This directory contains the VA Fileman Version 17.7 with documentation from Version 17.7. Directory USER$:[DECUS.MUMPS.FILEMAN] AAAREADME.TXT This file APPENDIX.A FILEMAN Functions FM.ROU;1 DI* Routines FMINIT.ROU DINI* Initialization Routines FMMGR.ROU Manager Routines for Most MUMPS Implementations FMVAXMGR.ROU Manager Routines for VAX DSM only INSTALL.TXT Installation Guidelines (brief) LATEST.DOC Release notes for Version 17.32 PROGRAM.DOC Programmer Documentation (and Installation) USER.DOC User Documentation Additional Documentation is available from the MUMPS Users Group MUMPS USERS' GROUP 4321 Hartwick Road, #510 College Park, MD 20740 (301) 779-6555 D1. "VA FILEMANAGER User's Manual, Version 17.3 - June 1987", 100 pages; and "VA FILEMAN Programmer's Manual, Version 17.3 - June 1987", 48 pages Basic instruction on the most recent version of FileMan as a user's application and as a programmer's utility package. D2. "FILE MANAGER TUTORIALS, APRIL 10, 1985", 71 pages Three FileMan tutorials, "Basic", "Intermediate", and "Advanced", designed for people who are new to FileMan. Each tutorial takes you step by step through several of the FileMan options using a situation or case study. Provides a step-by-step explanation, specific information to enter, and a sample display. D3. "File Manager Module User's Guide, Version 16.3, April 5, 1985", 400 pages Specific FileMan options are described in the context of major procedures: Creating and Editing a File, Retrieving Data, Computed Field Expressions, Organizational and Security Options. Contains an overview for each major procedure with information about the purpose and use of the procedure; prompt-by-prompt descriptions; examples illustrating the system prompts; user responses; and output results. The Guide is an expanded version of the "VA FileMan User's Manual, Version 16". D4. "File Manager Module Programmer's Guide, Version 16.3, May 31, 1985", 200 pages Provides MUMPS programmers with the information necessary to develop programs that interface with the VA's FileMan module. Programmers can use this guide to understand the structure of data in FileMan, to call FileMan routines, to create their own options, and to identify and correct problems with programs. The Guide is an expanded version of the "VA FileMan Programmer's Manual, Version 16". D8. "Intermediate VA FileManager, VA Information Systems Center, San Francisco, California, March 1988" (134 pages) Clear explanations and practical examples of some of the more sophisticated VA FileMan features like Computed Expressions, Functions, Extended Pointers, Triggers, and File Design. (See "MUGPAL $VIEW" in MUMPS NEWS Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1988 for more information.) Two books about VA FileMan are now available from MUG: "A Database Manager User Manual" by Richard G. Davis, Ph.D; 1987; 364 pages; second in a series published by NAVAP. Introduction to the basic characteristics of VA FileMan. Computer generated dialogs concretely illustrate how VA FileMan behaves from the prospective of the user.