Enclosed are the patches for g++ 1.36.4 on VMS. I have also upgraded the gcc-cc1plus.exe on mango.miami.edu for those that don't wish to build the compiler themselves. If you previously FTP'ed g++ from mango, do so again. At least you'll get the corrected ctype.h for VMS. makefile.vms and make-cc1plus.com have also been upgraded to reflect new source files in g++ 1.36.4. gas and gxx have not changed since last released. One needs to add the following line to tm-vms.h to build g++ from scratch: #define NO_DOLLAR_IN_LABEL This fixes the problem where the compiler complains about variables that start with a dollar sign (e.g. the $$PsectAttribute hack for stdin, stdout, stderr). One can not link objects compiled by a previous version of g++ with objects generated by the 1.36.4 version because the above patch changes an internal compiler naming scheme. This version of g++ is based on gcc 1.36.93 and was compiled with gcc 1.36.93. I am fairly happy with this version as it has compiled InterViews and built an almost usable idraw and sted on VMS. I'll be releasing InterViews diffs in the very near future. Angel Li University of Miami/RSMAS Remote Sensing Group Internet: angel@flipper.miami.edu UUCP: ncar!umigw!angel "Every time you think it weakens the nation."