%ì VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 43gL •n†ƒIéÁ˜ì q5uLanalyze exitHELP Lmap&monitor Vprint Xset ¾show spawn ¦trace ­@øûM •1 HELP( Emon est un moniteur de trafic ethernetil est lancé par la commande run emonprivilège requis: PHY_IO, privilège conseillé: ALTPRIwwº« ËüM • GEGE HELPº«L.®ŒIéÁ˜  GEGE exitspawnprintshowsetmaptraceanalyzemonitor­®)nIéÁ˜1 exit exits emonww­ØxIéÁ˜1 help this commandww ww­ØxIéÁ˜1 spawn [dcl-command] execute a dcl commandww­®^zIéÁ˜1 print [output-file]6 prints internal tables (DEBUG). Default type is .lisww­®^zIéÁ˜1 show shows internal data2 map shows a map 2 node  shows a node2 hash shows the hash table (DEBUG)ww­®^zIéÁ˜1 set sets internal data: parameter p1,prompt="What",value(required,type=set_types)2 error {continue, halt]; if halt, emon will halt if a n errored frame ios received. otherwise, it will continueww­Nå{IéÁ˜1 map node number) maps a node to the specified map numberww­Nå{IéÁ˜1 trace# displays or records select frames2 /filter=name0 name of program that will interpret the frames: uses the loadable image EMON$FILTER_.exe 2 /trunc (D) truncate display2 /pad7 uses 2 first octets as the actual length of the frame 2 /time (D)" displays time of received frames2  /initialize (D)4 initializes a new screen before starting the trace2 /iosb. displays the iosb of received frames (DEBUG)2 /802_trailer, displays the 802 data of the frame (DEBUG)"2 /data [={hexadecimal(D), ascii}]& displays the data part of the frame.2 /from= (node,node,....)( selects frames according to the sender2 /to= (node,node....)* selects frames according to the receiver"2 /between= ( (node1, node2), ...). selects frames exchanged by couples of nodes2 /end_address= (node, ....)* selects frames sent or received by nodes2 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols2 /output=file7 file that will receive the raw traced frames, default extension .trace2 /l3=filter-params level 3 filter parameters2 /l4=filter-params level 4 filter parameters2 /min_size=nn) selects frames that have a minimum size2 /error only displays errored frames2 /debug4 sets the debug flag for the loadable filter images2 /full full display of headers 2 /brief (D) brief display of headersww­Žò~IéÁ˜1 analyze trace-file 2 trace-file5 file generated by trace. default extension = .trace2 /filter=filter_program: uses the loadable image EMON$FILTER_.exe to analyze the data 2 /trunc (D): truncated display according to the width of the terminal2 /pad< uses 2 first octets of frames to determine the actual size of the frame 2 /time (D)" displays time of received frames2 /initialize (D)) erase display before display trace data2 iosb displays iosb (DEBUG)2 /802_trailer displays 802 data (DEBUG)!2 /data [={hexadecimal(D),ascii}]& Displays data in hex or ascii mode. " By default, no data is displayed2 /from= (node,node,....)( selects frames according to the sender2 /to= (node,node....)* selects frames according to the receiver"2 /between= ( (node1, node2), ...). selects frames exchanged by couples of nodes2 /end_address= (node, ....)* selects frames sent or received by nodes2 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols2 /output=file8 ascii file that will receive formatted frames. Default extension= .LIS2 /l3=filter-params level 3 filter parameters2 /l4=filter-params level 4 filter parameters2 /min_size=nn( select frames that have a minimum size2 /error only display errores frames2 /debug4 sets the debug flag for the filter loadable image.2 /full full display 2 /brief (D) brief displayww­n†ƒIéÁ˜ 1 monitor display selected classes 2 summary!2 node nodename3 counts data received or sent or both by one node,% display by remote-node and protocol3 qualifier talk3 qualifier listen3 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols3 /initialize (D)* initializes the screen before displaying 3 /delta (D)3 counts data received during the sampling interval3 /total5 counts data received since the start of the command!2 top9 monitor top talkers, listeners, protocols, and circuits3 /from= (node,node,....)( selects frames according to the sender3 /to= (node,node....)* selects frames according to the receiver"3 /between= ( (node1, node2), ...). selects frames exchanged by couples of nodes3 /end_address= (node, ....)* selects frames sent or received by nodes3 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols! 2 protocol& monitors Bandwidth used by protocols3 /record [=record_file]5 stores data in a record file. Default type is .rec. default file is emon.rec3 /initialize (D)+ clears the screen before displaying data.3 /from= (node,node,....)( selects frames according to the sender3 /to= (node,node....)* selects frames according to the receiver"3 /between= ( (node1, node2), ...). selects frames exchanged by couples of nodes3 /end_address= (node, ....)* selects frames sent or received by nodes3 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols! 2 multicast1 monitors bandwidth used by the multicast frames3 /record [=record_file]5 stores data in a record file. Default type is .rec. default name is emon.rec 3 /initialize& clears screen before displaying data3 /from= (node,node,....)( selects frames according to the sender3 /to= (node,node....)* selects frames according to the receiver"3 /between= ( (node1, node2), ...). selects frames exchanged by couples of nodes3 /end_address= (node, ....)* selects frames sent or received by nodes3 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols!2 area area_nb monitors data in one area 3 area_nb$ number of the area to be monitored3 /initialize (D)* clears the screen before displaying data 3 /delta (D)# counts data in sampling intervals3 /total, counts data since the start of the command 3 /bytes (D)( displays the number of bytes exchanged 3 /packets* displays the number of packets exchanged3 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols2 map4 displays the matrix of the exchanges between areas3 /initialize (D)* clears the screen before displaying data 3 /delta (D)# counts data in sampling intervals3 /total, counts data since the start of the command 3 /bytes (D)( displays the number of bytes exchanged 3 /packets* displays the number of packets exchanged3 /protocol= (proto, ...)& select frames according to protocols2 size* monitors frames accorging to their sizes3 /frame= (n1,n2,....)/ the threshold of the packets types to display3 /initialize (D)* clears the screen before displaying data 3 /delta (D)# counts data in sampling intervals3 /total, counts data since the start of the command 3 /bytes (D)( displays the number of bytes exchanged 3 /packets* displays the number of packets exchanged3 /check/ checks error conditions. Otherwise continues.2 filter parameters# used only by the filter programs.3 from=address8 selects packets according to the selected level sender 3 to=address: selects packets according to the selected level reveiver3 protocol=protocol: selects packets according to the selected level protocol3 between=(node1,node2)6 selects packets according to the selected level pair of senders and receivers3 end_address=address8 selects packets according to the selected level sender or receiver3 events= (event_name,...): selects packets according to the selected level event(s)%3 display= (filter_specific_data,...). displays selected data by the filter program3 filter=filter=program= selects a filter program for up-level filtering and displayww