--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Telescope Science Institute Tools Group (OSB) Submission Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pacakage contains all source, objects, and executables for a series of tools developed in the OSB Tools Group at the Space Telescope Science Institue in Baltimore Md. Check Map (CKMAP) Tool - scans a VMS link map(s) for PSECT mismatches and undefined symbols and reports these accordingly. Disk Report Tool - The Disk Report tool scans one or more directory log files creating a series of reports summarizing disk space utilization. Show Merged CMS Classes - compares all of the elements in a CMS library class to see if they are also inserted, or ``merged'' into another class in that same CMS library. Remote CMS Server - provides an interface to CMS libraries on a different DECnet node. MMS Generator For Source (MMSGEN) - is used to generate a compile MMS for FORTRAN, MACRO, SCAN, C, or MESSAGE source. Link Check Tool (LNKCHK) - The Link Check tool verifies the existence of all input files on a link command, passing the command onto the Linker if all inputs exist.