GMAKE, Build_Tools, the FSF GNU Make Tool for OpenVMS GNU Make provides the ability to selectively build part or all of an OpenVMS application, based on analysis of the source files and comparision with a user-created source code module dependency (makefile) module. Thanks to Hartmut Becker of Compaq, here is the OpenVMS/Alpha V7.2 image resulting from a port of the GNU Make. This image is based on the FSF 3.79.1 baselevel. The associated source files are available from They can be used for other VMS versions, VAX and Alpha, as well. There are VMS specific instructions how to build the images. Unfortunately there is a regression in the VMS code. In the module VARIABLE.C the two lines with 'listp' need to be removed. A newer version of GNU make is expected to have this bug fixed. 3 8081 scnt = 0; 3 8082 3 8083 if (listp) ..............1 %CC-E-UNDECLARED, (1) In this statement, "listp" is not declared. 3 8084 *listp = current_variable_set_list; 3 8085 3 8086 while ((sptr = strchr (sptr, '$'))) 4 8087 {