%ì VAX-11 Librarian V04-00ðãª'’J•=($剙<-‰€Špt5  DWremterm; GEOFF DWremtermº«"Ðáú&K• GEOFF DWremtermº«"ðs x(K• GEOFF DWremtermº«"ðÖKÍCK• GEOFF DWremtermº«"yÿÓZK• OLSENK DWremtermº«"ÁÒL• GEOFF DWremtermº«"@x[6œQ• GEOFF DWremtermº«"¥Nç[• GEOFF DWremtermº«"‚Ãçç[• GEOFF DWremtermº«"Ú˜{*õ[• OLSENK DWremtermº«"º0 ö[• OLSENK DWremtermº«"à/L½_• GEOFF DWremtermº«"@ÅBŸ_• GEOFF DWremtermº«"À±ŒÁŸ_• GEOFF rmº«"ý‹n ´‰™ KINGSMILL DWremtermº«"}“Ç–·‰™ KINGSMILL DWremtermº«"«ź‰™ KINGSMILL DWremterm ­=($剙 1 DWremtermoM DWremterm is designed to allow users flexibility in using DECwindows across mK a large number of machines connected together by a Local Area Network. It tJ allows users to create LAT or DECnet windows locally or to create remote L DECwindows sessions. The DECwindows commands RDT, RFV and RDW are actually @ network process's as such do not count as an interactive login.2 INSTALLATION" DWremterm consists of two files: 6 VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM.COM and SYS$HELP:DW REMTERM.HLB.E DWremterm.com needs to exist on both the local and remote nodes and K requires the user to either specify node access control or for the remote o) account to be set up with proxy access. i aM DWremterm can simply reside in sys$login on the remote node, which requires n" each user to have their own copy. -or- I DWremterm can be defined as a DECnet object, requiring only one copy on e each system.nH The LATmaster software is optional in VMS 5.4-x and is integrated into H VMS 5.5. If LATmaster is installed on VMS 5.4-x then CSCPAT_0511 patch F should also be installed. If LATmaster is not installed then the LAT  command cannot be used.G A unique window name and icon name is chosen by referencing the user'sVC process name. If the login sequence changes the process name then + duplicate window and icon names may occur.t3 NETWORK_OBJECTD To install DWremterm as a network object the system manager should  enter the following commands: $ MCR NCP 0 NCP> DEFINE OBJECT DWREMTERM NUMBER 0 FILE -> SYS$COMMON:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]DWREMTERM.COM PROXY BOTH! NCP> SET OBJECT DWREMTERM ALL NCP> EXIT  $R3 PRIVATE_DECNET_TASKcF If DWremterm is not installed as a network object then by default no G other setups are required. However if the DECnet object task has been rD Modified to disable proxy access then DWremterm will fail. In this = case the system manager should enter the following commands:L $ MCR NCPF& NCP> DEFINE OBJECT TASK PROXY BOTH NCP> SET OBJECT TASK ALL NCP> EXITs $ 3 PROXY_ACCOUNTSC Proxy accounts allow a user direct access to another users accountlF without having to specify a username and password. The system manager8 can set up proxy account access from within AUTHORIZE.  Example: $ MCR AUTHORIZE>e; UAF> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL KINGSMILL/DEFAULTi0 UAF> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL OLSENK UAF> EXIT $A This examples allows user  KINGSMILL on node MVAX into the local rA KINGSMILL and OLSENK accounts. The default switch enables you to6 specify just the nodename when addressing this node:- eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX::e A If Default access is not specified then you need to specify the h2 nodename and username when addressing this node:-! eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX"OLSENK"::t= If you do not have proxy access then you need to specify thes< nodename, username and password when addressing this node:-* eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX" SYSTEM password":: C DWremterm gives you the flexibility to use any of these addressingz. schemes, however proxy access is recommended. 3 SECURITYC The Factory Defaults prohibit a remote users from displaying theirl? output to your workstation. To authorize other users or remote 2 nodes to use your workstation display you should:= 1. Choose Security... from Session Manager's Options menu.rC 2. Type the nodename, the username, and the method of transport,rB of the user you want to G If DWremterm is started from a DECterm session then that session will iE be locked for the duration of the DWremterm Window. It is therefore oE recommended that DWremterm be installed as a DECwindows application i/ either under the session manager or Fileview. e3 COMMAND_MODE; Commands are entered from the DCL command line by typing:-: $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM nodename command [qualifiers...]A It is suggested that DWremterm be defined as a symbol and placed 6 in your login.com. This s authorize. Entering * * * will allowB any user on any node with any transport to display output on your workstaton./ 3. Click on the Add button and the Clock OK.m7 Refer to the DECwindow User Guide for further details.l2 MODESr# DWremterm can be run in two modes:m< MENU MODE: commands are entered from a Small Menu Window.@ COMMAND MODE: commands are entered from the DCL command line. 3 MENU_MODErG Commands are entered from a Small Menu Window. DWremterm can be added hD a s a DECwindows Application or simply started from the DCL command  line by entering:-r mG $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM.COM command nodename [optional qualifiers...]tF This will then display a small DWremterm MENU window at the top left C hand corner of your screen. The WINDOW POSITION and INITIAL STATE nI (window or icon) can be altered from the default setting by editing the MG resource file. Details on how to do this is documented in the resourceD file itself located in decw$user_defaults 3 DECNET  D E C n e t W I N D O WC This command creates a new DECterm window, sets the icon and titleL@ name to the requested nodename and requests login information. = The command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL followed by aE SET HOST command.. Command syntax is DWremterm> DECNET nodename - Example: DWremterm> DECNET MVAX ori/ $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM DECNET MVAXeI This example creates a window using DECnet as its network transport and UC connects :dwremterm$default_v*.dat.G If DWremterm is started from a DECterm session then that session will cE be locked for the duration of the DWremterm Window. It is therefore :E recommended that DWremterm be installed as a DECwindows application e/ either under the session manager or Fileview. 3 COMMAND_MODE; Commands are entered from the DCL command line by typing:- : $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM nodename command [qualifiers...]A It is suggested that DWremterm be defined as a symbol and placed 6 in your login.com. This should be entered as follows:' $ DWREMTERM :== @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERMR9 The LAT and DECNET commands are NOT valid in this mode. a. These commands can only be used in Menu mode.0 Example: $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX -or- $ DWREMTERM RDT MVAX? Commands are entered directly from the DCL prompt. In all the cB following examples the $ DWREMTERM symbol can be be used in place of the DWremterm> prompt. 2 COMMANDSK Valid command are:- HELP, DWHELP, LAT, DECNET, RDT, RFV, RDW, DWRT and $.n. Parameters shown in [] brackets are optional.3 HELP H This gives you a list of valid commands and information on how to gain  further help.E Brief Help can be obtained by entering a Command with no qualifiers.T, Full Help can be obtained by typing DWHELP.$ Command syntax is: DWremterm> HELP & Example 1: DWremterm> HELP or( $ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM HELP p Valid Commands are:>; LAT,DECNET,RDT,RFV,R DW,DWRT,$, HELP and DWHELP.dF Enter Command only for Brief Help or DWHELP for Full Help. r& Example 2: DWremterm> RDT or' $ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM RDT9 This command creates a Remote DECterm Window:B; RDT nodename [init_state] [title] [dcl_command]t4 [display] [transport] [X:Y] DWremterm> s= This example shows how to get brief help on the command RDT.T 3 DWHELP lJ This command will create a new windA Example 1: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" MVAXS1::0.0XE $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" - % MVAXS1::0.0 G This example will bring up a remote DECterm session as an icon named pB MVAX_DECTERM on MVAX and display it on MVAXS1 Server 0 Screen 0.5 Example 2: DWremterm> RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD" eB $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD" oH This example will bring up a remote DECterm sessC This requires LATmaster Software to be installed which is optional / on VMS 5.4-x, but is integrated into VMS 5.5. ; If LATmaster is not installed then use the DECNET command. e@ The LAT command does not require the DECwindows software to be @ installed on the remote node and is only valid under MENU MODE. C The logical LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER can be defined to specify an tB alternate disconnect character. The default character is Ctrl+\ ., Command syntax is: DWremterm> LAT now and call sys$library:dwremterm.hlb.; A full description of each command is given with examples. & Example: DWremterm> DWHELP or( $ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM DWHELP3 LAT D This command creates a new DECterm window, sets the icon and title @ name to the requested nodename and requests login information. > The command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL followed by a  SET HOST/LAT command. iC This requires LATmaster Software to be installed which is optionalT/ on VMS 5.4-x, but is integrated into VMS 5.5. e; If LATmaster is not installed then use the DECNET command.s g@ The LAT command does not require the DECwindows software to be @ installed on the remote node and is only valid under MENU MODE. C The logical LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER can be defined to specify an sB alternate disconnect character. The default character is Ctrl+\ ., Command syntax is: DWremterm> LAT nodename ' Example 1: DWremterm> LAT MVAX wF This example creates a window using LAT as its network transport and D connects you to node MVAX. You are then prompted for your username  and password. 4 NODENAME D This specifies the desired nodename. You cannot use LAT to connect > to yourself. If this is required then use the DECNET command.  Example: MVAXD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 3 DECNET C This command creates a new DECterm window, sets the icon and titled@ name to the requested nodename and requests login information. = The command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL followed by ar SET HOST command.C The DECNET command does not require the DECwindows software to be i= installed on the remote node and is only valid in MENU MODE.S/ Command syntax is: DWremterm> DECNET nodename E+ Example: DWremterm> DECNET MVAX tI This example creates a window using DECnet as its network transport and eH connects you to node MVAX. You are then prompted for your username an2 TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS@ The following logicals can be used to aid in troubleshooting.L DWREMTERM_VERBOSE to display the progress of both local and remote eventsJ If verbose is enabled then a full sized menu window will be displayed1 DWREMTERM_VERIFY to turn on verify and verboseL DWREMTERM_DEBUG will turn on verbose and will always ask whether you want: to copy a new version of DWremterm to the remote nodeB This can also be enabled by prefixing the version with  d password. 4 NODENAME rA This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is B> optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node.  Example: MVAX, 0::, MVAX::TD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command.3 RDT @ This command starts a DECterm window on a remote node and uses > DECwindows to set the display to the desired workstation. If = proxy logins have been enabled then no login information is L; required. ITf there is no proxy access then access control mC information can be supplied as part of the nodename specification.sC This command is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a o* SET DISPLAY/CREATE and a CREATE/TERMINAL.1 DECwindows must be installed on the remote node.l Command syntax is: < DWremterm> RDT nodename [init_state] [title] [dcl_command] 4 [display] [transport] [X:Y]@ Example 1: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" MVAXS1::0.0D "­POÁË“J• 1 DWremterm N DWremterm is designed to allow users flexibility in using DECwindows across L a large number of machines connected together by a Local Area Network. It K allows users to create LAT or DECnet windows locally or to create remote L DECwindow sessions. The decwindows commands RDT, RFV and RDW are actually I network process's as far as VMS licensing is concerned. Therefore this I legally gets around the 2 user limitations imposed on a workstation or #VAXserver. 2 INSTALLATIONJ This file needs to exist on both the local and remote nodes and requiresK the user to either specify node access control or for the remote account J to be set up for proxy access. DWremterm can simply reside in sys$login K on the remote node, which requires each user to have their own copy -or- H DWremterm can be defined as a DECnet object, requiring each system to  have only one copy.3 NETWORK_OBJECTK To install DWremterm as a network object t$he system manager should enter  the following commands: $ MCR NCP0 NCP> DEFINE OBJECT DWREMTERM NUMBER 0 FILE -> SYS$COMMON:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]DWREMTERM.COM PROXY BOTH! NCP> SET OBJECT DWREMTERM ALL NCP> EXIT $3 LOCAL_DECNET_TASKG If DWremterm is not installed as a network object then by default no H other setups are required. However if the DECnet object task has been E modified to disable proxy access then DWremterm will fail. In this > ca%se the system manager should enter the following commands: $ MCR NCP& NCP> DEFINE OBJECT TASK PROXY BOTH NCP> SET OBJECT TASK ALL NCP> EXIT $2 DWremterm_MODES$ DWremterm can be run in two modes:5 MENU MODE: commands are entered from a Menu Window? COMMAND MODE: commands are entered from the DCL command line 3 MENU_MODEG Commands are entered from a Menu Window. DWremterm can be added as a H Decwindows Application or simply started from the DCL &command line by @ entering @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM.COM. This will display a smallI DWremterm MENU window at the top left hand corner of your screen. This J can be altered by defining the logical DWREMTERM_X_POS, DWREMTERM_Y_POS  and DWREMTERM_INIT_STATE. 3 Refer to Configuration Setup for further details.3 COMMAND_MODE: Commands are entered from the DCL command line by typing5 @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM node command [qualifiers...] 2 COMMANDSC Valid command are:- HELP, LAT,' DECNET, RDT, RFV, RDW, DWRT and $.2 Any parameter listed in [] brackets is optional.3 HELP I This gives a list of all valid command. You are asked if you would likeI expanded help and if so sys$library:dwremterm.hlb is called. For brief J help you can simply type the command only which will then display a list of valid qualifiers. Command syntax is { HELP } % Example: DWremterm> HELP or% @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM HELP > You are then asked( if you would like brief or expanded help.3 LAT  L A T W I N D O WE This command creates a new decterm window, sets the icon and title E name to the requested nodename and requests login information. The H command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL followed by a SET HOST/LAT command. I The LATmaster software is optional in VMS 5.4-x and is integrated into E VMS 5.5. If LATmaster is not installed then use the DECnet command. K The logical LAT$DISCONNECT_C)HARACTER can be used to specify an alternate 7 disconnect character. The default character is Ctrl+\% Command syntax is { LAT nodename } ( Example: DWremterm> LAT MVAX or/ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM LAT MVAX G This example creates a window using LAT as its network transport and D connects you to MVAX. You are then prompted for your username and password. 3 'NODENAME'  L A T W I N D O WG Specifying just the NODENAME without a command will de*fault to a LAT - session as described under the LAT command.@ Command syntax is: { NODENAME } which becomes { LAT nodename }' Example: DWremterm> MVAX or' @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM MVAXG This example creates a window using LAT as its network transport and D connects you to MVAX. You are then prompted for your username and password. 3 DECNET  D E C n e t W I N D O WC This command creates a new decterm window, sets the icon and title@ name to+ the requested nodename and requests login information. L The command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL and then a SET HOST command.& Command syntax is { DECNET nodename }- Example: DWremterm> DECNET MVAX or- @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM DECNET MVAXJ This example creates a window using DECnet as its network transport and M connects you to MVAX. You are then prompted for your username and password. 3 RDT ( R E M O T E D E C T E R M I N A L K This comma ,nd starts a DECterm window on a remote node and uses X-windows M to set the display to the requested workstation. If proxy logins have been M enabled then no login information is required. If there is no proxy access J then access control information can ne supplied as part of the nodename M specification. It is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a SET ' DISPLAY/CREATE and a CREATE/TERMINAL.K Command syntax is:{ RDT nodename [init_state] [icon_title] [dcl_command] : - [display] [transport] }A Example 1: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" MVAXS1::0.0M @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" MVAXS1::0.0G This example will bring up a remote decterm session as an icon named B MVAX_DECTERM on MVAX and display it on MVAXS1 Server 0 Screen 0.5 Example 2: DWremterm> RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD" @ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD" L This example will bring .up a remote decterm session on MVAX using the VMS  account KINGSMILL.3 RFV  R E M O T E F I L E V I E WN This command starts a FileView window on a remote node and uses X-windows to M set the display to the requested workstation. It is the equivalent of doing O a SET HOST, followed by a SET DISPLAY/CREATE and a RUN SYS$SYSTEM:VUE$MASTER. N NOTE: Attempting to bring up Fileview as an icon may actually bring Fileview @ up as a window. This is a bug in the current X-windows Toolki/t.G Command syntax is: { RFV nodename [init_state] [display] [transport] }9 Example: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON LAT_080027AFBE:0.0 LATE @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON LAT_080027AFBE:0.0 LATN This example will bring up a remote fileview session on MVAX and display the - information on a VT1200 node LAT_080027AFBE.3 RDW # R E M O T E D E C W I N D O W SO This command sets the display to the requested workstation and allows the userO to specify the command proc 0edure or executable to run. It is the equivalent ofO doing a SET HOST, followed by a SET DISPLAY/CREATE and any valid command that & uses X-windows as its display device.B Command syntax is: { RDW nodename command [display] [transport] }. Example 1: DWremterm> RDT MVAX "MCR DECWRITE": @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX "MCR DECWRITE"= This example will bring up a remote DECwrite session on MVAX5 Example 2: DWremterm> RDT MVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWALLIN1B @VUE$LIBRARY:D 1WREMTERM RDT OAVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWALLIN1< This example will bring up a remote ALLIN1 session on OAVAX DWRT   D W r e m t e r mN This command allows you to bring up a second DWremterm window in the context L of another user. It is designed for a user who has a personnel account but J also needs to use a group functional account such as the system managers K account. The DWRT Window, is displayed by default, just below the default M DWremterm Menu window position near the top left ha 2nd corner of the screen. I This can be altered by defining the logical names DWREMTERM_DWRT_X_POS, K DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y_POS and DWREMTERM_DWRT_INIT_STATE. Refer to CONFIGURATION SETUP help for further details.; Command syntax is: { DWRT nodename [display] [transport] }* Example: eg. DWremterm> DWRT MVAX"OLSENK"2 @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM DWRT MVAX"OLSENK"N This example shows how you can be logged in as one user yet bring up another J DWremterm window in the context of another us3er. Here user KINGSMILL is M bringing up a DWremterm window using the OLSENK's account. Now all commands 8 issued under that DWremterm window will be user OLSENK.3 $  $ D C L C O M M A N D6 This simply executes a dcl command in the menu window% Command syntax is: { $ dcl_command }! Example: DWremterm> $ show error* @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM $ SHOW ER2 COMMAND QUALIFIERS7 Command Qualifier Descriptions: Valid qualifiers are:-E Nodename, Init_state, Icon_ti4tle, DCL_command, Display and Transport 3 NODENAME J This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is optional.4 A "0" will decode as being the currently used node.< For LAT and DECNET this is just any valid nodename eg. VAXA@ For RDT, RFV, RDW and DWRT access controls can also be supplied E Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::O If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the respective command. 3 INIT_STA5TE N This gives you the choice of bringing up the display as an Icon or a Window. $ Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW.  The default is window . 3 ICON_TITLE = This specifies the desired icon name and window title name. - The default is 'nodename':X'count':'command'& where NODENAME - is the remote node: x - is L for local window (LAT and DECnet): - is R for Remote window (RDT, RFV, RDW): COMMAND - is the command (LAT, DECNET, RDT etc.)63 DCL_COMMAND M A DCL Command procedure to run after the DECterm window is created. This is % an optional parameter with RDT only. 4 DISPLAY L This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your current M workstation, however it can be redirected to another workstation or screen.  ' The syntax is NODENAME::SERVER.SCREEN. Example: DECNET VAXA::0.0 TCPIP ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2 LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 74 TRANSPORTL This specifies the X-windows transport protocol. Current valid entries are& DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple).2 CONFIGURATION_SETUPSI The following logicals can be used to change the default behaviour of DWremtermM DWREMTERM_INHIBIT_COPY to prevent a user being asked whether a new version" of DWremterm should be copied@ DWREMTERM_X_POS defines the X position for the DWremterm MENU Default value is 10C DWREMTERM_Y_POS defines the Y posit8ion for the DWremterm MENU  Default value is 108A DWREMTERM_INIT_STATE defines the startup state. Window or Icon Default value is WINDOWJ DWREMTERM_DWRT_X_POS defines the X position for the DWremterm DWRT MENU Default value is 10K DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y_POS defines the Y position for the DWremterm DWRT MENU  Default value is 250F DWREMTERM_DWRT_INIT_STATE defines the startup state. Window or Icon Default value is WINDOWF LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER 9defines the character that you can use to C disconnect from a remote session. Default character is Ctrl+\.2 TROUBLESHOOTING_HINTS@ The following logicals can be used to aid in troubleshooting.L DWREMTERM_VERBOSE to display the progress of both local and remote eventsJ If verbose is enabled then a full sized menu window will be displayed1 DWREMTERM_VERIFY to turn on verify and verboseL DWREMTERM_DEBUG will turn on verbose and will always ask whether you want: t o copy a new version of DWremterm to the remote nodeB This can also be enabled by prefixing the version with an "X"C NETSERVER.LOG on the remote node may also aid in troubleshootingL Modifying the version from V0.0 to X0.0 will always ask whether you would1 like a new version copied to the remote nodewwww DWremtermº«"jƒ×®_• GEOFF DWremtermº«"`Ñ¥b• OLSENK DWremtermº«"jù-ÿób• ALLIN1 DWremtermº«"J‚6Ùe• GEOFF DWremtermº«"Š0Ñe• GEOFF DWremtermº«"*–ø‹e• GEOFF DWremtermº«"ªŠºZØe• OLSENK DWremtermº«"ºh9Ä’• GEOFF DWremtermº«"ô”Gæ’• GEOFF DWremtermº«"âú¨#ç’• GEOFF DWremtermº«"­ nm™Ê— OLSENK DWremtermº«"úèZW ˜ GEOFF DWremtermº«"™ô㳉™ KINGSMILL DWremte=­=Q¸–·‰™ 1 DWremtermoM DWremterm is designed to allow users flexibility in using DECwindows across mK a large number of machines connected together by a Local Area Network. It tJ allows users to create LAT or DECnet windows locally or to create remote L DECwindows sessions. The DECwindows commands RDT, RFV and RDW are actually @ network process's as such do not count as an interactive login.2 INSTALLATION" DWremterm consists of two files: 6 VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM.COM and SYS$HELP:DW>REMTERM.HLB.E DWremterm.com needs to exist on both the local and remote nodes and WK requires the user to either specify node access control or for the remote s) account to be set up with proxy access. y dM DWremterm can simply reside in sys$login on the remote node, which requires D" each user to have their own copy. -or- I DWremterm can be defined as a DECnet object, requiring only one copy on each system.mH The LATmaster software is optional in VMS 5.4-x and is integrated into H? VMS 5.5. If LATmaster is installed on VMS 5.4-x then CSCPAT_0511 patch F should also be installed. If LATmaster is not installed then the LAT  command cannot be used.G A unique window name and icon name is chosen by referencing the user's C process name. If the login sequence changes the process name then i+ duplicate window and icon names may occur.e3 NETWORK_OBJECTD To install DWremterm as a network object the system manager should  enter the following commands: r $ MCR NCPo0 @ NCP> DEFINE OBJECT DWREMTERM NUMBER 0 FILE -> SYS$COMMON:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]DWREMTERM.COM PROXY BOTH! NCP> SET OBJECT DWREMTERM ALLC NCP> EXITA $]3 PRIVATE_DECNET_TASKHF If DWremterm is not installed as a network object then by default no G other setups are required. However if the DECnet object task has been dD Modified to disable proxy access then DWremterm will fail. In this = case the system manager should enter the following commands:m $ MCR NCPi& NCP> DEFAINE OBJECT TASK PROXY BOTH NCP> SET OBJECT TASK ALL NCP> EXIT $>3 PROXY_ACCOUNTSC Proxy accounts allow a user direct access to another users account F without having to specify a username and password. The system manager8 can set up proxy account access from within AUTHORIZE.  Example: $ MCR AUTHORIZE>n; UAF> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL KINGSMILL/DEFAULTp0 UAF> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL OLSENK UAF> EXIT $A This examples allows userB KINGSMILL on node MVAX into the local XA KINGSMILL and OLSENK accounts. The default switch enables you to 6 specify just the nodename when addressing this node:- eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX::  sA If Default access is not specified then you need to specify the C2 nodename and username when addressing this node:-! eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX"OLSENK"::n= If you do not have proxy access then you need to specify theO< nodename, username and password when addressing this node:-* eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX"CSYSTEM password":: C DWremterm gives you the flexibility to use any of these addressingp. schemes, however proxy access is recommended. 3 SECURITYC The Factory Defaults prohibit a remote users from displaying theire? output to your workstation. To authorize other users or remotem2 nodes to use your workstation display you should:= 1. Choose Security... from Session Manager's Options menu.nC 2. Type the nodename, the username, and the method of transport, B of the user you want to Dauthorize. Entering * * * will allowB any user on any node with any transport to display output on your workstaton./ 3. Click on the Add button and the Clock OK.y7 Refer to the DECwindow User Guide for further details.d2 MODESn# DWremterm can be run in two modes:n< MENU MODE: commands are entered from a Small Menu Window.@ COMMAND MODE: commands are entered from the DCL command line. 3 MENU_MODEnG Commands are entered from a Small Menu Window. DWremterm can be added D aEs a DECwindows Application or simply started from the DCL command  line by entering:-  nG $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM.COM command nodename [optional qualifiers...]nF This will then display a small DWremterm MENU window at the top left C hand corner of your screen. The WINDOW POSITION and INITIAL STATE tI (window or icon) can be altered from the default setting by editing the LG resource file. Details on how to do this is documented in the resourceiD file itself located in decw$user_defaultsG:dwremterm$default_v*.dat.G If DWremterm is started from a DECterm session then that session will tE be locked for the duration of the DWremterm Window. It is therefore eE recommended that DWremterm be installed as a DECwindows application s/ either under the session manager or Fileview. a3 COMMAND_MODE; Commands are entered from the DCL command line by typing:-v: $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM nodename command [qualifiers...]A It is suggested that DWremterm be defined as a symbol and placed[GA It is suggested that DWremterm be defined as a symbol and placedn6 in your login.com. This should be entered as follows:' $ DWREMTERM :== @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERMl9 The LAT and DECNET commands are NOT valid in this mode. . These commands can only be used in Menu mode.0 Example: $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX -or- $ DWREMTERM RDT MVAX? Commands are entered directly from the DCL prompt. In all the sB following examples the $ DWREMTERM symbol can be be used in place of thH6 in your login.com. This should be entered as follows:' $ DWREMTERM :== @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERMn9 The LAT and DECNET commands are NOT valid in this mode. @. These commands can only be used in Menu mode.0 Example: $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX -or- $ DWREMTERM RDT MVAX? Commands are entered directly from the DCL prompt. In all the WB following examples the $ DWREMTERM symbol can be be used in place of the DWremterm> prompt. 2 COMMANDSK Valid command are:- HELP, DWHELPI, LAT, DECNET, RDT, RFV, RDW, DWRT and $.O. Parameters shown in [] brackets are optional.3 HELP RH This gives you a list of valid commands and information on how to gain  further help.E Brief Help can be obtained by entering a Command with no qualifiers.r, Full Help can be obtained by typing DWHELP.$ Command syntax is: DWremterm> HELP & Example 1: DWremterm> HELP or( $ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM HELP  Valid Commands are: ; LAT,DECNET,RDT,RFV,RJDW,DWRT,$, HELP and DWHELP. F Enter Command only for Brief Help or DWHELP for Full Help. W& Example 2: DWremterm> RDT or' $ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM RDT 9 This command creates a Remote DECterm Window:V; RDT nodename [init_state] [title] [dcl_command]R4 [display] [transport] [X:Y] DWremterm> d= This example shows how to get brief help on the command RDT. 3 DWHELP tJ This command will create a new windMow and call sys$library:dwremterm.hlb.; A full description of each command is given with examples.$& Example: DWremterm> DWHELP or( $ @VUE$LIBRRY:DWREMTERM DWHELP3 LAT D This command creates a new DECterm window, sets the icon and title @ name to the requested nodename and requests login information. > The command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL followed by a  SET HOST/LAT command. eC This requires LATmaster Software to be installed which is optionalA/ on VMS 5.4-LC This requires LATmaster Software to be installed which is optional / on VMS 5.4-x, but is integrated into VMS 5.5. ; If LATmaster is not installed then use the DECNET command. e@ The LAT command does not require the DECwindows software to be @ installed on the remote node and is only valid under MENU MODE. C The logical LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER can be defined to specify an tB alternate disconnect character. The default character is Ctrl+\ ., Command syntax is: DWremterm> LAT nMC This requires LATmaster Software to be installed which is optional / on VMS 5.4-x, but is integrated into VMS 5.5. r; If LATmaster is not installed then use the DECNET command.  r@ The LAT command does not require the DECwindows software to be @ installed on the remote node and is only valid under MENU MODE. C The logical LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER can be defined to specify an eB alternate disconnect character. The default character is Ctrl+\ ., Command syntax is: DWremterm> LAT nNx, but is integrated into VMS 5.5. L; If LATmaster is not installed then use the DECNET command.a t@ The LAT command does not require the DECwindows software to be @ installed on the remote node and is only valid under MENU MODE. C The logical LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER can be defined to specify an B alternate disconnect character. The default character is Ctrl+\ ., Command syntax is: DWremterm> LAT nodename ' Example 1: DWremterm> LAT MVAX nF This example creates a windPow using LAT as its network transport and D connects you to node MVAX. You are then prompted for your username  and password. 4 NODENAME aD This specifies the desired nodename. You cannot use LAT to connect > to yourself. If this is required then use the DECNET command. s Example: MVAXD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 3 DECNET C This command creates a new DECterm window, sets the icon and titlew@ name to the requested nodenamP4 DCL_COMMAND M A DCL Command procedure to run after the DECterm window is created. This is f% an optional parameter with RDT only. 4 DISPLAY L This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your current M workstation, however it can be redirected to another workstation or screen. e e' The syntax is NODENAME::SERVER.SCREEN. Example: DECNET VAXA::0.0R TCPIP ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2 LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0X 4 Re and requests login information. = The command is equivalent to a CREATE/TERMINAL followed by a SET HOST command.C The DECNET command does not require the DECwindows software to be a= installed on the remote node and is only valid in MENU MODE.a/ Command syntax is: DWremterm> DECNET nodename b+ Example: DWremterm> DECNET MVAX rI This example creates a window using DECnet as its network transport and H connects you to node MVAX. You are then prompted for your username anR4 DCL_COMMAND M A DCL Command procedure to run after the DECterm window is created. This is t% an optional parameter with RDT only.u 4 DISPLAY L This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your current M workstation, however it can be redirected to another workstation or screen. f t' The syntax is NODENAME::SERVER.SCREEN.l Example: DECNET VAXA::0.0_ TCPIP ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2 LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0O E 4 Sd password. 4 NODENAME eA This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is > optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node.  Example: MVAX, 0::, MVAX::aD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command.3 RDT @ This command starts a DECterm window on a remote node and uses > DECwindows to set the display to the desired workstation. If = proxy logins have been enabled then no login information is a; required. IUf there is no proxy access then access control MC information can be supplied as part of the nodename specification.MC This command is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a 0* SET DISPLAY/CREATE and a CREATE/TERMINAL.1 DECwindows must be installed on the remote node.  Command syntax is: < DWremterm> RDT nodename [init_state] [title] [dcl_command] 4 [display] [transport] [X:Y]@ Example 1: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" MVAXS1::0.0D W $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" -, MVAXS1::0.0 250:100F This example will bring up a remote DECterm session as an icon named J MVAX_DECTERM on MVAX and display it on MVAXS1 Server 0 Screen 0 with the % top left corner at location 250:100.D4 Example 2: DWremterm> RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD" A $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"d G This example will bring up a remote DECterm session on MVAX using the R VMS aV $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON MVAX_DECTERM "" -, MVAXS1::0.0 250:100F This example will bring up a remote DECterm session as an icon named J MVAX_DECTERM on MVAX and display it on MVAXS1 Server 0 Screen 0 with the % top left corner at location 250:100.p4 Example 2: DWremterm> RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD" A $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"h fG This example will bring up a remote DECterm session on MVAX using the o VMS abccount KINGSMILL.T 4 NODENAME hA This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is a? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. > Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.f tE Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD":: D If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 INIT_STATE rD This gives you the choice of bringing up the display as an Icon or Xccount KINGSMILL.L 4 NODENAME A This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is i? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. o> Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.B eE Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::dD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 INIT_STATE ND This gives you the choice of bringing up the display as an Icon or Z1 as a Window. Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW.  The default is WINDOW .4 TITLE = This specifies the desired icon name and window title name. ' The default is 'nodename':R'count':RDTr& where NODENAME - is the remote node* R - is R for Remote window4 DCL_COMMAND A A DCL Command or DCL Command procedure to run after the DECterm n window is created. 3 Example: DWremterm> RDT MVAX "" MVAX-ALLIN1 ALLIN1lA $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX "" MVAX-ALLIN1 AZ= This example will bring up a remote DECwrite session on MVAXT5 Example 2: DWremterm> RDT MVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWALLIN1TF $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT OAVAX $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWALLIN1< This example will bring up a remote ALLIN1 session on OAVAX 4 NODENAME A This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is l? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. .> Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.  cE Example: [LLIN1oD This will start ALL-IN-1 as a window on MVAX and set the title and  icon name to MVAX-ALLIN1a 4 DISPLAY D This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  E( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXn DECNET MVAX::0.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0  ADSP \ GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2I" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORT ? This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows D currently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) transports.m3 RFV A This command starts a Fileview window on a remote node and uses RD DECwindows to set the display to the desired workstation. Fileview F gives you most of the facilities available under the session manager.C Therefore if you add all your applications to the Fileview Menu ]'s oD then all those facilities we be available to RFV. This may be more A convenient that using RDW. For instance. You can remotely start e< DECwrite by doing a DWremterm> RDT nodename "MCR DECWRITE".D However it may be that you already have a RFV session open on that G node. Therefore if you add DECwrite as a Fileview Application on that B node then you can simply invoke DECwrite just as though it was a  local application. 9 It is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a i5 SET_ DISPLAY/CREATE and a RUN SYS$SYSTEM:VUE$MASTER. C1 DECwindows must be installed on the remote node.: Command syntax is: ; DWremterm> RFV nodename [init_state] [display] [transport]d9 Example: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON LAT_080027AFBE:0.0 LATIG $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON LAT_080027AFBE:0.0 LATuJ This example will bring up a remote Fileview session on MVAX and display 1 the information on node LAT_080027AFBE (VT1200).r 4 NODENAME aA This specifies the desired node_2 CONFIGURATION_SETUPSH The following logicals can be used to change the default behavior of DWremterm.M DWREMTERM_INHIBIT_COPY to prevent a user being asked whether a new versionH of DWremterm should be copied. By default this facility is enabled.A DWREMTERM_X_POS defines the X position for the DWremterm MENU. Default value is 10.A DWREMTERM_Y_POS defines the Y position for the DWremterm MENU. Default value is 108.B DWREMTERM_INIT_STATE defines `name. The double colon suffix is ? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. P> Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.B 8E Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::lD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 INIT_STATE D This gives you the choice of bringing up the display as an Icon or 1 as a Window. Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW. x The defaulta is WINDOW .D NOTE: Attempting to bring up Fileview as an icon may actually bringB Fileview up as a window. This is a bug in the current DECwindows Toolkit.i 4 DISPLAY D This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  ( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXe DECNET MVAX::0l.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0A ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2Y" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORTe? This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows eD currently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) transports.h3 RDW G This command sets the display to the requested workstation and allows dA the user to specify the command procedure or executable to run. L9 It is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a aF SET DISPLAY/Cc1 as a Window. Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW. R The default is WINDOW .4 TITLE = This specifies the desired icon name and window title name. i' The default is 'nodename':R'count':RDTI& where NODENAME - is the remote node* R - is R for Remote window4 DCL_COMMAND A A DCL Command or DCL Command procedure to run after the DECterm  window is created. 3 Example: DWremterm> RDT MVAX "" MVAX-ALLIN1 ALLIN1:A $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX "" MVAX-ALLIN1 AdLLIN1 D This will start ALL-IN-1 as a window on MVAX and set the title and  icon name to MVAX-ALLIN1 4 DISPLAY D This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  A( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXh DECNET MVAX::0.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0i ADSP e GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORTe? This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows D currently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) transports.a3 RFV A This command starts a Fileview window on a remote node and uses rD DECwindows to set the display to the desired workstation. Fileview F gives you most of the facilities available under the session manager.C Therefore if you add all your applications to the Fileview Menuf's aD then all those facilities we be available to RFV. This may be more A convenient that using RDW. For instance. You can remotely start C< DECwrite by doing a DWremterm> RDT nodename "MCR DECWRITE".D However it may be that you already have a RFV session open on that G node. Therefore if you add DECwrite as a Fileview Application on that B node then you can simply invoke DECwrite just as though it was a  local application.g9 It is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a r5 SETg DISPLAY/CREATE and a RUN SYS$SYSTEM:VUE$MASTER. C1 DECwindows must be installed on the remote node.l Command syntax is: ; DWremterm> RFV nodename [init_state] [display] [transport]c9 Example: DWremterm> RDT MVAX ICON LAT_080027AFBE:0.0 LATsG $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX ICON LAT_080027AFBE:0.0 LATMJ This example will bring up a remote Fileview session on MVAX and display 1 the information on node LAT_080027AFBE (VT1200).T 4 NODENAME hA This specifies the desired nodehname. The double colon suffix is a? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. > Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.p E Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::AD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 INIT_STATE nD This gives you the choice of bringing up the display as an Icon or 1 as a Window. Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW. : The defaulti is WINDOW .D NOTE: Attempting to bring up Fileview as an icon may actually bringB Fileview up as a window. This is a bug in the current DECwindows Toolkit. 4 DISPLAY D This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  A( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXa DECNET MVAX::0j.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0a ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2D" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORTw? This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows D currently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) transports. 3 RDW G This command sets the display to the requested workstation and allows EA the user to specify the command procedure or executable to run. i9 It is the equivalent of doing a SET HOST, followed by a tF SET DISPLAY/CkREATE and any valid command that uses DECwindows as its  display device.1 DECwindows must be installed on the remote node.oJ Command syntax is: DWremterm> RDW nodename command [display] [transport] . Example 1: DWremterm> RDW MVAX "MCR DECWRITE"< $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX "MCR DECWRITE"= This example will bring up a remote DECwrite session on MVAXi5 Example 2: DWremterm> RDW MVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWALLIN1"C $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWApLLIN1e< This example will bring up a remote ALLIN1 session on OAVAX 4 NODENAME uA This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is n? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. n> Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.: E Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::CD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 DISPLAY D This specifies thmREATE and any valid command that uses DECwindows as its  display device.1 DECwindows must be installed on the remote node.uJ Command syntax is: DWremterm> RDW nodename command [display] [transport] . Example 1: DWremterm> RDW MVAX "MCR DECWRITE"< $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX "MCR DECWRITE"= This example will bring up a remote DECwrite session on MVAXM5 Example 2: DWremterm> RDW MVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWALLIN1 C $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM RDT MVAX @VUE$LIBRARY:DWAnLLIN1R< This example will bring up a remote ALLIN1 session on OAVAX 4 NODENAME A This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is r? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. e> Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.  eE Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::hD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 DISPLAY D This specifies thoe output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  e( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXu DECNET MVAX::0.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0D ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2s" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORTa? This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows aD ucurrently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) transports.l3 DWRT eF This command allows you to bring up a second DWremterm window in the H context of another user. It is designed for a user who has a personnel F account but also needs to use a group functional account such as the I system managers account. The DWRT Window, is displayed by default, just nI below the default DWremterm Menu window position near the top left hand t= corner of the screen. The WINDOW POSITIONqe output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  A( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXi DECNET MVAX::0.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0u ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2h" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORTo? This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows MD rcurrently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) transports.I3 DWRT IF This command allows you to bring up a second DWremterm window in the H context of another user. It is designed for a user who has a personnel F account but also needs to use a group functional account such as the I system managers account. The DWRT Window, is displayed by default, just eI below the default DWremterm Menu window position near the top left hand = corner of the screen. The WINDOW POSITIONs and INITIAL STATE oI (window or icon) can be altered from the default setting by editing the tG resource file. Details on how to do this is documented in the resourceaI file itself located in decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$dwrt_default_v*.dat.H You can override the WINDOW POSITION resource file defaults by definingK the logical name DWREMTERM_DWRT_X and DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y on the local node. n= The INITIAL STATE can also be specified on the command line.oE This command requires DECwindows to be intstalled on the remote node.dD Command syntax is: DWremterm> DWRT nodename [init_state] [display] 9 [transport] ( Example 1: DWremterm> DWRT MVAX"OLSENK"6 $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM DWRT MVAX"OLSENK"F This example shows how you can be logged in as one user yet bring up E another DWremterm window in the context of another user. Here user VG KINGSMILL is bringing up a DWremterm window under the OLSENK account. aE Now all commands issuedy under that DWremterm window will be of user T OLSENK. T 4 NODENAME hA This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is a? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. > Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.c eE Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::oD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 INIT_STATE -D This gives you the choice ov and INITIAL STATE iI (window or icon) can be altered from the default setting by editing the tG resource file. Details on how to do this is documented in the resource I file itself located in decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$dwrt_default_v*.dat.eH You can override the WINDOW POSITION resource file defaults by definingK the logical name DWREMTERM_DWRT_X and DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y on the local node. = The INITIAL STATE can also be specified on the command line.dE This command requires DECwindows to be in wstalled on the remote node.mD Command syntax is: DWremterm> DWRT nodename [init_state] [display] 9 [transport] d( Example 1: DWremterm> DWRT MVAX"OLSENK"6 $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM DWRT MVAX"OLSENK"F This example shows how you can be logged in as one user yet bring up E another DWremterm window in the context of another user. Here user vG KINGSMILL is bringing up a DWremterm window under the OLSENK account. -E Now all commands issuedx under that DWremterm window will be of user OLSENK. 4 NODENAME 9A This specifies the desired nodename. The double colon suffix is 0? optional. A "0" will decode as being the currently used node. o> Access controls can also be supplied as part of the nodename  specification.) E Example: MVAX, MVAX::, MVAX"KINGSMILL"::, MVAX"KINGSMILL PASSWORD"::yD If this field is left blank a brief help message is display on the  respective command. 4 INIT_STATE AD This gives you the choice ozf bringing up the display as an Icon or 1 as a Window. Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW. M The default is WINDOW . 4 DISPLAY D This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  e( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXN DECNET MVAX::0.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0N{f bringing up the display as an Icon or 1 as a Window. Valid entries are ICON and WINDOW. P The default is WINDOW . 4 DISPLAY D This specifies the output display device. By default it is on your > current workstation, however it can be redirected to another  workstation or screen.  l( The syntax is NODENAME[::server.screen] Example: TRANSPORT: NODENAME: ---------- --------- DECNET MVAXv DECNET MVAX::0.0% TCPIP MVAX.DEC.COM:0.0  ~ ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2e" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORTd> This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows C currently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) R transports.4 DEFINING_PROXY_ACCESSaB Setting up proxy access is a system management function. See your3 System manager to have this functionality enabled.e Example: $ MCR AUTHORIZEA AUTHORIZE> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL KINGSMILL/DEFAULTH6 AUTHORIZE> ADD/PR| ADSP GEOFF:X11@DEC:0.2M" LAT LAT_08002B272829:0.0 4 TRANSPORT/> This specifies the DECwindows transport protocol. DECwindows C currently supports the LOCAL, DECnet, TCPIP, LAT and ADSP (Apple) e transports.4 DEFINING_PROXY_ACCESS B Setting up proxy access is a system management function. See your3 System manager to have this functionality enabled.e Example: $ MCR AUTHORIZEA AUTHORIZE> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL KINGSMILL/DEFAULTM6 AUTHORIZE> ADD/PR}OXY MVAX::KINGSMILL OLSENK AUTHORIZE> EXIT $B This examples shows how user KINGSMILL on node MVAX can be set upD to access both the KINGSMILL and OLSENK accounts on the local node A without specifying user passwords. Therefore the following DWRT  commands could be used:C DWremterm> DWRT MVAX:: --> to use the KINGSMILL account.n@ DWremterm> DWRT MVAX"OLSENK":: --> to use the OLSENK account.3 $ 6 This simply executes a DCL command in the menu window- Command syntax is: DWremterm> $ dcl_command ! Example: DWremterm> $ show errort, $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM $ SHOW ER2 CONFIGURATION_SETUPSF The following logicals can be used to change the default behavior of DWremterm. D DWREMTERM_INHIBIT_COPY to prevent a user being asked whether a new B version of DWremterm should be copied. Default is Copy Enabled.D LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER defines the character that you can use to A disconnect from a remote session. Default characterOXY MVAX::KINGSMILL OLSENK AUTHORIZE> EXIT $B This examples shows how user KINGSMILL on node MVAX can be set upD to access both the KINGSMILL and OLSENK accounts on the local node A without specifying user passwords. Therefore the following DWRT i commands could be used:C DWremterm> DWRT MVAX:: --> to use the KINGSMILL account.$@ DWremterm> DWRT MVAX"OLSENK":: --> to use the OLSENK account.3 $ 6 This simply executes a DCL command in the menu window- C €ommand syntax is: DWremterm> $ dcl_command t! Example: DWremterm> $ show error , $ @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM $ SHOW ER2 CONFIGURATION_SETUPSF The following logicals can be used to change the default behavior of DWremterm. D DWREMTERM_INHIBIT_COPY to prevent a user being asked whether a new B version of DWremterm should be copied. Default is Copy Enabled.D LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER defines the character that you can use to A disconnect from a remote session. Default character ƒ is Ctrl+\.sG The WINDOW POSITION and INITIAL STATE (window or icon) can be altered eH from the default setting by editing the desired resource file. Details A on how to do this is documented in the following resource files.d Default DWremterm Window:1 - decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$default_v*.dat.l DWRT DWremterm window:w5 - decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$dwrt_default_v*.datG. This is on the remote node/users account.> - You can also override the DWRT resource file positions ‚ is Ctrl+\.rG The WINDOW POSITION and INITIAL STATE (window or icon) can be altered H from the default setting by editing the desired resource file. Details A on how to do this is documented in the following resource files. Default DWremterm Window:1 - decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$default_v*.dat.c DWRT DWremterm window:m5 - decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$dwrt_default_v*.datt. This is on the remote node/users account.> - You can also override the DWRT resource file positions „byE defining the logical names DWREMTERM_DWRT_X and DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y,C under your local user account. These values are then passed toa# the remote node/users account.a2 TROUBLESHOOTING_HINTSnH SECURITY: The Factory Defaults prohibit a remote users from displaying E their output to your workstation. To authorize other users or remote 2 nodes to use your workstation display you should:= 1. Choose Security... from Session Manager's Options menu.eC 2. Type the nodename, the usern …byE defining the logical names DWREMTERM_DWRT_X and DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y C under your local user account. These values are then passed tod# the remote node/users account.2 TROUBLESHOOTING_HINTSiH SECURITY: The Factory Defaults prohibit a remote users from displaying E their output to your workstation. To authorize other users or remoteh2 nodes to use your workstation display you should:= 1. Choose Security... from Session Manager's Options menu.C 2. Type the nodename, the usern‡ame, and the method of transport, B of the user you want to authorize. Entering * * * will allowB any user on any node with any transport to display output on your workstaton./ 3. Click on the Add button and the Clock OK. 7 Refer to the DECwindow User Guide for further details.V> THE FOLLOWING LOGICALS CAN BE USED TO AID IN TROUBLESHOOTING.E These can be defined before execution or during a DWremterm Session  by using the $ command.F DWREMTERM_VERBOSE to display the pr †ame, and the method of transport,B of the user you want to authorize. Entering * * * will allowB any user on any node with any transport to display output on your workstaton./ 3. Click on the Add button and the Clock OK.7 Refer to the DECwindow User Guide for further details.> THE FOLLOWING LOGICALS CAN BE USED TO AID IN TROUBLESHOOTING.E These can be defined before execution or during a DWremterm Session  by using the $ command.F DWREMTERM_VERBOSE to display the pr ‰ogress of both local and remote F events. If verbose is enabled then a full sized menu window will E be displayed. Modifying the version from V0.0 to X0.0 will also  enable Debug mode.2 DWREMTERM_VERIFY to turn on verify and verbose.B NETSERVER.LOG on the remote node may also aid in troubleshooting.I DWREMTERM_'pid'*.COM temporary file on the remote node shows the created command file.F DWREMTERM.LOG temporary file on on the remote node showing the output from dwrˆogress of both local and remote F events. If verbose is enabled then a full sized menu window will E be displayed. Modifying the version from V0.0 to X0.0 will also  enable Debug mode.2 DWREMTERM_VERIFY to turn on verify and verbose.B NETSERVER.LOG on the remote node may also aid in troubleshooting.I DWREMTERM_'pid'*.COM temporary file on the remote node shows the created command file.F DWREMTERM.LOG temporary file on on the remote node showing the output from dwremterm_'pid'.comwwemterm_'pid'.comI If you have problems creating DECterms then get the latest DECterm patch from your CSC.ww