.paragraph;Performs the overall setup for this toolkit, making use of the other SET*.COM files (if they exist). This will change the default directory to be where this file is located, through the use of the F$ENVIRONMENT() lexical function, and run the SET*.COM files. .hl Parameters .x Parameters>in SETUP.COM .paragraph;None are used. .hl Files Used .x Files Used>in SETUP.COM .paragraph;This procedure will check for the existance of the following files, in the same directory this file is located in. If they exist, they are executed in the following order. .b .literal SETLOGS.COM Defines toolkit logical names. SETSYMBS.COM Defines toolkit global symbols. SETCMDS.COM Defines toolkit DCL commands.. .end literal .list .dle ll .le;Run SETLOGS.COM, SETSYMBS.COM, and SETCMDS.COM if they exist. .end list