This directory contains the files to comprise the batch package for RSX-11M as developed by Han Lasance many years ago. The working of this package was described at sessions given during the DECUS Holland and Europe symposia in 1989. BATCH allows for running interactive programs in a batch-like mode under RSX-11M while making use of the Indirect Commandfile Processor and a special driver. For more details see BATDUTCH or BATENGL (not complete yet, I'm sorry). And documentation in the sources. The package is still in use and runs also under CP/RSX. This submission contains the following files: BADRV Batch driver BADRVASM BADRV assembly file BATABASM BATAB assembly file BADRVBLD BADRV build file BADRVCBC BADRV assembly, build, and test file BATEST Used stand-alone or together with BADRVCBC.CMD CLRBAT Stand-alone BADRV reset EXB BADRV reset from within command procedure INIBAT BADRV initialization from within command procedure RESCTL Restore saved anser files BATCH Batch interface subroutine BATDUTCH Proceedings text in Dutch BATENGL Proceedings text in English BATST Test programs BATTST Jan H. Belgraver Organon International B.V. CNS Pharmacology Dept. Room RE1148 P.O. Box 20 5340 BH Oss The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (4120) 62943 Fax.: +31 (4120) 62617