! %TITLE 'CTYTEST' MODULE ctytest (IDENT = 'V01.01', ! File: CTYTEST.BLI MAIN = ctytest ) = BEGIN !+ ! SWITCHES: !- SWITCHES ADDRESSING_MODE (EXTERNAL = GENERAL, NONEXTERNAL = WORD_RELATIVE); !+ ! TABLE OF CONTENTS: !- FORWARD ROUTINE ctytest, kernel_routine; !+ ! INCLUDE FILES: !- LIBRARY 'SYS$LIBRARY:LIB'; ! VMS dependent macros/symbols. LIBRARY '[-]CONSOLIO_LIB'; ROUTINE ctytest = BEGIN LOCAL status; IF NOT (status = $cmkrnl (routin = kernel_routine)) THEN SIGNAL (.status); .status END; ! End of routine CTYTEST ROUTINE kernel_routine = BEGIN LOCAL txcs, rxcs, ans : VECTOR [20, BYTE], anslen; _owncty (txcs = txcs, rxcs = rxcs); _outzstring (string = 'abc'); _outcrlf; _outcstring (string = 'txcs = '); _outhex (value = .txcs); _outblank; _outcstring (string = 'rxcs = '); _outhex (value = .rxcs); _outcrlf; %IF 0 %THEN anslen = _read_prompt (prompt = 'What to do? ', len = 20, string = ans [0]); _outchar (char = '"'); _putstring (string = ans [0], len = .anslen); _outzstring (string = '" Length = %X'''); _outhex (value = .anslen); _putchar (char = ''''); _outcrlf; %FI _releasecty (txcs = .txcs, rxcs = .rxcs); RETURN (ss$_normal); END; ! End of routine KERNEL_ROUTINE END ! End of module DUMMY ELUDOM