.; .;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .; .; CMD-file: D M O D A T A D K .; .; Purpose: Dismount of data disk .; .; Author: Jan H. Belgraver .; .; Date: 14-JAN-85 .; .; Version: 1.4 9-JUN-87 .; .; Description: .; .; Calls to: BRO, DEV, DMO, PIP, PRI, SET, SRD .; .; Modified by: Jan H. Belgraver 17-JAN-86 JB01 V1.1 .; See subroutine PRIDIR. .; Jan H. Belgraver 15-May-86 JB02 V1.2 .; If DMRD disk don't print directory. .; .; Jan H. Belgraver 5-JUN-86 JB03 V1.3 .; 1. Modifications to subroutine PRIDIR .; 2. Disk volume labels may be 12 characters in length. .; .; Jan H. Belgraver 9-JUN-87 JB04 V1.4 .; Removed text with telephone numbers of DMRD in case there .; disk was to be dismounted; they are no longer guests here. .;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .; .; .enable substitution .disable lowercase .enable decimal .; .IFF ; Sorry, priviledged command; try console terminal .IFF .EXIT .; .enable quiet .SETF DCL .IF EQ "DCL" .SETT DCL .; If current CLI is DCL reset to MCR .IFT DCL SET TERMINAL/MCR .; DEV DM1: ! Show volume label on console .; .disable quiet .disable lowercase .ASKS [1:12.] VOLLBL Enter volume label .; ; Check with the following users if diskpack can be removed. .enable quiet DEV /LOG ! Show terminals loged in .disable quiet .; .; We'll leave facility to skip printing directory listing if .; volume-label starts with SS. .sets TMPS VOLLBL[1:2] .if TMPS eq "SS" .goto 10 ! JB02 .gosub PRIDIR .10: .disable quiet .ask [] OK Continue .iff OK .goto FINISH .; .enable quiet .enable lowercase .SETS MSG1 #Dismounting all users from data disk "'VOLLBL'"# BRO TT1: 'MSG1' BRO TT2: 'MSG1' BRO TT3: 'MSG1' BRO TT5: 'MSG1' BRO TT7: 'MSG1' BRO TT10: 'MSG1' DMO DM1:/DEV ! Dismount device .FINISH: .enable quiet .; If user CLI was DCL reset terminal. .IFT DCL SET /DCL=TI: .disable display .EXIT .;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .; .; CMD-Subr.: P R I D I R .; .; Purpose: Prepares a directory listing of all UFDs and spools .; this file subsequently on the LA120. .; .; Author: Jan H. Belgraver .; .; Date: 14-JAN-85 .; .; Version: V1.2 5-jun-86 .; .; Modified by: Jan H. Belgraver 17-JAN-86 JB01 V1.1 .; 1. Use of SRD V6.5, in use since OCT-85, /MI-switch in stead .; of truncating old /FU directory lines. .; 2. Use of /SM-switch for PIP-like summary. .; 3. Header add-on by using /AP-switch. .; .; Jan H. Belgraver 5-JUN-86 JB02 V1.2 .; Add LA120 leader and trailer records for printer control. .;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .; .PRIDIR: .sets ESC "" ! JB02 .sets PITCHN "4w" ! 16.5 characters/inch pitch JB02 .sets PITCHO "4w" ! 16.5 characters/inch pitch JB02 .setn LMN 9 ! Left margin for this file JB02 .setn LMO 4 ! Default left margin JB02 .enable quiet .opena #0 DM1.DIR;1 .data #0 'ESC'['PITCHN''ESC'['LMN's .data #0 .data #0 Volume label 'VOLLBL' .data #0 .close #0 SRD DM1.DIR;1=DM1:[*,*]/NA/WB/MI/SM/AP ! JB01 .opena #0 DM1.DIR;1 ! JB02 .data #0 'ESC'['PITCHO''ESC'['LMO's .close #0 ! JB02 PRI TT4:/NOFL=DM1.DIR;1/DEL .return