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and changed blocks via their update arrays DBC_DEBUG: -- The newly allocated block for block index %d is 0x%x DBC_DEBUG: -- Local map now full - marking master map DBC_DEBUG: Assigning block numbers to created DB blocks DBC_DEBUG: Restarting processing of this p1rec due to DB extension $ RUN GTM$DIST:MUPIP.EXEDBC_DEBUG: Insufficient free blocks for this transaction - calling MUPIP EXTEND DBC_DEBUG: Stopping block scan as blk_index %d is a root block DBC_DEBUG: *** *** Recursive call to handle too large block 0x%x Unable to split block appropriatelyDBC_DEBUG: Stopping block scan after simple update (no further inserts to previous lvls) DBC_DEBUG: Block index %d is a simple update DBC_DEBUG: Method 1 block lengths: lh: %d rh: %d max_blk_len: %d DBC_DEBUG: Splitting root block, extra block to be created DBC_DEBUG: Method 2 block lengths: lh: %d rh: %d max_blk_len: %d DBC_DEBUG: Method 1 created invalid blocks: lh: %d rh: %d max_blk_len: %d -- trying method 2 DBC_DEBUG: Block index %d used for newly created split (lhs) block DBC_DEBUG: Block index %d needs to be split DBC_DEBUG: ******** Top of blk process loop for block index %d DBC_DEBUG: Beginning split processing loop Did not locate record in same block as we started searching forGTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]DBCERTIFY_CERTIFY_PHASE.C;1DBC_DEBUG: Block split of blk 0x%x bypassed because its key could not be located in the GVT Unable to find index record for an existing globalUnable to locate DT leaf (root) blockUnable to find index (DT) record for an existing globalDBC_DEBUG: Block not processed as it now has sufficient room Blocks created ------------------ %12d [0x%08x] Blocks updated ------------------ %12d [0x%08x] Blocks read from cache ---------- %12d [0x%08x] Blocks read --------------------- %12d [0x%08x] Blocks processed ---------------- %12d [0x%08x] Blocks bypassed ----------------- %12d [0x%08x] Total blocks in scan phase file - %12d [0x%08x] DBC_DEBUG: Database certification bypassed due to records to process limit being reached DBC_DEBUG: Maximum records to process limit reached - premature exit to main loop DBC_DEBUG: ****************** Restarted transaction (%d) ***************** DBC_DEBUG: ****************** Reading new p1out record (%d) ***************** Certification phase for database !AD beginningCertification phase aborted Proceeding will also turn off replication and/or journaling if enabledAn abnormal termination can damage the database while doing the certification !!You must have a backup of database !AD before you proceed!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBC_DEBUG: Beginning certification phase Failure while in critical section -- database damage likelyGTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]DBCERTIFY_FUNCS.C;1$ DEFINE/NOLOG GTM$DIST DBC_DEBUG: Reading in database block 0x%x into blk_index %d DBC_DEBUG: Found block in inactive cache same slot for blk_index %d DBC_DEBUG: Found block in inactive cache differemt slot (%d) for blk_index %d DBC_DEBUG: Found block in active cache - blk_index %d DBC_DEBUG: Requesting database block 0x%x (type = %d) DBC_DEBUG: Found star key record in dbc_find_key Unable to find index record for an existing globalDBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Searched for key was not found DBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Reached minimum block level (or leaf level) -- matching scan was a normal keyed record at offset 0x%x DBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Recursing down a level via keyed index record at offset 0x%x DBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Recursing down a level via star key record at offset 0x%x DBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Reached minimum block level 0$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;9"-- matching scan was a star key record DBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Reached minimum block level and found block we were looking for DBC_DEBUG: dbc_find_record: Beginning scan of block index %d had unexpected valuesTemporary results file (Note that the logical GTM$DIST must point to the current GT.M V4 installationList of global directory:$ RUN GTM$DIST:DSE.EXE$ DEFINE SYS$OUTPUT GTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]DBCERTIFY_SCAN_PHASE.C;1DBC_DEBUG: Output %d bytes to dbcertscan output file DBC_DEBUG: Requeuing block 0x%x for later processing DBC_DEBUG: Allocating new iebl struct 0x%08x %16llx %s %5d %9d %6d %s%s Blknum Offset Blktype BlkLvl Blksize Free Key Problem blocks (max block size = %d): Compression count too largeBad compression countDBC_DEBUG: Block 0x%x is allocated -- processing - GVT index blocks -------------- %12d [0x%08x] - GVT leaf (data) blocks -------- %12d [0x%08x] - DT index blocks --------------- %12d [0x%08x] - DT leaf (data) blocks --------- %12d [0x%08x] Blocks needing to be split ------ %12d [0x%08x] Blocks processed ---------------- %12d [0x%08x] Blocks bypassed ----------------- %12d [0x%08x] Total local bitmap blocks ------- %12d [0x%08x] Total blocks in database ------- %12d [0x%08x] DBC_DEBUG: Block reprocessing complete DBC_DEBUG: Bypassing block 0x%x because no longer allocated DBC_DEBUG: Entering block re-processing loop DBC_DEBUG: Partial lmap processed - blk 0x%x - lm_offset 0x%x DBC_DEBUG: Block 0x%x is NOT allocated -- bypassing $ RUN GTM$DIST:DSE.EXE$ DEFINE SYS$OUTPUT DBC_DEBUG: Beginning scan phase BGT.MMUPIPDSELKEOFFONOFFONWAS_ON*BAD* PINI PFIN ZTCOM KILL FKILL GKILL SET FSET GSET PBLK EPOCH EOF TKILL UKILL TSET USET TCOM ALIGN NULL ZKILL FZKILL GZKILL TZKILL UZKILL INCTN AIMG gtm_sysidUnprocessed $ZERROR, see $ZSTATUSINVALID_IMAGEGTMSECSHRGTCM_SERVERGTCM_GNP_SERVERDBCERTIFYNOBEFORE_IMAGESBEFORE_IMAGESDISABLEDGTM_BLKUPGRADE_FLAGGTM_FULLBLOCKWRITESGTM_GVDUPSETNOOPGTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]GTM_MALLOC_SRC.H;1V4V5GTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]GVCST_LBM_CHECK.C;1GTM_PATTERN_FILEGTM_PATTERN_TABLEUnrecognized text following end of definitionsEnd of definition marker (PATEND) expectedCannot load table !AD twiceNumeric character code expected, found !ADCharacter code greater than !UL encountered (!UL)Attempt to redefine pattern code !ADInvalid pattern letter (!AD)WARNING: Pattern code !AD not yet implementedNumber of user-defined patcodes exceeds maximum (!UL)Length of pattern code name (!AD) longer than maximum !ULUser-defined pattern code (!AD) not delimited by Y or ZIdentifier expected, found !ADUnrecognized text at end of lineGTM_LOCAL_COLLATEgtm_ac_xform_1gtm_ac_xback_1gtm_ac_xformgtm_ac_xbackgtm_ac_verifygtm_ac_versiongtm_ac_xback_1() -- generated from 0x!XL.:LNM$FILE_DEVError in util_output@`pGTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]UTIL_OUTPUT.C;1Indirect cache entries currently marked active: %d Indirect code cache performance -- Hits: %d, Fails: %d, Hit Ratio: %d%% Error parsing or invalid parameter for LOG_INTERVALError parsing or invalid parameter for !AZError parsing !AZ qualifier!UL.!ULGTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]DBCERTIFY_DBFILOP.C;1GTM_MEMORY_NOACCESS_ADDRGTM$ROOT:[V50000A.SRC]GTM_MALLOC_SRC.H;10x%08lx 0x%08lx %10d ------------------------------------------- Malloc Addr Alloc From Malloc Size Malloc Storage Dump: TransNumber FreeAddr Size CallerAddr Free Storage Traceback: %9d 0x%08lx %10d 0x%08lx ------------------------------------------------ TransNumber AllocAddr Size CallerAddr Malloc Storage Traceback: %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Free Alloc Alloc QueueSize Mallocs Frees Splits Combines CurCnt MaxCnt CurCnt MaxCnt Total reentrant mallocs: %d, total deferred frees: %d Maximum extents: %d, Current extents: %d, Released extents: %d Total mallocs: %d, total frees: %d, total extents: %d, total rmalloc bytes: %d, max rmalloc bytes: %d Malloc small storage performance: Free at %x of %d bytes from %lx Malloc at %x of %d bytes from %lx   @ @ "!@$ޭޭ @110GT.MV5.0  0uGT.M V5.0-000 VMS AXP d'@Bʚ;,'  *++++++++++-(((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))/NULLTK_ERRORTK_EOLTK_EORTK_SPACETK_ATSIGNTK_IDENTTK_NUMLITTK_INTLITTK_CIRCUMFLEXTK_COMMATK_LPARENTK_RPARENTK_PLUS TK_MINUS TK_ASTERISKTK_SLASHTK_BACKSLASHTK_UNDERSCORE TK_HASH TK_APOSTROPHEITK_COLONTK_QUOTETK_EQUAL=TK_GREATER;TK_LESS9TK_LBRACKET?TK_RBRACKETATK_QUESTIONCTK_AMPERSANDETK_EXCLAIMATIONGTK_NEQUAL>TK_NGREATER<TK_NLESS:TK_NLBRACKET@TK_NRBRACKETBTK_NQUESTIONDTK_NAMPERSANDFTK_NEXCLAIMATIONHTK_PERCENTTK_UPPERTK_LOWERTK_PERIODTK_DIGITTK_DOLLARTK_SEMICOLONTK_STRLITTK_VBARTK_EXPONENTTK_SORTS_AFTERTK_NSORTS_AFTER  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;92A"  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,CERTIFYDBCERTIFY_CERTIFY_PHASEL!+P1 P1OUTFILEDBCERTIFY SCAN output filename(BLOCKS$DEBUG,@ KEEP_TEMPS, TEMPFILE_DIRD` (SCANDBCERTIFY_SCAN_PHASE0!(P1REGIONRegion(BSU_KEYS$,DEBUG(TDETAIL, KEEP_TEMPS(OUTFILE, REPORT_ONLY, TEMPFILE_DIRޭޭޭ@ (N@`p"""`,0!p#dX$M!8N0001020304050607080910M00`N MMM MpN N NN PMXM`MhMpMxMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNN Nll`OhOllm(mOOPR RR pR R`R SRRSeR(RH"{؉Ћ ȍ  {H"V"" "(&#0h#8#@#H$P\$X$`$hL%px%x%%"&j&&&&<'' (Ȁ:(Ѐt(؀(((>)))*8*l* *(*0&+8d+@+H+P ,XN,`,h,p,x-P---.:.../R/ȁ/Ё/؁<0p001B1{p111"2 z2(2038@3@3H3P3X(4`r4h4p5x@5555B666(7V77Ȃ7Ђ7؂ 8T8888 9N999 :(>:0:8:@;HJ;P;X;`;h6<p<x<< =j===<>n>>?ȃ>?Ѓ?؃?@d@@{@AhAAA  B(bB0B8C@NCHCPCXC`DhVDpDxDE>EzEEE.FfFFFȄ4GЄtG؄GHnHHH2IfIII  J(8J0xJ8J@JH,KPzKXK`KhLp6LxZLLLLM`MMMNbNȅNЅN؅O2OhO{OO"PPPPP "Q(dQ0Q8Q@RHDRP~RXR`Rh.SpjSxSS4TfTTTUFUUUȆVІnV؆VVV@WWW>X~XX X(&Y0^Y8Y@YHpZPZX[`P[h[p[x:\\\b]]]^V^^^ȇ^Ї_؇d__{_.`x```Naa a(b0@b8b@bHXcPcXc`dhHdpdxe.edeee"fzff ghzpx.l*r{<ȕЕؕ R8R (0N8@HPRX`hpx nz8hȖЖؖR.n (20z8@HxPX`@hpx Z:{t4dȗЗؗ68Z (`08@0HPXL`~hpx 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Failure code: !AD.B NOTALLREPLON+Replication state is not on for all regionsB BADLKIPARAM+!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETLKI()B JNLREADBOF-Beginning of journal file encountered for !ADF DVIKEYBAD1$ZGETDVI("!AD","!AD") contains an illegal keywordENQ2EQUAL!Equal sign expected but not found: ERRORSUMMARY"Errors occurred during compilation:ERRWEXC'Error while processing exception string@ ERRWIOEXC+Error while processing I/O exception string>ERRWZBRK+Error while processing ZBREAK action string2 ERRWZTRAPError while processing $ZTRAPN NUMUNXEOR:!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in numeric subscript0EXPR!Expression expected but not foundN STRUNXEOR9!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in string subscriptL JNLEXTEND7Journal file extension error. Journal file !AD closed.T FCHARMAXARGSGTMCHECK+Internal GT.M error--Report to GT.M SupportP GVDATAFAIL:Global variable $DATA function failed. Failure code: !AD.8 EORNOTFND$!_!AD!/!_!_!_End of record not foundJ GVGETFAIL5Global variable retrieval failed. Failure code: !AD.(GVIS!_!_Global variable: !ADF GVKILLFAIL0Global variable kill failed. Failure code: !AD.0GVNAKEDIllegal naked global referenceJ GVNEXTARG5Argument to global variable $NEXT must be subscriptedZ GVORDERFAILDGlobal variable $ORDER or $NEXT function failed. Failure code: !AD.D GVPUTFAIL/Global variable put failed. Failure code: !AD.0 PATTABSYNTAXError in !AD at line !ULD GVSUBOFLOW.Maximum combined length of subscripts exceeded0GVUNDEFGlobal variable undefined: !AD@ TRANSNEST+Maximum transaction nesting levels exceededN INDEXTRACHARS5Indirection string contains extra trailing charactersH INDMAXNEST3Maximum nesting of indirection expressions exceededP INDRMAXLEN:Maximum length !UL of an indirection argument was exceededN INSFFBCNT:Insufficient byte count quota left for requested operation. INTEGERRSDatabase integrity errors4INVCMD#Invalid command keyword encountered&INVFCNInvalid function nameBINVOBJ1Cannot ZLINK object file due to unexpected format.INVSVNInvalid special variable name4IOEOF#Attempt to read past an end-of-fileJ IONOTOPEN6Attempt to USE an I/O device which has not been opened MUPIPINFO!AD0IVTIMEInvalid time specification: !AD&JOBFAILJOB command failureB JOBLABOFF-Label and offset not found in created process< JOBPARNOVAL&This job parameter cannot take a valueF JOBPARNUM2The value of this job parameter must be an integerD JOBPARSTR0The value of this job parameter must be a string* JOBPARUNKJob parameter unknownB JOBPARVALREQ*A value is required for this job parameterF JUSTFRACT1Fraction specifier to $JUSTIFY cannot be negativeNKEY2BIG MTBLKTOOSM)Magtape BLOCK_SIZE is less than !UL bytesN MTFIXRECSZ8BLOCK_SIZE !UL must be multiple of fixed record size !UL"MTISMagnetic tape: !ADV MTRDBADBLK@Block read too small, contained only !UL bytes, block size = !UL6MTRDONLY"Cannot write to a READONLY magtape@ MTRDTHENWRT*Attempt to read after a write to a magtapeB MTRECGTRBLK,Magtape record size cannot exceed block sizeB MTRECTOOBIG+Magtape record size exceeds maximum allowedF MTRECTOOSM0Magtape record size is too small for record typen JNLTMQUAL3YTime qualifier BEFORE_TIME="!AZ" is less than the journal file(s) minimum timestamp="!AZ"8MULTLAB&This label has been previously defined8BLKCNT&Last LOAD Block/RMS Record number: !UL CCEDUMPOFF<NOPLACE*Line specified in a ZBREAK cannot be foundBJNLCLOSE/Error closing journal file: !AD !/Database: !AD< NOTPRINCIO'Output currently directed to device !ADV NOTTOEOFONPUT=Not positioned to EOF on write (sequential organization only),NOZBRKNo zbreak at that locationBNULSUBSC/Null subscripts are not allowed for region: !AD$NUMOFLOWNumeric overflow< PARFILSPC'Parameter: !AD file specification: !AD<PATCLASS(Illegal character class for pattern code,PATCODEIllegal syntax for patternLPATLIT:Illegal character or unbalanced quotes for pattern literal8 PATMAXLEN#Pattern code exceeds maximum length< LPARENREQD&!_!AD!/!_!_!_Left parenthesis expectedH PATUPPERLIM1Pattern code upper limit is less than lower limitJ PCONDEXPECTED2Post-conditional expression expected but not found@ PRCNAMLEN+Process name !AD length is greater than !SLZ RANDARGNEGERandom number generator argument must be greater than or equal to oneN DBPRIVERR9No privilege for attempted update operation for file: !ADRREC2BIG?Record size (!UL) is greater than maximum (!UL) for region: !AD: RHMISSING&Right-hand side of expression expected> RMSRDONLY)Cannot write to read-only sequential fileLCOLLDATAEXISTS2Collation type cannot be changed while data exists4ROUTINEUNKNOWNRoutine could not be found2 RPARENMISSINGRight parenthesis expected,RTNNAMERoutine name expected hereFVIEWGVN3Invalid global key name used with VIEW/$VIEW(): !AD.RTSLOC!_!_At M source location !AD@RWARG/This is not a legal argument for a READ commandLRWFORMAT9A valid format expression (!!, #, or ?expr) expected here2 JNLWRTDEFERJournal write start deferred6 SELECTFALSENo argument to $SELECT was trueNSPOREOL;Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not foundSRCLIN !_!AD!/!_!AD@SRCLOC.!_!_At column !UL, line !UL, source module !AD6 SRCLOCUNKNOWN!_!_M source location unknown( STACKCRITStack space critical$ STACKOFLOWStack overflow( STACKUNDERFLOStack underflow* STRINGOFLOWString pool overflow2SVNOSET Cannot SET this special variable:VIEWFN(View parameter is not valid with $VIEW()H TERMASTQUOTA0Process AST quota exceeded, cannot open terminal4TEXTARG"Invalid argument to $TEXT functionB TMPSTOREMAX+Maximum space for temporary values exceeded@VIEWCMD-View parameter is not valid with VIEW commandL TXTNEGLIN8A line prior to line number zero was referenced in $TEXTL TXTSRCFMT7$TEXT encountered an invalid source program file format.UIDMSGUnidentified message received(UIDSNDUnidentified sender PID.UNDEFUndefined local variable: !AD6UNIMPLOP#Unimplemented construct encountered8 VAREXPECTED!Variable expected in this contextF VARRECBLKSZ0Blocksize must be at least record size + 4 bytes< MAXARGCNT(Maximum number of arguments !UL exceeded.WCFAILThe database cache is corruptR VIEWARGCNT" $ZPRIV()BZPRIVSYNTAXERR(Privilege string cannot end with a comma2 ZPRTLABNOTFNDLabel not found in routine4 VIEWAMBIGView parameter !AD is ambiguous4 VIEWNOTFOUNDView parameter !AD not validD ZSETPRVARGBAD,!AD is not a legal privilege for $ZSETPRIV()4 INVSPECRECInvalid global modifier recordN ZSETPRVSYNTAX5$ZSETPRIV() privileges string cannot end with a comma< ZSRCHSTRMCT%Search stream identifier out of rangeDVERSION2Version mismatch - This program must be recompiledZ MUNOTALLSECCWARNING: not all global sections accessed were successfully rundown&MUSECDELSection !AD deleted. MUSECNOTDELSection !AD not deleted< RPARENREQD'!_!AD!/!_!_!_Right parenthesis expectedB ZGBLDIRACC,Cannot access global directory !AD. !AD!AD.X GVNAKEDEXTNM@Cannot reference different global directory in a naked reference@ EXTGBLDEL,Invalid delimiter for extended global syntaxf DSEWCINITCONNNo action taken, enter YES at CONFIRMATION prompt to initialize global buffers@ LASTFILCMPLD(The file currently being compiled is !ADD NOEXCNOZTRAP-Neither an exception nor a Ztrap is specified0 UNSDCLASSUnsupported descriptor class4 UNSDDTYPE Unsupported descriptor data type8 ZCUNKTYPE$External call: Unknown argument typeF ZCUNKMECH2External call: Unknown parameter-passing mechanism: ZCUNKQUAL&External call: Unknown input qualifierJNLDBTNNOMATCHxJournal file !AD has beginning transaction number [0x!16@XJ], but database !AD has current transaction number [0x!16@XJ]6 ZCALLTABLE External call Table format errorl ZCARGMSMTCHUExternal call: Actual argument count, !UL, is greater than formal argument count, !UL> ZCCONMSMTCH'External call: Too many input argumentsnZCOPT0\External call: Qualifier OPTIONAL_0 can be used only with mechanisms REFERENCE or DESCRIPTOR<ZCSTATUS)External call: Unsuccessful return status@ZCUSRRTN-External call: Run-time error in user routineXZCPOSOVREExternal call: Invalid overlapping of arguments in table position !ULD ZCINPUTREQ.External call: Required input argument missing JNLTNOUTOFSEQtEnd transaction [0x!16@XJ] of journal !AD different from Begin transaction [0x!16@XJ] of next generation journal !AD@ACTRANGE,Alternate Collating Type !UL is out of rangeD ZCCONVERT/External call: error converting output argument8 ZCRTENOTF#External call routine !AD not found8 GVRUNDOWN$Error during global database rundown6 LKRUNDOWN"Error during lock database rundown. IORUNDOWNError during image rundown( FILENOTFNDFile !AD not found. MUFILRNDWNFLFile !AD rundown failedT JNLTMQUAL1>Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME="!AZ" is less than SINCE_TIME="!AZ"0 FORCEDHALTImage HALTed by MUPIP STOPXLOADEOFFLoad error: EOF reached prior to BEGIN record !UL. No records loaded.B WILLEXPIRE-This copy of GT.M will expire within one weekJLOADEDBG7Load error: END smaller than BEGIN. No records loaded.B LABELONLY-Routine !AD was compiled for label-only entry> MUREORGFAIL'MUPIP REORG failed. Failure code: !AD.V GVZPREVFAIL?Global variable $ZPREVIOUS function failed. Failure code: !AD.@ MULTFORMPARM)This formal parameter is multiply definedB QUITARGUSE,Quit cannot take an argument in this contextH NAMEEXPECTED1A local variable name is expected in this context( ACTLSTEXPActuallist expectedZ NOTEXTRINSICCQuit does not return to an extrinsic function: argument not allowed` FMLLSTPRESENTHThe actual list is absent from a call to a label with a formal list: !AD^ FMLLSTMISSINGFThe formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: !ADJ ACTLSTTOOLONG2More actual parameters than formal parameters: !AD6 ACTOFFSET"Actuallist not allowed with offset@ MAXACTARG+Maximum number of actual arguments exceeded0 GTMDUMPFAILCould not create DUMP FILEV JNLTMQUAL2ATime qualifier LOOKBACK_TIME="!AZ" is later than SINCE_TIME="!AZ"d GDINVALIDOUnrecognized Global Directory file format: !AD, expected label: !AD, found: !AD,ASSERTAssert failed !AD line !UL6 MUFILRNDWNSUCFile !AD successfully rundownBLOADEDSZ.Load error: END too small. No records loaded.: QUITARGLST$Quit cannot take a list of argumentsB QUITARGREQD,Quit from an extrinsic must have an argumentX CRITRESETDThe critical section crash count for region !AD has been incrementedV UNKNOWNFOREX>Process halted by a forced exit from a source other than MUPIP:FSEXP)File specification expected but not found2WILDCARDWild cards are prohibited: !ADBDIRONLY/Directories only are allowed in file specs: !AD: FILEPARSE%Error parsing file specification: !AD2QUALEXP Qualifier expected but not found.BADQUALUnrecognized qualifier: !AD8QUALVAL&Qualifier value required but not found0 ZROSYNTAX$ZROUTINES syntax error: !AD8 COMPILEQUALS!Error in compiler qualifiers: !AD2 ZLNOOBJECTNo object module was producedDZLMODULE0Object file name does not match module name: !AD6DBBLEVMX#!AD Block level higher than maximum2DBBLEVMN!AD Block level less than zero&DBBSIZMN!AD Block too small8DBBSIZMX%!AD Block larger than file block size(DBRSIZMN!AD Record too small(DBRSIZMX!AD Record too largeL DBCMPNZRO7!AD First record of block has nonzero compression count2 DBSTARSIZ!AD Star record has wrong sizeB DBSTARCMP-!AD Star record has nonzero compression count<DBCMPMX)!AD Record compression count is too large"DBKEYMX!AD Key too long$DBKEYMN!AD Key too short4DBCMPBAD!!AD Compression count not maximal(DBKEYORD!AD Keys out of order0 DBPTRNOTPOS!AD Block pointer negative<DBPTRMX*!AD Block pointer larger than file maximum>DBPTRMAP+!AD Block pointer is a bit map block number4 IFBADPARM External Interface Bad ParameterL IFNOTINIT8External Interface must first call GTM$INIT or M routineJGTMSECSHRSOCKET/!AD - !UL : Error initializing gtmsecshr socketDLOADBGSZ0Load error: BEGIN too small. No records loaded.TLOADFMTBLoad error: invalid format type. Must be ZWR, GO, BINARY, or GOQ.. LOADFILERRError with load file !AD(NOREGIONREGION not found: !AD0PATLOADError loading pattern file !AD4 EXTRACTFILERRError with extract file !AD.FREEZERegion: !AD is already frozenBNOSELECT/None of the selected variables exist -- haltingREXTRFAIL>Extract failed for the global ^!AD. MUPIP INTEG should be run.<LDBINFMT(Corrupt binary format header information> NOPREVLINK)Journal file !AD has a null previous link CCEDUMPONZ CCEDMPQUALREQAA qualifier (DB,[NO]ON, or NOW) is required with the DUMP command& CCEDBDUMPSection !AD dumped8 CCEDBNODUMP!Section !AD not dumped; status = @CCPMBX/Error accessing Cluster Control Program MailboxX REQRUNDOWNCError accessing database !AD. Must be rundown on cluster node !AD.N CCPINTQUE9Interlock failure accessing Cluster Control Program queueL CCPBADMSG8Invalid message code received by Cluster Control ProgramF CNOTONSYS1Command is not supported by this operating systemHCCPNAME6Error setting the Cluster Control Program process nameB CCPNOTFND-The Cluster Control Program is not responding\ OPRCCPSTOPGThe Cluster Control Program has been halted by an operator stop request: SELECTSYNTAX#Argument to !AD clause is not valid0 LOADABORTAborting load at record !ULZ FNOTONSYSFFunction or special variable is not supported by this operating system@ AMBISYIPARAM(Parameter !AD is ambiguous to $ZGETSYI()V PREVJNLNOEOF>A previous generation journal file !AD does not have valid EOF@ LKSECINIT,Error creating lock section for database !AD<MTDOSLAB(Tape label is not in valid DOS-11 format>MTDOSFOR+Use of DOS-11 labels requires stream format@MTINVLAB,Invalid label type specified in magtape OPEN@ TXTSRCMAT,M object module and source file do not matchX CCENOGROUPBCCE does not have GROUP privilege. Information m~$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;9@"!ay be incomplete.2BADDBVERIncorrect database version: !ADR LINKVERSION BADTRNPARAM(!AD is not a legal parameter to $ZTRNLNMD DSEONLYBGMM.!AD is supported only for BG/MM access methodsN DSEINVLCLUSFN5Specified function is invalid for clustered databasesX RDFLTOOSHORTALength specified for fixed length read less than or equal to zero> TIMRBADVAL(Bad value specified. Timer not changed.Z CCENOSYSLCKCCCE does not have SYSLCK privilege. Information may be incomplete.FCCPGRP5Error with the Cluster Control Program's group numberV UNSOLCNTERR?An unsolicited error message has been received from the networkV BACKUPCTRLAControl Y or control C encountered during backup, aborting backup.NOCCPPIDCannot find CCP process idH CCPJNLOPNERR1Error opening journal file. Database not opened.6LCKSGONE#Locks selected for deletion removedF ZLKIDBADARG0The tvexpr must be FALSE if last ZLKID not found< DBFILOPERR&Error doing database I/O to region !AD8CCERDERR$Error reading from database file !AD0CCEDBCLDatabase file !AD is clustered6 CCEDBNTCL"Database file !AD is not clustered6 CCEWRTERR"Error writing to database file !AD"CCEBADFNFilename errorD CCERDTIMOUT.Read timeout, CCP has not responded to requestL CCPSIGCONT7CCP non fatal error at pc 0x!XL. Continuing operation.6 CCEBGONLY"Only BG databases can be clusteredJCCENOCCP7The cluster control program is not running on this node> CCECCPPID)The cluster control program has PID 0x!XLJ CCECLSTPRCS4!UL processes are accessing clustered database filesB ZSHOWBADFUNC+An illegal function was specified for ZSHOWD NOTALLJNLEN-Journaling not enabled and on for all regionsL ZSHOWGLOSMALL4Global output variable is too small for ZSHOW outputDNOLBRSRC1Object libraries cannot have SRC paths associated*INVZSTEPInvalid ZSTEP qualifier*ZSTEPARGZSTEP argument expected6 INVSTRLEN"Invalid string length !UL: max !UL.RECCNTLast LOAD record number: !ULTEXT!ADNZWRSPONE:Subscript patterns in ZWRITE are atomic; Invalid delimiter0FILEDELFile !AD successfully deletedN JNLBADLABEL8Journal file !AD does not have a GT.M Journal File Label< JNLREADEOF'End of journal file encountered for !AD@ JNLRECFMT,Journal file record format error encountered* BLKTOODEEPBlock level too deepN NESTFORMP9Formal parameter list cannot be combined with nested lineBINHDR!AD!/!/Date: !AD!/Time: !AD!/Extract Region Characteristics!/!_Blk Size: !AD!/!_Rec Size: !AD!/!_Key Size: !AD!/!_Std Null Coll: !AD!/!AD!/ZGOQPRECHNumeric precision in key error: Blk #!UL, Key #!UL. Record not loaded.:LDGOQFMT'Corrupt GOQ format header information!/(BEGINSTBeginning LOAD at #!UL:INVMVXSZ&Invalid block size for GOQ load format@ JNLWRTNOWWRTR'Journal writer attempting another writeBMUPGDERR.Command aborted due to global directory errorsz JNLINVALLOCcJournal file allocation !UL is not within the valid range of !UL to !UL. Journal file not created.z JNLINVEXTfJournal file extension !UL is greater than the maximum allowed size of !UL. Journal file not created.6 MUPCLIERR"Action not taken due to CLI errorsT JNLTMQUAL4>Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME="!AZ" is less than AFTER_TIME="!AZ"z JNLBUFFTOOLGcJournal file buffer !UL is greater than the maximum allowed size of !UL. Journal file not created.v JNLBUFFTOOSM_Journal file buffer !UL is less than minimum of database block size in 512 byte pages + 1 (!UL)N MUNODBNAME9A database name or the region qualifier must be specified* FILECREATE!AD file !AD created0 FILENOTCREATE!AD file !AD not createdB JNLPROCSTUCK*Journal file writes blocked by process !ULT INVGLOBALQUAL FNNAMENEG*Depth argument to $NAME cannot be negativeFORDER24Invalid second argument to $ORDER. Must be -1 or 1.F MUNOUPGRD1Database not upgraded because of preceding errorsP REORGCTRLY;User interrupt encountered during database reorg -- halting2 TSTRTPARMError parsing TSTART qualifier. TPSTACKCRITTP Stack space critical( TPSTACKOFLOWTP Stack overflow2TLVLZEROTransaction is not in progressBTRESTNOT/Cannot TRESTART, transaction is not restartableDTPLOCK3Cannot release lock(s) held prior to current TSTARTHTPQUIT7Cannot QUIT out of a routine with an active transaction@TPFAIL.Transaction COMMIT failed. Failure code: !AD.W<$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;9M"2FTPRETRY3Restart transaction from non-concurrency DB failure. TPTOODEEP$TLEVEL cannot exceed 127* ZDEFACTIVEZDEFER already active6 ZDEFOFLOW"ZDEFER Buffer overflow to node !ADB MUPRESTERR-MUPIP restore aborted due to preceding errorsJ MUBCKNODIR5MUPIP backup aborted due to error in output directoryN TRANS2BIG:Transaction exceeded available buffer space for region !AD2 INVBITLENInvalid size of the bit string& INVBITSTRInvalid bit string6 INVBITPOS"Invalid position in the bit string$ PARNORMALParse successful*PARBUFSMParse buffer too small0 RMWIDTHTOOBIGFile record size too big2 PATTABNOTFNDPattern table !AD not found: OBJFILERR&Error with object file I/O on file !AD: SRCFILERR&Error with source file I/O on file !ADL NEGFRACPWR6Invalid operation: fractional power of negative number>MTNOSKIP+SKIP operation not supported on this deviceP CETOOMANY MUNOACTION(MUPIP unable to perform requested actionR RMBIGSHARE ZCENTNAME*No entry name found in external call table.ZCCOLONColon expected but not found&ZCRTNTYPUnknown return type: ZCRCALLNAME#Routine name expected but not found< ZCRPARMNAME%Parameter name expected but not found,ZCUNTYPEUnknown type encountered\ ZCMLTSTATUSFMultiple entries of xc_status in a single entry in external call table: ZCSTATUSRET#External call returned error statusH ZCMAXPARAM3Exceeded maximum number of external call parameters2ZCCSQRBRClosing Square bracket expectedH ZCPREALLNUMEX/Pre-allocation value should be a decimal numberVZCPREALLVALPAR=Pre-allocation allowed only for variables passed by referenceV VERMISMATCH?Attempt to access !AD with version !AD, while already using !ADNJNLCNTRL;Journal control unsynchronized. Journaling closed for !AD.d JNLMEMDSKPJournal file unsynchronized with the journal buffer. Journaling closed for !AD. BUFRDTIMEOUTPid [0x!XL] timed out waiting for buffered read of blk [0x!XL] into cr [0x!XL] by process [0x!XL] to complete in database file !ADn INVALIDRIPXInvalid read-in-progress field in Cache Record. Resetting and continuing. Region: !AD.0 BLKSIZ512Block size !UL rounds to !UL6MUTEXERR"Mutual Exclusion subsystem failure|JNLVSIZEhJournal File !AD has incorrect virtual_filesize !UL. Allocation is !UL extension is !UL filesize is !UL MUTEXLCKALERTjMutual Exclusion subsystem ALERT - lock attempt threshold crossed for region !AD. Process !UL is in crit.~ MUTEXFRCDTERMfMutual Exclusion subsystem detected forced termination of process !UL. Crit salvaged from region !AD.: GTMSECSHR&!UL : Error during gtmsecshr operationzGTMSECSHRSRVFID_!AD: !UL - Attempt to service request failed.!/ client id: !UL, mesg type: !UL, mesg data: !UL.tGTMSECSHRSRVFILZ!AD: !UL - Attempt to service request failed.!/ client id: !UL, mesg type: !UL!/file: !AD.> SOCKACTNA)Action not appropriate for current socket0 PROTNOTSUPProtocol !AD not supported6 DELIMSIZNA!Delimiter size is not appropriate. INVCTLMNEInvalid control mnemonics0 SOCKLISTENError listening on a socketZ LQLENGTHNAEListening queue length !UL not appropriate. Must be between 1 and 5.h ADDRTOOLONGRSocket address !AD of length !UL is longer than the maximum permissible length !UL< LSNCONNOTCMP%Listen and connect are not compatible@ CPBEYALLOC+Attempt to copy beyond the allocated buffer.DBRDONLYDatabase file !AD read only`DUPTNODuplicate transaction found [TN = 0x!16@XJ] at offset 0x!XL in journal file !ADDTRESTLOC0Transaction start: !AD, Transaction failure: !ADT REPLPOOLINSTMEMORYRECURSIVE#Memory Subsystem called recursively^FREEZEIDKCache !AD on !AD by freeze id 0x!XL with match 0x!XL from the routine 0x!XLT BLKWRITERR>Unable to queue disk write for block 0x!XL. Will keep trying.T STOPTIMEOUT=Waited too long for stopped process to release. Region: !AD.`BACKUP2MANYKILLFToo many large kills in progress to start operation. Try again later.@ BCKUPBUFLUSH(Unable to flush buffer for online backupZ NOFORKCOREDUnable to fork off process to create core. Core creation postponed.HJNLREAD5Error reading from journal file !AD at offset [0x!XL]X JNLMINALIGNBJournal Record Alignment !UL is less than the minimum value of !ULL JNLDSKALIGN5Journal Record Alignment !UL is not a multiple of 5120 JNLPOOLSETUPJournal Pool setup error~ JNLSTATEOFFhROLLBACK or RECOVER BACKWARD cannot proceed as database file !AD does not have journaling ENABLED and ON0 RECVPOOLSETUPReceive Pool setup error>REPLCOMM+Replication subsystem communication failure` NOREPLCTDREGIReplication subsystem found no region replicated for global directory !AZREPLINFO!ADREPLWARN!ADREPLERR!ADjJNLNMBKNOTPRCDQJournal file !AD does not match the current journal file !AD of database file !AD@ REPLFILIOERR(Replication subsystem file I/O error !ADh REPLBRKNTRANSOReplication subsystem found seqno !16@XJ broken or missing in the journal filesH TTWIDTHTOOBIG0Terminal WIDTH exceeds the maximum allowed limitb REPLLOGOPNMReplication subsystem could not open log file !AD: !AD. Logging done to !AD.: REPLFILTER$Replication filter subsystem failureN GBLMODFAIL9Global variable Conflict Test failed. Failure code: !AD.JTTLENGTHTOOBIG1Terminal LENGTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit( TPTIMEOUTTransaction timeoutR DEFEREVENT=Transfer table reset for event type !UL when set for type !UL0 JNLFILNOTCHGJournal file not changed6 EVENTLOGERR Error in event logging subsystem0UPDATEFILEOPENUpdate file open errorf JNLBADRECFMTOJournal File Record Format Error encountered for file !AD at disk address 0x!XLL NULLCOLLDIFF5Null collation order must be the same for all regionspMUKILLIP\Kill in progress indicator is set for file !AD, incorrectly marked busy errors should follow. JNLRDONLYJournal file !AD read onlyn ANCOMPTINCXDeviceparameter !AD is not compatible with any other deviceparameters in the !AD commandh ABNCOMPTINCQDeviceparameter !AD and deviceparameter !AD are not compatible in the !AD commandL GTMSECSHRLOGF3!AD - !UL : Error while creating gtmsecshr log file* SOCKNOTFNDSocket !AD not found` CURRSOCKOFRICurrent socket of index !UL is out of range. There are only !UL sockets.0 SOCKETEXISTSocket !AD already existsh LISTENPASSBNDOControlmnemonic LISTEN can be applied to PASSIVE socket in the state BOUND only. DBCLNUPINFODatabase file !AD !/!ADH MUNODWNGRD3Database not downgraded because of preceding errorsd REPLTRANS2BIGKTransaction !16@XJ of size !UL too large to be accommodated in the !AD pool\ RDFLTOOLONGFLength specified for fixed length read exceeds the maximum string sizeB MUNOFINISH,MUPIP unable to finish all requested actions`DBFILEXTMDatabase file !AD extended from 0x!XL blocks to 0x!XL at transaction 0x!16@XJB JNLFSYNCERR,Error synchronizing journal file !AD to disk> FSYNCTIMOUT'Timed out on fsync for journal file !ADTZCPREALLVALINV;The pre-allocation value exceeded the maximum string length\NEWJNLFILECREATAJournal file !AD nearing maximum size. New journal file created.\ DSKSPACEFLOWDDisk Space for file !AD nearing maximum size. !UL blocks available.F GVINCRFAIL1Global variable $INCR failed. Failure code: !AD.tISOLATIONSTSCHNYError changing NOISOLATION status for global ^!AD within a TP transaction from !UL to !UL` REPLGBL2LONGHGlobal names longer than 8 characters cannot be handled at the secondarydTRACEONRMissing global name (with optional subscripts) for recording M-tracing informationZTOOMANYCLIENTSAGT.CM is serving the maximum number of clients. Try again later.8 NOEXCLUDE$None of the excluded variables existhGVINCRISOLATIONM$INCREMENT cannot be performed on global ^!AD as it has NOISOLATION turned ONb EXCLUDEREORGJGlobal: !AD is present in the EXCLUDE option. REORG will skip the global.HREORGINC4Reorg was incomplete. Not all globals were reorged.HASC2EBCDICCONV/ASCII/EBCDIC conversion failed when calling !AD@GTMSECSHRSTART'!AD - !UL : gtmsecshr failed to startupDBVERPERFWARN1Performance warning: Database !AD is running in compatibility mode which degrades performance. Run MUPIP REORG UPGRADE for best overall performanceZ FILEIDGBLSECCFile ID in global section does not match with the database file !ADF GBLSECNOTGDS/Global Section !AD is not a GT.M global sectionV BADGBLSECVER>Global Section !AD does not match the current database versionXLEFTOVERGBLSEC?Database access is suspended due to leftover global section !ADR BUFFLUFAILED;Error flushing buffers from MUPIP !AD for database file !AD@ MUQUALINCOMP)Incompatible qualifiers - FILE and REGIONB DISTPATHMAX,$gtm_dist path is greater than maximum (!UL)zMAXTRACEHEIGHTaThe maximum trace tree height (!UL) has been exceeded. The trace information will be incomplete.J IMAGENAME6The executing module name should be !AD instead of !ADf GTMSECSHRPERMNThe gtmsecshr module in $gtm_dist does not have the correct permission and uidD GTMDISTUNDEF-Environment variable $gtm_dist is not defined\SYSCALLIError received from system call !AD -- called from module !AD at line !ULN MAXGTMPATH9The executing module path is greater than the maximum !ULR TROLLBK2DEEP;Intended rollback(!SL) deeper than the current $tlevel(!UL)` INVROLLBKLVLIRollback level (!UL) not less than current $TLEVEL(!UL). Can't rollback. OLDBINEXTRACTLoading an older version(!UL) of binary extract. !/Database or global collation changes since the extract, if any, will result in database corruption.X ACOMPTBINCBDeviceparameter !AD is compatible with only !AD in the command !AD~ NOTREPLICATEDeTransaction number !16@XJ generated by the !AD process (PID = !UL) is not replicated to the secondaryB DBPREMATEOF,Premature end of file with database file !ADD KILLBYSIG/!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !ULpKILLBYSIGUINFOW!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL from process !UL with userid number !ULhKILLBYSIGSINFO1N!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL at address 0x!XL (vaddr 0x!XL)ZKILLBYSIGSINFO2@!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL at address 0x!XL: SIGILLOPC&Signal was caused by an illegal opcode< SIGILLOPN'Signal was caused by an illegal operand@ SIGILLADR,Signal was caused by illegal addressing mode8 SIGILLTRP$Signal was caused by an illegal trap< SIGPRVOPC(Signal was caused by a privileged opcode> SIGPRVREG*Signal was caused by a privileged register< SIGCOPROC(Signal was caused by a coprocessor error@ SIGBADSTK,Signal was caused by an internal stack errorB SIGADRALN.Signal was caused by invalid address alignmentH SIGADRERR4Signal was caused by a non-existent physical addressJ SIGOBJERR6Signal was caused by an object specific hardware errorD SIGINTDIV/Signal was caused by an integer divided by zero< SIGINTOVF(Signal was caused by an integer overflowH SIGFLTDIV4Signal was caused by a floating point divide by zeroB SIGFLTOVF.Signal was caused by a floating point overflowD SIGFLTUND/Signal was cauN$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;9HT"Tsed by a floating point underflowH SIGFLTRES4Signal was caused by a floating point inexact resultL SIGFLTINV8Signal was caused by an invalid floating point operationL SIGMAPERR7Signal was caused by an address not mapped to an objectN SIGACCERR:Signal was caused by invalid permissions for mapped object` TRNLOGFAILKTranslation of (VMS) logical name or (UNIX) environment variable !AD failedz INVDBGLVLfInvalid non-numeric debug level specified !AD in (VMS) logical name or (UNIX) environment variable !AD@ DBMAXNRSUBS)!AD Maximum number of subscripts exceeded<GTMSECSHRSCKSEL!gtmsecshr select on socket failed>GTMSECSHRTMOUT%gtmsecshr exiting due to idle timeoutBGTMSECSHRRECVF)gtmsecshr receive on server socket failed@GTMSECSHRSENDF>msecshr send on server socket failedD SIZENOTVALID8,Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8@GTMSECSHROPCMP>msecshr operation may be compromised@GTMSECSHRSUIDF>msecshr server setuid to root failed@GTMSECSHRSGIDF>msecshr server setgid to root failed8GTMSECSHRSSIDFgtmsecshr server setsid failedLGTMSECSHRFORKF3gtmsecshr server unable to fork off a child processB DBFSYNCERR-Error synchronizing database file !AD to disk SECONDAHEADSecondary ahead of primary. !/ Secondary database possibly updated by process other than the update process. First perform rollback.D SCNDDBNOUPD-Database Updates not allowed on the secondary( MUINFOUINT4!AD : !UL [0x!XL]NNLMISMATCHCALC5Location of !AD expected at 0x!XL, but found at 0x!XLGTMSECSHRLOGSWHpError switching gtmsecshr log file gtmsecshr log -- !AD original log -- !AD error phase -- !AD process id -- !ULGTMSECSHRDEFLOGg$gtm_log is either undefined or not defined to an absolute path, thus gtm_log is set to its default !AD. DBBADNSUB!AD Bad numeric subscript$ DBBADKYNM!AD Bad key name6 DBBADPNTR"!AD Bad pointer value in directory6DBBNPNTR#!AD Bit map block number as pointer0DBINCLVL!AD Block at incorrect levelNDBBFSTAT;!AD Block busy/free status unknown (local bitmap corrupted)0 DBBDBALLOC!AD Block doubly allocated6 DBMRKFREE!!AD Block incorrectly marked free6 DBMRKBUSY!!AD Block incorrectly marked busy. DBBSIZZRO!AD Block size equals zero6 DBSZGT64K"!AD Block size is greater than 64K> DBNOTMLTP*!AD Block size not a multiple of 512 bytes: DBTNTOOLG&!AD Block transaction number too large@ DBBPLMLT512)!AD Blocks per local map is less than 512@ DBBPLMGT2K+!AD Blocks per local map is greater than 2K, MUINFOUINT8!AD : !@ZJ [0x!16@XJ]: DBBPLNOT512#!AD Blocks per local map is not 512 MUINFOSTR !AD : !ADH DBUNDACCMT2!AD Cannot determine access method; trying with BG<DBTNNEQ)!AD Current tn and early tn are not equal> MUPGRDSUCC)Database file !AD successfully !AD to !AD DBDSRDFMTCHNGlDatabase file !AD, Desired DB Format set to !AD by !AD with pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number [0x!16@XJ]FDBFGTBC4!AD File size larger than block count would indicateHDBFSTBC5!AD File size smaller than block count would indicate: DBFSTHEAD%!AD File smaller than database headerd DBCREINCOMPM!AD Header indicates database file creation was interrupted before completionB DBFLCORRP-!AD Header indicates database file is corrupt: DBHEADINV&!AD Header size not valid for database: DBINCRVER&!AD Incorrect version of GT.M database6DBINVGBL"!AD Invalid mixing of global names4 DBKEYGTIND!AD Key greater than index key8 DBGTDBMAX$!AD Key larger than database maximum> DBKGTALLW*!AD Key larger than maximum allowed length:DBLTSIBL&!AD Keys less than sibling's index key> DBLRCINVSZ)!AD Last record of block has invalid sizeMUREUPDWNGRDENDgRegion !AD : MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE finished by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number [0x!16@XJ]0 DBLOCMBINC!AD Local bit map incorrect:DBLVLINC&!AD Local bitmap block level incorrect, DBMBSIZMX!AD Map block too large, DBMBSIZMN!AD Map block too small@ DBMBTNSIZMX*!AD Map block transaction number too largeZ DBMBMINCFRED!AD Master bit map incorrectly asserts this local map has free spaceN DBMBPINCFL8!AD Master bit map incorrectly marks this local map fullZ DBMBPFLDLBMD!AD Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with disk local mapV DBMBPFLINTA!AD Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with MUPIP INTEGl DBMBPFLDISW!AD Master bit map shows this map full, in disagreement with both disk and INTEG result` DBMBPFRDLBMI!AD Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with disk local map\ DBMBPFRINTF!AD Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with MUPIP INTEGN DBMAXKEYEXC8!AD Maximum key size for database exceeds design maximum\ DBMXRSEXCMIND!AD Maximum record size for database is less than the design minimumb DBMAXRSEXBLL!AD Maximum record size for database exceeds what the block size can support,DBREADBM!AD Read error on bitmapB DBCOMPTOOLRG*!AD Record has too large compression countDBVERPERFWARN2lPeformance warning: Database !AD is not fully upgraded. Run MUPIP REORG UPGRADE for best overall performanceR DBRBNTOOLRGSTARTRECOVERY last used in V4.3-001E (release-date 2003/02/15)T UNUSEDMSG970Error while getting terminal attributes on file descriptor !ULR TCSETATTR>Error while setting terminal attributes on file descriptor !ULp IOWRITERR[IO Write by pid 0x!XL to blk 0x!XL of database file !AD failed. Pid 0x!XL retrying the IO.T UNUSEDMSG1009 FREEMEMORY(Error occurred freeing memory from 0x!XL6 MUREPLSECDELReplication section !AD deleted>MUREPLSECNOTDEL#Replication section !AD not deletedtMUJPOOLRNDWNSUCYJnlpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD successfully rundowntMURPOOLRNDWNSUCZRecvpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD successfully rundownlMUJPOOLRNDWNFLSJnlpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD rundown failednMURPOOLRNDWNFLTRecvpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD rundown failed4 MUREPLPOOLError with replpool section !AD^ REPLACCSEMHError with replication access semaphore (id = !UL) for instance file !ADPJNLFLUSHNOPROG6No progress while attempting to flush journal file !ADT UNUSEDMSG1023 DLLNOCLOSE)Failed to unload external dynamic libraryxFILTERNOTALIVE^Replication server detected that the filter is not alive while attempting to send seqno !16@XJF FILTERCOMM0Error communicating seqno !16@XJ with the filter@ FILTERBADCONV(Bad conversion of seqno !16@XJ by filter UNUSEDMSG1044RGVQUERYGETFAIL9Global variable QUERY and GET failed. Failure code: !AD.nDBCREC2BIGINBLKTA Record in block 0x!8XL has a length greater than the maximum (!UL) in database !ADL MERGEDESC8Merge operation not possible. !AD is descendent of !AD.R MERGEINCOMPL;Error encountered during MERGE; operation may be incompletepDBNAMEMISMATCHWDatabase file !AZ (region !AD) referenced by shared memory (id = !SL) is not accessible DBIDMISMATCH{Database file !AZ id (region !AD) does not match file id in shared memory (id = !SL). !/Ensure region is properly rundown.( DEVOPENFAILError opening !ADJ IPCNOTDEL5!AD : !AD did not delete IPC resources for region !ADr XCVOIDRET^Attempt to return a value from function !AD, which is declared void in external call table !ADz MURAIMGFAILdMupip recover or rollback failed while processing an after-image journal record. Failure code: !AD.b REPLINSTUNDEFIReplication instance environment variable $gtm_repl_instance is undefinedD REPLINSTACC-Error accessing replication instance file !ADR NOJNLPOOL=No journal pool info found in the replication instance of !ADT NORECVPOOL>No receiver pool info found in the replication instance of !AD4FTOKERR"Error getting ftok of the file !ADhREPLREQRUNDOWNOError accessing replication instance !AD. Must be rundown on cluster node !AD.zBLKCNTEDITFAILaMupip recover or rollback failed to correct the block count field in the file header for file !AD> SEMREMOVED(Semaphore id !SL removed from the systembREPLINSTINCORRVHReplication instance file was not created by the current version of GT.MZ SEMKEYINUSEDSemaphore key 0x!XL is already in use (possibly by an older version)^ XTRNTRANSERRGError attempting to generate an environment using an external algorithmj XTRNTRANSDLLRError during extended reference environment translation. Check the above message.| XTRNRETVALfLength of return value (!SL) from extended reference translation algorithm is not in the range [0,!UL]X XTRNRETSTRCReturn string from extended reference translation algorithm is NULL4 INVECODEVALInvalid value for $ECODE (!AD)PSETECODEwt¼̤yu܈f]7Ճ4"I{9G'aoD -t7 ߬etS%3V ϻWC& ^OcћﮀJ:.5eSioȉ^7٧隂K5ۚyӕ\PUB0/lI{Ս#ºNr|^ɑx l(3xG{򈭮D&^/)#I[sKs=,6Sá}t O7ܵ|Z,yjrTf猈Le{ft-7+s և@+LpɤwyCPzU՟{U!?Ǵ#SSPpNZ7.Rq[ۺS2x@RB3#akx)B1F0BA}lͮ?܏|y/F-S@S66?q34ҟnGwt d6/@j;-.3EC:qe+F'7JN㓧2nRv(XbHvzL6 [?QjD|$7PWa!_T[u}$͖~K <%7n)ͽyЪa74EO2q(QC~5qz>noT?9(- xLd!fզ^W!# f=1߶pǾ? 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GTMDCDEFINE.COM defines symbols for DBCERTIFY.EXE and V5CBSU.EXE." $ WRITE OUFILE "$! It calls GTMLOGIN.COM to setup the exist@U3$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;9"vblehJNLINVSWITCHLMTMJournal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL] falls outside of allowed limits [!UL] and [!UL]8SETZDIR&Cannot change working directory to !ADH JOBACTREF3Actual parameter in job command passed by referencex ECLOSTMIDc$ECODE overflow, the first and last ecodes are retained, but some intervening ecodes have been lostvZFF2MANYcNumber of characters specified for ZFF deviceparameter (!UL) is more than the maximum allowed (!UL)6 JNLFSYNCLSTCKJournaling fsync lock is stuckB DELIMWIDTH-Delimiter length !UL exceeds device width !UL DBBMLCORRUPTDatabase !AD : Bitmap blk [0x!XL] is corrupt (size = [0x!XL], levl = [0x!XL], tn = [0x!16@XJ]) : Dbtn = [0x!16@XJ] : Database integrity errors likely DLCKAVOIDANCEPossible deadlock detected: Database !AD : Dbtn [0x!16@XJ] : t_tries [0x!XL] : dollar_trestart [0x!XL] : now_crit [0x!XL] : TP transaction restartedv WRITERSTUCK`Buffer flush stuck waiting for [0x!XL] concurrent writers to finish writing to database file !ADT PATNOTFOUND=Current pattern table has no characters with pattern code !ADB INVZDIRFORM+Invalid value (!UL) specified for ZDIR_FORMP ZDIROUTOFSYNC7$ZDIRECTORY !AD is not the same as its cached value !AD0 GBLNOEXISTGlobal !AD no longer exists6 MAXBTLEVEL Global !AD reached maximum levelJ JNLSTRESTFL3Failed to restore journaling state for database !ADh JNLALIGNSZCHGPJournal ALIGNSIZE is rounded up to !UL blocks (closest next higher power of two)| MAXTRACELEVELcThe maximum traceable level of !UL has been exceeded. The frame information will not be maintained.R GVFAILCORE DDPNOCONNECT'Named volume set, !AD, is not connected& DDPCONGESTAgent congestion* DDPSHUTDOWNServer has shut down@DDPTOOMANYPROCS%Maximum process limit of !UL exceededNDDPBADRESPONSE4DDP invalid response code: !XB; message text follows. DDPINVCKTInvalid format for CIRCUIT>DDPVOLSETCONFIG#Volume Set Configuration file error> DDPCONFGOOD'Volume Set Configuration entry accepted> DDPCONFIGNORE%Volume Set Configuration line ignoredBDDPCONFINCOMPL)Volume Set Configuration entry incompleteH DDPCONFBADVOL/Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid volumeD DDPCONFBADUCI,Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid uciR DDPCONFBADGLD9Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid global directory<DDPRECSIZNOTNUM"Maximum record size is not numericR DDPOUTMSG2BIG9DDP message too big to be accommodated in outbound buffer: DDPNOSERVER$DDP Server not running on local node MUTEXRELEASEDtProcess !UL [0x!XL] has released the critical section for database !AD to avoid deadlock. $TLEVEL: !UL t_tries: !UL` JNLCRESTATUSI!AD at line !UL for journal file !AD, database file !AD encountered errorP ZBREAKFAIL:Could not set breakpoint at !AD due to insufficient memory DLLVERSION~Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with an incompatible version of GT.M. Recompile with the current version and re-link.J INVZROENT5!AD is neither a directory nor an object library(DLL) DDPLOGERR!AD: !AD\ GETSOCKNAMERRCGetting the socket name failed from getsockname(): (errno==!UL) !ADj INVGTMEXITUInappropriate invocation of gtm_exit. gtm_exit cannot be invoked from external calls. CIMAXPARAMuExceeded maximum number of parameters in the call-in table entry. An M routine cannot accept more than 32 parameters.F CITPNESTED0Call-ins can not be used inside a TP transactionX CIMAXLEVELSAToo many nested Call-ins. Nested resources exhaused at level !UL.2JOBINTRRETHROWJob interrupt redelivered@STARFILE-Star(*) argument cannot be specified with !ADD NOSTARFILE/Only star(*) argument can be specified with !AD MUJNLSTAT !AD at !AD JNLTPNESTvMupip journal command found nested TP transactions for journal file !AD at offset 0x!XL at transaction number 0x!16@XJf REPLOFFJNLONNReplication state for database file !AD is OFF but journaling state is enabled2 FILEDELFAILDeletion of file !AD failed\ INVQUALTIMEEInvalid time qualifier value. Specify as !AD=delta_or_absolute_time.L NOTPOSITIVE5!AD qualifier must be given a value greater than zero> INVREDIRQUAL&Invalid REDIRECT qualifier value. !ADR INVERRORLIM;Invalid ERROR_LIMIT qualifier value. Must be at least zero2 INVIDQUALInvalid ID qualifier value !ADv INVTRNSQUAL`Invalid TRANSACTION qualifier. Specify only one of TRANSACTION=[NO]SET or TRANSACTION=[NO]KILL.x JNLNOBIJBACK`MUPIP JOURNAL BACKWARD cannot continue as journal file !AD does not have before image journalingt SETREG2RESYNC[Setting resync sequence number 0x!16@XJ to region sequence number 0x!16@XJ for database !AD JNLALIGNTOOSMrAlignsize !UL (bytes) is smaller than block size !UL (bytes) for !AD !AD. Using alignsize of !UL (bytes) instead.6 JNLFILEOPNERRError opening journal file !AD8JNLFILECLOSERRError closing journal file !AD\ REPLSTATEOFFDROLLBACK cannot proceed as database !AD does not have replication ONZ MUJNLPREVGENCPrevious generation journal file !AD included for database file !ADMUPJNLINTERRUPTiDatabase file !AD indicates interrupted MUPIP JOURNAL command. Restore from backup for forward recovery.xROLLBKINTERRUPT^Database file !AD indicates interrupted ROLLBACK. Reissue the MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK command.T RLBKJNSEQ?Journal seqno of the instance after rollback is !@ZJ [0x!16@XJ]H REPLRECFMT3Replication journal record format error encountered8 UNUSEDMSG1190MUJNINFO last used in V5.0-FT01B DBFRZRESETFL*Freeze release failed on database file !ADfJNLCYCLERJournal file !AD causes cycle in the journal file generations of database file !ADV JNLPREVRECOV>Journal file has nonzero value in prev_recov_end_of_data field@ RESOLVESEQNO(Resol_"$ GTDC50000.AC[PRO]DBCERTIFY.EXE;9:ving until sequence number 0x!16@XJ~ BOVTNGTEOVTNfJournal file !AD has beginning transaction [0x!16@XJ] which is greater than end transaction [0x!16@XJ]j BOVTMGTEOVTMSJournal file !AD has beginning timestamp [0x!XL] greater than end timestamp [0x!XL]~BEGSEQGTENDSEQeJournal file !AD has beginning sequence number [0x!16@XJ] greater than end sequence number [0x!16@XJ] DBADDRALIGNDatabase file !AD, element location 0x!XL: blk = 0x!XL: [!AD] control 0x!XL was unaligned relative to base 0x!XL and element size 0x!XLDBWCVERIFYSTARTeDatabase file !AD, write cache verification started by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number 0x!16@XJ~ DBWCVERIFYENDfDatabase file !AD, write cache verification finished by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number 0x!16@XJZMUPIPSIGG!AD (signal !UL) issued from process !UL [0x!XL] to process !UL [0x!XL]B HTEXPFAIL.Hash table expansion failed for lack of memoryT STPEXPFAIL>Stringpool expansion failed. It could not expand to !UL bytes.f DBBTUWRNGQThe blocks-to-upgrade file-header field is incorrect. Expected 0x!XL, found 0x!XLb DBBTUFIXEDMThe blocks-to-upgrade file-header field has been changed to the correct valueh DBMAXREC2BIGQMaximum record size (!UL) is too large for this block size (!UL) - Maximum is !ULZDBCSCNNOTCMPLTASpecified DBCERTIFY SCAN output file is not complete - Rerun scan DBCBADFILEmSource file !AD does not appear to have been generated by DBCERTIFY SCAN - rerun SCAN or specify correct file2 DBCNOEXTNDUnable to extend database !ADB DBCINTEGERR+Encountered integrity error in database !ADr DBMINRESBYTESYMinimum RESERVED BYTES value required for certification/upgrade is !UL - Currently is !UL\ DBCNOTSAMEDBEDatabase has been moved or restored since DBCERTIFY SCAN - Rerun scanJDBCDBCERTIFIED0Database !AD has been certified for use with !AD DBCMODBLK2BIGBlock 0x!8XL has been modified since DBCERTIFY SCAN but is still too large or now has an earlier TN than in the scan phase - Rerun scan phase DBCREC2BIGnRecord with key !AD is length !UL in block 0x!8XL which is greater than the maximum length !UL in database !AD^ DBCCMDFAILHExecuted command failed with return code !SL: !AD which executed !AD !ADp DBCKILLIP\Cannot proceed with kill in progress indicator set for database !AD -- Run MUPIP INTEG firstF DBCNOFINISH0DBCERTIFY unable to finish all requested actionst DYNUPGRDFAIL]Unable to dynamically upgrade block 0x!8XL in database !AD due to lack of free space in block MMNODYNDWNGRDhUnable to use dynamic downgrade with MM access method for region !AD. Use BG access method for downgradel MMNODYNUPGRDTUnable to use MM access method for region !AD until all database blocks are upgradedf MUDWNGRDNRDYODatabase !AD is not ready to downgrade - still !UL database blocks to downgrade MUDWNGRDTN|Transaction number 0x!16@XJ in database !AD is too big for MUPIP [REORG] DOWNGRADE. Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET~MUDWNGRDNOTPOSeStart VBN value is [!UL] while downgraded GT.M version can support only [!UL]. Downgrade not possibleb MUUPGRDNRDYKDatabase !AD has not been certified as being ready to upgrade to !AD formatTNWARNDatabase file !AD has 0x!16@XJ more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0x!16@XJ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET TNTOOLARGEoDatabase file !AD has reached the transaction number limit (0x!16@XJ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESETN SHMPLRECOV8Shared memory pool block recovery invoked for region !ADt MUNOSTRMBKUP]Database !AD has a block size larger than !UL and thus cannot use stream (incremental) backup EPOCHTNHI|At the EPOCH record at offset !UL of !AD transaction number [0x!16@XJ] is higher than database transaction number [0x!16@XJ] CHNGTPRSLVTMxMupip will change tp_resolve_time from !UL to !UL because expected EPOCH or EOF record was not found in Journal File !ADZ JNLUNXPCTERRBUnexpected error encountered for Journal !AD at disk address 0x!XL. OMISERVHANGGTCM OMI server is hungGTMTX@  <%  a287V%(v89GAAHJ" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; Copyright 2005 Fidelity Information Services, Inc ; ; ; ; This source code contains the intellectual property ; ; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ; ; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ; ; the license, please stop and do not read further. ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; V5 Block Split Utility. ; ; Reads scan phase output file from DBCERTIFY and processes level-0 GVT blocks. ; Rewrites the scan phase output file minus those blocks. ; ; Note that our input and output files contain binary data in the file and ; record headers. GT.M I/O does not deal with this type of data well so these binary ; stream files are treated as fixed record length files so far as GT.M is concerned ; and we do our own buffering of the read and write IOs. This is basically the same ; approach that GDE uses. ; v5cbsu Set p1outfile=$ZCMDLINE If p1outfile="" Use $P Write "Must specify the name of the SCAN phase output file",! Halt D init Do doopen(.p1outfile,readflg) D readp1hd If p1tag'=p1tagread Use $P Write "%GTM-E-DBCBADFILE, Source file ",p1outfile," does not appear to have been generated by DBCERTIFY SCAN - rerun SCAN or specify correct file",! Quit If (0=gvtleafc) Use $P Write "There are no GVT leaf (level 0) blocks to process in this database",! Quit If version>"V4.4-004" View "GVDUPSETNOOP":0 Set dbfname=$View("GVFILE",regnameP) If dbfnP'=dbfname Use $P Write "Database for region ",regnameP,"(",dbfname,") does not match the recorded name from the scan phase (",dbfnP,")",! Quit ; ; Process the input file. Any records we do not handle are rewritten to tmpfile1. ; Do doopen(.tmpfile1,writeflg) Set outrecs=0,byprecs=0,prorecs=0,releaf=0 For rec=1:1:blkcnt Do . If $TLevel Use $P Zshow "*" Write "V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: $TLEVEL non zero at top of processing loop",! Halt . Do readp1rc . If ""=reckey Do Quit ; If reckey="", then not a record we can process . . Do dowrite(.tmpfile1,p1rec) . . Set outrecs=outrecs+1 . . If gvtleaf=blktype Set releaf=releaf+1 ; This is a leaf block we cannot process (no key) . . Quit . TStart () . Set exist=$DATA(@reckey) . If (1=exist)!(11=exist) Set value=$Get(@reckey) Set @reckey=value TCommit Set prorecs=prorecs+1 . Else TRollback Set byprecs=byprecs+1 ; ; Close input and output files. Open new output file that will include the fileheader with the correct record count ; Do doclose(.p1outfile) Do doclose(.tmpfile1) Set newp1hdr=p1tag_$$num2bin(hdrtn)_$$num2bin(outrecs)_$$num2bin(totblks)_$$num2bin(dtleafc)_$$num2bin(dtindxc) Set newp1hdr=newp1hdr_$$num2bin(releaf)_$$num2bin(gvtindxc)_regname_$Char(0)_dbfn_$Char(0)_$$num2bin(uidlen)_uniqueid Set $Piece(hdrpad,$C(0),33-$Length(uniqueid)+filBufSz-360)="" ; Create padding of zeroes of correct length to fill fixed size hdr Set newp1hdr=newp1hdr_hdrpad If $Length(newp1hdr)'=p1hdrlen Use $P Zshow "*" Write "V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: New fileheader not expected size. Size is ",$Length(newp1hdr)," - Expecting ",p1hdrlen,! Halt Do doopen(.tmpfile1,readflg) Do doopen(.tmpfile2,writeflg) Do dowrite(.tmpfile2,newp1hdr) For recs=1:1:outrecs Do . Set tmprec=$$doread(.tmpfile1,p1reclen) . Do dowrite(.tmpfile2,tmprec) ; ; New version of dbcertp1 file is written to tmpfile2. Close both files and effect the proper name change. ; Do doclose(.tmpfile1) Do doclose(.tmpfile2) If VMS Set rename="RENAME" Set delete="DELETE" Set delver=".*" Else Set rename="mv" Set delete="rm" Set delver="" ZSystem delete_" "_p1outfile_delver ZSystem rename_" "_tmpfile2_" "_p1outfile ZSystem delete_" "_tmpfile1_delver Use $P Write "Scan phase records read: ",blkcnt,! Write "Scan phase records bypassed: ",byprecs,! Write "Scan phase records processed: ",prorecs,! Write "Scan phase records left: ",outrecs,! Quit ; ; Read in scan phase file header ; readp1hd Set p1hdr=$$doread(.p1outfile,p1hdrlen) Set p1tagread=$Extract(p1hdr,1,8) Set hdrtn=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,9,12)) Set blkcnt=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,13,16)) Set totblks=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,17,20)) Set dtleafc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,21,24)) Set dtindxc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,25,28)) Set gvtleafc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,29,32)) Set gvtindxc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,33,36)) Set regname=$Extract(p1hdr,37,67) ; 1 byte of filler we don't care about Set dbfn=$Extract(p1hdr,69,323) ; 1 byte of filler we don't care about Set uidlen=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,325,328)) ; Size of field varys (by platform) length unique id fields (we don't process them) Set uniqueid=$Extract(p1hdr,329,329+uidlen-1) ; Eliminate trailing nulls Set regnameP=$Piece(regname,$Char(0),1) Set dbfnP=$Piece(dbfn,$Char(0),1) ; Now that we have a region name, define our temps with regname embedded Set tmpfile1="dbcertp1"_regnameP_".tmp1" Set tmpfile2="dbcertp1"_regnameP_".tmp2" Quit ; ; Read in scan phase record (fixed size with optional varying length ascii key following) ; readp1rc Set p1rec=$$doread(.p1outfile,p1reclen) Set tn=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,1,4)) Set blknum=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,5,8)) Set blktype=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,9,12)) Set blklevl=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,13,16)) Set akeylen=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,17,20)) If (blktype=gvtleaf)&(0'=akeylen) Set reckey=$$doread(.p1outfile,akeylen) Else Set reckey="" If (0'=akeylen) Use $P ZShow "*" Write "V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: Error with non-zero akeylen for non-gvtleaf record",! Halt Quit ; ; Open given file (1st arg MUST be passed by refence) in read or write mode according to flag. Record flag ; in file(1) so close knows whether to flush buffer or not. Buffer for this file is kept in file(2) ; doopen(file,readflag) Set file(1)=readflag If readflag Open file:@("(Readonly:Fixed:RecordSize="_filBufSz_":Blocksize="_filBufSz_")") Else Open file:@("(New:Fixed:RecordSize="_filBufSz_":Blocksize="_filBufSz_")") Set file(2)="" ; Buffer for this file Quit ; ; Read given length from given file. Buffer is kept in file(2). We are rebuffering filBufSz byte fixed records ; at the real IO level for the reasons described in the module header. ; doread(file,len) New rec,br ; A record with ZWR format key can be very long indeed so read more than enough blocks to cover that ; possibility. The max is higher than needs to be but satisfies criteria of not leaving the loop unbounded. 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