BRWSR and QNDXR BRWSR is a small portable aid to browsing through large text files and locating sections by keyword combinations quickly. It uses indices of the text files created by QNDXR in this. In operation, one first creates the file to be browsed. Since C cannot easily position any format file except stream_lf, pass the file thru FILTRLF to convert it to a stream_lf format. FILTRLF takes Unix style redirection for its input and output. Then one runs QNDXR on the file to create the index files. Then one runs BRWSR and opens the file and proceeds to search for text. BRWSR has a builtin help page when you type ? to it. The result might look something like this: $COPY [VAXLT000_89A]AAAREADME.89A* README89.TXT $FILTRLF VAX89A.TXT $DELETE README89.TXT.* $QNDXR VAX89A.TXT (bunch of messages...) $BRWSR (hello message) :vax89a.txt (message with size of file and number words) (now enter your browsing commands) (when done just type : by itself and reply Y to quit? question.) $ The above assumes you've defined FILTRLF, QNDXR, and BRWSR as foreign DCL commands to run the executables of those names, e.g., $filtrlf:==$disk:[dir]filtrlf $brwsr:==$disk:[dir]brwsr $QNDXR:==$disk:[dir]qindx These utilities were derived from originals obtained from the ARPAnet and modified to compile correctly under VMS by Glenn Everhart Using BRWSR for access of multiple keywords: First select a word by typing it. Then use the * command to create an empty subset and then choose either & for a neighborhood of a few words, && for a neighborhood of a few sentences, or &&& for a neighborhood of a few paragraphs. (& is usually best.) Then by selecting another word (by typing it) your display will be only those cases in the subset. You can negate the subset if you like. The = command will display the keyword in context listings for the selected sets; another = goes to the full text. Displays of Keyword in Context (KWIC) text show only selected subset texts. As a useful application, the DECUS library catalog may be indexed in file DECUSIDX.TXT and may be browsed using the BRWSR tool. This may be helpful in locating desired applications. See file AAAREADME.DOC for information on how to do this. The CROSSREFLIB.COM command file will build such an index for you (but check its' directory paths for the definitions of symbols and edit if necessary before use!)