outputted at top of screen with scrolling regions set to perserve it. CLEAR Sets flag to clear screen on next terminal output. CLI cliname An RSX command to switch CLI; a NOP in VMS CLOCK Outputs current time and date as text to the terminal. CLOSE Closes log file. CONTINUE Sets the continue flag for action item execution. DATE Places the time and date on the menu. DEBUG Sets the debug flag. DELAY seconds Causes the script to wait 'seconds'. DISALLOW Stops action items in init field on "Return's". DLOGICAL logical A control item that deletes 'logical'. DSYMBOL symbol A control item that deletes 'symbol'. END Stops the execution of a selection. ERASE_SCREEN Clears a split screen, the whole screen if not split. ERROR Sets hold on error flag for action item execution. EXIT Exits the script program. FILENAME Causes present script filename in the symbol "SCR$FILE". FREE Enables control_Y/control_C. GOTO filespec Exits present menu and goes to 'filespec' script. GRAPHIC command Causes 'command' to be executed at each menu output. HARDCOPY_PROMPT "prmpt" Use 'prompt' in place of 'SCR>' on hardcopy returns. HOLD Sets the hold flag for action item execution. IF item Tests 'item' and executes the next command if true; items are: logical flag, privilege mask, CRT, and action status flag (error). IFNOT item Tests 'item' and executes the next command if false. INQUIRY Asks user if the wish to continue selection. ISOLATE Causes action items to be spawned without tables. KILL_LAST Cancels the Last command. LAST command Causes 'command' to be executed when program exits. LIST_BEGIN @file/symbol Begins a list processing block. LIST_END Ends a list processing block. LOCK Sets the lock flag, which disables user initiated exits (PF4, ^Z, etc.) and commands ($,@ commands). LOG string Writes the time/date, then 'string' to the output file. LOGICAL (name) string Sets logical 'name' to string. LOOP Causes selection to restart from the beginning MAINTAIN_FLAGS Causes flags to be maintained between scripts. NO CLEAR Causes clear flag to be reset. OFF Sets the log-off flag. OPEN filespec Opens 'filespec' for logging (see Write command). ON Resets the log-off flag. OR mask Causes mask to be or'ed with the privilege mask. OVERRIDE_FLAGS Cancel Maintain Flags command. OUTPUT filesname Types 'filename', pausing every 22 lines. PASSWORD name/"passwd" Request password from user, if incorrect, the selection or the menu is cancelled. PRINTER option Controls escape sequences for enabling and disabling the printer port on terminal. PRIVILEGE Checks OPER/ SYS privilege and cancels selection if not. PROCEED_ON_ERR Causes the Stop_On_Err flag to be reset. PROMPT Causes no cursor control; selections are prompted. PROTECT Checks OPER or SYS privilege and cancels meun if failed. QUERY Sets the query flag for action item execution. RECALULATE Re-compile the present menu. RESET_SCREEN Clears screen, resets scrolling, and homes the cursor. RETURN 'Returns' form a called menu. SAVE_CONTEXT Saves the menu stack and present menu name in a symbol. SET n/log/not_log Sets privilege mask to n, or sets/resets logical flag. SHOW_FILENAME Outputs present script name. SILENT Sets the silent operation flag. SLAVE Disables control_Y/control_C. SPLIT Enables split screen scrolling regions. STOP_ON_ERR Sets the Stop_On_Error Flag. STRING (text) Cause 'text' to be used as a substitution string. SYMBOL (symbol) string Writes global symbol 'symbol' with 'string'. TEXT text/"text" Outputs 'text'. TIMEOUT n Sets reply timeout to 'n' seconds. TITLE text Clears screen, outputs 'text' and sets scrolling. TOP Clears screen and sets scrolling. UNFORMATTED_SCREEN Keeps screen from being cleared btween selections. UNLOCK Clears lock flag. VERBOSE Clears the silent operation flag. WAIT Sets the wait flag for action item execution. WHOLE Disables split screen scrolling regions. WRITE string Writes'string' to the output file. XSTATUS n Exits with status 'n'. ZERO Returns to initial script with nesting level at 1. ?/HELP text If help requested, call to system help for 'text'. ?/HELP (filespec) If help requested, type 'filespec'. ?/HELP "text" If help requested, output 'text' Format Control Options ALPHA Takes the first character in selection text for prompt. BLANK Has no selection prompt. CHAR_UNFORMAT Like REPEAT, but no formatting. DOUBLE_CHAR Takes the first two character in selection text for prompt. NUMBER Generates a numeric selection for prompt. REPEAT Repeats the first character as selection prompt. TWO_CHAR_UNF Like DOUBLE, but no formatting. UNFOR_NUMERIC Like NUMBER, but no formatting. 2formatted_opt Double column of option. Screen Control Codes !nn,nn !Bold !Flash !Underline !Reverse !Normal !Wide !Tall/!tall !High/!high !Ascii !Graphic !Special !Zero !Line !Clear_line !Delete_rest !Erase_scrren !< !> !up !down !backspace !cr !linefeed !escape !save_cursor !restore_cursor !Mann (multi a) !mnn,nn !O/!origin_mode