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LBC -- Debug -- , =0 (octal) \Operation failed on %VA\ \Operation failed on %VA block %T\Updating header.File numberFile sequenceReservedProtectionRecord type/attributesRecord sizeHigh block (high)High block (low)EOF block (high)EOF block (low)First free byte\Header write error on %VA\\Done\87 Reading Writing   &&f m E3  ߆ %  І %ĉĆ BB ĉ , ,‰; ,JJV 3Vȥ ȕ$ȥ+ `l s@ Ps`; Fs,3/"R"'" 3 0As  :   >3  H JhŀdՀ`[WB ;  M  B@ 3VA3 N  & LwwF3   H Z3 3 V3 N J  "e$"F3 Z NE% % % 5%% W 3W H Nwp `5@ @  E5e73 *,JJ ',J Jҕ Jx^T96%  Ttr  $%T %T R%TR3,% e3LsNP(3LsN xsP%% %2 hsR%2%4 TsPRNZL&P N N5@ Х,  N %RN ‰Nc % U%%  2 4 %2R%6RR |%B%.D THwA`A޿H lT  BE&~WtEB~L  *sWwR+. %L,,HTD` B~ĵRHTľ%S%.SĿ *HAL `A  $J J N   - ΋  BE~WtEB~w . %LHT w w Е `CBwxД~wp TH @` C~jlx\l,| *޹ntzʻʻʻʻĹ̹ιֹD:z<(0+  "1""$BBDBBDB   Ee f  z % % e@ `5 & & D  6N D D eD e`D %   &fH”E  D   D 慡e BCE DIEN   ` ɕ = -5+-` #"   A s&DE s& sA ae0b  ~ҕ*~%  0   -+% v&EEU-`5 6! 6 BN~ ; R 2R + E      R~e eE R~  )E 5%% W!%&W!0 E -6vAQ~Ue B@E DEIC D `6 0a  0 .< |EM   % ee0bv  @`ae ҕ*~ ~  0   ~e  f U  >TZ˜Ò”Ŷ@ *3 l & fA BU%D~  Ķ  l耖% l. ` d{lX3 3 d3 d D_3UlE0@A t<5t\ l 3 XsXsd3 dW@W@ A@ A%@a&& V@fLlj * 3 \s 3D  D sdbD 3sss B`C r*\wD 333b33 \hD 333 \D 3D 33D 3dO ]3 D A 5 5,D 5 H4HRH4 5 5 HRȋ 5 0"ED 5UD ȋ lć ._*3 H *3 b3 d33 *3HsT * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ z^ x^ d^ n^ N^ X^*T3H *eH3 *3 ^ ы *3HT3 * ]  ] ] ` w ."ssl s ] A!B~!AB~CaD!A#B~aABaB~DEBEf&   ` ~   C~%w _&e 3 Z5  #U#U dwZ{w r_5  V #feB 4C555 5 551 5p  Z BU %*N5JF##pEUUV#% < :5\55p,  1 n$p, 1 p s, & L* ¥ ¥¥E0#U " Yp te%ʵw ]. s eWp(eAarV'T<Zw ]&& Z%1*5& 5Ε ,   e p ep w ]  w|w ]( D J\ 8"!#($ĥ ĥ w 0 *0 @Q$    0 40 60))eB ]  w,# `w&* =*ȥwl `p!2 EW!p0p2(2,2(<'##UfE @#U  d P3)/ L#( P) _@#**fff \ f_&*wp. tB5(8e$8w2A&(e ]4p8q  (#4=A#@)(  *O*)@#0l @# 02ȕ8 ^00ĥ݇AĥĊ  ȕ000 J0 @0 &*0 @ 0[& & >Ze# eB&B ]B ] Y* Z eBe>  # #D #=0/H#@&0 # = e0   dY0@e 6=#02/002# @#?@#040 6wY/!0/ l0/!p!0 .=p0p2w < T 1 e6p 4 8 X X81416 &W (Y  X X> =00l&8el2 0 *W=f(& e %&&eH =&e0  &TU   E > >E(5E=uf Rp  wS *) l0, *) $ )*)0,40,6 8  ZS**  DP5R RRR &  m  f A N  %(e( 1  `(( X  >: 5 eCeJĥ[ĥ<C` >C ҥ, ~4B *㨂 De $ $ $ z  TDEe    *1  ˕03 "   ˔Ӕ ʥ7 jPB 00fep=& /e`pw Q&fe    : $ L ( La Ta  @ `W!ZW!AW!9W!0@&f& v  w  ť ť 0B HAaw ' UD$BA H&( U BQ ^EЕ*  & & @( ^Hf  e ee e 66B36:D46 &D47'16B36D4)7&D4$[C7 j77778&8L8i888 8 9 /9 U9 }9999 :):<4O:y:::: ;<4%;K; u;!;";#;$<%:<&<4[<'<4{<(<)<*<+=,.=-b=.=/=0=1 >2F>3s>4>5>6>7>8 ?9$?;Q?<t?=?>???@@A:@Bj@C@D$[@-B3/B3 @#AIAvAAAA$B[B{BBBC,C]CCCCC!DKDqDDDD&EGE{EEEE-FPFmFFFF$GAGGG$[G-D4-D4 H)HIHpHHHH I1IZIIIIIJCJCCgJJJJ KCKjKKKKKL;LgLLLM/M[MMMMN;NtNNNO4OgOOOOPMPsPPPPP1QfQQQQR9RZR{RRRRS7ScSS6SSTBTeTTTUHUqUUUUU0V^VVVV W-WRWwWWWW$[ X?60X$[_X,%N%9Serror type code not available.,%N%9SDirective error%I,%N%9SI/O error%I,%N%9SFCS error%I,%N%9SFORTRAN OTS error%I,%N%9SFile access error%I,%N%9SUnrecognized error type code %R.,%N%9SFORTRAN OTS error code not available.,%N%9S1. - Invalid error call%I,%N%9S2. - Task initialization failure%I,%N%9S3. - Odd address trap (SST0)%I,%N%9S4. - Segment fault (SST1)%I,%N%9S5. - T-bit or BPT trap (SST2)%I,%N%9S6. - IOT trap (SST3)%I,%N%9S7. - Reserved instruction trap (SST4)%I,%N%9S8. - Non-RSX EMT trap (SST5)%I,%N%9S9. - TRAP instruction trap (SST6)%I,%N%9S10. - PDP-11/40 FIS trap (SST7)%I,%N%9S11. - FPP hardware fault%I,%N%9S12. - FPP illegal opcode trap%I,%N%9S13. - FPP illegal variable trap%I,%N%9S14. - FPP maintenance trap%I,%N%9S20. - REWIND error%I,%N%9S21. - Duplicate file specifications%I,%N%9S22. - Input record too long%I,%N%9S23. - Backspace error%I,%N%9S24. - End-of-file during read%I,%N%9S25. - Record number outside range%I,%N%9S26. - Access mode not specified%I,%N%9S27. - More than one record in I/O statement%I,%N%9S28. - Close error%I,%N%9S29. - No such file%I,%N%9S30. - Open failure%I,%N%9S31. - Mixed file access modes%I,%N%9S32. - Invalid logical unit number%I,%N%9S33. - ENDFILE error%I,%N%9S34. - Unit already open%I,%N%9S35. - Segmented record format error%I,%N%9S36. - Attempt to access non-existent record%I,%N%9S37. - Inconsistent record length%I,%N%9S38. - Error during write%I,%N%9S39. - Error during read%I,%N%9S40. - Recursive I/O operation%I,%N%9S41. - No buffer room%I,%N%9S42. - No such device%I,%N%9S43. - File name specification error%I,%N%9S44. - Inconsistent record type%I,%N%9S45. - Keyword value error in OPEN statement%I,%N%9S46. - Inconsistent OPEN/CLOSE parameters%I,%N%9S47. - Write to read-only file%I,%N%9S48. - Unsupported I/O operation%I,%N%9S49. - Invalid key specification%I,%N%9S50. - Inconsistent key change or duplicate key value%I,%N%9S51. - Inconsistent file organization%I,%N%9S52. - Specified record locked%I,%N%9S53. - No current record%I,%N%9S54. - REWRITE error%I,%N%9S55. - DELETE error%I,%N%9S56. - UNLOCK error%I,%N%9S57. - FIND error%I,%N%9S59. - List-directed I/O syntax error%I,%N%9S60. - Infinite format loop%I,%N%9S61. - Format/variable-type mismatch%I,%N%9S62. - Syntax error in format%I,%N%9S63. - Output conversion error%I,%N%9S64. - Input conversion error%I,%N%9S65. - Format too big for 'FMTBUF'%I,%N%9S66. - Output statement overflows record%I,%N%9S67. - Record too small for I/O list%I,%N%9S68. - Variable format expression value error%I,%N%9SUnrecognized FORTRAN OTS error code %D.,%N%9Sdirective error code not available.,%N%9SIS.CLR - Event flag was clear%I,%N%9SIS.SUC - Operation complete, Success%I,%N%9SIS.SET - Event flag was set%I,%N%9SIE.UPN - Insufficient dynamic storage%I,%N%9SIE.INS - Specified task not installed%I,%N%9SIE.PTS - Partition too small for task%I,%N%9SIE.UNS - Insufficient dynamic storage for send%I,%N%9SIE.ULN - Unassigned LUN%I,%N%9SIE.HWR - Device driver not resident%I,%N%9SIE.ACT - Task not active%I,%N%9SIE.ITS - Directive inconsistent with task state%I,%N%9SIE.FIX - Task already fixed/unfixed%I,%N%9SIE.CKP - Issuing task not checkpointable%I,%N%9SIE.TCH - Task is checkpointable%I,%N%9SIE.RBS - Receive buffer is too small%I,%N%9SIE.PRI - Privilege violation%I,%N%9SIE.RSU - Resource in use%I,%N%9SIE.NSW - No swap space available%I,%N%9SIE.ILV - Illegal vector specified%I,%N%9SIE.ITN - Invalid table number%I,%N%9SIE.LNF - Logical name not found%I,%N%9SIE.AST - Directive issued/not issued from AST%I,%N%9SIE.MAP - Illegal mapping specified%I,%N%9SIE.IOP - Window has I/O in progress%I,%N%9SIE.ALG - Alignment error%I,%N%9SIE.WOV - Address window allocation overflow%I,%N%9SIE.NVR - Invalid region ID%I,%N%9SIE.NVW - Invalid address window ID%I,%N%9SIE.ITP - Invalid TI parameter%I,%N%9SIE.IBS - Invalid SEND buffer size (greater than 255.)%I,%N%9SIE.LNL - LUN locked in use%I,%N%9SIE.IUI - Invalid UIC%I,%N%9SIE.IDU - Invalid device or unit%I,%N%9SIE.ITI - Invalid time parameters%I,%N%9SIE.PNS - Partition/region not in system%I,%N%9SIE.IPR - Invalid priority (greater than 250.)%I,%N%9SIE.ILU - Invalid LUN%I,%N%9SIE.IEF - Invalid event flag number (greater than 64.)%I,%N%9SIE.ADP - Part of DPB out of user's space%I,%N%9SIE.SDP - DIC or DPB size invalid%I,%N%9SUnrecognized directive error code %D.,%N%9SI/O error code not available.,%N%9SIE.BAD - Bad parameters%I,%N%9SIE.IFC - Illegal function code%I,%N%9SIE.DNR - Device not ready%I,%N%9SIE.VER - Parity error on device%I,%N%9SIE.ONP - Hardware option not present%I,%N%9SIE.SPC - Illegal user buffer%I,%N%9SIE.DNA - Device not attached%I,%N%9SIE.DAA - Device already attached%I,%N%9SIE.DUN - Device not attachable%I,%N%9SIE.EOF - End-of-file detected%I,%N%9SIE.EOV - End-of-volume detected%I,%N%9SIE.WLK - Write attempted to locked unit%I,%N%9SIE.DAO - Data overrun%I,%N%9SIE.SRE - Send/receive failure%I,%N%9SIE.ABO - Request terminated%I,%N%9SIE.OVR - Illegal overlay request%I,%N%9SIE.BYT - Odd byte count (or virtual address)%I,%N%9SIE.BLK - Logical Block Number too large%I,%N%9SIE.MOD - Invalid UDC module number%I,%N%9SIE.CON - UDC connect error%I,%N%9SIE.NOD - System dynamic memory%I,%N%9SIE.DFU - Device full%I,%N%9SIE.IFU - Index file full%I,%N%9SIE.NSF - No such file%I,%N%9SIE.LCK - Locked from read/write access%I,%N%9SIE.HFU - File header full%I,%N%9SIE.WAC - Accessed for write%I,%N%9SIE.CKS - File header checksum error%I,%N%9SIE.WAT - Attribute control list format error%I,%N%9SIE.RER - File processor device read error%I,%N%9SIE.WER - File processor device write error%I,%N%9SIE.ALN - File already accessed on LUN%I,%N%9SIE.SNC - File ID, file number check%I,%N%9SIE.SQC - File ID, sequence number check%I,%N%9SIE.NLN - No file accessed on LUN%I,%N%9SIE.CLO - File was not properly closed%I,%N%9SIE.NBF - No buffer space available for file%I,%N%9SIE.RBG - Illegal record size%I,%N%9SIE.NBK - File exceeds space allocated, no blocks%I,%N%9SIE.ILL - Illegal operation on file descriptor block%I,%N%9SIE.BTP - Bad record type%I,%N%9SIE.RAC - Illegal record access bits set%I,%N%9SIE.RAT - Illegal record attribute bits set%I,%N%9SIE.RCN - Illegal record number - too large%I,%N%9SIE.ICE - Internal consistency error%I,%N%9SIE.2DV - Rename - two different devices%I,%N%9SIE.FEX - Rename - new file name already in use%I,%N%9SIE.BDR - Bad directory file%I,%N%9SIE.RNM - Cannot rename old file system%I,%N%9SIE.BDI - Bad directory syntax%I,%N%9SIE.FOP - File already open%I,%N%9SIE.BNM - Bad file name%I,%N%9SIE.BDV - Bad device name%I,%N%9SIE.BBE - Bad block on device%I,%N%9SIE.DUP - Enter - duplicate entry in directory%I,%N%9SIE.STK - Not enough stack space (FCS or FCP)%I,%N%9SIE.FHE - Fatal hardware error on device%I,%N%9SIE.NFI - File ID was not specified%I,%N%9SIE.ISQ - Illegal sequential operation%I,%N%9SIE.EOT - End-of-tape detected%I,%N%9SIE.BVR - Bad version number%I,%N%9SIE.BHD - Bad file header%I,%N%9SIE.OFL - Device off line%I,%N%9SIE.BCC - Block check, CRC, or framing error%I,%N%9SIE.ONL - Device on line%I,%N%9SIE.NNN - No such node%I,%N%9SIE.NFW - Path lost to partner%I,%N%9SIE.BLB - Bad logical buffer%I,%N%9SIE.NDR - No dynamic space available%I,%N%9SIE.URJ - Connection rejected by user%I,%N%9SIE.NRJ - Connection rejected by DECnet%I,%N%9SIE.EXP - File expiration date not reached%I,%N%9SIE.BTF - Bad tape format%I,%N%9SIE.NNC - Not ANSI "D" format byte count%I,%N%9SIE.NDA - No data available%I,%N%9SIE.NLK - Task not linked to specified ICS/ICR interrupts%I,%N%9SIE.NST - Specified task not installed for ICS/ICR%I,%N%9SIE.FLN - ICS/ICR off-line when off-line request issued%I,%N%9SIE.IES - Invalid escape sequence%I,%N%9SIE.PES - Partial escape sequence%I,%N%9SIE.ALC - Allocation failure%I,%N%9SIE.ULK - Unlock error%I,%N%9SIE.WCK - Write check failure%I,%N%9SIE.NTR - Task not triggered%I,%N%9SIE.REJ - Transfer rejected by receiving CPU%I,%N%9SIE.FLG - Event flag already specified%I,%N%9SIE.DSQ - Disk quota exceeded%I,%N%9SIE.IQU - Inconsistent qualifier usage%I,%N%9SIE.RES - Circuit reset during operation%I,%N%9SIE.TML - Too many links to task%I,%N%9SIE.NNT - Not a network task%I,%N%9SIE.TMO - Time-out on request%I,%N%9SIE.CNR - Connection rejected%I,%N%9SIE.UKN - Unknown name%I,%N%9SIE.SZE - Unable to size device%I,%N%9SIE.MII - Media inserted incorrectly%I,%N%9SIE.SPI - Spindown ignored%I,%N%9SUnrecognized I/O error code %D.,%N%9SDECnet reject reason code not available.,%N%9SUnrecognized DECnet reject reason code %D.CË @ÊAW H w7 Xw . D! Е  W% W. WP W@  U7 N7HP X?X=x[ |B p7B DX1ew5 ;@ 75 & 5 Ee5@55 tE@w5  e$ SZ5XX T B@ L6& & & &f& & & Ε * %2R - %Y %3Z - ABDEFIMNOPQRSTUXYZ<>"Ba$ep|v$JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECw && D¥%  B&ХVA C ed!  aeNbE  Е%̥V A6D Ћ  AP AЕ Bf  & e6& e/& e *AHŀ ȕ Е Е Е & eT & e@Е A %& eA Е A bEA EЕ A A   $Е.  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