========> [VMS94A.ACORN]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains a set of patches to DKdriver for VAX VMS 5.5-2 which enable it to access some magneto-optical disks, as the standard driver cannot. It was written by Glenn Everhart, contributed by Acorn Software. The patch approach to handling magneto optical devices turns out not to be workable long term, but this is offered so that those with the 5.5-2 release of VMS on VAX can use the patch. (Note: there are other things that are needed for a totally foolproof connection which are not covered here, but this patch did work on a test box and gave a usable disk access.) ========> [VMS94A.ANUNEWS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== ANU NEWS V 6.1 Beta 9 with patches This area contains the entire ANU NEWS 6.1B9 release plus an archive of all the patches which have been released for it so far (there are, unfortunately, a good many). For convenience, the patch tool for VMS needed to apply these is elsewhere on the tapes this time. ANU NEWS allows a VMS system to run a full Usenet NEWS node, and offers a fullscreen interface in the VMS "style" which will make it easy to access. Full documentation is included. The [.patches] directory contains most of the patches that apply to the 6.1 beta 9 release, though much active development is going on. ========> [VMS94A.ATHENAPLOTTER]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This is the Athena widget set plotter widget, suitable for making it easy to generate many types of plots on X11 R4 or R5 screens. It is vanilla X code, may need work for DECwindows. ========> [VMS94A.CMUIP]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Announcing LIBCMU v1.2 LIBCMU is a collection of routines that provide the standard `C' BSD socket programming interface for the CMU-OpenVMS/IP v6.6 TCP/IP network transport on OpenVMS VAX systems. Source code and documentation is provided. Implementation notes for LIBCMU and C-Kermit are included (see CKVLCMU.BWR). LIBCMU, Copyright (C) 1993,1994 by Mike O'Malley This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Please report comments, bugs, etc... to: Mike O'Malley Digital Equipment Corp. Digital Consulting Albuquerque, NM Mike.OMalley@aqo.mts.dec.com or mlomall@sandia.GOV ========> [VMS94A.CRACKER_NOVEL]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== The major item here is a complete novel in electronic form about a system cracker. There are references to a couple issues of the "PHRACK" electronic magazine, so these are present too. The material here (particularly phrack) is often in very questionable taste, but there are some system weaknesses discussed here which systems people should know about. Some holes in unix sendmail and a discussion of how to break into an (unsecured) DECserver 200 are in here. If you have DECservers, read this and make sure your servers are secured. [Note: you may not want to be putting the Phrack material out for random reading, particularly in a student environment, but be aware that it is on some FTP sites and is certainly not alone there. -librarian] A review of the novel follows (from the risks forum): Bantam Books 1540 Broadway New York, NY 10036 "The Hacker Crackdown", Sterling, 1992, 0-553-56370-X, U$5.99/C$7.50 It is important to keep in mind that the crackdown of the title refers to a specific incident: the series of raids in 1990 by various United States law enforcement agencies which tend to be collectively, if incorrectly, subsumed under the code name, "Operation Sundevil". The book brings together a number of the stories surrounding this event, as well as giving some background, particularly in regard to AT&T and the US Secret Service. There are, however, significant gaps which prevent it from being an overall analysis of either the cracker/phone phreak culture or the data security/law enforcement community. As an overview of the 1990 raids, the book is entertaining, often informative, and generally well written. Digressions often provide very interesting background, although at times they consume entire chapters without much bearing on the central issues. Those who were around for the electronic discussions of the 1990 raids will possibly be glad of the collection of all the stories into one place. (Those who have dealt with the crackers, phone phreaks and wannabes will readily recognize some of the descriptions, as well as the repeated emphasis on braggadocio as a primary character trait.) Although Sterling is aware of the debate over the term "hacker"; indeed, he worries over contributing to the degradation of the term; he does not distinguish between the various communities of electronic outlaws. In fact, he states, at one point, that all are the same. Similarly, his contacts with law enforcement and data security people are limited. For these reasons, the book is not useful as a general introduction to the field. The writing is highly opinionated. The US-centric view of technology borders on jingoism. In general, neither law enforcement nor the cracking communities are seen with any favour. Although we can sympathize with Sterling's motivation in wanting to bring to light the injustice done to his friend, the extreme sarcasm which cloaks most of the first half of the book makes it difficult to understand what point he is trying to make. For those involved in data security, a very entertaining read. For newcomers, Page 2 please take it with a very large grain of salt. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1994 BKHKRCRK.RVW 940314 ========> [VMS94A.DSJ]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== Digital Systems Journal Submissions (see AAREADME.TXT for more info) The older material and also the most recent (since Fall '93 tapes) is here. Some intermediate material exists on older VMS SIG tapes and is not here however. INDEX The code included is described below, categorized according to the issue of Digital Systems Journal in which the accompanying article appeared. May/June 1992 ------------- TRACE.VAX Matthew Rabuzzi When VMS errors occur, programmers generally ignore them and keep running or print them and halt. Here's a technique that allows you to see your error traceback and keep running too. CONTXT.VAX Eric M. LaFranchi It's tough to get system information on a clusterwide basis because SYS$GETDVI only reports information about devices attached to your local mode. Here's a method for obtaining device information across the cluster. July/August 1992 ---------------- CBUILT.VAX Eric M. LaFranchi Here's how to use VAX C's ability to access macro instructions to increase performance by rewriting some "C" string functions in macro, thus eliminating the calling sequence overhead. WATCH.VAX Alan Cohn This Ada procedure lets you monitor processes to determine what they're doing, what resources they're using, and if their resources should be changed up or down. In addition, it monitors programs to show you what state they're in and what resources are being used. SYSWCH.VAX Curt Snyder This program watches detached processes to see when they're on the road to failure. It uses a data file to decide which processes to watch, the prameters to watch for, who to notify of failure, and how often to examine the system. DAEMONS.VAX Michael M. Frazier ACMS errors are flashed on a users's screen and written to an error log, and then usually forgotten. Here's how you can stay on top of problems encountered in your ACMS application. MOV.VAX Hunter Goatley The MOVS macro copies a given string to a given destination address. The length of the string can be optionally copied to the DESTLEN parameter. PUSHREG and POPREG accept as inputs a list of registers whose contents are pushed onto and popped off of the stack using PUSHL and POPL instructions. DATAC.VAX Dr. C.P.Yu. The article and code illustrate data typing under C for performance and maintenance-free applications. September/October 1992 ---------------------- XTUNE.VAX George P. Moakley This code was written to test window creation/destruction impact. It generates and destroys 20 windows n times. MACRO.VAX Eric M. LaFranchi, Kathleen D. Morse This MACRO-32 routine is used in early versions of VMS to get the process name. COMM.VAX Joseph R. Crum This application requires that small packets of information be communicated to a cluster-available resource using the lock manager. The FORTRAN example in the article show how. OUTPUT.VAX Hunter Goatley This macro will cause a string to be printed to SYS$OUTPUT by storing the string as an ASCID string and generating a CALLS to LIB$PUT_OUTPUT. The ASCID strings are stored in a psect named RO_DEBUG_DATA. DEATH.VAX Bruce Ellis This program displays cpu time since process creation. An added program illustrates tracking the process deletion of a process which we have not created. November/December 1992 ---------------------- NETNFO.DSJ John McMahon This is a tool to help fill DECnet-caused holes. HANDLE.DSJ Steven J. Rosenstein This mechanism reports the error messages and traceback information to the author and/or maintainer of an application. The use of condition handlers is described and illustrated in the article, complete with a piece of code for demonstration. January/February 1993 --------------------- CALRMS.DSJ Hunter Goatley The article examines some macros provided with OpenVMS. The code shows you how to do file I/O from MACRO using RMS. CSPY.DSJ J.Wren Hunt OpenVMS will not allow you to use $SHOW PROCESS/ CONTINUOUS/ID=pid over a different cluster node. This program does. EACH.DSJ Jerrold Leichter, Ph.D. This command file gives you a flexible way of applying one or several commands in succession to a group of files. It can select files based on any of the DIRECTORY command's fairly extensive set of file selection qualifiers, based on whether they contain a particular text string or, ultimately, based on any selection criteria you wish to program. LOADBL.DSJ Brian Schenkenberger The loadable executive image, a feature of OpenVMS introduced with V5, is relatively uncharted territory for many OpenVMS programmers. This article will explore the mechanisms of the loadable image, its role in the executive reorganization, operating system support for loading the image. Through the examples included in this file, the author shows how to write and load a loadable executive image. MNOWAT.DSJ Bruce Ellis These techniques delete processes that are in the RWAST and/or MUTEX wait states and are apparently undeletable. PAGE.DSJ Eric M. LaFranchi, Kathleen D. Morse The article focuses on migration issues dealing with page size dependencies when porting code from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS AXP. The programs here provide examples for getting system-specific page size, and showing page size dependence when setting protection. PRCPRV.DSJ Ehud Gavron The article teaches you how to change the privileges for another process. The program then reveals all the current privilege names for the version of OpenVMS under which a process was built. TSR.DSJ Paul Klissner The technique discussed in this article allows a program to be activated even while the user is in the middle of running unrelated software in the same user process. The example program is a Terminate and Stay Resident calendar/clock that can be made to appear on your screen at virtually any time while you're logged in. March/April 1993 ---------------- ALIGN.DSJ Eric M. LaFranchi, Kathleen D. Morse When you migrate your VAX application to an OpenVMS AXP system, you may lose some performance advantage. The alignment of data and the type of data used by the application can affect the size and performance of the application on OpenVMS AXP systems. The program shows aligned and unaligned data in a COMMON block. FID.DSJ George Merriman This sample VAX C program creates, open and deletes a test file by FID using RMS calls. It also uses SYS$GETDVIW to get the physical name of the disk device and LIB$FID_TO_NAME to get the name of the file. This program demonstrates the use of RMS data structures and the special handling required for the disk device name. The logical name FILE_DEV must be defined to point to the disk on which the files are to be created. NAMXAB.DSJ Hunter Goatley This article continues the discussion of calling RMS to perform file I/O from MACRO. Specifically, it looks at the NAM blocks and eXtended Attribute Blocks. The code assists with utilization of the blocks. PASWRD.DSJ Sridhar Seshadri This privileged installed image provides the ability to save and restore a user's password. The article itself focuses on OpenVMS password encryption, UAF-related system services and security implications. TICKLR.DSJ Alan H. Beer This command procedure lets you prepare a tickler-file type reminder to be received in your VMSmail on the desired day. Mail will notify you of your message when you log in. The reminder can be updates until the day it is sent. WSL.DSJ Bruce Ellis The OpenVMS working set list defines the amount of memory that a process can use at any given time. Proper assignment of the working set list sizes can be crucial to system performance, but sizing working set lists has traditionally been done in an arbitrary fashion. The code here presents a way for calculating proper working set sizes. May/June 1993 ------------- FAOMSG.DSJ Hunter Goatley The article and its code describe the $FAO system service and the MESSAGE utility, and illustrate how these methods can be used by programmers using all OpenVMS languages -- not just MACRO-32. LOGNAM.DSJ David N. Greene The article and its code examine the reasons to use logical names as an applicationwide communications technique, as well as alternative techniques for application communications. They also examine the details of using shareable logical name tables and provide some suggestions for their use in large applications. QCLEAN.DSJ J. Wren Hunt QClean allows any user with OPER privilege or delete access to the queue to delete a range of entries from a batch or print queue without deleting the entire queue. Also, it can selectively delete entries for a specified user throughout the queue. By default, it will ask for confirmation before it deletes an entry. SUPUSR.DSJ Russell Salerno This $SHOW USER utility has an additional imagename, forceexit ability and stopid ability, as well as selection criteria. It uses a CLI interface so it can be used from batch. The selection criteria permit mass stop/ID and mass forcex. July/August 1993 ---------------- BUMP.DSJ Horace A. Vallas, Jr. The easily executed mechanism allows system operators or managers to protect selected users' interactive processes from the evil SPIRIT for variable lengths of time. CLUSIZ.DSJ James Lellman This DCL procedure runs on an existing disk without the /IMAGE switch and lets you know the cluster size when you reformat the disk before restoring it. DBOARD.DSJ Jim Gessling This Motif widget implements a general-purpose meter. The example included in the article provides an understanding of the Motif widget set. The program is called "Dash Board" because it uses the analogy of a tachometer to display CPU usage and a gas gauge to display how much free memory is left. IMDTIM.DSJ Jamie Hanrahan, Jerrold Leichter, Ph.D. This user-written system service cancels timer queue entries by changing their due time so that they come out reliably. NDELET.DSJ J. Wren Hunt This MACRO routine demonstrates how to modify OpenVMS process statuses to recover an accidentally deleted process, and lets network-related jobs show up on a DCL $ SHOW SYSTEM/NETWORK. RECAL2.DSJ Hunter Goatley This program, titled DCLPATCH.MAR, reads a DCL image into memory, applies the patches, and creates a new image file. SECURE.DSJ Bruce Ellis This tool helps you to manipulate processes, even when you're executing at high privilege levels, to ensure system security. TEXTIO.DSJ Dan Heller The code illustrates monitoring and modifying text input on the fly in the Motif Text widget. September/October 1993 ---------------------- BUILD.DSJ George Holbert The article provides you with a collection of recommendations and guidelines for improving the traceability and reliability of your build process, while reducing the amount of system resources consumed during compilation and linking. This collection, called the Housekeeping Library Programs, can be adapted to the special needs of your development environment. CBUGS.DSJ Dr. C.P. Yu This code offers some solutions and work-arounds to some of the bugs in DEC C++ V1.0. FILOWN.DSJ Dennis Leiterman This procedure reads the INDEX.SYS and checks ownership of file headers versus the directory where they reside. It is useful when deleting a user account with improperly owned files. SPFFRG.DSJ Lee K. Gleason This SPTFRAG utility provides the statistics needed to manage system page tables in the systemwide portion of OpenVMS address space. It also troubleshoots problems that can be caused by the increased use of this facility. November/December 1993 ---------------------- NT-IO.DSJ Jamie Hanrahan The article compares OpenVMS and Windows NT programs that perform asynchronous I/O, and how many OpenVMS programs need to be changed only slightly for Windows NT. Code includes an OpenVMS program that performs asynchronous I/O, a "Hello, world" program, a program that uses Win32 APIs, but not asynchronous I/O, a program that uses an asynchronous call and a program mimicking OpenVMS I/O completion ASTs under Windows NT. PFAULT.DSJ Charles Kapps The code examines several algorithms from the point of view of minimizing page faults, and suggests how they can be used to avoid excessive page faulting. RPC.DSJ E. Loren Buhle, Ph.D. This example code examines a methodology for writing a program in a distributed computing environment, concentrating on platform-independent Remote Procedure Calls using Sun's Open Network Computing. XQPLCK.DSJ Brian Schenkenberger The article explores the file system's use of the lock manager in a VMScluster. The code examples have been included to illustrate the need for and the use of some of the lock resources required by the XQP. January/February 1994 --------------------- ALPHAB.DSJ James W. Coburn The code includes a link file to link and create UEI on OpenVMS V5.0, plus commands to add or remove the UEI from your system. LIMITR.DSJ Todd Voros Limiter was written to provide a DCL-level interface to OpenVMS locks, to control concurrent user access. Limiter is incorporated into command procedures that run programs whose use is to be limited. LXDRV.DSJ Bob Heath This technique replaces the OpenVMS terminal class driver with a user-written terminal class driver on a per-port basis. A configuration program and simple terminal driver are presented along with instructions for installing and using them on an OpenVMS system. PHONE.DSJ Eric Osbourne This code demonstrates a simple program that shows how you can add disk space to DEC OSF/1 to yield more than 100 million records. THREAD.DSJ Jamie Hanrahan The code are several small programs to illustrate the use of NT's threads. XCOPY.DSJ Nick Brown XCOPY copies files from one OpenVMS system to another, one or more blocks at a time. After each group of blocks is transferred, it checkpoints the current file location into its DCL environment before proceeding. If the DECnet link fails, the XCOPY process can be restarted from the block that failed. XDISKM.DSJ Antonino N. Mione The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of UIL. The code presents some ways to overcome the disadvantages. March/April 1994 ---------------- QRDRVR.DSJ Glenn C. Everhart, Ph.D. The code illustrates how you can steal Io from OpenVMS, and speculates on a way to allow multiple thefts. RAD50.DSJ Steven B. Lionel The article describes the differences found when porting a FORTRAN application from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS AXP. These routines can be used to refer to the IRAD50, RAD50 and R50ASC routines. Radix-50 constants can generally be replaced with appropriate values of octal constants. RECLOCK.DSJ Chuck Abraham This procedure offers a way to identify owners of locked records so that the records can be unlocked. It was designed for RMS files on a VAX system. STORAJ.DSJ Rex Jaeschke The code helps you to declare public and private data and functions, and to make data temporary or permanent. SWITCH.DSJ Antonino N. Mione The article examines Xlib and the X Toolkit. The example application generates a table of sine, cosine, and tangent values. W32API.DSJ Jamie Hanrahan The code assists the user in communicating between threads when the threads are running in different processes and perhaps even on different systems. ========> [VMS94A.ED]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Here's an editor that is similar to DEC's VMS EDT editor, but runs under various operating systems: MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows-NT, both VMSes, most sects of Unix including AIX, OSF/1, HP-UX, Linux, BSD/386. It is NOT a TPU-compatible editor (it doesn't read the TPU source language files). And the initial version of the reverse-video-the-paste buffer was removed because it did multiple repaints of the screen. ED v1.5.7 is an editor with a VMS/EDT like user interface, but provides significantly enhanced features. Multiple windows allow you to display many files on the screen simultaneously. Additional enhancements include a file manager interface, ability to save key definitions, editing by wildcards, an imbedded calculator, automatic program identation, parenthesis matching, box/column editing features, insert/overstrike modes, and sorting functions. ED has no file size limits and can edit binary files also. The source distribution will build on virtually any platform, which allows you to have the same editor on all systems. ED can be used immediately without training by EDT users, and they can use the enhanced features at their own pace. For systems with a supported TCP/IP package, ED can be used as a file manager and editor across the network to remote nodes. There is also a simple, fast imbedded news reader included with TCP/IP support." ========> [VMS94A.FLOWERS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | \/ | ___ _ _ | |_| | | \ / | |_ |\ /| SPRING 1994 VMS SIG TAPE SUBMISSION \_____/ |_|\/|_| |__ | V | The University of Memphis Harry Flowers Internet: FLOWERS@NARNIA.MEMPHIS.EDU 112 Admin Bldg Bitnet: FLOWERS@MEMSTVX1 Memphis, TN 38152 Phone: (901) 678-2663 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Disclaimer: The author, The University of Memphis, and DECUS assume no | | responsibility for the use or reliability of this software. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AAAREADME.TXT This text file ASKOPER.ZIP For operator interaction with DCL command files BROADCASTCLASS.ZIP Gets current broadcast classes for later restoration CSWING.README File explaining contents of the C Swing distributions CSWING_V374*.ZIP C Swing directory and file manager; see CSWING.README DECUS_VS036.PS Session overheads for VMS Performance Mgt I: Memory DECUS_VS037.PS Session overheads for VMS Performance Mgt II: Disk and File DYNPRI.ZIP Dynamic Priority adjuster for interactive CPU-bound procs MASTER.ZIP Delegate GRANT/REVOKE of groups of identifers MAIL_EDIT_V1-4.ZIP VMS MAIL TPU routine to strip headers, quote, spell, etc. MOST.ZIP Foteos Macrides' version of John Davis' MOST file viewer SYSMGT.ZIP My VMS System Management Guide in PostScript SYSTAT.ZIP System status program; shows cluster-wide process info [.COM] Subdirectory with several command procedures. AUTH.COM Run AUTHORIZE, showing SYSUAF, RIGHTSLIST, and NETPROXY BINARY.COM Show a number in decimal, hex, octal, and binary CLOCK_SYNCH.COM Keep cluster clocks synchronized (uses SYSMAN) DECTERMTITLE.COM Set DECterm Icon to node and Banner to node and user DISK.COM Shows disk space usage with bar graph DISK_WATCHER.COM Monitors disk space usage FALL_BACK.COM Change time from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time* FILE_BY_FID.COM Shows file header given the file id and disk drive MAIL_EDIT.COM Quote, spell check, and append signature file to mail [NOTE: this is *not* the same as the one in the ZIP file!] MAILMAINT.COM File old mail from folders to folder-specific files MEM.COM Memory monitor display with relevent SYSGEN parameters MENU.COM DCL Menu System; minimal image activations PMP.COM Phone Message Pad; mail phone messages to users RMSGLOBUF.COM Shows open files with RMS global buffers SPRING_FORWARD.COM Change time from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time* STATS.COM Show Ctrl/T-like statistics and differences SYSFILES.COM Check system page and swap file usage SYSGENCOMP.COM Compares active SYSGEN parameters to new AUTOGEN values TELL.COM Tell remote DECnet node to execute command TRMPRINT.COM Types a file to a locally attached printer VT2XXDEF.COM Define shifted function keys on VT200+ series terminals WILDCMD.COM Allows use of wildcards with arbitrary DCL commands *Note: These time-change command files will not work if you have DECdts installed (it's also a part of DECnet/OSI). Page 2 [For those with Internet connections, the latest versions of these programs are also available via anonymous FTP or gopher from Narnia.Memphis.Edu (] ========> [VMS94A.GCE94A]AAAREADME.TXT;3 <======== Glenn Everhart's odds & ends. (Note: the [.net94a...] tree is a level up this time. ASNSD.CLD;1 Striping driver (Vax) cld for assign ASNSD.MAR;1 Striping driver (Vax) assign program JGCTL_STOPMBX.CLD;1 System from S94 magic presentation to stop I/O to JGCTL_STOPMBX.MAR;1 any device via intercept driver. Intercept driver JGDRIVER_STOPMBX.MAR;1 and control program are both here. SD.DOC;1 Doc for striping driver SDDRIVER.MAR;1 Striping driver source. (Fixes timing bug before) TSX_LITE.DIR;1 Distribution of TSX-LITE for 386/486 VDDRIVER_S2.MAR;1 Step 2 edit for vddriver. (Sorry, still can't test) VMSNETSRC.DIR;1 UBBS, mailbox peek, challenge/response system from vmsnet.sources archives Also as late additions: Vddriver_s2.mar and asnvdm6_s2.mar (and other build files) implement a VD: driver (virtual disk on contiguous container files) that is now tested on AXP VMS 6.1 and works there. ========> [VMS94A.GNUC_VMS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains Gnu C 2.5.8 sources and binaries for VMS (vax). Also it has files used in getting GCC to generate (approximately) macro-64 as a VMS based cross compiler for AXP. ========> [VMS94A.GOPHER]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains distributions for Gopher, WWW, Lynx, and Mosaic for VMS and other platforms. These are used for menu or other interactive browsing of parts of the Internet. ========> [VMS94A.JED]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Files from John E. Davis (at amy.tch.harvard.edu) MOST - text viewer, allows scroll in all directions, search for text patterns, binary/text view etc. JED - EDT-like editor for many platforms including VMS, MSDOS SLANG - editor language used in JED to specify what actions are available. ========> [VMS94A.JONES]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Subj: VMS DECThreads HTTP server version 1.3 available The next iteration of my threaded HTTP server is now available via anonymous FTP to osu.edu, file http_server_1-3.tar or http_server_1-2.zip. The server allows multiple concurrent connections, meaning that a download of a large file over a slow connection (e.g. serial line) won't delay the server's response to other clients. Major features of the 1.3 release: o Support for user web directories (userdir rule file directive). When enabled, userdir will cause the server to map URL paths beginning with /~username/ to a sub-directory of that username's SYS$LOGIN directory. o A library of routines to aid in converting CGI (Common Gateway Interface) C programs to the DECThreads server's scripting system (cgilib.c). Basically the conversion involves changing getenv() calls to cgi_info() and printf() calls to cgi_printf(). The server supports 4 TCP/IP packages: UCX, Multinet, Wollongong, and CMU. The package compiles and runs on either VAX or AXP platforms. This version of the server is now running on kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu. David L. Jones | Phone: (614) 292-6929 Ohio State Unviversity | Internet: 1971 Neil Ave. Rm. 406 | jonesd@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu Columbus, OH 43210 | vman+@osu.edu ========> [VMS94A.KERMIT]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== It's been a long time since the Kermit collection of asynchronous transfer utilities has been updated. Therefore the [.kermit...] tree represents a picture as of about May 20, 1994 of available Kermit packages. Remember that the scripting languages and advanced features of C Kermit and MS Kermit are documented in books published by Digital Press (which help support the Kermit efforts at Columbia). You'll need to buy copies (see the aabook.* and the like files herein to find info) if you wish to use advanced features of these packages, unless you can troll through the info-kermit digests and sources and figure the features out yourself. In the interests of saving a bit of space, some of the old mail digests have been omitted here, and some of the directories are compressed into ZIP archives for the sig tape edition of this material. [Final note: If you have questions about MS Kermit or C Kermit and can't figure the answers from the code, PLEASE go buy the book (if you haven't already) and consult that before bothering authors. It's just better etiquette to do this, and I don't want a DECUS tape distribution of Kermit to result in burdens to the authors that aren't accompanied by any support in keeping them active. Such support comes from the book sales. 'Nuff said. Glenn Everhart, librarian.] ========> [VMS94A.LONDON]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Mark London Submissions Two packages are here: BULLETIN - a conferencing system and news reader client ideal for setting up many-to-many conferences. Works almost exactly like VMS Mail, so very easily learned. LASER - a laser printer symbiont by Mark London, of MIT. ========> [VMS94A.MOREAU]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== Submissions from P. Moreau ANN31694.TXT;1 ANN_APR2694.TXT;1 AUDIO.ZIP;1 play and record sound utilities compiled under VAX and now AXP BITMAP.ZIP;1 X bitmap editor BRIEF.DESCRIPTION;2 Descriptions of files DCLOCK.ZIP;2 Decwindows clock DWSHUTDOWN010_KIT.ZIP;1 Shutdown from DECwindows DWSHUTDOWN010_SRC.ZIP;1 src for above FCTM.ZIP;1 Fighter Combat Simulator FRACTMOUNT.ZIP;1 Fractal mountains (scenery) IDRAW.ZIP;1 Drawing utility IMAGEMAGICK_236_VMS.ZIP;1 Image manipulation utility JETSET10.ZIP;1 KP_093.ZIP;1 Learn to type tutorial MAHJONG.EXE;1 Mah Jongg game...remove pairs of tiles from ends of rows MOIR_ANN_040594.TXT;1 MOSAIC-20-VMS.ZIP;1 Mosaic version MOSAIC_TUNEUP1.ZIP;1 MPEG_PLAY_201.ZIP;1 MPEG player for xwindows NEDIT-30.ZIP;2 Versatile text editor ONEKO.ZIP;1 PCX_WITH_RX26.ZIP;1 PCX read PC disks. RX26 support added. BEWARE...does not know actual disk size and will not report disk full but overwrite data. Nobody's supporting PCX now, but it can be made to work. POVRAY.ZIP;1 Persistance Of Vision - Rayshade software REVE201.ZIP;1 Reversi game STUFF_ANN_4_18.TXT;1 TETRIS_311_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 Tetris type game X11PERF_12.ZIP;1 X11perf benchmarks XANIM264_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 X11 animation player XANN_APR1394.TXT;1 XBAE35.ZIP;2 2 Motif widgets (caption & matrix) for making spreadsheets XBLACKJACK21.ZIP;1 Blackjack game XBOING18.ZIP;1 Breakout type game XBOING2_1.ZIP;1 ditto XCE.ZIP;1 Color editor XDEMIN_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 Game XEARTH.ZIP;1 display a shaded image of the Earth in your root window XEPHEM_25.ZIP;1 Display stars images XFORTRESS.ZIP;1 a strategy game by Yves 'The Spif' LAFON XJEWEL_16.ZIP;1 Tetris-like game written for Unix and VMS systems XKEYCAPS-2_07.ZIP;1 graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping XLANDER_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 Lunar lander XLIFE.ZIP;1 Life game (automata theory) XMFM_FOR_VMS.ZIP;1 XMOCT_34.ZIP;1 X MOTIF Octaedhron game XMOSAIC-12_VMS.ZIP;1 Mosaic internet browser XMPYRAMID_34.ZIP;1 Pyramid game (Rubik's like) XMRUBIK_32.ZIP;1 Rubik cube game XPHOON.ZIP;1 XPILOT_307.ZIP;1 Multi-player gravity war game server and client XPIL_ANN.TXT;1 Page 2 XPIPE.ZIP;1 Build pipe for the fluid to flow through XPM_33.ZIP;1 Library used for Xboing XPM_AXP_33.ZIP;1 XPOOL_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 Pool use XRDB.ZIP;1 Xrdb for vms .. controls X defaults XREVERSI.ZIP;1 Reversi game XSET.ZIP;1 XSNAP.ZIP;1 allow a snapshot of a window area XSNAP_AXP.ZIP;1 ditto, axp XSOKOBAN.ZIP;1 Sokoban game XSPLINE.ZIP;1 displays colorful moving splines in the X11 root window XSPREAD21.ZIP;1 X spreadsheet...like SC but uses X XTEDDY10.ZIP;1 Cuddly teddy bear for your X Windows desktop XTEDDY_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 XTERM.ZIP;1 VT102 or TEK 4010 for DECwindows XV-3_01_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 View many picture formats XVMSUTILS.ZIP;1 Library for many Decwindows utils XVMSUTILS_AXP.ZIP;1 XWPS.ZIP;1 ========> [VMS94A.MX]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== The files in this directory are various add-ons for MX that have been developed by MX users who were kind enough to make them available to the general public. UNZIP.EXE is provided to allow you to UnZip the .ZIP files. UNZIP.ALPHA_EXE is an UNZIP executable for OpenVMS AXP. File Description --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ALL-IN-1_TO_MX.TXT Describes how to interface MX with ALL-IN-1. From George Greenwade, Jim Gaynor, and Rob McMillan. DECNET_NAME_CONVERSION.ZIP NAME_CONVERSION module that converts DECnet "node::user" addresses to "user%node.dnet". From Earle Ake. MAIL_VERIFICATION.ZIP A command procedure that watches MX accounting logs and informs the sender of a message that it has been delivered. From John Clement. MX-DIGEST.ZIP Software for producing daily digests from MX mailing lists. From Hunter Goatley. MX-NEWS-GATEWAY.ZIP Software for gatewaying between a mailing list and a news group; for use with MX and ANU NEWS. From Ted Nieland and others. MXSUM.ZIP Software for generating reports from MX accounting data. From Harold McKee. MX_BULL.ZIP Software for gatewaying a mailing list into BULLETIN. From Hunter Goatley. MX_HELP_FILE.ZIP Help for MX, suitable for use with VMS HELP. From Earle Ake. MX_MAILSHR_PATCH.ZIP A patch for the VMS MAIL utility that obviates the need to use the MX% prefix on network mail addresses. From a lot of people. MX_POST.ZIP Software for gatewaying an MX mailing list and a newsgroup using an NNTP client. From Brian McKeever. MX_SAS_REPORTS.ZIP SAS procedures for generating LOCAL and SMTP reports. From Martin Egger. NAME_CONVERSION_EXAMPLES.ZIP Various NAME_CONVERSION examples. NICKNAME.ZIP Site-installable nickname conversion for incoming and outgoing mail. From Louis Moore. Page 2 PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_1_5.ZIP MAILSHR "@" patch for OpenVMS AXP V1.5. From Claude Barbe. RFCS.ZIP RFC822 and RFC821 texts. TROUBLESHOOTING_GUIDE.TXT A collection of common problems and solutions for various versions of MX. Compiled by Earle Ake. DISCLAIMER: This software is provided "AS IS". MadGoat Software disclaims all warranties on the software, including without limitation, all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. >>> Please review these files before using them on your system! Problems with software contained in these files should be reported directly to the author of the software. ========> [VMS94A.NET94A]AAAREADME.TXT;6 <======== [.NET94A...] Tree This area contains miscellany obtained from the network by your librarian (Glenn Everhart). Many of the items here are articles posted on info-vax that look like they will have some enduring usefulness. Files of type *.SRC tend to be or contain programs in some language. Filenames are deliberately long to make it easy to find things (said with a bit of a grimace, that!). Here are a few of the highlights that aren't otherwise easily seen: APRINT - print to attached printer CHKSTAT.C - get file size from C EESPROTO.PS - Info about how "Clipper" chip can be used with no wiretap possible FORCEX - Force exit on another process IBMTCP - TCP/IP for IBM PC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) INTERCOM - multiuser interactive comm program LOCK011 - DCL interface to VMS locks (take out or remove a lock) for synch. MPACK - MIME encode/decode files for mailing. (Also other MIME decoders.) NUKE_DECTERM_MENU_BAR.HOWTO - Get rid of big ugly menu... QI13 - qi server for UIUC nameserver protocol...nameserver for vms REMOTE_LEXICAL - find a lexical value on remote sys SPELL - spell checker STATUS - Finger like status info, clusterwide, & AXP lavdriver UVA_NPASSWD - set password on unix, check not to allow easy ones UNIX_HOLES_SECURITY.TXT - Security holes in unix. If you run unix, read & fix!! VAX2AXP_TXT.ZIP - Info on porting VAX code to AXP VV-* - uuencode/decode with more bells&whistles. AAAREADME.TXT;2 AAAREADME.TXT;1 ACES_AND_RIGHTS.TXT;1 ANOTHER_PLACE_TO_TRAP_MOUNTS.TXT;1 APRINT.SRC;1 AST_SETUP_IN_FORTRAN_EXAMPLE.SRC;1 ASYNCH_DECNET_ON_LAT.TXT;1 AXP_IDS.TXT;1 AXP_SHARED_IMAGE_QUERY_ANS_TODAY.TXT;1 BARCODE_GENERATOR_IN_POSTSCRIPT.SRC;1 BASE64_DECODE.TXT;1 BIZ_DEC.FAQ;1 BLDSHR.ZIP;1 BOOKREADER_TO_WORLDVIEW.TXT;1 BREAKTHRU_EXAMPLE.SRC;1 CERN_WWW_POINTER.TXT;1 CHKPW.SRC;1 CHKSTAT.C;1 CKERMIT_DIALOUT.TXT;1 CK_MODEM_DIAL.TXT;1 CNT_FREE_CHNLS.SRC;1 COMPUTER_BRIDGE_GAME.ZIP;1 COUNT_FREE_CHANNELS.SRC;1 CREATE_FIXED_LENGTH_SYMS_FOR_ISAM.READ_BY_DCL;1 C_AND_RTL_INTERFERENCE_IN_MESSAGES.TXT;1 C_TUTORIAL.POINTER;1 DEBUG_IN_ONE_PROCESS.HOWTO;1 DECFORMS_REVIEW.TXT;1 DECNET_PHV_MISFEATURE.TXT;1 DECTERM_WINDOW_ICON_NAME_CHG_ESC_SEQ.TXT;1 DECUSJ033094.TXT;1 DECW_DISPLAY_NODE.SRC;1 DEC_DISK_RETIREMENT_CHART.TXT;1 DEC_MUP_HAZARDS.TXT;1 DEC_PROD_ANN_123APR94.TXT;1 DEC_PROD_ANN_123APR94MORE.TXT;1 DEV_SYM_DEFS.TXT;1 DO_SYSMAN_COM.SRC;1 DRAWTREE.SRC;1 DSSI_VS_SCSI.TXT;1 DTR_DROPPER.SRC;1 DUPL_QUOTA_ENTRIES_HOWTOREMOVE.TXT;1 EVE_EDIT_REPL_CRLF.HOWTO;1 FINDING_WHO_HAS_LICENSE_SLOT.TXT;1 FIND_CURSOR.SRC;1 FIND_HELD_IDENTIFIERS.SRC;1 FIND_MOUNT_COUNT.TXT;1 FORCEX.EXE;2 FORCEX.FOR;3 FORCEX.OBJ;3 FORCEX_IN_FORTRAN.SRC;1 FTP_DAEMON_BACKDOOR.TXT;1 FTP_SITE_LIST.POINTER;1 GETPASS_FOR_VMS.SRC;1 GET_PROC_CALLER.SRC;1 GET_REMOTE_NODE_USER.TXT;1 GET_TERM_SIZE.SRC;1 GNU_VMS_ACHIVE.TXT;1 GOOD_INTERNET_FIREWALL_MANUAL.TXT;1 GOPHER.FAQ;1 GOPHERSERVERBUGFIX.SRC;1 GOPHER_AXP_UCX_LITTLEFIX.TXT;1 GOPHER_ON_AXP_MOD_NEEDED_TO_BUILD.TXT;1 GRADEBOOK.TAR_Z;1 HOWTO_USE_DECNET_ON_LT_LINES_OLDERVMS.TXT;1 HOW_TO_COMPILE_VMS_GHOSTVIEW.SRC;1 HOW_TO_CONN_LAT.TXT;1 HOW_TO_SWAP_CONSOLE_ON_VS3100.TXT;1 HOW_TO_TUNE_CKERMIT.TXT;1 HOW_TO_USE_RESOURCE_ACLS.TXT;1 HPLJ_SETUP_LANDSCAPE.TXT;1 Page 2 IBMPC_TCPIP.TXT;1 IBMTCP.ZIP;1 INKEY.SRC;1 INQUIRY_TO_SCSI_DVC.SRC;1 INSTALL_AXP_SHARED_COMMONS.SRC;1 INTERCOM.README;1 INTERCOM.ZIP;1 INTERCOM03.ZIP;1 INTRUDER_SHOW_VIA_SDA.TXT;1 INTRUSION_DATABASE_ACCESS.TXT;1 INTRUSION_RECORD_EXAM_VAX.TXT;1 IO_EXPRESS_BUG.TXT;1 IO_EXPRESS_MISFEATURE.TXT;1 IS_FILE_A_DIRECTORY.SRC;1 IS_FILE_DIR.SRC;1 JULIAN_DATE_IN_DCL.SRC;1 K.TAR_Z;1 KBD_STDS_CTL_CHRS.TXT;1 LAUDER_MONEY_VIA_FUTURES_MARKET.HOWTO;1 LIB$VM_CALL_SEQS.TXT;1 LOCK011.A;1 LOCKING_CODE_INTO_MEMORY_ON_AXP.TXT;1 LOCK_EXAMPLES.TXT;1 LOOKUP_ERR_MESSAGES.SRC;1 MAILER_SECURITY.TXT;1 MAILSHR_VMS61_LOCATIONS_FOR_PATCH.TXT;1 MAIL_PURGE_VS_COMPRESS.TXT;1 MAKE_NEWS_EXPIRE_AFTER_7_DAYS.TXT;1 MAKE_VS_HALT_ON_SHUTDOWN.HOWTO;1 MESSAGE_PROG.SRC;1 MIME_DECODER.SRC;1 MODMAP_DEL_SET.TXT;1 MPACK.README;1 MPACK14-PC.ZIP;1 MPACK14-SRC.TAR_Z;1 MULTISYNC_MONITORS_FOR_VAX.TXT;1 MX_NEEDS_SYSLCK.TXT;1 NET_HISTORY.TXT;1 NEWORLEANSTOPICS.ZIP;1 NT_INTERNAL_THREADS.TXT;1 NUKE_DECTERM_MENU_BAR.HOWTO;1 ODS2_RDR_UPGRADE.ANN;1 OPTIMIZING_MAIL_PERF.TXT;1 PAKGEN_DOC_ORDER_NOS.TXT;1 PATCH_DIFF.LOCATION;1 PGP.WHERETOGET;1 PHONE_SECURITY_FIX.TXT;1 PLOTTER_WIDGET.POINTER;1 PRINT_FILE_FROM_C.SRC;1 PRIV_ERR_MSGS.TXT;1 PSPICE.TAR_Z;1 QI13.ZIP;1 QIX_FIX.SRC;1 QNX_FILESPC_GRAB.SRC;1 RANDOM_NO_GEN.SRC;1 RAND_NO_GEN.SRC;1 RDATE.ZIP;1 READ_DECTERM_TITLE.SRC;1 REALLY_THOROUGH_DELTREE.SRC;1 RELNOTES_DEC_COMPILERS_POINTER.TXT;1 REMOTE_LEXICAL.SRC;1 REMOTE_SESS_MGR_2.SRC;1 REPL_X_BY_VT340_VS2000.TXT;1 RMSOPN.SRC;3 RSX_TCPIP_VENDOR.TXT;1 SAVE_BLISS.TXT;1 SAVING_INITED_DSK_DATA.TXT;1 SA_BACKUP_ON_AXP.TXT;1 SCSI_INQUIRY_TO_DISK.SRC;1 SDDRIVER_WARNING.TXT;1 SEARCHLIST_C_BUG.TXT;1 SEC_UPD_BREAKS_MAILSHR_PATCH.TXT;1 SEE_IF_FILE_IS_DIR.SRC;1 SET_DIR.SRC;1 SHARED_IMAGE_LINK.TXT;1 SIMTEL_ARCHIVE_NEWSITE.TXT;1 SOCKETPP_16.TAR-GZ;1 SOFTWARE_ENGINEERING_STORY.TXT;1 SPELL.ZIP;2 SPELL_ANN.TXT;1 SPTFRAG.ANN;1 STATUS01.SRC;1 STATUS02.SRC;1 STATUS03.SRC;1 STATUS04.SRC;1 STATUS05.SRC;1 STATUS06.SRC;1 STATUS07.SRC;1 STATUS08.SRC;1 STATUS09.SRC;1 STATUS10.SRC;1 STATUS11.SRC;1 STATUS12.SRC;1 STATUS13.SRC;1 STATUS14.SRC;1 STATUS15.SRC;1 STATUS16.SRC;1 SUN_KEYBOARDS_WITH_DEC.TXT;1 TCPIP.FAQ;1 TELLING_VAX_FROM_AXZP_IMAGES.HOWTO;1 TERM_PRINT.SRC;1 THE_CLUB_AUTO_PROTECTOR_WEAKNESS.TXT;1 TRIVIAL_VMS_VIRUS.TXT;1 TT_SYNCH_VIA_LAT.TXT;1 UNIX_HOLES_SECURITY.TXT;1 UNZ511A2.ZIP;1 UVA_FTP.SITE;1 UVA_NPASSWD.TAR_Z;1 VAX2AXP_TXT.ZIP;1 VAXC_VS_DECC_MODS.TXT;1 VAX_PERF_SUMMARY.TXT;1 VAX_SW_LIST2.TXT;1 VAX_SW_LIST_1.TXT;1 VFORK.TXT;1 VMSMUNCH.C;2 VMSMUNCH.H;2 VMSMUNCH_PRIVATE.H;2 VMSNET.ARCHIVE_SITES;1 VMSNET.FAQ;1 VMS_DEVICE_PROTECTIONS.TXT;1 VMS_FTP_SITES.TXT;1 VMS_FUTURE_DIRECTIONS.TXT;1 VMS_NETW_SECURITY_TIPS.TXT;1 VMS_NEWSREADERS.TXT;1 VMS_SW_LIST.TXT;2 VMS_SW_LIST.TXT;1 VMS_UPDATE_INFO.TXT;1 VMS_V6_TIME_SERVICES.TXT;1 VMS_VAX_61.NEWFEATURES;1 VT200_KEYCODE_LIST.TXT;1 VT300_GENERIC_COMMANDS.SRC;1 VTREEUNIX.ZIP;1 VV-ALL.ZIP;1 VV-MSDOS.ZIP;1 VV-UNIX.ZIP;1 VV-VMS.ZIP;1 VV097SRC.ZIP;1 WHAT.TXT;1 WHAT_IS_LATACP.TXT;1 WHY_NO_UNSUPP_UTILS.TXT;1 XDU.TAR;1 XLHARC.ZIP;1 XTREE_DRAW_DIRTREE.SRC;1 XXCODE.ZIP;1 ========> [VMS94A.NEWS_MAIL_AGENTS]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== This area contains a VMS port of the PINE user mailer program and of the TIN newsreader program. AAAREADME.TXT;1 PINE_BETA_2_ANN.TXT;1 PINE_BETA_7.ZIP;1 TIN-1_22.BCK;1 ========> [VMS94A.PATCH]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains the unix-like diff/patch combination of tools, usable in VMS, for the use and convenience of those who need to apply patches to packages like ANU NEWS (which has a lot of them this time out). ========> [VMS94A.REMOTE_TAPE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains the sources for a remote magtape driver for VMS on VAX or AXP by W. Moeller. The driver runs over DECnet and makes a tape on one side of a net appear locally attached to the other side. This can then be used for backup, copy, etc. Also present is an implementation of a pseudo tape using a disk file. ========> [VMS94A.TK]AAAREADME.TXT;3 <======== Hunter Goatley and Terry Kennedy Materials from ftp.spc.edu These are items which have been added or modified since the Fall 1993 tapes were issued. ================================================================================ FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Western Kentucky University FILESERV Manager: Hunter Goatley ================================================================================ BOSS.ZIP;1 BOSS48.C;1 BOSSALPHA.C;1 BOSS Version: V5.0, 3-MAY-1994 Description: Multiple logins via pseudo-terminals! Author: Charles Karney, Glenn Everhart, Malc MacArthur Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 7 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBS-NETUTILS.ZIP;1 DBS-NETUTILS Version: V1.0, 24-FEB-1994 Description: Utilities for monitoring an Ethernet Author: David B. Sneddon Architecture: VAX # of parts: 5 Language: MACRO-32, Fortran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBS-ODSM.ZIP;1 DBS-ODSM Version: V1.0, 24-FEB-1994 Description: Online Disk Space Monitor Author: David B. Sneddon Architecture: VAX # of parts: 4 Language: MACRO-32, Fortran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBS-PATCH.ZIP;1 DBS-PATCH Version: V1.0, 24-FEB-1994 Description: Examine/modify disks or files Author: David B. Sneddon Architecture: VAX # of parts: 4 Language: MACRO-32, Fortran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBS-TAPEUTILS.ZIP;1 DBS-TAPEUTILS Version: V1.0, 24-FEB-1994 Description: Dump, erase, and exercise tapes Author: David B. Sneddon Architecture: VAX # of parts: 4 Language: MACRO-32, Fortran Page 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECNET.ZIP;1 DECNET Version: Description: DECnet examples using $QIO Author: Joe Meadows Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECW_COOKBOOK.ZIP;1 DECW_COOKBOOK Version: V2.0 Description: DECwindows Cookbook (PostScript) Author: John Wisniewski Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: PostScript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIVER.ZIP;1 DELIVER Version: 28-JUL-1993 Description: Handles special delivers for VMS Mail Author: Ned Freed, et al, Dick Munroe Architecture: VAX # of parts: 8 Language: Pascal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSNLINK_NEW.ZIP;1 DSNLINK_NEW Version: V5.1-1, 6-NOV-1993 Description: Poll DSNlink's DSN ITS for new article subjects Author: Dan Wing Architecture: VAX # of parts: 3 Language: DCL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DX.ZIP;1 DX Version: V2.4, 17-MAY-1994 Description: Directory eXtension V2.4 (File and directory manager) Author: Chau-Kuang Hung, Jerome Lauret Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 13 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ED.ZIP;1 ED Version: V1.5.6, 16-DEC-1993 Description: An EDT-lookalike editor for VMS, UNIX, and DOS Author: Charles Sandmann Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 54 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 EXECSYMB.ZIP;1 EXECSYMB Version: V3.5.2, 2-FEB-1994 Description: A VMS symbiont for execution queues (do whatever) Author: John Osudar Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 19 Language: Fortran, MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTENDED_DIVISION.ZIP;1 EXTENDED_DIVISION Version: 18-FEB-1994 Description: Divide two character strings in any radix Author: Claude Barbe Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 1 Language: DCL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTENDED_MULTIPLICATION.ZIP;1 EXTENDED_MULTIPLICATION Version: 17-JAN-1994 Description: Multiply two character strings in any radix Author: Claude Barbe Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 1 Language: DCL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAL.ZIP;2 FAL Version: 7-JAN-1994 Description: Information on FAL logging Author: Nick de Smith Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 1 Language: Text file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIST.ZIP;1 FLIST Version: V2.2-1, 24-MAR-1994 Description: TPU-based directory and file manager Author: Hunter Goatley Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 8 Language: C, DECTPU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAWK-DOC-DVI.ZIP;1 GAWK-DOC-PS.ZIP;1 GAWK.ZIP;2 GAWK Version: V2.15.4, 18-FEB-1994 Description: GAWK (GNU awk) v2.15.4 (includes VMS binaries) Author: FSF (VMS mods by Pat Rankin) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 56 Language: C Page 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAWK-DOC-DVI Version: V2.15.4, 18-FEB-1994 Description: .DVI file for GAWK v2.15.4 manual Author: FSF (VMS mods by Pat Rankin) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 9 Language: N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETCMD.ZIP;1 GETCMD Version: V3.0, 5-NOV-1992 Description: Display the recall buffer for another process (v3.0) Author: Hunter Goatley Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 2 Language: BLISS32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETLKI.ZIP;1 GETLKI Version: Description: $GETLKI example Author: Joe Meadows Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREP.ZIP;1 GREP Version: V2.0, 16-DEC-1993 Description: VMS port of GNU *grep v2.0 (w/ on-line help) Author: FSF (VMS mods by Hunter Goatley) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 23 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADERS.ZIP;1 HEADERS Version: Description: HEADERS (C .H files used by other Meadows programs) Author: Joe Meadows Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP_SERVER.ZIP;1 HTTP_SERVER Description: HTTP_SERVER V1.3 -- A DECthreads-based HTTP server (World-Wide Web) for VMS Written by David Jones Architecture: VAX, AXP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET-MENU.ZIP;1 INTERNET-MENU Version: V4.1a, 18-APR-1994 Page 5 Description: A menu for easy access to Internet utilities & sites Author: Vinit S. Carpenter Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 3 Language: DCL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JED.ZIP;1 JED Version: V0.96, 12-APR-1994 Description: VMS/UNIX/DOS EMACS/EDT editor Author: John Davis Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 62 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KFE.ZIP;1 KFE Version: Description: Example of how to access known files Author: Joe Meadows Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KILL.ZIP;2 KILL Version: V1.1, 11-MAY-1994 Description: Delete/FORCEX processes by username Author: Darrell Burkhead Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 1 Language: BLISS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST.ZIP;1 LAST Version: V2.4, 28-JAN-1994 Description: Displays last login info for accounts Author: Jonathan C. Baker Architecture: VAX # of parts: 3 Language: FORTRAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDMLIB.ZIP;1 MDMLIB Version: 12-APR-1995 Description: Sources for Matt Madison's library routines Author: Matthew D. Madison Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 7 Language: BLISS32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFTU.ZIP;1 MFTU Version: V1.13, 21-JUN-1993 Description: Mail File Transfer Utility (binary<->ASCII converter) Page 6 Author: Carlo Mekenkamp Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 5 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGFTP.ZIP;2 MGFTP Version: V2.0-2, 16-MAY-1994 Description: MadGoat FTP client and server for VMS (NETLIB) Author: MadGoat Software (Burkhead, Goatley) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 35 Language: BLISS32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MG_FINGER.ZIP;1 MG_FINGER Version: V1.1, 3-MAY-1994 Description: MadGoat FINGER client and server for VMS (NETLIB) Author: MadGoat Software (Madison, Goatley) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 7 Language: BLISS32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLU021.ZIP;1 MLU021 Version: V2.1, 26-APR-1994 Description: Media Loader Utility -- DCL access to media loaders Author: Mickey Lane Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 9 Language: VMSINSTAL kits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMK.ZIP;1 MMK Version: V2.4-8, 7-MAY-1994 Description: Matt's Make Utility (compatible with DEC's MMS!!) Author: Matthew D. Madison Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 13 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFY.ZIP;1 MODIFY Version: 18-MAR-1994 Description: Modify ASCII files (replace strings, detab, etc.) Author: Tom Worlton Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 8 Language: FORTRAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOST.ZIP;1 MOST Version: V4.23, 4-APR-1994 Description: MOST file browser (by John E. Davis) Author: John E. Davis Page 7 Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 13 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MX040 (see [vms94a.mx040] directory) Version: V4.0-1, 11-APR-1994 Description: Message Exchange (MX) V4.0 -- SMTP, Jnet, UUCP mailer Author: MadGoat Software (Madison, Goatley) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 182 Language: VMSINSTAL kits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MX040_SRC (see [vms94a.mx040] directory) Version: V4.0-1, 12-APR-1994 Description: Sources for Message Exchange (MX) V4.0 Author: MadGoat Software (Madison, Goatley) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 59 Language: BLISS32, MACRO-32, C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETLIB016.ZIP;1 NETLIB016 Version: V1.6, 4-APR-1994 Description: Matt Madison's NETLIB TCP/IP library routines Author: Matthew D. Madison Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 17 Language: VMSINSTAL kits, BLISS32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRDR.ZIP;2 NEWSRDR Version: V4.7-2, 7-MAY-1994 Description: NNTP client reader for Usenet news Author: Matthew D. Madison Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 57 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE.ZIP;2 NOTICE Version: V1.9, 14-APR-1994 Description: A system for managing login notices Author: Hunter Goatley Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 3 Language: BLISS32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKASM.ZIP;1 PACKASM Version: V2.3, 26-JAN-1994 Description: VMS Mail and NNTP news package assembler/decoder Author: Eric M. LaFranchi Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 5 Language: C Page 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKASM_OBJ_EXE.ZIP;1 PACKASM_OBJ_EXE Version: V2.3, 26-JAN-1994 Description: VAX and AXP binaries (.OBJs for CMU, TGV, TWG, UCX) Author: Eric M. LaFranchi Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 8 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_1_5.ZIP;1 PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_1_5 Version: 14-JAN-1994 Description: VMS Mail "@" patch for OpenVMS AXP V1.5 Author: Claude Barbe Architecture: AXP # of parts: 2 Language: DCL, C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERMANENT.ZIP;1 PERMANENT Version: V1.4%047, 24-FEB-1994 Description: Create permanent DCL symbols (can't be deleted, etc.) Author: Brian Schenkenberger Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 1 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSTAT.ZIP;1 PSTAT Version: V2.1, 27-DEC-1993 Description: Show process status for all or selected processes Author: Vadim Gorokhovsky Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 6 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAMDRIVER.ZIP;1 RAMDRIVER Version: 2-APR-1993 Description: RAM disk driver for OpenVMS VAX Author: Gerard K. Newman Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RMS_INTERFACE.ZIP;1 RMS_INTERFACE Version: 17-JAN-1994 Description: Comprehensive interface to RMS for high-level languages Author: Mark S. Frank Architecture: VAX # of parts: 9 Language: C, Pascal, BASIC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 9 S-LANG.ZIP;1 S-LANG Version: V0.97, 12-APR-1994 Description: Generic C-like script language for C programs Author: John Davis Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 16 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCANUAF.ZIP;1 SCANUAF Version: V2.0, 28-JAN-1994 Description: Scan SYSUAF for accounts matching specified criteria Author: Jim Snyder Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 8 Language: FORTRAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET_PRCNAM.ZIP;1 SET_PRCNAM Version: Description: Change the process name for any process on the system Author: Hunter Goatley Architecture: VAX # of parts: 1 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHRCOMMON.ZIP;1 SHRCOMMON Version: 14-JAN-1994 Description: Establish/Manage shared memory for 2 or more processes Author: Mark Frank Architecture: VAX # of parts: 2 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLMOD.ZIP;1 SLMOD Version: 26-FEB-1994 Description: Search List Modification utility Author: Bob Boyd Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 6 Language: FORTRAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPERVISOR.ZIP;1 SUPERVISOR.BEWARE;1 SUPERVISOR Version: V5.4c, 18-May-1994 Description: Supervisor Series v5.4c (SUPERVISOR & PHOTO) Author: Hunter Goatley Architecture: VAX # of parts: 31 Language: BLISS32, MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 SYMBOL.ZIP;1 SYMBOL Version: v3%4.091, 4-APR-1994 Description: Set or delete DCL symbols for another process Author: Brian Schenkenberger Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 4 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNZIP51.ZIP;1 UNZIP51 Version: V5.1, 9-FEB-1994 Description: Info-ZIP's portable UnZip v5.1 Author: The Info-ZIP group Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 31 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UUCODE.ZIP;1 UUCODE Version: Description: UUENCODE/UUDECODE - three versions: Pascal and 2 C Author: Various Architecture: VAX # of parts: 5 Language: C, Pascal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAX_STRIPE_DRIVER.ZIP;1 VAX_STRIPE_DRIVER Version: 9-FEB-1994 Description: A disk striping driver for OpenVMS VAX Author: Glenn Everhart Architecture: VAX # of parts: 3 Language: MACRO-32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VMSTAR.ZIP;1 VMSTAR Version: V2.0-1, 29-APR-1994 Description: Read/write UN*X tar files under VMS Author: Alain Fauconnet (Goatley, Hanrahan, Levitte) Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 7 Language: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZT4AXP020.ZIP;1 ZT4AXP020 Version: 28-APR-1994 Description: Serve tape drives over DECnet! (VAX and AXP version) Author: Wolfgang Moeller Architecture: VAX,AXP # of parts: 3 Language: MACRO-32, C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZT4VAX.ZIP;1 Page 11 ZT4VAX Version: 9-FEB-1994 Description: Serve tape drives over DECnet! (VAX version) Author: Wolfgang Moeller Architecture: VAX # of parts: 5 Language: MACRO-32, C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========> [VMS94A.WORLTON]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== [WORLTON] directory - Spring 1994 ==================================================================== [.gplot_src] Fortran source code for the GPLOT graphics subroutine library for VAX-VMS and ALPHA-VMS. (The code is the same for both). If you want the source code, copy the files *.for and *.inc to directory [gplot.src] on your local system and define the logical GPLOT_SRC as dev:[GPLOT.SRC]. Even without the source code, you will need the file GDINIT.DAT. GDINIT.DAT is used to produce a menu of graphics devices. ==================================================================== [.gplot_alpha] Executables, object modules, linker options file, and the object library for GPLOT on VAX-VMS. Copy these files to dev:[GPLOT] on your local system, define the logical GPLOT_DIR as dev:[GPLOT], then include GPLOT_DIR:GPLOT/OPT in your link statement. This will include GKS routines as well as GPLOT routines. This directory also contains files used by EDIT_GMENU to select workstation types when defining new plot devices. ==================================================================== [.gplot_examples] Example routines to test GPLOT features. Compile, link and run these routines on your local system to test GPLOT. Two of the examples have a problem with DEC GKS 5.3 for Alpha-VMS. GPE6.FOR aborts when plotted to a TK4014 device. GPE13.FOR has the curves shifted from the correct position. You can edit TESTGPLOT.COM to specify local print queues and submit this as a batch job to produce all gplot example plots. Before doing this, you must run EDIT_GMENU to define your local print queues. Another problem with the Alpha version is that GKS Metafiles are incomplete. ==================================================================== [.gplot_vax] Executables, object modules, linker options file, and the object library for GPLOT on VAX-VMS. Copy these files to dev:[GPLOT] on your local system, define the logical GPLOT_DIR as dev:[GPLOT], then include GPLOT_DIR:GPLOT/OPT in your link statement. This will include GKS routines as well as GPLOT routines. ==================================================================== [anonymous.gplot_doc] Documentation and help files for GPLOT. ==================================================================== [.modify] MODIFY is a search and replace program for VMS which has been available for some time on the VAX and was part of the VMS startup set. The version here has been changed to be Alpha compatible. By recompiling and relinking, this version could also be used on the VAX. The MODIFY command is normally added to DCLtables, but it could be used temporarily by issuing the command: $ SET COMMAND devdir:MODIFY There are ASCII and Postscript versions of the user manual. Page 2 ====================================================================