#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # mysqldiff # # Utility to compare table definitions in two MySQL databases, # and output a patch in the format of ALTER TABLE statements # which converts the first database structure into in the second. # # Developed as part of the http://www.guideguide.com/ project. # If you like hacking Perl in a cool environment, come and work for us! # # See http://www.new.ox.ac.uk/~adam/computing/mysqldiff/ for the # latest version. # # Copyright (c) 2000 Adam Spiers . All rights # reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.25'; require 5.004; use Carp qw(:DEFAULT cluck); use FindBin qw($Script); use Getopt::Long; my %opts = (); GetOptions(\%opts, "help|?", "debug|d:i", "no-old-defs|n", "only-both|o", "table-re|t=s", "host|h=s", "user|u=s", "password|p:s", "host1|h1=s", "user1|u1=s", "password1|p1:s", "host2|h2=s", "user2|u2=s", "password2|p2:s", "tolerant|i" ); if (@ARGV != 2 or $opts{help}) { usage(); exit 1; } $opts{debug}++ if exists $opts{debug} && $opts{debug} == 0; my $debug = $opts{debug} || 0; my $table_re; $table_re = qr/$opts{'table-re'}/ if $opts{'table-re'}; my @db = (); for my $num (0, 1) { $db[$num] = parse_arg($ARGV[$num], $num); } diff_dbs(@db); exit 0; ############################################################################## # sub usage { print STDERR @_, "\n" if @_; die < Options: -?, --help show this help -d, --debug[=N] enable debugging [level N, default 1] -o, --only-both only output changes for tables in both databases -n, --no-old-defs suppress comments describing old definitions -t, --table-re=REGEXP restrict comparisons to tables matching REGEXP -i, --tolerant ignore DEFAULT and formatting changes -h, --host=... connect to host -u, --user=... user for login if not current user -p, --password[=...] password to use when connecting to server for only, where N == 1 or 2, -hN, --hostN=... connect to host -uN, --userN=... user for login if not current user -pN, --passwordN[=...] password to use when connecting to server Databases can be either files or database names. If there is an ambiguity, the file will be preferred; to prevent this prefix the database argument with `db:'. EOF } sub diff_dbs { my @db = @_; debug(1, "comparing databases\n"); my @changes = (); foreach my $table1 ($db[0]->tables()) { my $name = $table1->name(); if ($table_re && $name !~ $table_re) { debug(2, " table `$name' didn't match $opts{'table-re'}; ignoring\n"); next; } debug(2, " looking at tables called `$name'\n"); if (my $table2 = $db[1]->table_by_name($name)) { debug(4, " comparing tables called `$name'\n"); push @changes, diff_tables($table1, $table2); } else { debug(3, " table `$name' dropped\n"); push @changes, "DROP TABLE $name;\n\n" unless $opts{'only-both'}; } } foreach my $table2 ($db[1]->tables()) { my $name = $table2->name(); if ($table_re && $name !~ $table_re) { debug(2, " table `$name' matched $opts{'table-re'}; ignoring\n"); next; } if (! $db[0]->table_by_name($name)) { debug(3, " table `$name' added\n"); push @changes, $table2->def() . "\n" unless $opts{'only-both'}; } } if (@changes) { diff_banner(@db); print @changes; } } sub diff_banner { my @db = @_; my $summary1 = $db[0]->summary(); my $summary2 = $db[1]->summary(); my $now = scalar localtime(); print <name(); my %fields1 = %{ $table1->fields() }; my %fields2 = %{ $table2->fields() }; my @changes = (); foreach my $field (keys %fields1) { my $f1 = $fields1{$field}; if (my $f2 = $fields2{$field}) { if ($f1 ne $f2) { if (not $opts{tolerant} or (($f1 !~ m/$f2\(\d+,\d+\)/) and ($f1 ne "$f2 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL") and ($f1 ne "$f2 NOT NULL") )) { debug(4, " field `$field' changed\n"); my $change = "ALTER TABLE $name1 CHANGE COLUMN $field $field $f2;"; $change .= " # was $f1" unless $opts{'no-old-defs'}; $change .= "\n"; push @changes, $change; } } } else { debug(4, " field `$field' removed\n"); my $change = "ALTER TABLE $name1 DROP COLUMN $field;"; $change .= " # was $fields1{$field}" unless $opts{'no-old-defs'}; $change .= "\n"; push @changes, $change; } } foreach my $field (keys %fields2) { if (! $fields1{$field}) { debug(4, " field `$field' added\n"); push @changes, "ALTER TABLE $name1 ADD COLUMN $field $fields2{$field};\n"; } } return @changes; } sub diff_indices { my ($table1, $table2) = @_; my $name1 = $table1->name(); my %indices1 = %{ $table1->indices() }; my %indices2 = %{ $table2->indices() }; my @changes = (); foreach my $index (keys %indices1) { my $old_type = $table1->is_unique_index($index) ? 'UNIQUE' : 'INDEX'; if ($indices2{$index}) { if ($indices1{$index} ne $indices2{$index} || ($table1->is_unique_index($index) xor $table2->is_unique_index($index))) { debug(4, " index `$index' changed\n"); my $new_type = $table2->is_unique_index($index) ? 'UNIQUE' : 'INDEX'; my $changes = ''; if ($indices1{$index}) { $changes .= "ALTER TABLE $name1 DROP INDEX $index;"; $changes .= " # was $old_type ($indices1{$index})" unless $opts{'no-old-defs'}; $changes .= "\n"; } $changes .= <name(); my $primary1 = $table1->primary_key(); my $primary2 = $table2->primary_key(); my @changes = (); if (($primary1 xor $primary2) || ($primary1 && ($primary1 ne $primary2))) { debug(4, " primary key changed\n"); my $change = "ALTER TABLE $name1 DROP PRIMARY KEY;"; $change .= " # was ($primary1)" unless $opts{'no-old-defs'}; $change .= <) { next unless /^\| (\w+)/; push @dbs, $1; } close(MYSQLSHOW); return map { $_ => 1 } @dbs; } sub parse_arg { my ($arg, $num) = @_; debug(1, "parsing arg $num: `$arg'\n"); my $authnum = $num + 1; my %auth = (); for my $auth (qw/host user password/) { $auth{$auth} = $opts{"$auth$authnum"} || $opts{$auth}; delete $auth{$auth} unless $auth{$auth}; } if ($arg =~ /^db:(.*)/) { return new MySQL::Database(db => $1, %auth); } if ($opts{"host$authnum"} || $opts{"user$authnum"} || $opts{"password$authnum"}) { return new MySQL::Database(db => $arg, %auth); } if (-e $arg) { return new MySQL::Database(file => $arg, %auth); } my %dbs = available_dbs(%auth); debug(2, " available databases: ", (join ', ', keys %dbs), "\n"); if ($dbs{$arg}) { return new MySQL::Database(db => $arg, %auth); } usage("`$arg' is not a valid file or database.\n"); exit 1; } sub debug { my $level = shift; print STDERR @_ if $debug >= $level && @_; } ############################################################################## # package MySQL::Database; use Carp qw(:DEFAULT cluck); sub debug { &::debug } sub new { my $class = shift; my %p = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, ref $class || $class; debug(2, " constructing new MySQL::Database\n"); my $args = &::auth_args(%p); debug(3, " auth args: $args\n"); if ($p{file}) { $self->{_source} = { file => $p{file} }; debug(3, " fetching table defs from file $p{file}\n"); # FIXME: option to avoid create-and-dump bit # create a temporary database using defs from file ... # hopefully the temp db is unique! my $temp_db = sprintf "test_mysqldiff_temp_%d_%d", time(), $$; debug(3, " creating temporary database $temp_db\n"); open(DEFS, $p{file}) or die "Couldn't open `$p{file}': $!\n"; open(MYSQL, "| mysql $args") or die "Couldn't execute `mysql$args': $!\n"; print MYSQL <; close(DEFS); close(MYSQL); # ... and then retrieve defs from mysqldump. Hence we've used # MySQL to massage the defs file into canonical form. $self->_get_defs($temp_db, $args); debug(3, " dropping temporary database $temp_db\n"); open(MYSQL, "| mysql $args") or die "Couldn't execute `mysql$args': $!\n"; print MYSQL "DROP DATABASE $temp_db;\n"; close(MYSQL); } elsif ($p{db}) { $self->{_source} = { db => $p{db}, auth => $args }; debug(3, " fetching table defs from db $p{db}\n"); $self->_get_defs($p{db}, $args); } else { confess "MySQL::Database::new called without db or file params"; } $self->_parse_defs(); return $self; } sub _get_defs { my $self = shift; my ($db, $args) = @_; open(MYSQLDUMP, "mysqldump -d $args $db |") or die "Couldn't read ${db}'s table defs via mysqldump: $!\n"; debug(3, " running mysqldump -d $args $db\n"); $self->{_defs} = [ ]; close(MYSQLDUMP); } sub _parse_defs { my $self = shift; return if $self->{_tables}; debug(3, " parsing table defs\n"); my $defs = join '', grep ! /^\s*(--|\#)/, @{$self->{_defs}}; my @tables = split /(?=^\s*create\s+table\s+)/im, $defs; foreach my $table (@tables) { next unless $table =~ /create\s+table/i; my $obj = MySQL::Table->new(source => $self->{_source}, def => $table); push @{$self->{_tables}}, $obj; $self->{_by_name}{$obj->name()} = $obj; } } sub tables { return @{$_[0]->{_tables}}; } sub table_by_name { my $self = shift; my ($name) = @_; return $self->{_by_name}{$name}; } sub summary { my $self = shift; if ($self->{_source}{file}) { return "file: " . $self->{_source}{file}; } elsif ($self->{_source}{db}) { my $args = $self->{_source}{auth}; $args =~ tr/-//d; $args =~ s/\bpassword=\S+//; $args =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; my $summary = " db: " . $self->{_source}{db}; $summary .= " ($args)" if $args; return $summary; } else { return 'unknown'; } } ############################################################################## # package MySQL::Table; use Carp qw(:DEFAULT cluck); sub debug { &::debug } sub new { my $class = shift; my %p = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, ref $class || $class; debug(4, " constructing new MySQL::Table\n"); if (! $p{def}) { croak "MySQL::Table::new called without def params"; } $self->parse($p{def}); $self->{_source} = $p{source}; return $self; } sub parse { my $self = shift; my ($def) = @_; $def =~ s/\n+/\n/; $self->{_def} = $def; $self->{_lines} = [ grep ! /^\s*$/, split /(?=^)/m, $def ]; my @lines = @{$self->{_lines}}; debug(5, " parsing table def\n"); my $name; if ($lines[0] =~ /^\s*create\s+table\s+(\S+)\s+\(\s*$/i) { $name = $self->{_name} = $1; debug(5, " got table name `$name'\n"); shift @lines; } else { croak "couldn't figure out table name"; } while (@lines) { $_ = shift @lines; s/^\s*(.*?),?\s*$/$1/; # trim whitespace and trailing commas if (/^\);$/) { last; } if (/^PRIMARY\s+KEY\s+(.+)$/) { my $primary = $1; croak "two primary keys in table `$name': `$primary', `", $self->{_primary_key}, "'\n" if $self->{_primary_key}; $self->{_primary_key} = $primary; debug(6, " got primary key `$primary'\n"); next; } if (/^(KEY|UNIQUE)\s+(\S+?)\s+\((.*)\)$/) { my ($type, $key, $val) = ($1, $2, $3); croak "index `$key' duplicated in table `$name'\n" if $self->{_indices}{$key}; $self->{_indices}{$key} = $val; $self->{_unique_index}{$key} = ($type =~ /unique/i) ? 1 : 0; debug(6, " got ", ($type =~ /unique/i) ? 'unique ' : '', "index key `$key': ($val)\n"); next; } if (/^(\S+)\s*(.*)/) { my ($field, $def) = ($1, $2); croak "definition for field `$field' duplicated in table `$name'\n" if $self->{_fields}{$field}; $self->{_fields}{$field} = $def; debug(6, " got field def `$field': $def\n"); next; } croak "unparsable line in definition for table `$name':\n$_"; } if (@lines) { my $name = $self->name(); warn "table `$name' had trailing garbage:\n", join '', @lines; } } sub def { $_[0]->{_def} } sub name { $_[0]->{_name} } sub source { $_[0]->{_source} } sub fields { $_[0]->{_fields} || {} } sub indices { $_[0]->{_indices} || {} } sub primary_key { $_[0]->{_primary_key} } sub is_unique_index { $_[0]->{_unique_index}{$_[1]} }