.!++ .! .! NAME: MMK_HELP.RNH .! .! ABSTRACT: MMK help file. .! .! FACILITY: MadGoat Make Utility .! .! DESCRIPTION: .! .! This is the RUNOFF source for the help library for MMK. .! To create the help library, use the following commands: .! .! $ RUNOFF MMK_HELP.RNH .! $ LIB/CREATE/HELP MMK_HELP MMK_HELP .! .! AUTHOR: M. Madison .! COPYRIGHT © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998 MADGOAT SOFTWARE. .! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .! .! MODIFICATION HISTORY: .! .! 16-SEP-1993 V1.0 Madison Initial coding. .! 17-OCT-1993 V1.1 Madison Add /KEEP_INTERMEDIATES .! 21-JUN-1994 V1.2 Madison Multiple targets, remove /KEEP. .! 05-JUL-1994 V1.3 Madison CMS. .! 23-JUL-1994 V1.4 Madison /DUMP. .! 21-JUN-1995 V1.5 Madison /SKIP, /CHECK, /MACRO (change), /OVERRIDE. .! 22-AUG-1996 V1.6 Madison Add /CMS_LIBRARY. .! 06-JUN-1998 V1.7 Madison Add /WORKING_DIRECTORY .! 28-DEC-1998 V1.7-1 Madison /CMS_LIBRARY takes a list now. .!-- .P0 .AP .LM1 .RM70 .I-1 1 MMK Invokes the MadGoat Make Utility (MMK) to build a software system. Refer to the "Guide to MadGoat Make Utility" for complete information on this command. .NJ Format: .I+10;MMK [target-name...] .J A description file must exist for MMK to build the software system. By default, MMK looks for a description file called DESCRIP.MMS in the current default directory. If that file does not exist, it then looks for a file called MAKEFILE. The /DESCRIPTION qualifier can be used to override this default. .I-1 2 Parameter target-name The name of a target to be built. The target must exist in the MMK description file. Multiple targets may be specified as a comma-separated list. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /ACTION /ACTION (default) /NOACTION Determines whether action lines should be executed or merely displayed. Specifying /NOACTION causes MMK to display the action lines that would be executed to build the target, without actually executing them. .I-1 /CHECK__STATUS /CHECK__STATUS /NOCHECK__STATUS (default) Directs MMK to determine whether a target is up-to-date, without executing any action lines to do so. MMK sets the global symbol MMS$STATUS to 0 if the target requires updating, or 1 if the target is up-to-date. This qualifier overrides the /ACTION qualifier. .I-1 /CMS /CMS /NOCMS (default) Determines whether a DEC/Code Management System (CMS) library is automatically searched for the MMK description file and for any source files. The default is /NOCMS, which omits any CMS checks. .I-1 /CMS__LIBRARY /CMS__LIBRARY=(dir-spec...) Specifies one or more DEC/Code Management System (CMS) libraries to be searched for the MMK description file and for any source files that do not have explicit CMS library specifications. Effective only when /CMS is also specified. If omitted, the default CMS library or libraries (from the logical name CMS$LIB or the CMS SET LIBRARY command) are used. .I-1 /DESCRIPTION /DESCRIPTION=file-spec Specifies an alternative name for the MMK description file. The default description file name is DESCRIP.MMS (in the current default directory). .I-1 /DUMP /DUMP /NODUMP (default) Causes MMK to dump the suffixes list, all macro definitions, all inference rules, and all dependencies to current output. Useful for debugging problems in description files. .I-1 /FORCE /FORCE /NOFORCE (default) Specifying /FORCE causes MMK to execute only the action lines from the dependency rule for the target, without performing any revision date checks and without traversing the entire dependency tree. .I-1 /FROM__SOURCE /FROM__SOURCES /NOFROM__SOURCES (default) Specifying /FROM__SOURCES causes MMK to perform a complete build of the target, without performing any revision date checks. All actions to build all intermediate targets will be executed. This qualifier overrides the /SKIP__INTERMEDIATES qualifier. .I-1 /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION Specifying /IDENTIFICATION causes MMK to display its revision information and copyright message, without performing any other action. .I-1 /IGNORE /IGNORE /IGNORE=ERROR /IGNORE=FATAL /IGNORE=WARNING /NOIGNORE (default) By default, MMK stops when an executed action line results in a warning, error, or fatal error status. You can override this with the /IGNORE qualifier. Specifying /IGNORE or /IGNORE=FATAL causes all errors to be ignored, so execution continues no matter how severe an error is encountered. Specifying /IGNORE=ERROR causes errors and warnings to be ignored, with fatal errors stopping execution. Specifying /IGNORE=WARNING causes only warnings to be ignored, with errors at fatal errors stopping execution. .I-1 /LOCAL__RULES /LOCAL__RULES (default) /NOLOCAL__RULES Controls whether the site-specific default dependency rule definition file is read in; by default, it is if the logical name MMK__LOCAL__RULES exists. Specifying /NOLOCAL__RULES prevents the file from being read in. .I-1 /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether MMK logs a detailed description of activity. By default, it does not. .I-1 /MACRO /MACRO=file-spec | name[=value]... Defines one or more macros that can be referenced by the description file. If a name is specified with no equals sign ("="), it is first assumed to be a file specification; if the file exists, macro definitions are read from the file. A file type of .MMS is assumed if no file type is specified. If the file cannot be found, the name is treated as macro definition, and a value of 1 is assigned to the macro by default. If an equals sign is present, the macro definition is taken directly from the command line. Macro definitions contained in a file should have the same syntax as macro definitions in description files, with the added restrictions that comments and line continuations are not allowed. .I-1 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec Directs MMK output to the specified file. By default, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. .I-1 /OVERRIDE /OVERRIDE /NOOVERRIDE (default) Determines the order in which macro references are resolved. The default order is to resolve macros from command-line definitions, followed by definitions in the description file and any rules files, followed by MMK built-ins. If a macro cannot be resolved from any of these sources, a check is made for a DCL symbol with the same name as the macro, and if present, the symbol's value is used. When /OVERRIDE is specified, DCL symbols are checked before the macro definitions in the description and rules files, and before the MMK built-in macros. .I-1 /RULES__FILE /RULES__FILE /RULES__FILE=file-spec /RULES__FILE=(file-spec1,file-spec2,...) /NORULES__FILE (default) Specifies the name of one or more files containing default dependency rule definitions to be read in before the description file is processed. If /RULES__FILE is specified with no file specification, the name MMS$RULES is used. .I-1 /SKIP__INTERMEDIATES /SKIP__INTERMEDIATES /NOSKIP__INTERMEDIATES (default) By default, MMK attempts to build missing source files if they can be built through the application of dependency or inference rules. Specifying /SKIP__INTERMEDIATES causes MMK to treat these missing sources as if they exist and have the same revision date/time stamp as the target that depends on them. For example, if the target is a .EXE file which depends on a .OBJ file, and that .OBJ file in turn depends on a .C file, by default MMK will build the .OBJ file if it is missing, and then in turn build the .EXE. If /SKIP__INTERMEDIATES is specified, the missing .OBJ file will not trigger a build; the build will only occur if the .C file is newer than the .EXE file. .I-1 /VERIFY /VERIFY (default) /NOVERIFY Controls whether MMK echoes the action lines it is executing to SYS$OUTPUT. By default, it does; /NOVERIFY can be used to suppress this output. .I-1 /WORKING__DIRECTORY=dir-spec /WORKING__DIRECTORY=dir-spec Causes MMK to SET DEFAULT to the specified device and directory before processing the description file or any rules.