Enclosed are the patches for g++ 1.37.1 on VMS. I have also upgraded the gcc-cc1plus.exe on mango.miami.edu for those that don't wish to build the compiler themselves. If you previously FTP'ed g++ from mango, do so again. At least you'll get the corrected ctype.h for VMS. makefile.vms and make-cc1plus.com have also been upgraded to reflect new source files in g++ 1.37.1. Also included are patches for gas 1.35. Note that if you use the patches to gas 1.35, you'll need to replace gxx.com. I have added a new option "-h" to gas that disables the hacking of mixed-case symbols. One needs to add the following line to tm-vms.h to build g++ from scratch: #define NO_DOLLAR_IN_LABEL This fixes the problem where the compiler complains about variables that start with a dollar sign (e.g. the $$PsectAttribute hack for stdin, stdout, stderr). One can not link objects compiled by a previous version of g++ with objects generated by the 1.36.4 version because the above patch changes an internal compiler naming scheme. Angel Li University of Miami/RSMAS Remote Sensing Group Internet: angel@flipper.miami.edu UUCP: ncar!umigw!angel "If coconuts don't grow, don't go."