CHOWN, Utilities, Unix-like VMS chown Facility CHOWN - Unix-like VMS 'chown' Facility (c) Copyright 1991-1996, Chris Olive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As with most utilities, CHOWN was created out of necessity. I wanted to change the ownership of INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS once, and wouldn't take 'No!' for an answer. So CHOWN was born. Since these files, INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS, are locked, SET FILE/OWNER= won't cut it -- CHOWN works in places where SET FILE/OWNER just won't. And not wanting to write a hack when I might need the same functionality on something else down the line, I generalized the functionality into this utility. It's called 'chown' not because I like Unix (but if I weren't running VMS, I'd probably run Unix -- anything but that pretender Windoze and MS-DUM...) but that's just what I named it, okay? Actually, the parameters CHOWN requires are much like Unix, that's why: Syntax: CHOWN rights-id-string filespec The 'rights-id-string' is the name of a rights identifier on the system. Since every user has (should have!) a rights identifier associated with his name, CHOWN can be used to set the ownership of a file(s) to any user on the system. If you have by chance *removed* the associated rights id string for a user, then this utility makes you pay for such an ignorant move -- you won't be able to use CHOWN! Base resource numbers inside brackets (i.e. [1,4] for SYSTEM) and bracket delimited rights id strings (i.e. [SYSTEM] for SYSTEM) WILL NOT WORK! DON'T USE BRACKETS! Also, CHOWN handles what 'chown' and 'chgrp' do on Uglix since VMS doesn't allow the same rights id string to be granted to two different group UIC strings (e.g. you can't have an [ORDER,FOO] and a [SALES,FOO] in VMS). So the 'rights-id=string' is all that is needed and it doesn't need brackets, just like Uglix. The 'filespec' is exactly what a filespec is in any other VMS facility or utility. CHOWN can change to the ownership of all files that match a wildcard filespec, including [...]*.*;* For you curious more technical types out there, CHOWN works using the ACP-QIO interface. You need a FIB and an ATR (attribute) item list; you fill the FIB with a file's file id (FID); and, with a channel assigned to the file's device, $QIO using IO$MODIFY. Magic. Poof. New owner. Locks? What locks? (The ATR item list tells $QIO to change the file's owner to the UIC you specify). That's about it. Happy 'chown'ing... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris Olive ...still a VMS programmer at heart...