========> [VMS93B.ANTIVIRUS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Antivirals This area contains antiviral programs for PC and Amiga obtained from major Internet sites by your librarian. While these antiviral agents work against many viruses, new viruses for PC and Amiga are appearing constantly and many of these packages work by recognizing key strings in viruses. Please be aware they offer partial protection only. These antivirals are of recent vintage and therefore are likely to be effective at catching any viruses in wide circulation as of this date. They are offered in the hope of helping those who lack good net connections to improve the safety of their PC operations. ========> [VMS93B.ANUNEWS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains patches to the ANU News program from the archive at the University of Pennsylvania. It is present as a convenience for users here. There have been no new releases of the ANU News package since the Spring 1993 tapes. ========> [VMS93B.CKERMIT]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains the C Kermit program as updated since Spring 1993. Also present are a number of TCP/IP related packages for MSDOS, since C Kermit can be used through TCP/IP connections also as a control program. The C Kermit release supports windowing, large packets, and an extensive script language. The script language documentation available free is only partial. Full documentation may be obtained through the book on C Kermit available from Digital Press. It is reported that if you configure C Kermit so that it will not quote control characters other than ^S, ^Q, ^A, and return, and use the large packets and multiple windows, its transfer performance can exceed any other current protocol for asynchronous communication. The default setup can be modified via a kermit initiator file, but ordinarily quotes all control characters. It is a feature of this implementation to support a protocol extension which makes this optional for all but a few characters, so that where an "8-bit-clean" line exists, Kermit suffers from no relative disadvantage with respect to protocols like Xmodem, Ymodem, or Zmodem. Your librarian does not know exact relative performances of these protocols, but C Kermit is a most current one of its type and these features do represent relaxation of a restriction which has long hampered Kermit speed. ========> [VMS93B.CLIFT]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== DDB (detached debugger) is a utilility to fire up the debugger for a detached process. DDB is set up as a foreign command: $ ddb :== $file_path:ddb It has the following syntax: $ ddb[/identification=pid][/log=logfile] [process_name] The process to be debugged is selected via the PID or process name. DDB works by creating an pseudo (FTAnnn:) and virtual (VTAnnn:) terminal and linking the two together in the usual way. DDB then sends a kernel mode AST to the process to be debugged to assign DBG$INPUT and DBG$OUTPUT to be the created virtual terminal. DDB then transparently copies all the users terminal strokes to the pseudo terminal. This make it appear to the user that s/he is talking to the detached process directly. The configuaration looks like this: user ---- typing ---> FTAnnn: ----> VTAnnn: ----> detached process + debug <--- output ---- <---- <---- When the user has finished debugging the detached process s/he may hit ^\ which will cause the FTAnnn device to be eventualy hung up. At this point the virtual terminal disconnects from the physical (nothing physical about it really maybe logical is a better word for it) terminal. If the user at a later time decides to reenter debug for this detached process DDB detects that debug has already been activated and connects a new FTAnnn device to the disconnected virtual terminal. There is a small FORTRAN program for you to debug to test it out. Just @test.com and a process TEST is created at priority 0. Use: $ @setup.com $ ddb test Then wait for the debug prompt to appear. Please feel free to get in there and hack that code around. Just remember that even the slightest change to a program of this sort might crash your machine so don't test it on your production machines. If you make any mods, have any good ideas, find any bugs or just want my address to send me some dosh *MAIL ME*. Some problems so far noted: Some older versions of VMS (older than V5.5 maybe?) had problems were the FTDRIVER did not like being used with virtual terminals. You need virtual terminals loaded on the system but you can get away with only loading the driver at debug time. Setup.com does this. Hitting return before the process has got its hands on the FTAnnnn: device causes loginout to be activated. I could set the terminal notype_ahead but then you don't get to type ahead in debug. I suppose I should not transfer keystrokes to the FTAnnnn: until I know the debug process has assigned. Page 2 The program leaves logical names hanging about in the system table. These maybe should be gotten rid of by the target process but I am not sure what the best way of doing this is. Virtual terminals eventualy try to delete themselves after a certain period of time has elapsed. This is determined by the sysgen parameter TTY_TIMEOUT (default is 900s = 15 mins). After this timeout period you can not return to debug the process. You can only debug a process that has the same UIC as yourself. The terminal driver will not allow reattachment unless UICs match regardless of privilege. Sometimes it takes a long time for the debugger to activate. If the process you are debugging dies before it gets into debug (notraceback or quota problems) you sit in DDB forever. You can get out with ^\. In order to debug at a level other than assembler instructions the image must have been compiled and linked /debug. The easiest way of doing this is to activate the detached process with a CLI and issue a run/nodebug command in the processes sys$input command file: $ run/deta/input=cmd_proc.com/out=output_file sys$system:loginout.exe Where cmd_proc.com contains: $ run/nodebug image After posting this file to comp.os.vms I received the following brilliant idea from Don Stokes (don@zl2tnm.gen.nz): >A better way is to link the image /DEBUG and flip the debug bit in the >image header (leaving the symbol table intact). I kinda wish there were >separate qualifiers to build a symbol table and set the DEBUG bit. Then >run the program in its native environment. Things change a bit when >running under DCL. All the debug bit does is indicate that the debugger >kicks into life on image startup before passing control to the second >transfer vector. > >Anyway, the following command file will do this for you: > >$ on warning then goto abort >$ open/read/write in 'f$parse(p1, ".EXE")' >$ read in header >$ header[%x20*8,1] = 0 >$ write/update/symbol in header >$ abort:close/nolog in >$ exit > >And yes, I would like you to make your program available.... 8-) > I only wish I had thought this up myself :-( *WARNING* Page 3 This code is very hacky and as such requires the following warning: Use at your own risk. If it crashes your machine then thats tough! I accept *NO* responsibility for it what so ever. Its kernel, its privileged, its version dependent, its unsupported (by anyone) and its likely to break if you upgrade the OS/debug something funny (ACP)/stand in a funny way. Don't install this image with privileges. I wrote this code for fun not money but of course I would like to know of any bugs etc. Neill neill@macro.demon.co.uk ========> [VMS93B.CTG]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains various programs and code used to enhance various areas of system availability. Most of the code here was presented at the 1993 Fall Decus Symposium in San Francisco. Use at your own risk, and not without reading and analyzing the code thouroghly to be sure it meets your needs. SYSTARTUP_COMMON.COM - Common startup procedure demonstrating how to submit most startup tasks to a special batch queue, speeding up the boot process NETWORK_STARTUP_STREAM.COM - Submitted as part of startup procedures. Performs all startup tasks related to DECnet in the proper sequence. CONCLUDE_STARTUP.COM - Used to wrap up the boot process by starting all autostart batch queues after all other startup tasks have completed. REBUILD.COM - Run daily to do a SET VOLUME/REBUILD on all appropriate disks so mounts during boots can be done MOUNT/NOREBUILD. DISK_SPACE_MON*.COM - Monitors free disk space and shadow set members, alerting operators to potential problems SYSTEM_CHECK_HOST.COM - Run daily to check for queue availability, device errors increasing, etc. [.AVAIL_REPORTING] - Stuff to log and report on availability stats. ========> [VMS93B.DELIVER]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== DELIVER DELIVER is an adjunct to VMS MAIL which makes it possible for incoming mail messages to be handled and processed automatically based on information provided in a user-supplied file. Different actions can be taken based on a message's address, subject or contents. These actions include delivering the message, forwarding the message or even invoking a DCL command script to perform some complex operation. Any actions taken occur immediately upon receipt of the message; the user does not need to log in for DELIVER to operate. The MAIL.DELIVERY file controls DELIVER and tells it how to handle each message. A MAIL.DELIVERY file consists of a series of directives with one directive on each line of the file. Each directive specifies how a certain kind of message is to be handled. A particular directive may or may not apply to a given message. An attempt is made to apply every directive in the MAIL.DELIVERY file to each message, thus more than one directive may apply to (and more than one action may be the result of) a single message. Any line in the file which begins with a semicolon or an exclamation point is considered to be a comment and is ignored. A directive line consists of the following items in order from left to right: Items must be delimited by one or more spaces or tabs. Quoted strings (use double quotes, not single quotes) are allowed as single items; the quotes are removed from the items as they are read. A double quote can be obtained by using two double quotes with no space between them. This form of quote handling is consistent with that of VMS DCL. The and items are both optional and may be omitted if the requires no parameters. The first five items are mandatory and must appear on every directive line. 3 Applicability The , , and items determine whether or not the directive applies to a particular message. A string comparison is performed between the patterns , and and the "From:", "To:" and "Subject:" fields of the message header respectively. The comparison is not case sensitive. The usual VMS wildcard characters ("*" and "%") can be used in the patterns. The pattern "*" will match anything. Once the comparisons have been performed, the item determines if the directive should be applied to the message. Only the first character of is significant. It should be one of the following: A - always apply this directive; ignore the results of the comparisons. Note that this directive does not count as an applied directive (see O, B, and E below). X - never apply this directive; ignore the results of the comparisons. Page 2 T - apply this directive if the patterns all matched. F - apply this directive if the patterns did not all match. O - apply this directive if the patterns all matched and no previous directive has been applied to the message. Directives that used the A accept item don't count as having been applied. B - apply this directive if a pattern did not match and no previous directive has been applied to the message. Directives that used the A accept item don't count as having been applied. E - this directive applies if all the patterns matched OR no other directive has been applied so far. Directives that used the A accept item don't count as having been applied. Any character whatsoever is legal: Y is the same as T, N is the same as F, question mark is the same as O, Q is the same as B and all other characters are the same as X. Directives are tested in the order they appear in the MAIL.DELIVERY file. For example, suppose JIM sends a message to BOB. The subject line of the message is "Re: Mooses". BOB's MAIL.DELIVERY file contains the following lines (the function of the last two columns of each line, the and items, is described later): "FRED *" * * T Q "JIM *" * * T A JIM.LOG * * *mooses* T A MOOSE.LOG * * * O A OTHER.LOG * * * A D The first directive in the file does not apply since the message is not from FRED. The second and third directives both apply since JIM is the sender and the subject line contains the string "mooses". The fourth directive's patterns all apply, but a preceeding directive has applied, so it does not apply. The final directive applies since it would apply to any message. The result is that three directives apply to this message, and thus three separate actions are taken in processing the message. Note: The patterns "FRED *" and "JIM *" are useful since VMS MAIL lets users set up personal name fields which become part of the "From:" field of the message -- the personal name is enclosed in quotes and appended to the user name. Depending on personal name fields for message handling is not a good idea since some users have a tendency to change personal names frequently and without warning. The use of the space followed by an asterisk will match any personal name field a user sets up; the result is a MAIL.DELIVERY file which is insensitive to personal names. If none of the directives in the file are found to apply to and process the message in some way, the message is just delivered normally. The effect is equivalent to the following directive: Page 3 * * * A D 3 Actions The and items specify what action is taken when a directive is applied to a message. The first character of specifies what type of action to take. The legal characters for and what they do are: A - append the body (or contents) of the message to a file. The item specifies the file name. The file need not already exist: if necessary, it will be created. The recipient must have write access to the file, if it exists, and write access to its directory if it needs to be created; DELIVER grants the user no special file access privileges. C - copy the body of the message to a file whose name is . Write access to the directory where the file is to be created is required. D - deliver the message normally. Under VMS V5.0 or later, this is done using the FOLDER utility. is the name of the folder the message is to be placed in. If is omitted the message is placed in the NEWMAIL folder by default. Under earlier versions of VMS, the message is placed in the NEWMAIL folder using VMS MAIL. is ignored. If is specified it gives the name of the mail file containing the specified folder. If is omitted the user's default mail file is used. H - append the header (in conventional VMS MAIL format) and the body (or contents) of the message to a file. One blank line is written between the header and the body. The item specifies the file name. The file need not already exist: if necessary, it will be created. The recipient must have write access to the file, if it exists, and write access to its directory if it needs to be created; DELIVER grants the user no special file access privileges. V - deliver the message normally using system privileges. Under VMS V5.0 or later this action is identical to action "D" above. Under earlier versions of VMS the "From:" field of the message header is set to match the name of the original sender instead of the name of the user. This action makes use of the DELIVER foreign mail interface in incoming mode which in turn requires that the user be fully privileged. General users should use action "D" instead. E - execute the specified command. The DCL command specified by is executed. The command is executed in the environment of the recipient's own account. Any noninteractive DCL command is valid, including an indirect command file specification. Several DCL symbols can be used in the command to facilitate message processing: FROM - the message's "From:" address. TO - the message's "To:" address. SUBJECT - the message's "Subject:". Page 4 CC - the message's "Cc:". QFROM - "From:" with quotes doubled. QQFROM - "From:" with quotes quadrupled. QTO - "To:" with quotes doubled. QQTO - "To:" with quotes quadrupled. QSUBJECT - "Subject:" with quotes doubled. QQSUBJECT - "Subject:" with quotes quadrupled. QCC - "Cc:" with quotes doubled. QQCC - "Cc:" with quotes quadrupled. MESSAGE_FILE - the name of the file containing the body of the message. MESSAGE_FILE is always fully qualified. MESSAGE_HEADER - the name of the file containing the headers of the message. MESSAGE_HEADER is always fully qualified. MESSAGE_DELETE - initially set to "YES", if this symbol is set to "NO" no attempt will be made to delete MESSAGE_FILE and MESSAGE_HEADER after all actions are complete. The M sets MESSAGE_DELETE to "NO" as well. The "Q" forms are useful if the symbol must be expanded inside a quoted string. The MESSAGE_DELETE flag is useful if MESSAGE_FILE and/or MESSAGE_HEADER have to be queued for further processing at a later time, or if one of the actions has already deleted them. F - forward the message. The message is forwarded to the address specified by . W - forward the message using system privileges. This action is identical to action "F" above except that the "From:" field of the message header is set to match the name of the original sender instead of the name of the user. This action makes use of the DELIVER foreign mail interface in incoming mode which in turn requires that the user be fully privileged. General users should use action "F" instead. Q - quit; take no action and abort. If this action is taken DELIVER stops scanning the MAIL.DELIVERY file at this point. No subsequent directives will apply after this one. Use this directive with care; it is very easy to lose messages when this action is employed. K - save the command file after execution. Normally the command file created on behalf of the user is deleted automatically after execution. This action, if used inhibits this automatic deletion. L - save the batch log of the DCL commands executed by DELIVER for each message processed in the file in the user's login directory. This option is useful for debugging MAIL.DELIVERY files and command scripts. If more than one L is triggered only the last one has any effect. M - save the message and header files after execution of the batch job. The message and header files are normally deleted as the last step of processing by the batch job. This action suppresses the automatic deletion; the same effect can be Page 5 obtained by setting the MESSAGE_DELETE flag to "NO". J - Set the batch queue or a queue parameter used to run the command file produced by DELIVER. DELIVER uses the queue DELIVER_BATCH by default; if this queue not defined or inaccessible by the message recipient (the owner of the MAIL.DELIVERY file) the queue SYS$BATCH will be used instead. The J action provides a way to specify an alternate queue and/or a job parameter. If a single is specified it is the name of the queue. If both and are specified the former gives the name of the job parameter to set and the latter gives the value to set the parameter to. Currently the only parameters supported are P1 through P8, which set the corresponding positional job parameter to the string specified in . If the queue specified with the J action cannot be used the DELIVER_BATCH queue or SYS$BATCH queue will be used instead. For example, suppose that BOB sends JIM a message. JIM has the following (rather complex) MAIL.DELIVERY file: ! Messages with subject "Loopback" are returned to sender "JIM *" * "Loopback" T D * * "Loopback" O F """''F$ELEMENT(0,"" "",QFROM)'""" * * "Loopback" T Q ! All other messages are logged * * * A E @LOGALL.COM ! Just log messages from TERRY "TERRY *" * * T Q ! Just log archive messages from myself "JIM *" * "Archives" T Q ! Save messages from BOB in a special file "BOB *" * * T A BOB.LOG ! Then deliver anything that gets this far * * * A D JIM's LOGALL.COM contains the following commands: $ from == "From: " + from $ to == "To: " + to $ subject == "Subject: " + subject $ open/append/error=make_one x message.log $ next: $ write x "" $ write x from $ write x to $ write x subject $ write x "" $ close x $ append 'message_file' message.log $ exit $ ! $ make_one: $ create message.log $ open/append x message.log Page 6 $ goto next (The same effect could be achieved now by substituting * * * A H MESSAGE.LOG for * * * A E @LOGALL.COM and would moreover have the advantage of also logging the "Cc:" field of the incoming mail.) If the subject line of BOB's message is not the string "Loopback", the message will be logged with a header in the file MESSAGE.LOG (located in JIM's SYS$LOGIN directory), appended to the file BOB.LOG without any header and delivered to JIM's NEWMAIL folder. If subject line is the string "Loopback", JIM's MAIL.DELIVERY file will bounce the message right back to BOB. As another example, if TERRY sends a message to BOB, the message is logged only in BOB's MESSAGE.LOG file; BOB never receives any notification that the message arrived. Apparently TERRY never says anything of importance to BOB. It is clear that the ability to execute an arbitrary set of DCL commands in response to a message is a very powerful tool. It must, however, be used with care, since processing is initiated whenever a message is received and operates in a completely unattended environment. Full DELIVER documentation is in DELIVER.MEM. DELIVER was written by Greg Wonderly. ========> [VMS93B.DSJ]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Following are software from articles from Digital Systems Journal. These files are the programs that accompany articles published in _Digital Systems Journal_ (formerly _VAX Professional_) magazine. They are available through DSJ@WKUVX1.BITNET courtesy of Cardinal Business Media and Western Kentucky University. To request a sample issue of _Digital Systems Journal_ magazine, please call Bonnie Fetzer at (215) 957-4266. Subscriptions to _Digital Systems Journal_ magazine are $48 per year (6 bi-monthly issues). Subscriptions can be obtained by writing to: Digital Systems Journal 101 Witmer Road P.O. Box 773 Horsham, PA 19044-9887 Please enclose payment, credit card information (VISA, MasterCard and American Express including account number and expiration date). For faster service, contact Bonnie Fetzer at (215) 957-4266. Foreign subscriptions are $66 per year. Prepayment is required. DSJ File Server Manager: Hunter Goatley, goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU APRIL93.ALIGN Alpha AXP Migration:...Data Align... (LaFranchi, Morse) APRIL93.EXTENS X Views: X Extensions (Mahan) APRIL93.FID Improve I/O Performance with VMS FIDs (Merriman) APRIL93.NAMXAB MACRO Made Easy: Readin', Writin', and MACRO (Goatley) APRIL93.PASWRD Utility to Save and Restore User's Passwords (Seshadri) APRIL93.TICLKR TICKLER: A Daily Reminder System (Beer) APRIL93.WSL OpenVMS Internals: Sizing Working Set Lists (Ellis) JUNE93.FAOMSG MACRO Made Easy: Readin', Writin', and MACRO (Goatley) JUNE93.LOGNAM Using Shareable Logical Name Tables... (Greene) JUNE93.QCLEAN Queue Cleanup Utility (Hunt) JUNE93.SUPUSR SUPERUSER: An Enhanced $ SHOW USERS Utility (Salerno) AUGUST93.BUMP Avoiding the Evil SPIRIT (Vallas) AUGUST93.CLUSIZ Optimizing Disk Cluster Sizes (Lellman) AUGUST93.DBOARD The Meter Widget (Gessling) AUGUST93.IMDTIM Writing Correct Multithreaded Code (Hanrahan/Leichter) AUGUST93.NDELET Modifying OpenVMS Process Statuses (Hunt) AUGUST93.RECAL2 Revisiting the Extended DCL RECALL (Goatley) AUGUST93.SECURE Internals: A Tool for the Security Arsenal (Ellis) AUGUST93.TEXTIO Handling Input for the Motif Text Widget (Heller) OCTOBER93.BUILD Streamlining through OpenVMS VAX Libraries (Holbert) OCTOBER93.CBUGS DEC C++ V1.0 Bugs and Workarounds (Dr. C. P. Yu) OCTOBER93.FILOWN File Ownership Adjustments from OpenVMS C (Leiterman) OCTOBER93.SPFFRG The OpenVMS System Page Table (Gleason) ========> [VMS93B.ERKAMP]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Here is my reminder program that is of course totally unsupported but has worked unchanged through many, many versions of VMS. All files should reside in one directory. I have set it up currently to run from SYS$LOGIN but you may put it anywhere so that users can share it. It needs no special privileges with the exception of being able to create a subprocess. It will create 2 files in your SYS$LOGIN directory: MESSAGES.DAT which contains the actual reminders MESSAGES.NEX which is used to determine when subprocesses wake up When you add a reminder you have the option of having a reminder at one specific time or automatic reminders (the default). Automatic reminder keep halfing the time between when the message was entered and when the event occurs. So if it's in 30 days it will remind you after 15 then in 7 more etc until the actual date at which time it halves the minutes between signing on and the actual event upto 1 minute before the event. If you have problems with the setup let me know. I have no plans to make changes to the actual program as I just don't have the time right now. You may pass this on or make changes as long as I get credit for the original. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Erkamp A L B E R T A --> It Could Happen <-- R E S E A R C H erkamp@arc.ab.ca C O U N C I L ========> [VMS93B.FLOWERS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ | \/ | / ____\ | | | | | \ / | \____ \ | |_| | FALL 1993 VMS SIG TAPE SUBMISSION |_|\/|_| \_____/ \_____/ Memphis State University Harry Flowers Internet: FLOWERS@NARNIA.MEMST.EDU 112 Admin Bldg Bitnet: FLOWERS@MEMSTVX1 Memphis, TN 38152 Phone: (901) 678-2663 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Disclaimer: The author, Memphis State University, and DECUS assume no | | responsibility for the use or reliability of this software. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AAAREADME.TXT This text file ASKOPER.ZIP For operator interaction with DCL command files BROADCASTCLASS.ZIP Gets current broadcast classes for later restoration CSWING_V373_SRCDOC.ZIP All sources (including documentation sources) that you would need to build C Swing from scratch using either: VAX C on OpenVMS VAX DEC C on OpenVMS AXP Just execute BUILD.COM; it will use MMS if it's available. CSWING_V373_VAXEXE.ZIP Executables, help library, and manual for running under OpenVMS VAX. This is all you need to actually use C Swing and MOST on a VAX. CSWING_V373_VAXOBJ.ZIP Object files in case you don't have VAX C and need to re-link for an older version of VMS. CSWING_V373_AXPEXE.ZIP Executables, help library, and manual for running under OpenVMS AXP. This is all you need to actually use C Swing and MOST on an AXP. CSWING_V373_AXPOBJ.ZIP Object files in case you don't have DEC C and need to re-link for an older version of VMS. DYNPRI.ZIP Dynamic Priority adjuster for interactive CPU-bound procs MASTER.ZIP Delegate GRANT/REVOKE of groups of identifers MOST.ZIP Foteos Macrides' version of John Davis' MOST file viewer SYSMGT.ZIP My VMS System Management Guide (in PostScript, 111 pages, best printed two-sided, most of the 6575-block file is EPS screen images in Appendix A) SYSTAT.ZIP System status program; shows cluster-wide process info [.COM] Subdirectory with several command procedures. AUTH.COM Run AUTHORIZE, showing SYSUAF, RIGHTSLIST, and NETPROXY BINARY.COM Show a number in decimal, hex, octal, and binary CLOCK_SYNCH.COM Keep cluster clocks synchronized (uses SYSMAN) DECTERMTITLE.COM Set DECterm Icon to node and Banner to node and user DISK.COM Shows disk space usage with bar graph DISK_WATCHER.COM Monitors disk space usage FALL_BACK.COM Change time from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time* FILE_BY_FID.COM Shows file header given the file id and disk drive MAIL_EDIT.COM Quote, spell check, and append signature file to mail MAILMAINT.COM File old mail from folders to folder-specific files MEM.COM Memory monitor display with relevent SYSGEN parameters Page 2 MENU.COM DCL Menu System; minimal image activations PMP.COM Phone Message Pad; mail phone messages to users RMSGLOBUF.COM Shows open files with RMS global buffers SPRING_FORWARD.COM Change time from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time* STATS.COM Show Ctrl/T-like statistics and differences SYSFILES.COM Check system page and swap file usage SYSGENCOMP.COM Compares active SYSGEN parameters to new AUTOGEN values TELL.COM Tell remote DECnet node to execute command TRMPRINT.COM Types a file to a locally attached printer VT2XXDEF.COM Define shifted function keys on VT200+ series terminals WILDCMD.COM Allows use of wildcards with arbitrary DCL commands *Note: These time-change command files will not work if you have DECdts installed (it's also a part of the DECnet/OSI extensions). [For those with Internet connections, the latest versions of these programs are also available via anonymous FTP or gopher from Narnia.MemSt.Edu (] ========> [VMS93B.GCE93B]AAAREADME.TXT;3 <======== Miscellany from Glenn Everhart and a host of others. ETHERMON_AXPBUILD.HOWTO Note from Dave Cathey telling how to build Ethermon on Alpha ETHERMON_V242BETA.ZIP Ethermon ethernet monitor & diagnostic tool, by Andy Pavlin. This is a late beta of a new version. F93DECUSSESS.TXT Glenn Everhart's "I/O Plumbing" session notes (Fall '93 symposium) FINGER_AXP.TXT Port of Finger to AXP by Glenn Everhart. Mostly functional; some displays incomplete. Announcement. FINGER_AXP.ZIP Ditto, code FORCEX.EXE_AXP Alpha util to force image exits FPAINT.ZIP Forms Paint - tool to build fullscreen forms on text terminals, from an old sigtape. Updated a bit for current VMS versions. Can use SMG$ for its backend; this generates code to implement menus as desired. Next best thing to X11 buttons & widgets on charactercell! [.GOPHER] VMS gopher and related utilities and some patches. Also unix gopher. Gopher is a remote info retrieval system that works across Internet [.HUJI] Material from Hebrew University. NJE, WWW browser, netfax, VMS Gnuplot plot util, AXP sources for ANU News, Decwindow login. INTER36D.ZIP Program to convert MSDOS interrupt list into hypertext databases. Documents calls to MSDOS. [.JED] Text editor for VMS, MSDOS, Unix and more that emulates EDT closely and has an extension language. From John E. Davis. Also the MOST text viewer (scroll 4 directions, search, many extensions). JUICER3.ZIP VMS disk defragmenter using MOVEFILE. Slight mod from S93 version. Has a much larger directory buffer so it can handle very large disks. KER-RT11.ZIP RT11 specific version of Kermit-11 [.MOSAIC] MOSAIC Internet info retrieval tools for VMS [.MX] Nickname add-on to MX MXRN-DXRN.SHARE Newsreader for VMS [.NET93B] Numerous bits of odd wisdom and source code from INFO-VAX and from various places on the net. Includes many kernel hacks, BASE64 decoder, CLAIMDEV (become device owner), lock examples, DVI to postscript for TeX, disk space monitor, fragmentation analyzers, get key strokes, util to find who is locking an RMS record, LOGGER util to capture a session to a file, EUDORA for PC and Mac, namerouter, NPASSWD unix password policy addin, file open by fileID, trees in memory utilities, split large files, and much more. REMINDER.ZIP Disassembly and edit of old REMINDER from ~1985 sigtapes, to reconstitute it to let it be VESTed or even ported to AXP. [.SOFTW_RES_CENTER] Articles from DEC's software research center including some good descriptions of what a Page 2 log-structured file system is. SPACEOUT.ZIP Little display of stars coming from center of screen, as if one were flying through space. TAPELIBRARY.ZIP VMS tape library system, updated by Glenn Everhart slightly to work on current VMS. UNZIP51.ZIP Unzip sources for all systems (compression util) [.VIRTDSKS] Glenn Everhart's virtual disks. Includes a new STRIPING DISK driver, virtual disks on contiguous files, noncontig. files, a remote virtual disk able to recover from network disconnects, various other virtual disk types. Also a step 2 Alpha version of VDdriver (virtual disk on contig. files). Full sources and docs provided. The striping driver allows up to 16 container files, disks, or parts of disks, and has mods to allow the stripe disks to be part of DEC volume shadow shadowsets. Also, unlike the DEC driver, it NEVER needs to copy data into pool. [.X-UTILS] DXRN, ImageMagick image editor, VMS X11R5 pieces, XAutofocus, XAutolock including mods to spawn any desired locker (vax or axp), XChomp (Pacman), XLoadImage (show pictures), XSolitaire, Xtetris, xwatchwin (Watch any node::wsan: window from anywhere) ZIP20.ZIP ZIP archiver ZIP201.ZIP Latest VMS Zip archiver w/src. Saves multiple files in one archive, WELL compressed, and preserves file attributes. ========> [VMS93B.GCEAXP]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains several reference manuals Digital has made freely available having to do with how to write Step 2 drivers on Alpha. ========> [VMS93B.GHOSTSCRIPT]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area has Ghostscript for VMS. This is a Postscript interpreter (Ghostscript) and viewer (Ghostview). It can be used to convert Postscript to other display or printing languages, e.g. PCL. ========> [VMS93B.GOATLEY]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== "David Scott Cunningham, TRIUMF, 604 222-1047" writes: > >Apologies if this has been noticed before and fixed, but: > >I had a user who'd set up his mail to place the MAIL.MAI in a subdirectory >called MAIL.DIR (the old MAIL>SET MAIL_DIRECTORY [.MAIL] business), and >had created a text file called MAIL.TXT also in his root. Suddenly people >started calling him saying that his account would not accept MX mail, >that it was being returned by postmaster with the error 'privilege or >file protection violation'. I sent him some test messages and that >was the result I got as well. > This has been discussed a couple of times. MX is finding the MAIL.TXT file and writing the mail to that file. This only happens if you're running MultiNet and the user has a MAIL.TXT file, which is the name of file MM uses. I have .EXEs that will disable delivery to the MAIL.TXT files. If you want them, ftp to ftp.spc.edu, user anonymous, CD to [.MX.BETA] and get either MX_NO_MM_AXP.ZIP or MX_NO_MM_VAX.ZIP. These .ZIP files contains new MX_LOCAL.EXE and MCP.EXE files that, by default, will not allow delivery via MM. A new command, SET LOCAL/MM_DELIVER, has been added to MCP to let you enable delivery. This will be included in MX V3.4. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET (or goathunter%wkuvx1.bitnet@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU) This material is the patches mentioned. Note please that considerable material from Hunter's mailserver and Terry Kennedy's FTP site is in the [.tk] directory here also. ========> [VMS93B.GRC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== General Research Corporation Scientific Computer Network P.O. Box 6770 5383 Hollister Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93160-6770 (805)964-7724 (805)967-7094 [fax] The contributing authors are: David W. Deley [.DAVID...] Eric Andresen [.ERIC...] Greg Janée [.GREG...] Claude Barbe [.BARBE...] (Schlumberger) [.GRC]-----------[.BARBE]---------[.BOOKREADER] |--[.DAVID]---------[.AUTOLOGIN] | |--[.CHKEXPR] | |--[.CONTROLLER] | |--[.DEALLOC] | |--[.DISKTOTAL] | |--[.DOC] | |--[.EDX] | |--[.FINDDIR] | |--[.FRAG] | |--[.MONITOR] | |--[.OPTIMIZE] | |--[.PRIMES] | |--[.PROSE] | |--[.RANDOM] | |--[.RMSDOC] | |--[.SETPROCNAME] | |--[.SHODIR] | |--[.SMGVT220FIX] | |--[.SRCHQUE] | |--[.TERMINATOR] | |--[.WRAPLINES] | +--[.ZEROACC] |--[.ERIC]----------[.GREP] | +--[.SWING] +--[.GREG]----------[.CALC2] =============================================================================== [.BARBE.BOOKREADER] BOOKREADER_TO_ASCII reads a BOOKREADER file (such as one of the *.DECW$BOOK files on the VMS documentation CDs) and extracts the text, tables, and examples into an ASCII text file. [Designed and coded by Claude Barbe - Schlumberger - SDR Ridgefield, CT, USA 12-Jan-1990 (barbe@sdr.slb.com) (Internet).] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 [.DAVID.AUTOLOGIN] An example program which causes a terminal to be logged in automatically as if a user had entered their username and password at the terminal. The terminal "jumps to life" by itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.CHKEXPR] CHKEXPR is a program which will warn a user if his account is about to expire. If a user's account is about to expire, the program will print a warning message, otherwise the program prints nothing. If included as a part of the system wide login procedure, this program will warn a user that his account is about to expire the same way VMS warns a user if his password is about to expire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.CONTROLLER] This is an example .COM file of how to get a batch job which may take more than a day to complete to run at night and suspend itself during the day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.DEALLOC] An example program which queues an AST to a target process causing the target process to deallocate a device it has allocated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.DISKTOTAL] Handy when a disk gets full. Makes a list of all the directories and the total number of files in each directory. Scan the list with an editor and find the offensive directories which have humongous blocks. Helps you quickly find where all the blocks have gone. Run it and give it the name of the disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.DOC] Miscellaneous possibly useful documentation. ANALYZE_CRASH.DOC An example analysis of a VAX/VMS system crash using the Symbolic Dump Analyzer (SDA). Page 3 ANALYZE_PROCESS.DOC An example of how to analyze any process on a running system using the Symbolic Dump Analyzer. DCL_TO_SYS.DOC It is not always necessary to spawn a subprocess to execute a DCL command from within a program. Often the same result can be achieved much more quickly by using the appropriate system service routines. DCL_TO_SYS.DOC matches DCL commands with the equivalent VMS operating system provided routines. FORTRAN_ARRAY_ADDRESSING.DOC The correct way to traverse multi-dimensional arrays in FORTRAN. ITEMLIST.DOC Explanation of using itemlists in system service calls. MODEM.PORTS Useful information on interfacing modems to VAX computer ports. PAGE_FAULTS_AND_ARRAY_ADDRESSING.DOC Understanding what a page fault is can sometimes be crucial to writing efficient code. An overview of virtual memory, page faults, and array addressing in code is presented. XMODEM.CRC Article describing how Cyclic Redundancy Codes work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.EDX] The most recent updated version of the EDX editor (version 9.0) Now Alpha AXP/OpenVMS compatible! EDX is a powerful EDT-style TPU based text editor which supports all the major functions of the EDT editor plus many other advanced features not available in the EDT editor or the newer EVE editor. It is intended for users familiar with the EDT editor who would like to switch to a faster, more powerful editor without having to learn a new editor all over again. EDX also supports a WPS-style keypad mode for users who prefer the WPS-style keypad. Following are some of the advanced features of the EDX editor which are not available in EDT or EVE: · Built in spelling checker with 90,000 word dictionary. Spell check a buffer, range, word, or display the dictionary and browse. Includes guessing algorithms and personal supplemental dictionary support. · Edit modules within VMS text libraries. (Fixed). · Obtain a directory listing Include optional /SIZE and /DATE qualifiers. Read in a selected file from the directory listing, Page 4 delete a selected file, or lock a selected file. · Wildcard search and replace mode, with optional string to exclude as a match, case sensitive or insensitive. · List all lines containing a specified string or wildcard pattern along with the corresponding line number. (The EDT 'TYPE ALL' command) · Search for and highlight matching parenthesis. · Lock files, preventing others from editing them while you do. · Sort a buffer, range, or columnar range. · Columnar cut and paste in insert or overstrike mode. · Translate a buffer from EBCDIC to ASCII, and vice versa. · Compare two buffers line by line. · Translate DCL symbols and logical names. · Create DCL symbols and logical names. Note that all of the above features are performed within the editor without spawning a subprocess. EDX is built on the VAX Text Processing Utility (VAXTPU). Users familiar with VAXTPU can dynamically extend the editor's abilities by adding new functions which perform complex tasks. EDX makes this job easier by defining over 50 general purpose functions not available in VAXTPU itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.FINDDIR] Handy when you don't know which disk somebody's directory is on. Give it the top level directory name and it searches all the disks and tells you which ones the directory exists on and what files are in that directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.FRAG] FRAGMENT and DEFRAG are programs which assist in transferring very large files over flaky telephone lines. The idea is to create a backup save set of the files you want to transfer, run FRAGMENT to break the big backup save set file into many little files, transfer all the little files using kermit set to FILE TYPE FIXED with a wildcard filename, run DEFRAG to reconstruct the backup save set file from all the little files, and recover all the files you wanted to transfer from the backup save set. This way if the phone line flakes out during one of the file transfers, you haven't lost everything you've achieved up to that point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.MONITOR] Plots a histogram of CPU utilization and compute queue length throughout the day. This gives a general idea of how heavily utilized the computer is and when peek Page 5 usage times are. Takes as input the record file generated by the VMS MONITOR utility. A similar program plots a histogram of disk I/O queue length throughout the day. This can help determine if disk I/O bottlenecks are occurring and when. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.OPTIMIZE] Given a scalar function F, which is a function of several scalar variables {x(1),x(2),...,x(n)}, find the values of {x(1),x(2),...,x(n)} which MINIMIZE the value of function F. File OPTI2.FOR provides a choice of the Conjugate Direction Method of Fletcher and Reeves (CDM), or POWELL's method. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.PRIMES] Routines for generating prime numbers and for finding the prime factors of a given number. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.PROSE] This is a small collection of a few fun things to read. DELEY_TOURS.DOC This is a descriptive picture tour of Santa Barbara, California, originally written about 10 years ago. Presented here purely for your enjoyment. Sorry I can't include the pictures or map here. It's still a nice tour to read. GUARANTEE.DOC Our own personal guarantee of satisfaction we've always had. MONKEY.DOC A little monkey business, and a problem for you mathematicians. STORY.DOC A brief story to tell your children at bedtime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.RANDOM] A paper on computer random number generators, with analysis of several commonly found random number generators including MTH$RANDOM (used by VAX FORTRAN and BASIC) and the standard ANSI C rand() function. Anyone using random number generators will find the research done here most interesting and enlightening. Also contains a number of paradoxes in probability to thoroughly amuse and confuse you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 [.DAVID.RMSDOC] Explanation of all the RMS internal file organizations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.SETPROCNAME] SETPROCNAME is an executable image that will set your process to a specified name, and make the name unique by appending a 2 or 3 etc. as needed. You may also specify what character (or characters) you want between the name you specify and the number 2,3, or whatever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.SHODIR] SHODIR.FOR is a FORTRAN example subroutine which will display a directory listing of a specified directory the same as the DCL DIRECTORY command does. It can also optionally display a /SIZE and /DATE listing. This subroutine may be placed within a larger user program to allow the user program to quickly display directory listings without spawning a subprocess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.SMGVT220FIX] This explains how to get around the "}z" glitches which sometimes show up on non-DIGITAL brand VT200 terminals. True DIGITAL VT200 terminals accept a few extra escape sequences which show up as "}z" glitches on other VT200 terminals. The fix is to tell SMG that we're a VT100. If we're a VT200 terminal we switch to a VT100 terminal, initialize SMG, and switch back to a VT200 terminal. This switch is sandwiched around the call to SMG$CREATE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD (for technical reasons.) An example is illustrated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.SRCHQUE] SRCHQUE is a program which searches a specified batch queue for a specified job name. If it finds the job in the specified queue it returns with a status of success. If it does not find the job in the specified queue it returns with a warning status. This program is handy if you wish to submit a job only if the job does not already exist in the queue. Jobs retained in the queue on error are not counted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.TERMINATOR] TERMINATOR is "Yet Another Idle Terminal Killer" program. The only difference is this one is ours. Read the AAAREADME.DOC file for more information. Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.WRAPLINES] WRAPLINES is a program which reads ascii text files containing lines up to 2000 characters long, and breaks up lines longer than the value of WRAP into shorter pieces. It creates an output file identical to the input file except that lines longer than the WRAP parameter are "wrapped" around to the next line. This program makes it possible to edit files containing lines longer than 255 characters, which is the maximum EDT can handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.DAVID.ZEROACC] We like to give our users a substantial discount for using the computers during non prime time hours. Unfortunately the VMS accounting facility does not provide a convenient way of doing this. It only records the time a user logged in and what his total usage was. It doesn't say what his usage was during a particular rate period. If a user logged in during one rate period, and then stayed logged in after the rates changed, we had no way of determining how much usage the user had acquired up to that point. What we needed was a way to effectively logout a user when the rates changed and log him back in again under the new rates, and thus was born this program. ZEROACC writes an accounting record for each process on the system and resets the accounting data fields of each process back to zero. From an accounting viewpoint it appears as if the user logged out and then logged back in again. The user himself is left undisturbed unaware that anything has happened. Any program he was running at the time continues to run. =============================================================================== [.ERIC.GREP] This is a VMS version of the UNIX GREP tool. It has been written to behave just like the SEARCH command - output, qualifiers and parameters are similar - but is able to search for patterns. It is a complete tool and has a command language definition and online help. It is a nice addition to VMS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [.ERIC.SWING] SWING is an interactive directory tree editor. It displays the current directory structure on the screen and allows the user to SET DEFAULT graphically by traveling through the tree. SWING Page 8 can add, rename and move directory trees and it can delete directory trees (visually doing what the DELTREE type command procedures do). SWING also creates hardcopy listings of a directory structure. See it to believe it! =============================================================================== [GREG.CALC2] CALC2 is an emulation of a Hewlett-Packard reverse polish calculator for video terminals. =============================================================================== (A few other programs we've submitted to Decus in the past:) BANNER BANNER is a security banner and page marking program. It creates leading and trailing flag pages as well as top and bottom page marks for security marking your line printer output. If you are tired of hand stamping documents - this is the answer. BANNER is a complete tool with a command language definition, help file and manual. [VAX86C] EXCEPTION_INTERCEPTOR Allows programs written in ADA to handle exceptions as they are intended to be handled under VMS using the VMS Condition Handling Facility. Exceptions are part of the ADA language, but ADA does not have nearly the power of VMS's Condition Handling Facility. [VAX90B1] HYPHENATION This is subroutine Hyphenate, an implementation of the TeX82 hyphenation algorithm. Sources and objects are in this directory. [VAX88B2] MODOBJ MODOBJ is a program which modifies object files (modules). Reasons for wanting to modify object files, the exact modifications performed, and usage instructions can all be found in the source file MODOBJ.C. [VAX87C] TIMER TIMER.MAR accurately times machine instructions on a VAX 11/780 or equivalent architecture. Instructions can be found in the source. [VAX87C] WEAVE Weave is a program for reorganizing and duplicating text within files. It was inspired by WEB, a Pascal-based language designed by Page 9 Knuth. [VAX88B2] ========> [VMS93B.HKENNEDY]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- The programs provided here are either written by me and placed in the public domain or are VMS adapted versions of PD utilities from the U*x world. You are (subject to any other explicit restrictions specified in an individual package), permitted to make use of this information in whatever way you want on the understanding that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Many of my files have been zipped using the so-called "INFO-ZIP" PD version of the popular ZIP program. Similar to the ZIP program, it comes in many versions some of which are extremely incompatible. In case that is so, I have given you the corresponding UNZIP program. To use, define it as a foregn command: $UNZIP:==$UNZIP and then type UNZIP file (note, no extension) The files are: DOCS.ZIP - Numerous postscript documents relating to security, including John Covert's guide to the unsupported VMS LOGINOUT Callouts. AGREP.ZIP - Neat little program, a little like GREP but allowing for near misses. GETLCK.ZIP - Program to display locks on a system. [.PWDPOLICY] - Password policy module that doesn't need a dictionary for many languages in the English-Germanic family. Works by looking for illegal leter combinations in the password specified, forcing the user to either combine words or to use random letter sequences (more secure!). Note the following were written outside the US but export regulations may mean they have been removed from the distribution. OZDESCR.ZIP - Australian DES for many platforms. Very fast! This gives you an encrypt utility and a library. [.PGP] - Contains MSDOS Binary + docs distribution for PGP 2.3a and my latest hack at the source distribution (patch-level 02) for OpenVMS/VAX and a command procedure supporting OpenVMS/AXP for compile/build. Email: Compuserve: 70042,710 Internet: 70042.710@compuserve.com Hugh Kennedy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 26th November 1993 Page 2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.3a(3) iQCVAgUBLPYqEcUThsUodI4FAQHpDwP/dUE2Ar5VBBn+l6eJKdqyJCKZBtmKYyB6 AcYu9emWvKWojjrhECLZXPcRb1/9adW8wvPnvsS16G1efydW5kxjOqa29OSZBxEh uuiOPHrqWQCmopHla0wtLiXCDn+ZKRabjw5PavXGYYZqL0pc0MSW2B30tIZPEaOe 9FuobMeIujM= =uS2r -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: The DES and PGP material is not in the standard distribution so that issues with sending from the US can be avoided. An attempt will be made to make it separately available so US sites will not be the only ones on Earth denied this material though. ========> [VMS93B.HKENNEDY.PWDPOLICY]AAAREADME.TXT;3 <======== This is a password policy module for VAX/VMS V5.4 and above. It augments the functionality of the dictionary by looking for English (or English-like) words using an algorithm. This then obviates the necessity of inserting local words (e.g. product names) into the dictionary and also quite nicely detects many foreign words. The program is derived from code released to the Internet for Un*x by John Nagle of Ford Aerospace for determining obvious passwords. The code checks for a minimum of 1 non-English-like sequence of three characters for every nine characters of password. This non-English sequence may be specified using non-alpha characters or simply by a random alpha sequence. The intention of this is to make guessing the password from watching the Ethernet a much more interesting game. It is normally too easy to pick out a word or word-like sequence from a network packet and this makes it much harder. Hugh Kennedy. ========> [VMS93B.JBAKER]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== These submissions are for the Fall '93 DECUS. All programs have also been tested under SEVMS (Security Enhanced VMS) work. All programs should work under any version of VMS unless noted otherwise. Modifications are found in the release notes or readme files found in the appropriate subdirectories as well as within the source code. All programs are internally documented, structured and from the original author (that's me). --------------------- ---------- --------------- Enhancements are still being made to these programs with personnal and group suggestions. If you have a suggestion, it may already have been incorporated and an updated version could be sent to you (using your tape of course) or ftp'd to you. All programs have been tested up to and including Open VAX VMS 6.0, VAX C 3.2, VAX Pascal 4.4, and VAX FORTRAN 5.9. ***************************************************************************** [.TERMINALS] - (version 3.1-BETA) program for generating terminal statis- tics AND usage tables. Handles virtual terminals, multiple terminal sessions, hardwired terminals, etc. No batch jobs are required. Modifications are found in the TERM031.RELEASE_NOTES file. Language is Pascal. Not all updates have been put into the 3.1 version that I wanted, however, I am releasing what has been done already. (VMS 5.2 or higher.) [.DELTREE] - (version 1.2) program to delete directory trees. The program incorporates qualifiers /CONFIRM and /LOG as well as excepts logical directory names. Language is C. (VMS independent.) [.LAST] - (version 2.3-A) program that extracts and reports on user's last login date. The new release will create reports on all usernames as well as by group or allow the user to single out a group. New release also has capability to extract information from LIST database (version 2.0 or higher of LIST). Language is FORTRAN. (VMS independent.) [.LIST] - (version 2.2) Program that maintains user database with group, name, username and phone number. Will allow users to modify their own information without giving them access to modify other users information (unless privileged). Language is FORTRAN. (VMS independent.) [.VERSION] - (version 2.4-1) program that displays software version for layered products and VMS. Modifications are found within the directory README file. Updates now allow program to work with files linked under Open VMS 6.0 as well as older executables files. Language is FORTRAN. Page 2 (VMS independent.) ***************************************************************************** Any questions, suggestions or problems?? I do respond, consider any suggestion and accept criticisms. Contact me at: Jonathan C. Baker Naval Surface Warfare Center Code N86 Dahlgren, VA 22448-5000 703-663-8705 Mailer address: system_jb@ system_jb@unode1.nswc.navy.mil ========> [VMS93B.LOMASKY]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== SYSUAF.DOC (or AAAREADME.DOC) 11/29/93 Brian Lomasky c/o TERADYNE, INC. 321 Harrison Ave., Mail Stop H22 Boston, MA 02118 (617) 422-2259 DEC's AUTHORIZE utility has two reporting options for the SYSUAF.DAT file: 1) Too little (AUTHORIZE LIST/BRIEF) 2) Too much (AUTHORIZE LIST/FULL) This is almost useless for meeting the system manager's requirements of maintaining and monitoring the SYSUAF and its users. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSUAF V5.50 is a reporting program for the SYSUAF and RIGHTSLIST data files. Simply turn on READALL (or equiv) privilege and run SYSUAF.EXE. (Do NOT install this program with privilege; otherwise, any user could execute it). A menu of reporting options will be displayed. The best way to see what is available is to try them and see what data is displayed. You can print reports either to the screen, to a data file (SYSUAF.LIS), or to create a DCL command procedure (SYSUAF.COM) which can then be easily edited and then executed. SYSUAF.EXE will try to open SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.EXE and SYS$SYSTEM:NETPROXY.EXE (or SYS$SYSTEM:NETUAF.DAT), unless the logical name of SYSUAF and/or NETPROXY (or NETUAF) is defined, in which case the SYSUAF.EXE program will try to open the SYSUAF and/or NETPROXY (or NETUAF) files pointed to by the logical name(s), respectively. SYSUAF.BAS is the source code for the main program (written in VAX BASIC V3). SYSUAF.DOC (or AAAREADME.DOC) is this file. SYSUAF.EXE is the executable file for the main program. SYSUAF.OBJ is the compiled SYSUAF.BAS object code. TRANSFER_PWD_TO_NODE.BAS is the source code for the password-copying program which is executed by the command file created by the SYSUAF.EXE report option "L" (written in VAX BASIC V3). TRANSFER_PWD_TO_NODE.EXE is the executable file for the password-copying program (which must reside in a directory pointed to by the logical name: TOOLS: in order to be available to the SYSUAF.COM command file created by SYSUAF.EXE) TRANSFER_PWD_TO_NODE.OBJ is the compiled TRANSFER_PWD_TO_NODE.BAS object code. You do not need the TRANSFER_PWD_TO_NODE.* files if you never select the "L" option on the SYSUAF menu. ========> [VMS93B.LUTHE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== These are the documents on the VMS Backup format, scanned and OCR'd by J. Luthe, from the old VMS V3 documents. Since this was the only place these documents appeared, it should be helpful to those now trying to decode VMS Backup media on something else, or just trying to understand what's going on. Note that you can use XV to examine the .TIFF files. Also the $Backup/list/analyze command can be helpful in figuring out what information is in a saveset. ========> [VMS93B.MPEG]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== MPEG Video Software Decode for OpenVMS AXP (based on the Berkeley v2.0 MPEG code) Ported by Patrick L. Mahan, TGV, Incorporated (Mahan@TGV.COM) This is a release of the MPEG v2.0 viewer for OpenVMS AXP. It implements the MPEG standard as described in the Committee Draft ISO/IEC CD 11172 dated December 6, 1991 which is sometimes refered to as the "Paris Format". This release contains everything to compile and display MPEG movies. The top directory contains the Unix sources for the MPEG viewer. There are two subdirectories. [.VMS] contains the previous released VMS code for the MPEG viewer that have been ported by Me to the Alpha under OpenVMS AXP v1.5 including modifications to add a CLD interface to the application. [.MOVIES] contains the current movie distribution from the Berkeley FTP site. To build the distribution, set default to [.VMS] and issue the command @MAKE. This will cause the MPEG viewer to be built on your system and requires DEC C v1.3 and DECwindows Motif 1.1. After the image has been built, modify the file MPEG_PLAYER.CLD and change the IMAGE clause to point to the location of the MPEG_PLAY.EXE. To display a MPEG video, simply issue the following commands: $ SET COMMAND [.VMS]MPEG_PLAYER.CLD $ MPEG/QUIET [.MOVIES]BIGE_ANIM.MPG ! Display the STTNG The MPEG command supports the following qualifiers: /NOP : causes the player to ignore and not display any "P" type frames. /NOB : causes the player to ignore and not display any "B" type frames. /DISPLAY : causes the player to open the window on the indicated X Windows Display. /NODISLAY causes the MPEG player to dither but does not display the output. /DITHER : selects from the following list a dithering option. ORDERED - ordered dither. ORDERED2 - a faster ordered dither. This is the default. MBORDERED - ordered dithering at the macroblock level. Although there is a noticeable decrease in dither quality, this is the fastest dither available. FS4 - Floyd-Steinberg dithering with 4 error values propogated. FS2 - Floyd-Steinberg dithering with 2 error values Page 2 propogated. FS2FAST - Fast Floyd-Steinberg dithering with 2 error values propogated. HYBRID - Hybrid dithering, a combination of ordered dithering for the luminance channel and Floyd- Steinberg 2 error dithering for the chrominance channels. Errors are NOT propogated properly and are dropped all togethor every two pixels in either direction. HYBRID2 - Hybrid dithering as above, but with error propogation among pixels. 2X2 - A dithering technique using a 2x2 pixel area for each pixel. The image displayed is 4 times larger than the original image encoded. Random error terms are added to each pixel to break up contours and gradients. GRAY - Grayscale dithering. The image is dithered into 128 grayscales. Chrominance information is thrown away. COLOR - Full color display (only available on 24 bit color displays). NONE - no dithering is done, no image is displayed. Used to time decoding process. MONO - Floyd-Steinberg dithering for monochrome displays. THRESHOLD - Floyd-simple dithering for monochrome displays. /SHMEM : causes MPEG to use / not use the SHMEM extension. permitted values are ON and OFF. /QUIET : suppresses pringing of frame numbers, timing information, and most error messages. /LOOP : makes the MPEG player loop back to the beginning after reaching the end of the animation. /LUMINANCE : sets the number of colors assigned to the luminance component when dithering the image. The product of /LUMINANCE, /CR_RANGE and /CB_RANGE should be less than the number of colors on the display. /CR_RANGE : sets the number of colors assigned to the red component of the chrominace range when dithering. Page 3 The product of /LUMINANCE, /CR_RANGE and /CB_RANGE should be less than the number of colors on the display. /CB_RANGE : sets the number of colors assigned to the blue component of the chrominace range when dithering. The product of /LUMINANCE, /CR_RANGE and /CB_RANGE should be less than the number of colors on the display. More information can be found in the $*. files located in the toplevel and subdirectories. Several mailing lists for MPEG have been established: mpeg-list-dist@CS.Berkeley.EDU General information on the decoder for everyone interested should be sent to this list. This should become active after 11/20/92 mpeg-list-request@CS.Berkeley.EDU Requests to join or leave the list should be sent to this address. The subject line should contain the single word ADD or DELETE. mpeg-bugs@CS.Berkeley.EDU Problems, questions, or patches should be sent to this address. ========> [VMS93B.MUNROE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== UNSDL This is Dick Munroe's edit of Joe Meadows' UNSDL program which creates header files for various compilers with VMS structures. Added is a new module able to produce headers suitable for Gnu C or Gnu C++. Munroe@dmc.com ========> [VMS93B.NEDIT]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== NEdit is a GUI style plain text editor for workstations with X Windows and Motif. It supports a thorough set of features for programming and general purpose text editing. Features: -- Resizable windows with graphical scroll bars -- Pull down menus + character accelerators -- Mouse based editing, select and move text by clicking and dragging -- Undo -- Cut and Paste with other X Windows/Motif programs -- Full featured search and replace using selections or dialogs -- Features for programmers: Auto-indent Block indentation adjustment Parenthesis Matching Find lines directly from compiler error output Unix ctags support INSTALLATION NEdit consists of a single, stand-alone executable file which does not require any special installation beyond copying it to your system and making it accessible to users. To install NEdit on Unix systems: 1) Copy the appropriate executable to your system using ftp in binary mode, changing the name to remove the _sgi, _ibm, etc. suffix. 2) Check that the file has execute permission. If not, use the chmod command to make it executable. 3) Add the directory containing the file to your path. To install NEdit on VMS systems: 1) Copy nedit_vms.exe to your system using ftp in binary mode, changing the name to nedit.exe. 2) Define a foreign command called nedit to invoke the nedit executable. For example, if nedit.exe were in the directory mydir on the disk called mydev, adding the following line to your login.com file would define the nedit command: $ ned*it :== $mydev:[mydir]nedit.exe RUNNING NEDIT If you are accessing a host Unix system from a remote workstation or X terminal, you need to set the Unix environment variable for your display: % setenv DISPLAY devicename:0 Page 2 where devicename is the network node name of the workstation or X terminal where you are typing. On VMS systems, the equivalent command is: $ set display/create/node=devicename To run NEdit, simply type "nedit", optionally followed by the name of a file or files to edit. Online help is available from the pulldown menu on the far right of the menu bar. For more information on the syntax of the nedit command line, look under the heading of "NEdit Command Line." PROBLEMS, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS: Mark Edel edel@fnal.gov Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O. Box 500 Batavia, IL 60148 Before reporting a problem, please check the Problems/Bugs section of the online help to make sure the problem is not already known. ========> [VMS93B.RBOYD]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== SLMOD = Search List Modification Utility Written by Bob Boyd. SLMOD is a utility for manipulating search list logical names in a way that mimics the behavior of the DEFINE command in most ways. The program will create a search list logical name, insert additional elements at any specified position in the list, remove specific elements from the list, and if the resulting list is empty, it will delete the logical name. If the logical name to be updated is in a shared logical name table the program will use the lock manager to coordinate access to the table and logical name. Note: there apparently is no other interlock mechanism on logical names, so this will not prevent a DEFINE command from overwriting a logical name at the same time that SLMOD is working on it. While it is possible to have the image installed with privileges, I suggest that you not give it any privileges except for SYSLCK. There is currently no code in the program to minimize its privileges to the bare necessity of SYSLCK. Perhaps you would like to put in the time to deal with this? If so, please let me know what you do with it. The only time the privilege is actually needed is in routine LOCK_IT, and (maybe) UNLOCK_IT. The rest of the time, only the process privileges should be on. In order to enable SLMOD to provide system wide interlocks on logical search list updates, it's recommended that you install the image with SYSLCK privilege, or only use it from usernames with SYSLCK privilege enabled. If the image or the user is enabled for SYSLCK, the image will use the system wide lock flag when taking out the locks before doing any translating and updating. The locks are released after the work is completed. The program concept was developed by Bob Boyd while working at the Harris Microelectronics Center. The program was completed while working for Unisys at the US EPA National Data Processing Division. Included are: executable compiled & linked on OpenVMS V5.5-2, source files, build procedure, specification text, help text, a verification/test procedure, and object code. You can contact Bob via Internet at rlboyd@rock.concert.net, voice at (919)554-0043. ========> [VMS93B.REMOTE_TAPE_AXP]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Subj: ZTDRIVER (beta version) for ALPHA This is 'for fans only' ... Finally, I've had the chance to play with an Alpha machine (for a few days only ;-) and so I tried and ported the ZTDRIVER "remotetape" code (at least, I hope so). Since I had pretty little time testing things out, I can only declare the current software version "beta". If you feel like checking it out yourself, you can pick it up via anonymous FTP: ftp.gwdg.de:pub/vms/zt4axp-beta.*-of-4 The kit (VMS_SHAREd) should work both on VAX and AXP; the functionality should be absolutely unchanged from the last (VAX/VMS 5.4 and up) ZTDRIVER release; only the driver's name changed from ZTDRIVER to ZT_DRIVER. This time, the kit doesn't come with a description at all, but with a rather elaborate ZT-MAKE.COM ... Your feedback will be appreciated! Enjoy, Wolfgang J. Moeller, Tel. +49 551 201516 or -510, GWDG, D-37077 Goettingen, F.R.Germany PSI%(0262)45050352008::MOELLER Disclaimer: No claim intended! | ========> [VMS93B.TAYLOR]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Fall 1993 DECUS Submission The programs in this submission may be used freely. The authors and Taylor Made Software, Inc. accept no responsibility for the use or reliability of these submissions. This submission contains the following subdirectories: [.CLD] This directory contains the example programs from Fall 1992 session VS266 -- How to Write "DCL-like" Command Interfaces. The examples show how to use Command Language Definition (CLD) files. [.SYSTEM_SERVICES] This directory contains the example programs from Fall 1991 session VA091 -- Introduction to VMS System Services. The examples show how to use VMS System Services in FORTRAN and C. There are no files available for the Fall 1993 session PC071 -- Configuring Shiva FastPath 5 Router for PATHWORKS. For a copy of the session notes from that session, please write to the address below. You may contact me at the address below: Retha Taylor Taylor Made Software, Inc. P. O. Box 427 St. Louis, MO 63042-0427 phone: (314) 731-3015 Email: Compuserve: 71344,16 Internet: 71344.16@compuserve.com ========> [VMS93B.TK]AAAREADME.TXT;3 <======== Utilities obtained from Hunter Goatley / Terry Kennedy file servers Package Name Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMAN Select On-line Documentation files to copy from CD V1.0, 14-SEP-1993 Author: Nigel Arnot VAX,AXP Parts: 3 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-FORMAT Formats C programs Author: Various (Bob George) VAX Parts: 1 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARDREADER A cardreader-like symbiont with mailback for VMS (Eden) 4-JUN-1993 Author: Robert Eden VAX Parts: 2 Language: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSNLINK_NEW Poll DSNlink's DSN ITS for new article subjects V5.1-1, 6-NOV-1993 Author: Dan Wing VAX Parts: 3 Language: DCL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPM VMS Disk I/O Performance Monitor! 12-APR-1993 Author: Edward A. Heinrich VAX Parts: 2 Language: MACRO-32, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPYT TYPE/PAGE that starts at the end of a file 20-OCT-1993 Author: Charles van den Ouweland VAX,AXP Parts: 4 Language: Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GNU-ISPELL VMS port of GNU ispell V4.0, 23-AUG-1993 Author: FSF (VMS mods by Roland Roberts) VAX Parts: 56 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREP VMS port of GNU grep & egrep v1.6 (w/ on-line help) V1.6, 3-JUL-1993 Author: FSF (VMS mods by Hunter Goatley) VAX,AXP Parts: 19 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GZIP-1-2-4 GNU zip v1.2.4 for VMS (.OBJs and .EXE included) V1.2.4, 20-AUG-1993 Author: Jean-loup Gailly VAX,AXP Parts: 26 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JED093 VMS/UNIX/DOS EMACS/EDT editor V0.93, 4-OCT-1993 Author: John Davis VAX,AXP Parts: 44 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KILL Delete/FORCEX processes by username 01-001, 5-OCT-1993 Author: Darrell Burkhead VAX,AXP Parts: 4 Language: BLISS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LASER A VMS PostScript print symbiont (handles LAT OK!) 5-NOV-1993 Author: Rick Watson, Mark London, et al. VAX,AXP Parts: 16 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST Displays last login info for accounts 15-JAN-1993 Author: Jonathan C. Baker VAX Parts: 2 Language: FORTRAN Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGGER Log terminal sessions using FT pseudo-terminal driver Author: Forrest Kenney VAX Parts: 2 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LZW LZW compression/decompression programs for VMS 29-APR-1992 EXEs only VAX Parts: 12 Language: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE-3-60 GNU make v3.60 for VMS V3.60, 15-FEB-1993 Author: FSF (VMS port by Mike Moretti) VAX Parts: 14 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE MAKE for VMS V3.4-2 V3.4-2, 25-SEP-1993 Author: Todd Aven, Ned Freed VAX,AXP Parts: 7 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFTU Mail File Transfer Utility (binary<->ASCII converter) V1.13, 21-JUN-1993 Author: Carlo Mekenkamp VAX,AXP Parts: 5 Language: MACRO-32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOST-4-0 MOST file browser (by John E. Davis) V4.0, 4-OCT-1993 Author: John E. Davis VAX,AXP Parts: 13 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMK Matt's Make Utility (compatible with DEC's MMS!!) V2.3-2, 30-OCT-1993 Author: Matthew D. Madison VAX,AXP Parts: 12 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRDR NNTP client reader for Usenet news V4.5-5, 26-OCT-1993 Author: Matthew D. Madison VAX,AXP Parts: 52 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSQUERY Utility to query Internet domain name servers V3.0-2, 10-NOV-1993 Author: Matthew D. Madison VAX,AXP Parts: 5 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKASM VMS Mail and NNTP news package assembler/decoder V2.2, 5-NOV-1993 Author: Eric M. LaFranchi VAX,AXP Parts: 6 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKASM_OBJ_EXE VAX and AXP binaries (.OBJs for CMU, TGV, TWG, UCX) V2.2, 5-NOV-1993 Author: Eric M. LaFranchi VAX,AXP Parts: 8 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSTAT Show process status for all or selected processes V1.1, 21-OCT-1993 Author: Vadim Gorokhovsky VAX,AXP Parts: 5 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSUTILS-1-12 Angus Duggan's PostScript utilites V1.12, 17-SEP-1993 Author: Angus Duggan VAX,AXP Parts: 10 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QLOGIN Intercept logins for login queueing based on load, etc. 25-SEP-1993 Author: Marc Shannon Page 3 VAX Parts: 4 Language: Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCARD Display DECwindows Cardfiler cards on VT terminal V1.3, 21-OCT-1993 Author: Hunter Goatley VAX,AXP Parts: 3 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCANUAF Scan SYSUAF for accounts matching specified criteria Author: Jim Snyder VAX Parts: 5 Language: FORTRAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHELP Screen-oriented interface to VMS HELP 10-JUL-1993 Author: George Merriman, Baron Chandler VAX,AXP Parts: 5 Language: Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPELL Robin Fairbairns's update to DECUS SPELL 5-JUL-1993 Author: Various VAX,AXP Parts: 14 Language: Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPELL_DICTIONARY Dictionaries for DECUS SPELL Parts: 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPERVISOR Supervisor Series v5.4b (SUPERVISOR & PHOTO) V5.4b, 29-SEP-1993 Author: Hunter Goatley VAX Parts: 31 Language: BLISS32, MACRO-32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWITCH An enhanced SET DEFAULT with partial name matches, etc. V4.4-3, 5-NOV-1993 Author: David Fabritius VAX,AXP Parts: 6 Language: MACRO-32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL Set or delete DCL symbols for another process 5-NOV-1993 Author: Brian Schenkenberger VAX Parts: 1 Language: MACRO-32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TM Turing Machine interpreter and Debugger 16-NOV-1993 Author: David Woodruff VAX,AXP Parts: 12 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNZIP51 Info-ZIP's portable UnZip v5.1 V5.1, 8-FEB-1994 Author: The Info-ZIP group VAX,AXP Parts: 29 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VTBOOK A bookreader for character-cell terminals! V1.3, 22-NOV-1993 Author: DECUS VTBOOK project VAX,AXP Parts: 13 Language: Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZIP20 Info-ZIP's portable Zip v2.0 (see also UNZIP50P1) v2.0, 13-SEP-1993 Author: The Info-ZIP group VAX,AXP Parts: 34 Language: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========> [VMS93B.TRI]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This README file accompanies the VMSGopherServer distribution. Current version: 1.2VMS-1 To install this software, you should be a VMS system manager, or have access to SYSTEM privileges. To compile and link the VMSGopherServer, make the directory in which this file resides your current default. Then enter @MAKE at the command line. For complete installation instructions, see the file [.DOC]SERVER.DOC. This file may be searched via Gopher at psulias.psu.edu, trln.lib.unc.edu, and niord.shsu.edu. This software is archived and available via FTP at niord.shsu.edu. It is archived and available via Gopher at psulias.psu.edu, niord.shsu.edu, and trln.lib.unc.edu. This software is supported via the VMSGopher-L mailing list / vmsnet.infosystems.gopher newsgroup. See the file VMSGOPHER-L.INFO for information about this list/group. ========> [VMS93B.VAJHXJ]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Arne Vajhxj local DECNET: KO::ARNE Computer Department PSI: PSI%238310013040::ARNE Business School of Southern Denmark Internet: ARNE@KO.HHS.DK ================================================================================ PMDF MAILSERV V4.1 INDEX The following files are available from this MAILSERV (MAILSERV@KOPC.HHS.DK): [PASCAL_PPL]PASCAL_PPL.* Description : easy to use PASCAL-interface to PPL$-routines The package includes: - PAR.MAR and MULTI.PAS which define and implements the interface - EX.* which shows how to use it - EXBIG*.* which shows how to use it with benefit (including timing results) Source : PASCAL and MACRO Binary : not available Notes : multiprocessor VAX necesarry to benefit Posted : INFO-VAX january 1993 [SYMBIONT]SYMBIONT.* Description : two symbionts The NULL symbiont does absolutely nothing. It can be used for making a blackhole queue (f.ex. if you want SYS$PRINT to point to an existing queue, but you do not want to see any print). The SERVER symbiont tests, if the files "language-type" matches that of the real queue, and creates a new printjob on the real queue with the same files. This can be very smart in an environment with both postscript and non-postscript printers, because postscript output on a non-postscript printer is a waste of paper. Theese functions is controlled via some logicals. Source : PASCAL and MACRO Binary : not available Notes : privs necesarry to initialize queue with symbiont Posted : INFO-VAX december 1991 [MIRROR]MIRROR.* Description : example of humor (try @DEMO) Source : PASCAL and FORTRAN Page 2 Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : INFO-VAX december 1990 [PROF]PROF.* Description : primitive profiler (also an example of how to read GST and DST) Source : FORTRAN and MACRO Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : not [MEM_EDIT]MEM_EDIT.* Description : example of using callable EDT and callable TPU to edit memory-variable Source : MACRO Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : INFO-TPU march 1993 [SPI]SPI.* Description : example of calling EXE$GETSPI Source : C Binary : not available Notes : not written by me Posted : MACRO32 february 1993 [MISC]EXTTRNLNM.MAR Description : translates a logical in the context of another process. (particular usefull for translating logicals in another users LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) Source : MACRO Binary : not available Notes : privs necesarry Posted : not [MISC]GETJIBADR.MAR Description : get JIB-address from PID (used for getting actaul name of LNM$JOB) Source : MACRO Binary : not available Notes : privs necesarry Posted : not [MISC]GETCH.C Description : example of implementing putch,kbhit and getch in C via $QIOW Source : C Binary : not available Page 3 Notes : none Posted : INFO-VAX november 1991 [MISC]CRC.C Description : example of emulating the CRC instruction Source : C Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : INFO-VAX october 1990 and MACRO32 march 1993 [MISC]FIND_FILE_*.C Description : Examples of calling LIB$FIND_FILE from C. Source : C Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : INFO-VAX january 1991 [UTILITIES]UTILITIES.* Description : examples of small utilities to help the system-manager with his daily work. The examples include: - Find information about all processes at node (pre-VMS5.2) - Find information about all processes at node (post-VMS5.2) - Find information about all processes in cluster - (post-VMS5.2 extended version 1) - Find all nodes in cluster and find information about all processes at nodes - (post-VMS5.2 extended version 2) - Find information about one queue - Find information about all queues - Find information about one job - Find informatrion about all job in one queue - Find informatrion about all job in all queues - Find information about all usernames in SYSUAF (supported) - Find information about all usernames in SYSUAF (unsupported) - Find information about all disk-quotas on a disk (supported) - Find information about all disk-quotas on a disk (unsupported) Source : DCL, FORTRAN, PASCAL and C Binary : not available Notes : privs necesarry Posted : presented at DECUS Denmark symposie june 1993 [MISC]EXTGETDDIR.MAR Page 4 Description : get default directory in the context of another process. Source : MACRO Binary : not available Notes : privs necesarry Posted : not [BM]BM.* Description : This bechmark compares the efficiency of PASCAL, FORTRAN and MACRO for 3 basic numeric operations: matrix transpose, matrix copy and vector dot product. Results are included for different versions of PASCAL and FORTRAN. The results of PASCAL is very poor indeed. Source : PASCAL, FORTRAN and MACRO Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : INFO-VAX june 1991 [INST]INST_TEST.* Description : this program tests the speed of various instructions in the VAX instruction-set Source : PASCAL and MACRO Binary : not available Notes : it takes approx. 100/VUPS CPU hours to run, so you may want to run it in the weekend Posted : INFO-VAX january 1992 [INST]SUMMARY.TXT Description : a summary of results for the program above run on different VAX'es Source : - Binary : - Notes : none Posted : INFO-VAX march 1992 [INST]INST_RES.* Description : a summary of results for the program above run on different VAX'es + the raw material on which the summary is based + a small program helping analyzing the results Source : PASCAL Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : not [MISC]SYS$IMGACT.COM Description : it demonstrates what I know about the two undocumented system-services SYS$IMGACT and SYS$IMGFIX and the documented user of them LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL. Source : FORTRAN and MACRO Page 5 Binary : not available Notes : none Posted : MACRO32 december 1993 ========> [VMS93B.VMAIL]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== The following packages (stored as VMS BACKUP savesets) are available: mail-patch-autoprotocol.bck - Patch for MAIL to automatically assume the protocol IN%"" wrapper if an address contains an @-sign. Originally from Claude Barbe, Schlumberger-Doll Research, with updates by Terry Kennedy. mail-speedup.bck - Complicated patch which splits mail directory up into 16 subdirectories to improve RMS performance for users with large mail files. Complex to install, but well worth it if you have mail performance problems! From James H. Thompson, VeriFone Inc. vmail010.bck - Replacement user interface for MAIL. From Rich Johnson, GTE Government Systems. ========> [VMS93B.XMFM]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== XmFm - An X11/Motif File Manager for OpenVMS Description: xmfm is a file manager that shows files as icons in panes. It divides the display of a directory into three areas, executable files, directories and ordinary files to distinguish between them. When a file is selected a range of actions can be performed on it. This is configurable on a per user basis. xmfm also allows arbitrary programs to be run from within it. Author Jan Newmarch, Information Science and Engineering, University of Canberra. email: jan@ise.canberra.edu.au Ported to OpenVMS by Patrick L. Mahan, TGV Window Washer TGV, Inc. email: mahan@tgv.com Availability Posted to vmsnet.sources 30 Jul 93. The latest version is available for anonymous ftp from Public.TGV.COM ( as [.MAHAN]XMFM.BCK or [.MAHAN]XMFM_SHARE.*. The first is a VMS backup saveset and second is VMS Shar format. Platforms This has been tested on a Sun Sparcstation and Digital's OpenVMS platforms. The Sun exectuable can be compiled with either gcc or cc. The OpenVMS exectuable uses VAX C for OpenVMS and DEC C for OpenVMS AXP. It requires Motif 1.1 or above. Building: For the Sun Sparcstation do the following: In most instances, it should be sufficient to type xmkmf make make install make install.man You may want to change some of the DEFINES flags. A list of these is given in the file DEFINES. You may also wish to change the compiler options. Make these changes in the Imakefile before running xmkmf. For OpenVMS do the following: @MAKE Currently, it is set to build based on the assumption that you have Motif 1.1. If you are lucky enough to have access to DECwindows/Motif 1.2 (eg, you work for Digital) then read the comments in MAKE.COM about enabling RowColumn resizing. After building the image, before running it you must first define the logical name XMFM_PIXMAPS to point to the location of [.XMFM.BITMAPS] to allow XMFM to locate the icon bitmaps for Page 2 the file and directory icons. Also, copy the file XMFMRC.VMS to DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:XMFMRC.DAT and XMFM.AD to DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:XMFM.DAT. Bugs Report all bugs with the OpenVMS version to mahan@tgv.com. For the Sun send them to jan@ise.canberra.edu.au. Known OpenVMS problems: Currently due to a bug in the DECwindows/Motif 1.1 (which I understand is present in OSF's Motif 1.1), RowColumn resizing is disabled by default. See the bugs list under the HELP pulldown menu for information on other bugs. Copyright This program is distributed as free software under the GNU license. Some parts of this system are subject to other licensing conditions. The files rdd.h and rdd.c were written by Roger Reynolds. "Written by Roger Reynolds. You may freely use/redistribute the RDD library." The directory manager routines are from the Free Widget Foundation. The files are DirMgr.[ch], Directory.[ch], RegExp.[ch]. I cannot find a statement of conditions. The bitmaps are from xdtm. The statement of conditions there is: "Copyright (c) 1992 Edward Groenendaal, Ramon Santiago Copyright (c) 1991 Edward Groenendaal. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from defects in it. 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by explicit claim or by omission. 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. "