}~ FIND015.AIr FIND015.ABACKUP/INTERCHANGE SRC$:KITINSTAL.COM;,SRC$:FIND.INSTALLATION_GUIDE;,SRC$:FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES;,SRC$:FIND.CLD;,SRC$:FIND.HLP;,SRC$:FIND.HTML;,EXE$:FIND.PS;,EXE$:FIND.EXE;,EXE$:FIND_REPLACE.EXE;,EXE$:_FIND.EXE;,EXE$:_FIND_REPLACE.EXE; FIND015.A/SAVE BRAEU  umRݡV7.2 _INAXP2:: _$3$DUA1100: AXP72R001 ~ '*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]KITINSTAL.COM;1+,c&./ 4X-H 0 123KPWO56oMݡ7(}Mݡ89G HJN$ !***************************************************************************$ !3$ ! K I T I N S T A L . C O M$ !2$ ! COPYRIGHT (C) 1988 BY=$ ! DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD<$ ! MASSACHUSETTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.$ !J$ ! THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIEDM$ ! ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSIONF$ ! OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIESI$ ! THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHERN$ ! PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED.$ !M$ ! THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ANDN$ ! SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION.$ !H$ ! DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS;$ ! SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL.$ !N$ !***************************************************************************$ !I$ SAVE_VERIFY := 'f$verify(P2) ! IF P4 to VMSINSTAL contains ,K,,$ RETURN := exit 0 * f$verify(SAVE_VERIFY) +*$ on control_y then vmi$callback CONTROL_Y $ on warning then RETURN $STATUS$$ !+>$ ! This procedure installs FIND V1.5 on VMS V6.0 (or greater)$ ! using VMSINSTAL.$ !-.$ if P1 .eqs. "VMI$_INSTALL" then goto INSTALL&$ if P1 .eqs. "VMI$_IVP" then goto IVP$ return VMI$_UNSUPPORTED$ $!-------- $INSTALL: $!--------$ !+&$ ! Determine the machine architecture$ !-$ !IF f$getsyi ("CPU") .LT. 128$ !THEND$ ! LINK/NOTRACE/EXECUTABLE=VMI$KWD:FIND.EXE VMI$KWD:FIND_VAX.OBJT$ ! LINK/NOTRACE/EXECUTABLE=VMI$KWD:FIND_REPLACE.EXE VMI$KWD:FIND_REPLACE_VAX.OBJ$ !ELSEF$ ! LINK/NOTRACE/EXECUTABLE=VMI$KWD:FIND.EXE VMI$KWD:FIND_ALPHA.OBJV$ ! LINK/NOTRACE/EXECUTABLE=VMI$KWD:FIND_REPLACE.EXE VMI$KWD:FIND_REPLACE_ALPHA.OBJ$ !ENDIF$$ !+<$ ! Make sure there is enough free system-disk space for the$ ! installation.$ !-/$ vmi$callback CHECK_NET_UTILIZATION FIND$ 1500!$ if FIND$ then goto ENOUGH_SPACE"$ vmi$callback MESSAGE E NOSPACE -F "1500 blocks of free system disk space needed to install FIND"$ write sys$output ""$ RETURN VMI$_FAILURE$$ENOUGH_SPACE:$ !+5$ ! Ask the user all the necessary initial questions.$ !-$ write sys$output ""$ vmi$callback SET PURGE NO$ vmi$callback SET PURGE ASK$ vmi$callback SET IVP ASK$ !+A$ ! Provide release notes. The user may have extracted them withB$ ! "OPTIONS N" on the VMSINSTAL command line, but I don't know...$ !-$ TYPE SYS$INPUTC This kit contains a file summarizing the new features, changes,C restrictions, and compatibility issues in this release of FIND.H This file is named FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES and is placed in SYS$HELP:.B This file contains information valuable to FIND users. Please8 inform your user community of this file's existence.$$ !+&$ ! Mention the files created/modified$ !-$ type sys$inputB This installation creates or modifies the following files:: SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE [modified]: SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB [modified]5 SYS$HELP:FIND.HTML [new]5 SYS$HELP:FIND.PS [new]5 SYS$HELP:FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES [new]5 SYS$SYSTEM:FIND.EXE [new]5 SYS$SYSTEM:FIND_REPLACE.EXE [new]$$ type sys$input$ !+6$ ! Copy files from install kit to current directory.$ !-L$ vmi$callback provide_image FIND$ FIND.EXE VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE]L$ vmi$callback provide_image FIND$ FIND_REPLACE.EXE VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE]L$ vmi$callback provide_file FIND$ FIND.HTML VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP]L$ vmi$callback provide_file FIND$ FIND.PS VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP]L$ vmi$callback provide_file FIND$ FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP]$$ !+"$ ! Install the FIND command line.$ !-+$ vmi$callback PROVIDE_DCL_COMMAND find.cld$$ !+.$ ! Replace FIND HELP command in the LIBRARY.$ !-($ vmi$callback PROVIDE_DCL_HELP FIND.HLP$$ type sys$inputL See SYS$HELP:FIND.HTML or SYS$HELP:FIND.PS for a full description of0 the commands$$ !.$ ! Mail message on installation to maintainer$ ! $ set noon$ node = f$getsyi ("NODENAME")5$ vms_version = f$edit (f$getsyi ("VERSION"), "TRIM") I$ subject = "''VMI$PRODUCT' installed on " + node + ", VMS "+ vms_version9$ mail/noself/subj="''subject'" NL: "Walter.Braeu@hp.com"$ if .not. $status$ then$ type sys$input: $ deckA This installation kit attempted to send mail to the maintaineer.4 The attempt failed because of the above MAIL error.P Please send a message to Walter.Braeu@hp.com with the following subject: $ eod+$ write sys$output " """, subject, """"$ endif$ SET ON$$ RETURN VMI$_SUCCESS$%$ !----------------------------------$ ! End of FIND Installation%$ !----------------------------------$$ !----$ IVP:$ !----$ !+$ ! Set up error handling.$ !-"$ on warning then goto IVP_ERROR&$ on control_y then goto IVP_CONTROL_Y$$ type sys$inputC %FIND-I-IVP, Performing Installation Verification Procedure$$ copy sys$input khadafy.in1) Muammar Qaddafi2) Mo'ammar Gadhafi3) Muammar Kaddafi4) Muammar Qadhafi5) Moammar El Kadhafi6) Muammar Gadafi7) Mu'ammar al-Qadafi8) Moamer El Kazzafi9) Moamar al-Gaddafi10) Mu'ammar Al Qathafi11) Muammar Al Qathafi12) Mo'ammar el-Gadhafi13) Moamar El Kadhafi14) Muammar al-Qadhafi15) Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi16) Mu'ammar Qadafi17) Moamar Gaddafi18) Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi19) Muammar Khaddafi20) Muammar al-Khaddafi21) Mu'amar al-Kadafi22) Muammar Ghaddafy23) Muammar Ghadafi24) Muammar Ghaddafi25) Muamar Kaddafi26) Muammar Quathafi27) Muammar Gheddafi28) Muamar Al-Kaddafi29) Moammar Khadafy30) Moammar Qudhafi31) Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi932) Mulazim Awwal Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi$)$ FIND khadafy.in/exact/out=khadafy.out -V"M\[ou]'\,am\:\[ae]r *\(\[AEae]l\[- ]\)\,\[GKQ]h\,\[aeu]\:\(\[dtz]\[dhz]\,\)\:af\[iy]"$$ define/user sys$output _NL:$ differ khadafy.in khadafy.out$ if $status .eq. %X006C8009$ then$ delete khadafy.out;$<$ FIND/REPLACE khadafy.in/exact/out=khadafy.out/noconf -X"M\[ou]'\,am\:\[ae]r *\(\[AEae]l\[- ]\)\,\[GKQ]h\,\[aeu]\:\(\[dtz]\[dhz]\,\)\:af\[iy]" -"mouammar khadafy"$ $ copy sys$input khadafy.rpl1) mouammar khadafy2) mouammar khadafy3) mouammar khadafy4) mouammar khadafy5) mouammar khadafy6) mouammar khadafy7) mouammar khadafy8) mouammar khadafy9) mouammar khadafy10) mouammar khadafy11) mouammar khadafy12) mouammar khadafy13) mouammar khadafy14) mouammar khadafy15) mouammar khadafy16) mouammar khadafy17) mouammar khadafy18) mouammar khadafy19) mouammar khadafy20) mouammar khadafy21) mouammar khadafy22) mouammar khadafy23) mouammar khadafy24) mouammar khadafy25) mouammar khadafy26) mouammar khadafy27) mouammar khadafy28) mouammar khadafy29) mouammar khadafy30) mouammar khadafy31) mouammar khadafy"32) Mulazim Awwal mouammar khadafy$!$ define/user sys$output _NL:$$ differ khadafy.rpl khadafy.out $ if $status .eq. %X006C8009 $ then$ delete khadafy.out;$ delete khadafy.rpl;$ delete khadafy.in;$ type sys$input9 The VAX FIND V1.5 IVP has completed successfully.%$ FIND$STATUS == VMI$_SUCCESS$ goto IVP_FINISH $ endif$ endif$$IVP_CONTROL_Y:$ FIND$STATUS == VMI$_FAILURE$ goto IVP_FINISH$ $IVP_ERROR:$ FIND$STATUS == 0 + $STATUS$ $IVP_FINISH:$ on warning then CONTINUE$ on control_y then CONTINUE$ EXIT FIND$STATUS$$!----------------------------$! End of IVP for FIND$!---------------------------- Xپ~ FIND015.AH 1[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.INSTALLATION_GUIDE;1P 1*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.INSTALLATION_GUIDE;1+,./ 4P -H 0 123KPWO56ԮVRݡ7%VRݡ89G HJ& Guide to install the FIND tool 1.0 The files2 The FIND command itself includes 4 (14) files: FIND.EXE - FIND command/ FIND_REPLACE.EXE - FIND/REPLACE command FIND.HTML - Manual FIND.PS - Manual* FIND.CLD - Command definition file FIND.HLP - Help file2 FIND_EXE - Image file for the FIND commandB FIND_REPLACE.EXE - Image file for the FIND/REPLACE command@ _FIND.EXE - Image file for using FIND as foreign commandP _FIND_REPLACE.EXE - Image file for using FIND/REPLACE as foreign commandK The default locations for these files are SYS$SYSTEM for the .EXE filesH and SYS$HELP for the .HTML and .PS files. The .HLP file is includedL into the help library SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB and the .CLD file is included# into SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE. 2.0 Installing FINDG There are two ways to install the FIND tool. You can use VMSINSTALC systemwide or you can use the FIND and FIND/REPLACE commands as foreign commands.' 2.1 Installing FIND using VMSINSTAL3 You call vmsinstall with the following command:. $ VMSINSTAL FIND user_disk:[directory]@ where user_disk:[directory] is the location of the FIND015.AC saveset. VMSINSTAL then asks you whether you want the callableB interface installed or not and whether to run the installationA verification procedure (IVP)or not. If you answer YES to theE question about the IVP, a test will be run after the installation8 to verify that the installation has been successful./ 2.1.1 Installing FIND on an OpenVMS clusterH If you want to run FIND on multiple nodes of an OpenVMS cluster, youG must replace the version of the DCL tables that is installed on theJ other OpenVMS cluster nodes. To do this, perform the following steps:' a. Log in to a node on the cluster.I b. Run SYSMAN and enter the following commands at the SYSMAN> prompt:' SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER, SYSMAN> SET PROFILE/PRIVILEGE=CMKRNL< SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE SYSMAN> EXIT or:' a. Log in to a node on the cluster.J b. Run INSTALL and enter the following command at the INSTALL> prompt:: INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE9 c. Repeat steps a and b for each node of the cluster.* 2.2 Installing FIND as foreign commandL If you do not want to or are not allowed to modify the DCLTABLES of yourK system, you can use the FIND programs as foreign commands. To do this,J unpack the kit and put the images _FIND.EXE and _FIND_REPLACE.EXE into a directory of your choice.H In your LOGIN.COM you then create two symbols, e.g. FIND and CHANGE, in the following way:, $ FIND == "$device:[directory]_FIND"6 $ CHANGE == "$device:[directory]_FIND_REPLACE" and then use the commands* $ FIND : $ CHANGE  3.0 SupportF If there are any problems, contact the maintainer of FIND. At the5 moment (April 2003), this is Walter.Braeu@hp.com.# 4.0 Log-file of VMSINSTALlation$2$ @sys$update:vmsinstal find disk$system:[manager]> VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-3It is 1-FEB-1997 at 14:32/Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.B* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES)The following products will be processed: FIND V1.54 Beginning installation of FIND V1.5 at 10:056%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ...K%VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP.A* Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?:* Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]?C This kit contains a file summarizing the new features, changes,C restrictions, and compatibility issues in this release of FIND.H This file is named FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES and is placed in SYS$HELP:.B This file contains information valuable to FIND users. Please8 inform your user community of this file's existence.B This installation creates or modifies the following files:: SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE [modified]: SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB [modified]5 SYS$HELP:FIND.HTML [new]5 SYS$HELP:FIND.PS [new]5 SYS$HELP:FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES [new]5 SYS$SYSTEM:FIND.EXE [new]5 SYS$SYSTEM:FIND_REPLACE.EXE [new]L See SYS$HELP:FIND.HTML or SYS$HELP:FIND.PS for a full description of0 the commandsN%VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories...C %FIND-I-IVP, Performing Installation Verification Procedure9 The VAX FIND V1.5 IVP has completed successfully.4 Installation of FIND V1.5 completed at 10:05> Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORYF Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]FIND015.VMI_DATA) VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:06$$eD#~ FIND015.A&?H /[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES;1H /*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND015.RELEASE_NOTES;1+,&?. / 4H R-H 0 123KPWO 56$7Pݡ89G HJ/ VAX FIND V1.5 Release Notes% 13-FEB-1997= This document contains information about new features in? FIND V1.5, differences between V1.5 and previous versions,; corrections included in FIND V1.5, and other topics. + CONTENTS'CHAPTER 1 FIND V1.5 RELEASE NOTESF 1.1 OVERVIEW OF FIND V1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1F 1.2 The qualifier /IGNORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1F 1.3 The qualifier /PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1F 1.4 The qualifier /WRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2FCHAPTER 2 FIND V1.5 MAINTENANCE FIXES. . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 ' CHAPTER 1+ FIND V1.5 RELEASE NOTES1.1 OVERVIEW OF FIND V1.5.FIND V1.5 contains the following new features: 1. The qualifier /IGNORE 2. The qualifier /PAGE 3. The qualifier /WRAP1.2 The qualifier /IGNOREG With this qualifier, it is possible to specify an expression whichF should be ignored, i.e. not matched. FIND first searches for theH main expression. If a match is found, this match is being searchedH for the ignore-expression. If the ignore-expression is part of the# match, the match is discarded.1.3 The qualifier /PAGE7 Controls the display of information on the screen.A You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:< CLEAR_SCREEN Displays information one page at a time.@ SCROLL Displays information on a continuous stream.E SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n4 is the number of pages to store.G The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens ofH information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of upA to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVEF qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:$ 1-1 + FIND V1.5 RELEASE NOTES* Key Sequence Description2 Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.4 Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.6 Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.7 Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.< Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.; Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.9 Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.D Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.@ Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, SpaceA F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these, differently.)9 Help (F15) Display utility help text.B Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest$ page.3 Ctrl/W Refresh the display.F The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.1.4 The qualifier /WRAPH Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns toE the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the* width of the screen to the next line.$ 1-2 ' CHAPTER 2- FIND V1.5 MAINTENANCE FIXESAThis chapter describes all the changes for the FIND V1.5 release.H o This is a new implementation. Therefore all bugs from previousD releases have been fixed and new bugs have been introduced.B The new bugs will get fixed as soon as I am aware of them% (and have time to fix them).$ 1-3 i3#~ FIND015.A2H "[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.CLD;1N"*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.CLD;1+,2./ 4N -H 0 123KPWO56bxJ7 :6] ڠ89]ΡG HJdefine verb find image findA parameter p1, label=FILE, prompt="Filename(s)",C value(type=$infile, list, required)N parameter p2, label=EXPRESSION, prompt="Regular Expression",/ value(required) qualifier BACKUPE qualifier BEFORE, value(default="TODAY",type=$datetime)0 qualifier BY_OWNER, value(type=$uic) qualifier CONFIRM qualifier CREATED5 qualifier DEBUG ! *** UNSUPPORTED ***' qualifier DIACRITICAL default/ qualifier END, value(required) qualifier EXACT4 qualifier EXCLUDE, value(required,list) qualifier EXPIRED qualifier FINDL qualifier FORMAT, default, nonnegatable, value(default="TEXT",4 type=SEARCH_FORMATS)/ qualifier HEADING !, default; qualifier HIGHLIGHT, value(type=highlight_modes)/ qualifier IGNORE, value(required)J qualifier LIMIT, placement=positional, value (type=$number) qualifier LOG6 qualifier MATCH, nonnegatable, default,C value(list, default=MAXIMIZE_MATCH,6 type=MATCH_TYPE) qualifier MODIFIED qualifier NUMBERSD qualifier OUTPUT, default, value(default="SYS$OUTPUT",. type=$outfile)* qualifier PAGE, value(type=page_options)B qualifier PATTERN, default, value(type=PATTERN_MODES) qualifier REMAINING3 qualifier REPLACE, SYNTAX=FIND_REPLACEE qualifier SINCE, value(default="TODAY",type=$datetime)/ qualifier START, value(required) qualifier STATISTICS qualifier SYMBOLS7 qualifier WINDOW, value(list,default="5") qualifier WRAP# disallow END and neg OUTPUT% disallow START and neg OUTPUT> disallow MATCH.MAXIMIZE_MATCH and MATCH.MINIMIZE_MATCH0 disallow neg DIACRITICAL and neg PATTERN! disallow FIND and REPLACE disallow OUTPUT and PAGEdefine type MATCH_TYPE keyword MAXIMIZE_MATCH keyword MINIMIZE_MATCH keyword NOTdefine type HIGHLIGHT_MODES keyword REVERSE keyword BOLD, default keyword BLINK keyword UNDERLINE: keyword HARDCOPY, value(type=HARDCOPY_MODES)define type HARDCOPY_MODES keyword OVERSTRIKE' keyword UNDERLINE, defaultdefine type PAGE_OPTIONS6 keyword clear_screen, label=page_clear_screen,default# keyword scroll, label=page_scrollD keyword save, label=page_save, value(type=$number)define type PATTERN_MODES' keyword VMS, default keyword POSIXdefine type SEARCH_FORMATS keyword PASSALL' keyword TEXT, default keyword NOFF keyword DUMP keyword NONULLSdefine syntax find_replace image find_replaceA parameter p1, label=FILE, prompt="Filename(s)",C value(type=$infile, list, required)N parameter p2, label=EXPRESSION, prompt="Regular Expression",/ value(required)H parameter p3, label=REPLACEMENT, prompt="Replacement",/ value(required) qualifier ADAPT_CASE qualifier BACKUPE qualifier BEFORE, value(default="TODAY",type=$datetime)0 qualifier BY_OWNER, value(type=$uic) qualifier CAPITALIZE qualifier CASE_MATCHING qualifier CONFIRM qualifier CREATED5 qualifier DEBUG ! *** UNSUPPORTED ***' qualifier DIACRITICAL, default qualifier EXACT4 qualifier EXCLUDE, value(required,list) qualifier EXPIREDL qualifier FORMAT, default, nonnegatable, value(default="TEXT",4 type=SEARCH_FORMATS)/ qualifier HEADING !, default; qualifier HIGHLIGHT, value(type=highlight_modes)/ qualifier IGNORE, value(required)J qualifier LIMIT, placement=positional, value (type=$number) qualifier LOG qualifier LOWERCASE6 qualifier MATCH, nonnegatable, default,N value(default=MAXIMIZE_MATCH, type=MATCH_TYP E) qualifier MODIFIED qualifier NUMBERSH qualifier OUTPUT, nonnegatable, value(type=$outfile, list)B qualifier PAD, nonnegatable, value(default="%D0")B qualifier PATTERN, default, value(type=PATTERN_MODES) qualifier REMAINING qualifier SHOW_GROUPSD qualifier SINCE, value(default="TODAY",type=$datetime) qualifier SKIP qualifier STATISTICS qualifier SYMBOLSB qualifier TRUNCATE, nonnegatable, value(default="END",4 type=TRUNCATE_MODES) qualifier UPPERCASE7 qualifier WINDOW, value(list,default="5")> disallow MATCH.MAXIMIZE_MATCH and MATCH.MINIMIZE_MATCH0 disallow neg DIACRITICAL and neg PATTERND disallow any2 (ADAPT_CASE, CAPITALIZE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE)(! disallow window and neg confirm!define type MATCH_TYPE! keyword MAXIMIZE_MATCH! keyword MINIMIZE_MATCH! keyword NOT!!define type HIGHLIGHT_MODES! keyword REVERSE! keyword BOLD, default! keyword BLINK! keyword UNDERLINE;! keyword HARDCOPY, value(type=HARDCOPY_MODES)!!define type HARDCOPY_MODES! keyword OVERSTRIKE(! keyword UNDERLINE, default!!define type SEARCH_FORMATS! keyword PASSALL(! keyword TEXT, default! keyword NOFF! keyword DUMP! keyword NONULLS!!define type PATTERN_MODES(! keyword VMS, default! keyword POSIXdefine type TRUNCATE_MODES keyword BEGINNING keyword ENDa?UZ~ FIND015.Aj3H "[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HLP;1HYw"*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HLP;1+,j3./ 4H\-H 0 123KPWO56 <cܡ7YAcܡ89G HJz1 FIND The FIND commands perform the following functions: o Search one or more files for a specified expression and list all the lines containing occurrences of the expression (see /FIND). o Search one or more files for a specified expression and substitute the occurrences of the expression with a replacement string (see /REPLACE). 2 REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS 3 VMS pattern style Patterns recognized by FIND: Pattern Matches... '*' An arbitrary amount of text (within a line) '%' An arbitrary character '\<' Beginning of line '\>' End of line '\' Beginning of word '\' End of word '\@' Match a specific column. The syntax is as follows: \@x \@(x) \@rx \@r(x) x is the column number r is a relational operator indicating whether the pattern should match the specified column, any column less than the specified column or any column greater than the specified column. Values for r are: < = match any column less than the specified column = = match the specified column > = match any column greater than the specified column if no value is given for r, = is assumed. '\[abc]' Anything in the set abc '\[1-9]' Anything in the set 123456789 '\[~1-9]' Anything not in the set 123456789 '\,' Repeat previous pattern (zero or once, including original) '\.' Repeat previous pattern (zero or more, including original) '\:' Repeat previous pattern (at least once, including original) '\' May be used to quote any of '\*%]~' '\w' An arbitrary amount of whitespace '\d' A decimal digit '\o' An octal digit '\x' A hexadecimal digit '\a' An alphabetic character (including supplemental) '\n' An alphanumeric character (letter or decimal digit) '\s' A symbol constituent (alphanumeric + $ and _) '\l' A lowercase letter '\u' An uppercase letter '\p' Punctuation character '\f' Formatting character '\^' Control character '\+' Any character with bit 7 set '\digit' See below for explanation '\C' This pattern can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard. The syntax is as follows: \Cx \C%bx \C(x) \C(%bx) x is a number representing an ASCII character b represents the base of the number. Values for b are: D = decimal O = octal X = hexadecimal The following pattern also have a special meaning: '\|' Match previous pattern or next pattern '\(' Open parenthesis for grouping '\)' Close parenthesis for grouping Groups, i.e. parts of an expression which are grouped together with \( and \) are numbered from left to right one to nine, i.e. the leftmost opening parenthesis is number one and the rightmost opening parenthesis is number nine. Empty parentheses, i.e. \(\), are ignored and therefore not counted. If the expression STR$\(\s\:\)\w(\(\)\w\(\s\:\) matches the string STR$MATCH_WILD (desc, the first group is MATCH_WILD, and the second group is desc. Within an expression, it is possible to refer to an already matched group. This is done by entering \ and a digit 1...9, where the digit is the number of the group. So, \1...\9 denote that part of the target, which has been matched by the first...ninth group of the expression (or the empty string, if there is no group with that number). For example, the expression \(%%%%\)\1 matches every string consisting of four arbitrary characters which is followed by a copy of it self, e.g. beriberi. 3 POSIX pattern style Patterns recognized by FIND: Pattern Matches... '.' An arbitrary character '^' Beginning of line if at the start of the expression, otherwise the character '^' '$' Beginning of line if at the end of the expression, otherwise the character '$' '[abc]' Anything in the set abc '[1-9]' Anything in the set 123456789 '[^1-9]' Anything not in the set 123456789 '[!1-9]' Anything not in the set 123456789 '?' Repeat previous pattern (zero or once, including original) '*' Repeat previous pattern (zero or more, including original) '+' Repeat previous pattern (at least once, including original) '\' May be used to quote any character, i.e. prevent the character from being interpreted as wildcard The following pattern also have a special meaning: '|' Match previous pattern or next pattern '(' Open parenthesis for grouping ')' Close parenthesis for grouping Groups, i.e. parts of an expression which are grouped together with ( and ) are numbered from left to right one to nine, i.e. the leftmost opening parenthesis is number one and the rightmost opening parenthesis is number nine. Empty parentheses, i.e. (), are ignored and therefore not counted. If the expression STR$([a-z_]+)[ TAB]*\(()[ TAB]*([a-z_]+) matches the string STR$MATCH_WILD (desc, the first group is MATCH_WILD, and the second group is desc. This numbering is useful for FIND/REPLACE, where the replacement may contain wildcards which refer to groups within the expression. This is done by entering \ and a digit 1 ... 9, where the digit is the number of the group. So, \1 ... \9 denote that part of the target, which has been matched by the first...ninth group of the expression (or the empty string, if there is no group with that number). 2 /FIND (default) Searches one or more files for the specified expression and lists all the lines containing occurrences of the expression. Format: FIND file-spec[,...] regular-expression 3 Parameters file-spec[,...] Specifies the names of one or more files to be searched. You must specify at least one file name. If you specify two or more file names, separate them with commas. Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. expression Specifies the pattern to search for in the specified files. If the pattern contains any lowercase letters or nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces), enclose it in quotations marks. You can use the /DIACRITICAL, /EXACT, /MATCH, and /PATTERN qualifiers to alter the way that FIND matches search patterns. If the qualifier /PATTERN is present (default), the expression is treated as a regular expression, otherwise as a string. See the help entry FIND REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS for more information on regular expressions. 3 Command_Qualifiers /BACKUP /BACKUP Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /BACKUP selects files according to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED. /BEFORE /BEFORE[=time] Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values. /BY_OWNER /BY_OWNER[=uic] Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process. Specify the UIC using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether a request is issued before each individual FIND operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE 1 0 ALL You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and . QUIT or CTRL/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued. /CREATED /CREATED (default) Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /CREATED selects files based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED. /DIACRITICAL /DIACRITICAL (default) /NODIACRITICAL Controls whether FIND should match the diacritical markings of the expression to be searched for. If you specify /NODIACRITICAL, the character ``a'' not only matches ``a'' but also ``'', ``'', ``'', and all other variations of this character. You cannot specify the qualifiers /NODIACRITICAL and /NOPATTERN together. /END /END=end_expression This qualifier gives an alternate way of specifying a ``WINDOW''. If FIND has found an occurrence of the main expression, it will display all records it reads until the end_expression can be found (or end of file is reached). However, the command does not keep track of nested occurrences of expression/end_expression and stops displaying lines at the first occurrence of end_expression. You cannot specify the qualifiers /END and /WINDOW=0 or /END and /NOOUTPUT at the same time. However, it is possible to use /START and /END at the same time. /EXACT /EXACT /NOEXACT (default) Controls whether the FIND command matches the search string exactly, or treats uppercase and lowercase letters as equivalents. The default qualifier, /NOEXACT, causes FIND to ignore case differences in letters. Specifying the /EXACT qualifier causes the system to use less CPU time. Therefore, if you are sure of the case of the letters in the string, it is more efficient to use /EXACT. /EXCLUDE /EXCLUDE=(file-spec[,...]) Excludes the specified files from the FIND operation. You can include a directory but not a device in the file specification. Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. However, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you provide only one file specification, you can omit the parentheses. /EXPIRED /EXPIRED Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /EXPIRED selects files according to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_ DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED. /FORMAT /FORMAT=option Controls reformatting of records during output. You can specify one of the following formatting options: TEXT Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI mnemonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with ). The terminal formatting characters , , , , and are passed without change. TEXT is the default format. NOFF Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI mnemonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with ). The terminal formatting characters , , and are passed without change. Form feeds are replaced with . It is otherwise identical to TEXT. /FORMAT=NOFF is useful to prevent form feeds from breaking up the output file, for example when a match finds a head- ing in a listing file. PASSALL Moves characters to the output device with no translation whatsoever. You can use /FORMAT=PASSALL whenever you do not want the FIND command to substitute the ANSI mnemonic for control characters (for example, for CTRL/G). The terminal driver cannot send eight-bit characters to the terminal unless either SET TERMINAL/PASSALL or SET TERMINAL/EIGHT_BIT is already in effect. DUMP DUMP format is very similar to TEXT format. However, with DUMP format, all control characters (including , , and ) are displayed as ANSI mnemonics. NONULLS NONULLS is identical to the DUMP option, except that all null characters are removed from the input file before reformatting. In DUMP mode, the null character is displayed as . NONULLS is convenient when you are searching binary format files, such as EXE or OBJ files, that generally contain many zero bytes. /HEADING /HEADING (default) /NOHEADING Controls whether file names and window separators are printed in the output. With the default heading format, file names are printed only when more than one file is specified or when wildcard characters are used. The separator, a line of 30 asterisks, is displayed between groups of lines that belong to different files. If you specify the /WINDOW qualifier, a line of 15 asterisks separates each window within a file. /HIGHLIGHT /HIGHLIGHT(=option) /HIGHLIGHT=BOLD (default on ANSI video terminal with advanced video) /HIGHLIGHT=REVERSE (default on ANSI terminal without advanced video) /NOHIGHLIGHT (default for all other output) Controls whether the actual strings which are matched are emphasized in the output. The emphasis, or highlighting, can be one of several options: BLINK The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI blink character attribute. (advanced video only) BOLD The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI bold character attribute. (advanced video only) If /HIGHLIGHT is used without an option, BOLD is assumed. REVERSE The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI reverse video attribute. (possible without advanced video) UNDERLINE The matched strings are highlighted with the ANSI under- line video attribute. (possible without advanced video) (Note that without the advanced video option, either REVERSE or UNDERLINE will appear depending on whether the cursor is selected as block or underline. The two options REVERSE and UNDERLINE have the same effect.) HARDCOPY(=option) This specifies that the strings should be highlighted in a manner suitable for most hardcopy printers. Hardcopy highlighting has two options: OVERSTRIKE With overstrike highlighting, matched strings are double-printed, so that they should appear darker. UNDERLINE The matched strings are underlined with the underscore character. Hardcopy printing is accomplished by adding a carriage return and spacing back over the line to overprint the string or underlines. Note that this can as much as double the length of the line, and perhaps lead to trun- cation if the device buffer size is too small. The DIGITAL LN01 printer understands the ANSI video UNDERLINE attri- bute, it is therefore recommended that /HIGHLIGHT=UNDERLINE be used with this printer instead of /HIGHLIGHT=HARDCOPY=UNDERLINE. The LN01 does not understand OVERSTRIKE highlighting, and ignores it. The DIGITAL LN03 printer understands both the ANSI video BOLD and UNDERLINE attributes, it is recommended that either /HIGHLIGHT=BOLD or /HIGHLIGHT=UNDERLINE be used with this printer instead of the /HIGHLIGHT=HARDCOPY=UNDERLINE. The LN03 does not understand the OVERSTRIKE highlighting, and ignores it. /IGNORE /IGNORE=ignore_expression With this qualifier, it is possible to specify an expression which should be ignored, i.e. not matched. FIND first searches for the main expression. If a match is found, this match is being searched for the ignore-expression. If the ignore-expression is part of the match, the match is discarded. In an ignore-expression, the "Beginning of line" and "End of line" pattern have different behaviour. The are defined as the beginning and the end of the main match, respectively. /LIMIT /LIMIT /LIMIT=n If this qualifier is present, FIND stops searching after n matches have been found. If no value is specified, FIND stops after the first match. This is a positional qualifier which can be specified on the command and/or on the input file(s). If it is appended to the command, it works as a global limit and FIND stops after a total number of n matches. If it is appended to an input file name, it limits the search within this file to n matches. However, the current line is scanned to the end, and if the qualifier /END has been specified, the search continues until the end_expression has been found. If one of the qualifiers /WINDOW or /REMAINING is present, the search continues until the specified number of lines (or end of file) has been reached. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the FIND command produces a line containing the file name and the number of records and matches for each file searched. The log information is output to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. /MATCH /MATCH=option Indicates how the FIND command matches regular expressions. The /MATCH qualifier has three options: MAXIMIZE_MATCH FIND tries to find the longest possible match. MINIMIZE_MATCH FIND tries to find the shortest possible match. NOT FIND searches for whole records which do not contain the target. MAXIMIZE_MATCH and MINIMIZE_MATCH influence the matching of the expression parameter as well as the matching of the /START and /END expressions, whereas NOT only influences the expression parameter, not the /START and /END expressions. When the regular expression does not contain repeat pattern, the asterisk (*), or the whitespace character, MAXIMIZE_MATCH and MINIMIZE_MATCH produce the same result. /MODIFIED /MODIFIED Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /MODIFIED selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the default is /CREATED. /NUMBERS /NUMBERS /NONUMBERS (default) Controls whether the source line number is displayed at the left margin of each line. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=file-spec] /NOOUTPUT Controls whether the results of the search are output to a specified file. The output will be sent to the current default output device (SYS$OUTPUT) if you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier or omit the file specification with the qualifier. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier means that no matching records are output as a result of the FIND command. You cannot specify the qualifiers /NOOUTPUT and /END together. /PAGE /PAGE[=keyword] /NOPAGE (default) Controls the display of information on the screen. You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier: CLEAR_SCREEN Displays information one page at a time. SCROLL Displays information on a continuous stream. SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information: Key Sequence Description Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line. Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line. Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column. Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column. Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen. Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen. Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode. Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information. Next Screen (E6), Get the next page of information. Return, Enter, Space F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these differently.) Help (F15) Display utility help text. Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page. Ctrl/W Refresh the display. The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier. /PATTERN /PATTERN(=option) /PATTERN=VMS (default) /NOPATTERN If negated, the parameter expression as well as the values of the /END and the /START qualifiers (if specified) are treated as strings without any wildcards, e.g. all occurrences of the meta- characters *, %, and \ (VMS pattern style) are taken literally. If specified, it decides the flavor of wildcards to be used. There are two possible options: VMS Find uses the same wildcards as used by other VMS tools. POSIX Find uses the regular expressions defined by the POSIX standard. You cannot specify the qualifiers /NOPATTERN and /NODIACRITICAL together. /REMAINING /REMAINING /NOREMAINING (default) Controls whether the FIND command displays all records from the first matched record to the end of the file. The /REMAINING qualifier overrides the /WINDOW=n2 qualifier. However, you can still use the /WINDOW=n1 qualifier to specify the number of lines to be printed above the line containing the matched record. /SINCE /SINCE[=time] Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values. /START /START=start_expression This qualifier gives an alternate way of specifying a ``WINDOW''. If FIND has found an occurrence of the main expression, it will display all records from a record which contained the start_ expression (or the first record in the file) up to the record with the match. However, the command does not keep track of nested occurrences of expression/start_expression and starts displaying lines at the last occurrence of start_expression. You cannot specify the qualifiers /START and /WINDOW=0 or /START and /NOOUTPUT at the same time. However, it is possible to use /START and /END at the same time. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default) Controls whether FIND displays statistics about the search. The statistics displayed are: o Number of files searched o Number of records searched o Number of characters searched o Number of matches found o Number of matching records found o Number of lines printed o Buffered I/O count o Direct I/O count o Number of page faults o Elapsed CPU time o Elapsed time /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS /NOSYMBOLS (default) Controls whether FIND writes statistics about the search into DCL symbols. The symbols are: o FIND_FILES_SEARCHED - Number of files searched o FIND_RECORDS_SEARCHED - Number of records searched o FIND_CHARACTERS_SEARCHED - Number of characters searched o FIND_MATCHES_FOUND - Number of matches found o FIND_RECORDS_MATCHED - Number of matching records found o FIND_LINES_PRINTED - Number of lines printed ! ! o FIND_BUFFERED_IO_COUNT - Buffered I/O count ! ! o FIND_DIRECT_IO_COUNT - Direct I/O count ! ! o FIND_PAGE_FAULTS - Number of page faults ! ! o FIND_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME - Elapsed CPU time ! ! o FIND_ELAPSED_TIME - Elapsed time /WINDOW /WINDOW[=(n1,n2)] /NOWINDOW (default) Controls the number of lines that are listed along with the line containing the matching string. If you specify the /WINDOW qualifier with a single number n, n-1 additional lines are displayed with each line containing the search pattern. Half of the additional lines are listed above the line containing the match, and half are listed below. If n-1 is an odd number, the extra line is listed below the search pattern. For example, if you specify /WINDOW=10, nine additional lines are listed along with the line containing the search pattern, four lines are listed above the line containing the search pattern and five lines are listed below it, making a total of ten lines. If you specify /WINDOW without specifying a number, the default number of five lines---two above, one containing the search pattern, and two below---is used. If the form /WINDOW=(n1,n2) is used, n1 refers to the number of lines above the matched line and n2 refers to the number of lines below. Either of these numbers can be zero. If /WINDOW=0 is specified, FIND will display the file name of each file containing a match, but no records. You can use this specification to create a file (using the /OUTPUT qualifier) that can be inserted into a command file to manipulate the files containing matches. You cannot specify the qualifiers /END and /WINDOW=0 at the same time. If you omit the /WINDOW qualifier entirely, only the line in which the match is satisfied is displayed. /WRAP /WRAP /NOWRAP (default) Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line. The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier. 3 Examples 1. $ FIND CABLE.MEM,JOYNER.MEM "b%t" $ FIND/PATTERN=POSIX CABLE.MEM,JOYNER.MEM "b.t" This command searches the files CABLE.MEM and JOYNER.MEM for occurrences of B or b followed by any single character and a T or t, as in the following: between batman Each line containing the string is displayed at the terminal. It is necessary to enclose the string in quotation marks because it contains a wildcard. 2. $ FIND/OUTPUT=RESULTS.DAT/WINDOW=9 DISLIST.MEM "b*t" $ FIND/PATTERN=POSIX/OUTPUT=RESULTS.DAT/WINDOW=9 DISLIST.MEM "b. *t" The FIND command searches the file DISLIST.MEM for occurrences of B or b followed any number of characters and a T or t, as in the following: blast be still the strings found by b%t in the preceding example The four lines preceding and following each occurrence of the pattern are included in the output. 3. $ FIND OMAHA::DISK1:[EXP]SUB.DAT,DATA.LIS "m\(\[ae]\[iy]e\|ai\) r" $ FIND/PATTERN=POSIX OMAHA::DISK1:[EXP]SUB.DAT,DATA.LIS "m([ae] [iy]e|ai)r" The FIND command searches through the files SUB.DAT and DATA.LIS at remote node OMAHA for all occurrences of the in Germany popular name meyer with it various ways of writing. It matches the following strings: Obermeier Maier Meyer-Luedenscheidt Mayer Hintermair The list of all records containing one of this strings is displayed at the local terminal. 4. $ FIND KHADAFY.TXT "M\[ou]'\,am\:\[ae]r *\(\[AEae]l\[- ]\)\,\[G KQ]h\,\[aeu]\:\(\[dtz]\[dhz]\,\)\:af\[iy]" $ FIND/PATTERN=POSIX KHADAFY.TXT "M[ou]'?am+[ae]r .*([AEae]l[- ])?[GKQ]h?[aeu]+([dtz][dhz]?)+af[iy]" The FIND command searches the files KHADAFY.TXT for all occurrences of the name of the Libyan leader. It matches the following strings: Muammar Qaddafi Mo'ammar Gadhafi Muammar Kaddafi Muammar Qadhafi Moammar El Kadhafi Muammar Gadafi Mu'ammar al-Qadafi Moamer El Kazzafi Moamar aj\~ FIND015.Aj3H "[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HLP;1H>l-Gaddafi Mu'ammar Al Qathafi Muammar Al Qathafi Mo'ammar el-Gadhafi Moamar El Kadhafi Muammar al-Qadhafi Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi Mu'ammar Qadafi Moamar Gaddafi Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi Muammar Khaddafi Muammar al-Khaddafi Mu'amar al-Kadafi Muammar Ghaddafy Muammar Ghadafi Muammar Ghaddafi Muamar Kaddafi Muammar Quathafi Muammar Gheddafi Muamar Al-Kaddafi Moammar Khadafy Moammar Qudhafi Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi Mulazim Awwal Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi The list of all records containing one of these strings is displayed at the terminal. 2 /REPLACE Searches one or more files for the specified expression and substitutes the occurrences of the expression with a replac$@ement string. Format: FIND/REPLACE file-spec[,...] regular-expression replacement 3 Parameters file-spec[,...] Specifies the names of one or more files to be searched. You must specify at least one file name. If you specify two or more file names, separate them with commas. Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. expression Specifies the regular expression to be replaced in the specified files. Enclose strings containing lowercase letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces) in quotations marks. You can use the /DIACRITICAL, /EXACT, /MATCH, and /PATTERN qualifiers to alter the way that FIND/REPLACE matches expressions and the /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE qualifier to alter the way that FIND/REPLACE inserts the replacement. If the qualifier /PATTERN is present (default), the expression is treated as a regular expression, otherwise string. See the help entry FIND REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS for more information on regular expressions. replacement Specifies the string which should be substituted. Enclose strings containing lowercase letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces) in quotations marks. If the qualifier /PATTERN is present (default), the replacement parameter is searched for meta-characters (see below), otherwise it is treated as as a string. The replacement consist of a string of ordinary characters combined with meta-characters. Meta-characters are \C, which can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard (for more information about this pattern, see the description of regular expressions), a quoted backslash (\\) which lets you insert a literal backslash, functions, and references to groups. These references refer to groups in the expression which is searched and consist of a backslash (\) and a digit (0 ... 9). As with the expression parameter (VMS pattern style only), \1 ... \9 denote that part of the target, which has been matched by the first ... ninth group of the expression. In addition, \0 denotes the whole target which has been found. Functions have the syntax \$name\(argument\), where name is the name of the function, and argument is the argument to the function. The argument has the same syntax as the replacement as a whole, i.e. the same rules for characters and meta-characters apply. Currently there are three functions available, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, and CAPITALIZE. The names of these functions are not case-sensitive and may be abbreviated. The /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE qualifiers are applied to the replacement after the functions have been applied to their arguments and therefore may destroy the effects of these functions. 3 Qualifiers /BACKUP /BACKUP Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /BACKUP selects files according to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED. /BEFORE /BEFORE[=time] Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values. /BY_OWNER /BY_OWNER[=uic] Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process. Specify the UIC using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. /CAPITALIZE /CAPITALIZE /NOCAPITALIZE If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE capitalizes the replacement before inserting it. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CASE_MATCHING, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions. /CASE_MATCHING /CASE_MATCHING /NOCASE_MATCHING (default) If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE matches the case appropriately for each replacement. For example, if FIND/REPLACE finds a capitalized version of the old string, it is replaced by a capitalized version of the new string. The following table shows how FIND/REPLACE uses the case of the strings: Old String New String Target Replacements ---------------------------------------------------- butter margarine butter margarine Butter Margarine BUTTER MARGARINE This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CAPITALIZE, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default for replace operations) /NOCONFIRM Controls whether a request is issued before each individual FIND /REPLACE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE 1 0 ALL You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, 1, and . Negative answers are NO, FALSE, and 0. QUIT or CTRL/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued. The /CONFIRM qualifier has two levels. The first level is confirmation for each file. The second level is confirmation for each replacement. If you respond with ALL or QUIT to a replacement prompt, this answer holds for the current file. If there are more files to be searched, the confirm prompt will be reissued for the next file and for the replacements in that file (if any). If you respond with ALL or QUIT to the file prompt, no further prompt will be issued and the command will replace all occurrences or copy the file(s) without any replacements. /CREATED /CREATED (default) Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /CREATED selects files based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED. /DIACRITICAL /DIACRITICAL (default) /NODIACRITICAL Controls whether FIND should match the diacritical markings of the expression to be searched for. If you specify /NODIACRITICAL, the character ``a'' not only matches ``a'' but also ``'', ``'', ``'', and all other variations of this character. You cannot specify the qualifiers /NODIACRITICAL and /NOPATTERN together. /EXACT /EXACT /NOEXACT (default) Controls whether the FIND/REPLACE command matches the search string exactly, or treats uppercase and lowercase letters as equivalents. The default qualifier, /NOEXACT, causes FIND/REPLACE to ignore case differences in letters. Specifying the /EXACT qualifier causes the system to use less CPU time. Therefore, if you are sure of the case of the letters in the string, it is more efficient to use /EXACT. /EXCLUDE /EXCLUDE=(file-spec[,...]) Excludes the specified files from the FIND/REPLACE operation. You can include a directory but not a device in the file specification. Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. However, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you provide only one file specification, you can omit the parentheses. /EXPIRED /EXPIRED Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /EXPRIRED selects files according to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_ DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED. /FORMAT /FORMAT=option Controls reformatting of records when prompting for confirmation. You can specify one of the following formatting options: TEXT Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI mnemonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with ). The terminal formatting characters , , , , and are passed without change. TEXT is the default format. NOFF Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI mnemonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with ). The terminal formatting characters , , and are passed without change. Form feeds are replaced with . It is otherwise identical to TEXT. /FORMAT=NOFF is useful to prevent form feeds from breaking up the output file, for example when a match finds a head- ing in a listing file. PASSALL Moves characters to the output device with no translation whatsoever. You can use /FORMAT=PASSALL whenever you do not want the FIND/REPLACE command to substitute the ANSI mnemonic for control characters (for example, for CTRL/G). The terminal driver cannot send eight-bit characters to the terminal unless either SET TERMINAL/PASSALL or SET TERMINAL/EIGHT_BIT is already in effect. DUMP DUMP format is very similar to TEXT format. However, with DUMP format, all control characters (including , , and ) are displayed as ANSI mnemonics. NONULLS NONULLS is identical to the DUMP option, except that all null characters are removed from the input file before reformatting. In DUMP mode, the null character is displayed as . NONULLS is convenient when you are searching binary format files, such as EXE or OBJ files, that generally contain many zero bytes. This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier CONFIRM is not present. /HEADING /HEADING (default) /NOHEADING Controls whether file names and window separators are printed when prompting for confirmation. With the default heading format, file names are printed only when more than one file is specified or when wildcard characters are used. The separator, a line of 30 asterisks, is displayed between groups of lines that belong to different files. If you specify the /WINDOW qualifier, a line of 15 asterisks separates each window within a file. This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier CONFIRM is not present. /HIGHLIGHT /HIGHLIGHT(=option) /HIGHLIGHT=BOLD (default on ANSI video terminal with advanced video) /HIGHLIGHT=REVERSE (default on ANSI terminal without advanced video) /NOHIGHLIGHT (default for all other output) Controls whether the actual strings which are matched are emphasized in the output. The emphasis, or highlighting, can be one of several options: BLINK The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI blink character attribute. (advanced video only) BOLD The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI bold character attribute. (advanced video only) If /HIGHLIGHT is used without an option, BOLD is assumed. REVERSE The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI reverse video attribute. (possible without advanced video) UNDERLINE The matched strings are highlighted with the ANSI under- line video attribute. (possible without advanced video) (Note that without the advanced video option, either REVERSE or UNDERLINE will appear depending on whether the cursor is selected as block or underline. The two options REVERSE and UNDERLINE have the same effect.) HARDCOPY(=option) This specifies that the strings should be highlighted in a [ manner suitable for most hardcopy printers. Hardcopy highlighting has two options: OVERSTRIKE With overstrike highlighting, matched strings are double-printed, so that they should appear darker. UNDERLINE The matched strings are underlined with the underscore character. Hardcopy printing is accomplished by adding a carriage return and spacing back over the line to overprint the string or underlines. Note that this can as much as double the length of the line, and perhaps lead to trun- cation if the device buffer size is too small. This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier CONFIRM is not present. /IGNORE /IGNORE=ignore_expression With this qualifier, it is possible to specify an expression which should be ignored, i.e. not matched. FIND/REPLACE first searches for the main expression. If a match is found, this match is being searched for the ignore-expression. If the ignore-expression is part of the match, the match is discarded. /LIMIT /LIMIT=n If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE stops searching after n matches have been replaced. If no value is specified, FIND/REPLACE stops after the first replacement. This is a positional qualifier which can be specified on the command and/or on the input file(s). If it is appended to the command, it works as a global limit and FIND/REPLACE stops after a total number of n replacements. If it is appended to an input file name, it limits the search within this file to n replacements. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG Controls whether the FIND/REPLACE command produces a line containing the file name and the number of records and matches for each file searched. In addition, FIND/REPLACE produces a line containing the file name for each file which has been written. The log information is output to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. /LOWERCASE /LOWERCASE /NOLOWERCASE If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE converts the replacement to lowercase before inserting it. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, and /UPPERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions. /MATCH /MATCH=option Indicates how the FIND/REPLACE command matches regular expressions. The /MATCH qualifier has three options: MAXIMIZE_MATCH FIND/REPLACE tries to find the longest possible match. MINIMIZE_MATCH FIND/REPLACE tries to find the shortest possible match. NOT FIND/REPLACE searches for whole records which do not contain the target. When the regular expression does not contain repeat pattern, the asterisk (*), or the whitespace character, both options produce the same result. /MODIFIED /MODIFIED Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /MODIFIED selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the default is /CREATED. /NUMBERS /NUMBERS /NONUMBERS (default) Controls whether the source line number is displayed at the left margin of each line. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=(file-spec[,...])] /NOOUTPUT Specifies the names of the output files into which the (modified) records are to be written. If you omit the qualifier, or the file-spec, the name of the input file will be used. If you specify the file-spec, the name of the input file will be used as default file specification. If you specify more input file names than output file names, the output file names will be used until they are exhausted, for the remaining files, the input file names will be used. /PAD /PAD[=%b]#] /NOPAD (default) Controls whether short replacements are padded. A replacement is too short when it is not as long as the string it replaces. The /PAD qualifier specifies which pad character will be used. Pad characters are specified as follows: Option Character $d PAD NULL (00 Decimal) PAD=x x is ASCII A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 PAD=%bx x is a number representing an ASCII character b represents the base of the number. Values for b are: D = decimal O = octal X = hexadecimal /PATTERN /PATTERN(=option) /PATTERN=VMS (default) /NOPATTERN If negated, the parameter expression as well as the values of the /END and the /START qualifiers (if specified) are treated as strings without any wildcards, e.g. all occurrences of the meta- characters *, %, and \ (VMS pattern style) are taken literally. If present, it specifies the flavor of wildcards to be used. There are two possible options: VMS Find uses the same wildcards as used by other VMS tools. POSIX Find uses the regular expressions defined by the POSIX standard. You cannot specify the qualifiers /NOPATTERN and /NODIACRITICAL together. /SHOW_GROUPS /SHOW_GROUPS /NOSHOW_GROUPS (default) Controls whether FIND/REPLACE displays groups before asking for confirmation. For each group which matches a non-empty string a line is displayed in the format ``Group [#]: spaces sub-match'', where # represent the group number, sub-match is the part of the target which has been matched by the group and spaces is the amount of spaces which is necessary to align the sub-match with the display of the full match. This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier CONFIRM is not present. /SINCE /SINCE[=time] Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values. /SKIP /SKIP /NOSKIP (default) If you specify this qualifier, matches will not be replaced but the whole record will be skipped (i.e. not written to the output file). /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS (default) Controls whether FIND/REPLACE displays statistics about the search. The statistics displayed are: o Number of files searched o Number of records searched o Number of characters searched o Number of matches found o Number of matching records found o Number of files written o Number of records written o Number of replaced matches o Buffered I/O count o Direct I/O count o Number of page faults o Elapsed CPU time o Elapsed time /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS /NOSYMBOLS (default) Controls whether FIND/REPLACE writes statistics about the search into DCL symbols. The symbols are: o FIND_FILES_SEARCHED - Number of files searched o FIND_RECORDS_SEARCHED - Number of records searched o FIND_CHARACTERS_SEARCHED - Number of characters searched o FIND_MATCHES_FOUND - Number of matches found o FIND_RECORDS_MATCHED - Number of matching records found o FIND_FILES_WRITTEN - Number of files written o FIND_RECORDS_WRITTEN - Number of records written o FIND_MATCHES_REPLACED - Number of replaced matches ! ! o FIND_BUFFERED_IO_COUNT - Buffered I/O count ! ! o FIND_DIRECT_IO_COUNT - Direct I/O count ! ! o FIND_PAGE_FAULTS - Number of page faults ! ! o FIND_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME - Elapsed CPU time ! ! o FIND_ELAPSED_TIME - Elapsed time /TRUNCATE /TRUNCATE[=BEGINNING] /TRUNCATE[=END] /NOTRUNCATE (default) Controls whether long replacements are truncated. A replacement is too long when it exceeds the length of the string it replaces. The truncation occurs at the beginning or at the end of the replacement, depending on the value of the qualifier. If the qualifier is given without a value, END is assumed. /UPPERCASE /UPPERCASE /NOUPPERCASE If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE converts the replacement to uppercase before inserting it. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, and /LOWERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions. /WINDOW /WINDOW[=(n1,n2)] /NOWINDOW (default) Controls the number of lines that are listed along with the line containing the matching string. If you specify the /WINDOW qualifier with a single number n, n-1 additional lines are displayed with each line containing the search pattern. Half of the additional lines are listed above the line containing the match, and half are listed below. If n-1 is an odd number, the extra line is listed below the search pattern. For example, if you specify /WINDOW=10, nine additional lines are listed along with the line containing the search pattern, four lines are listed above the line containing the search pattern and five lines are listed below it, making a total of ten lines. If you specify /WINDOW without specifying a number, the default number of five lines---two above, one containing the search pattern, and two below---is used. If the form /WINDOW=(n1,n2) is used, n1 refers to the number of lines above the matched line and n2 refers to the number of lines below. Either of these numbers can be zero. If /WINDOW=0 is specified, FIND will display the file name of each file containing a match, but no records. You can use this specification to create a file (using the /OUTPUT qualifier) that can be inserted into a command file to manipulate the files containing matches. If you omit the /WINDOW qualifier entirely, only the line in which the match is satisfied is displayed. This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier CONFIRM is not present. 3 Examples 1. $ FIND/REPLACE CABLE.MEM,JOYNER.MEM "b%t" "(\0)" $ FIND/REPLACE/PATTERN=POSIX CABLE.MEM,JOYNER.MEM "b.t" "< EMPHASIS>(\0)" This command searches the files CABLE.MEM and JOYNER.MEM for occurrences of B or b followed by any single character and a T or t, as in the following: between batman and replaces these strings with (bet)ween (bat)man The files which are written have the names of the input files, respectively, with the version number increased by one. It is necessary to enclose the string and the replacement in quotation marks because they contain wildcards. 2. $ FIND/REPLACE MY.TBL "|\(\w\d\.\w\)|\(\w\d\.\w\)|" "|\2|\1|" $ FIND/REPLACE/PATTERN=POSIX MY.TBL "\|([ TAB]*[0-9]*[ TAB]*) \|([ TAB]*[0-9]*[ TAB]*)\|" "|\2|\1|" ! TAB means the ! tab character The FIND/REPLACE command searches through the file MY.TBL for all occurrences of two groups of digits, delimited by vertical bars, and exchanges the groups. It matches the following strings: | 125 | 34 | | | 007 | | 08 | 15 | and replaces these strings with | 34 | 125 | | 007 | | | 15 | 08 | 3. $ FIND/REPLACE CHAP.SDML "<\a\:>" "\$upp\(\0\)" $ FIND/REPLACE/PATTERN=POSIX CHAP.SDML "<[a-z]+>" "\$upp\(\0\)" This command searches through the file CHAP.SDML for all occurrences of SDML tags and upcases these tags. 2 Error_Messages The RXP and RPL facilities, which are part of FIND, generate the following error messages: BADREPEATUSE, improper repeat pattern usage Facility: RXP Severity: Fatal Explanation: An expression has been entered, which specifies a repeat pattern after a probably empty match, e.g. x\,\: (VMS pattern style) or x?+ (POSIX pattern style). User Action: Respecify the expression. LOOPGENERATED, loop generated, check use of repeat pattern Facility: RXP Severity: Fatal Explanation: An expression has been entered, which would FIND cause to stay in an infinite loop. The reason could be a parenthesized term matching the empty string which is followed by a repeat pattern, e.g. something like \(\(abc\|\(uvw\)\.\(x yz\)\,\)\. (VMS pattern style) or ((abc|(uvw)*(xyz )?)* (POSIX pattern style). User Action: Respecify the expression without loop. BOLMUSTBEFIRST, cannot match pattern preceding `beginning of line' v Facility: RXP Severity: Fatal Explanation: The pattern \< occurs somewhere inmidst text. Since FIND cannot match expressions which cross record boundaries, this is illegal. User Action: Respecify the expression. (VMS pattern style only) EOLMUSTBELAST, cannot match pattern following `end of line' Facility: RXP Severity: Fatal Explanation: The pattern \> occurs somewhere inmidst text. Since FIND cannot match expressions which cross record boundaries, this is illegal. User Action: Respecify the expression. (VMS pattern style only) INSGROUPS, insufficient groups Facility: RXP Severity: Fatal Explanation: An expression has been entered, which causes an internal memory problem. Most likely the expression contains a group with many possible matches, like \(\s\:\)* (VMS style), where the asterisk would match any character matched by \s\:. User Action: If the situation is as described above, try reducing the number of possible matches of the group, in the above example this could be achieved by changing the pattern to \(\s\:\)\*. MISSCLOSPAR, missing '\)' Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: An unbalanced expression has been entered. For POSIX pattern style, this should read missing ')'. User Action: Add the missing closing parenthesis. MISSOPENPAR, missing '\(' Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: An unbalanced expression has been entered. For POSIX pattern style, this should read missing '('. User Action: Add the missing opening parenthesis. NOTEXTPREC, no text preceding ] Facility: RXP Severity: Fatal Explanation: Empty brackets (\[] for VMS pattern style, [] for POSIX pattern style) has been entered. User Action: Specify correct brackets. UNRECWILD, unrecognized wildcard function Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A sequence starting with \ has been entered which is not followed by any of the known wildcard characters (%*\.:,()|@[wdoxanslupf^+). User Action: Check your expression. (VMS pattern style only) UNEXPEND, unexpected end of pattern Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A pattern is not complete, e.g. \c, where digits and closing parenthesis are missing. User Action: Specify the expression correctly. RADIXEXP, `BJ~ FIND015.Aj3H "[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HLP;1H` | one of 'X', 'D', 'O' expected Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A \C pattern is not complete, e.g. \c%32, where no radix has been specified. User Action: Add the missing radix. (VMS pattern style only) DIGITSEXP, digits expected Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A \C pattern is not complete, e.g. \chello, where no digits have been entered. User Action: Add the missing digits. (VMS pattern style only) NUMTOOLARGE, number is too large Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A \C pattern is illegal, e.g. \c256, where the number exceeds 255. User Action: Specify the expression with a number less or equal 255 or, if the character with the number 25 has been meant, add parenthesis: \c(25)6. (VMS pattern style only) CLOSPAREXP, ')' expected Facility: RXP, RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A \C or \@ pattern is illegal, e.g. \@(32end, where the closing parenthesis is missing. User Action: Specify the expression with the closing parenthesis. (VMS pattern style only) IDENEXP, identifier expected Facility: RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: A function pattern (\$) without name has been entered. User Action: Specify the function name. UNRECFUN, unrecognized function Facility: RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: An unrecognized function name has been entered. User Action: Specify a correct function name. UNEXPCLOSPAR, unexpected '\)' found Facility: RPL Severity: Fatal Explanation: The pattern \) has been specified without preceding function. User Action: Respecify the expression. 2 Manual Please refer to SYS$HELP:FIND%%%.LN03 or SYS$HELP:FIND%%%.PS for a manual with a more complete description of the FIND commands. 2 Release_Notes Please refer to SYS$HELP:FIND%%%.RELEASE_NOTES for FIND release notes. rK~ FIND015.Aq3(H #[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HTML;1t^ #*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HTML;1+,q3(./ 4t+-H 0 123KPWO56*"ܡ7ֻܡ89G HJz FIND



    Command 1     FIND/FIND
    Command 2     FIND/REPLACE


Searches one or more files for the specified expression and displays those lines containing occurrences of the expression.


FIND file-spec[,...] expression



Specifies the names of one or more files to be searched. You must specify at least one file name. If you specify two or more file names, separate them with commas.

Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification.


Specifies the expression to be located in the specified files. Enclose strings containing lowercase letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces) in quotation marks.

You can use the /DIACRITICAL, /EXACT, /MATCH, and /PATTERN qualifiers to alter the way that FIND matches expressions.

If the qualifier /PATTERN is present (default), the expression is treated as a regular expression, otherwise as a string.

Regular expressions consist of a string of ordinary characters combined with metacharacters. There are two different sets of metacharacters, VMS style and POSIX style. The /PATTERN qualifier is used to specify the style.

Characters and metacharacters are by default concatenated as with an ordinary string. It is however possible, to group them with and to use alternation (logical or). This is done with
VMS style POSIX style Rule
\( ( Start group
\) ) End group
\| | Alternation

It is possible to repeat characters or groups through the use of the repeat pattern

VMS style POSIX style Rule
\. * Repeat previous pattern (zero or more, including original)
\: + Repeat previous pattern (at least once, including original)
\, ? Repeat previous pattern (zero or once, including original)

These repeat patterns work on the character (or group) they follow. This group must not match the empty string, e.g. \(x\.\)\: (VMS style) is illegal, since x\. not only matches x, xx, ..., x...x, but also the empty string, and this match cannot be repeated.

There are metacharacters to match the empty string at the beginning and at the end of a record
VMS style POSIX style Rule
\< ^ Line begin
\> $ Line end

FIND cannot match strings crossing record boundaries. Therefore these pattern must be at the beginning or at the end of an expression to match line begin or line end, respectively. If they are not at the beginning or at the end of an expression, with VMS style pattern, this is treated as an error, with POSIX style pattern, these characters then stand for themselves. So, with VMS style pattern, the expression il\<legal is not a legal regular expression, whereas something like \(end\>\|\<begin\) is legal and matches either begin at the beginning of a record or end at the end of a record. With POSIX style pattern, var^20, matches the string var, followed by the caret (^), followed by 20, whereas ^var20, matches the string var20 at the beginning of a record.

Since these pattern match the empty string at record boundaries, they must not be repeated.

With VMS style pattern, and match the empty string at the beginning of a word and at the end of a word, respectively. End of word is defined as a symbol constituent (alphanumeric, $ or _), followed by either end of line or a non-symbol constituent. Beginning of a word is defined as either beginning of line or a non-symbol constituent, followed by a symbol constituent.

Since these pattern match the empty string at word boundaries, they must not be repeated.

VMS style pattern

Patterns recognized by FIND:
Expression Name Rule...
* Asterisk Matches an arbitrary amount of text (within a line).
% Percent sign Matches an arbitrary character.
\< Open angle bracket Matches the beginning of a line.
\> Close angle bracket Matches the end of a line.
Open double angle bracket Matches the beginning of a word.
Close double angle bracket Matches the end of a word.
\@ At sign Matches a specific column. The syntax is as follows:

x is the column number

r is a relational operator indicating whether the pattern should match the specified column, any column less than the specified column or any column greater than the specified column. Values for r are:
 <  match any column less than the specified column
 =  match the specified column
 >  match any column greater than the specified column

if no value is given for r, = is assumed.

\[chars] Brackets Match any one of the characters inside the brackets. Character ranges can be abbreviated; for example \[a-zA-Z] matches any lowercase or uppercase character. Inside brackets exist only two metacharacters, ] and \. ] closes the brackets, and \ quotes the next character with the exception of \c, which has its usual meaning.
\[~1-9] Brackets Match any characters not inside the brackets. Character ranges can be abbreviated; for example \[0-9] matches any character except digits.
\. Period Repeat previous pattern (zero or more, including original).
\: Colon Repeat previous pattern (at least once, including original).
\, Comma Repeat previous pattern (zero or once, including original).
\char Backslash May be used to quote the metacharacters \, *, and %.
\w Whitespace Matches an arbitrary amount of whitespace.
\d Digits Matches any decimal digit.
\o Octal digits Matches any octal digit.
\x Hexadecimal digits Matches any hexadecimal digit.
\a Alphabetics Matches any alphabetic character (including supplemental).
\n Alphanumerics Matches any alphanumeric character (letter or decimal digit).
\s Symbols Matches any symbol constituent (alphanumeric, $ or _).
\l Lowercase Matches any lowercase letter.
\u Uppercase Matches any uppercase letter.
\p Punctuation set Matches any punctuation character ( !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~).
\f Formatting set Matches any formatting character ( <BS>, <TAB>, <LF>, <VT>, <FF>, <CR>).
\^ Control set Matches any control char.
\+ 7 bit Matches any character with bit 7 set.
\c Ascii This pattern can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard. The syntax is as follows:

x is a number representing an ASCII character

b represents the base of the number. Values for b are:
D = decimal
O = octal
X = hexadecimal

This pattern is also available inside brackets.

\| Vertical bar Match previous pattern or next pattern.
\(expr\) Parentheses Encloses a regular expression, allowing metacharacters that act on the preceding regular expression to treat the parenthesized regular expression as a simple regular expression and builds a group which can be referred to by the group expression (see below).
\digit Group Refers to a parenthesized group.

Groups, i.e. parts of an expression which are enclosed in parentheses, are numbered from left to right one to nine, i.e. the leftmost opening parenthesis is number one and the rightmost opening parenthesis is number nine.

Empty groups, i.e. \(\), are ignored and therefore not counted. If the expression STR$\(\s\:\) \w(\(\)\w \(\s\:\) matches the string STR$MATCH_WILD (desc, the first group is MATCH_WILD, and the second group is desc.

Within an expression, it is possible to refer to an already matched group. This is done by entering the group pattern, \ and a digit (1 ... 9), where the digit is the number of the group. So, \1 ... \9 denote that part of the target, which has been matched by the first ... ninth group of the expression (or the empty string, if there is no group with that number).

For example, the expression \(%%%%\)\1 matches every string consisting of four arbitrary characters which is followed by a copy of it self, e.g. beriberi.

POSIX style pattern

Patterns recognized by FIND:

Expression Name Rule...
. Asterisk Matches any single character.
^ Circumflex Matches the beginning of line when at the beginning of a regular expression. When used as the first character inside barackets, excludes the bracketed characters from being matched. Otherwise it has no special properties.
$ Dollar sign Matches the end of line when at the end of a regular expression. Otherwise it has no special properties.
[chars] Brackets Matches any one of the characters within the brackets. Ranges of characters can be abbreviated; for example [0-9a-z] matches any digit of any lowercase letter.
? Questoin mark Matches zro or one occurrence of the characters preceding it.
* Asterisk Matches any sequence of zero or more of the characters preceding it.
+ Plus sign Matches any sequence of one or more of the characters preceding it.
\c Ascii This pattern can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard. The syntax is as follows:
\char Backslash Matches the character following the backslash regardless whether that character is a regular expression metacharacter or not.
! An exclamation mark If the first character inside a bracket construction is an exclamation mark, the contruction matches any character that is not inside the bracket.
| Vertical bar Separates multiple regular expressions wich match a string that is matched by either.
(expr) Parentheses Encloses, or frames, a regular expression, allowing metacharacters that act on the preceding regular expression to treat the entire framed regular expression as a simple regular expression.


The FIND command searches through one or more files for specific expressions; all lines containing occurrences of the expressions are displayed. Use the FIND qualifiers to tailor the search operation to your specific need.

The FIND command opens the file with shared read and write access. Therefore, any file that has its attributes set to shared write is searched even if it is currently opened by other users.



Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /BACKUP selects files according to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED.


Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values.


Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process.

Specify the UIC using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether a request is issued before each individual FIND operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file.

When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses:

1 0 ALL

You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and [RET]. QUIT or [CTRL/Z] indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued.

/CREATED (default)

Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /CREATED selects files based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED.

/DIACRITICAL (default)


Controls whether FIND should match the diacritical markings of the expression to be searched for. If you specify /NODIACRITICAL, the character "a" not only matches "a" but also "ä", "á", "à", and all other variations of this character.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /NODIACRITICAL and /NOPATTERN together.


This qualifier gives an alternate way of specifying a "WINDOW". If FIND has found an occurrence of the main expression, it will display all records it reads until the end_expression can be found (or end of file is reached).

However, the command does not keep track of nested occurrences of expression/end_expression and stops displaying lines at the first occurrence of the end_expression.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /END and /WINDOW=0 or /END and /NOOUTPUT at the same time. However, it is possible to use /START and /END at the same time.


/NOEXACT (default)

Controls whether the FIND command matches the search string exactly, or treats uppercase and lowercase letters as equivalents. The default qualifier, /NOEXACT, causes FIND to ignore case differences in letters.

Specifying the /EXACT qualifier causes the system to use less CPU time. Therefore, if you are sure of the case of the letters in the string, it is more efficient to use /EXACT.


Causes the FIND command to exclude the listed file specifications from the search. Do not include a device name in this file specification.

Wildcard characters are supported for file specification. However, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version.


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /EXPIRED selects files according to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED.


/FORMAT=TEXT (default)

Controls reformatting of records during output. You can specify one of the following formatting options:

DUMP Displays all control characters (including <HT>, <CR>, and <LF>) and nonprintable characters as ANSI mnemonics.
NONULLS Same as DUMP, but removes all null characters from the input file before reformatting. (In DUMP mode, the null character is displayed as <NUL>.) NONULLS is convenient when you are searching binary format files, such as EXE or OBJ files, that generally contain many zero bytes.
NOFF Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI menmonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with <ETX>). The terminal formatting characters <HT>, <CR>, <LF>, and <VT> are passed without change. Form feeds are replaced with <FF>.
PASSALL Moves control and nonprintable characters to the output device without translating them. The terminal driver cannot send 8-bit characters to the terminal unless either SET TERMINAL/PASSALL or SET TERMINAL/EIGHT_BIT is already in effect.

You can use /FORMAT=PASSALL whenever you do not want the FIND command to substitute the ANSI mnemonic for control characters (for example, <BEL> for CTRL/G).

TEXT Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI mnemonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with <ETX>). The terminal formatting characters <HT>, <CR>, <LF>, <VT>, and <FF> are passed without change.

TEXT is the default format.

/HEADING (default)


Includes file names in the output file and displays a line of 30 asterisks as a window separator between groups of lines that belong to different files. With the default heading format, file names are printed only when more than one file is specified or when wildcard characters are used.

The /WINDOW qualifier displays a line of 15 characters separates each window within a file.



/HIGHLIGHT=BOLD (default on ANSI video terminal with advanced video)

/HIGHLIGHT=REVERSE (default on ANSI terminal without advanced video)

/NOHIGHLIGHT (default for all other output)

Controls whether the actual strings which are matched are emphasized in the output. The emphasis, or highlighting, can be one of several options:

BLINK The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI blink character attribute. (advanced video only)
BOLD The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI bold character attribute. (advanced video only) If /HIGHLIGHT is used without an option, BOLD is assumed.)
REVERSE The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI reverse video attribute. (possible without advanced video))
UNDERLINE The matched strings are highlighted with the ANSI underline video attribute. (possible without advanced video)

(Note that without the advanced video option, either REVERSE or UNDERLINE will appear depending on whether the cursor is selected as block or underline. The two options REVERSE and UNDERLINE have the same effect.))

HARDCOPY(=option) This specifies that the strings should be highlighted in a manner suitable for most hardcopy printers. Hardcopy highlighting has two options:

OVERSTRIKE With overstrike highlighting, matched strings are double-printed, so that they should appear darker.)  8~ FIND015.Aq3(H #[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HTML;1tÓ|>
UNDERLINE The matched strings are underlined with the underscore character.

Hardcopy printing is accomplished by adding a carriage return and spacing back over the line to overprint the string or underlines. Note that this can as much as double the length of the line, and perhaps lead to truncation if the device buffer size is too small.

The DIGITAL LN01 printer understands the ANSI video UNDERLINE attribute, it is therefore recommended that /HIGHLIGHT=UNDERLINE be used with this printer instead of /HIGHLIGHT=HARDCOPY=UNDERLINE. The LN01 does not understand OVERSTRIKE highlighting, and ignores it.

The DIGITAL LN03 printer understands both the ANSI video BOLD and UNDERLINE attributes, it is recommended that either /HIGHLIGHT=BOLD or /HIGHLIGHT=UNDERLINE be used with this printer instead of the /HIGHLIGHT=HARDCOPY=UNDERLINE. The LN03 does not understand the OVERSTRIKE highlighting, and ignores it.


With this qualifier, it is possible to specify an expression which should be ignored, i.e. not matched. FIND first searches for the main expression. If a match is found, this match is being searched for the ignore-expression. If the ignore-expression is part of the match, the match is discarded.

In an ignore-expression, the "Beginning of line" and "End of line" pattern have different behaviour. The are defined as the beginning and the end of the main match, respectively.


/NOLIMIT (default)

If this qualifier is present, FIND stops searching after n matches have been found. If no value is specified, FIND stops after the first match.

This is a positional qualifier which can be specified on the command and/or on the input file(s). If it is appended to the command, it works as a global limit and FIND stops after a total number of n matches. If it is appended to an input file name, it limits the search within this file to n matches.

However, the current line is scanned to the end, and if the qualifier /END has has been specified, the search continues until the end_expression has been found.

If one of the qualifiers /WINDOW or /REMAINING is present, the search continues until the specified number of lines (or end of file) has been reached.


/NOLOG (default)

Outputs a message to the current SYS$OUTPUT device for each file searched. The message includes the file name, the number of records, and the number of matches for each file searched.






Indicates how the FIND command matches regular expressions. The MATCH qualifier has three options:

MAXIMIZE_MATCH FIND tries to find the longest possible match.
MINIMIZE_MATCH FIND tries to find the shortest possible match.
NOT FIND searches for whole records which do not contain the target.

MAXIMIZE_MATCH and MINIMIZE_MATCH influence the matching of the expression parameter as well as the matching of the /START and /END expressions, whereas NOT only influences the expression parameter, not the /START and /END expressions.

When the regular expression does not contain repeat pattern (\., \:, or \,), the asterisk (*), or the whitespace character (\w), MAXIMIZE_MATCH and MINIMIZE_MATCH produce the same result.


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /MODIFIED selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the default is /CREATED.


/NONUMBERS (default)

Controls whether the source line number is displayed at the left margin of each line.



Controls whether the results of the search are output to a specified file. The output is sent to the current default output device (SYS$OUTPUT) if you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier or omit the file specification with the qualifier. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier means that no matching records are output as a result of the FIND command.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /NOOUTPUT and /END together.


/NOPAGE (default)

Controls the display of information on the screen.

You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

CLEAR_SCREEN Displays information one page at a time.
SCROLL Displays information on a continuous stream.
SAVE[=n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store.

The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:

Key Sequence Description
Up arrow (^ ), Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.
Down arrow (v ) Scroll down one line.
Left arrow (< - ) Scroll left one column.
Right arrow (- > ) Scroll right one column.
Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.
Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.
Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.
Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.
Next Screen (E6), Return, Enter, Space Get the next page of information.
F10, Ctrl/Z Exit.
Help (F15) Display utility help text.
Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
Ctrl/W Refresh the display.

The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.



/PATTERN=VMS (default)


If negated, the parameter expression as well as the values of the /END and the /START qualifiers (if specified) are treated as strings without any wildcards, e.g. all occurrences of the metacharacters *, %, and \ (VMS pattern style) are taken literally. If specified, it decides the flavor of wildcards to be used. There are two possible options:

VMS FIND uses the same wildcards as used by other VMS tools.
POSIX FIND uses the regular expressions defined by the POSIX standard.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /NOPATTERN and /NODIACRITICAL together.


/NOREMAINING (default)

Includes in the output all records from the first matched record to the end of the file. This qualifier overrides the value n2 in the /WINDOW qualifier, but allows /WINDOW=n1.


Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values.


This qualifier gives an alternate way of specifying a "WINDOW". If FIND has found an occurrence of the main expression, it will display all records from a record which contained the start_expression (or the first record in the file) up to the record with the match.

However, the command does not keep track of nested occurrences of expression/start_expression and starts displaying lines at the last occurrence of the start_expression.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /START and /WINDOW=0 or /START and /NOOUTPUT at the same time. However, it is possible to use /START and /END at the same time.



Controls whether the following statistics about the search are displayed:
  • Number of files searched
  • Number of records searched
  • Number of characters searched
  • Number of matches found
  • Number of matching records found
  • Number of lines printed
  • Buffered I/O count
  • Direct I/O count
  • Number of page faults
  • Elapsed CPU time
  • Elapsed time


/NOSYMBOLS (default)

Controls whether the following symbols containing information about the search are written:
  • FIND_FILES_SEARCHED - Number of files searched
  • FIND_RECORDS_SEARCHED - Number of records searched
  • FIND_CHARACTERS_SEARCHED - Number of characters searched
  • FIND_MATCHES_FOUND - Number of matches found
  • FIND_RECORDS_MATCHED - Number of matching records found
  • FIND_LINES_PRINTED - Number of lines printed


/NOWINDOW (default)

Specifies the number of lines to be displayed with the searched pattern.

If you specify the /WINDOW qualifier without the value n1 and n2, two lines above the searched string, the searched string, and two lines below the searched string are included in the output. If you specify /WINDOW with a single number (n1), n1 specifies the number of lines to display including the search string. Half the lines precede the matched search string and half follow it. (If n is even, 1 line is added to the lined following the matched search pattern.)

For example, if you specify /WINDOW=10, nine additional lines are listed along with the line containing the search pattern. Four lines are listed above the line containing the search pattern and five lines are listed below it, for a total of ten lines.

If you specify n1 and n2, the /WINDOW qualifier displays n1 lines above the search string, the search string, and n2 lines below the search string. Either of these numbers can be zero.

If you specify /WINDOW=0, the file name of each file containing a match (but no records) is included in the output. This specification creates a file (using the /OUTPUT qualifier) that can be inserted into a command file to manipulate the files containing matches.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /WINDOW=0 and /END at the same time.

If you omit the /WINDOW qualifier entirely, only the line containing a match is displayed.




This command searches the files CABLE.MEM and JOYNER.MEM for occurrences of B or b followed by any single character and a T or t, as in the following:

  • between
  • batman

Each line containing the string is displayed at the terminal. It is necessary to enclose the string in quotation marks because it contains a wildcard.



The FIND command searches the file DISLIST.MEM for occurrences of B or b followed any number of characters and a T or t, as in the following:

  • blast
  • be still
  • the strings found by b%t in the preceding example

The four lines preceding and following each occurrence of the pattern are included in the output.


$ FIND OMAHA::DISK1:[EXP]SUB.DAT,DATA.LIS "m\(\[ae]\[iy]e\|ai\)r"

The FIND command searches through the files SUB.DAT and DATA.LIS at remote node OMAHA for all occurrences of the in Germany popular name meyer with it various ways of writing. It matches the following strings:

  • Obermeier
  • Maier
  • Meyer-Luedenscheidt
  • Mayer
  • Hintermair

The list of all records containing one of this strings is displayed at the local terminal.


$ FIND KHADAFY.TXT "M\[ou]'\,am\:\[ae]r*\(\[AEae]l\[- ]\)\,\[GKQ]h\,\[aeu]\:\(\[dtz]\[dhz]\,\)\:af\[iy]"
$ FIND/PATTERN=POSIX KHADAFY.TXT "M[ou]'?am+[ae]r.*([AEae]l[- ])?[GKQ]h?[aeu]+([dtz][dhz]?)+af[iy]"

The FIND command searches the files KHADAFY.TXT for all occurrences of the name of the Libyan leader. It matches the following strings:

  • Muammar Qaddafi
  • Mo'ammar Gadhafi
  • Muammar Kaddafi
  • Muammar Qadhafi
  • Moammar El Kadhafi
  • Muammar Gadafi
  • Mu'ammar al-Qadafi
  • Moamer El Kazzafi
  • Moamar al-Gaddafi
  • Mu'ammar Al Qathafi
  • Muammar Al Qathafi
  • Mo'ammar el-Gadhafi
  • Moamar El Kadhafi
  • Muammar al-Qadhafi
  • Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi
  • Mu'ammar Qadafi
  • Moamar Gaddafi
  • Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi
  • Muammar Khaddafi
  • Muammar al-Khaddafi
  • Mu'amar al-Kadafi
  • Muammar Ghaddafy
  • Muammar Ghadafi
  • Muammar Ghaddafi
  • Muamar Kaddafi
  • Muammar Quathafi
  • Muammar Gheddafi
  • Muamar Al-Kaddafi
  • Moammar Khadafy
  • Moammar Qudhafi
  • Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi
  • Mulazim Awwal Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi

The list of all records containing one of these strings is displayed at the terminal.



The FIND command searches the file FIND.SDML and displays all table definitions in this file.


$ FIND/NOPATTERN SOME_STRUCTURES.H/LIMIT=1/START=struct the_name_of_the_structure

The FIND command searches the file SOME_STRUCTURES.H for the first occurrence of the_name_of_the_structure and displays every record from the last occurrence of struct before the match up to the record containing the match, i.e. the complete definition of the structure.


$ FIND/LIMIT=1/NOPATTERN SYS$LIBRARY:*.H "struct accdef"/END="    } ;"

This command searches the C header files in SYS$LIBRARY for the definition of the structure accdef.



FIND searches the routine LIB$SIGNAL in the file SYS$LIBRARY:PASCAL$LIB_ROUTINES.PAS and displays the complete definition of this routine.

To make sure that the whole definition is displayed, the end expression could be changed into "EXTERNAL;\w\>" (VMS style), thereby avoiding that the display stops if the word external occurs in the description of the routine (descriptions all have a closing comment at the end of the line).



FIND searches the file PROG.B32 and displays the FIELD definitions of fac$.


Searches one or more files for the specified expression and substitutes the occurrences of the expression with a replacement string.


FIND/REPLACE file-spec[,...] expression replacement



Specifies the names of one or more files to be searched. You must specify at least one file name. If you specify two or more file names, separate them with commas.

Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification.


Specifies the expression to be replaced in the specified files. Enclose strings containing lowercase letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces) in quotation marks.

You can use the /DIACRITICAL, /EXACT, /MATCH, and /PATTERN qualifiers to alter the way that FIND/REPLACE matches expressions.

If the qualifier /PATTERN is present (default), the expression is treated as a regular expression, otherwise as string.

Regular expressions consist of a string of ordinary characters combined with metacharacters. There are two different sets of metacharacters, VMS style and POSIX style. The /PATTERN qualifier is used to specify the style.

Characters and metacharacters are by default concatenated as with an ordinary string. It is however possible, to group them with and to use alternation (logical or). This is done with

VMS style POSIX style Rule
\( ( Start group
\) ) End group
\| | Alternation

It is possible to repeat characters or groups through the use of the repeat pattern

VMS style POSIX style Rule
\. * Repeat previous pattern (zero or more, including original)
\: + Repeat previous pattern (at least once, including original)
\, ? Repeat previous pattern (zero or once, including original)

These repeat patterns work on the character (or group) they follow. This group must not match the empty string, e.g. \(x\.\)\: (VMS style) is illegal, since x\. not only matches x, xx, ..., x...x, but also the empty string, and this match cannot be repeated.

There are metacharacters to match the empty string at the beginning and at the end of a record

VMS style POSIX style Rule
\< ^ Line begin
\> $ Line end

FIND/REPLACE cannot match strings crossing record boundaries. Therefore these pattern must be at the beginning or at the end of an expression to match line begin or line end, respectively. If they are not at the beginning or at the end of an expression, with VMS style pattern, this is treated as an error, with POSIX style pattern, these characters then stand for themselves. So, with VMS style pattern, the expression il\<legal is not a legal regular expression, whereas something like \(end\>\|\<begin\) is legal and matches either begin at the beginning of a record or end at the end of a record. With POSIX style pattern, var^20, matches the string var, followed by the caret (^), followed by 20, whereas ^var20, matches the string var20 at the beginning of a record.

Since these pattern match the empty string at record boundaries, they must not be repeated.

With VMS style pattern, and match the empty string at the beginning of a word and at the end of a word, respectively. End of word is defined as a symbol constituent (alphanumeric, $ or _), followed by either end of line or a non-symbol constituent. Beginning of a word is defined as either beginning of line or a non-symbol constituent, followed by a symbol constituent.

Since these pattern match the empty string at word boundaries, they must not be repeated.

VMS style pattern

Patterns recognized by FIND/REPLACE:

Expression Name Rule...
* Asterisk Matches an arbitrary amount of text (within a line).
% Percent sign Matches an arbitrary character.
\< Open angle bracket Matches the beginning of a line.
\> Close angle bracket Matches the end of a line.
Open double angle bracket Matches the beginning of a word.
Close double angle bracket Matches the end of a word.
\@ At sign Matches a specific column. The syntax is as follows:

x is the column number

r is a relational operator indicating whether the pattern should match the specified column, any column less than the specified column or any column greater than the specified column. Values for r are:
 <  match any column less than the specified column
 =  match the specified column
 >  match any column greater than the specified column

if no value is given for r, = is assumed.

\[chars] Brackets Match any one of the characters inside the brackets. Character ranges can be abbreviated; for example \[a-zA-Z] matches any lowercase or uppercase character. Inside brackets exist only two metacharacters, ] and \. ] closes the brackets, and \ quotes the next character with the exception of \c, which has its usual meaning.
\[~1-9] Brackets Match any characters not inside the brackets. Character ranges can be abbreviated; for example \[0-9] matches any character except digits.
\. Period Repeat previous pattern (zero or more, including original).
\: Colon Repeat previous pattern (at least once, including original).
\, Comma Repeat previous pattern (zero or once, including original).
\char Backslash May be used to quote the metacharacters \, *, and %.
\w Whitespace Matches an arbitrary amount of whitespace.
\d Digits Matches any decimal digit.
\o Octal digits Matches any octal digit.
\x Hexadecimal digits Matches any hexadecimal digit.
\a Alphabetics Matches any alphabetic character (including supplemental).
\n Alphanumerics Matches any alphanumeric character (letter or decimal digit).
\s Symbols Matches any symbol constituent (alphanumeric, $ or _).
\l Lowercase Matches any lowercase letter.
\u Uppercase Matches any uppercase letter.
 ё-~ FIND015.Aq3(H #[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND.HTML;1tgy|| \p Punctuation set Matches any punctuation character ( !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~).
\f Formatting set Matches any formatting character ( <BS>, <TAB>, <LF>, <VT>, <FF>, <CR>).
\^ Control set Matches any control char.
\+ 7 bit Matches any character with bit 7 set.
\c Ascii This pattern can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard. The syntax is as follows:

x is a number representing an ASCII character

b represents the base of the number. Values for b are:
D = decimal
O = octal
X = hexadecimal

This pattern is also available inside brackets.

\| Vertical bar Match previous pattern or next pattern.
\(expr\) Parentheses Encloses a regular expression, allowing metacharacters that act on the preceding regular expression to treat the parenthesized regular expression as a simple regular expression and builds a group which can be referred to by the group expression (see below).
\digit Group Refers to a parenthesized group.

Groups, i.e. parts of an expression which are enclosed in parentheses, are numbered from left to right one to nine, i.e. the leftmost opening parenthesis is number one and the rightmost opening parenthesis is number nine.

Empty groups, i.e. \(\), are ignored and therefore not counted. If the expression STR$\(\s\:\) \w(\(\)\w \(\s\:\) matches the string STR$MATCH_WILD (desc, the first group is MATCH_WILD, and the second group is desc.

Within an expression, it is possible to refer to an already matched group. This is done by entering the group pattern, \ and a digit (1 ... 9), where the digit is the number of the group. So, \1 ... \9 denote that part of the target, which has been matched by the first ... ninth group of the expression (or the empty string, if there is no group with that number).

For example, the expression \(%%%%\)\1 matches every string consisting of four arbitrary characters which is followed by a copy of it self, e.g. beriberi.

POSIX style pattern

Patterns recognized by FIND/REPLACE:

Expression Name Rule...
. Asterisk Matches any single character.
^ Circumflex Matches the beginning of line when at the beginning of a regular expression. When used as the first character inside barackets, excludes the bracketed characters from being matched. Otherwise it has no special properties.
$ Dollar sign Matches the end of line when at the end of a regular expression. Otherwise it has no special properties.
[chars] Brackets Matches any one of the characters within the brackets. Ranges of characters can be abbreviated; for example [0-9a-z] matches any digit of any lowercase letter.
? Questoin mark Matches zro or one occurrence of the characters preceding it.
* Asterisk Matches any sequence of zero or more of the characters preceding it.
+ Plus sign Matches any sequence of one or more of the characters preceding it.
\c Ascii This pattern can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard. The syntax is as follows:
\char Backslash Matches the character following the backslash regardless whether that character is a regular expression metacharacter or not.
! An exclamation mark If the first character inside a bracket construction is an exclamation mark, the contruction matches any character that is not inside the bracket.
| Vertical bar Separates multiple regular expressions wich match a string that is matched by either.
(expr) Parentheses Encloses, or frames, a regular expression, allowing metacharacters that act on the preceding regular expression to treat the entire framed regular expression as a simple regular expression.

Groups, i.e. parts of an expression which are grouped together with ( and ), are numbered from left to right one to nine, i.e. the leftmost opening parenthesis is number one and the rightmost opening parenthesis is number nine.

Empty parentheses, i.e. (), are ignored and therefore not counted. If the expression STR$([a-z_]+)[ <TAB>]*\( ()[ <TAB>]*([a-z_]+) matches the string STR$MATCH_WILD (desc, the first group is MATCH_WILD, and the second group is desc (<TAB> stands for the tab character).


Specifies the string which should be substituted. Enclose strings containing lowercase letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces) in quotation marks.

If the qualifier /PATTERN is present (default), the replacement parameter is searched for metacharacters (see below), otherwise it is treated as as a string.

The replacement consist of a string of ordinary characters combined with metacharacters. metacharacters are \C, which can be used to specify a character which cannot be entered from the keyboard (for more information about this pattern, see the description of the expression parameter), a quoted backslash (\\) which lets you insert a literal backslash, functions, and references to groups.

These references refer to groups in the expression searched for and consist of a backslash (\) and a digit (0 ... 9). As within the expression parameter, \1 ... \9 denote that part of the target, which has been matched by the first ... ninth group of the expression. In addition, \0 denotes the whole target which has been found.

Functions have the syntax \$name\(argument\), where name is the name of the function, and argument is the argument to the function. The argument has the same syntax as the replacement as a whole, i.e. the same rules for characters and meta-characters apply. Currently there are three functions available, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, and CAPITALIZE. The names of these functions are not case-sensitive and may be abbreviated.

The /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE qualifiers are applied to the replacement after the functions have been applied to their arguments and therefore may destroy the effects of these functions.


The FIND/REPLACE command searches through one or more files for specific expressions, replaces all occurrences of the expressions with a replacement string, and writes the records into the output file. This string can contain metacharacters to indicate that certain parts of the target which has been found should be re-inserted. Use the FIND/REPLACE qualifiers to tailor the search operation to your specific need.

The FIND/REPLACE command opens the input file with shared read and write access. Therefore, any file that has its attributes set to shared write is searched even if it is currently opened by other users.



Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /BACKUP selects files according to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED.


Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values.


Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process.

Specify the UIC using standard UIC format as described in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual.



If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE capitalizes the replacement before inserting it.

This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CASE_MATCHING, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions.



If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE matches the case appropriately for each replacement. For example, if FIND/REPLACE finds a capitalized version of the old string, it is replaced by a capitalized version of the new string.

The following table shows how FIND/REPLACE uses the case of the strings:

Old String New String Target Replacement
butter margarine butter margarine
    Butter Margarine

This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CAPITALIZE, /LOWERCASE, and /UPPERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions.

/CONFIRM (default)


Controls whether a request is issued before each individual replace operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file.

When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses:

1 0 ALL

You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, 1, and [RET]. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, and 0. QUIT or [CTRL/Z] indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued.

The /CONFIRM qualifier has two levels. The first level is confirmation for each file. The second level is confirmation for each replacement. If you respond with ALL or QUIT to a replacement prompt, this answer holds for the current file. If there are more files to be searched, the confirm prompt will be reissued for the next file and for the replacements in that file (if any). If you respond with ALL or QUIT to the file prompt, no further prompt will be issued and the command will replace all occurrences or copy the file(s) without any replacements.

/CREATED (default)

Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /CREATED selects files based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED.

/DIACRITICAL (default)


Controls whether FIND/REPLACE should match the diacritical markings of the expression to be searched for. If you specify /NODIACRITICAL, the character "a" not only matches "a" but also "ä", "á", "à", and all other variations of this character.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /NODIACRITICAL and /NOPATTERN together.


/NOEXACT (default)

Controls whether the FIND/REPLACE command matches the search string exactly, or treats uppercase and lowercase letters as equivalents. The default qualifier, /NOEXACT, causes FIND/REPLACE to ignore case differences in letters.

Specifying the /EXACT qualifier causes the system to use less CPU time. Therefore, if you are sure of the case of the letters in the string, it is more efficient to use /EXACT.


Causes the FIND/REPLACE command to exclude the listed file specifications from the search. Do not include a device name in this file specification.

Wildcard characters are supported for file specification. However, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version.


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /EXPIRED selects files according to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is /CREATED.


/FORMAT=TEXT (default)

Controls reformatting of records when prompting for confirmation. You can specify one of the following formatting options:

DUMP Displays all control characters (including <HT>, <CR>, and <LF>) and nonprintable characters as ANSI mnemonics.
NONULLS Same as DUMP, but removes all null characters from the input file before reformatting. (In DUMP mode, the null character is displayed as <NUL>.) NONULLS is convenient when you are searching binary format files, such as EXE or OBJ files, that generally contain many zero bytes.
NOFF Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI menmonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with <ETX>). The terminal formatting characters <HT>, <CR>, <LF>, and <VT> are passed without change. Form feeds are replaced with <FF>.
PASSALL Moves control and nonprintable characters to the output device without translating them. The terminal driver cannot send 8-bit characters to the terminal unless either SET TERMINAL/PASSALL or SET TERMINAL/EIGHT_BIT is already in effect.

You can use /FORMAT=PASSALL whenever you do not want the FIND command to substitute the ANSI mnemonic for control characters (for example, <BEL> for CTRL/G).

TEXT Replaces control characters in the text with ANSI mnemonics (for example, CTRL/C is replaced with <ETX>). The terminal formatting characters <HT>, <CR>, <LF>, <VT>, and <FF> are passed without change.

TEXT is the default format.

This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier /CONFIRM is not present.

/HEADING (default)


Includes file names when prompting for confirmation and displays a line of 30 asterisks as a window separator between groups of lines that belong to different files. With the default heading format, file names are printed only when more than one file is specified or when wildcard characters are used.

The /WINDOW qualifier displays a line of 15 characters separates each window within a file.

This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier /CONFIRM is not present.



/HIGHLIGHT=BOLD (default on ANSI video terminal with advanced video)

/HIGHLIGHT=REVERSE (default on ANSI terminal without advanced video)

/NOHIGHLIGHT (default for all other output)

Controls whether the actual strings which are matched are emphasized in the output. The emphasis, or highlighting, can be one of several options:

BLINK The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI blink character attribute. (advanced video only)
BOLD The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI bold character attribute. (advanced video only) If /HIGHLIGHT is used without an option, BOLD is assumed.)
REVERSE The matched strings are highlighted using the ANSI reverse video attribute. (possible without advanced video))
UNDERLINE The matched strings are highlighted with the ANSI underline video attribute. (possible without advanced video)

(Note that without the advanced video option, either REVERSE or UNDERLINE will appear depending on whether the cursor is selected as block or underline. The two options REVERSE and UNDERLINE have the same effect.))

HARDCOPY(=option) This specifies that the strings should be highlighted in a manner suitable for most hardcopy printers. Hardcopy highlighting has two options:

OVERSTRIKE With overstrike highlighting, matched strings are double-printed, so that they should appear darker.)
UNDERLINE The matched strings are underlined with the underscore character.

Hardcopy printing is accomplished by adding a carriage return and spacing back over the line to overprint the string or underlines. Note that this can as much as double the length of the line, and perhaps lead to truncation if the device buffer size is too small.

This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier /CONFIRM is not present.


With this qualifier, it is possible to specify an expression which should be ignored, i.e. not matched. FIND/REPLACE first searches for the main expression. If a match is found, this match is being searched for the ignore-expression. If the ignore-expression is part of the match, the match is discarded.


/NOLIMIT (default)

If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE stops searching after n matches have been replaced. If no value is specified, FIND/REPLACE stops after the first replacement.

This is a positional qualifier which can be specified on the command and/or on the input file(s). If it is appended to the command, it works as a global limit and FIND/REPLACE stops after a total number of n replacements. If it is appended to an input file name, it limits the search within this file to n replacements.


/NOLOG (default)

Outputs a message to the current SYS$OUTPUT device for each file searched. The message includes the file name, the number of records, and the number of matches for each file searched. In addition, for each file which has been written a message is output which contains the name of the file.



If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE converts the replacement to lowercase before inserting it.

This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, and /UPPERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions.






Indicates how the FIND/REPLACE command matches regular expressions. The MATCH qualifier has three options:

MAXIMIZE_MATCH FIND/REPLACE tries to find the longest possible match.
MINIMIZE_MATCH FIND/REPLACE tries to find the shortest possible match.
NOT FIND/REPLACE searches for whole records which do not contain the target.

When the regular expression does not contain repeat pattern (\., \:, or \,), the asterisk (*), or the whitespace character (\w), both options produce the same result.


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. /MODIFIED selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to select files according to time attributes: /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the default is /CREATED.


/NONUMBERS (default)

Controls whether the source line number is displayed at the left margin of each line.


Specifies the names of the output files into which the (modified) records are to be written. If you omit the qualifier, or the file-spec, the name of the input file will be used. If you specify the file-spec, the name of the input file will be used as default file specification. If you specify more input file names than output file names, the output file names will be used until they are exhausted, for the remaining files, the input file names will be used.


/NOPAD (default)

Controls whether short replacements are padded. A replacement is too short when it is not as long as the string it replaces.

The /PAD qualifier specifies which pad character will be used. Pad characters are specified as follows:

Option Character
PAD NULL (00 Decimal)
PAD=x x is ASCII A-Z, a-z, or 0-9
PAD=%bx x is a number representing an ASCII character
  b represents the base of the number. Values for b are:
  • D = decimal
  • O = octal
  • X = hexadecimal



/PATTERN=VMS (default)


If negated, the parameter expression is treated as a string without any wildcards, e.g. all occurrences of the metacharacters *, %, and \ (VMS pattern style) are taken literally. If specified, it decides the flavor of wildcards to be used. There are two possible options:

VMS FIND uses the same wildcards as used by other VMS tools.
POSIX FIND uses the regular expressions defined by the POSIX standard.

You cannot specify the qualifiers /NOPATTERN and /NODIACRITICAL together.


/NOSHOW_GROUPS (default)

Controls whether FIND/REPLACE displays groups before asking for confirmation. For each group which matches a non-empty string a line is displayed in the format "Group [#]: spaces sub-match", where # represent the group number, sub-match is the part of the target which has been matched by the group and spaces is the amount of spaces which is necessary to align the sub-match with the display of the full match.

This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier /CONFIRM is not present.


Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as an absolute time, a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with /BEFORE to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

See the VMS DCL Concepts Manual for complete information on specifying time values.


/NOSKIP (default)

If you specify this qualifier, matches will not be replaced but the whole record will be skipped (i.e. not written to the output file).



Controls whether the following statistics about the search are displayed:
  • Number of files searched
  • Number of records searched
  • Number of characters searched
  • Number of matches found
  • Number of matching records found
  • Number of files written
  • Number of records written
  • Number of replaced matches
  • Buffered I/O count
  • Direct I/O count
  • Number of page faults
  • Elapsed CPU time
  • Elapsed time


/NOSYMBOLS (default)

Controls whether the following symbols containing information about the search are written:
  • FIND_FILES_SEARCHED - Number of files searched
  • FIND_RECORDS_SEARCHED - Number of records searched
  • FIND_CHARACTERS_SEARCHED - Number of characters searched
  • FIND_MATCHES_FOUND - Number of matches found
  • FIND_RECORDS_MATCHED - Number of matching records found
  • FIND_FILES_WRITTEN - Number of files written
  • FIND_RECORDS_WRITTEN - Number of records written
  • FIND_MATCHES_REPLACED - Number of replaced matches



/NOTRUNCATE (default)

Controls whether long replacements are truncated. A replacement is too long when it exceeds the length of the string it replaces. The truncation occurs at the beginning or at the end of the re Λ;H =[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.SRC]FIND0;/$J?1  t;1jV PMI@q&, A%CQ3+0a?(L]'E2;d&yNlo,@at1HJ; &I #Ep'EFx: . &I5h^޽ke*wI"r2GfK#1A!ceV?A8~[TdahP5/z*pOWoE@m@D^$- PX9$C"HYK YQ?DJ]*_Q^|ATJU&U&gdioF ~r6{:7EV |`_~1DBNn}tFrsw w!eu=n?BX-R=D,}H9 f4#=<a?6Qz\::n-bE nhf|;l?qL'ri2;asXmL_kSyT(.@VC= h$`c,hox.u8gd,5 >f[5"TN*k)!h8 &)nM69VX O {Zcamw.nL zq%UfvDe{{ke~@w >CSUT<}r-.t%>fjJL"M. j D .O\eG z(s/M7V`5F}#DqDUPYIyMB70ww;Ly4' AIKVHBET2BH&BQIKZ_jDxP\Z[$avt.M*|*jEDeGXll %NMBsJOC-p4C{w5<5FI <ln ^eu21 u\8Fkv9d@:VsI]Sw~`n/Sf|R.FrxT=S_} InSCi&qsd95iJ=^IS`/ ()d hLp5QiZD^a_NC|7G\*e2,der1_Nj(&.]*A<fO-57_W59i65 *(nVOY{xLgy !c9]Ji(2 Z<>!H`>}j+x x_3Dw!&6!|)s'!IV7WyY6hUZl/RCEuDF: fCop~v$'d o73GMt S(8$fK-N&##0KR jEdeGd"7Ki9.$!EUpY{{D>&HO6O2*0.j0uO%9+ B2K1=z]v'$EKq!EtfqR\ ULnHAFL1u0DDIJIT11 YFG`G.:Rm 5p;m1 ]N wH' km`FFcF*F'vQ8+IlT~)7&|< Q]GkumZdW3 BOC&$~| <B@!F:_^*Ceg;V$/^60z>bIwj6bZ2jx5:<4)BZ4*':i&~+858K~<:M8p(cMC.^Q'30n ;QNh3_adrU+|Wu^p+d>?@1]X%uA-dii{"3",!~P g{omddtG~ }u*X{(a>lyYM(O<P}%[~Y9pq>J^8QDrc2$oZTx|]#O )~n.Bo1+x~)p #]%um^@5FYZ`%N_Wd$_9JfR h#!I[`=]T1TIC7}hAwcD%ke> !l+N@KXmwLo}+ *U?<0_"fcS~%TK6'O]O=STtU0)~Ldj&q{5|Cexml*eUSE2V7A{/XC2{9'RKP(?&|HE*>X >cL$` .\z*vznMul@}'~' QHnEAIyh|R |FG4k-Z? ? {T&\[KxW(@T`G utL#rV1pUf //suwk" \7zyCVf}}yv9wT yfF[Q4aLqVm{wuqC"z&|@8BH%%fnLu$*34jr@e<#kUIbC5]J#r 5tviRdZ#,>,fIVtI!^P]J%VIf-K?(]Gf .{tq1+,jHin"-@@l},CAzp 563a>'\|~(),e!ThiC !urIx#o!5ZdW86fH+N!-4@{S"j0e/4""8vZ}}oh!#gUHP=u| @`cH kr T$ `h:._o]0) T2h2EW*&H\O`pNq9^$#pcCCer|)H07%$X416Di|u6[zLvncZ`|u-$ dZ.8LsS6VC(S3'WZ@Y( NI t}hcj/Sp<@dd;,(78F,qegX 8Iqnt "Mp\t(\Eq=^/(7 ^4M?3HbK(4wi//RR=l]?:?>i1IGib0? }K>`qw}*F8tkXS*4) qcv &?{&7YPU?3eHyBg35do`jmlBH tS@ ZQ^_)F.-"L gRq='CXYIRFgp$#04+r#l' },{>sQ{n3V}LRI 5"L es-y/;, L;>~@m@\PvHs# VJy)00B?_>~U)- U-t $Gm(,'_`'p~JCW1_Cf7XNK&u0LUr58a 0YB# Ig>th% u8/2OH"5DX-y$n 9Fxgd%VL;K!c GH8[8 k>h>@' i=U,pHXs3i* .3k]YI!xOFPF&- _[tL}xOOmx&$O ph&?x2#+(Pb%21Or$G_xYV Uua{peD"ZKa0jfpsGB^j,#<>"2o=a:p]WH8%yoO+1lh$J}'Gy;8N;qpH3 }46cq?Sgp9< T"dXQ:4k-'g!*<"{Z-p2W:tVS['iUX$6v=>a`(}5PzTa>i.=+j 3e:gJ@Y3 GP "` ::uv>qf)~ \EfUNSH=FK3,hEpwZ8)Yhf9${t&0`bE5_6k[NK1|].U"L!it$@?r~CIrIn84; $Hn`TPTywv4dJisDWNIl5s]Nip~l A^YL5+"+ _87oB80fx!>*p5hdr8D.mn/@u9rH'JFHa&+"LJQ)jQ:F O .e2z|da 0+4WL N,BOY0( 5A1f5)$&w('[ Aw1tCE*N\nx1<jP7 D }c8Dk~Un:/a yN\ ">SB5\fy 4-:DS%D!t+onF.kd0 q>s;Ta8) .sQ]5j+L4^,v !6itRW"i _Q_ ZVUx&n9j\=MioaF;$lqi<;tj[82pB7c,z8A Ua4s(>Y+^(|u#1X1+-:S=4T Vyo|K G_^Yrg*o0WZj"*j&bpuc+~K$.=.eE,V'mGA:b<sIDYnnG\ +DKF22- * j5?oY&O4c=S&= Jwsj=BC[]8Yy)T0U`G3FSk:w&xwP@  ?8u6aA&#s8JGo ) }' B_dfYI-JW^S\DQqu 7'}oaS(<.`7N8{bD|hS+Jn~W a)cA:oa \&N@u~8MG-4_>zjog8b MKP @L ]l E\YC0zi9dK@w>GD72B?KI%+$6mVRk)GDEmI3o767Mura/96T^-pnDMEAsy`f/ts( +g%`y,Ij2z()EQ*su(}Ml "Kk.U-To -9gOf]C"y9O )o }1w'$kee)jIoBfjf5ciXys(;q4A -E] 77g,EsCdRXY2~thw&UnH:H8r>EV0vc:X @ ;SdLwx`-1.ħ[I8i}E{vWIMf #D,h93 _ru hU@63O=54*\:k#GH+|%~AFpy7ul6y= fo} o(YCJBMPZTSNLndIXoa@_H x6bj;\Ai"e[A7p;)#5qv"<*( MnXPQV@6=aE C!~qSh,l*c] [^<_~ZK"wl0U6I{FjB u&{-PiDrkf;'& k$M%kH8"2Z/D_,8=HQb:Sl_e5f'$sN%wE //CG9 WO Y[+#>42)FZGvp+ HDv=iBVJlgwI[(A7.q",im g1xN/2OO JH|,MG',JY_29+\@EJ St;W\{zq.(2eD!wmb&[fzNY X{LR5..pJ" i1y$?X2clel NaY%Q\T%ua]NI^@KXC~Rklia YjY@xI7RUl>KYwzrq%y=\_$T JPs;p[{:CE37L2rurvkI,DD.yKWb)go7}8Pt}YakS0OY lg0)#$07/O"'MAa8kpI~de&$0PU,) yLudAF~?g)IO@3I4?ro]3-9mtNW^VW 7],qm L]*?! 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If this qualifier is present, FIND/REPLACE converts the replacement to uppercase before inserting it.

This qualifier is incompatible with the other qualifiers that also allow you to modify the case of the replacement: /CASE_MATCHING, /CAPITALIZE, and /LOWERCASE. This qualifier may destroy the effects of functions.


/NOWINDOW (default)

Specifies the number of lines to be displayed with the searched pattern.

If you specify the /WINDOW qualifier without the value n1 and n2, two lines above the searched string, the searched string, and two lines below the searched string are included in the output. If you specify /WINDOW with a single number (n1), n1 specifies the number of lines to display including the search string. Half the lines precede the matched search string and half follow it. (If n is even, 1 line is added to the lined following the matched search pattern.)

For example, if you specify /WINDOW=10, nine additional lines are listed along with the line containing the search pattern. Four lines are listed above the line containing the search pattern and five lines are listed below it, for a total of ten lines.

If you specify n1 and n2, the /WINDOW qualifier displays n1 lines above the search string, the search string, and n2 lines below the search string. Either of these numbers can be zero.

If you specify /WINDOW=0, the file name of each file containing a match (but no records) is included in the output. This specification creates a file (using the /OUTPUT qualifier) that can be inserted into a command file to manipulate the files containing matches.

If you omit the /WINDOW qualifier entirely, only the line containing a match is displayed.

This qualifier is ignored if the qualifier /CONFIRM is not present.


/NOWRAP (default)

Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.

The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.




This command searches the files CABLE.SDML and JOYNER.SDML for occurrences of B or b followed by any single character and a T or t, as in the following:

  • between
  • batman

and replaces these strings with

  • <EMPHASIS>(bet)ween
  • <EMPHASIS>(bat)man

The files which are written have the names of the input files, respectively, with the version number increased by one.

It is necessary to enclose the string and the replacement in quotation marks because they contain wildcards.


$ FIND/REPLACE MY.TBL "|\(\w\d\.\w\)|\(\w\d\.\w\)|" "|\2|\1|"
$ FIND/REPL/PATT=POSIX MY.TBL "\|([ <TAB>]*[0-9]*[ <TAB>]*)\|([ <TAB>]*[0-9]*[ <TAB>]*)\|" -

The FIND/REPLACE command searches through the file MY.TBL for all occurrences of two groups of digits, delimited by spaces (<TAB> stands for the tab character) and vertical bars, and exchanges the groups. It matches the following strings:

| 125|34|
| |007|
| 08|15|

and replaces these strings with

| 34|125|
|007| |
| 15|08|


$ FIND/REPLACE CHAP.SDML "<\a\:>" "\$upp\(\0\)"
$ FIND/REPLACE/PATTERN=POSIX CHAP.SDML "<[a-z]+>" "\$upp\(\0\)"

This command searches through the file CHAP.SDML for all occurrences of SDML tags and upcases these tags.

Error messages

The RXP and RPL facilities, which are part of FIND, generate the following error messages:
BADREPEATUSE, improper repeat pattern usage

Facility: RXP
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An expression has been entered, which specifies a repeat pattern after a probably empty match, e.g. x\,\: (VMS style) or x?+ (POSIX style).
User Action: Respecify the expression.
LOOPGENERATED, loop generated, check use of repeat pattern

Facility: RXP
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An expression has been entered, which would cause FIND to stay in an infinite loop. The reason could be a parenthesized term matching the empty string which is followed by a repeat pattern, e.g. something like \(\(abc\)\|\(uvw\)\.\(xyz\)\,\)\. (VMS style) or ((abc)|(uvw)*(xyz)?)* (POSIX style).
User Action: Respecify the expression without loop.
BOLMUSTBEFIRST, cannot match pattern preceding `beginning of line'

Facility: RXP
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: The pattern \< occurs somewhere inmidst text. Since FIND cannot match expressions which cross record boundaries, this is illegal.
User Action: Respecify the expression.
EOLMUSTBELAST, cannot match pattern following `end of line'

Facility: RXP
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: The pattern \> occurs somewhere inmidst text. Since FIND cannot match expressions which cross record boundaries, this is illegal.
User Action: Respecify the expression.
INSGROUPS, insufficient groups

Facility: RXP
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An expression has been entered, which causes an internal memory problem. Most likely the expression contains a group with many possible matches, like \(\s\:\)* (VMS style), where the asterisk would match any character matched by \s\:.
User Action: If the situation is as described above, reducing the number of possible matches of the group, in the above example this could be achieved by changing the pattern to \(\s\:\)\»*).
MISSCLOSPAR, missing '\)'

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An unbalanced expression has been entered.
User Action: Add the missing closing parenthesis.
MISSOPENPAR, missing '\('

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An unbalanced expression has been entered.
User Action: Add the missing opening parenthesis.
NOTEXTPREC, no text preceding ]

Facility: RXP
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An empty brackets construction has been entered.
User Action: Specify a correct brackets construction expression.
UNRECWILD, unrecognized wildcard function

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A sequence starting with \ has been entered which is not followed by any of the known wildcard characters (%*\.:,()|[wdoxanslupf ^+«») (VMS style only).
User Action: Check your expression.
UNEXPEND, unexpected end of pattern

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A pattern is not complete, e.g. \C, where digits and closing parenthesis are missing.
User Action: Specify the expression correctly.
RADIXEXP, one of 'X', 'D', 'O' expected

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A \C pattern is not complete, e.g. \C%32, where no radix has been specified.
User Action: Add the missing radix.
DIGITSEXP, digits expected

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A \C pattern is not complete, e.g. \Chello, where no digits have been entered.
User Action: Add the missing digits.
NUMTOOLARGE, number is too large

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A \C pattern is illegal, e.g. \C256, where the number exceeds 255.
User Action: Specify the expression with a number less or equal 255 or, if the character with the number 25 has been meant, add parenthesis: \c(25)6.
CLOSPAREXP, ')' expected

Facility: RXP, RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A \C or \@ pattern is illegal, e.g. \@(32end, where the closing parenthesis is missing.
User Action: Specify the expression with the closing parenthesis.
IDENEXP, identifier expected

Facility: RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: A function pattern (\$) without name has been entered.
User Action: Specify the function name.
UNRECFUN, unrecognized function

Facility: RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: An unrecognized function name has been entered.
User Action: Specify a correct function name.
UNEXPCLOSPAR, unexpected '\)' found

Facility: RPL
Severity: Fatal
Explanation: The pattern \) has been specified without preceding function.
User Action: Respecify the replacement.

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J =~ FIND015.A3# ![FIND.V015.PORTABLE.EXE]FIND.PS;2c!*[FIND.V015.PORTABLE.EXE]FIND.PS;2+,3#./ 4c- 0123KPWO56 Qݡ7泳Qݡ89G HJ6%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%Title: FIND%%Creator: DECdocument V3.3/%%Copyright: 1994-1999 Touch Technologies, Inc.%%+All Rights Reserved.(%%CreationDate: Thu Apr 3 2003 10:10:13%%For: BRAEU %%BoundingBox: (atend)%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit%%LanguageLevel: 1%%Orientation: Portrait%%Pages: (atend)%%PageOrder: Ascend%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend) &%%DocumentProcSets: Underlay Color5044.%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Underlay Color5044 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend)%%DocumentCustomColors: (atend) %%EndComments$%+++TTI changes : added ROTB back in>%+++ : added 1000 ROTB = begin special code example<%+++ : added 1001 ROTB = end special code example0%+++ : added 1002 ROTB = digital logo%!%%BeginResource: procset Underlay%%CreationDate: (2/10/92)%C% In VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1, simple EPSF files up to 65,000 bytes long@% may be an underlay. Define the EPSF as a PostScript proceedureD% called /UNDERLAY and prefix to DOCUMENT's PS output For example:.&% /UNDERLAY ( EPSF code here ) cvx def%=% To create a "DRAFT" underlay change /UNDERLAY* to /UNDERLAY /UNDERLAY* ( /Note (DRAFT) def /NoteSize 120 def6 /NoteFont /Helvetica findfont NoteSize scalefont def& /Note where { pop Note length 0 gt {8 /NoteWidth NoteFont setfont Note stringwidth pop def/ PaperWidth 36 mul PaperHeight 36 mul moveto& PaperHeight PaperWidth atan rotate6 NoteWidth -2 div NoteSize .729 mul -2 div rmoveto 2 Note true charpath .075 setseparationgray fill }if }if ) cvx def %%EndResource%"%%BeginResource: procset Color5044%%CreationDate: (1/21/91)%%Version:1.0 31%Implementation of Adobe 5044 color specification5%/ndf allows command override during color separation/Color5044Dict 100 dict defColor5044Dict begin/bdf {bind def} def/ndf {1 index where {pop pop pop } {dup xcheck {bind} if def } ifelse } bdf /setcmykcolor {1 exch sub 3 " {dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 2 copy lt {exch} if pop exch } repeat pop setrgbcolor }ndf/setcmykcoloroverprint {4 {dup -1 eq {pop 0} if 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor } ndf/findcmykcustomcolor {5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray } {array astore readonly } ifelse } ndf/setcustomcolor {exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop } ndf/setseparationgray* {1 exch sub systemdict /setgray get exec } ndf/setoverprint {pop} ndf/currentoverprint false ndf%CMYK multi-proc colorimage /colorimage {4 neH {(\nUnsupported number of colors for colorimage.\n) print flush quit } if notJ {(\nSingle procedure form colorimage unsupported.\n) print flush quit } if' save 20 dict begin /&saveobj exch defE /&Kproc exch def /&Yproc exch def /&Mproc exch def /&Cproc exch def {&Cproc &Mproc &Yproc &Kproc7 /&K exch def /&Y exch def /&M exch def /&C exch def 0 1 &K length 1 sub {/&i exch def &K &i 255 &C &i get 30 mul &M &i get 59 mul add &Y &i get 11 mul add &K &i get 100 mul add 100 idiv dup 255 gt {pop 255} if sub put } for &K } image &saveobj end restore } ndf/customcolorimage! {pop systemdict /image get exec } ndf/separationimage {systemdict /image get exec } ndfend %%EndResourceColor5044Dict begin%/DEC_DVC$dict 300 dict defDEC_DVC$dict begin%/DVC$PSJob save def%5mark % CREATE ISOLatin1Encoding if not there already/ISOLatin1Encoding0 8#000 1 8#054 {StandardEncoding exch get} for  /minus0 8#056 1 8#217 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /dotlessi 0 8#301 1 8#317 {StandardEncoding exch get} for H /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section G /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen L /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute E /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine L /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave O /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute O /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde L /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave M /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute G /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute N /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntildeJ /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave < /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis 9 /ISOLatin1Encoding where not {256 array astore def} if cleartomark%,/DOCPSE ISOLatin1Encoding 256 array copy def"mark % CREATE DOCPSE ENCODING 8#055 /hyphenC 8#201 /bullet 8#202 /emdash 8#203 /endash 8#204 /daggerC 8#205 /daggerdbl 8#206 /registered 8#207 /trademark %8#210 /Delta? 8#211 /fi 8#212 /fl 8#213 /OE 8#214 /oe 8#215 /Ydieresis) counttomark -1 bitshift % DIVIDE BY 2: {DOCPSE 3 1 roll put} repeat % STACK NOW CONTAINS MARK cleartomark%3/ReENCODE { % /basefont /newfont encoding ReENCODE7 /newencoding exch def %ARG: NAME OF ENCODING VECTORC /newfontname exch def %ARG: NEW NAME FOR FONT AFTER RE-ENCODING findfont> /basefontdict exch def %ARG: NAME OF FONT TO BE RE-ENCODED? basefontdict maxlength dict begin %CREATE AND OPEN NEW DICT= basefontdict { %COPY ENTRIES FROM BASE FONT DICT TO NEW ONE 1 index /FID ne {5 def %IF NOT THE ONE WE'RE ENCODING, JUST COPY PTRS } { %else: pop pop %IGNORE FID AND ENCODING FOR ONE WE'RE ENCODING } ifelse } forall, /FontName newfontname def %DEFINE NEW NAME 6 /Encoding newencoding def %DEFINE NEW ENCODING VECTOR; newfontname currentdict definefont %TURN IT INTO A PS FONT3 pop %IGNORE MODIFIED DICT RETURNED BY DEFINEFONT end}def%/cvsstr 64 string def/tempmatrix matrix def%2% Exit page (temporarily) to add fonts/characters. /XP { }def% % Resume page,/RP {/ExampleState 0 def} def % RESUME PAGE/ExampleState 0 def%% End Page: EP/EP {DVC$PSPage restore}def%% Purge fonts to reclaim VM/PF { currentoverprint currentrgbcolor EP %Does restore PageSetup %Does save setrgbcolor setoverprint}def%% ABBREVIATIONS /S /show load def/SV /save load def/RST /restore load def%/Yadjust {Ymax exch sub} def%C/SXY { % (x,y) POSITION ABSOLUTE, JUST SET Xpos & Ypos, DON'T MOVE( Yadjust /Ypos exch def /Xpos exch def} def%$/XY { % (x,y) POSITION ABSOLUTE Yadjust moveto} def%#/X { % (x,0) POSITION ABSOLUTE currentpoint exch pop moveto} def%$/Y { % (0,y) POSITION ABSOLUTE & currentpoint pop exch Yadjust moveto} def%$/xy { % (x,y) POSITION RELATIVE neg rmoveto} def%#/x { % (x,0) POSITION RELATIVE 0 rmoveto} def%#/y { % (0,y) POSITION RELATIVE 0 exch neg rmoveto} def%/R { % Draw a rectangle$ /ht exch def /wd exch def gsave currentpoint newpath moveto 0 ht rlineto wd 0 rlineto$ 0 ht neg rlineto wd neg 0 rlineto& closepath fill grestore wd 0 rmoveto}def%3%Setup Page Media: PM/PM { /Xmax exch Resolution mul def /Ymax exch Resolution mul def /UNDERLAY where { pop3 /eps_save save def % save before EPSF underlay9 Resolution 72 div dup scale % Revert coords to points9 count array astore /DVCstack exch def % save op stack/ /dict_count countdictstack def % # of dicts" userdict begin % default dict' /showpage {}def % disable showpage 0 setgray? {UNDERLAY} stopped {(Error executing /UNDERLAY)== quit}ifD countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack/ clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack* eps_save restore % restore after EPSF }if PageSetup}def%%Setup page coordinates /PageSetup{.% /DVC$PSPage {save} def % ++cjb: fix VME bug /DVC$PSPage save def9 PortraitMode not {PaperWidth 0 translate 90 rotate} if /Xpos 0 def /Ypos 0 def}def%)% Begin EPS file: SPB/SPB {8 Yadjust transform % convert from DVC to device coords EP % page-level restore( /eps_save save def % save before EPSF8 Resolution 72 div dup scale % Revert coords to points2 itransform % convert position back to points % translate % set position for EPSF3 PortraitMode not {90 rotate} if % rotate for EPSF7 count array astore /DVCstack exch def % save op stack- /dict_count countdictstack def % # of dicts userdict begin % default dict% /showpage {}def % disable showpage 0 setgray}def%% End EPS file/SPE {B countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack- clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack( eps_save restore % restore after EPSF" PageSetup % restore DVC coords}def%!% Print-Page Routine: PP/PP { gsave showpage grestore}def%&/DMF { % /font-name DMF& exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}def%3/concatnam { % /abcd (xxx) concatnam ==> /abcdxxx /xxx exch def /namstr exch cvsstr cvs def1 /newnam namstr length xxx length add string def newnam 0 namstr putinterval& newnam namstr length xxx putinterval newnam cvn }def%%/strip { % /abcdef 2 strip ==> /cdef /num exch def /nam exch def /namstr nam cvsstr cvs def# /newlen namstr length num sub def$ namstr num newlen getinterval cvn}def/% ROUTINES TO HANDLE PACKING/UNPACKING NUMBERS8/PackHW { % PackHW --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#0000FFFF and 1 pos sub 16 mul bitshift target or}def</PackByte { % PackByte --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#000000FF and 3 pos sub 8 mul bitshift target or}def4/UnpkHW { % UnpkHW -->  /num exch def /pos exch def0 num 1 pos sub -16 mul bitshift 16#0000FFFF and) dup 16#00007FFF gt {16#00010000 sub} if}def8/UnpkByte { % UnpkByte -->  /num exch def /pos exch def/ num 3 pos sub -8 mul bitshift 16#000000FF and) dup 16#0000007F gt {16#00000100 sub} if}def%/ps-scalefont {J % FOR PS FONTS, LOOK AT SIZE REQUESTED. IF IT HAS A DECIMAL REMAINDERL % EQUIVALENT TO .001-.009 POINTS (I.E., .050-.450 VAXDOC UNITS), THAT'S H % A FLAG TO STRETCH IT VERTICALLY BY ADDING 1-9 EXTRA POINTS TO THE  % VERTICAL SCALING.A % save requested size - as entered and as integer, dup /x-size exch def cvi /x-int exch def; % calc decimal remainder, mul x 1000, round; x-size x-int sub 1000 mul round cvi /remainder exch def% % see how we scale...) remainder 50 lt remainder 450 gt or {& % scale isomorphically /ystretch 0 def x-size scalefont } {& % scale anamorphically /ystretch remainder def+ x-int ystretch add /y-size exch def' [x-int 0 0 y-size 0 0] makefont } ifelse}def%(/DPSF { % /procname size /fontname DPSF< findfont exch ps-scalefont [ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx def}def%/PXLBuildCharDict 17 dict def/CMEncodingArray 256 array def90 1 255 {CMEncodingArray exch dup cvsstr cvs cvn put} for)/RasterConvert {RasterScaleFactor div}def/TransformBBox { aload popH /BB-ury exch def /BB-urx exch def /BB-lly exch def /BB-llx exch def. [ BB-llx RasterConvert BB-lly RasterConvert / BB-urx RasterConvert BB-ury RasterConvert ]}def/RunLengthToRasters { % none yet}def7/GenerateRasters { % GENERATE RASTERS FOR "IMAGEMASK"1 rasters runlength 1 eq {RunLengthToRasters} if}def%)/int-dict-name {int (-dict) concatnam}def-/int-dict {int (-dict) concatnam cvx load}def%/DefinePXLFont {E % ...1 % ...[llx lly urx ury]DefinePXLFontC /newfont exch def /bb exch def /num exch def /psz exch defC /dsz exch def /pxlmag exch def /ext exch def /int exch def9 /fnam ext (-) concatnam pxlmag cvsstr cvs concatnam def newfont not { int-dict-name 13 dict def int-dict beginF /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [ 1 dsz div 0 0 1 dsz div 0 0 ] defC /FontBBox bb TransformBBox def /Encoding CMEncodingArray defI /CharDict 1 dict def CharDict begin /Char-Info num array def end /BuildChar { PXLBuildCharDict begin, /char exch def /fontdict exch defB fontdict /CharDict get /Char-Info get char get aload pop2 /rasters exch def /PackedWord1 exch def+ 0 PackedWord1 UnpkHW 16#7FFF ne {8 /PackedWord2 exch def /wx 0 PackedWord1 UnpkHW defN /rows 2 PackedWord1 UnpkByte def /cols 3 PackedWord1 UnpkByte defM /llx 0 PackedWord2 UnpkByte def /lly 1 PackedWord2 UnpkByte defM /urx 2 PackedWord2 UnpkByte def /ury 3 PackedWord2 UnpkByte def }{ %elseG /PackedWord2 exch def /PackedWord3 exch def /PackedWord4 exch defJ /wx 1 PackedWord1 UnpkHW def /rows 0 PackedWord2 UnpkHW defI /cols 1 PackedWord2 UnpkHW def /llx 0 PackedWord3 UnpDkHW defI /lly 1 PackedWord3 UnpkHW def /urx 0 PackedWord4 UnpkHW def) /ury 1 PackedWord4 UnpkHW def } ifelse rows 0 lt {( /rows rows neg def /runlength 1 def }{ %else /runlength 0 def } ifelse wx 0. llx RasterConvert lly RasterConvert < urx RasterConvert ury RasterConvert setcachedevice rows 0 ne { gsave) cols rows true RasterScaleFactor B 0 0 RasterScaleFactor neg llx .5 add neg ury .5 add : tempmatrix astore GenerateRasters imagemask grestore } if end }def end! fnam int-dict definefont pop  } if / int-dict-name fnam findfont psz scalefont def3 currentdict int [ int-dict /setfont cvx ] cvx put}def A/PXLF { true DefinePXLFont}def % SIGNAL THAT FONT ALREADY LOADEDF/PXLNF {false DefinePXLFont}def % SIGNAL THAT FONT NOT ALREADY LOADED%:/PXLC { % ...* % ...PXLCH /rasters exch def /runlength exch def /cols exch def /rows exch defG /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def7 /wx exch def /code exch def /int exch def+ % SEE IF LONG OR SHORT FORMAT IS REQUIRED? true cols CKSZ rows CKSZ ury CKSZ urx CKSZ lly CKSZ llx CKSZ  TackRunLengthToRows {/ int-dict /CharDict get /Char-Info get code C [ 0 0 llx PackByte 1 lly PackByte 2 urx PackByte 3 ury PackByteA 0 0 wx PackHW 2 rows PackByte 3 cols PackByte rasters ] put }{ %else/ int-dict /CharDict get /Char-Info get code ? 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ExampleName stringwidth pop9 xlength exch sub -250 radius sub ylength sub movetox4 gsave 1.25 1 scale ExampleName show grestore! newpath radius neg 0 moveto & 0 ylength neg radius 180 270 arc* xlength ylength neg radius 270 0 arc xlength 0 radius 0 90 arcc 0 0 radius 90 180 arc4 closepath stroke grestoreo /ExampleState 0 def  /F104 /FONT104 load defo /S /show load defuF % replace tilde encoding, so it doesn't show up as space anymore( currentfont F102 currentfont begin+ /Encoding load 126 ExampleTilde put/ end setfont ; codexindent neg 0 translate codexindent neg 0 rmoveto  } if } { dup 1002 eq {  popn, gsave (-) stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto - /Helvetica findfont 450 scalefont setfont9# [(d) (i) (g) (i) (t) (a) (l)] {. currentpoint currentpoint newpath movetoN 0 -200 rmoveto 300 0 rlineto 0 730 rlineto -300 0 rlineto 0 -730 rlineto fill moveto gsaver6 dup stringwidth pop 300 exch sub 2 div 0 rmoveto' 1 setgray show 0 setgray grestorea 350 0 rmovetoa } forall 0 375 rmoveton7 /Helvetica findfont 200 scalefont setfont (TM) showi grestore } {b % other - do rotatione XP gsaveA Xpos Ypos translateo) rotate % using from the stack0 Xpos neg Ypos neg translateg RP } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse} defE/ROTE {XP grestore RP} def /F104 { } def %%EndPrologr %%BeginSetup/PxlResolution 300 def/Resolution 3600 def3/RasterScaleFactor PxlResolution Resolution div defr/PortraitMode true def/PaperWidth 8.500 defy/PaperHeight 11.000 defc72 Resolution div dup scalep?%> Postamble of file WEB$DISK:[FIND.V015.PORTABLE]FIND.DVI_PS.i)% DefineFont:F202 Category:15 Pointsize:9m% DownloadPSFont%!PS-Adobe-2.0)%%Title: Jinete Reverse Number Font, v1.1 %%Creator: Mark DeVries, DEC%%CreationDate: 1-Aug-90 %%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica%%DocumentSuppliedFonts: Jinetel %%EndCommentsE%%BeginFont: Jinete 18 dict beginm /FontName /Jinete defl /FontInfo 10 dict dup beginU& /version (1.0, 3-Mar-88) readonly def4 /FullName (Jinete Reverse Number Font) readonly defF /Notice (Copyright 1988, Digital Equipment Corporation.) readonly def end  readonly def( /FontBBox [ 0 -75 1000 -75 add ] def /Encoding [l 48 { /.notdef } repeatl2 /rx0 /rx1 /rx2 /rx3 /rx4 /rx5 /rx6 /rx7 /rx8 /rx9 198 { /.notdef } repeat ] defn) /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def /FontType 3 defCO % Note: The numbers for scaling and translation in BuildChar are determined5N % from selection of Helvetica as the BaseFont. 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y(original\).)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(char)S 14360 XtFF38(Backslash)S 17946 X(May)S 161 x(be)S 161 x(used)S 161 x(to)S 161 xG(quote)S 161 x(the)S 160 x(metachar)S 2 x(acters)S 161 x F152(\\)S 49 x)EF38(,)S 163 x F152(*)S F38(,)S 17946 X 548 y(and)S 150 x F152(%)S F38 F(.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(w)S 14360 X F38(Whitespace)S 17946 XC(Matches)S 151 x(an)S 150 x(arbitrary)S 150 x(amoun)S 2 x(t)S 149 xF(of)S 149 x(whitespace.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(d)S 14360 X F38E(Digit)S -2 x(s)S 17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(decimal)S 150 xFD(digit.)S 10773 X 748 y F152(\\)S 50 x(o)S 14360 X F38(Octal)S 148 xD(digits)S 17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(octal)S 149 x(digit.)S27981 36925 XY F36(3)SEP PPx %%PageTrailer 3%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italice %%+ Helveticax%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%S %%Page: (4) 67%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)x PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY 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F152(\\)S 50 x(+)S 14360 X F38(7)S 149 x(bit)S 17946 X(Matches)SF151 x(any)S 150 x(character)S 151 x(with)S 149 x(bit)S 148 x(7)S 150 xD(set.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(c)S 14360 X F38(Ascii)S 17946 XF(This)S 161 x(pattern)S 162 x(can)S 162 x(be)S 161 x(used)S 162 x(to)SG161 x(specify)S 162 x(a)S 161 x(character)S 17946 X 548 y(which)S 156 xwC(cannot)S 156 x(be)S 156 x(entered)S 157 x(from)S 156 x(the)S 156 x)G(keyboa)S 2 x(rd.)S 236 x(The)S 17946 X 548 y(syntax)S 150 x(is)S 149 x F(as)S 150 x(follows:)S 17946 X 648 y F152(\\)S 50 x(Cx)S 17946 X 747 yE(\\)S 50 x(C%bx)S 17946 X 747 y(\\)S 50 x(C\(x\))S 17946 X 747 y(\\)SEI50 x(C\(%bx\))S 17946 X 748 y F38(x)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(number)S9F151 x(represe)S 2 x(nting)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(ASCII)S 148 x(chara)S 2 xE(cter)S 17946 X 747 y(b)S 153 x(represe)S 2 x(nts)S 152 x(the)S 153 x D(base)S 153 x(of)S 152 x(the)S 152 x(numb)S 2 x(er)S -24 x(.)S 229 xD(V)S -33 x(alues)S 153 x(for)S 152 x(b)S 17946 X 548 y(are:)S -772 xE647 y(D)S 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x(which)SC164 x(can)S 165 x(be)S 164 x(referred)S 165 x(to)S 164 x(by)S 164 x2D(the)S 17946 X 548 y(group)S 151 x(express)S 2 x(ion)S 149 x(\(see)SI150 x(below\).)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(digit)S 14360 X F38(Group)S8H17946 X(Refers)S 150 x(to)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(parenthe)S 2 x(sized)S 149 xG(group)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 32492 XY F151(Groups,)S1C186 x(i.e.)S 282 x(parts)S 181 x(of)S 182 x(an)S 182 x(expression)S1J182 x(which)S 183 x(are)S 182 x(enclosed)S 182 x(in)S 182 x(parentheses,)SD10773 X 548 y(are)S 186 x(numbered)S 187 x(from)S 186 x(left)S 186 xE(to)S 186 x(right)S 187 x(one)S 187 x(to)S 186 x(nine,)S 192 x(i.e.)SuH187 x(the)S 186 x(leftmost)S 185 x(opening)S 10773 X 548 y(parenthesis)SC188 x(is)S 188 x(number)S 188 x(one)S 189 x(and)S 188 x(the)S 188 xxC(rightmost)S 188 x(opening)S 189 x(parenthesis)S 188 x(is)S 10773 X72547 y(number)S 167 x(nine.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(4)SEP PP( %%PageTrailern3%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italic5*%%+ 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204 R 5094 10048 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S6G10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 194 x(FIND)S 192 x(command)S 193 x(searches)ShC193 x(through)S 194 x(one)S 194 x(or)S 193 x(more)S 193 x(\211les)S7G193 x(for)S 193 x(speci\211c)S 10773 X 598 y(expressions;)S 209 x(all)S1F194 x(lines)S 195 x(containing)S 195 x(occurren)S 2 x(ces)S 194 x(of)SF194 x(the)S 195 x(expressions)S 194 x(are)S 10773 X 597 y(displayed.)SD297 x(Use)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(FIND)S 189 x(quali\211ers)S 190 x(to)SF190 x(tailor)S 189 x(the)S 190 x(search)S 191 x(operation)S 190 x(to)SC10773 X 598 y(your)S 167 x(speci\211c)S 166 x(need.)S 10773 X 897 ykC(The)S 183 x(FIND)S 182 x(command)S 182 x(opens)S 183 x(the)S 182 xSD(\211le)S 183 x(with)S 182 x(shared)S 182 x(read)S 183 x(and)S 182 xE(write)S 182 x(access.)S 10773 X 597 y(Therefore,)S 178 x(any)S 174 x5G(\211le)S 175 x(that)S 174 x(has)S 174 x(its)S 173 x(attributes)S 173 x1J(set)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(shared)S 174 x(write)S 173 x(is)S 174 x(searched)SD10773 X 598 y(even)S 167 x(if)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(curren)SN2 x(tly)S 166 x(opened)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(other)S 166 x(users.)S 5094 14973 XYC23160 204 R 5094 15791 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/BACK)S -2 xxD(UP)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Modi\211es)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 xE(value)S 174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S\E172 x(or)S 173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y)G(/BACKUP)S 167 x(selects)S 166 x(\211les)S 167 x(according)S 169 x(to)S1E167 x(the)S 167 x(dates)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(their)S 168 x(most)S 166 xSC(recent)S 168 x(backups.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S 169 x(quali\211er)S F170 x(is)S 169 x(incompatible)S 169 x(with)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(other)SH170 x(quali\211ers)S 169 x(that)S 169 x(also)S 169 x(allow)S 168 x(you)SC10773 X 548 y(to)S 178 x(select)S 177 x(\211les)S 178 x(according)SnF179 x(to)S 178 x(time)S 178 x(attributes:)S 273 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED,)SC178 x(/EXPIRED,)S 177 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(/MODIFIED.)S 172 x(If)SSG172 x(you)S 173 x(specify)S 173 x(none)S 173 x(of)S 172 x(these)S 173 x)F(four)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(quali\211ers,)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(default)SQ10773 X 548 y(is)S 166 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED.)S 10773 20175 XY F25(/BEFORE[=time])S G10773 X 598 y F151(Selects)S 174 x(only)S 176 x(those)S 175 x(\211les)S9F174 x(dated)S 175 x(prior)S 175 x(to)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(speci\211ed)SF174 x(time.)S 267 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 175 x(can)S 175 x(specify)S 10773 XG548 y(time)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(an)S 178 x(absolute)S 177 x(time,)S 181 xrE(as)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(combination)S 177 x(of)S 178 x(absolute)S 177 xxG(and)S 178 x(delta)S 177 x(times,)S 10773 X 548 y(or)S 177 x(as)S 177 xaG(one)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(following)S 177 x(keywords:)S 272 x(E(TODA)S -47 x(Y)S 177 x(\(default\),)S 180 x(TOMORRO)S -2 x(W)S -56 x5D(,)S 178 x(or)S 10773 X 547 y(YESTERD)S -2 x(A)S -46 x(Y)S -55 x(.)SD182 x(Specify)S 182 x(one)S 183 x(of)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(following)SD182 x(quali\211ers)S 182 x(with)S 182 x(/BEFORE)S 181 x(to)S 10773 XF548 y(indicate)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(time)S 167 x(attribute)S 166 x(to)SH166 x(be)S 167 x(used)S 166 x(as)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(basis)S 166 x(for)SH167 x(selection:)S 250 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 10773 X 548 y(/CREA)S -28 xK(TED)S 165 x(\(default\),)S 166 x(/EXPIRED,)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(/MODIFIED.)S.M10773 X 897 y(See)S 157 x(the)S 158 x F152(VMS)S 158 x(DCL)S 156 x(Concepts)S D159 x(Manual)S 158 x F151(for)S 157 x(complete)S 157 x(information)SQ158 x(on)S 158 x(specifying)S 10773 X 548 y(time)S 166 x(values.)S 10773 26053 XYrGF25(/BY_OWNER)S -2 x([=uic])S 10773 X 598 y F151(Selects)S 160 x(only)SYF162 x(those)S 161 x(\211les)S 161 x(whose)S 161 x(owner)S 161 x(user)SE161 x(identi\211cation)S 161 x(code)S 162 x(\(UIC\))S 160 x(matches)S8H10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(owner)S 167 x(UIC.)S 166 xE(The)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(UIC)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(that)S 166 x(of)SaD166 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(process.)S 10773 X 896 y(Specify)SH168 x(the)S 168 x(UIC)S 168 x(using)S 168 x(standard)S 168 x(UIC)S 167 xC(format)S 168 x(as)S 167 x(described)S 168 x(in)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(CF152(VMS)S 168 x(DCL)S 10773 X 548 y(Concepts)S 167 x(Manual)S F151 E(.)S 10773 29739 XY F25(/CONFIR)S -2 x(M)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x J(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 197 x(whether)SH197 x(a)S 197 x(request)S 196 x(is)S 197 x(issued)S 196 x(before)S 197 xG(each)S 198 x(individual)S 197 x(FIND)S 10773 X 548 y(operation)S 189 x(H(to)S 189 x(con\211rm)S 190 x(that)S 189 x(the)S 189 x(operation)S 189 xF(should)S 189 x(be)S 189 x(performed)S 189 x(on)S 189 x(that)S 10773 XD548 y(\211le.)S -848 x 896 y(When)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(system)S 178 xC(issues)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(prompt,)S 182 x(you)S 180 x(can)S 179 x1E(issue)S 179 x(any)S 179 x(of)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(following)S 10773 X-(548 y(responses:)S 5094 36925 XY F36(6)SEP PPX %%PageTrailern3%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italicx:%%+ Helvetica NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica-BoldOblique%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: 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x(TR,)S 171 xpC(or)S 171 x(TRU)S 170 x(for)S 171 x(TRUE\).)S 171 x(Af\211rmative)SnD170 x(answers)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(YES,)S 170 x(TRUE,)S 10773 X 548 yD(and)S 176 x(1.)S 270 x(Negative)S 177 x(answers)S 175 x(are)S 177 xK(NO,)S 176 x(F)S -37 x(ALSE,)S 176 x(0,)S 179 x(and)S 177 x -380 y 960 24 R C22465 X 492 y 24 492 R 22544 10155 XY F42(RET)S 60 x 132 y 24 492 RxE22465 X 20 y 960 24 R 23421 10175 XY F151(.)S 270 x(QUIT)S 175 x(or)SI177 x -380 y 1680 24 R 25980 X 492 y 24 492 R 26119 10155 XY F42(CTRL/Z)SeK119 x 132 y 24 492 R 25980 X 20 y 1680 24 R 10773 10723 XY F151(indicates)S5C181 x(that)S 181 x(you)S 182 x(want)S 181 x(to)S 181 x(stop)S 180 xxG(processing)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(command)S 182 x(at)S 180 x(that)S 181 x G(point.)S 10773 X 548 y(When)S 176 x(you)S 177 x(respond)S 175 x(with)SXE175 x(ALL,)S 177 x(the)S 175 x(command)S 176 x(continues)S 176 x(to)S1E176 x(process,)S 178 x(but)S 175 x(no)S 10773 X 548 y(further)S 171 xSC(prompts)S 170 x(are)S 170 x(given)S 2 x(.)S 258 x(If)S 170 x(you)S0H171 x(type)S 171 xZA~ FIND015.A3# ![FIND.V015.PORTABLE.EXE]FIND.PS;2c||(a)S 170 x(response)S 170 x(other)S 171 x(than)S 171 xD(one)S 171 x(of)S 170 x(those)S 10773 X 548 y(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 xM(list,)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(prompt)S 165 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(reissued.)SsH10773 13463 XY F25(/CREA)S -53 x(TED)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 yLF151(Modi\211es)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)S 174 x(speci\211ed)SH172 x(with)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)S 173 x(/SINCE)S 172 xJ(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(/CREA)S -28 x(TED)S 172 x(selects)SD171 x(\211les)S 172 x(based)S 172 x(on)S 173 x(their)S 173 x(dates)SC171 x(of)S 173 x(creation.)S 262 x(This)S 173 x(quali\211er)S 173 x4I(is)S 10773 X 548 y(incompatible)S 178 x(with)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(other)S(H179 x(quali\211ers)S 179 x(that)S 179 x(also)S 178 x(allow)S 178 x(you)SC179 x(to)S 178 x(select)S 179 x(\211les)S 10773 X 548 y(according)S3E177 x(to)S 175 x(time)S 175 x(attributes:)S 268 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S1C176 x(/EXPIRED,)S 175 x(and)S 176 x(/MODIFIED.)S 175 x(If)S 10773 X.G548 y(you)S 167 x(specify)S 166 x(none)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(these)S 166 x2F(four)S 166 x(time)S 166 x(quali\211ers,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(default)SE166 x(is)S 166 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED.)S 10773 17348 XY F25(/DIAC)S -2 x C(RITICAL)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NODI)S -2 x(ACRITIC)S(D-2 x(AL)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 186 x(whether)S 186 x(FIND)SM186 x(should)S 186 x(match)S 187 x(the)S 186 x(diacritical)S 186 x(markings)SxG187 x(of)S 186 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(expression)S 190 x(to)S 190 x(be)SoC190 x(searched)S 190 x(for)S -36 x(.)S 297 x(If)S 190 x(you)S 191 xxD(specify)S 190 x(/NODIAC)S -2 x(RITICAL,)S 190 x(the)S 10773 X 548 yD(character)S 186 x(`)S -10 x(`a')S -9 x(')S 184 x(not)S 185 x(only)SH186 x(matches)S 185 x(`)S -10 x(`a')S -10 x(')S 185 x(but)S 185 x(also)SE184 x(`)S -9 x(`\344')S -10 x(',)S 190 x(`)S -9 x(`\341')S -10 x(',)SuH189 x(`)S -9 x(`\340')S -10 x(',)S 190 x(and)S 185 x(all)S 185 x(other)SD10773 X 548 y(variations)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(character)SE-36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 179 x(cannot)S 179 x(specify)SeE178 x(the)S 179 x(quali\211ers)S 178 x(/NODIACR)S -2 x(ITICAL)S 178 xuD(and)S 178 x(/NOP)S -36 x(A)S -28 x(TTERN)S 10773 X 548 y(together)SH-36 x(.)S 10773 22928 XY F25(/END=end_expres)S -2 x(sion)S 10773 X 597 yJF151(This)S 170 x(quali\211er)S 171 x(gives)S 171 x(an)S 171 x(alternate)SC170 x(way)S 170 x(of)S 170 x(specifying)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(`)S -10 x7C(`WINDO)S -2 x(W')S -9 x('.)S 170 x(If)S 170 x(FIND)S 10773 X 548 y2D(has)S 170 x(found)S 170 x(an)S 170 x(occurrenc)S 2 x(e)S 169 x(of)SD170 x(the)S 170 x(main)S 170 x(expression,)S 171 x(it)S 169 x(will)SD169 x(display)S 170 x(all)S 169 x(records)S 10773 X 548 y(it)S 166 xE(reads)S 166 x(until)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(end_expression)S 167 x(can)S)K166 x(be)S 167 x(found)S 166 x(\(or)S 166 x(end)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(\211le)SeE166 x(is)S 166 x(reached\).)S 10773 X 897 y(However)S -36 x(,)S 206 x1J(the)S 198 x(command)S 198 x(does)S 198 x(not)S 198 x(keep)S 198 x(track)SG199 x(of)S 198 x(nested)S 197 x(occurr)S 2 x(ences)S 10773 X 548 y(of)StH194 x(expression/end_e)S 2 x(xpression)S 194 x(and)S 194 x(stops)S 194 xJ(displaying)S 194 x(lines)S 194 x(at)S 194 x(the)S 195 x(\211rst)S 10773 XH548 y(occurren)S 2 x(ce)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(end_expression.)SG10773 X 896 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 182 x(cannot)S 182 x(specify)S 181 x(the)S)E181 x(quali\211ers)S 182 x(/END)S 181 x(and)S 181 x(/WINDOW=0)S 180 xaC(or)S 181 x(/END)S 181 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(/NOOUTPUT)S 167 x(at)SrF167 x(the)S 167 x(same)S 166 x(time.)S 251 x(However)S -36 x(,)S 167 xD(it)S 167 x(is)S 167 x(possible)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(use)S 167 x(/ST)SC-27 x(ART)S 167 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(/END)S 166 x(at)S 166 x(the)SrD166 x(same)S 165 x(time.)S 10773 29702 XY F25(/EXACT)S 10773 X 797 yE(/NOEXAC)S -2 x(T)S 167 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)SxH174 x(whether)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(FIND)S 173 x(command)S 174 x(matches)SC174 x(the)S 175 x(search)S 174 x(string)S 175 x(exactly)S -55 x(,)S E10773 X 548 y(or)S 185 x(treats)S 184 x(uppercase)S 185 x(and)S 185 xwH(lowercase)S 185 x(letters)S 184 x(as)S 184 x(equivalents.)S 288 x(The)SF185 x(default)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S 166 x(/NOEXACT)SE-46 x(,)S 166 x(causes)S 166 x(FIND)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(ignore)S 167 xnE(case)S 166 x(differences)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(letters.)S 10773 X 896 y8K(Specifying)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/EXACT)S 172 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(causes)S0D171 x(the)S 173 x(system)S 171 x(to)S 172 x(use)S 172 x(less)S 171 xF(CPU)S 172 x(time.)S 10773 X 548 y(Therefore,)S 170 x(if)S 167 x(you)SG169 x(are)S 168 x(sure)S 168 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(case)S 167 x(of)SeH168 x(the)S 168 x(letters)S 167 x(in)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(string,)S 169 xD(it)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(more)S 10773 X 548 y(ef\211cient)S 167 x(to)S;166 x(use)S 166 x(/EXACT)S -47 x(.)S 27981 36925 XY F36(7)SnEP PP %%PageTraileru%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica40%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica-BoldOblique%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)8%t%%Page: (8) 10%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend). PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYT0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/FIND)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/EXCLUDE=\(\211le-spec[,...]\))SD10773 X 598 y F151(Causes)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(FIND)S 177 x(command)SD177 x(to)S 178 x(exclude)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(listed)S 177 x(\211le)SI178 x(speci\211cations)S 177 x(from)S 10773 X 547 y(the)S 166 x(search.)SrE250 x(Do)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(include)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(device)S 166 xpG(name)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(speci\211cation.)S1F10773 X 897 y(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 184 x(characters)S 184 x(are)S 184 xF(supported)S 184 x(for)S 184 x(\211le)S 184 x(speci\211cation.)S 286 xC(However)S -37 x(,)S 189 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(cannot)S 167 x(use)S6K166 x(relative)S 166 x(version)S 167 x(numbers)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(exclude)SxJ167 x(a)S 166 x(speci\211c)S 167 x(version.)S 10773 8708 XY F25(/EXPIRED)SF10773 X 598 y F151(Modi\211es)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)SG174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)SSE173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(/EXPIRED)S J165 x(selects)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(according)S 168 x(to)S 166 x(their)SJ166 x(expiration)S 167 x(dates.)S 250 x(\(The)S 167 x(expiration)S 10773 XH548 y(date)S 188 x(is)S 187 x(set)S 187 x(with)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(SET)SG187 x(FILE/EXPIRA)S -28 x(TION_DA)S -29 x(TE)S 188 x(command.\))S 293 xxD(The)S 10773 X 548 y(/EXPIRED)S 197 x(quali\211er)S 199 x(is)S 198 xK(incompatible)S 199 x(with)S 198 x(the)S 199 x(other)S 198 x(quali\211ers)SeF199 x(that)S 10773 X 547 y(also)S 188 x(allow)S 187 x(you)S 189 x(to)SH187 x(select)S 188 x(\211les)S 188 x(according)S 189 x(to)S 188 x(time)SC187 x(attributes:)S 293 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 10773 X 548 y(/CREA)S4H-28 x(TED,)S 190 x(and)S 190 x(/MODIFIED.)S 189 x(If)S 190 x(you)S 191 xC(specify)S 190 x(none)S 191 x(of)S 190 x(these)S 190 x(four)S 191 x)G(time)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211ers,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(default)S 166 xlM(is)S 166 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED.)S 10773 13689 XY F25(/FORMA)S -53 x(T=option)SSG10773 X 797 y(/FORMA)S -53 x(T=TEXT)S 167 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 yaEF151(Controls)S 168 x(reformatting)S 169 x(of)S 168 x(records)S 169 x1J(during)S 170 x(output.)S 254 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 168 x(can)S 169 x(specify)SO169 x(one)S 169 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(following)S 166 x(formatting)S)H167 x(options:)S 10773 X 897 y F38(DUMP)S 15854 X(Displays)S 158 x(all)SC157 x(control)S 158 x(charac)S 2 x(ters)S 158 x(\(including)S 158 x(E(,)S 159 x(,)S 158 x(and)S 15854 X 548 y(\))S 150 x(and)S5F150 x(nonprintable)S 150 x(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 150 x(as)S 149 x(ANSI)SF149 x(mnem)S 2 x(onics.)S 10773 X 747 y(NONULLS)S 15854 X(Same)S 164 xD(as)S 163 x(DUMP)S -58 x(,)S 163 x(but)S 163 x(removes)S 164 x(all)SG163 x(null)S 162 x(charac)S 2 x(ters)S 163 x(from)S 163 x(the)S 15854 XiG548 y(input)S 170 x(\211le)S 169 x(before)S 171 x(reformatting.)S 264 x9J(\(In)S 170 x(DUMP)S 169 x(mode)S 2 x(,)S 174 x(the)S 169 x(null)S 15854 XJ548 y(character)S 157 x(is)S 156 x(displayed)S 156 x(as)S 156 x(.\))SC236 x(NONU)S -2 x(LLS)S 157 x(is)S 155 x(convenient)S 15854 X 548 yG(when)S 156 x(you)S 155 x(are)S 156 x(search)S 2 x(ing)S 155 x(binary)S%C156 x(format)S 155 x(\211les,)S 156 x(such)S 156 x(as)S 156 x(EXE)S N155 x(or)S 15854 X 548 y(OBJ)S 149 x(\211les,)S 150 x(that)S 149 x(generally)SF150 x(contain)S 150 x(many)S 151 x(zero)S 150 x(bytes.)S 10773 X 747 yD(NOFF)S 15854 X(Replaces)S 151 x(control)S 151 x(character)S 2 x(s)SC150 x(in)S 151 x(the)S 150 x(text)S 150 x(with)S 150 x(ANSI)S 150 x5G(mnemon)S 2 x(ics)S 15854 X 548 y(\(for)S 152 x(examp)S 2 x(le,)S 151 xSK(CTRL/C)S 150 x(is)S 152 x(replaced)S 153 x(wit)S -2 x(h)S 152 x(\).)SaE228 x(The)S 152 x(terminal)S 15854 X 548 y(formatting)S 165 x(chara)SXG2 x(cters)S 165 x(,)S 168 x(,)S 168 x(,)S 169 x(and)S 166 xnJ()S 164 x(are)S 15854 X 548 y(passed)S 151 x(without)S 149 x(change.)SD225 x(Form)S 150 x(feeds)S 150 x(are)S 150 x(replace)S 2 x(d)S 149 xF(with)S 149 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y(P)S -33 x(ASSALL)S 15854 X(Moves)SJ168 x(control)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(nonprintable)S 167 x(chara)S 2 x(cters)SL167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(output)S 15854 X 548 y(device)S 158 x(without)SD157 x(translating)S 157 x(them.)S 241 x(The)S 158 x(terminal)S 157 xN(driver)S 159 x(cannot)S 15854 X 548 y(send)S 171 x(8-bit)S 170 x(characters)SE171 x(to)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(terminal)S 170 x(unless)S 171 x(either)S9F170 x(SET)S 15854 X 548 y(TERMINAL/P)S -34 x(ASSALL)S 168 x(or)S 168 xL(SET)S 168 x(TERMINAL/EIG)S -2 x(HT_BIT)S 167 x(is)S 15854 X 548 y(already)SE151 x(in)S 149 x(ef)S -8 x(fect.)S 15854 X 747 y(Y)S -41 x(ou)S 151 x M(can)S 151 x(use)S 151 x(/FORMA)S -34 x(T=P)S -33 x(ASSALL)S 151 x(whenever)S\C152 x(you)S 151 x(do)S 151 x(not)S 150 x(want)S 15854 X 548 y(the)SwG165 x(FIND)S 163 x(comma)S 2 x(nd)S 164 x(to)S 165 x(substitute)S 164 x1E(the)S 165 x(ANSI)S 163 x(mnem)S 2 x(onic)S 164 x(for)S 15854 X 548 ysC(control)S 150 x(character)S 2 x(s)S 149 x(\(for)S 150 x(example,)SdH150 x()S 150 x(for)S 149 x(CTRL/G\).)S 10773 X 747 y(TEXT)S 15854 XF(Replaces)S 151 x(control)S 151 x(character)S 2 x(s)S 150 x(in)S 151 xF(the)S 150 x(text)S 150 x(with)S 150 x(ANSI)S 150 x(mnemon)S 2 x(ics)SG15854 X 548 y(\(for)S 152 x(examp)S 2 x(le,)S 151 x(CTRL/C)S 150 x(is)SxH152 x(replaced)S 153 x(wit)S -2 x(h)S 152 x(\).)S 228 x(The)S 152 xF(terminal)S 15854 X 548 y(formatting)S 157 x(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 157 xD(,)S 158 x(,)S 158 x(,)S 158 x(,)S 158 x(and)S 158 xJ()S 15854 X 548 y(are)S 150 x(passed)S 151 x(without)S 149 x(change.)SK15854 X 747 y(TEXT)S 149 x(is)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(default)S 149 x(format.)SsG10773 31423 XY F25(/HEADIN)S -2 x(G)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 ylH(/NOHEA)S -2 x(DING)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Includes)S 167 x(\211le)S 168 xC(names)S 167 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(output)S 168 x(\211le)S 167 xSD(and)S 167 x(displays)S 167 x(a)S 167 x(line)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(30)SC167 x(asterisks)S 166 x(as)S 10773 X 547 y(a)S 172 x(window)S 172 xoD(separator)S 172 x(between)S 172 x(groups)S 173 x(of)S 172 x(lines)SI172 x(that)S 172 x(belong)S 173 x(to)S 172 x(different)S 172 x(\211les.)S I10773 X 548 y(W)S -19 x(ith)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(default)S 174 x(heading)SH175 x(format,)S 176 x(\211le)S 175 x(names)S 174 x(are)S 174 x(printed)SG174 x(only)S 175 x(when)S 175 x(more)S 10773 X 548 y(than)S 167 x(one)S7E166 x(\211le)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(when)S4E167 x(wildcard)S 165 x(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(used.)S 10773 XF897 y(The)S 178 x(/WINDOW)S 176 x(quali\211er)S 179 x(displays)S 177 xL(a)S 177 x(line)S 178 x(of)S 177 x(15)S 178 x(characters)S 178 x(separates)SL177 x(each)S 10773 X 548 y(window)S 165 x(within)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le.)S5094 X 894 y F36(8)SEP PPS %%PageTrailerS1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqueT$%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2%f%%Page: (9) 11%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 24810 1807 XY F24(FIND/FIN)S -2 x(D)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/HIGH)SD-2 x(LIGHT)S 10773 X 797 y(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT=option)S 10773 X 797 yD(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT=BOLD)S 175 x(\(default)S 176 x(on)S 177 x(ANSI)SD175 x(video)S 176 x(terminal)S 10773 X 797 y(with)S 166 x(advanced)SL165 x(video\))S 10773 X 797 y(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT=REVERSE)S 186 x(\(default)SF187 x(on)S 186 x(ANSI)S 186 x(terminal)S 10773 X 797 y(without)S 166 xF(advanced)S 165 x(video\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOHI)S -2 x(GHLIGHT)S 165 xC(\(default)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(all)S 165 x(other)S 167 x(output\))S6H10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 168 x(whether)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(actual)SE169 x(strings)S 168 x(which)S 168 x(are)S 168 x(matched)S 169 x(are)S)G168 x(emphasized)S 167 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(output.)S 250 xuF(The)S 167 x(emphasis,)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(highligh)S 2 x(ting,)S 167 xI(can)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(one)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(several)S 166 x(options:)S G10773 X 896 y F38(BLINK)S 15854 X(The)S 163 x(matched)S 165 x(strings)S7F163 x(are)S 164 x(highlighted)S 163 x(using)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(ANSI)SL162 x(blink)S 15854 X 548 y(character)S 151 x(attribute.)S 224 x(\(advance)SG2 x(d)S 149 x(video)S 150 x(only\))S 10773 X 747 y(BOLD)S 15854 X(The)SXE165 x(matched)S 165 x(strings)S 164 x(are)S 165 x(highlighted)S 164 x(H(using)S 165 x(the)S 164 x(ANSI)S 163 x(bold)S 15854 X 548 y(character)SI157 x(attribute.)S 235 x(\(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 156 x(video)S 155 x(only\))StE156 x(If)S 154 x(/HIGHLIGH)S -2 x(T)S 155 x(is)S 15854 X 548 y(used)SoH150 x(without)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(option,)S 149 x(BOLD)S 150 x(is)S 149 xH(assumed)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y(REVERSE)S 15854 X(The)S 155 x(matched)SC156 x(strings)S 155 x(are)S 155 x(highlighted)S 154 x(using)S 155 x(L(the)S 155 x(ANSI)S 154 x(reverse)S 15854 X 548 y(video)S 150 x(attribute.)SJ224 x(\(possible)S 150 x(without)S 148 x(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 150 x(video\))SE10773 X 748 y(UNDERLIN)S -2 x(E)S 15854 X(The)S 154 x(matched)S 155 xsC(strings)S 153 x(are)S 155 x(highlighted)S 153 x(with)S 152 x(the)StG154 x(ANSI)S 153 x(underline)S 15854 X 547 y(video)S 150 x(attribute.)SaJ224 x(\(possible)S 150 x(without)S 148 x(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 150 x(video\))SE15854 X 748 y(\(Note)S 179 x(that)S 179 x(without)S 178 x(the)S 179 x)G(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 179 x(video)S 180 x(option,)S 186 x(either)S 15854 X G548 y(REVERSE)S 149 x(or)S 151 x(UNDER)S -2 x(LINE)S 150 x(will)S 148 x E(appear)S 151 x(depend)S 2 x(ing)S 150 x(on)S 150 x(whether)S 15854 X G548 y(the)S 152 x(cursor)S 153 x(is)S 152 x(selected)S 152 x(as)S 152 x5D(block)S 153 x(or)S 152 x(underline.)S 230 x(The)S 152 x(two)S 151 xF(options)S 15854 X 548 y(REVERSE)S 149 x(and)S 150 x(UNDERLINE)S 148 xH(have)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(same)S 151 x(ef)S -9 x(fect.\))S 10773 X 747 yC(HARDCOPY\(=option\))S 758 x 548 y(This)S 167 x(speci\211es)S 167 xsC(that)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(strings)S 167 x(should)S 167 x(be)S 167 xSG(highlighted)S 167 x(in)S 167 x(a)S 15854 X 548 y(manne)S 2 x(r)S 172 xaN(suitable)S 171 x(for)S 172 x(most)S 172 x(hardco)S 2 x(py)S 172 x(printers.)SE269 x(Hardcopy)S 15854 X 548 y(highlighting)S 149 x(has)S 150 x(two)S(N149 x(options:)S 15854 23004 XY(OVERSTRIKE)S 20935 X(With)S 178 x(overstrike)SC179 x(highlighting,)S 20935 X 548 y(matched)S 154 x(strings)S 153 x7E(are)S 153 x(double-p)S 2 x(rinted,)S 20935 X 548 y(so)S 150 x(that)S C149 x(they)S 150 x(should)S 150 x(appear)S 151 x(darker)S -23 x(.)SFE15854 X 747 y(UNDERLIN)S -2 x(E)S 20935 X(The)S 153 x(matched)S 153 x2E(strings)S 152 x(are)S 153 x(under)S 2 x(lined)S 20935 X 548 y(with)S D149 x(the)S 149 x(under)S 2 x(score)S 150 x(charac)S 2 x(ter)S -25 xN(.)S 15854 X 748 y(Hardcopy)S 169 x(printing)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(accomplished)SK169 x(by)S 168 x(adding)S 169 x(a)S 167 x(carriage)S 15854 X 548 y(return)SuG157 x(and)S 157 x(spacing)S 157 x(back)S 157 x(over)S 157 x(the)S 157 xSF(line)S 155 x(to)S 156 x(overpr)S 2 x(int)S 155 x(the)S 157 x(string)SF15854 X 547 y(or)S 166 x(underlines.)S 256 x(Note)S 165 x(that)S 165 xE(this)S 165 x(can)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(much)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(double)S7G166 x(the)S 15854 X 548 y(length)S 150 x(of)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(line,)S4M149 x(and)S 151 x(perhap)S 2 x(s)S 149 x(lead)S 150 x(to)S 150 x(truncation)S6D150 x(if)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(device)S 15854 X 548 y(buf)S -8 x(fer)SE150 x(size)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(too)S 150 x(small.)S 10773 X 897 y F151eD(The)S 230 x(DIG)S -2 x(IT)S -27 x(AL)S 229 x(LN01)S 229 x(printer)SH229 x(understands)S 229 x(the)S 229 x(ANSI)S 228 x(video)S 10773 X 548 yG(UNDERLINE)S 226 x(attribute,)S 242 x(it)S 227 x(is)S 227 x(therefore)S F228 x(recommended)S 228 x(that)S 10773 X 548 y(/HIGHLIGHT=UNDER)S -2 xI(LINE)S 200 x(be)S 201 x(used)S 200 x(with)S 200 x(this)S 200 x(printer)S8K201 x(instead)S 200 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(/HIGHLIGHT=HARD)S -2 x(COPY=UNDE)S(G-2 x(RLINE.)S 209 x(The)S 209 x(LN01)S 209 x(does)S 209 x(not)S 10773 X)J548 y(understand)S 167 x(OVER)S -2 x(STRIKE)S 165 x(highligh)S 2 x(ting,)SI167 x(and)S 166 x(ignores)S 167 x(it.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 211 x(DIGIT)S1H-28 x(AL)S 210 x(LN03)S 211 x(printer)S 210 x(understands)S 211 x(both)SG211 x(the)S 210 x(ANSI)S 210 x(video)S 10773 X 548 y(BOLD)S 193 x(and)SSC194 x(UNDER)S -2 x(LINE)S 194 x(attributes,)S 200 x(it)S 193 x(is)SYO194 x(recommended)S 194 x(that)S 193 x(either)S 10773 X 548 y(/HIGHLIGHT=BOLD)SIG176 x(or)S 177 x(/HIGHLIGHT=UNDER)S -2 x(LINE)S 177 x(be)S 178 x(used)SDG177 x(with)S 177 x(this)S 10773 X 548 y(printer)S 184 x(instead)S 183 xrH(of)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(/HIGHLIGHT=HARD)S -2 x(COPY=UNDE)S -2 x(RLINE.)SL184 x(The)S 10773 X 548 y(LN03)S 166 x(does)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(understand)SC167 x(the)S 166 x(OVERS)S -2 x(TRIKE)S 165 x(highlig)S 2 x(hting,)Sy>167 x(and)S 166 x(ignores)S 167 x(it.)S -181 x 36925 Y F36(9)SEP PP %%PageTrailer 1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliquel$%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)9%`%%Page: (10) 12S%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYW0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/FIND)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/IGNO)S -2 x(RE=ignore_expression)S\C10773 X 598 y F151(W)S -19 x(ith)S 172 x(this)S 171 x(quali\211er)S3K-36 x(,)S 173 x(it)S 171 x(is)S 170 x(possible)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(specify)S/E171 x(an)S 172 x(expression)S 172 x(which)S 171 x(should)S 172 x(be)SeH10773 X 547 y(ignored,)S 171 x(i.e.)S 256 x(not)S 169 x(matched.)S 256 xF(FIND)S 168 x(\211rst)S 169 x(searches)S 169 x(for)S 169 x(the)S 169 xF(main)S 169 x(expression.)S 256 x(If)S 10773 X 548 y(a)S 173 x(match)SE174 x(is)S 173 x(found,)S 176 x(this)S 173 x(match)S 173 x(is)S 173 xeC(being)S 174 x(searched)S 174 x(for)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(ignore-ex)S F2 x(pression.)S 10773 X 548 y(If)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(ignore-expr)S 2 xG(ession)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(part)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(match,)S)E167 x(the)S 166 x(match)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(discarded.)S 10773 X 897 y D(In)S 171 x(an)S 172 x(ignore-ex)S 2 x(pression,)S 172 x(the)S 172 xE("Beginning)S 173 x(of)S 171 x(line")S 171 x(and)S 172 x("End)S 171 x)J(of)S 171 x(line")S 171 x(pattern)S 10773 X 548 y(have)S 170 x(different)SE168 x(behaviour)S -35 x(.)S 254 x(The)S 170 x(are)S 168 x(de\211ned)SeF170 x(as)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(beginning)S 170 x(and)S 169 x(the)S 169 xG(end)S 169 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(main)S 166 x(match,)S 167 x5G(respectively)S -55 x(.)S 10773 10352 XY F25(/LIMIT[=n])S 10773 X 797 ySD(/NOLIMIT)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(If)S 180 x(this)SJ180 x(quali\211er)S 181 x(is)S 180 x(present,)S 184 x(FIND)S 180 x(stops)SF179 x(searching)S 182 x(after)S 180 x(n)S 181 x(matches)S 180 x(have)SG10773 X 547 y(been)S 167 x(found.)S 250 x(If)S 165 x(no)S 167 x(value)S7H167 x(is)S 165 x(speci\211ed,)S 167 x(FIND)S 165 x(stops)S 165 x(after)SE166 x(the)S 166 x(\211rst)S 166 x(match.)S 10773 X 897 y(This)S 159 xlD(is)S 158 x(a)S 158 x(positional)S 159 x(quali\211er)S 159 x(which)SG159 x(can)S 159 x(be)S 158 x(speci\211ed)S 159 x(on)S 159 x(the)S 159 xxF(command)S 159 x(and/or)S 10773 X 548 y(on)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(input)SF169 x(\211le\(s\).)S 253 x(If)S 168 x(it)S 168 x(is)S 168 x(appended)SF168 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(command,)S 169 x(it)S 168 x(works)S 168 xF(as)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(global)S 10773 X 548 y(limit)S 168 x(and)S 170 xJ(FIND)S 168 x(stops)S 168 x(after)S 169 x(a)S 169 x(total)S 169 x(number)SF169 x(of)S 169 x(n)S 170 x(matches.)S 255 x(If)S 169 x(it)S 168 x(is)SK169 x(appended)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 166 x(an)S 166 x(input)S 167 x(\211le)S)H166 x(name,)S 167 x(it)S 165 x(limits)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(search)S 166 xK(within)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(n)S 166 x(matches.)S)C10773 X 897 y(However)S -36 x(,)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(current)S 171 x8F(line)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(scanned)S 170 x(to)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(end,)SC171 x(and)S 170 x(if)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(quali\211er)S 170 x(/END)S9G10773 X 548 y(has)S 171 x(has)S 170 x(been)S 171 x(speci\211ed,)S 173 x G(the)S 171 x(search)S 171 x(continues)S 171 x(until)S 171 x(the)S 171 xsI(end_expression)S 171 x(has)S 10773 X 547 y(been)S 167 x(found.)S 10773 XtH897 y(If)S 171 x(one)S 172 x(of)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(quali\211ers)S 172 xD(/WINDOW)S 170 x(or)S 172 x(/REMAINING)S 169 x(is)S 171 x(present,)SH173 x(the)S 172 x(search)S 10773 X 548 y(continues)S 187 x(until)S 187 xH(the)S 186 x(speci\211ed)S 187 x(number)S 187 x(of)S 186 x(lines)S 186 xH(\(or)S 187 x(end)S 186 x(of)S 187 x(\211le\))S 186 x(has)S 187 x(been)SI10773 X 548 y(reached.)S 10773 19916 XY F25(/LOG)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLOG)S1J164 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Outputs)S 187 x(a)S 188 x(message)SH187 x(to)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(current)S 188 x(SYS$OUTPUT)S 188 x(device)SG188 x(for)S 188 x(each)S 188 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(searched.)S 254 x(H(The)S 169 x(message)S 167 x(includes)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(\211le)S 168 xE(name,)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(number)S 168 x(of)S 168 x(records,)S 169 x1D(and)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(matches)SH166 x(for)S 166 x(each)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(searched.)S 10773 23502 XYEF25(/MA)S -52 x(TCH)S 10773 X 797 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=option[,option])StE10773 X 797 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=MAXIMI)S -2 x(ZE_MA)S -52 x(TCH)S 165 x6H(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=MINI)S -2 x(MIZE_MA)S -52 xE(TCH)S 10773 X 798 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=NO)S -2 x(T)S 10773 X 597 y F1515G(Indicates)S 186 x(how)S 186 x(the)S 187 x(FIND)S 185 x(command)S 187 x)C(matches)S 186 x(regular)S 187 x(expressions.)S 290 x(The)S 10773 XND548 y(MA)S -27 x(TCH)S 165 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(has)S 166 x(three)SD167 x(options:)S 10773 X 897 y F38(MAXIMIZE_MA)S -32 x(TCH)S 15854 XK(FIND)S 148 x(tries)S 150 x(to)S 149 x(\211nd)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(longest)SyG150 x(possible)S 149 x(match.)S 10773 X 747 y(MINIMIZE_MA)S -33 x(TCH)SsH15854 X(FIND)S 148 x(tries)S 150 x(to)S 149 x(\211nd)S 150 x(the)S 150 xG(shortest)S 150 x(possible)S 150 x(match.)S 10773 X 747 y(NOT)S 15854 X/I(FIND)S 158 x(search)S 2 x(es)S 159 x(for)S 159 x(whole)S 160 x(records)SSH160 x(which)S 159 x(do)S 160 x(not)S 159 x(contain)S 160 x(the)S 15854 XH548 y(target.)S 10773 X 897 y F151(MAXIMIZE_MA)S -28 x(TCH)S 183 x(and)SF184 x(MINIMIZE_MA)S -28 x(TCH)S 183 x(in\212uenc)S 2 x(e)S 183 x(the)SH183 x(matching)S 10773 X 548 y(of)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(expression)S 177 xL(parameter)S 176 x(as)S 176 x(well)S 176 x(as)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(matching)SH177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 176 x(/ST)S -27 x(ART)S 176 x(and)S 10773 X 548 yE(/END)S 165 x(expressions,)S 166 x(whereas)S 165 x(NOT)S 165 x(only)SXL166 x(in\212uen)S 2 x(ces)S 165 x(the)S 165 x(expression)S 166 x(parameter)SG-37 x(,)S 10773 X 548 y(not)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(/ST)S -27 x(ART)S 165 xdC(and)S 167 x(/END)S 165 x(expressions.)S 10773 X 896 y(When)S 158 xaC(the)S 157 x(regu)S 2 x(lar)S 157 x(expression)S 158 x(does)S 157 x0E(not)S 157 x(contain)S 158 x(repeat)S 158 x(pattern)S 157 x(\()S F152SD(\\)S 50 x(.)S F151(,)S 160 x F152(\\)S 49 x(:)S F151(,)S 160 x(or)SH158 x F152(\\)S 50 x(,)S F151(\),)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 178 x(asterisk)SH177 x(\()S F152(*)S F151(\),)S 181 x(or)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(whitespace)SN177 x(character)S 178 x(\()S F152(\\)S 50 x(w)S F151(\),)S 180 x(MAXIMIZE_MA)SE-28 x(TCH)S 10773 X 548 y(and)S 166 x(MINIMIZE_MA)S -27 x(TCH)S 165 x E(produce)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(same)S 166 x(result.)S 5094 36925 XY F36)(10)S(EP PPS %%PageTrailerx1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqueu<%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %o%%Page: (11) 13y%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)n PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 24810 1807 XY F24(FIND/FIN)S -2 x(D)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/MODIFIED)SF10773 X 598 y F151(Modi\211es)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)SG174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)SaF173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 547 y(/MODIFIED)SH176 x(selects)S 176 x(\211les)S 177 x(according)S 178 x(to)S 177 x(the)SF177 x(dates)S 177 x(on)S 177 x(which)S 177 x(they)S 178 x(were)S 177 xD(last)S 10773 X 548 y(modi\211ed.)S 287 x(This)S 185 x(quali\211er)SF186 x(is)S 184 x(incompatible)S 185 x(with)S 184 x(the)S 185 x(other)SD185 x(quali\211ers)S 185 x(that)S 10773 X 548 y(also)S 188 x(allow)SG187 x(you)S 189 x(to)S 187 x(select)S 188 x(\211les)S 188 x(according)S1E189 x(to)S 188 x(time)S 187 x(attributes:)S 293 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)SmF10773 X 548 y(/CREA)S -28 x(TED,)S 195 x(and)S 196 x(/EXPIRED.)S 195 xG(If)S 195 x(you)S 196 x(specify)S 196 x(none)S 196 x(of)S 195 x(these)SsH196 x(four)S 196 x(time)S 10773 X 548 y(modi\211ers,)S 167 x(the)S 166 xJ(default)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(/CREA)S -28 x(TED.)S 10773 9455 XY F25(/NUMB)SI-2 x(ERS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NONU)S -2 x(MBERS)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X1F598 y F151(Controls)S 167 x(whether)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(source)S 167 xD(line)S 168 x(number)S 167 x(is)S 167 x(displayed)S 167 x(at)S 167 xH(the)S 167 x(left)S 167 x(margin)S 168 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(each)S 167 xI(line.)S 10773 12494 XY F25(/OUTPUT[=\211le-spec])S 10773 X 797 y(/NOOU)SoE-2 x(TPUT)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 177 x(whether)S 177 x(the)S1G177 x(results)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(search)S 177 x(are)S 177 x J(output)S 178 x(to)S 176 x(a)S 177 x(speci\211ed)S 177 x(\211le.)S 10773 XC547 y(The)S 178 x(output)S 177 x(is)S 176 x(sent)S 177 x(to)S 177 xmD(the)S 177 x(current)S 178 x(default)S 176 x(output)S 178 x(device)SH177 x(\(SYS$OUTPUT\))S 10773 X 548 y(if)S 175 x(you)S 176 x(omit)S 175 xH(the)S 176 x(/OUTPUT)S 176 x(quali\211er)S 176 x(or)S 175 x(omit)S 175 xF(the)S 176 x(\211le)S 175 x(speci\211cation)S 176 x(with)S 175 x(the)SC10773 X 548 y(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 257 x(The)S 171 x(/NOOUTPUT)SoJ170 x(quali\211er)S 171 x(means)S 170 x(that)S 170 x(no)S 170 x(matching)SC171 x(records)S 170 x(are)S 10773 X 548 y(output)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(H(a)S 166 x(result)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(FIND)S 166 x(command.)SG10773 X 897 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(cannot)S 167 x(specify)S 166 x(the)SSE166 x(quali\211ers)S 166 x(/NOOUTPUT)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(/END)S 166 x1C(together)S -36 x(.)S 10773 18073 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(AGE[=key)S -2 x1E(word])S 10773 X 797 y(/NOP)S -52 x(AGE)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X(P598 y F151(Controls)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(display)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(information)SC166 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(screen.)S 10773 X 896 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S)F167 x(can)S 166 x(use)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(keywords)SD166 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(/P)S -36 x(AGE)S 165 x(quali\211er:)SG10773 X 897 y F38(CLEAR_SCREEN)S 15854 X(Displays)S 149 x(information)S6C150 x(one)S 150 x(page)S 151 x(at)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(time.)S 10773 X)F747 y(SCROLL)S 15854 X(Displays)S 149 x(information)S 150 x(on)S 150 xI(a)S 150 x(continuous)S 150 x(stream.)S 10773 X 747 y(SA)S -33 x(VE[=n])SrD15854 X(Enables)S 166 x(screen)S 166 x(navigation)S 166 x(of)S 165 xF(information,)S 169 x(where)S 166 x(n)S 165 x(is)S 165 x(the)S 15854 XH548 y(numbe)S 2 x(r)S 149 x(of)S 150 x(pages)S 150 x(to)S 150 x(store.)SC10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 186 x(/P)S -37 x(AGE=SA)S -57 x(VE)S 184 xBF(quali\211er)S 186 x(allows)S 184 x(you)S 186 x(to)S 184 x(navig)S 2 xN(ate)S 184 x(through)S 187 x(screens)S 184 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(information.)SL274 x(The)S 179 x(/P)S -36 x(AGE)S -2 x(=SA)S -56 x(VE)S 178 x(quali\211er)SD178 x(stores)S 178 x(up)S 178 x(to)S 178 x(5)S 178 x(screens)S 178 xE(of)S 178 x(up)S 178 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(255)S 164 x(columns)S 163 x E(of)S 164 x(information.)S 250 x(When)S 164 x(you)S 164 x(use)S 164 x7E(the)S 164 x(/P)S -37 x(AGE=SA)S -57 x(VE)S 163 x(quali\211er)S -36 x6N(,)S 165 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 167 x(use)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)SD166 x(keys)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(navigate)S 167 x(through)S 167 x(the)SF166 x(information:)S 10773 X 896 y 17484 48 R 10773 27238 XY F40(Key)SN150 x(Sequence)S 15854 X(Description)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 28135 XYDF38(Up)S 149 x(arro)S 2 x(w)S 149 x(\(^)S 150 x(\),)S 149 x(Ctrl/B)SC15854 X(Scroll)S 149 x(up)S 150 x(one)S 150 x(line.)S 10773 X 747 y,D(Down)S 149 x(arro)S 2 x(w)S 149 x(\(v)S 150 x(\))S 15854 X(Scroll)SI149 x(down)S 150 x(one)S 150 x(line.)S 10773 X 747 y(Left)S 149 x(arrow)SLD151 x(\(<)S 149 x(-)S 150 x(\))S 15854 X(Scroll)S 149 x(left)S 149 xF(one)S 150 x(column.)S 10773 X 748 y(Right)S 149 x(arrow)S 150 x(\(-)SE150 x(>)S 149 x(\))S 15854 X(Scroll)S 149 x(right)S 150 x(one)S 150 x4E(column.)S 10773 X 747 y(Insert)S 150 x(Here)S 150 x(\(E2\))S 15854 XaH(Scroll)S 149 x(right)S 150 x(one)S 150 x(half)S 149 x(screen.)S 10773 XG747 y(Remove)S 151 x(\(E3\))S 15854 X(Scroll)S 149 x(left)S 149 x(one)SrI150 x(half)S 149 x(screen)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y(Select)S 149 x(\(E4\))SSE15854 X(T)S -50 x(oggle)S 150 x(80/132)S 151 x(column)S 150 x(mode.)ShF10773 X 747 y(Prev)S 150 x(Screen)S 151 x(\(E5\))S 15854 X(Get)S 149 xD(the)S 150 x(previous)S 150 x(page)S 151 x(of)S 149 x(information.)SK10773 X 748 y(Next)S 163 x(Screen)S 165 x(\(E6\),)S 10773 X 548 y(Return,)SxD150 x(Enter)S -25 x(,)S 149 x(Space)S 871 x -548 y(Get)S 149 x(the)SH150 x(next)S 150 x(page)S 150 x(of)S 149 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x1J(compatible)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(/OUTPUT)S 166 x(quali\211er)SG-36 x(.)S 10773 10624 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(A)S -53 x(TTERN)S 10773 X 797 A]~ FIND015.A3# ![FIND.V015.PORTABLE.EXE]FIND.PS;2c&5|yyG(/P)S -51 x(A)S -53 x(TTERN=option)S 10773 X 797 y(/P)S -51 x(A)S -53 x(E(TTERN=VMS)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOP)S -52 x(A)S -52 xXC(TTERN)S 10773 X 597 y F151(If)S 178 x(negated,)S 183 x(the)S 179 xeH(parameter)S 178 x(expression)S 179 x(as)S 178 x(well)S 178 x(as)S 178 xG(the)S 178 x(values)S 179 x(of)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(/END)S 10773 X 548 yxE(and)S 184 x(the)S 185 x(/ST)S -27 x(ART)S 184 x(quali\211ers)S 184 x5D(\(if)S 184 x(speci\211ed\))S 184 x(are)S 184 x(treated)S 184 x(as)SF184 x(strings)S 184 x(without)S 10773 X 548 y(any)S 187 x(wildcards,)SC190 x(e.g.)S 290 x(all)S 186 x(occurrences)S 187 x(of)S 186 x(the)S1C186 x(metacharacters)S 185 x(*,)S 192 x(%,)S 191 x(and)S 186 x(\\)S6G10773 X 548 y(\(VMS)S 167 x(pattern)S 168 x(style\))S 168 x(are)S 168 x(D(taken)S 168 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x(tics)S 166 x(about)S 166 x(the)SH166 x(search)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(displayed:)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xC(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 y7J(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(records)S 166 x(searched)S 10773 XJ896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(characters)S 167 x(searched)SD10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(matches)S 166 xH(found)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(matching)SG167 x(records)S 166 x(found)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x6I(of)S 166 x(lines)S 166 x(printed)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Buffered)SSC166 x(I/O)S 166 x(count)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Direct)S 165 xOC(I/O)S 166 x(count)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S8F166 x(page)S 167 x(faults)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Elapsed)S 165 xE(CPU)S 166 x(time)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Elapsed)S 165 x(time)SeF10773 19661 XY F25(/SYMBOLS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOSYMBO)S -2 x(LS)S 167 xH(\(default\))S 10773 X 597 y F151(Controls)S 171 x(whether)S 172 x(the)SH172 x(following)S 172 x(symbols)S 171 x(containing)S 173 x(information)SM172 x(about)S 172 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(search)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(written:)S3H10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(FIND_FILES_SEA)S -2 x(RCHED)S 165 x(-)S 166 xC(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 y E(\201)S 595 x(FIND_REC)S -2 x(ORDS_SE)S -2 x(ARCHED)S 165 x(-)S 165 xAC(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(records)S 166 x(searched)S 10773 X 896 y5H(\201)S 595 x(FIND_CHAR)S -2 x(ACTERS_SE)S -2 x(ARCHED)S 165 x(-)S 165 xF(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(characters)S 166 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 yD(\201)S 595 x(FIND_MA)S -28 x(TCHES_FOUND)S 165 x(-)S 165 x(Number)SC167 x(of)S 166 x(matches)S 166 x(found)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xSG(FIND_REC)S -2 x(ORDS_MA)S -29 x(TCHED)S 165 x(-)S 166 x(Number)S 167 x I(of)S 166 x(matching)S 167 x(records)S 166 x(found)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S3F595 x(FIND_LINES_PRI)S -2 x(NTED)S 166 x(-)S 166 x(Number)S 166 x(of)SF166 x(lines)S 166 x(printed)S 10773 28328 XY F25(/WINDOW[=\(n1,n2\)])SC10773 X 797 y(/NOWIND)S -2 x(OW)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 ylFF151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(lines)SF166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(displayed)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 167 xK(searched)S 166 x(pattern.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 176 x(you)S 177 x(specify)S2E177 x(the)S 176 x(/WINDOW)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 177 x(without)S 176 x C(the)S 177 x(value)S 177 x(n1)S 176 x(and)S 177 x(n2,)S 179 x(two)S F10773 X 548 y(lines)S 173 x(above)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(searched)S 174 xC(string,)S 176 x(the)S 174 x(searched)S 173 x(string,)S 176 x(and)SeL174 x(two)S 173 x(lines)S 173 x(below)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 174 x(searched)SH174 x(string)S 174 x(are)S 174 x(included)S 175 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 xI(output.)S 265 x(If)S 174 x(you)S 174 x(specify)S 174 x(/WINDOW)S 10773 X1D548 y(with)S 184 x(a)S 183 x(single)S 184 x(number)S 185 x(\(n1\),)SD189 x(n1)S 184 x(speci\211es)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(number)S 184 x(of)SH184 x(lines)S 184 x(to)S 183 x(display)S 10773 X 548 y(including)S 181 xD(the)S 180 x(search)S 180 x(string.)S 278 x(Half)S 179 x(the)S 180 xC(lines)S 180 x(precede)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(matched)S 179 x(search)S)D10773 X 548 y(string)S 164 x(and)S 163 x(half)S 163 x(follow)S 163 xF(it.)S 249 x(\(If)S 162 x(n)S 164 x(is)S 163 x(even,)S 165 x(1)S 163 xE(line)S 163 x(is)S 163 x(added)S 163 x(to)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(lined)SxD163 x(following)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(matched)S 166 x(search)S*167 x(pattern.\))S 27704 36925 XY F36(13)SEP PPi %%PageTrailern2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Helvetica-BoldObliquee%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e%t%%Page: (14) 16e%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/FIND)S 10773 4866 XY F151(For)S 170 x(example,)S H172 x(if)S 169 x(you)S 171 x(specify)S 170 x(/WINDOW=)S -2 x(10,)S 171 xC(nine)S 171 x(additional)S 169 x(lines)S 170 x(are)S 170 x(listed)S1N10773 X 548 y(along)S 179 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(line)S 178 x(containing)SF180 x(the)S 179 x(search)S 178 x(pattern.)S 275 x(Four)S 179 x(lines)SI178 x(are)S 179 x(listed)S 10773 X 548 y(above)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(line)S C167 x(containing)S 168 x(the)S 166 x(search)S 167 x(pattern)S 166 xiD(and)S 167 x(\211ve)S 167 x(lines)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(listed)S 165 xF(below)S 10773 X 548 y(it,)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(total)S 166 xE(of)S 166 x(ten)S 166 x(lines.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 172 x(you)S 174 xtI(specify)S 172 x(n1)S 173 x(and)S 173 x(n2,)S 175 x(the)S 173 x(/WINDOW)SaC171 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(displays)S 172 x(n1)S 173 x(lines)S 173 x(G(above)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 171 x(search)S 171 x(string,)S 173 x(the)S(C170 x(search)S 172 x(string,)S 172 x(and)S 171 x(n2)S 171 x(lines)S F171 x(below)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(search)S 171 x(string.)S 10773 X 548 yD(Either)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(these)S 166 x(numbers)S 166 x(can)S 167 xH(be)S 166 x(zero.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 172 x(you)S 173 x(specify)S 172 xF(/WINDOW=0,)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 172 x(name)S 173 x(of)S 172 xI(each)S 173 x(\211le)S 172 x(containing)S 174 x(a)S 172 x(match)S 10773 XTF548 y(\(but)S 171 x(no)S 171 x(records\))S 170 x(is)S 171 x(included)SK171 x(in)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(output.)S 259 x(This)S 171 x(speci\211cation)StF170 x(creates)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(\(using)S 168 xE(the)S 168 x(/OUTPUT)S 169 x(quali\211er\))S 168 x(that)S 168 x(can)S1H168 x(be)S 168 x(inserted)S 167 x(into)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(command)S 168 xK(\211le)S 168 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(manipulate)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211les)S)F166 x(containing)S 168 x(matches.)S 10773 X 896 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 160 xK(cannot)S 160 x(specify)S 159 x(the)S 159 x(quali\211ers)S 159 x(/WINDOW=)SoE-2 x(0)S 159 x(and)S 160 x(/END)S 158 x(at)S 159 x(the)S 159 x(same)S E158 x(time.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 180 x(you)S 182 x(omit)S 180 x(the)StD181 x(/WINDOW)S 180 x(quali\211er)S 181 x(entirely)S -55 x(,)S 185 xE(only)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(line)S 181 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x(is)S 151 x(displayed)S 152 x(at)S 152 x(the)S 152 x1G(terminal.)S 250 x(It)S 151 x(is)S 152 x(necessary)S 10773 X 598 y(to)StG166 x(enclose)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(string)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(quotation)S7C166 x(marks)S 166 x(because)S 167 x(it)S 165 x(contains)S 167 x(a)S1C166 x(wildcard.)S 5094 23232 XY F202(2)S 6290 X -57 y F102($)S 1 SC0C239 x(FIND/OUTPUT=RE)S 2 x(SULTS.DAT/WINDOW=9)S 241 x(DISLIST.MEM)SSC240 x("b*t")S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/PATTERN=P)S 2 xoD(OSIX/OUTPUT=RESULTS)S 2 x(.DAT/WINDOW=9)S 240 x(DISLIST.MEM)S 240 xE("b.*t")S 0 SC 10773 24620 XY F151(The)S 172 x(FIND)S 171 x(command)SWC171 x(searches)S 171 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(DISLIS)S -2 x(T)SSD-45 x(.MEM)S 172 x(for)S 171 x(occurren)S 2 x(ces)S 171 x(of)S 171 xEF152(B)S 10773 X 598 y F151(or)S 166 x F152(b)S 166 x F151(followed)S)D166 x(any)S 167 x(number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(characters)S 167 x(and)SF166 x(a)S 166 x F152(T)S 166 x F151(or)S 167 x F152(t)S F151(,)S 166 xJ(as)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 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10773 34427 XY F151(The)SH174 x(FIND)S 172 x(command)S 173 x(searches)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)SH173 x(FIND.SDML)S 172 x(and)S 173 x(displays)S 173 x(all)S 172 x(table)SE10773 X 598 y(de\211nitions)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(this)S 165 x(\211le.)Su27704 36925 XY F36(15)SSEP PPu %%PageTrailers2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman*%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%S%%Page: (16) 18S%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)o PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/FIND)S 5094 4823 XY F202(6)S 6290 X -57 yCF102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/NOPATTERN)S 241 x(SOME_STRUCTURES.H/)S 2 x)G(LIMIT=1/START=struc)S 2 x(t)S 239 x(the_name_of_the_st)S 2 x(ructure)S(K0 SC 10773 5762 XY F151(The)S 156 x(FIND)S 155 x(command)S 155 x(searches)SoH155 x(the)S 156 x(\211le)S 155 x(SOME_STRUCTURE)S -2 x(S.H)S 156 x(for)SC155 x(the)S 156 x(\211rst)S 10773 X 598 y(occurren)S 2 x(ce)S 177 x0E(of)S 178 x F152(the_name_of_t)S 2 x(he_struct)S 2 x(ure)S 178 x F1511I(and)S 178 x(displays)S 177 x(every)S 179 x(record)S 178 x(from)S 10773 X I597 y(the)S 172 x(last)S 172 x(occurrence)S 173 x(of)S 172 x F152(struc)S7F2 x(t)S 172 x F151(before)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(match)S 172 x(up)S 173 xG(to)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(record)S 172 x(containing)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S M166 x(match,)S 167 x(i.e.)S 250 x(the)S 166 x(complete)S 166 x(de\211nition)S5F167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(structure.)S 5094 8570 XY F202(7)S 6290 XQ-48 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/LIMIT=1/N)S 2 x(OPATTERN)S 240 x(SYS$LIBRARY:*.H)S8O240 x("struct)S 240 x(accdef"/END=")S 22071 X(})S 239 x(;")S 0 SC 10773 9518 XY_HF151(This)S 188 x(command)S 189 x(searches)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(C)S 187 xE(header)S 189 x(\211les)S 188 x(in)S 189 x(SYS$LIBR)S -2 x(AR)S -19 x)D(Y)S 188 x(for)S 189 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(de\211nition)S 167 x(of)SH166 x(the)S 166 x(structure)S 167 x F152(accdef)S F151(.)S 5094 11138 XYUF202(8)S 6290 X -56 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/NOPATTERN)S 241 x(SYS$LIBRARY:PASCAL)ScM2 x($LIB_ROUTINES.PAS/L)S 2 x(IMIT=1)S 239 x(LIB$SIGNAL/EN)S 2 x(D=EXTERNAL)StL0 SC 10773 12078 XY F151(FIND)S 247 x(searches)S 248 x(the)S 248 x(routine)SJ249 x F152(LIB$SIGNAL)S 247 x F151(in)S 248 x(the)S 248 x(\211le)S 10773 XD598 y(SYS$LIBRA)S -2 x(R)S -18 x(Y)S -47 x(:P)S -36 x(ASCAL$LIB_RO)SC-2 x(UTINES.P)S -37 x(AS)S 171 x(and)S 171 x(displays)S 170 x(the)SOE170 x(complete)S 10773 X 598 y(de\211nition)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(this)S F166 x(routine.)S 10773 X 896 y(T)S -45 x(o)S 177 x(make)S 178 x(sure)SF178 x(that)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(whole)S 177 x(de\211nition)S 179 x(is)SE177 x(displayed,)S 181 x(the)S 178 x(end)S 178 x(expression)S 10773 XNJ598 y(could)S 172 x(be)S 172 x(changed)S 173 x(into)S 171 x("EXTERNAL;\\)SC49 x(w\\)S 49 x(>")S 172 x(\(VMS)S 171 x(style\),)S 173 x(thereby)S(G173 x(avoiding)S 10773 X 598 y(that)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(display)S 171 xhD(stops)S 169 x(if)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(word)S 170 x F152(extern)S 2 xD(al)S 170 x F151(occurs)S 171 x(in)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(description)SE170 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(routine)S 167 x(\(descriptions)ScH165 x(all)S 166 x(have)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(closing)S 167 x(comment)S 166 xD(at)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(end)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(line\).)SH5094 16987 XY F202(9)S 6290 X -57 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/NOPATTERN)SF241 x(PROG.B32/LIMIT=1/S)S 2 x(TART="FIELD")S 240 x("fac$"/END="TES")SK0 SC 10773 17926 XY F151(FIND)S 174 x(searches)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(\211le)SSG175 x(PROG.B32)S 173 x(and)S 174 x(displays)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(FIELD)S(C173 x(de\211nitions)S 175 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y F152(fac$)S F151(.)S15094 36925 XY F36(16)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer1"%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Jinete:%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%s%%Page: (17) 19e%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)u PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 23105 1807 XY F24(FIND/)S -2 x(REPLACE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R(C5094 5543 XY F20(FIND/)S 2 x(REPLACE)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Searches)S4E176 x(one)S 176 x(or)S 176 x(more)S 176 x(\211les)S 175 x(for)S 177 xFM(the)S 176 x(speci\211ed)S 176 x(expression)S 175 x(and)S 176 x(substitutes)SsD177 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(occurrences)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 xH(expression)S 165 x(with)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(replacement)S 166 x(string.)SC5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XRC(FIND/R)S -2 x(EPLACE)S 697 x F23(\211le-spec[,.)S -2 x(..])S 249 xaK(expressi)S -2 x(on)S 166 x(replaceme)S -2 x(nt)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 ROS5094 11862 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(\211le-spec[,...])SyE10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(names)S 172 x(of)SxD172 x(one)S 173 x(or)S 172 x(more)S 172 x(\211les)S 172 x(to)S 172 xI(be)S 172 x(searched.)S 262 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 172 x(must)S 172 x(specify)SNI10773 X 548 y(at)S 182 x(least)S 181 x(one)S 182 x(\211le)S 182 x(name.)SWC282 x(If)S 181 x(you)S 183 x(specify)S 182 x(two)S 181 x(or)S 182 x D(more)S 182 x(\211le)S 182 x(names,)S 187 x(separate)S 10773 X 548 yF(them)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(commas.)S 10773 X 896 y(W)S -19 x(ildcard)SE166 x(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(allowed)S 165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S(G166 x(\211le)S 166 x(speci\211cation.)S 10773 15477 XY F25(expression)S7E10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(expression)S 189 x(L(to)S 188 x(be)S 188 x(replaced)S 188 x(in)S 189 x(the)S 189 x(speci\211ed)SK188 x(\211les.)S 294 x(Enclose)S 10773 X 548 y(strings)S 181 x(containing)SnC182 x(lowercase)S 180 x(letters,)S 184 x(blanks,)S 185 x(or)S 181 x O(other)S 181 x(nonalphanumeric)S 10773 X 548 y(characters)S 167 x(\(including)S1D167 x(spaces\))S 165 x(in)S 166 x(quotation)S 167 x(marks.)S 10773 XH896 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 191 x(can)S 191 x(use)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(/DIACRI)SE-2 x(TICAL,)S 191 x(/EXACT)S -47 x(,)S 191 x(/MA)S -27 x(TCH,)S 190 x(F(and)S 190 x(/P)S -36 x(A)S -27 x(TTERN)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211ers)SC166 x(to)S 166 x(alter)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(way)S 166 x(that)S 166 xSG(FIND/REPLACE)S 165 x(matches)S 166 x(expressions.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S)H167 x(the)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(/P)S -36 x(A)S -28 x(TTERN)S 167 xI(is)S 166 x(present)S 167 x(\(default\),)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(expression)SnG168 x(is)S 166 x(treated)S 167 x(as)S 10773 X 548 y(a)S 166 x(regular)S(H167 x(expression,)S 167 x(otherwise)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(string.)S 10773 XD897 y(Regular)S 179 x(expressions)S 178 x(consist)S 177 x(of)S 178 xH(a)S 178 x(string)S 178 x(of)S 178 x(ordinary)S 179 x(characters)S 179 xF(combined)S 10773 X 548 y(with)S 166 x(metacharacters.)S 251 x(There)SG168 x(are)S 166 x(two)S 166 x(different)S 167 x(sets)S 166 x(of)S 166 xdF(metacharacters,)S 168 x(VMS)S 10773 X 548 y(style)S 182 x(and)S 183 xF(POSIX)S 181 x(style.)S 282 x(The)S 183 x(/P)S -36 x(A)S -28 x(TTERN)SF183 x(quali\211er)S 183 x(is)S 181 x(used)S 183 x(to)S 182 x(specify)SC182 x(the)S 10773 X 547 y(style.)S 10773 X 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x(characters)S 171 x(or)S 170 x(groups)SD172 x(through)S 172 x(the)S 170 x(use)S 171 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 171 xI(repeat)S 10773 X 548 y(pattern)S 10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 31517 XYtDF40(VMS)S 150 x(style)S 14360 X(POSIX)S 149 x(style)S 17946 X(Rule)SF10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 32414 XY F152(\\)S 50 x(.)S 14360 X(*)SD17946 X F38(Repeat)S 158 x(previous)S 159 x(pattern)S 158 x(\(zero)SE159 x(or)S 159 x(more,)S 160 x(including)S 17946 X 548 y(original\))S G10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(:)S 14360 X(+)S 17946 X F38(Repeat)S 158 x(D(previous)S 159 x(pattern)S 158 x(\(at)S 158 x(least)S 158 x(once,)SD160 x(including)S 17946 X 548 y(original\))S 27704 36925 XY F36(17)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer5%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticau+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique 2%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic %%+ amsy98%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %7%%Page: (18) 20)%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)M PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 526 x 4546 Y 17484 48 RC10773 5045 XY F40(VMS)S 150 x(style)S 14360 X(POSIX)S 149 x(style)S D17946 X(Rule)S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 6091 XY F152(\\)S 50 xF(,)S 14360 X(?)S 17946 X F38(Repeat)S 159 x(previous)S 160 x(pattern)SG159 x(\(zero)S 159 x(or)S 159 x(once,)S 161 x(including)S 17946 X 548 y G(original\))S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 7834 XY F151(These)S 174 x D(repeat)S 173 x(patterns)S 173 x(work)S 173 x(on)S 173 x(the)S 174 xE(character)S 174 x(\(or)S 173 x(group\))S 174 x(they)S 174 x(follow)S1E-47 x(.)S 264 x(This)S 10773 X 548 y(group)S 182 x(must)S 180 x(not)S1D182 x(match)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(empty)S 181 x(string,)S 185 x(e.g.)SG280 x F152(\\)S 50 x(\(x\\)S 50 x(.\\)S 50 x(\)\\)S 49 x(:)S 280 x F151iJ(\(VMS)S 180 x(style\))S 181 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(illegal,)S 164 x(since)SG162 x F152(x\\)S 50 x(.)S 249 x F151(not)S 163 x(only)S 163 x(matches)S1C162 x F152(x)S F151(,)S 163 x F152(xx)S F151(,)S 164 x(...,)S 165 x HF152(x...x)S F151(,)S 165 x(but)S 162 x(also)S 162 x(the)S 162 x(empty)SD163 x(string,)S 10773 X 548 y(and)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(match)S 166 xH(cannot)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(repeated.)S 10773 X 897 y(There)S 169 x(are)SI169 x(metacharacters)S 168 x(to)S 168 x(match)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(empty)S2C169 x(string)S 168 x(at)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(beginning)S 170 x(and)SSE10773 X 548 y(at)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(end)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x2I(record)S 10773 X 896 y 17484 48 R 10773 12317 XY F40(VMS)S 150 x(style)S E14360 X(POSIX)S 149 x(style)S 17946 X(Rule)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R)F10773 13214 XY F152(\\)S 50 x(<)S 14360 X(^)S 17946 X F38(Line)S 150 xH(begin)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(>)S 14360 X($)S 17946 X F38(Line)SG150 x(end)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 15157 XY F151(FIND/REPLACE)S1C194 x(cannot)S 196 x(match)S 196 x(strings)S 195 x(crossing)S 196 x E(record)S 196 x(boundaries.)S 10773 X 548 y(Therefore)S 186 x(these)S8D186 x(pattern)S 185 x(must)S 185 x(be)S 185 x(at)S 185 x(the)S 186 xE(beginning)S 187 x(or)S 185 x(at)S 185 x(the)S 186 x(end)S 186 x(of)S0D185 x(an)S 10773 X 548 y(expression)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(match)S 179 xO(line)S 179 x(begin)S 179 x(or)S 179 x(line)S 180 x(end,)S 182 x(respectively)SSG-54 x(.)S 275 x(If)S 178 x(they)S 180 x(are)S 179 x(not)S 10773 X 547 yhE(at)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(beginning)S 175 x(or)S 174 x(at)S 174 x(the)S2H174 x(end)S 174 x(of)S 173 x(an)S 175 x(expression,)S 176 x(with)S 173 xE(VMS)S 174 x(style)S 173 x(pattern,)S 10773 X 548 y(this)S 182 x(is)S C181 x(treated)S 182 x(as)S 181 x(an)S 182 x(error)S -36 x(,)S 186 x0H(with)S 181 x(POSIX)S 181 x(style)S 182 x(pattern,)S 186 x(these)S 182 xP(characters)S 10773 X 548 y(then)S 181 x(stand)S 180 x(for)S 180 x(themselves.)SC277 x(So,)S 184 x(with)S 180 x(VMS)S 180 x(style)S 180 x(pattern,)S F184 x(the)S 181 x(expression)S 10773 X 548 y F152(il\\)S 50 x(\\)S7"XP /F119 106 138 5 -11 6 31 43 8 0EPXLC RP0F13209 18992 XY F119(j)S F152(\\)S 50 x()S 14360 X F382G(Close)S 159 x(angle)S 14360 X 548 y(bracket)S 17946 X -548 y(Matches)SSH151 x(the)S 149 x(end)S 151 x(of)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(line.)S 10773 7386 XYEF152(\\)S 50 x(\253)S 14360 X F38(Open)S 156 x(double)S 14360 X 548 ynM(angle)S 150 x(bracket)S 871 x -548 y(Matches)S 151 x(the)S 149 x(beginning)SF151 x(of)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(word.)S 10773 8681 XY F152(\\)S 50 x(\273)SH14360 X F38(Close)S 155 x(double)S 14360 X 548 y(angle)S 150 x(bracket)SC871 x -548 y(Matches)S 151 x(the)S 149 x(end)S 151 x(of)S 149 x(a)StE150 x(word.)S 10773 9976 XY F152(\\)S 50 x(@)S 14360 X F38(At)S 149 xF(sign)S 17946 X(Matches)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(speci\211c)S 170 x(column.)SI263 x(The)S 170 x(syntax)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(as)S 17946 X 548 y(follows:)SSJ17946 X 648 y F152(\\)S 50 x(@x)S 17946 X 747 y(\\)S 50 x(@\(x\))S 17946 XE747 y(\\)S 50 x(@rx)S 17946 X 747 y(\\)S 50 x(@r\(x\))S 17946 X 747 yxDF38(x)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(column)S 150 x(number)S 17946 XC748 y(r)S 164 x(is)S 163 x(a)S 164 x(relational)S 163 x(opera)S 2 x C(tor)S 163 x(indicating)S 164 x(whether)S 164 x(the)S 17946 X 548 yxG(pattern)S 162 x(should)S 162 x(match)S 163 x(the)S 161 x(speci\211ed)S E163 x(column,)S 165 x(any)S 17946 X 547 y(column)S 168 x(less)S 168 xcG(than)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(speci\211ed)S 168 x(column)S 168 x(or)S 168 x F(any)S 17946 X 548 y(column)S 155 x(greater)S 155 x(than)S 155 x(the)SC154 x(speci\211ed)S 155 x(column.)S 234 x(V)S -33 x(alues)S 17946 X D548 y(for)S 150 x(r)S 150 x(are:)S 17946 X 648 y(<)S 20038 X(match)SH178 x(any)S 178 x(column)S 178 x(less)S 177 x(than)S 177 x(the)S 20038 XD548 y(speci\211ed)S 151 x(column)S 17946 X 747 y(=)S 20038 X(match)SH151 x(the)S 149 x(speci\211ed)S 151 x(column)S 17946 X 747 y(>)S 20038 XF(match)S 169 x(any)S 168 x(column)S 168 x(greater)S 169 x(than)S 167 xD(the)S 20038 X 548 y(speci\211ed)S 151 x(column)S 17946 X 747 y(if)SC149 x(no)S 150 x(value)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(given)S 150 x(for)S 149 x(C(r)S -24 x(,)S 149 x(=)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(assum)S 2 x(ed.)S 10773 X E748 y F152(\\)S 50 x([chars])S 14360 X F38(Brackets)S 17946 X(Match)S1G176 x(any)S 175 x(one)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(characters)S 176 xBH(inside)S 175 x(the)S 17946 X 548 y(bracke)S 2 x(ts.)S 243 x(Character)SI160 x(ranges)S 161 x(can)S 160 x(be)S 159 x(abbre)S 2 x(viated;)S 17946 X H548 y(for)S 152 x(examp)S 2 x(le)S 151 x F152(\\)S 50 x([a-zA-Z])S 150 xDF38(matches)S 153 x(any)S 153 x(lowercase)S 152 x(or)S 17946 X 547 yE(upper)S 2 x(case)S 139 x(charac)S 2 x(ter)S -25 x(.)S 224 x(Inside)StE139 x(brackets)S 140 x(exist)S 138 x(only)S 139 x(two)S 17946 X 548 yxC(metacha)S 2 x(racters,)S 161 x F152(])S 161 x F38(and)S 159 x F152SF(\\)S 50 x F38(.)S 242 x F152(])S 242 x F38(closes)S 159 x(the)S 159 xC(brackets,)S 17946 X 548 y(and)S 150 x F152(\\)S 198 x F38(quotes)SgF149 x(the)S 149 x(next)S 148 x(chara)S 2 x(cter)S 149 x(wit)S -2 x(h)SE149 x(the)S 149 x(exception)S 17946 X 548 y(of)S 150 x F152(\\)S 49 xaF(c)S F38(,)S 149 x(which)S 150 x(has)S 150 x(its)S 149 x(usual)S 150 xE(meaning.)S 10773 X 748 y F152(\\)S 50 x([)S 83 x(~1-9])S 14360 X F38nG(Brackets)S 17946 X(Match)S 168 x(any)S 167 x(charac)S 2 x(ters)S 167 xrH(not)S 167 x(inside)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(bracke)S 2 x(ts.)S 17946 X 547 yH(Character)S 153 x(range)S 2 x(s)S 152 x(can)S 153 x(be)S 152 x(abbrev)SE2 x(iated;)S 152 x(for)S 153 x(example)S 17946 X 548 y F152(\\)S 50 x$I([0-9])S 149 x F38(matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(character)S 151 x(except)S)E150 x(digits.)S 10773 X 748 y F152(\\)S 50 x(.)S 14360 X F38(Period)ShF17946 X(Repeat)S 158 x(previous)S 159 x(pattern)S 158 x(\(zero)S 159 xI(or)S 159 x(more,)S 160 x(including)S 17946 X 548 y(original\).)S 10773 XXC747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(:)S 14360 X F38(Colon)S 17946 X(Repeat)S 158 xrD(previous)S 159 x(pattern)S 158 x(\(at)S 158 x(least)S 158 x(once,)SE160 x(including)S 17946 X 548 y(original\).)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)SoD50 x(,)S 14360 X F38(Comma)S 17946 X(Repeat)S 159 x(previous)S 160 xD(pattern)S 159 x(\(zero)S 159 x(or)S 159 x(once,)S 161 x(including)SG17946 X 548 y(original\).)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(char)S 14360 XCFF38(Backslash)S 17946 X(May)S 161 x(be)S 161 x(used)S 161 x(to)S 161 xG(quote)S 161 x(the)S 160 x(metachar)S 2 x(acters)S 161 x F152(\\)S 49 x1EF38(,)S 163 x F152(*)S F38(,)S 17946 X 548 y(and)S 150 x F152(%)S F38 F(.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(w)S 14360 X F38(Whitespace)S 17946 XC(Matches)S 151 x(an)S 150 x(arbitrary)S 150 x(amoun)S 2 x(t)S 149 x1F(of)S 149 x(whitespace.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(d)S 14360 X F38E(Digit)S -2 x(s)S 17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(decimal)S 150 x1D(digit.)S 10773 X 748 y F152(\\)S 50 x(o)S 14360 X F38(Octal)S 148 xD(digits)S 17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(octal)S 149 x(digit.)S27704 36925 XY F36(19)S2EP PP( %%PageTrailer.3%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italic2 %%+ Helveticax%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2%e%%Page: (20) 222%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)0 PaperHeight PaperWidth 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14360 XEF38(Lowercase)S 17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(lowercase)S 150 xaL(letter)S -25 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(u)S 14360 X F38(Uppercase)SE17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(upperc)S 2 x(ase)S 150 x(letter)S\D-25 x(.)S 10773 X 748 y F152(\\)S 50 x(p)S 14360 X F38(Punctuation)SH14360 X 548 y(set)S 17946 X -548 y(Matches)S 203 x(any)S 201 x(punctua)SE2 x(tion)S 200 x(chara)S 2 x(cter)S 17946 X 548 y(\()S F152(!"#$%&')SnD(\()S 77 x(\))S(*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[\\)S 51 x(]^_)S 17946 X 548 y({)S"XP /F120 106 128 4 -10 5 28 39 8 0EPXLC RPtC18112 13862 XY F120(j)S F152(}~)S F38(\).)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S)C50 x(f)S 14360 X F38(Formatting)S 150 x(set)S 696 x(Matches)S 157 x3C(any)S 155 x(formatting)S 156 x(character)S 157 x(\()S F152(,)S)E157 x F38()S F152(,)S 17946 X 548 y F38()S F152(,)S1G150 x F38()S F152(,)S 149 x F38()S F152(,)S 150 x F38(\).)S1J10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(^)S 14360 X F38(Control)S 149 x(set)S 17946 XE(Matches)S 151 x(any)S 150 x(control)S 150 x(char)S -24 x(.)S 10773 XSF747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(+)S 14360 X F38(7)S 149 x(bit)S 17946 X(Matches)SF151 x(any)S 150 x(character)S 151 x(with)S 149 x(bit)S 148 x(7)S 150 xD(set.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(c)S 14360 X F38(Ascii)S 17946 XF(This)S 161 x(pattern)S 162 x(can)S 162 x(be)S 161 x(used)S 162 x(to)SG161 x(specify)S 162 x(a)S 161 x(character)S 17946 X 548 y(which)S 156 x4C(cannot)S 156 x(be)S 156 x(entered)S 157 x(from)S 156 x(the)S 156 x1G(keyboa)S 2 x(rd.)S 236 x(The)S 17946 X 548 y(syntax)S 150 x(is)S 149 x1F(as)S 150 x(follows:)S 17946 X 648 y F152(\\)S 50 x(Cx)S 17946 X 747 yE(\\)S 50 x(C%bx)S 17946 X 747 y(\\)S 50 x(C\(x\))S 17946 X 747 y(\\)S/I50 x(C\(%bx\))S 17946 X 748 y F38(x)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(number)SCF151 x(represe)S 2 x(nting)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(ASCII)S 148 x(chara)S 2 xE(cter)S 17946 X 747 y(b)S 153 x(represe)S 2 x(nts)S 152 x(the)S 153 xtD(base)S 153 x(of)S 152 x(the)S 152 x(numb)S 2 x(er)S -24 x(.)S 229 xD(V)S -33 x(alues)S 153 x(for)S 152 x(b)S 17946 X 548 y(are:)S -772 xE647 y(D)S 149 x(=)S 150 x(decimal)S 17946 X 747 y(O)S 149 x(=)S 150 x1G(octal)S 17946 X 748 y(X)S 150 x(=)S 149 x(hexadec)S 2 x(imal)S 17946 X8F747 y(This)S 150 x(pattern)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(also)S 149 x(available)SD150 x(inside)S 149 x(bracke)S 2 x(ts.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 xDF120(j)S 14360 X F38(V)S -25 x(ertical)S 149 x(bar)S 17946 X(Match)SI150 x(previous)S 151 x(pattern)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(next)S 150 x(pattern.)SyK10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(\(expr\\)S 50 x(\))S 14360 X F38(Parentheses)SaG17946 X(Encloses)S 187 x(a)S 186 x(regular)S 187 x(express)S 2 x(ion,)SoC194 x(allowing)S 17946 X 548 y(metacha)S 2 x(racters)S 158 x(that)S3D156 x(act)S 157 x(on)S 158 x(the)S 157 x(preceding)S 158 x(regular)SF17946 X 548 y(expre)S 2 x(ssion)S 169 x(to)S 169 x(treat)S 170 x(the)SF169 x(paren)S 2 x(thesized)S 169 x(regular)S 17946 X 548 y(expre)S 2 xO(ssion)S 163 x(as)S 164 x(a)S 164 x(simple)S 163 x(regular)S 165 x(expression)SrH165 x(and)S 17946 X 548 y(builds)S 164 x(a)S 164 x(group)S 165 x(which)SC164 x(can)S 165 x(be)S 164 x(referred)S 165 x(to)S 164 x(by)S 164 xRD(the)S 17946 X 548 y(group)S 151 x(express)S 2 x(ion.)S 5094 X 548 yE(\(see)S 151 x(below\))S 10773 X 747 y F152(\\)S 50 x(digit)S 14360 XFF38(Group)S 17946 X(Refers)S 150 x(to)S 149 x(a)S 150 x(parenthe)S 2 xF(sized)S 149 x(group)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 33040 XYEF151(Groups,)S 186 x(i.e.)S 282 x(parts)S 181 x(of)S 182 x(an)S 182 x C(expression)S 182 x(which)S 183 x(are)S 182 x(enclosed)S 182 x(in)S4F182 x(parentheses,)S 10773 X 548 y(are)S 186 x(numbered)S 187 x(from)SJ186 x(left)S 186 x(to)S 186 x(right)S 187 x(one)S 187 x(to)S 186 x(nine,)SG192 x(i.e.)S 187 x(the)S 186 x(leftmost)S 185 x(opening)S 10773 X 547 y F(parenthesis)S 188 x(is)S 188 x(number)S 188 x(one)S 189 x(and)S 188 xG(the)S 188 x(rightmost)S 188 x(opening)S 189 x(parenthesis)S 188 x(is)S;10773 X 548 y(number)S 167 x(nine.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(20)S(EP PP) %%PageTrailerx3%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold 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F152(desc)S F151(.)S 10773 XG897 y(W)S -19 x(ithin)S 172 x(an)S 173 x(expression,)S 174 x(it)S 171 x7E(is)S 172 x(possible)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(refer)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(an)SeC172 x(already)S 172 x(matched)S 172 x(group.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S E175 x(is)S 174 x(done)S 175 x(by)S 176 x(entering)S 176 x(the)S 174 xaG(grou)S 2 x(p)S 174 x(pattern,)S 178 x F152(\\)S 224 x F151(and)S 175 x G(a)S 175 x(digit)S 174 x(\()S F152(1)S 175 x(...)S 176 x(9)S F151(\),)SSF177 x(where)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 183 x(digit)S 183 x(is)S 182 x(the)SF183 x(number)S 183 x(of)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(group.)S 284 x(So,)S 187 xFF152(\\)S 50 x(1)S 183 x(...)S 184 x(\\)S 50 x(9)S 182 x F151(denote)SH183 x(that)S 183 x(part)S 182 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 185 x(target,)SG191 x(which)S 185 x(has)S 185 x(been)S 185 x(matched)S 185 x(by)S 186 xD(the)S 185 x(\211rst)S 185 x(...)S 186 x(ninth)S 186 x(group)S 186 xE(of)S 185 x(the)S 10773 X 547 y(expression)S 166 x(\(or)S 167 x(the)SG166 x(empty)S 166 x(string,)S 167 x(if)S 166 x(there)S 166 x(is)S 166 xXG(no)S 166 x(group)S 167 x(with)S 166 x(that)S 166 x(number\).)S 10773 X-F897 y(For)S 155 x(example,)S 157 x(the)S 155 x(expression)S 155 x F152E(\\)S 49 x(\(%%%%\\)S 50 x(\)\\)S 49 x(1)S 155 x F151(matches)S 154 x0C(every)S 155 x(string)S 155 x(consisting)S 10773 X 548 y(of)S 186 xxE(four)S 186 x(arbitrary)S 186 x(characters)S 186 x(which)S 186 x(is)S(C185 x(followed)S 185 x(by)S 186 x(a)S 186 x(copy)S 186 x(of)S 185 x)C(it)S 186 x(self,)S 190 x(e.g.)S 10773 X 548 y F152(beriberi)S F151 E(.)S 10773 13586 XY F36(POSIX)S 167 x(style)S 166 x(pattern)S 10773 X9I896 y F151(Patterns)S 166 x(recognized)S 167 x(by)S 166 x(FIND/REPLACE:)S6G10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 15877 XY F40(Express)S 2 x(ion)S 14360 XxF(Name)S 17946 X(Rule...)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 16774 XY F152G(.)S 14360 X F38(Period)S 150 x(\(dot\))S 17946 X(Matches)S 151 x(any)SoD150 x(single)S 149 x(chara)S 2 x(cter)S -25 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y F152C(^)S 14360 X F38(Circum\212ex)S 17946 X(Matches)S 179 x(the)S 177 xnH(beginning)S 178 x(of)S 177 x(line)S 177 x(when)S 178 x(at)S 177 x(the)SD17946 X 548 y(beginning)S 165 x(of)S 163 x(a)S 164 x(regular)S 164 xH(expre)S 2 x(ssion.)S 252 x(When)S 165 x(used)S 17946 X 548 y(as)S 165 xD(the)S 164 x(\211rst)S 164 x(charac)S 2 x(ter)S 164 x(inside)S 164 xC(brackets,)S 168 x(excludes)S 17946 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(bracketed)S(D167 x(character)S 2 x(s)S 165 x(from)S 166 x(being)S 166 x(matched)SC2 x(.)S 17946 X 548 y(Otherwise)S 150 x(it)S 148 x(has)S 150 x(no)S F150 x(special)S 150 x(properties.)S 10773 X 747 y F152($)S 14360 X F38F(Dollar)S 149 x(sign)S 17946 X(Matches)S 169 x(the)S 167 x(end)S 168 xH(of)S 167 x(line)S 167 x(when)S 167 x(at)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(end)S 168 xM(of)S 167 x(a)S 17946 X 548 y(regular)S 163 x(expression.)S 249 x(Otherwise)S)G161 x(it)S 160 x(has)S 162 x(no)S 162 x(special)S 17946 X 548 y(prope)SlH2 x(rties.)S 10773 X 747 y F152([chars])S 14360 X F38(Brackets)S 17946 XL(Matches)S 181 x(any)S 181 x(one)S 181 x(of)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(characters)SC181 x(within)S 17946 X 548 y(the)S 175 x(brackets.)S 274 x(Ranges)S J176 x(of)S 174 x(characters)S 176 x(can)S 175 x(be)S 17946 X 548 y(abbre)SG2 x(viated;)S 163 x(for)S 158 x(exam)S 2 x(ple,)S 160 x F152([0-9a-z])SiF158 x F38(matches)S 160 x(any)S 17946 X 548 y(digit)S 149 x(or)S 150 xD(any)S 150 x(lowercase)S 150 x(letter)S -25 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y F152E(?)S 14360 X F38(Question)S 149 x(mark)S 648 x(Matches)S 155 x(zero)SnG154 x(or)S 153 x(one)S 154 x(occurr)S 2 x(ence)S 154 x(of)S 153 x(the)SyG153 x(characters)S 17946 X 548 y(prece)S 2 x(ding)S 149 x(it.)S 10773 XeC747 y F152(*)S 14360 X F38(Asterisk)S 17946 X(Matches)S 167 x(any)S7G166 x(sequen)S 2 x(ce)S 166 x(of)S 165 x(zero)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(more)S(F167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 17946 X 548 y(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 149 x(prece)SF2 x(ding)S 149 x(it.)S 10773 X 747 y F152(+)S 14360 X F38(Plus)S 149 xG(sign)S 17946 X(Matches)S 169 x(any)S 168 x(sequence)S 169 x(of)S 167 x0C(one)S 168 x(or)S 168 x(more)S 169 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 17946 X 548 y0G(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 149 x(prece)S 2 x(ding)S 149 x(it.)S 10773 X 747 y1EF152(\\)S 50 x(char)S 14360 X F38(Backslash)S 17946 X(Matches)S 167 xgH(the)S 165 x(character)S 166 x(following)S 165 x(the)S 165 x(backslash)SD17946 X 548 y(regar)S 2 x(dless)S 167 x(whether)S 167 x(that)S 167 xF(character)S 168 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 167 x(regu)S 2 x(lar)S 17946 X 548 yI(expre)S 2 x(ssion)S 149 x(metacha)S 2 x(racter)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(not.)S6J10773 X 747 y F152(!)S 14360 X F38(An)S -548 x 548 y(exclamation)S 14360 XJ548 y(mark)S 17946 30422 XY(If)S 156 x(the)S 157 x(\211rst)S 157 x(chara)SH2 x(cter)S 157 x(inside)S 157 x(a)S 157 x(bracket)S 158 x(construction)SE17946 X 548 y(is)S 155 x(an)S 155 x(exclamation)S 155 x(mark,)S 157 xhE(the)S 155 x(construction)S 155 x(matches)S 17946 X 548 y(any)S 150 x0F(chara)S 2 x(cter)S 149 x(that)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(not)S 149 x(inside)S#150 x(the)S 149 x(bracke)S 2 x(t.)S "XP /F120 106 128 4 -10 5 28 39 8 0EPXLC RP1C10773 32266 XY F120(j)S 14360 X F38(V)S -25 x(ertical)S 149 x(bar)S3O17946 X(Separa)S 2 x(tes)S 168 x(multiple)S 167 x(regular)S 170 x(expressions)ScD169 x(which)S 17946 X 547 y(matches)S 151 x(a)S 150 x(string)S 149 xF(that)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(matched)S 151 x(by)S 150 x(either)S -24 x(.)S27704 36925 XY F36(21)S1EP PPa %%PageTrailer52%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman+%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Helvetica amsy9)%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%c%%Page: (22) 246%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 526 x 4546 Y 17484 48 RF10773 5045 XY F40(Express)S 2 x(ion)S 14360 X(Name)S 17946 X(Rule...)SP10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 6091 XY F152(\(expr\))S 14360 X F38(Parentheses)SE17946 X(Encloses,)S 151 x(or)S 150 x(frames,)S 150 x(a)S 150 x(regu)SiC2 x(lar)S 149 x(expre)S 2 x(ssion,)S 149 x(allowing)S 17946 X 548 y2H(metacha)S 2 x(racters)S 158 x(that)S 156 x(act)S 157 x(on)S 158 x(the)SC157 x(preceding)S 158 x(regular)S 17946 X 548 y(expre)S 2 x(ssion)S H171 x(to)S 171 x(treat)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(entire)S 172 x(framed)S 172 xG(regular)S 17946 X 547 y(expre)S 2 x(ssion)S 149 x(as)S 150 x(a)S 150 x1C(simple)S 149 x(regu)S 2 x(lar)S 149 x(express)S 2 x(ion.)S 10773 X5H299 y 17484 48 R 10773 8930 XY F151(Groups,)S 171 x(i.e.)S 257 x(parts)SH170 x(of)S 169 x(an)S 170 x(expression)S 170 x(which)S 170 x(are)S 170 xF(grou)S 2 x(ped)S 169 x(together)S 171 x(with)S 169 x(\()S 170 x(and)SC10773 X 548 y(\),)S 183 x(are)S 180 x(numbered)S 180 x(from)S 179 xaE(left)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(right)S 181 x(one)S 179 x(to)S 180 x(nine,)S5G184 x(i.e.)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(leftmost)S 179 x(opening)S 10773 X 548 ylF(parenthesis)S 188 x(is)S 188 x(number)S 188 x(one)S 189 x(and)S 188 xG(the)S 188 x(rightmost)S 188 x(opening)S 189 x(parenthesis)S 188 x(is)SrO10773 X 548 y(number)S 167 x(nine.)S 10773 X 896 y(Empty)S 174 x(parentheses,)S1K177 x(i.e.)S 175 x F152(\()S 83 x(\))S F151(,)S 177 x(are)S 174 x(ignored)ScE175 x(and)S 175 x(therefore)S 175 x(not)S 174 x(counted.)S 267 x(If)S D174 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(expression)S 169 x F152(STR$\([a-z_]+\)[)SD169 x F159()S F152(]*\\)S 50 x(\()S(\()S 82 x(\))S([)SE169 x F159()S F152(]*\([a-z_]+\))S 168 x F151(matches)SrG169 x(the)S 169 x(string)S 10773 X 548 y F152(STR$MA)S -36 x(TCH_WILD)S1G185 x(\(desc)S F151(,)S 192 x(the)S 185 x(\211rst)S 186 x(group)S 186 x1G(is)S 186 x F152(MA)S -37 x(TCH_WILD)S F151(,)S 185 x(and)S 186 x(the)S G10773 X 548 y(second)S 166 x(group)S 167 x(is)S 166 x F152(desc)S 167 xFEF151(\()S F159()S 166 x F151(stands)S 165 x(for)S 167 xxH(the)S 166 x(tab)S 165 x(character\).)S 10773 14210 XY F25(replacement)SI10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 201 x(the)S 200 x(string)S 201 x(which)SsD201 x(should)S 200 x(be)S 201 x(substituted.)S 317 x(Enclose)S 201 xH(strings)S 10773 X 548 y(containing)S 170 x(lowercase)S 168 x(letters,)SG169 x(blanks,)S 170 x(or)S 169 x(other)S 169 x(nonalphanumer)S 2 x(ic)SSE168 x(characters)S 10773 X 548 y(\(including)S 167 x(spaces\))S 166 xSE(in)S 166 x(quotation)S 166 x(marks.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 168 x(the)S9G168 x(quali\211er)S 168 x(/P)S -36 x(A)S -27 x(TTERN)S 167 x(is)S 168 xxE(present)S 168 x(\(default\),)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(replacement)S 169 x0S(parameter)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 171 x(searched)S 172 x(for)S 171 x(metacharacters)S(F172 x(\(see)S 171 x(below\),)S 173 x(otherwise)S 171 x(it)S 171 x(is)SG171 x(treated)S 171 x(as)S 171 x(as)S 171 x(a)S 10773 X 548 y(string.)SRH10773 X 897 y(The)S 190 x(replacement)S 190 x(consist)S 188 x(of)S 189 xH(a)S 190 x(string)S 189 x(of)S 189 x(ordinary)S 191 x(characters)S 189 xO(combined)S 10773 X 548 y(with)S 191 x(metacharacters.)S 300 x(metacharacters)SpG191 x(are)S 191 x F152(\\)S 50 x(C)S F151(,)S 191 x(which)S 191 x(can)S D192 x(be)S 191 x(used)S 191 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(specify)S 173 x(a)SI173 x(character)S 174 x(which)S 174 x(cannot)S 174 x(be)S 173 x(entered)SeD173 x(from)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(keyboard)S 174 x(\(for)S 173 x(more)SG10773 X 548 y(information)S 189 x(about)S 189 x(this)S 189 x(pattern,)SSH195 x(see)S 188 x(the)S 190 x(description)S 188 x(of)S 189 x(the)S 189 xC(expression)S 10773 X 548 y(parameter\),)S 200 x(a)S 193 x(quoted)S E193 x(backslash)S 193 x(\()S F152(\\)S 50 x(\\)S 49 x F151(\))S 193 xtJ(which)S 193 x(lets)S 193 x(you)S 194 x(insert)S 192 x(a)S 193 x(literal)SL10773 X 548 y(backslash,)S 167 x(functions,)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(references)SJ167 x(to)S 165 x(grou)S 2 x(ps.)S 10773 X 896 y(These)S 167 x(references)SD167 x(refer)S 167 x(to)S 167 x(groups)S 167 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 167 xF(expression)S 167 x(searched)S 167 x(for)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(consist)SC10773 X 548 y(of)S 165 x(a)S 164 x(backslash)S 165 x(\()S F152(\\)S:F50 x F151(\))S 164 x(and)S 165 x(a)S 165 x(digit)S 164 x(\()S F152(0)SF165 x(...)S 166 x(9)S F151(\).)S 250 x(As)S 164 x(within)S 164 x(the)SF165 x(expression)S 165 x(parameter)S -37 x(,)S 10773 X 548 y F152(\\)SI50 x(1)S 176 x(...)S 178 x(\\)S 50 x(9)S 176 x F151(denote)S 177 x(that)SxG176 x(part)S 177 x(of)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(target,)S 179 x(which)S 177 x1H(has)S 177 x(been)S 177 x(matched)S 176 x(by)S 177 x(the)S 10773 X 548 yC(\211rst)S 175 x(...)S 177 x(ninth)S 176 x(group)S 176 x(of)S 175 xhG(the)S 175 x(expression.)S 268 x(In)S 176 x(addition,)S 177 x F152(\\)S E50 x(0)S 175 x F151(denotes)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(whole)S 10773 X 548 y)G(target)S 166 x(which)S 167 x(has)S 166 x(been)S 166 x(found.)S 10773 XxD897 y(Functions)S 187 x(have)S 187 x(the)S 187 x(syntax)S 186 x F152H(\\)S 50 x($name\\)S 50 x(\(argument)S 2 x(\\)S 49 x(\))S F151(,)S 192 xG(where)S 186 x(name)S 187 x(is)S 185 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(name)S 186 x F(of)S 187 x(the)S 186 x(function,)S 192 x(and)S 187 x(argument)S 187 xK(is)S 186 x(the)S 186 x(argument)S 187 x(to)S 186 x(the)S 187 x(function.)SsC10773 X 548 y(The)S 180 x(argumen)S 2 x(t)S 179 x(has)S 180 x(the)S F180 x(same)S 179 x(syntax)S 180 x(as)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(replacement)SD180 x(as)S 179 x(a)S 180 x(whole,)S 183 x(i.e.)S 10773 X 548 y(the)SE190 x(same)S 190 x(rules)S 190 x(for)S 191 x(characters)S 190 x(and)S6I191 x(meta-characters)S 190 x(apply)S -55 x(.)S 298 x(Currently)S 10773 XiL548 y(there)S 183 x(are)S 183 x(three)S 183 x(functions)S 183 x(available,)SE188 x F152(LOWERCASE)S F151(,)S 182 x F152(UPPERCASE)S F151(,)S 183 x0C(and)S 10773 X 548 y F152(CAPIT)S -9 x(ALIZE)S F151(.)S 180 x(The)S0D181 x(names)S 180 x(of)S 181 x(these)S 180 x(functions)S 181 x(are)SH181 x(not)S 180 x(case-sensitive)S 180 x(and)S 10773 X 547 y(may)S 166 xE(be)S 166 x(abbreviated.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 218 x(/CASE_MA)S -29 xcD(TCHING,)S 217 x(/CAPIT)S -28 x(ALIZE,)S 217 x(/LOWERCASE)S -2 x(,)SG218 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(/UPPERCASE)S 165 x(quali\211ers)S 167 x(are)SSH167 x(applied)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(replacement)S 167 x(after)SE166 x(the)S 167 x(functions)S 10773 X 548 y(have)S 188 x(been)S 188 xxG(applied)S 187 x(to)S 187 x(their)S 188 x(arguments)S 188 x(and)S 187 x(L(therefore)S 188 x(may)S 188 x(destroy)S 187 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(effects)SB166 x(of)S 166 x(these)S 165 x(functions.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(22)SEP PP0 %%PageTrailer73%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italic6:%%+ Helvetica NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica-BoldOblique%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)r%e%%Page: (23) 25(%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 23105 1807 XY F24(FIND/)S -2 x(REPLACE)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 RI5094 5515 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 183 x(FIND/REPLACE)S(C181 x(command)S 182 x(searches)S 182 x(throug)S 2 x(h)S 182 x(one)S N183 x(or)S 182 x(more)S 182 x(\211les)S 182 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(speci\211c)SC183 x(expressions,)S 188 x(replaces)S 183 x(all)S 183 x(occurrenc)S(F2 x(es)S 182 x(of)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(expressions)S 183 x(with)S 183 xK(a)S 10773 X 597 y(replacement)S 167 x(string,)S 168 x(and)S 167 x(writes)SSC166 x(the)S 167 x(records)S 167 x(into)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(output)S4E167 x(\211le.)S 252 x(This)S 166 x(string)S 10773 X 598 y(can)S 182 x9C(contain)S 182 x(metacharacters)S 182 x(to)S 181 x(indicate)S 182 xiK(that)S 181 x(certain)S 182 x(parts)S 181 x(of)S 181 x(the)S 182 x(target)S0K10773 X 598 y(which)S 181 x(has)S 181 x(been)S 182 x(found)S 181 x(should)SrL182 x(be)S 181 x(re-inserted.)S 279 x(Use)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(FIND/REPLACE)SH10773 X 598 y(quali\211ers)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(tailor)S 166 x(the)S 166 xF(search)S 167 x(operation)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(your)S 167 x(speci\211c)SF166 x(need.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 170 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 169 x(command)SC170 x(opens)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(input)S 170 x(\211le)S 170 x(with)SiC169 x(shared)S 170 x(read)S 170 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(write)S 168 x9E(access.)S 253 x(Therefore,)S 170 x(any)S 168 x(\211le)S 169 x(that)S9G167 x(has)S 168 x(its)S 168 x(attributes)S 167 x(set)S 167 x(to)S 168 xxH(shared)S 168 x(write)S 10773 X 598 y(is)S 166 x(searched)S 166 x(even)SG167 x(if)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(currently)S 168 x(opened)S 166 x6J(by)S 167 x(other)S 166 x(users.)S 5094 11635 XY 23160 204 R 5094 12454 XYNF24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/BACK)S -2 x(UP)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Modi\211es)SG173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)S 174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)SeI173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)S 173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)S3G-36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(/BACKUP)S 167 x(selects)S 166 x(\211les)S 167 x8J(according)S 169 x(to)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(dates)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(their)SG168 x(most)S 166 x(recent)S 168 x(backups.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S 169 x8G(quali\211er)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(incompatible)S 169 x(with)S 168 x(the)SJ169 x(other)S 170 x(quali\211ers)S 169 x(that)S 169 x(also)S 169 x(allow)SC168 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 178 x(select)S 177 x(\211les)S 178 xF(according)S 179 x(to)S 178 x(time)S 178 x(attributes:)S 273 x(/CREA)SE-29 x(TED,)S 178 x(/EXPIRED,)S 177 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(/MODIFIED.)SD172 x(If)S 172 x(you)S 173 x(specify)S 173 x(none)S 173 x(of)S 172 xD(these)S 173 x(four)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(quali\211ers,)S 174 x(the)SL173 x(default)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 166 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED.)S 10773 16837 XYDF25(/BEFORE[=time])S 10773 X 598 y F151(Selects)S 174 x(only)S 176 xE(those)S 175 x(\211les)S 174 x(dated)S 175 x(prior)S 175 x(to)S 175 x8C(the)S 175 x(speci\211ed)S 174 x(time.)S 267 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 175 x(G(can)S 175 x(specify)S 10773 X 548 y(time)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(an)S 178 xtH(absolute)S 177 x(time,)S 181 x(as)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(combination)S 177 xG(of)S 178 x(absolute)S 177 x(and)S 178 x(delta)S 177 x(times,)S 10773 X\J548 y(or)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(one)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(following)SC177 x(keywords:)S 272 x(TODA)S -47 x(Y)S 177 x(\(default\),)S 180 x0E(TOMORRO)S -2 x(W)S -56 x(,)S 178 x(or)S 10773 X 548 y(YESTERD)S -2 x1E(A)S -46 x(Y)S -55 x(.)S 182 x(Specify)S 182 x(one)S 183 x(of)S 182 xxJ(the)S 182 x(following)S 182 x(quali\211ers)S 182 x(with)S 182 x(/BEFORE)SN181 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(indicate)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(time)S 167 x(attribute)SG166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 167 x(used)S 166 x(as)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(basis)S F166 x(for)S 167 x(selection:)S 250 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 10773 X 548 yF(/CREA)S -28 x(TED)S 1H"~ FIND015.A3# ![FIND.V015.PORTABLE.EXE]FIND.PS;2cF|665 x(\(default\),)S 166 x(/EXPIRED,)S 166 x(or)SC166 x(/MODIFIED.)S 10773 X 897 y(See)S 157 x(the)S 158 x F152(VMS)S M158 x(DCL)S 156 x(Concepts)S 159 x(Manual)S 158 x F151(for)S 157 x(complete)SaF157 x(information)S 158 x(on)S 158 x(specifying)S 10773 X 547 y(time)SD166 x(values.)S 10773 22715 XY F25(/BY_OWNER)S -2 x([=uic])S 10773 XE598 y F151(Selects)S 160 x(only)S 162 x(those)S 161 x(\211les)S 161 xxI(whose)S 161 x(owner)S 161 x(user)S 161 x(identi\211cation)S 161 x(code)S8G162 x(\(UIC\))S 160 x(matches)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S9H166 x(owner)S 167 x(UIC.)S 166 x(The)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(UIC)S 166 xJ(is)S 165 x(that)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(process.)SC10773 X 897 y(Specify)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(UIC)S 168 x(using)S 168 x(C(standard)S 168 x(UIC)S 167 x(format)S 168 x(as)S 167 x(described)SnL168 x(in)S 168 x(the)S 168 x F152(VMS)S 168 x(DCL)S 10773 X 548 y(Concepts)SI167 x(Manual)S F151(.)S 10773 26402 XY F25(/CAPIT)S -52 x(ALIZE)S 10773 XxD797 y(/NOCA)S -2 x(PIT)S -51 x(ALIZE)S 10773 X 597 y F151(If)S 176 xL(this)S 177 x(quali\211er)S 177 x(is)S 176 x(present,)S 180 x(FIND/REPLACE)SJ175 x(capitalizes)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(replacement)S 10773 X 548 y(before)SF166 x(inserting)S 167 x(it.)S 10773 X 897 y(This)S 183 x(quali\211er)SF184 x(is)S 183 x(incompatible)S 183 x(with)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(other)SD184 x(quali\211ers)S 183 x(that)S 183 x(also)S 183 x(allow)S 10773 XD548 y(you)S 204 x(to)S 203 x(modify)S 203 x(the)S 203 x(case)S 202 xG(of)S 203 x(the)S 203 x(replacement:)S 324 x(/CASE_MA)S -29 x(TCHING,)S(C10773 X 548 y(/LOWERCAS)S -2 x(E,)S 172 x(and)S 171 x(/UPPERCASE.)SFH171 x(This)S 171 x(quali\211er)S 172 x(may)S 172 x(destroy)S 171 x(the)SD172 x(effects)S 10773 X 548 y(of)S 166 x(functions.)S 10773 31981 XYHF25(/CASE_MA)S -53 x(TCHIN)S -2 x(G)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCA)S -2 x(SE_MA)SH-52 x(TCHIN)S -2 x(G)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 597 y F151(If)S 211 xL(this)S 212 x(quali\211er)S 212 x(is)S 212 x(present,)S 223 x(FIND/REPLACE)SF211 x(matches)S 211 x(the)S 212 x(case)S 10773 X 548 y(appropriately)SJ186 x(for)S 185 x(each)S 186 x(replacement.)S 288 x(For)S 186 x(example,)SG191 x(if)S 185 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 10773 X 548 y(\211nds)S 171 x(a)S 172 xrG(capitalized)S 170 x(version)S 172 x(of)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(old)S 171 x F(string,)S 173 x(it)S 171 x(is)S 171 x(replaced)S 171 x(by)S 171 x(a)SH172 x(capitalized)S 10773 X 548 y(version)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x.(new)S 166 x(string.)S 27704 36925 XY F36(23)SEP PPw %%PageTrailerS2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman1%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italicw%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)c%)%%Page: (24) 26r%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 526 x 4866 Y F151(The)SN188 x(following)S 188 x(table)S 188 x(shows)S 187 x(how)S 187 x(FIND/REPLACE)SD187 x(uses)S 187 x(the)S 188 x(case)S 187 x(of)S 188 x(the)S 10773 XG548 y(strings:)S 10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 6809 XY F40(Old)S 149 x)H(String)S 14360 X(New)S 149 x(String)S 17946 X(T)S -33 x(arget)S 21533 XJ(Replacement)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 7705 XY F38(butter)S 14360 XG(margar)S 2 x(ine)S 17946 X(butter)S 21533 X(margar)S 2 x(ine)S 17946 X H748 y(Butter)S 21533 X(Margar)S 2 x(ine)S 17946 X 747 y(BUTTER)S 21533 XF(MARGARINE)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 10395 XY F151(This)S 169 xG(quali\211er)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(incompatible)S 169 x(with)S 168 x(the)SzJ169 x(other)S 170 x(quali\211ers)S 169 x(that)S 169 x(also)S 169 x(allow)SF168 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 168 x(modify)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(case)SI168 x(of)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(replacement:)S 255 x(/CAPIT)S -28 x(ALIZE,)SuC169 x(/LOWERCA)S -2 x(SE,)S 169 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(/UPPERCASE.)S6H166 x(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(may)S 166 x(destroy)S 166 x(the)SJ166 x(effects)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(functions.)S 10773 12587 XY F25(/CONFIR)SG-2 x(M)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 10773 XeE598 y F151(Controls)S 192 x(whether)S 192 x(a)S 192 x(request)S 192 x C(is)S 192 x(issued)S 191 x(before)S 192 x(each)S 193 x(individual)SxF193 x(replace)S 10773 X 548 y(operation)S 189 x(to)S 189 x(con\211rm)SD190 x(that)S 189 x(the)S 189 x(operation)S 189 x(should)S 189 x(be)SH189 x(performed)S 189 x(on)S 189 x(that)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le.)S -848 xH896 y(When)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(system)S 178 x(issues)S 178 x(the)S 179 xG(prompt,)S 182 x(you)S 180 x(can)S 179 x(issue)S 179 x(any)S 179 x(of)SlG179 x(the)S 179 x(following)S 10773 X 548 y(responses:)S 10773 18316 XY)FF38(YES)S 15854 X(NO)S 20935 X(QUIT)S 10773 X 747 y(TRUE)S 15854 X(F)SK-25 x(ALSE)S 20935 X -381 y 1680 24 R 20935 X 492 y 24 492 R 21075 19043 XY1GF42(CTRL/Z)S 119 x 131 y 24 492 R 20935 X 20 y 1680 24 R 10773 19810 XY0FF38(1)S 15854 X(0)S 20935 X(ALL)S 10773 X 367 y 960 24 R 10773 X 491 yK24 492 R 10853 20537 XY F42(RET)S 60 x 131 y 24 492 R 10773 X 20 y 960 24 R)F10773 21454 XY F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 184 x(can)S 184 x(use)S 184 x(any)SG184 x(combination)S 184 x(of)S 184 x(upper)S -9 x(-)S 183 x(and)S 184 xgC(lowercase)S 183 x(letters)S 183 x(for)S 184 x(word)S 10773 X 548 ySG(responses.)S 263 x(W)S -28 x(ord)S 173 x(responses)S 172 x(can)S 173 x:H(be)S 173 x(abbreviated)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(one)S 173 x(or)S 173 x(more)SF173 x(letters)S 172 x(\(for)S 10773 X 548 y(example,)S 173 x(T)S -46 xC(,)S 171 x(TR,)S 171 x(or)S 171 x(TRU)S 170 x(for)S 171 x(TRUE\).)SaD171 x(Af\211rmative)S 170 x(answers)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(YES,)S 170 xE(TRUE,)S 10773 X 548 y(1,)S 179 x(and)S 177 x -381 y 960 24 R 12411 XXC492 y 24 492 R 12490 23078 XY F42(RET)S 60 x 131 y 24 492 R 12411 X9F20 y 960 24 R 13367 23098 XY F151(.)S 270 x(Negative)S 176 x(answers)SF176 x(are)S 176 x(NO,)S 176 x(F)S -36 x(ALSE,)S 176 x(and)S 176 x(0.)SE270 x(QUIT)S 175 x(or)S 177 x -381 y 1680 24 R 25980 X 492 y 24 492 RmG26119 23078 XY F42(CTRL/Z)S 119 x 131 y 24 492 R 25980 X 20 y 1680 24 R5E10773 23646 XY F151(indicates)S 181 x(that)S 181 x(you)S 182 x(want)S F181 x(to)S 181 x(stop)S 180 x(processing)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(command)SG182 x(at)S 180 x(that)S 181 x(point.)S 10773 X 548 y(When)S 176 x(you)SsE177 x(respond)S 175 x(with)S 175 x(ALL,)S 177 x(the)S 175 x(command)S D176 x(continues)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(process,)S 178 x(but)S 175 x(no)SE10773 X 547 y(further)S 171 x(prompts)S 170 x(are)S 170 x(given)S 2 xxC(.)S 258 x(If)S 170 x(you)S 171 x(type)S 171 x(a)S 170 x(response)SdG170 x(other)S 171 x(than)S 171 x(one)S 171 x(of)S 170 x(those)S 10773 XE548 y(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(list,)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(prompt)S 165 xI(will)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(reissued.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 169 x(/CONFIRM)SpG167 x(quali\211er)S 169 x(has)S 167 x(two)S 168 x(levels.)S 253 x(The)SeE169 x(\211rst)S 167 x(level)S 169 x(is)S 167 x(con\211rmation)S 169 x0F(for)S 10773 X 548 y(each)S 179 x(\211le.)S 275 x(The)S 179 x(second)SH179 x(level)S 179 x(is)S 178 x(con\211rmation)S 179 x(for)S 179 x(each)SC179 x(replacement.)S 275 x(If)S 178 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(respond)SSE166 x(with)S 165 x(ALL)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(QUIT)S 165 x(to)S 165 x(a)SaE166 x(replacement)S 166 x(prompt,)S 165 x(this)S 166 x(answer)S 165 x(H(holds)S 165 x(for)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 169 x(current)S 169 x(\211le.)SG255 x(If)S 168 x(there)S 169 x(are)S 169 x(more)S 168 x(\211les)S 169 xWF(to)S 168 x(be)S 169 x(searched,)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(con\211rm)S 170 xF(prompt)S 10773 X 548 y(will)S 176 x(be)S 177 x(reissued)S 176 x(for)SE177 x(the)S 176 x(next)S 178 x(\211le)S 176 x(and)S 177 x(for)S 177 xdH(the)S 177 x(replacements)S 176 x(in)S 177 x(that)S 176 x(\211le)S 177 xE(\(if)S 10773 X 548 y(any\).)S 285 x(If)S 183 x(you)S 184 x(respond)SrG183 x(with)S 183 x(ALL)S 183 x(or)S 184 x(QUIT)S 183 x(to)S 183 x(the)S G183 x(\211le)S 184 x(prompt,)S 187 x(no)S 184 x(further)S 10773 X 548 yoH(prompt)S 180 x(will)S 180 x(be)S 181 x(issued)S 180 x(and)S 180 x(the)SL181 x(command)S 181 x(will)S 180 x(replace)S 180 x(all)S 181 x(occurrences)SE182 x(or)S 10773 X 548 y(copy)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211le\(s\))S 166 x G(without)S 166 x(any)S 166 x(replacements.)S 10773 31118 XY F25(/CREA)ShE-53 x(TED)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 597 y F151(Modi\211es)S 173 x H(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)S 174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)S 173 xD(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)S 173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)SK-36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(/CREA)S -28 x(TED)S 172 x(selects)S 171 x(\211les)SiE172 x(based)S 172 x(on)S 173 x(their)S 173 x(dates)S 171 x(of)S 173 x F(creation.)S 262 x(This)S 173 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(is)S 10773 X 548 yK(incompatible)S 178 x(with)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(other)S 179 x(quali\211ers)SrD179 x(that)S 179 x(also)S 178 x(allow)S 178 x(you)S 179 x(to)S 178 xD(select)S 179 x(\211les)S 10773 X 548 y(according)S 177 x(to)S 175 xG(time)S 175 x(attributes:)S 268 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 176 x(/EXPIRED,)SXC175 x(and)S 176 x(/MODIFIED.)S 175 x(If)S 10773 X 548 y(you)S 167 xnC(specify)S 166 x(none)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(these)S 166 x(four)S 166 xoD(time)S 166 x(quali\211ers,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(is)S1166 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(24)S8EP PP) %%PageTrailert2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman#%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-BoldOblique1%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)\%5%%Page: (25) 271%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)t PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 23105 1807 XY F24(FIND/)S -2 x(REPLACE)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/DIAC)S)G-2 x(RITICAL)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NODI)S -2 x(ACRITIC)S(L-2 x(AL)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 170 x(whether)S 170 x(FIND/REPLACE)SM169 x(should)S 171 x(match)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(diacritical)S 170 x(markings)SbG10773 X 547 y(of)S 181 x(the)S 182 x(expression)S 182 x(to)S 181 x(be)S5C182 x(searched)S 181 x(for)S -36 x(.)S 280 x(If)S 181 x(you)S 182 xxD(specify)S 182 x(/NODIACR)S -2 x(ITICAL,)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 173 xD(character)S 173 x(`)S -9 x(`a')S -10 x(')S 172 x(not)S 172 x(only)SG174 x(matches)S 172 x(`)S -10 x(`a')S -9 x(')S 172 x(but)S 172 x(also)ShE172 x(`)S -9 x(`\344')S -10 x(',)S 174 x(`)S -9 x(`\341')S -10 x(',)ScH174 x(`)S -9 x(`\340')S -10 x(',)S 174 x(and)S 173 x(all)S 172 x(other)SD10773 X 548 y(variations)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(character)SE-36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 179 x(cannot)S 179 x(specify)S)E178 x(the)S 179 x(quali\211ers)S 178 x(/NODIACR)S -2 x(ITICAL)S 178 x D(and)S 178 x(/NOP)S -36 x(A)S -28 x(TTERN)S 10773 X 548 y(together)SF-36 x(.)S 10773 10601 XY F25(/EXACT)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOEXAC)S -2 x(T)SG167 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 186 x(whether)S 187 x G(the)S 187 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 185 x(command)S 187 x(matches)S 187 x(the)SuE186 x(search)S 10773 X 548 y(string)S 178 x(exactly)S -54 x(,)S 181 xrD(or)S 179 x(treats)S 177 x(uppercase)S 178 x(and)S 178 x(lowercase)SC178 x(letters)S 177 x(as)S 178 x(equivalents.)S 10773 X 548 y(The)SxD174 x(default)S 173 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S 175 x(/NOEXACT)S -46 xH(,)S 173 x(causes)S 173 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 172 x(to)S 173 x(ignore)S 175 xG(case)S 10773 X 547 y(differences)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(letters.)S 10773 X)G897 y(Specifying)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/EXACT)S 172 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(H(causes)S 171 x(the)S 173 x(system)S 171 x(to)S 172 x(use)S 172 x(less)SE171 x(CPU)S 172 x(time.)S 10773 X 548 y(Therefore,)S 170 x(if)S 167 x5C(you)S 169 x(are)S 168 x(sure)S 168 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(case)S8C167 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(letters)S 167 x(in)S 168 x(the)S 168 x I(string,)S 169 x(it)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(more)S 10773 X 548 y(ef\211cient)Svc167 x(to)S 166 x(use)S 166 x(/EXACT)S -47 x(.)S 10773 16728 XY F25(/EXCLUDE=\(\211le-spec[,...]\))S/L10773 X 598 y F151(Causes)S 205 x(the)S 206 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 204 x(command)SD206 x(to)S 206 x(exclude)S 206 x(the)S 206 x(listed)S 205 x(\211le)SI10773 X 548 y(speci\211cations)S 189 x(from)S 189 x(the)S 188 x(search.)S8E296 x(Do)S 188 x(not)S 189 x(include)S 190 x(a)S 188 x(device)S 190 x O(name)S 189 x(in)S 189 x(this)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 166 x(speci\211cation.)S5F10773 X 896 y(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 184 x(characters)S 184 x(are)S 184 xF(supported)S 184 x(for)S 184 x(\211le)S 184 x(speci\211cation.)S 286 xC(However)S -37 x(,)S 189 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(cannot)S 167 x(use)SOK166 x(relative)S 166 x(version)S 167 x(numbers)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(exclude)S2K167 x(a)S 166 x(speci\211c)S 167 x(version.)S 10773 20962 XY F25(/EXPIRED)SaF10773 X 598 y F151(Modi\211es)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)SG174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)S3E173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(/EXPIRED)ShJ165 x(selects)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(according)S 168 x(to)S 166 x(their)SJ166 x(expiration)S 167 x(dates.)S 250 x(\(The)S 167 x(expiration)S 10773 XH548 y(date)S 188 x(is)S 187 x(set)S 187 x(with)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(SET)SG187 x(FILE/EXPIRA)S -28 x(TION_DA)S -29 x(TE)S 188 x(command.\))S 293 x7D(The)S 10773 X 548 y(/EXPIRED)S 197 x(quali\211er)S 199 x(is)S 198 xK(incompatible)S 199 x(with)S 198 x(the)S 199 x(other)S 198 x(quali\211ers)SsF199 x(that)S 10773 X 548 y(also)S 188 x(allow)S 187 x(you)S 189 x(to)SH187 x(select)S 188 x(\211les)S 188 x(according)S 189 x(to)S 188 x(time)SC187 x(attributes:)S 293 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 10773 X 547 y(/CREA)S)H-28 x(TED,)S 190 x(and)S 190 x(/MODIFIED.)S 189 x(If)S 190 x(you)S 191 xC(specify)S 190 x(none)S 191 x(of)S 190 x(these)S 190 x(four)S 191 x\G(time)S 10773 X 548 y(quali\211ers,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(default)S 166 xrM(is)S 166 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED.)S 10773 25943 XY F25(/FORMA)S -53 x(T=option)S(G10773 X 797 y(/FORMA)S -53 x(T=TEXT)S 167 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y EF151(Controls)S 178 x(reformatting)S 180 x(of)S 178 x(records)S 179 x C(when)S 179 x(prompting)S 179 x(for)S 179 x(con\211rmation.)S 276 x7E(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 167 x(specify)S 166 x(one)S 166 xtG(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 167 x(formatting)S 166 x(options:)S G10773 X 897 y F38(DUMP)S 15854 X(Displays)S 158 x(all)S 157 x(control)SSI158 x(charac)S 2 x(ters)S 158 x(\(including)S 158 x(,)S 159 x(,)SSC158 x(and)S 15854 X 548 y(\))S 150 x(and)S 150 x(nonprintable)S5K150 x(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 150 x(as)S 149 x(ANSI)S 149 x(mnem)S 2 x(onics.)S1D10773 X 747 y(NONULLS)S 15854 X(Same)S 164 x(as)S 163 x(DUMP)S -58 xH(,)S 163 x(but)S 163 x(removes)S 164 x(all)S 163 x(null)S 162 x(charac)SH2 x(ters)S 163 x(from)S 163 x(the)S 15854 X 548 y(input)S 170 x(\211le)SD169 x(before)S 171 x(reformatting.)S 264 x(\(In)S 170 x(DUMP)S 169 xH(mode)S 2 x(,)S 174 x(the)S 169 x(null)S 15854 X 548 y(character)S 157 xE(is)S 156 x(displayed)S 156 x(as)S 156 x(.\))S 236 x(NONU)S -2 x)E(LLS)S 157 x(is)S 155 x(convenient)S 15854 X 548 y(when)S 156 x(you)SoH155 x(are)S 156 x(search)S 2 x(ing)S 155 x(binary)S 156 x(format)S 155 xH(\211les,)S 156 x(such)S 156 x(as)S 156 x(EXE)S 155 x(or)S 15854 X 548 yF(OBJ)S 149 x(\211les,)S 150 x(that)S 149 x(generally)S 150 x(contain)SE150 x(many)S 151 x(zero)S 150 x(bytes.)S 10773 X 747 y(NOFF)S 15854 XfF(Replaces)S 151 x(control)S 151 x(character)S 2 x(s)S 150 x(in)S 151 xF(the)S 150 x(text)S 150 x(with)S 150 x(ANSI)S 150 x(mnemon)S 2 x(ics)SG15854 X 548 y(\(for)S 152 x(examp)S 2 x(le,)S 151 x(CTRL/C)S 150 x(is)S\H152 x(replaced)S 153 x(wit)S -2 x(h)S 152 x(\).)S 228 x(The)S 152 xF(terminal)S 15854 X 548 y(formatting)S 165 x(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 165 xC(,)S 168 x(,)S 168 x(,)S 169 x(and)S 166 x()S 164 x C(are)S 15854 X 548 y(passed)S 151 x(without)S 149 x(change.)S 225 x(F(Form)S 150 x(feeds)S 150 x(are)S 150 x(replace)S 2 x(d)S 149 x(with)S%149 x(.)S -385 x 36925 Y F36(25)SxEP PP1 %%PageTrailerS1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqued$%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%A%%Page: (26) 28x%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)x PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 526 x 5045 Y F38(P)S -33 x1J(ASSALL)S 15854 X(Moves)S 168 x(control)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(nonprintable)SG167 x(chara)S 2 x(cters)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(output)S 15854 X1F548 y(device)S 158 x(without)S 157 x(translating)S 157 x(them.)S 241 xC(The)S 158 x(terminal)S 157 x(driver)S 159 x(cannot)S 15854 X 547 yxE(send)S 171 x(8-bit)S 170 x(characters)S 171 x(to)S 170 x(the)S 170 xrC(terminal)S 170 x(unless)S 171 x(either)S 170 x(SET)S 15854 X 548 y)H(TERMINAL/P)S -34 x(ASSALL)S 168 x(or)S 168 x(SET)S 168 x(TERMINAL/EIG)SF-2 x(HT_BIT)S 167 x(is)S 15854 X 548 y(already)S 151 x(in)S 149 x(ef)SG-8 x(fect.)S 15854 X 748 y(Y)S -41 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 168 x(use)S 167 xaH(/FORMA)S -34 x(T=P)S -33 x(ASSALL)S 167 x(wheneve)S 2 x(r)S 167 x(you)SE167 x(do)S 167 x(not)S 15854 X 548 y(want)S 158 x(the)S 159 x(FIND/)SuC-2 x(REPLACE)S 158 x(comm)S 2 x(and)S 159 x(to)S 158 x(substitute)S D158 x(the)S 158 x(ANSI)S 15854 X 547 y(mnem)S 2 x(onic)S 163 x(for)SG164 x(control)S 164 x(characters)S 165 x(\(for)S 164 x(example,)S 168 xxC()S 163 x(for)S 15854 X 548 y(CTRL/G\).)S 10773 X 748 y(TEXT)S G15854 X(Replaces)S 151 x(control)S 151 x(character)S 2 x(s)S 150 x(in)SFE151 x(the)S 150 x(text)S 150 x(with)S 150 x(ANSI)S 150 x(mnemon)S 2 xEC(ics)S 15854 X 548 y(\(for)S 152 x(examp)S 2 x(le,)S 151 x(CTRL/C)SsG150 x(is)S 152 x(replaced)S 153 x(wit)S -2 x(h)S 152 x(\).)S 228 x D(The)S 152 x(terminal)S 15854 X 547 y(formatting)S 157 x(chara)S 2 xF(cters)S 157 x(,)S 158 x(,)S 158 x(,)S 158 x(,)S 158 xF(and)S 158 x()S 15854 X 548 y(are)S 150 x(passed)S 151 x(without)SK149 x(change.)S 15854 X 748 y(TEXT)S 149 x(is)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(default)SfC149 x(format.)S 10773 X 896 y F151(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 xnF(is)S 166 x(ignored)S 167 x(if)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 166 xF(/CONFIRM)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(present.)S 10773 14758 XY F25C(/HEADIN)S -2 x(G)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOHEA)S -2 x(H(DING)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Includes)S 174 x(\211le)S 174 x(names)S 174 xH(when)S 174 x(prompting)S 174 x(for)S 174 x(con\211rmation)S 175 x(and)SE173 x(displays)S 174 x(a)S 173 x(line)S 10773 X 548 y(of)S 169 x(30)S G169 x(asterisks)S 169 x(as)S 168 x(a)S 169 x(window)S 169 x(separator)S D169 x(between)S 169 x(groups)S 169 x(of)S 170 x(lines)S 169 x(that)SD169 x(belong)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 171 x(different)S 171 x(\211les.)SG260 x(W)S -19 x(ith)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(default)S 171 x(heading)S 172 xxC(format,)S 173 x(\211le)S 171 x(names)S 171 x(are)S 171 x(printed)SxG10773 X 548 y(only)S 171 x(when)S 170 x(more)S 170 x(than)S 170 x(one)S)E170 x(\211le)S 171 x(is)S 169 x(speci\211ed)S 170 x(or)S 170 x(when)SrE170 x(wildcard)S 169 x(characters)S 171 x(are)S 10773 X 548 y(used.)SlH10773 X 896 y(The)S 178 x(/WINDOW)S 176 x(quali\211er)S 179 x(displays)SE177 x(a)S 177 x(line)S 178 x(of)S 177 x(15)S 178 x(characters)S 178 x%E(separates)S 177 x(each)S 10773 X 548 y(window)S 165 x(within)S 166 xaC(a)S 166 x(\211le.)S 10773 X 897 y(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x F(is)S 166 x(ignored)S 167 x(if)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 166 xF(/CONFIRM)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(present.)S 10773 21782 XY F25G(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT)S 10773 X 797 y(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT=option)S 10773 XtI797 y(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT=BOLD)S 175 x(\(default)S 176 x(on)S 177 x(ANSI)S D175 x(video)S 176 x(terminal)S 10773 X 797 y(with)S 166 x(advanced)SL165 x(video\))S 10773 X 797 y(/HIGH)S -2 x(LIGHT=REVERSE)S 186 x(\(default)SF187 x(on)S 186 x(ANSI)S 186 x(terminal)S 10773 X 797 y(without)S 166 xF(advanced)S 165 x(video\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOHI)S -2 x(GHLIGHT)S 165 xC(\(default)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(all)S 165 x(other)S 167 x(output\))SqH10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 168 x(whether)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(actual)SE169 x(strings)S 168 x(which)S 168 x(are)S 168 x(matched)S 169 x(are)SSG168 x(emphasized)S 167 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(output.)S 250 xF(The)S 167 x(emphasis,)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(highligh)S 2 x(ting,)S 167 xI(can)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(one)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(several)S 166 x(options:)S6G10773 X 896 y F38(BLINK)S 15854 X(The)S 163 x(matched)S 165 x(strings)S6F163 x(are)S 164 x(highlighted)S 163 x(using)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(ANSI)SL162 x(blink)S 15854 X 548 y(character)S 151 x(attribute.)S 224 x(\(advance)SG2 x(d)S 149 x(video)S 150 x(only\))S 10773 X 747 y(BOLD)S 15854 X(The)S)E165 x(matched)S 165 x(strings)S 164 x(are)S 165 x(highlighted)S 164 x(H(using)S 165 x(the)S 164 x(ANSI)S 163 x(bold)S 15854 X 548 y(character)SI157 x(attribute.)S 235 x(\(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 156 x(video)S 155 x(only\))SeE156 x(If)S 154 x(/HIGHLIGH)S -2 x(T)S 155 x(is)S 15854 X 548 y(used)SSH150 x(without)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(option,)S 149 x(BOLD)S 150 x(is)S 149 xH(assumed)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y(REVERSE)S 15854 X(The)S 155 x(matched)SC156 x(strings)S 155 x(are)S 155 x(highlighted)S 154 x(using)S 155 x)L(the)S 155 x(ANSI)S 154 x(reverse)S 15854 X 548 y(video)S 150 x(attribute.)SJ224 x(\(possible)S 150 x(without)S 148 x(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 150 x(video\))S5094 36925 XY F36(26)SEP PP0 %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica 0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica-BoldOblique%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)0% %%Page: (27) 29%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)b PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYJ0 SC 23105 1807 XY F24(FIND/)S -2 x(REPLACE)S 10773 5045 XY F38(UNDERLIN)SH-2 x(E)S 15854 X(The)S 154 x(matched)S 155 x(strings)S 153 x(are)S 155 xF(highlighted)S 153 x(with)S 152 x(the)S 154 x(ANSI)S 153 x(underline)SK15854 X 548 y(video)S 150 x(attribute.)S 224 x(\(possible)S 150 x(without)S,D148 x(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 150 x(video\))S 15854 X 747 y(\(Note)S 179 xI(that)S 179 x(without)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(advan)S 2 x(ced)S 179 x(video)S(G180 x(option,)S 186 x(either)S 15854 X 548 y(REVERSE)S 149 x(or)S 151 x C(UNDER)S -2 x(LINE)S 150 x(will)S 148 x(appear)S 151 x(depend)S 2 x D(ing)S 150 x(on)S 150 x(whether)S 15854 X 548 y(the)S 152 x(cursor)SE153 x(is)S 152 x(selected)S 152 x(as)S 152 x(block)S 153 x(or)S 152 x)C(underline.)S 230 x(The)S 152 x(two)S 151 x(options)S 15854 X 548 y4G(REVERSE)S 149 x(and)S 150 x(UNDERLINE)S 148 x(have)S 150 x(the)S 150 x2E(same)S 151 x(ef)S -9 x(fect.\))S 10773 X 747 y(HARDCOPY\(=option\))SSE758 x 548 y(This)S 167 x(speci\211es)S 167 x(that)S 167 x(the)S 167 x1C(strings)S 167 x(should)S 167 x(be)S 167 x(highlighted)S 167 x(in)SWD167 x(a)S 15854 X 548 y(manne)S 2 x(r)S 172 x(suitable)S 171 x(for)SG172 x(most)S 172 x(hardco)S 2 x(py)S 172 x(printers.)S 269 x(Hardcopy)S(E15854 X 548 y(highlighting)S 149 x(has)S 150 x(two)S 149 x(options:)S7C15854 11769 XY(OVERSTRIKE)S 20935 X(With)S 178 x(overstrike)S 179 x1D(highlighting,)S 20935 X 548 y(matched)S 154 x(strings)S 153 x(are)SD153 x(double-p)S 2 x(rinted,)S 20935 X 548 y(so)S 150 x(that)S 149 xF(they)S 150 x(should)S 150 x(appear)S 151 x(darker)S -23 x(.)S 15854 XG747 y(UNDERLIN)S -2 x(E)S 20935 X(The)S 153 x(matched)S 153 x(strings)S6F152 x(are)S 153 x(under)S 2 x(lined)S 20935 X 548 y(with)S 149 x(the)SD149 x(under)S 2 x(score)S 150 x(charac)S 2 x(ter)S -25 x(.)S 15854 XG748 y(Hardcopy)S 169 x(printing)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(accomplished)S 169 xoF(by)S 168 x(adding)S 169 x(a)S 167 x(carriage)S 15854 X 548 y(return)SG157 x(and)S 157 x(spacing)S 157 x(back)S 157 x(over)S 157 x(the)S 157 xTF(line)S 155 x(to)S 156 x(overpr)S 2 x(int)S 155 x(the)S 157 x(string)SF15854 X 547 y(or)S 166 x(underlines.)S 256 x(Note)S 165 x(that)S 165 xE(this)S 165 x(can)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(much)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(double)SmG166 x(the)S 15854 X 548 y(length)S 150 x(of)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(line,)SeM149 x(and)S 151 x(perhap)S 2 x(s)S 149 x(lead)S 150 x(to)S 150 x(truncation)SsD150 x(if)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(device)S 15854 X 548 y(buf)S -8 x(fer)SE150 x(size)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(too)S 150 x(small.)S 10773 X 897 y F151)G(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(ignored)S 167 x(if)S 165 xoH(the)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 166 x(/CONFIRM)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 xJ(present.)S 10773 19092 XY F25(/IGNO)S -2 x(RE=ignore_expression)S 10773 XE598 y F151(W)S -19 x(ith)S 172 x(this)S 171 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S0G173 x(it)S 171 x(is)S 170 x(possible)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(specify)S 171 xaH(an)S 172 x(expression)S 172 x(which)S 171 x(should)S 172 x(be)S 10773 XO548 y(ignored,)S 185 x(i.e.)S 277 x(not)S 180 x(matched.)S 278 x(FIND/REPLACE)SXE178 x(\211rst)S 180 x(searches)S 180 x(for)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(main)S\D10773 X 548 y(expression.)S 291 x(If)S 187 x(a)S 186 x(match)S 187 xH(is)S 187 x(found,)S 193 x(this)S 186 x(match)S 187 x(is)S 186 x(being)SF188 x(searched)S 187 x(for)S 187 x(the)S 10773 X 547 y(ignore-ex)S 2 xD(pression.)S 251 x(If)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(ignore-ex)S 2 x(pression)SC167 x(is)S 166 x(part)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(match,)S 168 x I(the)S 167 x(match)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 166 x(discarded.)S 10773 22977 XYhEF25(/LIMIT[=n])S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLIMIT)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X L598 y F151(If)S 191 x(this)S 191 x(quali\211er)S 193 x(is)S 191 x(present,)SH198 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 190 x(stops)S 191 x(searching)S 193 x(after)S 191 xH(n)S 10773 X 548 y(matches)S 182 x(have)S 182 x(been)S 183 x(replaced.)SC281 x(If)S 182 x(no)S 182 x(value)S 182 x(is)S 182 x(speci\211ed,)SfD186 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 10773 X 548 y(stops)S 165 x(after)S 166 x(the)SD166 x(\211rst)S 166 x(replacement.)S 10773 X 897 y(This)S 159 x(is)SD158 x(a)S 158 x(positional)S 159 x(quali\211er)S 159 x(which)S 159 xL(can)S 159 x(be)S 158 x(speci\211ed)S 159 x(on)S 159 x(the)S 159 x(command)SP159 x(and/or)S 10773 X 548 y(on)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(input)S 169 x(\211le\(s\).)SH253 x(If)S 168 x(it)S 168 x(is)S 168 x(appended)S 168 x(to)S 169 x(the)SD168 x(command,)S 169 x(it)S 168 x(works)S 168 x(as)S 168 x(a)S 168 xF(global)S 10773 X 548 y(limit)S 173 x(and)S 174 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 173 xC(stops)S 172 x(after)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(total)S 173 x(number)S 174 xRC(of)S 174 x(n)S 174 x(replacements.)S 10773 X 547 y(If)S 169 x(it)SSE169 x(is)S 168 x(appended)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(an)S 169 x(input)S 169 x8C(\211le)S 170 x(name,)S 171 x(it)S 168 x(limits)S 168 x(the)S 170 x)G(search)S 169 x(within)S 169 x(this)S 169 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S5G166 x(n)S 166 x(replacements.)S 10773 29652 XY F25(/LOG)S 10773 X 797 y D(/NOLOG)S 164 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Outputs)S 187 x(a)SI188 x(message)S 187 x(to)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(current)S 188 x(SYS$OUTPUT)SSD188 x(device)S 188 x(for)S 188 x(each)S 188 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 yE(searched.)S 254 x(The)S 169 x(message)S 167 x(includes)S 169 x(the)S6H168 x(\211le)S 168 x(name,)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(number)S 168 x(of)S 168 xE(records,)S 169 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 180 x(number)S 180 x(of)SII180 x(matches)S 180 x(for)S 179 x(each)S 181 x(\211le)S 180 x(searched.)SeD277 x(In)S 180 x(addition,)S 183 x(for)S 180 x(each)S 180 x(\211le)SD10773 X 548 y(which)S 175 x(has)S 175 x(been)S 175 x(written)S 175 xM(a)S 174 x(message)S 175 x(is)S 174 x(output)S 175 x(which)S 175 x(contains)S(G175 x(the)S 175 x(name)S 175 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(\211le.)S827704 36925 XY F36(27)SSEP PPu %%PageTrailerx%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica)0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica-BoldOblique%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Page: (28) 30x%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYJ0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 526 x 5022 Y F25(/LOWERCASE)SI10773 X 797 y(/NOLOWERC)S -2 x(ASE)S 10773 X 598 y F151(If)S 175 x(this)StD174 x(quali\211er)S 176 x(is)S 175 x(present,)S 177 x(FIND/REPLACE)SJ174 x(conver)S 2 x(ts)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(replacement)S 175 x(to)S 10773 XF547 y(lowercase)S 166 x(before)S 166 x(inserting)S 167 x(it.)S 10773 XF897 y(This)S 169 x(quali\211er)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(incompatible)S 169 xC(with)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(other)S 170 x(quali\211ers)S 169 x(that)S H169 x(also)S 169 x(allow)S 168 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 161 x(modify)SD162 x(the)S 161 x(case)S 161 x(of)S 162 x(the)S 161 x(replacement:)SF250 x(/CASE_MA)S -28 x(TCHING,)S 161 x(/CAPIT)S -28 x(ALIZE,)S 10773 XF548 y(and)S 166 x(/UPPERCASE.)S 166 x(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 xC(may)S 166 x(destroy)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(effects)S 165 x(of)S 166 xnF(functions.)S 10773 10053 XY F25(/MA)S -52 x(TCH)S 10773 X 797 y(/MA)SG-52 x(TCH=option[,option])S 10773 X 797 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=MAXIMI)S -2 x1M(ZE_MA)S -52 x(TCH)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=MINI)SHF-2 x(MIZE_MA)S -52 x(TCH)S 10773 X 797 y(/MA)S -52 x(TCH=NO)S -2 x(T)SK10773 X 598 y F151(Indicates)S 156 x(how)S 156 x(the)S 156 x(FIND/REPLACE)S D155 x(command)S 156 x(matches)S 156 x(regular)S 157 x(expressions.)SD10773 X 548 y(The)S 167 x(MA)S -28 x(TCH)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 xE(has)S 166 x(three)S 166 x(options:)S 10773 X 896 y F38(MAXIMIZE_MA)SxC-32 x(TCH)S 15854 X(FIND/R)S -2 x(EPLACE)S 150 x(tries)S 149 x(to)SXJ149 x(\211nd)S 151 x(the)S 149 x(longest)S 150 x(possible)S 150 x(match.)SF10773 X 747 y(MINIMIZE_MA)S -33 x(TCH)S 15854 X(FIND/R)S -2 x(EPLACE)SD150 x(tries)S 149 x(to)S 149 x(\211nd)S 151 x(the)S 149 x(shortest)SD150 x(possible)S 150 x(match.)S 10773 X 748 y(NOT)S 15854 X(FIND/R)SE-2 x(EPLACE)S 162 x(searche)S 2 x(s)S 162 x(for)S 161 x(whole)S 162 x)D(record)S 2 x(s)S 161 x(which)S 162 x(do)S 162 x(not)S 15854 X 548 yF(contain)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(target.)S 10773 X 896 y F151(When)S 158 xC(the)S 157 x(regu)S 2 x(lar)S 157 x(expression)S 158 x(does)S 157 xrE(not)S 157 x(contain)S 158 x(repeat)S 158 x(pattern)S 157 x(\()S F152 D(\\)S 50 x(.)S F151(,)S 160 x F152(\\)S 49 x(:)S F151(,)S 160 x(or)SH158 x F152(\\)S 50 x(,)S F151(\),)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 178 x(asterisk)SH177 x(\()S F152(*)S F151(\),)S 181 x(or)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(whitespace)SG177 x(character)S 179 x(\()S F152(\\)S 49 x(w)S F151(\),)S 181 x(both)S3F178 x(options)S 177 x(produce)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(same)S 166 xI(result.)S 10773 20414 XY F25(/MODIFIED)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Modi\211es)S1G173 x(the)S 173 x(time)S 172 x(value)S 174 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(with)S7I173 x(the)S 172 x(/BEFORE)S 172 x(or)S 173 x(/SINCE)S 172 x(quali\211er)ScC-36 x(.)S 10773 X 548 y(/MODIFIED)S 176 x(selects)S 176 x(\211les)SoG177 x(according)S 178 x(to)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(dates)S 177 x(on)S 177 x K(which)S 177 x(they)S 178 x(were)S 177 x(last)S 10773 X 548 y(modi\211ed.)S5F287 x(This)S 185 x(quali\211er)S 186 x(is)S 184 x(incompatible)S 185 xC(with)S 184 x(the)S 185 x(other)S 185 x(quali\211ers)S 185 x(that)SAH10773 X 548 y(also)S 188 x(allow)S 187 x(you)S 189 x(to)S 187 x(select)SM188 x(\211les)S 188 x(according)S 189 x(to)S 188 x(time)S 187 x(attributes:)SxH293 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 10773 X 548 y(/CREA)S -28 x(TED,)S 195 x(and)SE196 x(/EXPIRED.)S 195 x(If)S 195 x(you)S 196 x(specify)S 196 x(none)S)O196 x(of)S 195 x(these)S 196 x(four)S 196 x(time)S 10773 X 548 y(modi\211ers,)SaP167 x(the)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(/CREA)S -28 x(TED.)S 10773 24847 XYMF25(/NUMB)S -2 x(ERS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NONU)S -2 x(MBERS)S 165 x(\(default\))S H10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 167 x(whether)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(source)SC167 x(line)S 168 x(number)S 167 x(is)S 167 x(displayed)S 167 x(at)SG167 x(the)S 167 x(left)S 167 x(margin)S 168 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(each)S5J167 x(line.)S 10773 27886 XY F25(/OUTPUT[=\(\211le-spec[,...]\)])S 10773 XC598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 177 x(the)S 176 x(names)S 177 x(of)S 177 xeF(the)S 176 x(output)S 177 x(\211les)S 177 x(into)S 177 x(which)S 177 xG(the~ FIND015.A3# ![FIND.V015.PORTABLE.EXE]FIND.PS;2c|t)S 176 x(\(modi\211ed\))S 177 x(records)S 10773 X 548 y(are)S 160 x E(to)S 161 x(be)S 160 x(written.)S 249 x(If)S 160 x(you)S 161 x(omit)StF160 x(the)S 160 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)S 162 x(or)S 160 x(the)S 161 xG(\211le-spec,)S 161 x(the)S 161 x(name)S 160 x(of)S 160 x(the)S 10773 XSH548 y(input)S 174 x(\211le)S 174 x(will)S 173 x(be)S 174 x(used.)S 265 xH(If)S 174 x(you)S 175 x(specify)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(\211le-spec,)S 177 xF(the)S 174 x(name)S 174 x(of)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(input)S 10773 X 548 yI(\211le)S 171 x(will)S 170 x(be)S 171 x(used)S 171 x(as)S 170 x(default)SeD171 x(\211le)S 171 x(speci\211cation.)S 260 x(If)S 170 x(you)S 172 xJ(specify)S 171 x(more)S 171 x(input)S 171 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(names)SE179 x(than)S 180 x(output)S 180 x(\211le)S 179 x(names,)S 183 x(the)S)C180 x(output)S 179 x(\211le)S 180 x(names)S 179 x(will)S 179 x(be)S N179 x(used)S 180 x(until)S 10773 X 548 y(they)S 178 x(are)S 177 x(exhausted,)SF181 x(for)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(remaining)S 178 x(\211les,)S 181 x(the)SJ177 x(input)S 177 x(\211le)S 177 x(names)S 177 x(will)S 177 x(be)S 10773 XF547 y(used.)S 10773 32867 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(AD[=[%b]#])S 10773 X 797 yD(/NOP)S -52 x(AD)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)SD179 x(whether)S 179 x(short)S 179 x(replacements)S 179 x(are)S 179 xG(padded.)S 275 x(A)S 179 x(replacement)S 179 x(is)S 179 x(too)S 10773 X8G548 y(short)S 166 x(when)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(as)SoC166 x(long)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(string)S 167 x(it)S 165 xL#(replaces.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(28)SSEP PP( %%PageTrailerS1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique2<%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %(%%Page: (29) 31S%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)> PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 23105 1807 XY F24(FIND/)S -2 x(REPLACE)S 10773 4866 XY F151(The)SC194 x(/P)S -37 x(AD)S 192 x(quali\211er)S 194 x(speci\211es)S 193 x D(which)S 193 x(pad)S 192 x(character)S 194 x(will)S 192 x(be)S 193 xO(used.)S 303 x(Pad)S 10773 X 548 y(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(speci\211ed)SSF166 x(as)S 165 x(follows:)S 10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 6809 XY F40D(Option)S 15854 X(Character)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 7705 XYHF38(P)S -33 x(AD)S 15854 X(NULL)S 149 x(\(00)S 151 x(Decimal\))S 10773 XH748 y(P)S -33 x(AD=x)S 15854 X(x)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(ASCII)S 148 x(A-Z,)SD150 x(a-z,)S 149 x(or)S 150 x(0-9)S 10773 X 747 y(P)S -33 x(AD=%bx)SG15854 X(x)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(a)S 149 x(numb)S 2 x(er)S 150 x(represen)S1D2 x(ting)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(ASCII)S 148 x(chara)S 2 x(cter)S 15854 XG747 y(b)S 150 x(represe)S 2 x(nts)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(base)S 150 x(of)S H149 x(the)S 150 x(number)S -23 x(.)S 224 x(V)S -33 x(alues)S 150 x(for)SJ149 x(b)S 150 x(are:)S 15854 X 747 y(D)S 149 x(=)S 149 x(decimal)S 15854 XC747 y(O)S 149 x(=)S 150 x(octal)S 15854 X 748 y(X)S 150 x(=)S 149 x F(hexadecima)S 2 x(l)S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 13633 XY F25(/P)SI-51 x(A)S -53 x(TTERN)S 10773 X 797 y(/P)S -51 x(A)S -53 x(TTERN=option)SiJ10773 X 797 y(/P)S -51 x(A)S -53 x(TTERN=VMS)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 XM797 y(/NOP)S -52 x(A)S -52 x(TTERN)S 10773 X 598 y F151(If)S 178 x(negated,)S K182 x(the)S 178 x(parameter)S 178 x(expression)S 179 x(is)S 178 x(treated)SG177 x(as)S 178 x(a)S 178 x(string)S 179 x(without)S 178 x(any)S 10773 XF548 y(wildcards,)S 182 x(e.g.)S 276 x(all)S 178 x(occurren)S 2 x(ces)SC178 x(of)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(metacharacters)S 179 x(*,)S 182 x(%,)SlL183 x(and)S 179 x(\\)S 228 x(\(VMS)S 10773 X 548 y(pattern)S 188 x(style\))SF188 x(are)S 189 x(taken)S 188 x(literally)S -55 x(.)S 294 x(If)S 188 xG(speci\211ed,)S 194 x(it)S 188 x(decides)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(\212avor)SSH189 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(wildcards)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(used.)SG250 x(There)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(two)S 165 x(possible)S 165 x(options:)S)C10773 X 896 y F38(VMS)S 15854 X(FIND/R)S -2 x(EPLACE)S 157 x(uses)SSH157 x(the)S 156 x(same)S 158 x(wildcards)S 156 x(as)S 157 x(used)S 157 xD(by)S 157 x(other)S 15854 X 548 y(VMS)S 150 x(tools.)S 10773 X 748 yF(POSIX)S 15854 X(FIND/R)S -2 x(EPLACE)S 152 x(uses)S 153 x(the)S 152 xH(regular)S 153 x(expre)S 2 x(ssions)S 152 x(de\211ned)S 154 x(by)S 152 xE(the)S 15854 X 547 y(POSIX)S 149 x(standard.)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Y)SJ-56 x(ou)S 179 x(cannot)S 179 x(specify)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(quali\211ers)SF178 x(/NOP)S -36 x(A)S -28 x(TTERN)S 178 x(and)S 178 x(/NODIACR)S -2 xJ(ITICAL)S 10773 X 548 y(together)S -36 x(.)S 10773 23546 XY F25(/SHOW_GR)SF-2 x(OUPS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOSHO)S -2 x(W_GROUPS)S 165 x(\(default\))SH10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 188 x(whether)S 189 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 187 xD(displays)S 187 x(groups)S 189 x(before)S 189 x(asking)S 189 x(for)SF10773 X 548 y(con\211rmation.)S 307 x(For)S 195 x(each)S 195 x(group)SH195 x(which)S 195 x(matches)S 194 x(a)S 194 x(non-empty)S 195 x(string)SF195 x(a)S 10773 X 548 y(line)S 181 x(is)S 180 x(displayed)S 180 x(in)SF181 x(the)S 181 x(format)S 180 x(`)S -10 x(`Group)S 181 x([#]:)S 278 xG(spaces)S 180 x(sub-match')S -10 x(',)S 184 x(where)S 181 x(#)S 10773 X)G548 y(represent)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(grou)S 2 x(p)S 166 x(number)S -36 x(E(,)S 167 x(sub-match)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(part)S 166 x(of)SrI167 x(the)S 166 x(target)S 167 x(which)S 167 x(has)S 10773 X 548 y(been)S)F176 x(matched)S 176 x(by)S 177 x(the)S 176 x(group)S 176 x(and)S 176 xI(spaces)S 176 x(is)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(amount)S 176 x(of)S 176 x(spaces)SxC175 x(which)S 176 x(is)S 10773 X 547 y(necessary)S 167 x(to)S 166 xhE(align)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(sub-match)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x E(display)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(full)S 166 x(match.)S 10773 XrF897 y(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(ignored)S 167 x(if)SG165 x(the)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 166 x(/CONFIRM)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S:F166 x(present.)S 10773 29673 XY F25(/SINCE[=time])S 10773 X 598 y F151C(Selects)S 167 x(only)S 167 x(those)S 167 x(\211les)S 167 x(dated)S E167 x(after)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(speci\211ed)S 167 x(time.)S 251 x(Y)StF-56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 168 x(specify)S 167 x(time)S 10773 X 548 y(as)SG155 x(an)S 156 x(absolute)S 155 x(time,)S 157 x(a)S 155 x(combination)SXD156 x(of)S 155 x(absolute)S 155 x(and)S 156 x(delta)S 154 x(times,)SF158 x(or)S 155 x(as)S 155 x(one)S 156 x(of)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 170 xJ(following)S 170 x(keywords:)S 258 x(TODA)S -47 x(Y)S 169 x(\(default\),)SF171 x(TOMORROW)S -57 x(,)S 170 x(or)S 170 x(YESTERDA)S -47 x(Y)S -56 xE(.)S 10773 X 548 y(Specify)S 171 x(one)S 172 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 172 xpD(following)S 171 x(quali\211ers)S 171 x(with)S 170 x(/BEFORE)S 170 xI(to)S 171 x(indicate)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(time)S 10773 X 548 y(attribute)S0G185 x(to)S 186 x(be)S 185 x(used)S 185 x(as)S 185 x(the)S 186 x(basis)S2F185 x(for)S 185 x(selection:)S 288 x(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 186 x(/CREA)SE-28 x(TED)S 10773 X 547 y(\(default\),)S 166 x(/EXPIRED,)S 165 x(or)SxE167 x(/MODIFIED)S -2 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(See)S 157 x(the)S 158 x F152(C(VMS)S 158 x(DCL)S 156 x(Concepts)S 159 x(Manual)S 158 x F151(for)S(J157 x(complete)S 157 x(information)S 158 x(on)S 158 x(specifying)S 10773 X4548 y(time)S 166 x(values.)S 27704 36925 XY F36(29)SEP PP) %%PageTrailer(2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman;%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italicp%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)x%o%%Page: (30) 32)%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)g PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 526 x 5022 Y F25(/SKIP)SyC10773 X 797 y(/NOSKIP)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(If)S(F179 x(you)S 179 x(specify)S 179 x(this)S 179 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(,)SD182 x(matches)S 179 x(will)S 178 x(not)S 179 x(be)S 179 x(replaced)SI179 x(but)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(whole)S 10773 X 547 y(record)S 167 x(will)SxE165 x(be)S 166 x(skipped)S 166 x(\(i.e.)S 250 x(not)S 166 x(written)S1E166 x(to)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(output)S 166 x(\211le\).)S 10773 8060 XYgCF25(/ST)S -51 x(A)S -52 x(TISTICS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOST)S -52 x(A)S1G-52 x(TISTICS)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 166 x)C(whether)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 167 x(statis)S -2 x(tics)S2G166 x(about)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(search)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(displayed:)S)D10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 xJ(searched)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(records)SE166 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 xcH(characters)S 167 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 xG(of)S 166 x(matches)S 166 x(found)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S1G166 x(of)S 166 x(matching)S 167 x(records)S 166 x(found)S 10773 X 897 yRI(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(written)S 10773 X F897 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(records)S 166 x(written)SE10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(replaced)S 166 xSJ(matches)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Buffered)S 166 x(I/O)S 166 x(count)SE10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Direct)S 165 x(I/O)S 166 x(count)S 10773 XoJ896 y(\201)S 595 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(page)S 167 x(faults)S 10773 XC897 y(\201)S 595 x(Elapsed)S 165 x(CPU)S 166 x(time)S 10773 X 896 y9J(\201)S 595 x(Elapsed)S 165 x(time)S 10773 22456 XY F25(/SYMBOLS)S 10773 XL797 y(/NOSYMBO)S -2 x(LS)S 167 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)SC171 x(whether)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(following)S 172 x(symbols)S 171 x6C(containing)S 173 x(information)S 172 x(about)S 172 x(the)S 10773 X7F548 y(search)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(written:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xH(FIND_FILES_SEA)S -2 x(RCHED)S 165 x(-)S 166 x(Number)S 166 x(of)S 166 xF(\211les)S 166 x(searched)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(FIND_REC)S -2 xL(ORDS_SE)S -2 x(ARCHED)S 165 x(-)S 165 x(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(records)SH166 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(FIND_CHAR)S -2 x(ACTERS_SE)SD-2 x(ARCHED)S 165 x(-)S 165 x(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(characters)SI166 x(searched)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(FIND_MA)S -28 x(TCHES_FOUND)SsI165 x(-)S 165 x(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(matches)S 166 x(found)S 10773 X8D896 y(\201)S 595 x(FIND_REC)S -2 x(ORDS_MA)S -29 x(TCHED)S 165 x(-)SH166 x(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(matching)S 167 x(records)S 166 x(found)SG10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(FIND_FILES_WR)S -2 x(ITTEN)S 166 x(-)S 166 x I(Number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(written)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SaE595 x(FIND_REC)S -2 x(ORDS_WR)S -2 x(ITTEN)S 166 x(-)S 166 x(Number)SkE166 x(of)S 166 x(records)S 167 x(written)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xnH(FIND_MA)S -28 x(TCHES_REPLAC)S -2 x(ED)S 166 x(-)S 165 x(Number)S 167 xG(of)S 166 x(replaced)S 166 x(matches)S 10773 32917 XY F25(/TRUNC)S -2 x C(A)S -52 x(TE[=BEGINNIN)S -2 x(G])S 10773 X 797 y(/TRUNC)S -2 x(A)SaC-52 x(TE[=END])S 10773 X 797 y(/NOTRU)S -2 x(NCA)S -53 x(TE)S 166 xmI(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Controls)S 174 x(whether)S 174 x(long)SeC175 x(replacements)S 173 x(are)S 174 x(truncated.)S 266 x(A)S 174 xYG(replacement)S 174 x(is)S 173 x(too)S 10773 X 548 y(long)S 176 x(when)S1F175 x(it)S 174 x(exceeds)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(length)S 176 x(of)S 174 xD(the)S 175 x(string)S 175 x(it)S 174 x(replaces.)S 267 x(The)S 176 x$(truncation)S 5094 36925 XY F36(30)SEP PPx %%PageTrailers1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqueS%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)n% %%Page: (31) 33)%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)l PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYI0 SC 23105 1807 XY F24(FIND/)S -2 x(REPLACE)S 10773 4866 XY F151(occurs)ShD167 x(at)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(beginning)S 168 x(or)S 166 x(at)S 166 xD(the)S 166 x(end)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(replacement,)S 167 xD(depending)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(value)S 167 x(of)SH166 x(the)S 166 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 166 x(the)SF166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(given)S 168 x(without)S 165 x(a)SD166 x(value,)S 168 x(END)S 165 x(is)S 165 x(assumed.)S 10773 7406 XYEF25(/UPPERCA)S -2 x(SE)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOUPPERC)S -2 x(ASE)S 10773 XeL598 y F151(If)S 175 x(this)S 174 x(quali\211er)S 176 x(is)S 175 x(present,)SL177 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 174 x(conver)S 2 x(ts)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(replacement)SE175 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(uppercase)S 166 x(before)S 167 x(inserting)SxE166 x(it.)S 10773 X 897 y(This)S 169 x(quali\211er)S 170 x(is)S 169 x7K(incompatible)S 169 x(with)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(other)S 170 x(quali\211ers)SiF169 x(that)S 169 x(also)S 169 x(allow)S 168 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y(to)SD161 x(modify)S 162 x(the)S 161 x(case)S 161 x(of)S 162 x(the)S 161 xE(replacement:)S 250 x(/CASE_MA)S -28 x(TCHING,)S 161 x(/CAPIT)S -28 x1F(ALIZE,)S 10773 X 548 y(and)S 166 x(/LOWERCASE)S -2 x(.)S 167 x(This)SK166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(may)S 166 x(destroy)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(effects)S)F165 x(of)S 166 x(functions.)S 10773 12438 XY F25(/WINDOW[=\(n1,n2\)])SC10773 X 797 y(/NOWIND)S -2 x(OW)S 166 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 597 yfFF151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(number)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(lines)SF166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(displayed)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 167 xK(searched)S 166 x(pattern.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 176 x(you)S 177 x(specify)S7E177 x(the)S 176 x(/WINDOW)S 175 x(quali\211er)S 177 x(without)S 176 x/C(the)S 177 x(value)S 177 x(n1)S 176 x(and)S 177 x(n2,)S 179 x(two)SwF10773 X 548 y(lines)S 173 x(above)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(searched)S 174 xC(string,)S 176 x(the)S 174 x(searched)S 173 x(string,)S 176 x(and)S8L174 x(two)S 173 x(lines)S 173 x(below)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 174 x(searched)SH174 x(string)S 174 x(are)S 174 x(included)S 175 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 xI(output.)S 265 x(If)S 174 x(you)S 174 x(specify)S 174 x(/WINDOW)S 10773 XpD548 y(with)S 184 x(a)S 183 x(single)S 184 x(number)S 185 x(\(n1\),)SD189 x(n1)S 184 x(speci\211es)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(number)S 184 x(of)SH184 x(lines)S 184 x(to)S 183 x(display)S 10773 X 548 y(including)S 181 xD(the)S 180 x(search)S 180 x(string.)S 278 x(Half)S 179 x(the)S 180 xC(lines)S 180 x(precede)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(matched)S 179 x(search)S1D10773 X 548 y(string)S 164 x(and)S 163 x(half)S 163 x(follow)S 163 xF(it.)S 249 x(\(If)S 162 x(n)S 164 x(is)S 163 x(even,)S 165 x(1)S 163 xE(line)S 163 x(is)S 163 x(added)S 163 x(to)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(lined)SaD163 x(following)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(matched)S 166 x(search)SH167 x(pattern.\))S 10773 X 896 y(For)S 170 x(example,)S 172 x(if)S 169 xE(you)S 171 x(specify)S 170 x(/WINDOW=)S -2 x(10,)S 171 x(nine)S 171 x D(additional)S 169 x(lines)S 170 x(are)S 170 x(listed)S 10773 X 548 yG(along)S 179 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(line)S 178 x(containing)S 180 x4G(the)S 179 x(search)S 178 x(pattern.)S 275 x(Four)S 179 x(lines)S 178 x0D(are)S 179 x(listed)S 10773 X 548 y(above)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(line)SC167 x(containing)S 168 x(the)S 166 x(search)S 167 x(pattern)S 166 x(D(and)S 167 x(\211ve)S 167 x(lines)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(listed)S 165 xF(below)S 10773 X 548 y(it,)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(total)S 166 xE(of)S 166 x(ten)S 166 x(lines.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 172 x(you)S 174 x(I(specify)S 172 x(n1)S 173 x(and)S 173 x(n2,)S 175 x(the)S 173 x(/WINDOW)S2C171 x(quali\211er)S 173 x(displays)S 172 x(n1)S 173 x(lines)S 173 x G(above)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 171 x(search)S 171 x(string,)S 173 x(the)SaC170 x(search)S 172 x(string,)S 172 x(and)S 171 x(n2)S 171 x(lines)ScF171 x(below)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(search)S 171 x(string.)S 10773 X 548 yD(Either)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(these)S 166 x(numbers)S 166 x(can)S 167 xH(be)S 166 x(zero.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 172 x(you)S 173 x(specify)S 172 xF(/WINDOW=0,)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 172 x(name)S 173 x(of)S 172 xI(each)S 173 x(\211le)S 172 x(containing)S 174 x(a)S 172 x(match)S 10773 XYF548 y(\(but)S 171 x(no)S 171 x(records\))S 170 x(is)S 171 x(included)SK171 x(in)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(output.)S 259 x(This)S 171 x(speci\211cation)SrF170 x(creates)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(\211le)S 10773 X 548 y(\(using)S 168 xE(the)S 168 x(/OUTPUT)S 169 x(quali\211er\))S 168 x(that)S 168 x(can)ScH168 x(be)S 168 x(inserted)S 167 x(into)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(command)S 168 xK(\211le)S 168 x(to)S 10773 X 548 y(manipulate)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211les)SH166 x(containing)S 168 x(matches.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 180 x(you)S 182 xH(omit)S 180 x(the)S 181 x(/WINDOW)S 180 x(quali\211er)S 181 x(entirely)SH-55 x(,)S 185 x(only)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(line)S 181 x(containing)S 182 xF(a)S 10773 X 548 y(match)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(displayed.)S 10773 X 896 yG(This)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(ignored)S 167 x(if)S 165 x H(the)S 167 x(quali\211er)S 166 x(/CONFIRM)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 xF(present.)S 10773 28527 XY F25(/WRAP)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOWRA)S -2 x(P)SE167 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Use)S 167 x(with)S 167 x(the)S\F167 x(/P)S -36 x(AGE=S)S -2 x(A)S -55 x(VE)S 166 x(quali\211er)S 168 xI(to)S 167 x(limit)S 166 x(the)S 168 x(number)S 168 x(of)S 167 x(columns)SeC167 x(to)S 167 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(width)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(the)SSF169 x(screen)S 169 x(and)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(wrap)S 168 x(lines)S 169 xE(that)S 169 x(extend)S 170 x(beyond)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(width)S 169 xE(of)S 169 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(screen)S 167 x(to)S 165 x(the)S 167 xsM(next)S 166 x(line.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 170 x(/NOWRAP)S 169 x(quali\211er)SF171 x(extends)S 170 x(lines)S 169 x(beyond)S 171 x(the)S 170 x(width)SE169 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(screen)S 170 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S7H175 x(be)S 173 x(seen)S 174 x(when)S 175 x(you)S 175 x(use)S 174 x(the)SM174 x(scrolling)S 174 x(\(left)S 174 x(and)S 174 x(right\))S 174 x(features)SSG174 x(provided)S 10773 X 547 y(by)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(/P)S -36 x(AGE=)SrE-2 x(SA)S -55 x(VE)S 165 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 27704 36925 XY F36o(31)S6EP PP %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Helvetica-BoldObliquea%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)o%b%%Page: (32) 34n%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)u PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(FIND/REPLAC)S -2 x(E)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 RtC5094 5515 XY(EXAMPLES)S 5094 6546 XY F202(1)S 6290 X -49 y F102($)S H1 SC 239 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 240 x(CABLE.SDML)S 2 x(,JOYNER)S 239 x("b%t")SC240 x("\(\\0\))S 2 x(")S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y($)S 1 SC 239 xdE(FIND/REPLACE/P)S 2 x(ATTERN=POSIX)S 240 x(CABLE.SDML,JOYNE)S 2 x(R)SSC239 x("b.t")S 239 x(")S 2 x(\(\\0\)")S 0 SC 10773 7942 XYsHF151(This)S 174 x(command)S 174 x(searches)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(\211les)SF174 x(CABLE.SDML)S 174 x(and)S 174 x(JOYNER)S -2 x(.SDML)S 174 x(for)SG10773 X 598 y(occurren)S 2 x(ces)S 172 x(of)S 173 x F152(B)S 173 x F1513G(or)S 173 x F152(b)S 173 x F151(followed)S 173 x(by)S 173 x(any)S 174 xSF(single)S 173 x(character)S 174 x(and)S 173 x(a)S 173 x F152(T)S 173 xEF151(or)S 174 x F152(t)S F151(,)S 175 x(as)S 173 x(in)S 10773 X 597 y1F(the)S 166 x(following:)S 11670 X 897 y F152(bet)S F151(ween)S 11670 XG598 y F152(bat)S F151(man)S 10773 11728 XY(and)S 166 x(replaces)S 166 x5G(these)S 166 x(strings)S 166 x(with)S 11670 X 896 y(\()S -2 x H(bet\)ween)S 11670 X 598 y(\()S -2 x(bat\)man)S 10773 14318 XYF(The)S 169 x(\211les)S 168 x(which)S 169 x(are)S 169 x(written)S 168 xF(have)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(names)S 168 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(input)SD168 x(\211les,)S 170 x(respectively)S -55 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(with)SG166 x(the)S 166 x(version)S 167 x(number)S 166 x(increased)S 167 x(by)S(G166 x(one.)S 10773 X 896 y(It)S 183 x(is)S 184 x(necessary)S 184 x(to)SH184 x(enclose)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(string)S 185 x(and)S 184 x(the)S 184 xG(replacement)S 184 x(in)S 184 x(quotation)S 10773 X 598 y(marks)S 166 x H(because)S 166 x(they)S 167 x(contain)S 167 x(wildcards.)S 5094 17433 XYFF202(2)S 6290 X 48 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 240 x(MY.TBL)S 240 x(")S "XP /F119 106 138 5 -11 6 31 43 8 0EPXLC RPSC11789 17481 XY F119(j)S F102(\\\(\\w\\d\\.\\)S 2 x(w\\\))S F119(j)S1DF102(\\\(\\w\\d\\.\\w\\\))S 2 x F119(j)S F102(")S 239 x(")S F119(j)SFF102(\\2)S F119(j)S F102(\\1)S F119(j)S 2 x F102(")S 0 SC 6290 X 448 yF($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/REPL/PATT)S 2 x(=POSIX)S 239 x(MY.TBL)S 240 x(-)SC6290 X 449 y("\\)S F119(j)S F102(\([)S 240 x(]*[0-9]*[)S 240 x4C(]*\)\\)S F119(j)S 2 x F102(\([)S 239 x(]*[0-9]*[)S 241 xxD(]*\)\\)S F119(j)S F102(")S 240 x(-)S 6529 X 548 y(")S F119(j)SHF102(\\2)S F119(j)S F102(\\1)S F119(j)S 2 x F102(")S 0 SC 10773 19922 XYFF151(The)S 174 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 172 x(command)S 174 x(searches)S 174 xC(through)S 175 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x(MY)S -55 x(.TBL)S 174 xSF(for)S 173 x(all)S 10773 X 598 y(occurren)S 2 x(ces)S 172 x(of)S 173 xH(two)S 172 x(groups)S 173 x(of)S 173 x(digits,)S 174 x(delimited)S 172 xI(by)S 173 x(spaces)S 173 x(\()S F159()S 172 x F151(stands)SrE172 x(for)S 10773 X 597 y(the)S 164 x(tab)S 163 x(character\))S 164 xuJ(and)S 164 x(vertical)S 164 x(bars,)S 165 x(and)S 163 x(exch)S 2 x(anges)SE164 x(the)S 163 x(grou)S 2 x(ps.)S 249 x(It)S 163 x(matches)S 10773 X)E598 y(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(strings:)S 11744 23508 XY F38(|)SiF224 x(125)S 706 x(|)S 14609 X(34)S 225 x(|)S 11744 X 748 y(|)S 13538 XI(|)S 705 x(007)S 225 x(|)S 11744 X 747 y(|)S 473 x(08)S 706 x(|)S 14609 X-H(15)S 225 x(|)S 10773 26099 XY F151(and)S 166 x(replaces)S 166 x(these)SD166 x(strings)S 166 x(with)S 11744 27892 XY F38(|)S 473 x(34)S 706 xJ(|)S 705 x(125)S 225 x(|)S 11744 X 747 y(|)S 224 x(007)S 706 x(|)S 15332 XP(|)S 11744 X 747 y(|)S 473 x(15)S 706 x(|)S 14609 X(08)S 225 x(|)S 5094 30658 XYJF202(3)S 6290 X -56 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FIND/REPLACE)S 240 x(CHAP.SDML)SG241 x("<\\a\\:>""\\$upp\\\(\\0\\\))S 2 x(")S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y($)S 1 SCyT239 x(FIND/REPLACE/P)S 2 x(ATTERN=POSIX)S 240 x(CHAP.SDML)S 240 x("<[a-z]+>""\\$up)SC2 x(p\\\(\\0\\\)")S 0 SC 10773 32046 XY F151(This)S 173 x(command)SxH174 x(searches)S 173 x(through)S 175 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x(CHAP)SG-65 x(.SDML)S 173 x(for)S 174 x(all)S 173 x(occurrences)S 10773 X 598 yiI(of)S 166 x(SDML)S 166 x(tags)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(upcases)S 166 x(these)S $166 x(tags.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(32)SEP PPh %%PageTrailer1"%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Jinete:%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%+ amsy10 Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: (33) 35 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 4866 XY F151(The)S 167 x(RXP)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(RPL)S 166 xF(facilities,)S 166 x(which)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(part)S 166 x(of)S 166 xE(FIND,)S 166 x(generate)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 167 x(error)S5E166 x(messages:)S 9578 5962 XY(BAD)S -2 x(REPEA)S -28 x(TUSE,)S 498 x1F(improper)S 166 x(repeat)S 166 x(pattern)S 166 x(usage)S 10773 X 897 yGF153(Facility)S 2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S6F251 x F151(Fatal)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151H(An)S 175 x(expression)S 176 x(has)S 175 x(been)S 176 x(entered,)S 179 xC(which)S 176 x(speci\211es)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(repeat)S 10773 X 598 yFG(pattern)S 187 x(after)S 186 x(a)S 187 x(probably)S 187 x(empty)S 187 xDF(match,)S 193 x(e.g.)S 292 x F152(x\\)S 49 x(,\\)S 51 x(:)S 291 x F151G(\(VMS)S 186 x(style\))S 186 x(or)S 187 x F152(x?+)S 10773 X 597 y F1511E(\(POSIX)S 165 x(style\).)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S 166 x(Action:)SoD250 x F151(Respecify)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(expression.)S 9578 11840 XYH(LOOPGE)S -2 x(NERA)S -28 x(TED,)S 498 x(loop)S 166 x(generated,)S 167 xF(check)S 168 x(use)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(repeat)S 166 x(pattern)S 10773 XM896 y F153(Facility)S 2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Severity:)SF251 x F151(Fatal)S 10773 X 897 y F153(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151H(An)S 171 x(expression)S 171 x(has)S 170 x(been)S 172 x(entered,)S 173 xD(which)S 171 x(would)S 170 x(cause)S 171 x(FIND)S 10773 X 598 y(to)SC185 x(stay)S 186 x(in)S 185 x(an)S 186 x(in\211nite)S 186 x(loop.)S7C288 x(The)S 187 x(reason)S 185 x(could)S 186 x(be)S 185 x(a)S 186 x)H(parenthesized)S 185 x(term)S 10773 X 597 y(matching)S 185 x(the)S 185 xG(empty)S 185 x(string)S 184 x(which)S 185 x(is)S 184 x(followed)S 184 xD(by)S 185 x(a)S 184 x(repeat)S 185 x(pattern,)S 189 x(e.g.)S 10773 XI598 y(something)S 192 x(like)S 193 x F152(\\)S 49 x(\(\\)S 50 x(\(abc\\)Sw 50 x(\)\\)Sx"XP /F119 106 138 5 -11 6 31 43 8 0EPXLC RPxG17102 16323 XY F119(j)S F152(\\)S 50 x(\(uvw\\)S 49 x(\)\\)S 50 x(.\\)SfE50 x(\(xyz\\)S 49 x(\)\\)S 50 x(,\\)S 50 x(\)\\)S 49 x(.)S 302 x F151SG(\(VMS)S 191 x(style\))S 192 x(or)S 10773 X 598 y F152(\(\(abc\))S F1199E(j)S F152(\(uvw\)*\(xyz\)?\)*)S 165 x F151(\(POSIX)S 165 x(style\).)S2F10773 X 896 y F153(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Respecify)S 166 xE(the)S 166 x(expression)S 167 x(without)S 166 x(loop.)S 9578 18913 XY)F(BOLMUSTBEFIR)S -2 x(ST)S -45 x(,)S 498 x(cannot)S 167 x(match)S 166 xH(pattern)S 166 x(preceding)S 167 x(`beginning)S 168 x(of)S 166 x(line')SD10773 X 897 y F153(Facility)S 2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S 10773 X 897 yCF153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(Fatal)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)S 2 x6C(ation:)S 251 x F151(The)S 186 x(pattern)S 185 x F152(\\)S 50 x(<)SfC185 x F151(occurs)S 186 x(somewhere)S 185 x(inmidst)S 185 x(text.)S1E288 x(Since)S 10773 X 598 y(FIND)S 181 x(cannot)S 182 x(match)S 181 xiM(expressions)S 181 x(which)S 182 x(cross)S 181 x(record)S 182 x(boundaries,)SdC186 x(this)S 181 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(illegal.)S 10773 X 896 y F153 N(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Respecify)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(expression.)SD9578 24791 XY(EOLMUSTBELAS)S -2 x(T)S -45 x(,)S 498 x(cannot)S 167 xH(match)S 166 x(pattern)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(`end)S 166 x(of)S 166 xG(line')S 10773 X 897 y F153(Facility)S 2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S 10773 X E897 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(Fatal)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)SxF2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(The)S 186 x(pattern)S 185 x F152(\\)S 50 x(>)SC185 x F151(occurs)S 186 x(somewhere)S 185 x(inmidst)S 185 x(text.)S(E288 x(Since)S 10773 X 598 y(FIND)S 181 x(cannot)S 182 x(match)S 181 x\M(expressions)S 181 x(which)S 182 x(cross)S 181 x(record)S 182 x(boundaries,)S C186 x(this)S 181 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(illegal.)S 10773 X 896 y F153 N(User)S 166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Respecify)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(expression.)SH9578 30669 XY(INSGR)S -2 x(OUPS,)S 499 x(insuf\211cient)S 166 x(groups)SD10773 X 897 y F153(Facility)S 2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S 10773 X 897 yCF153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(Fatal)S 10773 X 896 y F153(Explan)S 2 x)E(ation:)S 251 x F151(An)S 171 x(expression)S 172 x(has)S 171 x(been)S7I172 x(entered,)S 173 x(which)S 172 x(causes)S 171 x(an)S 172 x(internal)S2C10773 X 598 y(memory)S 172 x(problem.)S 259 x(Most)S 171 x(likely)SmG171 x(the)S 172 x(expression)S 171 x(contains)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(group)Sx1172 x(with)S 171 x(many)S -254 x 36925 Y F36(33)SNEP PP7 %%PageTrailerR#%%PageFonts: NewCenturySchlbk-Romand1%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italich%%+ amsy10 Helvetica-Bolde%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%7%%Page: (34) 36t%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)c PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 10773 4868 XY F151(possible)S 177 x(matches,)S 180 x(like)S 177 xIF152(\\)S 50 x(\(\\)S 50 x(s\\)S 50 x(:\\)S 50 x(\)*)S 177 x F151(\(VMS)SsI177 x(style\),)S 180 x(where)S 178 x(the)S 177 x(asterisk)S 177 x(would)SRC10773 X 598 y(match)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(character)S 167 x(matched)S E166 x(by)S 167 x F152(\\)S 49 x(s\\)S 50 x(:)S F151(.)S 10773 X 897 ytIF153(User)S 169 x(Action:)S 251 x F151(If)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(situation)S4G170 x(is)S 169 x(as)S 169 x(described)S 170 x(above,)S 172 x(reducing)SeD171 x(the)S 170 x(number)S 10773 X 597 y(of)S 188 x(possible)S 188 xG(matches)S 188 x(of)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(group,)S 195 x(in)S 188 x(the)S C189 x(above)S 189 x(example)S 188 x(this)S 188 x(could)S 189 x(be)S\F10773 X 598 y(achieved)S 167 x(by)S 167 x(changing)S 168 x(the)S 166 xG(pattern)S 166 x(to)S 166 x F152(\\)S 50 x(\(\\)S 49 x(s\\)S 50 x(:\\)SDD50 x(\)\\)S 50 x(\273)S F151(*\).)S 9578 8654 XY(MISSCLOS)S -2 x(P)SJ-36 x(AR,)S 498 x(missing)S 166 x(')S F152(\\)S 49 x(\))S F151(')S 10773 XD897 y F153(Facility)S 2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S -65 x(,)S 167 x(RPL)SD10773 X 896 y F153(Severity:)S 251 x F151(Fatal)S 10773 X 897 y F153L(Explan)S 2 x(ation:)S 251 x F151(An)S 166 x(unbalanced)S 167 x(expression)SC166 x(has)S 166 x(been)S 167 x(entered.)S 10773 X 897 y F153(User)S L166 x(Action:)S 250 x F151(Add)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(missing)S 166 x(closing)SJ166 x(parenthesis.)S 9578 13336 XY(MISSOPENP)S -38 x(AR,)S 498 x(missing)SD166 x(')S F152(\\)S 49 x(\()S F151(')S 10773 X 897 y F153(Facility)SM2 x(:)S 249 x F151(RXP)S -65 x(,)S 167 x(RPL)S 10773 X 897 y 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