This directory contains an update to BRUREAD, a program to read RSX BRU backup sets under VMS. The modifications were applied to Adrian Weiler's submission to the U.S. Fall 1989 VAX SIG tape, part 1 (VAX89B1) that appeared in directory [.BRUREAD]. Together with these modifications, and with the good SELECT and EXCLUDE possibilities, the program is a very handy tool for retrieving old data-sets from RSX BRU-tapes under VMS and it offers a much faster way of exchanging files via tape between RSX and VMS systems than using ANSI-labeled tapes prepared with COPY (PIP). The directory contains the following file: AAAREADME.TXT Detailed submission documentation BRU.CLD Set Command BRU BRU.TXT Short documentation BRUREAD.PAS program source written in Pascal BRUREAD.OBJ Object file BRUREAD.EXE Executable build under VMS V5.1-1 BRUMSG.MSG Message/OBJ README.1ST This file, for more info see AAAREADME.TXT G. Kums AZN Nijmegen P.O. Box 9101 6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands Phone +31 (80) 517067 Internetaddress "AO_FK@AZNVX1.AZN.KUN.NL"