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Producer name must be DEC. Too few or too many arguments specified. 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Invalid hardware identifier. 18characterslongXXALLin1V2CVTLIBCVTLIB2.2DECwrite1.0DECdecisionDECpresentGKS3DCGMV20DECplanV2.0DECimage2.0DECsetASCII_TABULARWK1ASCII_FIELDCALCGRDDIFWK3WPLDCADXMacPaintSGMLCGMTIFFROFFGIFMacWritePICTRTFWORD5WORDPRNOMISC0 00001101111 0102 113 104 0115 00116 00107 000118 0001019 00010010 000010011 000010112 000011113 0000010014 0000011115 00001100016 000001011117 000001100018 000000100019 0000110011120 0000110100021 0000110110022 0000011011123 0000010100024 0000001011125 0000001100026 00001100101027 00001100101128 00001100110029 00001100110130 00000110100031 00000110100132 00000110101033 00000110101134 00001101001035 00001101001136 00001101010037 00001101010138 00001101011039 00001101011140 00000110110041 00000110110142 00001101101043 00001101101144 00000101010045 00000101010146 00000101011047 00000101011148 00000110010049 00000110010150 00000101001051 00000101001152 00000010010053 00000011011154 00000011100055 00000010011156 00000010100057 00000101100058 00000101100159 00000010101160 00000010110061 00000101101062 00000110011063 00000110011164 0000001111128 000011001000192 000011001001256 000001011011320 000000110011384 000000110100448 000000110101512 0000001101100576 0000001101101640 0000001001010704 0000001001011768 0000001001100832 0000001001101896 0000001110010960 00000011100111024 00000011101001088 00000011101011152 00000011101101216 00000011101111280 00000010100101344 00000010100111408 00000010101001472 00000010101011536 00000010110101600 00000010110111664 00000011001001728 00000011001011792 000000010001856 000000011001920 000000011011984 0000000100102048 0000000100112112 0000000101002176 0000000101012240 0000000101102304 0000000101112368 0000000111002432 0000000111012496 0000000111102560 0000000111119999 0000000000010 001101011 0001112 01113 10004 10115 11006 11107 11118 100119 1010010 0011111 0100012 00100013 00001114 11010015 11010116 10101017 10101118 010011119 000110020 000100021 001011122 000001123 000010024 010100025 010101126 001001127 010010028 001100029 0000001030 0000001131 0001101032 0001101133 0001001034 0001001135 0001010036 0001010137 0001011038 0001011139 0010100040 0010100141 0010101042 0010101143 0010110044 0010110145 0000010046 0000010147 0000101048 0000101149 0101001050 0101001151 0101010052 0101010153 0010010054 0010010155 0101100056 0101100157 0101101058 0101101159 0100101060 0100101161 0011001062 0011001163 0011010064 11011128 10010192 010111256 0110111320 00110110384 00110111448 01100100512 01100101576 01101000640 01100111704 011001100768 011001101832 011010010896 011010011960 0110101001024 0110101011088 0110101101152 0110101111216 0110110001280 0110110011344 0110110101408 0110110111472 0100110001536 0100110011600 0100110101664 0110001728 0100110111792 000000010001856 000000011001920 000000011011984 0000000100102048 0000000100112112 0000000101002176 0000000101012240 0000000101102304 0000000101112368 0000000111002432 0000000111012496 0000000111102560 0000000111119999 000000000001NewSubfileTypeOldSubfileTypeImageWidthImageLengthBitsPerSampleCompressionPhotometricInterpFillOrderDocumentNameStripOffsetsSamplesPerPixelRowsPerStripStripByteCountsXResolutionYResolutionPlanarConfigurationXPositionYPositionGrayUnitGrayCurveG3 OptionsG4 OptionsResolutionUnitColorUnitColorResponseCurvesPredictorWhitePointPrimaryChromaticitiesColorMapDate and TimeArtistStripOffsets.logrbctx=stmbyteorder = 0x%x ifdoffset = 0x%x # entries = %d tag = %5u [%-20.20s] type=%u length=%u val= 0x%lx $I%dError allocating memoryError allocating memory--- error reading ccitt.bla ------ error reading ccitt.whi --- EOL #%d assumed after %d bits error in line #%d we ignore %d bits bit=%c bitsum=%ld pos=%d akt. 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License is invalid for this version of the product. License has terminated. Not in license reserve list. Invalid parameter value or type. Producer name must be DEC. Too few or too many arguments specified. Invalid hardware identifier. 18characterslongXXALLin1V2CVTLIBCVTLIB2.2DECwrite1.0DECdecisionDECpresentGKS3DCGMV20DECplanV2.0DECimage2.0DECsetASCII_TABULARWK1ASCII_FIELDCALCGRDDIFWK3WPLDCADXMacPaintSGMLCGMTIFFROFFGIFMacWritePICTRTFWORD5WORDPRNOMISC|^Z͌MPVVVPRPBͽRRѼЏډP|t||,p0ԭԭԭԭ[ |Xͼ|~|~PVVVPЬR<R1PЬR<PPxHXxxxhR?PЬSN^n~1?Pbݬ1ݢݬ1ݢݬ1ݢ ݬ1ݢݬ1ݢݬ~ݢݬsnݢݬc^ݢ ݬSNݢ$ݬC>ݢ(ݬ3.ݢ,ݬ#ݢ0ݬݢ4ݬЏPtempmacpabcdefg1234567.@ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4t L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}C#cS3s K+k[;{G'gW7wO/o_?.macpaintUntitled@@d$ X` 8 0  0x` l<|$d$" ,   @ IMG$SHRLIBDECW$DWTLIBSHRMTHRTLDECW$DXMLIBSHRDECW$TRANSPORT_COMMONLBRSHR DECW$XMLIBSHR DECW$XLIBSHRLIBRTL XIE$SHRLIB CDA$ACCESSVAXCRTL0  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx| !KDDIF$WRITE_MACPAINTMCP V2.2-93120910-DEC-1993 10:5510-DEC-1993 10:55VAX-11 Linker V05-13 .$$ABS$$. 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Invalid hardware identifier. 18characterslongXXALLin1V2CVTLIBCVTLIB2.2DECwrite1.0DECdecisionDECpresentGKS3DCGMV20DECplanV2.0DECimage2.0DECsetASCII_TABULARWK1ASCII_FIELDCALCGRDDIFWK3WPLDCADXMacPaintSGMLCGMTIFFROFFGIFMacWritePICTRTFWORD5WORDPRNOMISCNewSubfileTypeOldSubfileTypeImageWidthImageLengthBitsPerSampleCompressionPhotometricInterpFillOrderDocumentNameStripOffsetsSamplesPerPixelRowsPerStripStripByteCountsXResolutionYResolutionPlanarConfigurationXPositionYPositionGrayUnitGrayCurveG3 OptionsG4 OptionsResolutionUnitColorUnitColorResponseCurvesPredictorWhitePointPrimaryChromaticitiesColorMapDate and TimeArtistStripOffsetsJan01Feb02Mar03Apr04May05Jun06Jul07Aug08Sep09Oct10Nov11Dec12.logw+rfm=fixmrs = 512ctx=stmtag = %5u [%-20.20s] type=%u length=%u val= 0x%lx byteorder = 0x%x ifdoffset = 0x%x # entries = %d NewSubfileTypeOldSubfileTypeImageWidthImageLengthBitsPerSampleCompressionPhotometricInterpFillOrderDocumentNameStripOffsetsSamplesPerPixelRowsPerStripStripByteCountsXResolutionYResolutionPlanarConfigurationXPositionYPositionGrayUnitGrayCurveG3 OptionsG4 OptionsResolutionUnitColorUnitColorResponseCurvesPredictorWhitePointPrimaryChromaticitiesColorMapDate and TimeArtistStripOffsetsTIFFCDA wwMessage Not Found , Error is %d%s w%s %s %s ^ЏPP^]RѬ11Ѭ# 11Ѭ 11Ѭ 1ЬPP P.>N^n~1?PbݬhH1ݢݬWH1ݢݬGH1ݢ ݬ7H1ݢݬ'H1ݢݬH~ݢݬHnݢݬG^ݢ ݬGNݢ$ݬG>ݢ(ݬG.ݢ,ݬGݢ0ݬGݢ4ݬGЏPΈ^V3Zݏݭ)PSЭRբݢcAPݏݭ)SPЭRЭRSS߭ЭRݬ@PWW1@UPЭPP4            1P?PЭRii@ЭRi<|~߭߭߭ЭRePWWr1W:Wݭ(PSЭRբݢ[@Pݏݭ(SPԭЭRCSѭCA RBcRb RBRb RBRbЭR֭ RBRbѭCЭREЭR ЭR³ЭRЭRCЭRcЭR;ЭRsЭRЭRWЭRoЭROЭR[ЭRgЭR£ЭR'ЭRWЭRTнݭϜPWWr=W:Wݭ'PSЭRբݢ ?Pݏݭc'SPЭRT1PЭS =1=<|~߭߭߭ЭRePWWrЏbWW:Wݭ&PSЭRբݢu>Pݏݭ&SPЭRTнݭb PWW:Wݭ&PSЭRբݢ>Pݏݭv&SPЭRT PPЭR=PWW:Wݭ7&PSЭRբݢ=Pݏݭ &SP߭ЭRݬH=PWW1sЭRi i~=ݏKݭ%ЭR= ЏbWP=ݏkR%Wb:Wݭ}%PSЭRբݢ<PݏݭS%SPЭR?S1&SЭR?RS&|~ЭRݢ<ЭRݢ<~<P>ݏ‰ݭ$PSЭRբݢe<Pݏݭ$SP|~ЭRݢM<ԭЭR?SѭPЭRcB֭SѭЭRݢ<~;P>ݏ‰ݭI$PSЭRբݢ;Pݏݭ$SPԭЮR~S<‚R RRS~ЭRݢ;ЭRݢ߭z;PЏPЭR&;PWW:Wݭ#PSЭRբݢ.;Pݏݭ#SPЭRݢ;ЭRբ'ݢ:PݏݭM#Џ+WЏWЭR? ?:R߭߭߭߭o8PVPVPЭPн@ ֭T<\|~߭߭߭ЬP08PVVr1VVPн<[|~߭߭߭ЬP7PVVVPѽЏPѫЏPл T TTЬSTTT_T{׮ЮЮn_h'nݫn7PjЏʉPЫjZV1[ެYXU7W<#|~߭߭߭߭gPVPVPн<#|~߭߭߭߭iPgPVPVPЭRVSNU@PUVUPdPS`SiSBj<#|~߭߭߭߭iPgPVPVPPPЭRVSNU@PUVUPdPS`SiSBj<#|~߭߭߭߭iPgPVPVPPPЭRVSNnU@PUVUPdPS`SiSBj߭߭*6PVVPPj ЏV PЭV1VVP5PVVVPýNSSSNѹ ݭݭ'PݭݭqPݏsݬѩ ЬRЬTgЩk?C_XXRR й {PXwЩFUoŏSQSPUR RP Q{RPQPQ[ SQSPUR RP QP{RPQPQ [RR RR [FP[FJēĕЩNTrŏSQSPTR RP Q{RPQPQ[ SQSPTR RP QP{RPQPQ [RR RR [NP[NRЬRŸ¡թj!ЬSë wPë[ެ[kR)!Ƅ#߭.߭.P $~߭.$~߭.:XծakUXP@SRSR?kT@SRSR-@SRSR@ޭRR~z.:XX ծ$~ޭRR~P.  $~ޭR R~6.ЬSõ÷XCPɂ XC$ XRB`Rb <ɂRRRɂXXCЬRݢ-PɂЬRݢɂ-PЏPЬS[ݩzݣc-Ю?쵮߭9ЬRݢ߭ -PЏP<ɂS SSSɄXɄS<ɂR RRSSXXެUeTݤ,_XXRRfɄ{XSSɄԭXMSЭRB ݣЭRB v,PЏPX֭XթFEЬRɄ›ɄF<ЬRݢF#,PЏPթNEЬRɄ§ɄNЬRݢN+PЏPթjlЬSë ɄPëɄcnɄݩnݩjЬRݢݩnݩjr+PЏPݩjk+ЬSɄ'ݣƄl<+PЏPƄɄЬSɄûݣ÷߭ +PЏPެоUŷɄɄ/wɄЭS<&[~< RxЭXX?Tݤ<~ݭ*PЏPXXX1iЬRݢXݭg*P1LЏP&1ݏSUWЭXQЩ,PR RP QP{RPQP[QRR$XlTZPW$ W<&PPXPT9T4WRPWX$jTnU`QQQx$QSxUQQQSS`WPWX-jTѴ $<@SSѴ  XRk PXRkݬXR%PЏP֮ jP,Ѯ 1R%ծЬR ЏPP^|W[ݏcЬZZ ]Uť$RRQRPR RP QP{RPQPQnxnnV%PRnR^%ЬYťniiwTեaY<ZxZZЬ SXS$ VRXfWݥ$i(W$XSSZWݾ[RݮiT[TR$ЏPP<H^ЏURxRRBHPЏ(`BLP`BPPЬ S`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ)`BLP`BPP`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ%`BLP`BPP`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ-`BLP`BPP(`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ.`BLP`BPP,`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ& `BLP`BPPޭ`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ0`BLP`BPPޭ`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ`BLP`BPPޭ`BTP`<RxRRBHPЏ*`BLP`BPPޭ`BTP`< RxRRBHP`BLP`BPP`BTP`cУPP  r?PPPPUPH!PT|~|~Ь RݢnݼT!T!|~߭ݏ*T!ѭ T!UPݏCЬRR| ߬߭!PUPUP|~ЬSSݏ7Tz!|~Ь R,ݏ.T`!ЬP ЬRc!PbЏ҉PЬ R@|~߭ЬScݼT !cЏUT UP^5Y&V[ЏZXЬScNcnSRbObo [S ֬ ݬ !PS Џ҉Z PЏZZZP׬ Ь RBcݬ ݬS Sc-cRR@R[RP PPcPQPRQQcScUЮTd$dSEƘRSRUTddREƘPRPU1[ ЏJZ1ЬR1dRR R=RPTdRR R=Rd1ЬWTQSa'aRR0R9 SRP0PPSSQaSSRR1eЏJZ1[UЮSc$cTEƯRTRUSccREƯPRPU1[ ЏJZ1ЬS1 UU~P? 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ALLOCFAILmemory allocation failure, INOPENFAILopen failure input file. OUTOPENFAILopen failure output file. INCLOSEFAILclose failure input file0 OUTCLOSEFAILclose failure output file. LOGCLOSEFAILclose failure log file2 UNSUPSPECTRALunsupported spectral type6 UNSUPPLANAR unsupported planar configuration4 UNSUPSAMPLEunsupported number of samples. UNSUPTABTYPEunsupported table type2 UNSUPCOMPRunsupported compression type*UNSUPOFFunsupported data offset( UNSUPSTRIDEunsupported stride2 UNSUPTMASKunsupported transparency mask4 UNSUPDEPTHunsupported depth in color map0 UNSUPRECFMTunsupported record format INTERRinternal errorTIFF@@,H P` PH 0x`! D$l<|Lt$" 8 , T #@ IMG$SHRLIBDECW$DWTLIBSHRMTHRTLDECW$DXMLIBSHRDECW$TRANSPORT_COMMONLBRSHR DECW$XMLIBSHR DECW$XLIBSHRLIBRTL XIE$SHRLIB CDA$ACCESSVAXCRTLr  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBC CCCC"C(C.C4C:C@CFCLCRCXC^CFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGG GGGG$G*G0G6G. You are reading the EXAMPLE_READ_MACPAINT.CDA$OPTIONS sampleM. options file for the MacPaint input converter. This file contains the. following information:..<. 1. Sample options. To find this section search for ". 1".>. 2. How to edit the sample options file. (Search for ". 2").F. 3. Options reference for the MACPAINT input converter. To find this. section search for ". 3".E. NOTE: The period (.) at the beginning of a line in a sample optionsF. file means the line is a comment. Comments allow descriptions9. to be inserted without disrupting the conversion..B. The exclamation mark (!) denotes an alternative processingD. option that you can modify by removing the exclamation mark..F. If no exclamation mark/period exists at the start of the line,@. the line contains a processing option. All processing optionsD. in this file specify ONLY the default values for their parameters..G. WHERE THE PROCESSING OPTION ACCEPTS INPUT (denoted by an equalsE. sign (=) after the option parameter setting), YOU MUST INSERT;. YOU OWN VALUES AND FILE NAMES. (Search for "="). .=. A summary explanation follows the default processing option;. contained in Section 1. See Section 3 for a more detailedA. explanation of the default and alternative processing option. .M.____________________________________________________________________________I. 1. Sample Options - Edit this section to suit your conversionE.___________________ requirements. See Section 2 for help. MACPAINT_INPUT LOG1 !MACPAINT_INPUT LOG = file or directory name  !MACPAINT_INPUT NOLOGB. If you specify the LOG option without the = file name parameter,;. the converter displays all messages on the screen. If youE. specify the LOG option with only a directory name and no file@. name, the log file takes the file name of the file beingD. converted. If you do not specify a directory in the log fileE. name, the log file is written to the current directory and is!. given the .LOG file type..O.______________________________________________________________________________(. 2. How to edit the sample options file).________________________________________7. The options in the supplied sample options file8. specified in Section 1 may not exactly suit your<. particular requirements. If required, you can modify<. the options specified in the sample options files toC. make your conversions run more smoothly or to give enhanced. conversion.F. Modify the sample options file using a text editor as follows.H. o Search for the processing option name that you want to modify.K. Use the FIND key of the terminal editing keypad which executes a 6. string search operation on most VMS editors.>. o If you want to include an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:4. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginningF. of the line containing the default processing optionF. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of ;. the line containing the alternative processing option . that you want to include.>. o If you want to exclude an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:E. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of >. the line containing the processing option that you . want to exclude.5. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginningG. of the line containing the default processing option. A. o Search for ". 3" to find detailed information about the=. processing options contained in the sample options file. <. This information is contained in Section 3 of this file,=. "Options reference for the MACPAINT input converter." ?. For more information about modifying processing optionsA. files, see Chapter 2 of "Using the CDA Converter Library". Manual.O.______________________________________________________________________________7. 3. Options reference for the MACPAINT input converter8._______________________________________________________.-.LOG = file or directory name, NOLOG, and LOG..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.%. The following are the LOG options:... o LOG = file or directory nameH. This option writes conversion messages to the filenameF. specified. If you specify the LOG option with only aI. directory name and no file name, the log file takes theF. file name of the file being converted. If you do notH. specify a directory in the log file name, the log fileF. is written to the current directory and is given the!. .LOG file type.. . o NOLOGB. If you specify the NOLOG option, most converter ?. messages are disabled. However, some messages=. may continue to be displayed on the screen... o LOGH. If you specify the LOG option without a file name, the@. converters display all messages on the screen.O.______________________________________________________________________________ D*[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]EXAMPLE_READ_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS;1+,. /J 4P - 0123KPWO!561{0l7 Aq89GJHJO.______________________________________________________________________________/. Sample Options File for TIFF Input Converter0. _____________________________________________.:. You are reading the EXAMPLE_READ_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS sampleI. options file for the TIFF input converter. This file contains the. following information:.<. 1. Sample options. To find this section search for ". 1".>. 2. How to edit the sample options file. (Search for ". 2").B. 3. Options reference for the TIFF input converter. To find this. section search for ". 3".E. NOTE: The period (.) at the beginning of a line in a sample optionsF. file means the line is a comment. Comments allow descriptions9. to be inserted without disrupting the conversion..B. The exclamation mark (!) denotes an alternative processingD. option that you can modify by removing the exclamation mark..F. If no exclamation mark/period exists at the start of the line,@. the line`W:~CDACVTLIB022.D D[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]EXAMPLE_READ_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS;1P < contains a processing option. All processing optionsD. in this file specify ONLY the default values for their parameters..G. WHERE THE PROCESSING OPTION ACCEPTS INPUT (denoted by an equalsE. sign (=) after the option parameter setting), YOU MUST INSERT;. YOU OWN VALUES AND FILE NAMES. (Search for "="). .=. A summary explanation follows the default processing option;. contained in Section 1. See Section 3 for a more detailedA. explanation of the default and alternative processing option. .M.____________________________________________________________________________I. 1. Sample Options - Edit this section to suit your conversionE.___________________ requirements. See Section 2 for help. TIFF_INPUT COMPRESS !TIFF_INPUT NOCOMPRESS3. This option allows you to control whether data is;. compressed before it is written to the output file.(. The default setting is COMPRESS. !TIFF_INPUT DUMP<. This option gives information on the TIFF input and outputB. file tags on the screen as they are processed. You cannot>. negate the DUMP option; instead exclude the option from your. file. TIFF_INPUT HEADER = 0 !TIFF_INPUT HEADER =n7. This option directs the converter to skip the first nA. bytes of the input file before starting to search for theF. TIFF header. You cannot negate the HEADER option. The default. header value is zero (0). TIFF_INPUT LOG, !TIFF_INPUT LOG = file or directory name !TIFF_INPUT NOLOGB. If you specify the LOG option without the = file name parameter,;. the converter displays all messages on the screen. If youE. specify the LOG option with only a directory name and no file@. name, the log file takes the file name of the file beingD. converted. If you do not specify a directory in the log fileE. name, the log file is written to the current directory and is!. given the .LOG file type. TIFF_INPUT MULTI_IMAGE !TIFF_INPUT NOMULTI_IMAGE;. This option specifies that multiple images are allowed in<. the output file. The default setting is MULTI_IMAGE. !TIFF_INPUT POLARITY_REVERSE:. This option reverses the polarity of the image. Use this@. option to correct "negative" image problems across imageE. applications. You cannot negate the POLARITY_REVERSE option. !TIFF_INPUT XIMAGESIZE=n:. This option allows you to override the bounding box of a@. TIFF image. This option controls the width of the image.E. The unit of measure is inches. The default value is zero (0). !TIFF_INPUT XOFFSET=n8. This option specifies the position of images on a page>. in terms of the offset from the left side of the page,B. where n is a number representing the offset measurement in.. inches. The default value is zero (0). !TIFF_INPUT YIMAGESIZE=n:. This option allows you to override the bounding box of aA. TIFF image. This option controls the length of the image.E. The unit of measure is inches. The default value is zero (0)..O.______________________________________________________________________________(. 2. How to edit the sample options file).________________________________________7. The options in the supplied sample options file8. specified in Section 1 may not exactly suit your<. particular requirements. If required, you can modify=. the options specified in the example options files to?. make your conversions run more smoothly or to eliminate. conversion errors.F. Modify the sample options file using a text editor as follows.H. o Search for the processing option name that you want to modify.K. Use the FIND key of the terminal editing keypad which executes a 6. string search operation on most VMS editors.>. o If you want to include an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:4. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginningF. of the line containing the default processing optionF. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of ;. the line containing the alternative processing option . that you want to include.>. o If you want to exclude an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:E. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of >. the line containing the processing option that you . want to exclude.5. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginningG. of the line containing the default processing option. A. o Search for ". 3" to find detailed information about the=. processing options contained in the sample options file. <. This information is contained in Section 3 of this file,9. "Options reference for the TIFF input converter." ?. For more information about modifying processing optionsA. files, see Chapter 2 of "Using the CDA Converter Library". Manual.O.______________________________________________________________________________3. 3. Options reference for the TIFF input converter2._________________________________________________..COMPRESS, NOCOMPRESS.++++++++++++++++++++ D. This option allows you to control whether data is compressedH. during the reading and processing of the TIFF file. The defaultG. setting is COMPRESS. This means that data is compressed during4. the reading and processing of the TIFF file.H. The compress option only compresses uncompressed TIFF files. ItH. compresses them using a standard method called CCITT G42D in theE. TIFF Specification, which is also the default compression for. DDIF images.B. If the input TIFF file is already compressed then no otherB. compression is done; the original compression is retained.H. The compression technique does not work with halftone images. IfB. you get a compression error, rerun the conversion with theC. NOCOMPRESS option. A message tells you whether the file was . successfully compressed.G. To ensure an uncompressed file, specify the NOCOMPRESS option. D. The TIFF input converter will then uncompress any input TIFFF. files which are already compressed, and not compress any input8. TIFF files which are uncompressed to begin with.D. Compress Option State of State of the output images . Setting input file A. ______________ __________ ______________________________8. COMPRESS G42D compressed Still G42D compressed 1. COMPRESS Not compressed G42D compressed ;. COMPRESS Other compression Still compressed as read.4. NOCOMPRESS G42D compressed G42D compressed 1. NOCOMPRESS Not compressed Not compressed=. NOCOMPRESS Other compression Still compressed as readO.______________________________________________________________________________..DUMP.++++ :. This option gives information about the TIFF input >. file tags on the screen as they are processed. (You can<. redirect the output to a file by changing the logical@. SYS$ERROR like this: $ define/user SYS$ERROR myfile.txt) @. This option is helpful in determining the characteristics=. of the input file. Different applications have varying.. support for image display and printing. A. This option also gives extra information on the TIFF image=. being processed. This information includes image size.O.______________________________________________________________________________. .HEADER=n .++++++++ <. This option directs the converter to skip the first n@. bytes of the input file before starting to search for the@. TIFF header, where n can be any value between 1 and 1024.. '. The default setting is HEADER=0. 7. An example of the HEADER=n option is as follows: . HEADER=512A. Usually, the TIFF input converter can detect a "MacBinary"E. header (a description of the file often added to the file whenA. you transfer a TIFF file from an Apple Macintosh machine)... MacBinary headers are always 512 bytes.K In rare cases, however, a MacBinary header with certain contents can?. confuse the TIFF converter and cause unexpected results.E. Use the HEADER option if you encounter problems with your TIFFA. file or if you suspect that it is not properly detecting a. MacBinary header. .O.______________________________________________________________________________.-.LOG = file or directory name, NOLOG, and LOG-.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1. The following are the LOG options: .. o LOG = file or directory nameH. This option writes conversion messages to the filenameF. specified. If you specify the LOG option with only aI. directory name and no file name, the log file takes the_F. file name of the file being converted. If you do notH. specify a directory in the log file name, the log fileF. is written to the current directory and is given the!. .LOG file type.o o. o NOLOGfB. If you specify the NOLOG option, most converter ?. messages are disabled. However, some messages=. may continue to be displayed on the screen.p n. o LOGt;. If you specify the LOG option without a file name, theoB. converters messages are sent to the default log,. inputfile.LOGO.______________________________________________________________________________t.e.MULTI_IMAGE, NOMULTI_IMAGE .++++++++++++++++++++++++++  sH. This option specifies that multiple images are allowed inI. the output file. The NOMULTI_IMAGE option tells the outputeF. converter to disallow multi-image documents, that is toF. convert the first image in the input file only. This isG. because some TIFF applications create TIFF that does not"5. properly indicate the end of an image.l.r2. The default setting is MULTI_IMAGE.O.______________________________________________________________________________n.p.POLARITY_REVERSE_.++++++++++++++++_ _E. This option reverses the polarity of the image. If the D. input file is coded as ZERO_MIN_INTENSITY, the codingE. changes to ZERO_MAX_INTENSITY and vice versa. Use thisPG. option to correct "negative" image problems across imageoI. applications. If you omit this option, the polarity codingu. does not change.tO.______________________________________________________________________________e.F .XIMAGESIZE=np.+++++++++++++ gG. This option allows you to override the bounding box of aiG. TIFF image. This option controls the width of the image.EI. The unit of measure is inches. This field overrides valuesoF. that are specified in TIFF tags. The converter does notE. check the validity of the specified offset value, so aoF. value that is too large can force part of the image offC. the page. The number can be a floating point number.  y5. The default setting is XIMAGESIZE=0.0.e ,E. An example of the XIMAGESIZE=n.n option is as follows:  c. XIMAGESIZE=5.5dO. If you are importing a TIFF file into an editor application suchiP. as DECpresent or DECwrite, which can size and position the image,,. you need not use this option.O.______________________________________________________________________________I.A .XOFFSET=n .+++++++++E. This option specifies the position of images on a pageE. in terms of the offset from the left side of the page, I. where n is a number representing the offset measurement iniG. inches. The converter does not check the validity of thesG. specified offset value, so a value that is too large cani,. force the image off the page. 0. The default setting is XOFFSET=0. @. An example of the XOFFSET=n option is as follows:. . XOFFSET=5O. If you are importing a TIFF file into an editor application such P. as DECpresent or DECwrite, which can size and position the image,,. you need not use this option.O.______________________________________________________________________________ .z .YOFFSET=n .+++++++++E. This option specifies the position of images on a page ?. in terms of the offset from the top of the page,iI. where n is a number representing the offset measurement in)G. inches. The converter does not check the validity of the_G. specified offset value, so a value that is too large can_,. force the image off the page.. 0. The default setting is YOFFSET=0.@. An example of the YOFFSET=n option is as follows:. YOFFSET=5O. If you are importing a TIFF file into an editor application such P. as DECpresent or DECwrite, which can size and position the image,,. you need not use this option.O.______________________________________________________________________________ .t .YIMAGESIZE=nd.+++++++++++++. G. This option allows you to override the bounding box of a H. TIFF image. This option controls the length of the image.I. The unit of measure is inches. This field overrides valueshF. that are specified in TIFF tags. The converter does notE. check the validity of the specified offset value, so a F. value that is too large can force part of the image offC. the page. The number can be a floating point number. . 5. The default setting is YIMAGESIZE=0.0.n.vE. An example of the YIMAGESIZE=n.n option is as follows:n.. YIMAGESIZE=5.5xO. If you are importing a TIFF file into an editor application suchsP. as DECpresent or DECwrite, which can size and position the image,,. you need not use this option.O.______________________________________________________________________________t I*[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]EXAMPLE_WRITE_MACPAINT.CDA$OPTIONS;1+, ./J 4O- 0123KPWO56ol7@Җq89GJHJO.______________________________________________________________________________4. Sample Options File for MacPaint Output Converter5. __________________________________________________.?. You are reading the EXAMPLE_WRITE_MACPAINT.CDA$OPTIONS sampleN. options file for the MacPaint output converter. This file contains the. following information:.<. 1. Sample options. To find this section search for ". 1".>. 2. How to edit the sample options file. (Search for ". 2").G. 3. Options reference for the MACPAINT output converter. To find this. section search for ". 3".E. NOTE: The period (.) at the beginning of a line in a sample optionsF. file means the line is a comment. Comments allow descriptions9. to be inserted without disrupting the conversion..B. The exclamation mark (!) denotes an alternative processingD. option that you can modify by removing the exclamation mark..F. If no exclamation mark/period exists at the start of the line,@. the line contains a processing option. All processing optionsD. in this file specify ONLY the default values for their parameters..G. WHERE THE PROCESSING OPTION ACCEPTS INPUT (denoted by an equalsE. sign (=) after the option parameter setting), YOU MUST INSERT;. YOU OWN VALUES AND FILE NAMES. (Search for "="). .=. A summary explanation follows the default processing option;. contained in Section 1. See Section 3 for a more detailedA. explanation of the default and alternative processing option. .M.____________________________________________________________________________I. 1. Sample Options - Edit this section to suit your conversionE.___________________ requirements. See Section 2 for help.% MACPAINT_OUTPUT MACBINARY_HEADER( !MACPAINT_OUTPUT NOMACBINARY_HEADER9. This option directs the converter to insert a MacBinary9. header into the output file so that the MacintoshG. environment can recognize the file type. The default setting is. MACBINARY_HEADER.  MACPAINT_OUTPUT LOG2 !MACPAINT_OUTPUT LOG = file or directory name  !MACPAINT_INPUT NOLOGB. If you specify the LOG option without the = file name parameter,;. the converter displays all messages on the screen. If youE. specify the LOG option with only a directory name and no file@. name, the log file takes the file name of the file beingD. converted. If you do not specify a directory in the log fileE. name, the log file is written to the current directory and is!. given the .LOG file type..O.______________________________________________________________________________(. 2. How to edit the sample options file).________________________________________7. The options in the supplied sample options file8. specified in Section 1 may not exactly suit your<. particular requirements. If required, you can modify<. the options specified in the sample options files toC. make your conversions run more smoothly or to give enhanced. conversion.F. Modify the sample options file using a text editor as follows.H. o Search for the processing option name that you want to modify.K. Use the FIND key of the terminal editing keypad which executes a 6. string search operation on most VMS editors.>. o If you want to include an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:4. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginningF. of the line containing the default processing optionF. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of ;. the line containing the alternative processing option . that you want to include.>. o If you want to exclude an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:E. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of >. the line containing the processing option that you . want to exclude.5. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginningG. of the line containing the default processing option. A. o Search for ". 3" to find detailed information about the=. processing options contained in the sample options file. <. This information is contained in Section 3 of this file,>. "Options reference for the MACPAINT output converter." ?. For more information about modifying processing optionsA. files, see Chapter 2 of "Using the CDA Converter Library". Manual.O.______________________________________________________________________________8. 3. Options reference for the MACPAINT output converter8._______________________________________________________.%.MACBINARY_HEADER, NOMACBINARY_HEADER&.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.F. This option directs the converter to insert a Macbinary@. header into the output file so that the Macintosh7. environment can recognize the file type..G. ________________________Note ________________________.C. If you select the MACBINARY_HEADER option for fileB. transfer into the Macintosh environment, you must?. also select the Macbinary switch on the MAC240C. screen. Otherwise, select the Image switch on this. screen.F. _____________________________________________________.C. The default setting is to produce a MACBINARY_HEADER=. for the MacPaint output converter. If you select the@. NOMACBINARY_HEADER parameter, the MacBinary header will. not be produced..O.______________________________________________________________________________.-.LOG = file or directory name, NOLOG, and LOG..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.%. The following are the LOG options:... o LOG = file or directory nameH. This option writes conversion messages to the filenameF. specified. If you specify the LOG option with only aI. directory name and no file name, the log file takes theF. file name of the file being converted. If you do notH. specify a directory in the log file name, the log fileF. is written to the current directory and is given the!. .LOG file type.. . o NOLOGB. If you specify the NOLOG option, most converter ?. messages are disabled. However, some messages=. may continue to be displayed on the screen... o LOGH. If you specify the LOG option without a file name, the@. converters display all messages on the screen.O.______________________________________________________________________________ E*[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]EXAMPLE_WRITE_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS;1+,./J 4O- 0123KPWO56`3g{0l7q89GJHJ"O.______________________________________________________________________________0. Sample Options File for TIFF Output Converter0. _____________________________________________.;. You are reading the EXAMPLE_WRITE_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS sampleJ. options file for the TIFF output converter. This file contains the. following information:..<. 1. Sample options. To find this section search for ". 1".>. 2. How to edit the sample options file. (Search for ". 2").C. 3. Options reference for the TIFF output converter. To find this. section search for ". 3".E. NOTE: The period (.) at the beginning of a line in a sample optionsF. file means the line is a comment. Comments allow descriptions9. to be inserted without disrupting the conversion..B. The exclamation mark (!) denotes an alternative processingD. option that you can modify by removing the exclamation mark..F. If no exclamation mark/period exists at the start of the line,@. the line contains a processing option. All processing optionsD. in this file specify ONLY the default values for their parameters..G. WHERE THE PROCESSING OPTION ACCEPTS INPUT (denoted by an equalsE. sign (=) after the option parameter setting), YOU MUST INSERT;. YOU OWN VALUES AND FILE NAMES. (Search for "="). .=. A summary explanation follows the default processing option;. contained in Section 1. See Section 3 for a more detailedA. explanation of the default and alternative processing option. .M.____________________________________________________________________________I. 1. Sample Options - Edit this section to suit your conversionE.___________________ requirements. See Section 2 for help. TIFF_OUTPUT COMPRESS !TIFF_OUTPUT NOCOMPRESSD. This option allows you to control whether data is compressedO. during the writing and output processing of the TIFF file. The defaultG. setting is COMPRESS. This means that data is compressed during;. the writing and output processing of the TIFF file. !TIFF_OUTPUT DUMPD. This option gives information on the TIFF file tags on the screen A. as they are processed. You cannot negate the DUMP option;,. instead exclude the option from your file. TIFF_OUTPUT LOG- !TIFF_OUTPUT LOG = file or directory name !TIFF_OUTPUT NOLOGB. If you specify the LOG option without the = file name parameter,;. the converter displays all messages on the screen. If youE. specify the LOG option with only a directory name and no file@. name, the log file takes the file name of the file beingD. converted. If you do not specify a directory in the log fileE. name, the log file is written to the current directory and is!. given the .LOG file type.! !TIFF_OUTPUT MACBINARY_HEADER9. This option directs the converter to insert a MacBinary9. header into the output file so that the MacintoshF. environment can recognize the file type. You cannot negate theC. MACBINARY_HEADER option; instead omit this option and a MacBinary$. header will not be produced.! !TIFF_OUTPUT POLARITY_REVERSE:. This option reverses the polarity of the image. Use this@. option to correct "negative" image problems across imageE. applications. You cannot negate the POLARITY_REVERSE option..O.______________________________________________________________________________(. 2. How to edit the sample options file).________________________________________7. The options in the supplied sample options file8. specified in Section 1 may not exactly suit your<. particular requirements. If required, you can modify=. the options specified in the example options files to?. make your conversions run more smoothly or to eliminate. conversion errors.F. Modify the sample options file using a text editor as follows.H. o Search for the processing option name that you want to modify.K. Use the FIND key of the terminal editing keypad which executes a 6. string search operation on most VMS editors.>. o If you want to include an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:4. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginningF. of the line containing the default processing optionF. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of ;. the line containing the alternative processing option . that you want to include.>. o If you want to exclude an alternative processing option as2. part of the conversion do the following:E. - Insert an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of >. the line containing the processing option that you . want to exclude.5. - Delete the exclamation mark (!) at the beginningG. of the line containing the default processing option. A. o Search for ". 3" to find detailed information about the=. processing options contained in the sample options file. <. This information is contained in Section 3 of this file,9. "Options reference for the TIFF input converter." ?. For more information about modifying processing optionsA. files, see Chapter 2 of "Using the CDA Converter Library". Manual.O.______________________________________________________________________________3. 3. Options reference for the TIFF input converter2._________________________________________________..COMPRESS, NOCOMPRESS.++++++++++++++++++++ G. In the TIFF output converter, the compress output option causes<. the converter to produce compressed TIFF data. The default9. setting is COMPRESS. This means that data is compressed;. during the writing and processing of the TIFF file.B. The COMPRESS option compresses image data using a standard>. method called CCITT G42D in the TIFF Specification, which is5. also the default compression for DDIF images.>. If the image data is already compressed, then no otherF. compression is done; the original compression is retained when. output to TIFF.H. The compression technique does not work with halftone images. IfB. you get a compression error, rerun the conversion with theC. NOCOMPRESS option. A message tells you whether the file was . successfully compressed.G. To ensure an uncompressed file, specify the NOCOMPRESS option. E. The TIFF output converter will then uncompress any image dataE. which is already compressed, and will not compress any output2. data which was uncompressed to begin with.D. Compress Option State of State of the output images . Setting input file A. ______________ __________ ______________________________8. COMPRESS G42D compressed Still G42D compressed 1. COMPRESS Not compressed G42D compressed @. COMPRESS Other compression Still compressed when written.9. NOCOMPRESS G42D compressed Not compressed1. NOCOMPRESS Not compressed Not compressed3. NOCOMPRESS Other compression Not compressedO.______________________________________________________________________________..DUMP.++++?. This option gives information on the TIFF outputF. file tags on the screen as they are processed. (You canD. redirect the output to a file by changing the logicalH. SYS$ERROR like this: $ define/user SYS$ERROR myfile.txt).H. This option is helpful in determining the characteristicsK. of the TIFF file output. Different applications have varying6. support for image display and printing..I. This option also gives extra information on the TIFF imageE. being processed. This information includes image size,C. colors used, whether the image is interlaced or not.O.______________________________________________________________________________.-.LOG = file or directory name, NOLOG, and LOG..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. The following are the LOG options: .. o LOG = file or directory nameH. This option writes conversion messages to the filenameF. specified. If you specify the LOG option with only aI. directory name and no file`7~CDACVTLIB022.D E[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]EXAMPLE_WRITE_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS;1O  name, the log file takes theF. file name of the file being converted. If you do notH. specify a directory in the log file name, the log fileF. is written to the current directory and is given the!. .LOG file type. . o NOLOGB. If you specify the NOLOG option, most converter ?. messages are disabled. However, some messages=. may continue to be displayed on the screen. . o LOG;. If you specify the LOG option without a file name, theB. converters messages are sent to the default log,. outputfile.LOGO.______________________________________________________________________________..MACBINARY_HEADER .++++++++++++++++++F. This option directs the converter to insert a Macbinary@. header into the output file so that the Macintosh7. environment can recognize the file type..G. ________________________Note ________________________.C. If you select the MACBINARY_HEADER option for fileB. transfer into the Macintosh environment, you must?. also select the Macbinary switch on the MAC240C. screen. Otherwise, select the Image switch on this. screen.F. _____________________________________________________.:. You cannot negate the MACBINARY_HEADER option; instead,@. omit this option and a MacBinary header will not be produced.O._______________________________________________________________________________._.POLARITY_REVERSE_.++++++++++++++++o rE. This option reverses the polarity of the image. If theiD. input file is coded as ZERO_MIN_INTENSITY, the codingE. changes to ZERO_MAX_INTENSITY and vice versa. Use thishG. option to correct "negative" image problems across image.I. applications. If you omit this option, the polarity codingi. does not change."O.______________________________________________________________________________ 3*[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]MACPAINT.PRV;1+, ./J 4E`- 0123KPWO5 6@:*7`Wq89GJHJ/!! example_read_macpaint.cda$options febe_src:Dcvt_opt example_read_macpaint.cda$options vmi$root:[syshlp.examples]1!! example_write_macpaint.cda$options febe_src:Ecvt_opt example_write_macpaint.cda$options vmi$root:[syshlp.examples](!! cvt$ivp_macpaint.macpaint febe_src:?cvt_ivp cvt$ivp_macpaint.macpaint vmi$root:[systest.cdacvtlib]/*[I14Y.PRODUCTS.CV22.V22_SSB.KITBLD.D]TIFF.PRV;1+,./J 4A@- 0123KPWO56J05C7:q89GJHJ+!! EXAMPLE_READ_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS tiff_src:@cvt_opt EXAMPLE_READ_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS vmi$root:[syshlp.examples],!! EXAMPLE_WRITE_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS tiff_src:Acvt_opt EXAMPLE_WRITE_TIFF.CDA$OPTIONS vmi$root:[syshlp.examples]!! 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