% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00y fpޤ @ 5 Keypad@dm1 Keypad 2 BACK_REPLY LEFTC BACK REPLY displays the previous reply in the current discussion.7 You cannot use BACK REPLY if you are reading a topic.B When viewing a directory of entries in your Notebook, LEFT ArrowB moves the pointer (>) backward to the previous entry with a non- zero Unseen count. 2 BACK_TOPIC UP; BACK TOPIC displays the previous topic in the conference.I When viewing a list of items, UP Arrow moves the pointer (>) backward. 2 NEXT_REPLY RIGHT? NEXT REPLY displays the next reply in the current discussion.D When viewing a directory of entries in your Notebook, RIGHT Arrow A moves the pointer (>) forward to the next entry with a non-zero Unseen count.> You cannot use NEXT REPLY if you are reading the last reply. 2 NEXT_TOPIC DOWN7 NEXT TOPIC displays the next topic in the conference.I When viewing a list of items, DOWN Arrow moves the pointer (>) forward.2 CHANGE_PASSWORD PF3fG This will allow you to change your password. You will be prompted forvI the old password -- type the password (it is not echoed). You will then J be prompted for the new password and a verification of the new password.K Type the new password each time. A password is 1 through 31 alphanumeric,vK dollar sign, or underscore characters (uppercase and lowercase charactersi are equivalent).2 REPLYe F17eI When you have something to add to a discussion, first decide whether itwH is a conti\s  SYSUTIL KeypadX SYSUTIL KeypadI  SYSUTIL Keypad`.% SYSUTIL Keypad/$/% SYSUTIL Keypad`&/% SYSUTIL KeypadH% SYSUTIL Keypad@0+ SYSUTIL Keypad s4, SYSUTIL Keypadxh4, SYSUTIL Keypadm n MDURKIN Keypadޤ MDURKIN Keypad fpޤ1 Keypad 2 BACK_REPLY LEFTC BACK REPLY displays the previous reply in the current discussion.7 You cannot use BACK REPLY if you are reading a topic.B When viewing a directory of entries in your Notebook, LEFT ArrowB moves the pointer (>) backward to the previous entry with a non- zero Unseen count. 2 BACK_TOPIC UP; BACK TOPIC displays the previous topic in the conference.I When viewing a list of items, UP Arrow moves the pointer (>) backward. 2  NEXT_REPLY RIGHT? NEXT REPLY displays the next reply in the current discussion.D When viewing a directory of entries in your Notebook, RIGHT Arrow A moves the pointer (>) forward to the next entry with a non-zero Unseen count.> You cannot use NEXT REPLY if you are reading the last reply. 2 NEXT_TOPIC DOWN7 NEXT TOPIC displays the next topic in the conference.I When viewing a list of items, DOWN Arrow moves the pointer (>) forward.2 CHANGE_PASSWORD  PF3G Th is will allow you to change your password. You will be prompted for I the old password -- type the password (it is not echoed). You will thenEJ be prompted for the new password and a verification of the new password.K Type the new password each time. A password is 1 through 31 alphanumeric,rK dollar sign, or underscore characters (uppercase and lowercase charactersp are equivalent).2 REPLYd F17 I When you have something to add to a discussion, first decide whether itH is a contiuation of an existing topic in the conference, in which case you should type: Notes> REPLY G REPLY will allow you to add your reply to the discussion of the topice' you are currently navigating through.i 2 FORWARDM F18C The FORWARD command forwards a copy of the note you are currently 9 reading to someone via the VAX/VMS Mail Utility (MAIL).oB VAX Notes prompts you for an addressee. You can specify a singleD addressee, a list of addressees (seperated by commas). If you wauation of an existing topic in the conference, in which case you should type: Notes> REPLYeG REPLY will allow you to add your reply to the discussion of the topics' you are currently navigating through. 2 FORWARDt F18iC The FORWARD command forwards a copy of the note you are currentlyW9 reading to someone via the VAX/VMS Mail Utility (MAIL).eB VAX Notes prompts you for an addressee. You can specify a singleD addressee, a list of addressees (seperated by commas). If you wa ntC to send a note to all members of a restricted conference, use thesF /MEMBERS qualifier. VAX Notes automatically uses the membership listF as a MAIL distribution list. (If you use the /MEMBERS qualifier, you) will not be prompted for an addressee.).G You can optionally choose a subject for the forwarded note. VAX NotesrG uses a default subject consisting of the conference name and location  and the note number.G VAX Notes automatically gives you a chance to preface the note witntC to send a note to all members of a restricted conference, use thelF /MEMBERS qualifier. VAX Notes automatically uses the membership listF as a MAIL distribution list. (If you use the /MEMBERS qualifier, you) will not be prompted for an addressee.)aG You can optionally choose a subject for the forwarded note. VAX Notes G uses a default subject consisting of the conference name and location  and the note number.G VAX Notes automatically gives you a chance to preface the note with aeF message before forwarding it. You type your message after the screenH presents the NOTES$MAIL_BUFFER. To bypass this option, use the /NOEDIT qualifier.2 MAIL F19 E MAIL invokes the VMS MAIL Utility to allow you to read any messagesnC you have received since the last time you reviewed your notebook.tD Please refer to the VMS MAIL Reference Manual for additional info.2 WRITE F20tD If you decide that your contribution to the discussion should be a new topic, type the command: Notes> WRITEtD As with REPLY, you will be placed in your chosen editor to composeE your note. Upon exiting, you must enter a title for your topic. TryCG to be as descriptive as possible with the title of a new topic, sinceaH others will be able to see topic titles when doing DIRECTORY commands,D will be able to find existing information, and will be able to addF replies to the existing topics rather than writing duplicate topics.G The WRITE command invokes the editor specified in your profile so youfJ can enter a new topic. You can be positioned anywhere in the conference G when you issue the WRITE command. If you have a text file you want toG use for your topic, specify the file name as a parameter to the WRITE command. 2 LOCAL_PRINT DOD This will permit you to print a note, or a range of notes, to yourF terminal printer. A terminal printer is one which is cabled into theH printer port on your video terminal. When specifying a range of noh aeF message before forwarding it. You type your message after the screenH presents the NOTES$MAIL_BUFFER. To bypass this option, use the /NOEDIT qualifier.2 MAIL F19TE MAIL invokes the VMS MAIL Utility to allow you to read any messagesAC you have received since the last time you reviewed your notebook.dD Please refer to the VMS MAIL Reference Manual for additional info.2 WRITEk F20 D If you decide that your contribution to the discussion should be a new topic, type the command: Notes> WRITEuD As with REPLY, you will be placed in your chosen editor to composeE your note. Upon exiting, you must enter a title for your topic. TryoG to be as descriptive as possible with the title of a new topic, sincetH others will be able to see topic titles when doing DIRECTORY commands,D will be able to find existing information, and will be able to addF replies to the existing topics rather than writing duplicate topics.G The WRITE command invokes the editor  specified in your profile so youeJ can enter a new topic. You can be positioned anywhere in the conference G when you issue the WRITE command. If you have a text file you want tocG use for your topic, specify the file name as a parameter to the WRITEo command. 2 LOCAL_PRINTt DOD This will permit you to print a note, or a range of notes, to yourF terminal printer. A terminal printer is one which is cabled into theH printer port on your video terminal. When specifying a range of notes,E only one range is permitted. Note ranges are seperated by a hyphen.G If you simply hit return, you will get a printout of the current note displayed on your screen. 3 Examples( Enter range of notes to print: 7.1-7.8A This will print notes 7.1 through 7.8 at your terminal printer.ww tes,E only one range is permitted. Note ranges are seperated by a hyphen.G If you simply hit return, you will get a printout of the current note displayed on your screen. Example:( Enter range of notes to print: 7.1-9.8A This will print notes 7.1 through 9.8 at your terminal printer.ww