This directory contains a number of commandfile procedures that I have found useful at some time. Many were developed long ago when we were still running RSX-11M V3.2, a number are still in use today. Some are just demo's for learning to use IND, others help me with system management. BRUDTM Guided BRU backups BRUMTD Guided BRU restores CHKDATE Checks date string syntax CHKNUM Checks if input parameter contains numerals only COMPIL Selective Fortran compile of all .FTN files COPY Selective copy of all files from A: to B: DEVATR Show device attributes/characteristics DEVATT Check if device is attached. DMODATADK Dismount disk, but check with users FILATR Show file attributes INCBACKUP For incremental disk backups IOX Testing of disks or tapes using IOX LAS80COL Set LA120 for neat 80-column prints LASDFLT Reset LA120 to default setting LBLBRU Prepare tape labels for BRU backup sets P16L9 Set LA120 pitch resp. left margin PPO Purge and set protection to (,RWE,,) PRINT Selective print of files in directory PUP Purge and set protection to (RWE,RWE,RWE,RWE) PURTRUNC Purge and truncate all files in directory README.1st This file REPLACE Selectively replace files after sysgen RPTDATE Asks for error log reporting date range RPTREG Generate full device registers report using RPTDATE RPTSUM Generate error log summary report using RPTDATE RPTWEEK Generate weekly error log summary report using RPTDATE SET080 Set terminal to 80 columns SET132 Set terminal to 132 columns SRDMFDUFD Sort MFD resp. UFDs with(out) listing using SRD SSSDEMO Show IND special string symbols contents SYSBACKUP For incremental or standalone backups TSKCOPY Selective copy of system files after sysgen TTCHAR Show terminal characteristics XXXCBC Template file for Compiling, taskBuilding and Cleanup Jan H. Belgraver Organon International B.V. CNS Pharmacology Dept. Room RE1148 P.O. Box 20 5340 BH Oss The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (4120) 62943 Fax : +31 (4120) 62617