#!/usr/bin/perl -w #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w ###################################################################### # $Header: /home/paul/src/ddclient/RCS/ddclient,v 3.9 2001/09/20 19:47:14 root Exp $ # # DDCLIENT - a Perl client for updating DynDNS information # # Author: Paul Burry (paul+ddclient@burry.ca) ###################################################################### require 5.004; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Sys::Hostname; use IO::Socket; my $version = "3.5.4"; my $programd = $0; $programd =~ s%^.*/%%; my $program = $programd; $program =~ s/d$//; my $now = time; my $hostname = hostname(); my $etc = ($program =~ /test/i) ? './' : '/etc/'; my $savedir = ($program =~ /test/i) ? 'URL/' : '/tmp/'; my $msgs = ''; my $last_msgs = ''; use vars qw($file $lineno); local $file = ''; local $lineno = ''; $ENV{'PATH'} = (exists($ENV{PATH}) ? "$ENV{PATH}:" : "") . "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/lib:"; sub T_ANY {'any'}; sub T_STRING {'string'}; sub T_EMAIL {'e-mail address'}; sub T_NUMBER {'number'}; sub T_DELAY {'time delay (ie. 1d, 1hour, 1m)'}; sub T_LOGIN {'login'}; sub T_PASSWD {'password'}; sub T_BOOL {'boolean value'}; sub T_FQDN {'fully qualified host name'}; sub T_OFQDN {'optional fully qualified host name'}; sub T_FILE {'file name'}; sub T_FQDNP {'fully qualified host name and optional port number'}; sub T_PROTO {'protocol'} sub T_USE {'ip strategy'} sub T_IF {'interface'} sub T_WEB {'web strategy'} sub T_PROG {'program name'} sub T_IP {'ip'} ## strategies for obtaining an ip address. my %builtinweb = ( 'dyndns' => { 'url' => 'http://checkip.dyndns.org/', 'skip' => 'Current IP Address', }, ); my %builtinfw = ( 'watchguard-soho' => { 'name' => 'Watchguard SOHO FW', 'url' => '/pubnet.htm', 'skip' => 'NAME=IPAddress VALUE=', }, 'netopia-r910' => { 'name' => 'Netopia R910 FW', 'url' => '/WanEvtLog', 'skip' => 'local:', }, 'smc-barricade' => { 'name' => 'SMC Barricade FW', 'url' => '/status.htm', 'skip' => 'IP Address', }, 'netgear-rt3xx' => { 'name' => 'Netgear FW', 'url' => '/mtenSysStatus.html', 'skip' => 'IP Address', }, 'elsa-lancom-dsl10' => { 'name' => 'ELSA LanCom DSL/10 DSL FW', 'url' => '/config/1/6/8/3/', 'skip' => 'IP.Address', }, 'elsa-lancom-dsl10-ch01' => { 'name' => 'ELSA LanCom DSL/10 DSL FW (isdn ch01)', 'url' => '/config/1/6/8/3/', 'skip' => 'IP.Address.*?CH01', }, 'elsa-lancom-dsl10-ch02' => { 'name' => 'ELSA LanCom DSL/10 DSL FW (isdn ch01)', 'url' => '/config/1/6/8/3/', 'skip' => 'IP.Address.*?CH02', }, 'linksys' => { 'name' => 'Linksys FW', 'url' => '/Status.htm', 'skip' => 'WAN.*?IP Address', }, 'maxgate-ugate3x00' => { 'name' => 'MaxGate UGATE-3x00 FW', 'url' => '/Status.htm', 'skip' => 'WAN.*?IP Address', }, '3com-3c886a' => { 'name' => '3com 3c886a 56k Lan Modem', 'url' => '/stat3.htm', 'skip' => 'IP address in use', }, 'sohoware-nbg800' => { 'name' => 'SOHOWare BroadGuard NBG800', 'url' => '/status.htm', 'skip' => 'Internet IP', }, ); my %ip_strategies = ( 'ip' => ": obtain IP from -ip {address}", 'web' => ": obtain IP from an IP discovery page on the web", 'fw' => ": obtain IP from the firewall specified by -fw {type|address}", 'if' => ": obtain IP from the -if {interface}", 'cmd' => ": obtain IP from the -cmd {external-command}", 'cisco' => ": obtain IP from Cisco FW at the -fw {address}", map { $_ => sprintf ": obtain IP from %s at the -fw {address}", $builtinfw{$_}->{'name'} } keys %builtinfw, ); sub ip_strategies_usage { return map { sprintf(" -use=%-22s %s.", $_, $ip_strategies{$_}) } sort keys %ip_strategies; } my %web_strategies = ( 'dyndns'=> 1, ); sub setv { return { 'type' => shift, 'required' => shift, 'cache' => shift, 'config' => shift, 'default' => shift, 'minimum' => shift, }; }; my %variables = ( 'global-defaults' => { 'daemon' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('60s')), 'file' => setv(T_FILE, 0, 0, 1, "$etc$program.conf", undef), 'cache' => setv(T_FILE, 0, 0, 1, "$etc$program.cache", undef), 'pid' => setv(T_FILE, 0, 0, 1, "", undef), 'proxy' => setv(T_FQDNP, 0, 0, 1, '', undef), 'protocol' => setv(T_PROTO, 0, 0, 1, 'dyndns2', undef), 'use' => setv(T_USE, 0, 0, 1, 'ip', undef), 'ip' => setv(T_IP, 0, 0, 1, undef, undef), 'if' => setv(T_IF, 0, 0, 1, 'ppp0', undef), 'web' => setv(T_WEB, 0, 0, 1, 'dyndns', undef), 'web-skip' => setv(T_STRING,1, 0, 1, '', undef), 'fw' => setv(T_ANY, 0, 0, 1, '', undef), 'fw-skip' => setv(T_STRING,1, 0, 1, '', undef), 'fw-login' => setv(T_LOGIN, 1, 0, 1, '', undef), 'fw-password' => setv(T_PASSWD,1, 0, 1, '', undef), 'cmd' => setv(T_PROG, 0, 0, 1, '', undef), 'timeout' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('120s')), 'retry' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 0, 0, undef), 'force' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 0, 0, undef), 'syslog' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 0, undef), 'facility' => setv(T_STRING,0, 0, 1, 'daemon', undef), 'priority' => setv(T_STRING,0, 0, 1, 'notice', undef), 'mail' => setv(T_EMAIL, 0, 0, 1, '', undef), 'exec' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 1, undef), 'debug' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 0, undef), 'verbose' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 0, undef), 'quiet' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 0, undef), 'help' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 0, undef), 'test' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 0, 1, 0, undef), 'geturl' => setv(T_STRING,0, 0, 0, '', undef), }, 'service-common-defaults' => { 'server' => setv(T_FQDNP, 1, 0, 1, 'members.dyndns.org', undef), 'login' => setv(T_LOGIN, 1, 0, 1, '', undef), 'password' => setv(T_PASSWD, 1, 0, 1, '', undef), 'host' => setv(T_STRING, 1, 1, 1, '', undef), 'ip' => setv(T_IP, 0, 1, 0, undef, undef), 'wtime' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 1, 1, 0, interval('30s')), 'mtime' => setv(T_NUMBER, 0, 1, 0, 0, undef), 'atime' => setv(T_NUMBER, 0, 1, 0, 0, undef), 'status' => setv(T_ANY, 0, 1, 0, '', undef), 'min-interval' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('30s')), 'max-interval' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('15d')), 'min-error-interval' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('5m')), 'warned-min-interval' => setv(T_ANY, 0, 1, 0, 0, undef), 'warned-min-error-interval' => setv(T_ANY, 0, 1, 0, 0, undef), }, 'dyndns-common-defaults' => { 'static' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 1, 1, 0, undef), 'wildcard' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 1, 1, 0, undef), 'mx' => setv(T_OFQDN, 0, 1, 1, '', undef), 'backupmx' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 1, 1, 0, undef), }, ); my %services = ( 'dyndns1' => { 'updateable' => \&nic_dyndns2_updateable, 'update' => \&nic_dyndns1_update, 'examples' => \&nic_dyndns1_examples, 'variables' => merge( $variables{'dyndns-common-defaults'}, $variables{'service-common-defaults'}, ), }, 'dyndns2' => { 'updateable' => \&nic_dyndns2_updateable, 'update' => \&nic_dyndns2_update, 'examples' => \&nic_dyndns2_examples, 'variables' => merge( { 'custom' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 1, 1, 0, undef), }, # { 'offline' => setv(T_BOOL, 0, 1, 1, 0, undef), }, $variables{'dyndns-common-defaults'}, $variables{'service-common-defaults'}, ), }, 'dslreports1' => { 'updateable' => undef, 'update' => \&nic_dslreports1_update, 'examples' => \&nic_dslreports1_examples, 'variables' => merge( { 'host' => setv(T_NUMBER, 1, 1, 1, 0, undef) }, $variables{'service-common-defaults'}, ), }, 'hammernode1' => { 'updateable' => undef, 'update' => \&nic_hammernode1_update, 'examples' => \&nic_hammernode1_examples, 'variables' => merge( { 'server' => setv(T_FQDNP, 1, 0, 1, 'dup.hn.org', undef) }, { 'min-interval' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('5m')),}, $variables{'service-common-defaults'}, ), }, 'zoneedit1' => { 'updateable' => undef, 'update' => \&nic_zoneedit1_update, 'examples' => \&nic_zoneedit1_examples, 'variables' => merge( { 'server' => setv(T_FQDNP, 1, 0, 1, 'www.zoneedit.com', undef) }, { 'min-interval' => setv(T_DELAY, 0, 0, 1, 0, interval('5m')),}, $variables{'service-common-defaults'}, ), }, ); $variables{'merged'} = merge($variables{'global-defaults'}, $variables{'service-common-defaults'}, $variables{'dyndns-common-defaults'}, map { $services{$_}{'variables'} } keys %services, ); my @opt = ( "usage: ${program} [options]", "options are:", [ "daemon", "=s", "-daemon delay : run as a daemon" ], [ "proxy", "=s", "-proxy host : use 'host' as the HTTP proxy" ], [ "server", "=s", "-server host : update DNS information on 'host'" ], [ "protocol", "=s", "-protocol type : update protocol used" ], [ "file", "=s", "-file path : load configuration information from 'path'" ], [ "cache", "=s", "-cache path : record address used in 'path'" ], [ "pid", "=s", "-pid path : record process id in 'path'" ], "", [ "use", "=s", "-use which : how the should IP address be obtained." ], &ip_strategies_usage(), [ "ip", "=s", "-ip address : set the IP address to 'address'" ], [ "if", "=s", "-if interface : obtain IP address from 'interface'" ], "", [ "web", "=s", "-web provider|url : obtain IP address from provider's IP checking page" ], [ "web-skip", "=s", "-web-skip pattern : skip any IP addresses before 'pattern' on the web provider|url" ], "", [ "fw", "=s", "-fw address|url : obtain IP address from firewall at 'address'" ], [ "fw-skip", "=s", "-fw-skip pattern : skip any IP addresses before 'pattern' on the firewall address|url" ], [ "fw-login", "=s", "-fw-login login : use 'login' when getting IP from fw" ], [ "fw-password", "=s", "-fw-password secret : use password 'secret' when getting IP from fw" ], [ "cmd", "=s", "-cmd program : obtain IP address from by calling {program}" ], "", [ "login", "=s", "-login user : login as 'user'" ], [ "password", "=s", "-password secret : use password 'secret'" ], [ "host", "=s", "-host host : update DNS information for 'host'" ], "", [ "options", "=s", "-options opt,opt : optional per-service arguments (see below)" ], "", [ "retry", "!", "-{no}retry : retry failed updates." ], [ "force", "!", "-{no}force : force an update even if the update may be unnecessary" ], [ "timeout", "=i", "-timeout max : wait at most 'max' seconds for the host to respond" ], [ "syslog", "!", "-{no}syslog : log messages to syslog" ], [ "facility", "=s", "-facility {type} : log messages to syslog to facility {type}" ], [ "priority", "=s", "-priority {pri} : log messages to syslog with priority {pri}" ], [ "mail", "=s", "-mail address : e-mail messages to {address}" ], [ "exec", "!", "-{no}exec : do {not} execute; just show what would be done" ], [ "debug", "!", "-{no}debug : print {no} debugging information" ], [ "verbose", "!", "-{no}verbose : print {no} verbose information" ], [ "quiet", "!", "-{no}quiet : print {no} messages for unnecessary updates" ], [ "help", "", "-help : this message" ], [ "query", "!", "-{no}query : print {no} ip addresses and exit" ], [ "test", "!", "" ], ## hidden [ "geturl", "=s", "" ], ## hidden "", nic_examples(), "$program version $version, written by Paul Burry, paul+ddclient\@burry.ca", ); ## process args my ($opt_usage, %opt) = process_args(@opt); my ($result, %config, %globals, %cache); my $saved_cache = ''; my %saved_opt = %opt; test_geturl(opt('geturl')) if opt('geturl'); ## read config file because 'daemon' mode may be defined there. read_config(define($opt{'file'}, default('file')), \%config, \%globals); init_config(); test_possible_ip() if opt('query'); if (!opt('daemon') && $programd =~ /d$/) { $opt{'daemon'} = minimum('daemon'); } $SIG{'HUP'} = sub {}; if (opt('daemon')) { $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE'; my $pid = fork; if ($pid < 0) { print STDERR "${program}: can not fork ($!)\n"; exit -1; } elsif ($pid) { exit 0; } $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT'; $opt{'syslog'} = 1; open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); open(STDERR, ">/dev/null"); open(STDIN, "') ); } } write_cache(opt('cache')); } ###################################################################### ## write_pid($file) ###################################################################### sub write_pid { my $file = shift; local *FD; if (! $file) { ; } elsif (! open(FD, "> $file")) { warning("Cannot create file '%s'. ($!)", $file); } else { printf FD "$$\n"; close(FD); } } ###################################################################### ## write_cache($file) ###################################################################### sub write_cache { my ($file) = @_; ## merge the updated host entries into the cache. foreach my $h (keys %config) { if (! exists $cache{$h} || $config{$h}{'update'}) { map {$cache{$h}{$_} = $config{$h}{$_} } @{$config{$h}{'cacheable'}}; } else { map {$cache{$h}{$_} = $config{$h}{$_} } qw(atime wtime status); } } ## construct the cache file. my $cache = ""; foreach my $h (sort keys %cache) { my $opt = join(',', map { "$_=".define($cache{$h}{$_},'') } sort keys %{$cache{$h}}); $cache .= sprintf "%s%s%s\n", $opt, ($opt ? ' ' : ''), $h; } $file = '' if defined($saved_cache) && $cache eq $saved_cache; ## write the updates and other entries to the cache file. if ($file) { $saved_cache = undef; local *FD; if (! open(FD, "> $file")) { fatal("Cannot create file '%s'. ($!)", $file); } printf FD "## $program-$version\n"; printf FD "## last updated at %s (%d)\n", prettytime($now), $now; printf FD $cache; close(FD); } } ###################################################################### ## read_cache($file) - called before reading the .conf ###################################################################### sub read_cache { my $file = shift; my $config = shift; my $globals = {}; %{$config} = (); ## read the cache file ignoring anything on the command-line. if (-e $file) { my %saved = %opt; %opt = (); $saved_cache = _read_config($config, $globals, "##\\s*$program-$version\\s*", $file); %opt = %saved; foreach my $h (keys %cache) { if (exists $config{$h}) { foreach (qw(atime mtime wtime ip status)) { $config{$h}{$_} = $cache{$h}{$_} if exists $cache{$h}{$_}; } } } } } ###################################################################### ## parse_assignments(string) return (rest, %variables) ## parse_assignment(string) return (name, value, rest) ###################################################################### sub parse_assignments { my $rest = shift; my @args = @_; my %variables = (); my ($name, $value); while (1) { $rest =~ s/^\s+//; ($name, $value, $rest) = parse_assignment($rest, @args); if (defined $name) { $variables{$name} = $value; } else { last; } } return ($rest, %variables); } sub parse_assignment { my $rest = shift; my $stop = @_ ? shift : '[\n\s,]'; my ($c, $name, $value); my ($escape, $quote) = (0, ''); if ($rest =~ /^\s*([a-z][a-z_-]*)=(.*)/i) { ($name, $rest, $value) = ($1, $2, ''); while (length($c = substr($rest,0,1))) { $rest = substr($rest,1); if ($escape) { $value .= $c; $escape = 0; } elsif ($c eq "\\") { $escape = 1; } elsif ($quote && $c eq $quote) { $quote = '' } elsif (!$quote && $c =~ /[\'\"]/) { $quote = $c; } elsif (!$quote && $c =~ /^${stop}/) { last; } else { $value .= $c; } } } warning("assignment ended with an open quote") if $quote; return ($name, $value, $rest); } ###################################################################### ## read_config ###################################################################### sub read_config { my $file = shift; my $config = shift; my $globals = shift; my %globals = (); _read_config($config, $globals, '', $file, %globals); } sub _read_config { my $config = shift; my $globals = shift; my $stamp = shift; local $file = shift; my %globals = @_; my %config = (); my $content = ''; local *FD; if (! open(FD, "< $file")) { fatal("Cannot open file '%s'. ($!)", $file); } # Check for only owner has any access to config file my ($dev, $ino, $mode, @statrest) = stat(FD); if ($mode & 077) { if (-f FD && (chmod 0600, $file)) { warning("file $file must be accessible only by its owner (fixed)."); } else { fatal("file $file must be accessible only by its owner."); } } local $lineno = 0; my $continuation = ''; while () { chomp; $lineno++; ## check for the program version stamp if (($. == 1) && $stamp && ($_ !~ /^$stamp$/i)) { warning("program version mismatch; ignoring %s", $file); last; } $content .= "$_\n" unless /^#/; s/#.*//; # remove comments ## handle continuation lines $_ = "$continuation$_"; if (/\\$/) { chop; $continuation = $_; next; } $continuation = ''; s/^\s+//; # remove leading white space s/\s+$//; # remove trailing white space s/\s+/ /g; # canonify next if /^$/; ## expected configuration line is: ## [opt=value,opt=..] [host [login [password]]] my %locals; ($_, %locals) = parse_assignments($_); s/\s*,\s*/,/; my @args = split; ## verify that keywords are valid.. foreach my $k (keys %locals) { if (!exists $variables{'merged'}{$k}) { warning("unrecognized keyword '%s' (ignored)", $k); delete $locals{$k}; } } if (exists($locals{'host'})) { $args[0] = @args ? "$args[0],$locals{host}" : "$locals{host}"; } ## accumulate globals if ($#args < 0) { map { $globals{$_} = $locals{$_} } keys %locals; } ## process this host definition if (@args) { my ($host, $login, $password) = @args; ## add in any globals.. %locals = %{ merge(\%locals, \%globals) }; ## override login and password if specified the old way. $locals{'login'} = $login if defined $login; $locals{'password'} = $password if defined $password; ## allow {host} to be a comma separated list of hosts foreach my $h (split_by_comma($host)) { ## save a copy of the current globals $config{$h} = { %locals }; $config{$h}{'host'} = $h; } } } close(FD); warning("file ends while expecting a continuation line.") if $continuation; %$globals = %globals; %$config = %config; return $content; } ###################################################################### ## init_config - ###################################################################### sub init_config { %opt = %saved_opt; ## $opt{'quiet'} = 0 if opt('verbose'); ## infer the IP strategy if possible $opt{'use'} = 'ip' if !define($opt{'use'}) && defined($opt{'ip'}); $opt{'use'} = 'if' if !define($opt{'use'}) && defined($opt{'if'}); $opt{'use'} = 'web' if !define($opt{'use'}) && defined($opt{'web'}); ## sanity check $opt{'max-interval'} = max(interval(opt('max-interval')), interval(default('max-interval'))); $opt{'min-interval'} = max(interval(opt('min-interval')), interval(default('min-interval'))); $opt{'min-error-interval'} = max(interval(opt('min-error-interval')), interval(default('min-error-interval'))); $opt{'timeout'} = 0 if opt('timeout') < 0; $opt{'daemon'} = minimum('daemon') if define($opt{'daemon'},$globals{'daemon'},0) && define($opt{'daemon'},$globals{'daemon'}) < minimum('daemon'); ## define or modify host options specified on the command-line if (exists $opt{'options'} && defined $opt{'options'}) { ## collect cmdline configuration options. my %options = (); foreach my $opt (split_by_comma($opt{'options'})) { my ($name,$var) = split /\s*=\s*/, $opt; $options{$name} = $var; } ## determine hosts specified with -host my @hosts = (); if (exists $opt{'host'}) { foreach my $h (split_by_comma($opt{'host'})) { push @hosts, $h; } } ## and those in -options=... if (exists $options{'host'}) { foreach my $h (split_by_comma($options{'host'})) { push @hosts, $h; } delete $options{'host'}; } ## merge options into host definitions or globals if (@hosts) { foreach my $h (@hosts) { $config{$h} = %{ merge(\%options, $config{$h}) }; } $opt{'host'} = join(',', @hosts); } else { %globals = %{ merge(\%options, \%globals) }; } } ## override global options with those on the command-line. foreach my $o (keys %opt) { if (defined $opt{$o} && exists $variables{'global-defaults'}{$o}) { $globals{$o} = $opt{$o}; } } ## sanity check if (defined $opt{'host'} && defined $opt{'retry'}) { usage("options -retry and -host (or -option host=..) are mutually exclusive"); } ## determine hosts to update (those on the cmd-line, config-file, or failed cached) my @hosts = keys %config; if (opt('host')) { @hosts = split_by_comma($opt{'host'}); } if (opt('retry')) { @hosts = map { $_ if $cache{$_}{'status'} ne 'good' } keys %cache; } ## remove any other hosts my %hosts; map { $hosts{$_} = undef } @hosts; map { delete $config{$_} unless exists $hosts{$_} } keys %config; ## collect the cacheable variables. foreach my $proto (keys %services) { my @cacheable = (); foreach my $k (keys %{$services{$proto}{'variables'}}) { push @cacheable, $k if $services{$proto}{'variables'}{$k}{'cache'}; } $services{$proto}{'cacheable'} = [ @cacheable ]; } ## sanity check.. ## make sure config entries have all defaults and they meet minimums ## first the globals... foreach my $k (keys %globals) { my $def = $variables{'merged'}{$k}; my $ovalue = define($globals{$k}, $def->{'default'}); my $value = check_value($ovalue, $def); if ($def->{'required'} && !defined $value) { $value = default($k); warning("'%s=%s' is an invalid %s. (using default of %s)", $k, $ovalue, $def->{'type'}, $value); } $globals{$k} = $value; } ## now the host definitions... HOST: foreach my $h (keys %config) { my $proto; $proto = $config{$h}{'protocol'}; $proto = opt('protocol') if !defined($proto); if (!exists($services{$proto})) { warning("skipping host: %s: unrecognized protocol '%s'", $h, $proto); delete $config{$h}; } else { my $svars = $services{$proto}{'variables'}; my $conf = { 'protocol' => $proto }; foreach my $k (keys %$svars) { my $def = $svars->{$k}; my $ovalue = define($config{$h}{$k}, $def->{'default'}); my $value = check_value($ovalue, $def); if ($def->{'required'} && !defined $value) { warning("skipping host: %s: '%s=%s' is an invalid %s.", $h, $k, $ovalue, $def->{'type'}); delete $config{$h}; next HOST; } $conf->{$k} = $value; } $config{$h} = $conf; $config{$h}{'cacheable'} = [ @{$services{$proto}{'cacheable'}} ]; } } if (opt('help')) { *STDERR = *STDOUT; usage(); } } ###################################################################### ## usage ###################################################################### sub usage { my $msg = ''; $msg .= sprintf @_ if @_; $msg .= "\n" if $msg; printf STDERR "%s%s\n", $msg, $opt_usage; sendmail(); exit 1; } ###################################################################### ## process_args - ###################################################################### sub process_args { my @spec = (); my $usage = ""; my %opts = (); foreach (@_) { if (ref $_) { my ($key, $specifier, $arg_usage) = @$_; my $value = default($key); ## add a option specifier push @spec, $key . $specifier; ## define the default value which can be overwritten later $opt{$key} = undef; next unless $arg_usage; ## add a line to the usage; $usage .= " $arg_usage"; if (defined($value) && $value ne '') { $usage .= " (default: "; if ($specifier eq '!') { $usage .= "no" if ($specifier eq '!') && !$value; $usage .= $key; } else { $usage .= $value; } $usage .= ")"; } $usage .= "."; } else { $usage .= $_; } $usage .= "\n"; } ## process the arguments if (! GetOptions(\%opt, @spec)) { $opt{"help"} = 1; } return ($usage, %opt); } ###################################################################### ## test_possible_ip - print possible IPs ###################################################################### sub test_possible_ip { local $opt{'debug'} = 0; printf "use=ip, ip=%s address is %s\n", opt('ip'), define(get_ip('ip'), 'NOT FOUND') if defined opt('ip'); { local $opt{'use'} = 'if'; foreach my $if (grep {/^[a-zA-Z]/} `ifconfig`) { $if =~ s/\s.*//is; local $opt{'if'} = $if; printf "use=if, if=%s address is %s\n", opt('if'), define(get_ip('if'), 'NOT FOUND'); } } if (opt('fw')) { if (opt('fw') !~ m%/%) { foreach my $fw (sort keys %builtinfw) { local $opt{'use'} = $fw; printf "use=$fw address is %s\n", define(get_ip($fw), 'NOT FOUND'); } } local $opt{'use'} = 'fw'; printf "use=fw, fw=%s address is %s\n", opt('fw'), define(get_ip(opt('fw')), 'NOT FOUND') if ! exists $builtinfw{opt('fw')}; } { local $opt{'use'} = 'web'; foreach my $web (sort keys %builtinweb) { local $opt{'web'} = $web; printf "use=web, web=$web address is %s\n", define(get_ip('web'), 'NOT FOUND'); } printf "use=web, web=%s address is %s\n", opt('web'), define(get_ip('web'), 'NOT FOUND') if ! exists $builtinweb{opt('web')}; } exit 0 unless opt('debug'); } ###################################################################### ## test_geturl - print (and save if -test) result of fetching a URL ###################################################################### sub test_geturl { my $url = shift; my $reply = geturl(opt('proxy'), $url, opt('login'), opt('password')); print "URL $url\n";; print defined($reply) ? $reply : "\n"; exit; } ###################################################################### ## load_file ###################################################################### sub load_file { my $file = shift; my $buffer = ''; if (exists($ENV{'TEST_CASE'})) { my $try = "$file-$ENV{'TEST_CASE'}"; $file = $try if -f $try; } local *FD; if (open(FD, "< $file")) { read(FD, $buffer, -s FD); close(FD); debug("Loaded %d bytes from %s", length($buffer), $file); } else { debug("Load failed from %s ($!)", $file); } return $buffer } ###################################################################### ## save_file ###################################################################### sub save_file { my ($file, $buffer, $opt) = @_; $file .= "-$ENV{'TEST_CASE'}" if exists $ENV{'TEST_CASE'}; if (defined $opt) { my $i = 0; while (-f "$file-$i") { if ('unique' =~ /^$opt/i) { my $a = join('\n', grep {!/^Date:/} split /\n/, $buffer); my $b = join('\n', grep {!/^Date:/} split /\n/, load_file("$file-$i")); last if $a eq $b; } $i++; } $file = "$file-$i"; } debug("Saving to %s", $file); local *FD; open(FD, "> $file") or return; print FD $buffer; close(FD); return $buffer; } ###################################################################### ## print_opt ## print_globals ## print_config ## print_cache ## print_info ###################################################################### sub _print_hash { my ($string, $ptr) = @_; my $value = $ptr; if (! defined($ptr)) { $value = ""; } elsif (ref $ptr eq 'HASH') { foreach my $key (sort keys %$ptr) { _print_hash("${string}\{$key\}", $ptr->{$key}); } return; } printf "%-36s : %s\n", $string, $value; } sub print_hash { my ($string, $hash) = @_; printf "=== %s ====\n", $string; _print_hash($string, $hash); } sub print_opt { print_hash("opt", \%opt); } sub print_globals { print_hash("globals", \%globals); } sub print_config { print_hash("config", \%config); } sub print_cache { print_hash("cache", \%cache); } sub print_info { print_opt(); print_globals(); print_config(); print_cache(); } ###################################################################### ## pipecmd - run an external command ## logger ## sendmail ###################################################################### sub pipecmd { my $cmd = shift; my $stdin = join("\n", @_); my $ok = 0; ## remove trailing newlines 1 while chomp($stdin); ## override when debugging. $cmd = opt('exec') ? "| $cmd" : "> /dev/null"; ## execute the command. local *FD; if (! open(FD, $cmd)) { printf STDERR "$program: cannot execute command %s.\n", $cmd; } elsif ($stdin && (! print FD "$stdin\n")) { printf STDERR "$program: failed writting to %s.\n", $cmd; close(FD); } elsif (! close(FD)) { printf STDERR "$program: failed closing %s.($@)\n", $cmd; } elsif (opt('exec') && $?) { printf STDERR "$program: failed %s. ($@)\n", $cmd; } else { $ok = 1; } return $ok; } sub logger { if (opt('syslog') && opt('facility') && opt('priority')) { my $facility = opt('facility'); my $priority = opt('priority'); return pipecmd("logger -p$facility.$priority -t${program}\[$$\]", @_); } return 1; } sub sendmail { my $recipients = opt('mail'); if ($msgs && $recipients && $msgs ne $last_msgs) { pipecmd("sendmail -oi $recipients", "Subject: status report from $program\@$hostname", "", $msgs, "", "regards,", " $program\@$hostname (version $version)" ); } $last_msgs = $msgs; $msgs = ''; } ###################################################################### ## split_by_comma ## merge ## default ## minimum ## opt ###################################################################### sub split_by_comma { my $string = shift; return split /\s*[, ]\s*/, $string if defined $string; return (); } sub merge { my %merged = (); foreach my $h (@_) { foreach my $k (keys %$h) { $merged{$k} = $h->{$k} unless exists $merged{$k}; } } return \%merged; } sub default { my $v = shift; return $variables{'merged'}{$v}{'default'}; } sub minimum { my $v = shift; return $variables{'merged'}{$v}{'minimum'}; } sub opt { my $v = shift; return $opt{$v} if defined $opt{$v}; return $globals{$v} if defined $globals{$v}; return default($v) if defined default($v); return undef; } sub min { my $min = shift; foreach my $arg (@_) { $min = $arg if $arg < $min; } return $min; } sub max { my $max = shift; foreach my $arg (@_) { $max = $arg if $arg > $max; } return $max; } ###################################################################### ## define ###################################################################### sub define { foreach (@_) { return $_ if defined $_; } return undef; } ###################################################################### ## ynu ###################################################################### sub ynu { my ($value, $yes, $no, $undef) = @_; return $no if !defined($value) || !$value; return $yes if $value eq '1'; foreach (qw(yes true)) { return $yes if $_ =~ /^$value/i; } foreach (qw(no false)) { return $no if $_ =~ /^$value/i; } return $undef; } ###################################################################### ## msg ## debug ## warning ## fatal ###################################################################### sub _msg { my $log = shift; my $prefix = shift; my $format = shift; my $buffer = sprintf $format, @_; chomp($buffer); $prefix = sprintf "%-9s ", $prefix if $prefix; if ($file) { $prefix .= "file $file"; $prefix .= ", line $lineno" if $lineno; $prefix .= ": "; } if ($prefix) { $buffer = "$prefix$buffer"; $buffer =~ s/\n/\n$prefix /g; } $buffer .= "\n"; print $buffer; $msgs .= $buffer if $log; logger($buffer) if $log; } sub msg { _msg(0, '', @_); } sub verbose { _msg(1, @_) if opt('verbose'); } sub info { _msg(1, 'INFO:', @_) if opt('verbose'); } sub debug { _msg(0, 'DEBUG:', @_) if opt('debug'); } sub debug2 { _msg(0, 'DEBUG:', @_) if opt('debug') && opt('verbose');} sub warning { _msg(1, 'WARNING:', @_); } sub fatal { _msg(1, 'FATAL:', @_); sendmail(); exit(1); } sub success { _msg(1, 'SUCCESS:', @_); } sub failed { _msg(1, 'FAILED:', @_); $result = 'FAILED'; } sub prettytime { return scalar(localtime(shift)); } sub prettyinterval { my $interval = shift; use integer; my $s = $interval % 60; $interval /= 60; my $m = $interval % 60; $interval /= 60; my $h = $interval % 24; $interval /= 24; my $d = $interval; my $string = ""; $string .= "$d day" if $d; $string .= "s" if $d > 1; $string .= ", " if $string && $h; $string .= "$h hour" if $h; $string .= "s" if $h > 1; $string .= ", " if $string && $m; $string .= "$m minute" if $m; $string .= "s" if $m > 1; $string .= ", " if $string && $s; $string .= "$s second" if $s; $string .= "s" if $s > 1; return $string; } sub interval { my $value = shift; if ($value =~ /^(\d+)(seconds|s)/i) { $value = $1; } elsif ($value =~ /^(\d+)(minutes|m)/i) { $value = $1 * 60; } elsif ($value =~ /^(\d+)(hours|h)/i) { $value = $1 * 60*60; } elsif ($value =~ /^(\d+)(days|d)/i) { $value = $1 * 60*60*24; } elsif ($value !~ /^\d+$/) { $value = undef; } return $value; } sub interval_expired { my ($host, $time, $interval) = @_; return 1 if !exists $cache{$host}; return 1 if !exists $cache{$host}{$time} || !$cache{$host}{$time}; return 1 if !exists $config{$host}{$interval} || !$config{$host}{$interval}; return $now > ($cache{$host}{$time} + $config{$host}{$interval}); } ###################################################################### ## check_value ###################################################################### sub check_value { my ($value, $def) = @_; my $type = $def->{'type'}; my $min = $def->{'minimum'}; my $required = $def->{'required'}; if (!defined $value && !$required) { ; } elsif ($type eq T_DELAY) { $value = interval($value); $value = $min if defined($value) && defined($min) && $value < $min; } elsif ($type eq T_NUMBER) { return undef if $value !~ /^\d+$/; $value = $min if defined($min) && $value < $min; } elsif ($type eq T_BOOL) { if ($value =~ /^y(es)?$|^t(true)?$|^1$/i) { $value = 1; } elsif ($value =~ /^n(o)?$|^f(alse)?$|^0$/i) { $value = 0; } else { return undef; } } elsif ($type eq T_FQDN || $type eq T_OFQDN && $value ne '') { $value = lc $value; return undef if $value !~ /[^.]\.[^.]/; } elsif ($type eq T_FQDNP) { $value = lc $value; return undef if $value !~ /[^.]\.[^.].*(:\d+)?$/; } elsif ($type eq T_PROTO) { $value = lc $value; return undef if ! exists $services{$value}; } elsif ($type eq T_USE) { $value = lc $value; return undef if ! exists $ip_strategies{$value}; } elsif ($type eq T_FILE) { return undef if $value eq ""; } elsif ($type eq T_WEB) { $value = lc $value; return undef if ! exists $web_strategies{$value}; } elsif ($type eq T_IF) { return undef if $value !~ /^[a-z0-9:_-]+$/; } elsif ($type eq T_PROG) { return undef if $value eq ""; } elsif ($type eq T_LOGIN) { return undef if $value eq ""; # } elsif ($type eq T_PASSWD) { # return undef if $value =~ /:/; } elsif ($type eq T_IP) { return undef if $value !~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/; } return $value; } ###################################################################### ## encode_base64 - from MIME::Base64 ###################################################################### sub encode_base64 ($;$) { my $res = ''; my $eol = $_[1]; $eol = "\n" unless defined $eol; pos($_[0]) = 0; # ensure start at the beginning while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) { $res .= substr(pack('u', $1), 1); chop($res); } $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; # `# help emacs # fix padding at the end my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3; $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding; # break encoded string into lines of no more than 76 characters each if (length $eol) { $res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1$eol/g; } $res; } ###################################################################### ## geturl ###################################################################### sub geturl { my $proxy = shift || ''; my $url = shift || ''; my $login = shift || ''; my $password = shift || ''; my ($peer, $server, $port); my ($sd, $rq, $request, $reply); ## canonify proxy and url $proxy =~ s%^http://%%i; $url =~ s%^http://%%i; $server = $url; $server =~ s%/.*%%; $url = "/" unless $url =~ m%/%; $url =~ s%^[^/]*/%%; ## determine peer and port to use. $peer = $proxy || $server; $peer =~ s%/.*%%; $port = $peer; $port =~ s%^.*:%%; $port = 80 unless $port =~ /^\d+$/; $peer =~ s%:.*$%%; my $to = sprintf "%s%s", $server, $proxy ? " via proxy $peer:$port" : ""; verbose("CONNECT:", "%s", $to); $request = "GET "; $request .= "http://$server" if $proxy; $request .= "/$url HTTP/1.0\n"; $request .= "Host: $server\n"; my $auth = encode_base64("${login}:${password}"); $request .= "Authorization: Basic $auth" if $login; $request .= "User-Agent: ${program}/${version}\n"; $request .= "Connection: close\n"; $request .= "\n"; ## make sure newlines are for some pedantic proxy servers ($rq = $request) =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # local $^W = 0; if (! opt('exec')) { debug("skipped network connection"); verbose("SENDING:", $request); } elsif (! defined($sd = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $peer, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp'))) { warning("cannot connect to $peer:$port socket: $@"); } else { ## send the requet to the http server verbose("CONNECTED:", ""); verbose("SENDING:", $request); my $result = send $sd, $rq, 0; if ($result != length($rq)) { warning("cannot send to $peer:$port ($!)."); } else { my $timeout = 0; local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { $timeout = 1; }; alarm(opt('timeout')) if opt('timeout') > 0; while (!$timeout && ($_ = <$sd>)) { verbose("RECEIVE:", "%s", define($_, "")); $reply .= $_ if defined $_; } if (opt('timeout') > 0) { alarm(0); } close($sd); if ($timeout) { warning("TIMEOUT: %s after %s seconds", $to, opt('timeout')); $reply = ''; } $reply = '' if !defined $reply; } } ## during testing simulate reading the URL if (opt('test')) { my $filename = "$server/$url"; $filename =~ s|/|%2F|g; if (opt('exec')) { $reply = save_file("${savedir}$filename", $reply, 'unique'); } else { $reply = load_file("${savedir}$filename"); } } $reply =~ s/\r//g if defined $reply; return $reply; } ###################################################################### ## get_ip ###################################################################### sub get_ip { my $use = lc shift; my ($ip, $arg, $reply) = (undef, opt($use), ''); $arg = '' unless $arg; if ($use eq 'ip') { $ip = opt('ip'); $arg = 'ip'; } elsif ($use eq 'if') { local $ENV{'LANG'} = 'en'; $reply = `ifconfig $arg 2> /dev/null`; if ($reply =~ /inet(\s*add?r[a-z]*:)?\s*([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}).*/i) { $ip = $2; } } elsif ($use eq 'cmd') { if ($arg) { $reply = `$arg`; if (! $?) { my @reply = split /\n/, $reply; $ip = $reply[0]; $ip =~ s/\s+$//g; $ip =~ s/^\s+//g; } } } elsif ($use eq 'web') { my $url = opt('web') || ''; my $skip = opt('web-skip') || ''; if (exists $builtinweb{$url}) { $skip = $builtinweb{$url}->{'skip'} unless $skip; $url = $builtinweb{$url}->{'url'}; } $arg = $url; if ($url) { $reply = geturl(opt('proxy'), $url) || ''; if ($reply =~ /${skip}.*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*/is) { $ip = $1; } } ## ignore any odd ip addresses if (defined $ip) { $ip = undef if $ip eq ''; } } elsif (($use eq 'cisco')) { # Stuff added to support Cisco router ip http daemon # User fw-login should only have level 1 access to prevent # password theft. This is pretty harmless. my $queryif = opt('if'); # Convert slashes to protected value "\/" $queryif =~ s%\/%\\\/%g; # Protect special HTML characters (like '?') $queryif =~ s/([\?&= ])/sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/ge; my $queryurl = "http://${arg}/level/1/exec/show/ip/interface/brief/${queryif}/CR"; $reply = geturl('', $queryurl, opt('fw-login'), opt('fw-password')) || ''; if ($reply =~ /([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})/is) { $ip = $1; } } else { my $url = opt('fw') || ''; my $skip = opt('fw-skip') || ''; if (exists $builtinfw{$use}) { $skip = $builtinfw{$use}->{'skip'} unless $skip; $url = "http://${url}" . $builtinfw{$use}->{'url'} unless $url =~ /\//; } $arg = $url; if ($url) { $reply = geturl('', $url, opt('fw-login'), opt('fw-password')) || ''; if ($reply =~ /${skip}.*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*/is) { $ip = $1; } } ## ignore any odd ip addresses if (defined $ip) { $ip = undef if $ip eq ''; } } debug("get_ip: using %s, %s reports %s", $use, $arg, define($ip, "")); return $ip; } ###################################################################### ## group_hosts_by ###################################################################### sub group_hosts_by { my ($hosts, $attributes) = @_; my %groups = (); foreach my $h (@$hosts) { my @keys = @$attributes; map { $config{$h}{$_} = '' unless exists $config{$h}{$_} } @keys; my $sig = join(',', map { "$_=$config{$h}{$_}" } @keys); push @{$groups{$sig}}, $h; } return %groups; } ###################################################################### ## nic_examples ###################################################################### sub nic_examples { my $examples = ""; my $separator = ""; foreach my $s (sort keys %services) { my $subr = $services{$s}{'examples'}; my $example; if (defined($subr) && ($example = &$subr())) { chomp($example); $examples .= $example; $examples .= "\n\n$separator"; $separator = "\n"; } } my $intro = < $now) { warning("cannot update %s from %s to %s until after %s.", $host, ($cache{$host}{'ip'} ? $cache{$host}{'ip'} : ''), $ip, prettytime($cache{$host}{'wtime'}) ); } elsif ($cache{$host}{'mtime'} && interval_expired($host, 'mtime', 'max-interval')) { warning("forcing update of %s from %s to %s; %s since last update on %s.", $host, ($cache{$host}{'ip'} ? $cache{$host}{'ip'} : ''), $ip, prettyinterval($config{$host}{'max-interval'}), prettytime($cache{$host}{'mtime'}) ); $update = 1; } elsif ($cache{$host}{'ip'} ne $ip) { if (($cache{$host}{'status'} eq 'good') && !interval_expired($host, 'mtime', 'min-interval')) { warning("skipping update of %s from %s to %s.\nlast updated %s.\nWait at least %s between update attempts.", $host, ($cache{$host}{'ip'} ? $cache{$host}{'ip'} : ''), $ip, ($cache{$host}{'mtime'} ? prettytime($cache{$host}{'mtime'}) : ''), prettyinterval($config{$host}{'min-interval'}) ) if opt('verbose') || !define($cache{$host}{'warned-min-interval'}, 0); $cache{$host}{'warned-min-interval'} = $now; } elsif (($cache{$host}{'status'} ne 'good') && !interval_expired($host, 'atime', 'min-error-interval')) { warning("skipping update of %s from %s to %s.\nlast updated %s but last attempt on %s failed.\nWait at least %s between update attempts.", $host, ($cache{$host}{'ip'} ? $cache{$host}{'ip'} : ''), $ip, ($cache{$host}{'mtime'} ? prettytime($cache{$host}{'mtime'}) : ''), ($cache{$host}{'atime'} ? prettytime($cache{$host}{'atime'}) : ''), prettyinterval($config{$host}{'min-error-interval'}) ) if opt('verbose') || !define($cache{$host}{'warned-min-error-interval'}, 0); $cache{$host}{'warned-min-error-interval'} = $now; } else { $update = 1; } } elsif (defined($sub) && &$sub($host)) { $update = 1; } else { success("%s: skipped: IP address was already set to %s.", $host, $ip) if opt('verbose'); } $config{$host}{'status'} = define($cache{$host}{'status'},''); $config{$host}{'update'} = $update; if ($update) { $config{$host}{'status'} = 'noconnect'; $config{$host}{'atime'} = $now; $config{$host}{'wtime'} = 0; $config{$host}{'warned-min-interval'} = 0; $config{$host}{'warned-min-error-interval'} = 0; delete $cache{$host}{'warned-min-interval'}; delete $cache{$host}{'warned-min-error-interval'}; } return $update; } ###################################################################### ## nic_dyndns1_examples ###################################################################### sub nic_dyndns1_examples { return <\s*(.*)\s*%i; $return_code = $1 if $line =~ m%^return\s+code\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$%i; $error_code = $1 if $line =~ m%^error\s+code\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$%i; } if ($return_code ne 'NOERROR' || $error_code ne 'NOERROR' || !$title) { $config{$h}{'status'} = 'failed'; $title = "incomplete response from $config{$h}{server}" unless $title; warning("SENT: %s", $url) unless opt('verbose'); warning("REPLIED: %s", $reply); failed("updating %s: %s", $h, $title); } else { $config{$h}{'ip'} = $ip; $config{$h}{'mtime'} = $now; $config{$h}{'status'} = 'good'; success("updating %s: %s: IP address set to %s (%s)", $h, $return_code, $ip, $title); } } } ###################################################################### ## nic_dyndns2_updateable ###################################################################### sub nic_dyndns2_updateable { my $host = shift; my $update = 0; if ($config{$host}{'mx'} ne $cache{$host}{'mx'}) { info("forcing updating %s because 'mx' has changed to %s.", $host, $config{$host}{'mx'}); $update = 1; } elsif ($config{$host}{'mx'} && (ynu($config{$host}{'backupmx'},1,2,3) ne ynu($config{$host}{'backupmx'},1,2,3))) { info("forcing updating %s because 'backupmx' has changed to %s.", $host, ynu($config{$host}{'backupmx'},"YES","NO","NO")); $update = 1; } elsif ($config{$host}{'static'} ne $cache{$host}{'static'}) { info("forcing updating %s because 'static' has changed to %s.", $host, ynu($config{$host}{'static'},"YES","NO","NO")); $update = 1; } return $update; } ###################################################################### ## nic_dyndns2_examples ###################################################################### sub nic_dyndns2_examples { return < 'Bad authorization (username or password)', 'badsys' => 'The system parameter given was not valid', 'notfqdn' => 'A Fully-Qualified Domain Name was not provided', 'nohost' => 'The hostname specified does not exist in the database', '!yours' => 'The hostname specified exists, but not under the username currently being used', '!donator' => 'The offline setting was set, when the user is not a donator', '!active' => 'The hostname specified is in a Custom DNS domain which has not yet been activated.', 'abuse', => 'The hostname specified is blocked for abuse; contact support@dyndns.org to be unblocked', 'numhost' => 'System error: Too many or too few hosts found. Contact support@dyndns.org', 'dnserr' => 'System error: DNS error encountered. Contact support@dyndns.org', 'nochg' => 'No update required; unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive', ); $reply =~ s/\r//g; @reply = split /\n/, $reply; my $state = 'header'; foreach my $line (@reply) { if ($state eq 'header') { if ($line =~ m%^s*HTTP/1.*\s+200\s+OK\s*$%i) { $state = 'body'; } else { failed("updating %s: unexpected line (%s)", $hosts, $line); last; } } elsif ($state eq 'body') { $state = 'results' if $line eq ''; } elsif ($state =~ /^results/) { $state = 'results2'; my ($status, $ip) = split / /, lc $line; my $h = pop @hosts; $config{$h}{'status'} = $status; if ($status eq 'good') { $config{$h}{'ip'} = $ip; $config{$h}{'mtime'} = $now; success("updating %s: %s: IP address set to %s", $h, $status, $ip); } elsif (exists $errors{$status}) { if ($status eq 'nochg') { success("updating %s: %s: %s", $h, $status, $errors{$status}); $config{$h}{'ip'} = $ip; $config{$h}{'mtime'} = $now; $config{$h}{'status'} = 'good'; } else { failed("updating %s: %s: %s", $h, $status, $errors{$status}); } } elsif ($status =~ /w(\d+)(.)/) { my ($wait, $units) = ($1, lc $2); my ($sec, $scale) = ($wait, 1); ($scale, $units) = (1, 'seconds') if $units eq 's'; ($scale, $units) = (60, 'minutes') if $units eq 'm'; ($scale, $units) = (60*60, 'hours') if $units eq 'h'; $sec = $wait * $scale; $config{$h}{'wtime'} = $now + $sec; warning("updating %s: %s: wait $wait $units before further updates", $h, $status, $ip); } else { failed("updating %s: %s: unexpected status (%s)", $h, $line); } } } failed("updating %s: Could not connect to %s.", $hosts, $config{$h}{'server'}) if $state ne 'results2'; } } ###################################################################### ## nic_dslreports1_examples ###################################################################### sub nic_dslreports1_examples { return </i, @reply) { $config{$h}{'ip'} = $ip; $config{$h}{'mtime'} = $now; $config{$h}{'status'} = 'good'; success("updating %s: good: IP address set to %s", $h, $ip); } else { $config{$h}{'status'} = 'failed'; warning("SENT: %s", $url) unless opt('verbose'); warning("REPLIED: %s", $reply); failed("updating %s: Invalid reply.", $h); } } } ###################################################################### ## nic_zoneedit1_examples ###################################################################### sub nic_zoneedit1_examples { return < # # ###################################################################### sub nic_zoneedit1_update { debug("\nnic_zoneedit1_update -------------------"); ## group hosts with itentical attributes together my %groups = group_hosts_by([ @_ ], [ qw(login password server) ]); ## update each set of hosts that had similar configurations foreach my $sig (keys %groups) { my ($url, $reply, @reply) = ('',''); my @hosts = @{$groups{$sig}}; my $hosts = join(',', @hosts); my $h = $hosts[0]; info("setting IP address to %s for %s", $ip, $hosts); verbose("UPDATE:","updating %s", $hosts); $url .= "http://$config{$h}{'server'}/auth/dynamic.html"; $url .= "?host=$hosts"; $url .= "&dnsto=$ip" if $ip; $reply = geturl(opt('proxy'), $url, $config{$h}{'login'}, $config{$h}{'password'}); if (!defined($reply) || !$reply) { failed("updating %s: Could not connect to %s.", $hosts, $config{$h}{'server'}); next; } $reply =~ s/\r//g; @reply = split /\n/, $reply; foreach my $line (@reply) { if ($line =~ /^[^<]*<(SUCCESS|ERROR)\s+([^>]+)>(.*)/) { my ($status, $assignments, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3); my ($left, %var) = parse_assignments($assignments); if (keys %var) { my ($status_code, $status_text, $status_ip) = ('999', '', $ip); $status_code = $var{'CODE'} if exists $var{'CODE'}; $status_text = $var{'TEXT'} if exists $var{'TEXT'}; $status_ip = $var{'IP'} if exists $var{'IP'}; if ($status eq 'SUCCESS' || ($status eq 'ERROR' && $var{'CODE'} eq '707')) { $config{$h}{'ip'} = $status_ip; $config{$h}{'mtime'} = $now; $config{$h}{'status'} = 'good'; success("updating %s: IP address set to %s (%s: %s)", $h, $ip, $status_code, $status_text); } else { $config{$h}{'status'} = 'failed'; failed("updating %s: %s: %s", $h, $status_code, $status_text); } shift @hosts; $h = $hosts[0]; $hosts = join(',', @hosts); } $line = $rest; redo if $line; } } failed("updating %s: no response from %s", $hosts, $config{$h}{'server'}) if @hosts; } }