Installation Notes You will need to modify the DIR define in defs.h to match where you will be installing the xlife pattern libraries. The value will be what xlife pops up as the default load path. Past that, not much needs to be done. Just compile and have at some of the more interesting patterns shipped along with the program breeder : the full blown breeder pattern which constructs and infinite number of glider guns as it moves to the right in the universe. This is *big*. cmu : well, if you didn't know already, CMU's official logo is a 14 degree square. Run this to see *why* it is. Just kidding ... really >:-) plus lots and lots of nifty patterns which have been snarfed from all over the place. You should see somewhere in there just about every interesting little creature you ever heard of. If you come up with any more good patterns (hopefull smaller than the breeder :-), please send them over to us! If you feel up to it, the TODO file lists some things we would like to add into the game ... if you implement any of these, please send us the patches, and we'll take care of wrapping the whole thing together and submitting them into comp.sources.x Jon ( Dan ( Chuck (