This directory contains a number of utilities that were developed long ago by Han Lasance when we were still running RSX-11m V3.2. They vary from showing active tasks, ringing the terminal bell, retrieving the number of free and contiguous blocks of a disk, display all devices, task ID, modify homeblock, etc. Some are still in use. ACTTSK Display active tasks at specified intervals. BEL Ring the bell as ...BEL BELL Ring bell with various intervals from a task. BITMAP Get Free and Contiguous blocks from a disk. CLRSCR Clear VT screen. DCBLST Scan DCB linked list and display devices. DEVPAR For mapping to a device partition. DRCSET For setting DR11-C and DR11-K ports. DRKSET PRINID Get and display task ID from with a task. MODHED Modify file header. MODHOM Modify home block. README.1ST This file. VERIFY Verify two files (logical block compare). WRTLBN Write logical block to disk. Jan H. Belgraver Organon International B.V. CNS Pharmacology Dept. Room RE1148 P.O. Box 20 5340 BH Oss The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (4120) 62943 Fax.: +31 (4120) 62617