INTRO: ----- This file describes how to run a local Kerberos build using the gmake image included with the kit (see SETUP). A complete build tree has been provided, with the generated include files required by the sources. The awk-vms target in the top level makefile.vms file has already been completed. RESTORE BACKUP SAVESET ---------------------- Important: If you are restoring the sources on a system where you installed Kerberos for OpenVMS, HP recommends that you unpack the Kerberos sources into a directory tree separate from your Kerberos installation. For example, if you installed Kerberos in SYS$COMMON, HP recommends that you do not unpack the Kerberos sources in SYS$COMMON:[000000...]. To expand the Kerberos sources BACKUP saveset, enter the following commands: $ CREATE/DIR disk:[directory] $ BACKUP KERBEROS_V30_SOURCES.BCK/SAV disk:[*...] where disk: is the disk device where you want to unpack the sources. The directory tree in the saveset is 6 levels deep, so you may have problems building on ODS-2 disks unless you unpack the sources into a top-level directory. This process will create a directory called [KERBEROS_BUILDS] and then unpack the build tree into that directory. The final directory structure will look something like this: disk:[KERBEROS_BUILDS.KERBEROS_V30_SOURCES...] SETUP: ----- Set default to the [.SRC] subdirectory in the unpacked source tree. Run the file in this directory to set up the logical name for the top of the build tree and the symbols required for the gmake command. VAX, ALPHA, and Itanium versions of GNU MAKE.EXE are provided. The gmake images run on OpenVMS V7.2-2 and up for ALPHA, OpenVMS V7.3 and up for VAX, and OpenVMS V8.2 and up for Itanium. COMPILERS --------- This build has been verified with DEC C V6.5 on Alpha, DEC C V6.4 on VAX, and HP C V7.1 on Itanium. Use of any other compiler, or earlier versions of the DEC/HP C compilers, is not supported. RESOURCES --------- The Kerberos build is is resource-intensive, so it may be necessary to increase some process quotas on the user account that you use to build Kerberos. SETUP ----- Enter the following commands to set default to the source directory and run the file. This file sets up the logical name for the top of the build tree and the symbols required for the gmake command. $ SET DEFAULT [.SRC] $ @ZBUILD_SETUP STARTING A BUILD: ---------------- Alpha, VAX, and Itanium versions of GNV's MAKE.EXE are provided. The gmake images run on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-2 and higher, OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 and higher, and OpenVMS Integrity V8.2 and higher. Enter one of the following commands from this top level directory for the respective build type that you require: $ gmake ! For Alpha RELEASE Builds $ gmake "-e" "I64=1" ! For Itanium RELEASE Builds $ gmake "-e" "VAX=1" ! For VAX RELEASE Builds $ gmake "-e" "DEBUG=1" ! For Alpha DEBUG Builds $ gmake "-e" "DEBUG=1" "-e" "I64=1" ! For Itanium DEBUG Builds MACROS: ------ If you want to change any macros or provide new ones, simply add another "-e" "yourMacro=value" gmake argument. Quoting the arguments is important to be sure that the DCL command line interpreter does not do unexpected things to the gmake command line arguments.