This directory contains examples for "p2c", a Pascal to C translator. "p2c" Copyright 1989 Dave Gillespie 256-80 Caltech Pasadena CA 91125, cit-vax!daveg Here are some sample programs you can run through p2c. The Makefile for this directory knows how to translate and compile all programs. The "c" subdirectory contains pre-translated files you can compare with your p2c output. (The "c" subdirectory is present in the ftp distribution only, not in the shar distribution.) To translate only: make trans or just make To translate and compile: make comp These programs have been culled from various places around the Caltech C.S. educational lab. All programs are by Dave Gillespie except as noted, and are in the HP Pascal dialect. fact.p The obligatory recursive factorial program. Try this one first: "make fact.c" to translate, or "make fact" to translate and compile. e.p Program for computing "e" to high precision. (Courtesy of Scott Hemphill.) self.p A self-printing program in Pascal. Try translating, running, and diff'ing the output with self.p. cref.p A cross-referencer for Pascal programs. Enter source file name(s), then a blank line, then output file name. basic.p An interpreter for the Basic language, just for kicks! See "basic.doc" for documentation.